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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Det var alltid utifrån min hunds förutsättningar” – en kvalitativ intervjustudie om hundägarens erfarenheter av hundens träning på vattenlöpband

Nilsson, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Inom djurrehabilitering används vattenlöpband, underwater treadmill (UWTM), som en träningsmetod för hundar. Träningsformen möjliggör anpassad träning för hunden efter individens behov. Hittills har kvantitativ forskning studerat träningseffekter av UWTM vid rehabilitering, dock saknas i nuläget kvalitativ forskning kring hur träningsmetoden fungerar avseende träningstillfället. Syfte: Undersöka hundägarnas erfarenheter av hundens träning med UWTM. Metod: Kvalitativ induktiv design. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem hundägare vars hundar utövat träningsformen UWTM vid minst två tillfällen de senaste sex månaderna. Databearbetning via kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Utifrån frågeställningen identifierades följande tre teman och tio kategorier: 1) Upplevda attityder till UWTM hos hund, med kategorierna koverta beteenden, overta beteenden, motivation vid tillfällena, inlärning. 2) Samspel mellan hund-ägare-fysioterapeut, med kategorierna individanpassad träning, interagerande mellan hund och fysioterapeut, interagerande mellan hund och ägare. 3) Förhållandet mellan annan träning och UWTM i rehabiliterande syfte, med kategorierna UWTM som profylax, mental tränings påverkan på UWTM, inga samband. Konklusion: Hundägarna upplevde att hundarna hade både positiva och negativa attityder till träningstillfällena med UWTM. Hundarnas attityder påverkades av samspelet mellan hund-ägare-fysioterapeut och hundens vardagsträning. Denna studie kan leda till vidareutveckling av individanpassad rehabilitering inom fysioterapi för djur. / Background: Within canine rehabilitation, underwater treadmill (UWTM) is used as an exercise for dogs. The UWTM enables adjustments in the exercise for the canine patient depending on the individual needs. So far, quantitative research has studied the effects of training using an UWTM within animal physiotherapy. However, there is today no qualitative research concerning how trai- ning with UWTM works during the training session. Purpose: Investigate the dog-owners’ experience of UWTM exercise in their dogs. Design: Qualitative inductive design. Semi-structured interviews of five dog-owners with dogs who have trained with an UWTM at least 2 sessions the last 6 months. For data analysis, a qualitative content analysis was conducted. Results: Based on the research question of the study, three themes and ten categories were identified. 1) Experienced attitudes in dogs performing UWTM exercise with the categories covert behaviours, overt behaviours, motivation during the sessions, learning. 2) Interplay between dog- dog owner-physical therapist, with the categories indivudalized exercise, interaction between dog and physical therapist, interaction between dog and owner. 3) The relationship between dog training and UWTM in rehabilitation purpose, with the categories UWTM as prophylaxis, the effect of mental training on UWTM, no connections. Conclusion: The dog owners perceptions were that their dogs had both positive and negative attitudes concerning the exercise with UWTM. The dogs attitudes were affected by the interaction between dog- dog owner- physiotherapist and the dogs everyday training. This study may lead to further development of the individualized rehabilitation in animal physiotherapy.

Podnikatelský projekt ve vybrané oblasti

KLÍMA, Petr January 2017 (has links)
Thesis: "Entrepreneurial Project in selected areas" processing business plan for a real business in an appropriate range. The theoretical part focuses on the general characteristics of a small company, its importance to the national economy and the terms and structure of the plan at its inception. The practical part deals with creating a business plan for a real project that will have a major operation to sell their products and services. Mapping the competition in the industry, customer structure, the financial aspects of the project, grant opportunities in business. The work ends with conclusions and recommendations that may in the future contribute to the establishment and development of the project.

The Role of Product Owners : An Empirical Investigation of the Role of Product Owners and Challenges in Agile Scrum Projects

Hajdarevic, Demir January 2018 (has links)
Within Scrum framework the role of the product owner is critical for the success of a Scrum project. Today, there exist little empirical evidence of how the role of product owner is practiced and the challenges they are faced with. This research seeks through a multiple-case study approach to explore the role of product owners. The aim of the research was to investigate the existence of a gap between theory and practice in terms of the product owner role. Qualitative data collection consisted of eight semi-structured interviews with product owners and agile coaches which then was analyzed according to what theory of the role suggests. Results showed partly multiple factors confirming a gap, for example regarding vision, prioritizing and communication, and challenges that arise from the gap, for example concerning decision-making.

