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Analysis of p2p platform lending / Analýza trhu P2P půjčekRolák, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to map the development of p2p lending in the US. Firstly, we compare the different business models and roles in the current monetary system of commercial banks and p2p platform lenders. The structure as well as trends of p2p lending industry are described. The returns of p2p loans are compared with traditional assets such as bonds, stocks and commodities in the 2011-2016 period. The last part of the thesis examines the loanbook of the most prominent p2p platform lender, Lending Club.
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群眾募資法制之研究- 以P2P借貸及股權模式群眾募資平台為中心 / A Study of the Regulation of Crowdfunding: Focusing on Crowdfunding Platform of P2P Lending and Equity Model趙毓馨 Unknown Date (has links)
在P2P借貸制度部分,關於我國法制,本文認為在各該模式是否使平台甚而借用人有構成銀行法收受存款之問題未能被釐清之前,P2P借貸制度恐無法被順利引進,可能須透過銀行法之修正,並輔以主管機關之解釋始能解決此一問題。關於對P2P借貸平台之規範,P2P借貸平台是否被定位為金融機構之一環,亦可能影響其應遵循之法律或規範為何。惟本文認為為促進P2P借貸平台之發展,即使主管機關將其定位為金融機構之一環,亦需適當設置例外,藉此可避免繁重之法規遵循成本讓使P2P借貸之制度失其設計之原意。關於貸與人之保護,在救濟途徑、投資限額、風險之評估與預告、中間帳戶之監管、資訊揭露、平台是否應提存準備金及設置意外準備基金、貸與人是否適用存款保險制度以及平台倒閉時對流通在外借款之處理機制等,亦應設置相關規範,惟亦應注意貸與人保護與上述平台法規遵循成本之平衡問題。在法規之規範方式上,本文則認為P2P借貸之商業模式可能乃與傳統借貸之商業模式有所落差,而平台之定位亦可能與傳統金融機構有所不同,故認為宜單獨就P2P借貸修訂專法或至少由主管機關單獨訂定法規命令,較為妥適。 / P2P lending and equity crowdfunding (so called “financial return crowdfunding,” FR crowdfunding for short), having grown rapidly in the last 5 years, are considered as an efficient vehicle for funding small and medium enterprises as well as start-ups. For maintaining the function of FR crowdfunding that is the efficiency of raising fund, it’s not appropriate to put strong regulations on the enterprises needing fund and the platforms of FR crowdfunding. However, because investing in FR crowdfunding associates with several types of risks, while reducing the burdens of the enterprises or platforms on compliance with the regulations, the issue of investor protection also cannot be ignored. How to balance between these two topics mentioned above is an important issue on the regulations of FR crowdfunding.
Firstly, this article introduces the regulations on FR crowdfunding in U.S., Britain and Japan where P2P lending or equity crowdfunding has developed or is developing. Secondly, in the regulation of Taiwan, the article presents the regulation on equity crowdfunding of Taiwan first and make some comments, referred to the foreign regulations mentioned above. Afterwards, the article analyzes the problems, encountered on the existing laws, such as the Banking Law, and studies how to regulate P2P lending, if P2P lending is introduced to Taiwan.
In the section of the equity crowdfunding, Taipei Exchange (GreTai Securities Market) started Incubation Board for Startup and Acceleration Firms (GISA) in January 2014 whose function is similar to that of the equity crowdfunding platforms. In 2015, Financial Supervisory Commission declared that securities brokers are permitted to operate platforms of equity crowdfunding (called private platforms hereinafter) once the securities brokers are authorized by the competent authority. Both GISA and private platforms are regulated by the regulations issued by Taipei Exchange. The functions and the regulation structures of GISA and private platforms are similar. When GISA and private platforms operate in a double-track way in the future, there are some problems like the insufficiency of market segmentation and risk control. Because upon the regulations, Taipei Exchange also supervises the private platforms, there exists a problem of interest conflict. Moreover, the regulations of GISA and private platforms also have common issues. About the protection of investor, firstly, whether the remedy regulations of other laws could apply for the investors of GISA and private platforms, except for the anti-fraud regulation of Securities and Exchange Act, is not clear so far. Secondly, there are also some discussions on the regulation of investment cap like the approach to calculate and verify the cap, the necessity of the measure of resale limitation, etc. About the enterprises raising fund on the GISA or private platforms, there are some discussions on whether the cap of raising fund should be higher and whether those enterprises should be permitted to offer preferred stock to raise fund, etc. About the platform, concerning to the regulations on the private platforms, there are some discussions on the industry access regulation, the feasibility of nominee structure, the operation of single business and the acts prohibited by the regulation, etc.
