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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis and implementation of a land environment spare parts scaling model for the Canadian Forces

Switzer, Jeffrey Charles, 1956- January 1988 (has links)
This thesis examines the spare parts mission scaling problem within the land environment of the Canadian Forces. A revision was done to the recently proposed Land Automated Scaling System, thus providing a readily implementable version of this model. This revised model determines the kit of spare parts for a first or second line unit to carry in order to maximize the operational availability of the deployed weapons systems, subject to a volume constraint. Bayesian methods and actual part demand data are used to revise the demand distribution to more accurately reflect the distribution of the number of parts required during a mission, taking into account the environmental conditions and usage mode of the equipment. The model is easy to use, requiring readily available and easily accessible input data. In addition, it can be operated on a Base minicomputer, thus allowing it to be used by the ordinance engineering and supply officers at the unit/formation level to produce and revise their parts scales as their situation requires.

Utveckling av kreativt lekmaterial för barn : Design av produkt som kan verka både lärande och underhållande

Lövf Nilsson, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att utveckla ett lekmaterial som uppmuntrar barns kreativitet, motorik och kognitiva förmågor samtidigt som det bidrar till ett hållbart samhälle. Detta genom att ta fram ett konceptförslag på en könsneutral produkt som kan användas av barn i flera åldrar under många år. Projektet har följt en iterativ designprocess (iterERA) med de fem faserna, Planera, Rekognosera, Generera, Detaljera och Kommunicera. Arbetet inleddes med en undersökning av de tänkta användarna och dess närmiljö med hjälp av enkätundersökning, observationer och intervjuer. Parallellt med detta genomfördes en omfattande litteraturstudie för att skapa en vetenskaplig grund till arbetet. Teorin som behandlats innefattar bland annat barnens utvecklingsstadier, lek och leksakers betydelse för barnens utveckling, normkritisk design, material och designteori. Uttalade problem med dagens lekmaterial var hållbarheten då många upplevde att saker gick sönder alldeles för lätt. Undersökningen visade att det fanns behov av omformning då barnen gärna bytte lek och leksaker ofta och det fanns även ett önskemål från föräldrar att kunna återanvända och ärva leksaker mellan syskon. Viktiga egenskaper hos lekmaterial är lärande, säkerhet, omformning och produkter som bidrar till kreativitet och fri lek. Under Genereringsfasen genomfördes kreativa metoder för att få fram en stor mängd idéer som efter kombination och utveckling resulterade i fyra konceptförslag. Slutkonceptet valdes utifrån återkoppling till användarnas behov och önskemål samt utifrån den teoretiska referensramen. Projektet resulterade i lekmodulsystemet MEGO. Produkten består av lådor i olika former och lösa komponenter i trä som på ett enkelt och roligt sätt kan byggas ihop till olika lekkonstruktioner. Modulsystemet ger barn en möjlighet att på ett kreativt sätt påverka sin lekmiljö genom att bygga sina egna leksaker samtidigt som de utvecklar motoriska och kognitiva förmågor. MEGO grundar sig i hållbarhet och består av ekologiska och giftfria material.

Apprentissage dans le développement de la discrimination des stimuli sociaux chez l’enfant avec ou sans troubles du développement / Learning in the development of discrimination of social stimuli in children with and without developmental disabilities