Institut skutečného majitele ve světle regulace legalizace výnosů z trestné činnosti / Beneficial owner in the Light of the AML/CFT Legislation

Roblová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
Money laundering and terrorist financing present major social problems that can negatively impact economic growth of both, the state and the households. The ever-increasing globalization and the trend of removing barriers to the free market make it harder for the authorities to detect and investigate abovementioned crimes. That is why, in recent years, efforts have been made to cooperate in the fight against money laundering, both globally and at European Union level. The European Union keeps constantly improving the AML/CTF legislation. Thanks to that, the Czech Republic can keep up with the rapidly evolving techniques the offenders come up with. This thesis present one of the new legal institutes in the Czech law - beneficial ownership. The idea of beneficial ownership came from the Directive 2015/849 that was implemented into the AML/CFT Act n. 253/2008. Under the Directive, corporates and other legal entities such as trusts will be required to maintain accurate and current information on their beneficial ownership. Beneficial owner is an entity that enjoys the possession and/or benefits of ownership (such as receipt of income). The first part of the thesis concerns the general anti-money laundering and combating financing of terrorism problematics. It also tackles the concept of ownership...

Kattifiering : Anpassa ditt hem för katten

Lööv, Ofelia January 2018 (has links)
Katten är bland de vanligaste husdjuren i Sverige och att ha innekatt blir alltmer vanligt. Katten har många behov som exempelvis att få röra på sig och vässa klorna, vilket är stora aspekter i deras natur. Att aktivera katten är en viktig del i deras vardag för att undvika att de utvecklar oönskade beteenden som exempelvis att riva sin ägare. Bor man på en mindre yta kan det dock vara mer utmanande samt problematiskt att tillfredsställa detta behov tillräckligt. Mitt fokus har därmed varit att ta fram ett alternativt koncept på klösmöbel som även passar kattägare som bor mindre. På dagens marknad kräver de stora varianterna på klösmöbler ofta mycket golvyta, vilket kan bli ett problem om man bor mindre. Idag är det vanligt att kattägare bygger egna klösmöbler, men det är tidskrävande och därmed inte alltid önskvärt. Under projektets gång har jag intervjuat er kattägare och funnit ett behov av en större klösmöbel som passar in i det vardagliga hemmet och som lämpar sig om man bor mindre. En enkät skickades ut i olika kattforum där det tydligt syntes att kattägare ser ett värde om de själva kunde utnyttja klösmöbeln. Därmed designade jag en klösmöbel i kombination med en möbel som ofta nns i det vardagliga hemmet för både katten och kattägaren. / The cat is among the most popular pets in Sweden and having an indoor cat has become more common. A cat has many needs. For example, they need to be activated through play and allowed to sharpen their claws by scratching since these are major aspects in their nature. Activating your cat is an important part of their everyday life and to prevent them from obtaining unwanted behaviours, such as scratching their owner. However, satisfying the needs of a cat can become a di cult task and problematic for cat owners living more cramped home accommodations. Therefore, my focus has been to develop an alternate concept of a scratching post that also suits cat owners living in smaller homes. Larger scratching posts on today’s market often require considerable space on the oor, which can be a problem if you have a small home. It has become common for cat owners to construct their own scratching posts today, but that can be rather time consuming and thus often not desirable. During the course of my project, I have interviewed multiple cat owners and found a need for a larger scratching post that blends into the ordinary household. A survey was submitted onto various cat forums where the response clearly showed that cat owners found value in the concepts where they themselves could utilise the scratching post. Thus, I combined a scratching post with a typical type of furniture you often see in the ordinary household, one that can be used by both cat and cat owner.