In the section of the P2P lending, the article notes that before the problem, whether the borrowers or the platforms under different business models be considered as doing the business of accepting deposits under the Banking Law, could be clarified, it’s afraid that P2P lending cannot be introduced to Taiwan smoothly. This problem could be solved by the amendment of the current Banking Law or by the legal interpretations issued by the competent authority of Banking Law. About the regulations to the P2P lending platforms, whether the P2P lending platforms are considered as a financial institution affects which laws or regulations the P2P lending platforms might obey. However, for promoting the development of P2P lending, the article thought even if P2P lending platforms are considered as a financial institution, it’s necessary to set exceptions appropriately on it. By doing that, the purpose of P2P lending might not be destroyed by the heavy burden of compliance of regulations.
About the protection of lenders, the regulations on P2P lending should include the issues on remedies of P2P lenders, investor investment cap, rating and precaution of risk, the supervision on the account of fund raised from lenders, information disclosure, whether the platforms should deposit reserves and set contingency fund, whether P2P lenders are protected by the deposit insurance, and the mechanism to deal with the loans still outstanding in case of the platform failure. However, the issue of balancing the lenders protection and the cost of regulatory compliance of the platforms still need to be considered. About how to regulate P2P lending, the article thinks that the business model of P2P lending is different from traditional lending model and that the P2P platforms are also different from the traditional financial institutions. Consequently, the article thinks that it’s appropriate to make laws or regulations singly for P2P lending.
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Performance Analysis of Credit Scoring Models on Lending Club Data / Performance Analysis of Credit Scoring Models on Lending Club DataPolena, Michal January 2017 (has links)
In our master thesis, we compare ten classification algorithms for credit scor- ing. Their prediction performances are measured by six different classification performance measurements. We use a unique P2P lending data set with more than 200,000 records and 23 variables for our classifiers comparison. This data set comes from Lending Club, the biggest P2P lending platform in the United States. Logistic regression, Artificial neural network, and Linear discriminant analysis are the best three classifiers according to our results. Random forest ranks as the fifth best classifier. On the other hand, Classification and regression tree and k-Nearest neighbors are ranked as the worse classifiers in our ranking. 1
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Regionální rozdíly v P2P lendingu, příklad Číny / Impact of Regional Differences on P2P Lending, Evidence from ChinaLiang, Na January 2019 (has links)
Taking the representative P2P lending platform Renrendai as an example, this paper focuses on the impact of borrower's region on the behavior of lenders and borrowers in the market. According to the Chinese six geographical regions the borrowers are from, this paper empirically analyzes the difference of success rate of borrowing and default rate in the six regions using the binary logistic regression model and further studies the reasons behind the regional difference. The result shows that the impact of regional difference is significant and the borrower from northern China are more likely to fund successfully, but the impact of regional difference on the default rate is insignificant, and the economic, financial and education development level in regions have a significant impact on the success rate of borrowing. This paper studies the regulatory differences of P2P platforms in various regions of China, the result shows that eastern China, central and southern China, and Beijing (in northern China) have paid more attention and importance to the regulation of P2P platforms. Keywords : China; P2P lending; the success rate of borrowing; regional difference; regulation policy