Cousin, Stéphanie 18 February 2013 (has links)
L'environnement semble jouer un rôle important dans le développement de la discrimination des stimuli sociaux. Le développement précoce de la discrimination des stimuli sociaux tels que les visages et les expressions faciales a suscité de nombreuses recherches. Par ailleurs, les individus avec autisme ne semblent pas répondre aux stimuli sociaux de la même façon que des individus au fonctionnement normal et ces différences apparaissent de manière précoce.Cependant, les recherches actuelles ne nous fournissent pas assez d'éléments dur la façon dont cette discrimination se met en place, en particulier sur les régions du visage qui sont importantes pour la discrimination. C'est ce point que nous avons choisi d'étudier au cours de cette thèse, auprès d'enfants avec autisme. Les travaux effectués dans le cadre de cette thèse ont eu pour objectifs tout d'abord de développer une tâche permettant de mesurer les éléments du visage impliqués dans la discrimination d'expressions faciales chez des enfants au développement typique et des enfants avec autisme (Etudes 1 & 2). Puis, nous avons mis en place une tâche ayant pour objectif d'évaluer l'importance des régions des yeux et de la bouche auprès d'enfants avec autisme et de montrer l'effet de la modification des patterns d'observation des visages sur la façon dont les éléments du visage exercent un contrôle discriminatif sur les réponses des enfants avec autisme (Etudes 3 & 4). Ces résultats sont discutés au regard de l'importance de l'environnement dans la mise en place de la discrimination des stimuli sociaux. Les implications concernant les recherches chez l'enfant au développement typique seront discutées, ainsi que la place de la direction du regard, en plus de l'expression des yeux, comme élément discriminatif / The role of the environment has been demonstrated in the development of the discrimination of social stimuli. The discrimination of social stimuli such as faces and facial expressions have been extensively studied during the past decades. In addition, people with autism show atypical responses to social stimuli compared to typically functioning individuals. Those discrepancies can be seen very early in life. However, there is still much to know about how this learning takes place, particularly on the face parts that are relevant for the discrimination. The focus of this work is to study more precisely how face parts come to control the responses of children with autism. The goal of our studies was first, to build a task to measure precisely which parts of the face are involved in facial expressions discrimination in children with autism and in typically developing children (Experiments 1 & 2). Subsequently, we devised a task which evaluated the role of the eyes' and mouth regions in children with autism and typically developing children in order to see the effect of the modification of observing patterns of faces on the way eyes and mouth come to control the responses of children with autism (Experiments 3 & 4). Results are discussed in line with the role of the environment in participating in the development of facial expressions discrimination. Implications for the study in early facial expression discrimination learning in typically developing children are discussed. Direction of gaze, in adition to the eyes region expression, is discussed as a relevant element for the discrimination of facial stimuli.

Predictability of International Stock Returns with Sum of the Parts and Equity Premiums under Regime Shifts

Athari, Mahtab 18 December 2015 (has links)
This research consists of two essays. The first essay entitled” Stock Return Forecasting with Sum-of-the-Parts Methodology: Evidence from Around the World”, examines forecasting ability of stock returns by employing the sum-of-the-parts (SOP) modeling technique introduced by Ferreira and Santa-Clara (2011).This approach decomposes return into three components of growth in price-earnings ratio, earnings growth, and dividend-price ratio. Each component is forecasted separately and fitted values are used in forecast model to predict stock return. We conduct a series of one-step ahead recursive forecasts for a wide range of developed and emerging markets over the period February 1995 through November 2014. Decomposed return components are forecasted separately using a list of financial variables and the fitted values from the best estimators are used according to out-of-sample performance. Our findings show that the SOP method with financial variables outperforms the historical sample mean for the majority of countries. Second essay entitled,” Equity Premium Predictability under Regime Shifts: International Evidence”, utilizes the modified version of the dividend-price ratio that alleviates some econometric concerns in the literature regarding the non-stationary and persistent predictor when forecasting international equity premium across different regimes. We employ Markov switching technique to address the issue of non-linearity between the equity premium and the predictor. The results show different patterns of equity premium predictability over the regimes across countries by the modified ratio as predictor. In addition, transition probability analysis show the adverse effect of financial crisis on regime transition probabilities by increasing the probability of switching between regimes post-crisis 2007 implying higher risk perceived by investors as a result of uncertainty inherent in regime transitions.