Not everything that shines is gold: appearance of law and protection of third parties in good faith / No todo lo que brilla es oro: apariencia del derecho y protección de los terceros de buena fe

O’Neill de la Fuente, Cecilia 30 April 2018 (has links)
What happens to the third party that, in good faith, acquires rights from a subject whose title is not valid? With few exceptions, the Peruvian Civil Code leaves him unprotected. In this article, the author evaluates the specific solutions contained in the Peruvian Civil Code; analyzes the answers that foreign legislations present; and, finally, proposes a solution to protect the third parties in good faith who acquire rights from an apparent owner. / ¿Qué ocurre con el tercero que, de buena fe, adquiere derechos de un sujeto cuyo título es inválido? Salvo algunas excepciones, el Código Civil peruano lo deja desprotegido. En este artículo, la autora evalúa las soluciones específicas que contiene el Código Civil peruano; analiza las respuestas que presentan legislaciones extranjeras; y, finalmente, propone una solución para dar protección a los terceros de buena fe que adquieren derechos de un titular aparente.

En blivande ICA-handlares väg att balansera de olika krav som ställs på generationsskiftet.

Larsson, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Jag vill skapa förståelse för situationen som uppstår när den nya ägaren balanserar kraven som ställs i ett generationsskifte. Metod: Denna uppsats har skett via en kvalitativ undersökning som kommer inhämta information från kvalitativa intervjuer. Uppsatsen baseras även på en fallstudie som är en process där studien strävar efter att beskriva och analysera en viss kvalitativ och komplex händelse under en viss period. Uppsatsens mål med detta arbete var att få svaret på ovanstående syfte där jag följer en blivande ägare som skall genomföra ett generationsskifte i familjeföretag. Det jag som författare hade observerat via den nära relation jag har med den blivande ägaren ville jag få mer information om. Hur kan dessa krav påverka varandra via generationsskifte och hur balanseras kraven mot varandra. Slutsats: För att slutligen sammanfatta balansen mellan kraven som den blivande ägaren står inför är min tolkning följande. ICA:s krav ger startsträckan, erfarenheten och tiden som den blivande ägare behöver för att samla och förbereda sig inför dagen då det slutliga övertaget av företaget sker. Kortfattat hjälper ICA att balansera samtliga av kraven som ställs på den blivande ägaren.  Kravet från pappan hjälper till på så vis att pappan kan hjälpa till med sin erfarenhet gällande personal och ledarskapet. Via pappans närvaro finns även en trygghet som hjälper den blivande ägaren personligen att känna stöd. Personalkravet och ledarkravet hjälper inte direkt något annat krav. Att relationen är en viktig pusselbit i detta generationsskifte kan författaren förstå via tolkning att inget krav kan påverka relationen mellan den blivande ägaren och pappan utan relationen måste finnas där för att underlätta de övriga kraven. Personalen och ledarskapet byggs upp med erfarenhet och trygghet vilket i grunden åter bottnar i relationen. Relationen kan ingen hjälpa den blivande ägaren med utan det måste den blivande ägaren hantera själv. Balansen mellan kraven blir därför viktig och allt bottnar sig i relation för att kunna genomföra generationsskiftet så smidigt som möjligt. / Purpose: I want to create an understanding of the situation that arises when the new owner balances the requirements set in a generational shift. Method: This essay has been through a qualitative survey that will gather information from qualitative interviews. The essay is also based on a case study as a process where the study strives to describe and analyze a certain qualitative and complex event for a certain period. The aim of this essay with this work was to get the answer to the above purpose in which I follow a prospective owner who will carry out a generational shift in family businesses. What I, as a writer, had observed through the close relationship I have with the prospective owner, I wanted to get more information about how these requirements affect generational change and how the requirements balance each other. Conclusion: To finally summarize the balance between the requirements that the prospective owner is facing, my interpretation as follows. ICA's requirements provide the starting distance, experience and time that the prospective owner needs to gather and prepare for the day when the final takeover of the company takes place. In short, ICA helps to balance all the requirements that are posed to the prospective owner. The requirement of the father helps the father to help with his experience of staff and leadership. Through the dad's presence there is also a security that will help the prospective owner personally to feel support. Personnel requirements and management requirements do not directly support any other requirements that neither the father nor the ICA has, but the claim must be handled separately with the help of ICA and the dad. The fact that the relationship is an important piece of puzzles in this generational shift, I, as a writer, can understand by my interpretation that no requirement can affect the relationship between the prospective owner and the father, but it must be there to facilitate the other requirements. The staff and leadership are built with experience and security, which basically rests in the relationship. The relationship cannot help the prospective owner without it, the prospective owner must handle himself. The balance between the requirements is therefore important and everything is in a relationship to make the change of generation as smooth as possible