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Person-till-person-utlåning som finansieringsform för små- och nyföretagare / Person-to-person lending as a source of funding for small businesses and start-upsViliberg, Pontus, Söderholm, Samuel January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen är att beskriva och analysera finansieringsformen P2P-utlåning, dess bildande och utveckling samt utvärdera hur den har fungerat för små- och nyföretagare. Problemformulering: Studien undersöker hur finansieringsformen person-till-person-utlåning via Internet uppstod. Vidare redogörs för utvecklingen på P2P-plattformen Lending Club sedan låneförmedlingens start 2007 fram till 2011. Slutligen undersöks vad som kännetecknar låntagarna på Lending Club som ansöker om lån till små och nya företag samt hur de presterat gällande deras återbetalningsförmåga. Teoretiskt ramverk: Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgörs av framförallt vetenskapliga artiklar vilka behandlar det finansiella gapet, informations-asymmetrier och kreditbedömning. Vidare återges en bakgrunds-teckning över studier gjorda kring social utlåning och P2P-utlåning. Slutsatser: Studien kommer fram till att P2P-utlåning via Internet har sitt ursprung i social utlåning och möjliggjorts genom bland annat teknologisk utveckling av kreditvärderings-verktyg. Lending Clubs utveckling har gått från mer av ett socialt nätverk till att idag likna mer en finansiell intermediär med kreditvärdiga låntagare och institutionella investerare. Medlemmarna på Lending Club som lånar till små och nya företag kännetecknas av högre kreditvärdighet i jämförelse med övriga låntagare samtidigt som de presterar sämre i termer av återbetalningsförmåga. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze P2P lending, its formation and development and evaluate how it has worked for small businesses and start-ups. Problem statement: The study examines how person-to-person lending through the Internet has emerged. Furthermore, the study examines the development of the P2P platform Lending Club since its inception in 2007 until 2011. Finally, the study examines the characteristics of the borrowers at Lending Club who are applying for loans to small businesses and start-ups, as well as how they perform in terms of their ability to repay their loans. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework consists mainly of scientific articles regarding the financial gap, information asymmetries and credit rating. Furthermore, studies on social lending and P2P-lending are presented in a background chapter. Conclusions: The study concludes that P2P lending through the Internet has its origins in social lending and made possible by foremost technological development of rating tools. The development of Lending Club has shifted from more of a social network to more of a financial intermediary with creditworthy borrowers and institutional investors. Members on Lending Club that borrow to small businesses and start-ups are characterized by having a higher credit rating compared to other borrowers, while they perform less well in terms of ability to repay.
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台灣P2P借貸平台策略分析及探討其商業模式之適用性 / The Platform Strategy of P2P Lending, and the Applicability of the Business Model in Taiwan巫瑞芬, Wu, Ruei Fen Unknown Date (has links)
P2P個人網路借貸(Peer-to-Peer Lending)平台,即為媒合個人對個人借貸的網路平台;有閒置資金者,可透過網路平台,挑選自己願意資助的對象,將資金借給資金需求者,以獲得報酬;資金需求者,則可利用此網路平台,尋找願意提供資金者,以滿足借款需求。其中,借款利率由P2P借貸平台業者依據其計算方式評估訂定;因此,對投資人來說,P2P借貸平台成為另類的理財管道;對借款者來說,則成為新興的融資方式。2016年可說是台灣P2P網路借貸元年,LnB信用市集、鄉民貸等P2P借貸平台相繼成立,設計差異化的營運模式,提供台灣大眾新型態的借貸與投資服務。
(二)個案公司P2P借貸平台營運模式於台灣發展遇到的問題及比較。 / The Peer-to-Peer lending platform (P2P lending platform will be used as the abbreviation in the following section) the practice of lending money to individuals through online services that match lenders with borrowers. Investors holding idle capital can choose the target on the website to lend money and gain higher returns; while the borrowers’ funding needs can be satisfied by the mechanism of the P2P lending platform. Thus, the P2P lending platform has transformed the traditional idea that finance has to be handled through financial institutions.
The P2P lending industry in Taiwan have been developed since 2016, the first and second P2P lending companies: Lend & Borrow(LnB信用市集) , Lend(鄉民貸) were founded during 2015 and 2016, which were devoted to offering reasonable interest rates for lenders and borrowers.
Based on the concept of platform strategy and the factors of business model, this study investigates the object and the motivation of the founders when they founded the P2P lending companies, and discusses how they increased the interaction of the players in the platform ecosystem, with the case study of P2P lending companies--Lend & Borrow(LnB信用市集) , Lend(鄉民貸) and FundPark.