Inventory policy planning for spare parts and its application in the heavy-duty truck and bus industry

Azran, Simon January 1994 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering. Johannesburg, November 1994. / Inventories are produced, used (e.g. for raw materials, supplies, spare parts, and So forth) or distributed by every organisation. Moreover, inventories represent a major investment from the perspectives of both individual firms and entire national economies. In addition, enormous costs are incurred in the planning, scheduling, control and actual carrying out of replenlshment-Iprocuretnentl related activities. Interest in the subject of inventory management is constantly increasing, yet Silver and Petarsonlll (P(eface) found that "although invi ,~ory management ha.l been studied in considerable depth from a theoretical perspective, yet, those of us who, throuah consulting work, come into. clos>!)contact with mananerlal decision procedures in this arer are repeatedly surprised to find how limited, and ad hoc, many of the existing decision systems actually are. The rate at which theory has been developed has far outstripped the rate at which decision practices of firms have been successft,Jlly upgraded. A major g~o has existed between the theoretical solutions, on the one hand, and the real world problems, on the other". Inventory control is the science-based art of ensuring that lust enough inventory (or stockl is held by an organisation to meet both its internal and external demand commitments economically. There can be disadvantages in holding either too much 01 too little inventory. Therefore, inventory control is primarily concerned with obtaining the correct inventory with compromise between these two extremes. The control and maintenance of inventories is a problem common to all enterprises in any sector of a given economy. The primary aim of this study is to identify What the inventory policy of a company shoull;I be to Secure a reduction in inventory-related costs while maintaining a high level of customer service. Lewis(2) defines two bMlt:~ tvpes of inventory policy. Those in which decisions concerning replenishment are based on the lellel of inventory held, are known as "fixed-order quantity models" or "re-order level policies" and those in which such declslons arc made on a time basis are known as "fixed-time period models" or "re-order cycle policies". According to Nadder(3) (7I 11) the basic distinction between fixed-order quantity models and fixed-tlme period models is that the former are "event-triggered" while the latter are "time-triggered". That is, a fixed-order quantity model initiates an order when the "event" of reaching a specified re-order level occurs. This event may take place at any time, depending on the demand for the items considered. In contrast, the fixed-time period model is limited to placing orders at the end of a predetermined time period; hence, the passage of time alone "triggers" the model. In this thesis, we shall discuss both classical inventory models and heuristic models. We shall also conduct an investigation into the factors affecting high levels of inventory ~ mainly lead times (supplier and internal lea' times) in relation to spare 9arts in the heavv-dutv truck and bus industry. The thesis also suggests guidelines for controlling stock or these types of commodities in a practical environment. This will be done by either researching the existing inventory models or developing new inventory models or a combination of both, the intention being not to look for absolute optimisation, but rather to achieve significant improvements over current operations. / GR 2016

Lógica como órganon no aristotelismo antigo: o conceito filosófico de disciplina instrumental no período entre Aristóteles e Alexandre de Afrodísia / Logic as organon in the ancient aristotelianism: meaning and relations of the philosophical concept of instrumental discipline between Aristotle and Alexander of Aphrodisias