Do jaké míry jsou použitelné účetní výkazy pro vypořádání mezi vlastníky? / To what extent are financial statements applicable for settlement among the owners?

Radová, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on settlement with shareholders leaving a limited liability company. The process of dealing with leaving shareholder is based on determination of so-called settlement amount, which expresses the reward belonging to the shareholder for his business share. Settlement amount is defined by czech law and there are also several precedents issued by courts, which help to specify interpretation of the law. The aim is to define how a company should settle with a shareholder in order to do it fairly and honestly.

Agile Project Management in Banking : A study of how agile methods are modified to suit the context of a bank

Yuonan, Jacob, Mamedov, Rustam January 2020 (has links)
Whilst there are studies that have been researching application of agile methods in different contexts, research have mainly been focused on the software industry. As the world becomes increasingly more digitised, the banking industry is having to keep up with this development and become more digital. Consequently, banks need to incorporate new flexible methods to keep up with the increasing demand for new digital products and features. However, the digital transformation and development processes are not as straightforward as in other industries because banks operate in regulated markets, making the application of agile methods more difficult. This study aimed to investigate and expand the knowledge of how agile methods are applied within the product developing processes in banks as well as what the challenges are with adopting such methods. Semi-structured interviews and internal documents were used to gather data regarding how a bank applies these methods. The main findings show that the bank applied agile methods and adapted them to suit their needs. Key themes identified from the data are agile framework adaptation, collaboration, motivation, and regulatory and internal challenges. The adaptation of specific frameworks is driven by the profile of the specific team as well as the nature of each project in a particular product area. Similarly, to pure agile methods, the motivation of workers is important for maximising productivity in the product development process. Internal and external collaboration was found to involve the interaction of internal teams and co-workers as well as receiving feedback from customers to improve their products. An important challenge in maximising agility is this sector is the regulatory environment in which banks operate in. The findings from this study contribute to the field by giving insight into how agile methods can be adapted in the context of banking by adding to existing literature.

Organizational Change Management for the Adoption of Alternative Project Delivery Methods within the AEC Industry

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: The alternative project delivery methods (APDMs) today are being increasingly used by owner organizations in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. Yet the adoption of these methods can be extremely difficult to accomplish and requires significant change management efforts. To facilitate the APDM adoption, this research aimed to better understand how AEC owner organizations have changed from only using the design-bid-build method to also successfully implementing APDMs from an organizational change perspective. This research utilized a literature review, survey and interviews to fulfill the research objectives. The dissertation follows a three paper format. The first paper focuses on identifying organizational change management (OCM) practices that, when effectively executed, lead to increased success rates of adopting APDMs in owner AEC organizations. The results of the first paper indicated that the five OCM practices with the strongest correlations to successful APDM adoption were realistic timeframe, effective change agents, workload adjustments, senior-leadership commitment, and sufficient change-related training. The second paper focuses on investigating AEC employees’ reactions to the adoption of APDMs. The findings of the second paper revealed that employees in AEC organizations react favorably to adopting a change in their project delivery systems. The findings further revealed that increasing the use of OCM practices is related to decreased employee resistance to change. The third paper aimed to provide guidelines detailing on how to lead APDM adoption. The findings of the third paper indicated that there was a general sequence of four implementation phases, which were preparing and planning, pilot project testing, expanding to the intended scale, and sustaining and evaluating. The phases include specific OCM practices that increase the probability of successful APDM adoption. The dissertation results can help in guiding the senior managers of construction organizations and OCM consultants to effectively implement APDMs for the first time in the construction sector. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Construction Management 2020

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