Therefore, the research questions of this study are as follows:
1.The practicability of the P2P lending platform in Taiwan.
2.The comparison of the business model, and the obstacles that the P2P lending companies faced in Taiwan.
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Peer-to-Peer lending and the Traditional banking industry : The relationship in the Swedish market from a managerial perspectiveSkoog, Karl Johan August, Tollnerius, Carl William Simon January 2022 (has links)
Is the collapse of the traditional banking industry imminent? Although this is a thoughtprovoking statement and numerous arguments could be made for its inevitable demise in the faceof the fast moving and highly innovative Fintech industry, the fact remains that the traditionalbanking industry still serves as the primary financial intermediary when it comes to almost all ofour financial needs. But what if this wasn't the case? The rise of the Fintech industry has broughtwith it a tidal wave of new innovations and technologies that have in more recent yearschallenged the traditional banking industries' unassailable position in the credit market. Onerelatively new phenomena in the Fintech industry is Peer-to-Peer lending (P2P). Is this newphenomena here to stay and can it possibly cause tremendous damage to the existing incumbent’sposition in the industry? For this study we decided to investigate the relationship between peer to peer lending and thetraditional banking industry in Sweden for a variety of reasons. Firstly, P2P lending challengesthe banks dominance in their most profitable sector which is lending. This is because P2Plending bypasses the banks role in this financial transaction, cutting them out as middlemen inthe lending process by connecting the lender and borrower directly. Furthermore, P2P lending isable to provide better interest rates due to lower operational costs as well as a faster loanapproval process as well as being able to target isolated and underserved customer segmentsthought to be outside of the banks risk parameters. These factors put together present a unique challenge to the banks in terms of competition anddisruption. Our research investigated whether or not the P2P lending platforms in Sweden did infact cause disruption to the traditional banking industry or if they were creating a separate marketindependent from the traditional banking industry. The purpose of our study was to illuminatethe relationship between P2P lending and the traditional banking industry in a developedeconomy in order to contribute to the ongoing debate about the impacts that P2P lending has onthe banking industry. In our research and through our empirical findings we arrived at some very interestingconclusions. The banking industry is indeed being challenged and slowly pushed out of theconsumer lending sector, although to attribute this solely to P2P lending would be incorrect.Furthermore, although all of the banks we interviewed agreed that P2P lending was not a threatfrom a strategic viewpoint, the argument could also be made that disruption is occurring asincumbent firms ignore the needs of those downmarket and as a result new entrants thentargeting these customer segments gain traction and eventually target incumbent firms mostprofitable customer segment. Our findings conclude that P2P lending has indeed causeddisruption in the traditional banking industry although the level of disruption caused by P2Plending specifically is still up to debate.
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金融科技之網路借貸平台 創新商業模式探討 / Innovation Business Model Research for FinTech - Alternative Lending Platform曾國瑞, Gary Tseng Unknown Date (has links)
金融科技之網路借貸平台(P2P Lending或Alternative Lending Platform)在互聯網、物聯網、帳聯網、大數據、社群媒體、行動科技等磅礡發展之下,有效地在存貸業務範疇之出借人和借款人匹配連結起來,在傳統金融機構無法滿足其投資與融資需求情境下,創造出嶄新的商業模式、營運模式。
本研究蒐集三個國外的個案研究:美國的Lending Club、英國的Zopa、香港的AMP,再貫穿以兩個模型分析:Mark W. Johnson等學者提出的 - 商業模式再創新 (Reinventing Your Business Model)、以及Michael E. Porter提出的 - 波特的競爭五力分析 (Porter five forces analysis)。
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中國智能投顧業行業分析、未來發展模式及監管方式之探究 / The analysis of robo-advisors in China and the research of development model and ways of supervision肖航 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來金融科技快速發展,傳統金融業被破壞式創新顛覆, 智能投顧的興起改變了資產管理行業的傳統模式,填補了一般大 眾理財市場的空缺。隨著互聯網理財模式在中國得到大眾認可, 智能投顧平台在中國開始萌芽,處於探索階段。在這樣的背景下, 本研究以中國智能投顧市場為研究對象,採用歸納法和對比分析 法,探究中國智能投顧業發展趨勢之相關實務。
本文根據前人的研究,對智能投顧的概念、特徵以及類型進 行了總結,歸納全球各國智能投顧業發展現況;根據中國財富管 理市場成熟程度來分析中國智能投顧業發展前景;參考美國智能 投顧發展模式和中國 P2P 網路借貸平台發展模式,歸納出適合中 國發展智能投顧業的經驗:1)讓傳統金融業者成為行業領導者, 2)明確服務範疇,規範從業證照,3)對算法進行嚴格監管,4) 發展被動型基金,財富管理市場產品多樣化,5)儘早建立完善 的風控體系;此外還根據各國智能投顧業之監管措施,對中國監 管機關出宏觀的監管建議,並希望此研究報告對之後想要進一 步研究智能投顧的學者供參考。
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Peer To Peer-utlåning i Sverige : En komparativ studie mellan bankutlåning och Peer To Peer-utlåning på den svenska konsumentkreditmarknaden / Peer To Peer lending in Sweden : A comparative study between bank lending and Peer To Peer lending in the Swedish consumer credit marketEdman, Lars, Kaltea, Kristofer January 2015 (has links)
Background: Peer to peer lending has in recent years emerged and become a popular way to borrow money, mostly in the US and the UK. Since the first company was established in 2005, several competitors have emerged, and P2P lending has grown on average by 84 % quarterly between the second quarter year 2007 and the second quarter year 2014 in the US. Lending Club, which is the largest player within P2P-lending, has since its start in 2008 carried loans of a total value of six billions USD. Aim: The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze P2P lending and its preconditions to operate on the Swedish consumer credit market. Completion: A qualitative approach was selected where the empirical data partly consist of primary data collected through interviews and partly of secondary data in the form of a literature study on P2P lending. The empirical data lays ground for a comparative institutional analysis in which the transaction costs of P2P lending is compared to traditional bank lending. Conclusion: The study shows that P2P lending in Sweden have higher transaction costs than traditional bank lending. The main reason for this is the uncertainty associated with P2P lending in the current situation. However, the study shows that P2P lending through technological innovation can maintain lower transaction costs in the assessment of a specific borrower's repayment capacity. For the concept to grow, society’s knowledge about P2P lending needs to increase and the legal framework needs to be more clearly defined. / Bakgrund: Peer to peer-utlåning har under de senaste åren vuxit fram och blivit ett populärt sätt att låna på, främst i USA och Storbritannien. Sedan den första aktören grundades år 2005 har flera aktörer vuxit fram och i USA har P2P-utlåningen vuxit med 84 % per kvartal i snitt mellan andra kvartalet år 2007 och andra kvartalet år 2014. Lending Club, som är den största aktören inom P2P-utlåning, har sedan starten år 2008 förmedlat lån till ett värde av totalt 6 miljarder USD. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att kartlägga och analysera P2P-utlåning och dess förutsättningar att bedriva verksamhet på den svenska konsumentkreditmarknaden. Genomförande: Ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt har valts där empirin dels består av primärdata som insamlats genom intervjuer och dels av sekundärdata i form av en litteraturstudie på P2P-utlåning. Empirin ligger till grund för en komparativ institutionell analys där transaktionskostnaderna för utlåning genom P2P jämförs med traditionell bankutlåning. Slutsats: Studien visar på att P2P-utlåning håller högre transaktionskostnader än traditionell bankutlåning. Den största anledningen till detta är den osäkerhet som är förknippad med P2P-utlåning i dagsläget. Dock visar studien på att P2P-utlåning, genom teknologisk innovation, kan hålla lägre transaktionskostnader i bedömningen av en specifik låntagares återbetalningsförmåga. För att konceptet ska växa krävs det att den allmänna kunskapen om P2P-utlåning ökar, samt att regelverket under vilket P2P-aktörerna verkar blir tydligare definierat.
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