Tiburtino, Hugo Bezerra 30 April 2015 (has links)
Investigar as relações filosóficas da lógica como instrumento segundo os antigos aristotélicos, até a época de Alexandre de Afrodísia, é o objeto principal de nosso trabalho. Ora, após avaliarmos criticamente algumas interpretações recentes, é ainda mais claro que uma lógica-instrumento não se encontra em Aristóteles. Como não pôde ter sido Aristóteles o primeiro a defender essa doutrina, nossa investigação se concentrou, então, num dos contextos mais significativos em que ela aparece, a saber, em uma polêmica com os estoicos; em contraste com os que defendiam que ela não era parte mas instrumento, estoicos argumentavam que a lógica é parte da filosofia, os quais argumentos nós analisamos aqui. É verdade, porém, que essas duas teses não são completamente contraditórias entre si, na medida em que, no período entre Aristóteles e Alexandre, há sinais de uma tese compatibilista, ou seja, de que a lógica seria considerada tanto parte quanto instrumento. Seja como for, nos debruçamos sobre as críticas dos aristotélicos contra uma lógica-parte, bem como sobre eventuais argumentos positivos dos peripatéticos, deixando claro o significado de uma determinada disciplina ser instrumento, órganon em grego. No aristotelismo antigo, disciplina-órganon implicava relações com o conceito de arquitetonicidade; segundo trechos de Aristóteles, objetos e, inclusive, técnicos de determinadas disciplinas podem ser utilizados como instrumentos por outras, mais arquitetônicas em relação às primeiras; daí peripatéticos posteriores denominarem as próprias disciplinas subordinadas de instrumentos; o conceito de disciplina instrumental, então, implica que ela contribui para a finalidade de sua superior. Com isso em mente, voltando-nos especificamente à lógica, Alexandre de Afrodísia considerava claramente que a lógica contribui para a contemplação, finalidade última do homem. / Our major aim here was to research the philosophical relations of logic as tool according to the ancient Aristotelians untill Alexander of Aphrodisias. After our critical assessments of recent interpretations, it is even clearer that Aristotle had not any idea of logic as tool. Since Aristotle could not have argued for such doctrine, our research focused on one of the most significative contexts in which it appears, namely, in a debate with the Stoics; contrary to the ones who said logic is no part, but an instrument of philosophy, the Stoics themselves sustained that logic is part of philosophy and we assessed their arguments for this. It is true that these two theses are not throughout contradictory between them, in so far as, in the period between Aristotle and Alexander, there are signals of a compatibilist thesis, i.e. that the logic had been regarded as part and tool. May as it be, the Aristotelians criticized the arguments for logic as part, which we analyzed, as well as some positive arguments of the Aristotelian school; accordingly, the meaning of some discipline as an instrument (in Greek organon) was clear. That means: a discipline-organon implied relations with the concept of architectonicity; for, according to texts of Aristotle, objects and even technicians of some disciplines could be used as tools by other more architectonic disciplines; that is why later Peripateticians named the subordinate disciplines themselves tools; the concept of instrumental discipline implies that it helps to the finality of its superior. That in mind, we could see the specific case of logic which, as at least Alexader of Aphrodisias clearly regarded, helps to the contemplation, the utmost finality of man.

Arte menor e Arte maior de Donato: tradução, anotação e estudo introdutório / Arte menor and Arte maior by Donato: translation, annotation and introductory study

Dezotti, Lucas Consolin 22 March 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação pretende fornecer duas contribuições para a historiografia dos conhecimentos linguísticos. A primeira é a tradução completa e anotada, inédita em português, da Arte de Donato, um dos mais influentes tratados gramaticais produzido pela Antiguidade Clássica. A segunda é um estudo introdutório que aborda a parte mais importante da teoria gramatical antiga, a doutrina das partes da oração, ancestrais do que hoje conhecemos como classes de palavras. A partir de fontes antigas e de estudos recentes, investiga-se o surgimento e estabelecimento dessa doutrina no mundo greco-romano, através de uma análise dos critérios de recorte e classificação do material linguístico utilizados pela dialética (platônica, aristotélica, estoica) e pela gramática antiga, seguida de um trabalho comparativo que busca indícios de possíveis influências entre essas diferentes abordagens. / This dissertation aims to bring two contributions to the historiography of linguistic thought. The first is a complete and annotated unprecedented translation into Portuguese of Ars Donati, one of the most influential grammatical treatises produced by Greco-Roman culture. The second is an introductory presentation concerning the parts of speech, core of ancient grammatical doctrine and ancestors of our word classes. Ancient sources and recent studies guide the investigation of emergence and establishment of this doctrine in classical antiquity, by the way of a comparative study that seeks evidences of possible influence between dialectics (Plato, Aristotle, Stoics) and grammar as regards the criteria for analysis and classification of linguistic data.

Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para direcionamento no fornecimento de navipeças pela indústria brasileira sob a ótica da Visão Baseada em Recursos (VBR). / Development of a tool to guide companies for the ship parts selling, under the Resource-Based View (RBV).

Anderson, Valdir Lopes 22 July 2011 (has links)
Diversos empresários e órgãos de classe procuram identificar oportunidades no desenvolvimento potencial dos setores naval e offshore e no fornecimento de conteúdo local para essas indústrias. Também as instituições governamentais e privadas interessadas no fomento à indústria brasileira procuram formas de conferir competitividade à indústria alvo de suas políticas. Este trabalho desenvolve de forma preliminar uma ferramenta suportada pela teoria da Visão Baseada em Recursos (VBR), que visa identificar a similaridade entre os recursos necessários para produzir uma série de equipamentos e as competências detidas pela firma. Além da identificação da similaridade, que permite priorizar a escolha dos equipamentos que podem ser desenvolvidos pela firma interessada em atuar no mercado naval, a ferramenta permite a identificação de lacunas tecnológicas e traz à baila importantes discussões sobre a obtenção de competências externamente à firma. / Several entrepreneurs and unions seek to identify potential development opportunities in marine and offshore industries, aiming to provide local content for these industries. Also the government and private institutions interested in promoting the Brazilian industry endeavor ways to give competition to the shipbuilding industry. This study develops a preliminary tool supported by the theory of Resource-Based View (RBV), which aims to identify the similarity between the resources needed to produce a series of equipment and the capabilities held by the firm. Besides the identification of similarity, which helps on the choice of equipment to be developed by the firm, the tool allows the identification of technology gaps and brings up important discussions about getting capabilities outside the firm boundaries.

The word segmentation & part-of-speech tagging system for the modern Chinese. / Word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging system for the modern Chinese

January 1994 (has links)
Liu Hon-lung. / Title also in Chinese characters. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [58-59]). / Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 2. --- "Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging: Techniques, Current Researches and The Embraced Problems" --- p.6 / Chapter 2.1. --- Various Methods on Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging --- p.6 / Chapter 2.2. --- Current Researches on Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging --- p.9 / Chapter 2.3. --- Embraced Problems in Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging --- p.9 / Chapter 3. --- Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Combinational Optimization of the Probabilistic Scoring Function --- p.15 / Chapter 3.1. --- Definition of Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging --- p.15 / Chapter 3.2. --- Framework --- p.17 / Chapter 3.3. --- "Weight Assignment, Intermediate Score Computation & Optimization" --- p.20 / Chapter 4. --- Implementation Issues of the Proposed Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging System --- p.26 / Chapter 4.1. --- Design of System Dictionary and Data Structure --- p.30 / Chapter 4.2. --- Training Process --- p.33 / Chapter 4.3. --- Tagging Process --- p.35 / Chapter 4.4. --- Tagging Samples of the Word Segmentation & Part-of-Speech Tagging System --- p.39 / Chapter 5. --- Experiments on the Proposed Word Segmentation and Part-Of-Speech Tagging System --- p.41 / Chapter 5.1. --- Closed Test --- p.41 / Chapter 5.2. --- Open Test --- p.42 / Chapter 6. --- Testing and Statistics --- p.43 / Chapter 7. --- Conclusions and Discussions --- p.47 / References / Appendices / Appendix A: sysdict.tag Sample / Appendix B: econ.tag Sample / Appendix C: open. tag Sample / Appendix D:漢語分詞及詞性標注系統for Windows / Appendix E: Neural Network

A portfolio of music compositions.

January 1998 (has links)
Labyrinth for piano sextet -- Music for oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon and piano -- The ride-by-nights (for treble choir or female choir) / Lai Nga Ting Ada. / Thesis (M.Mus.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Abstract also in Chinese. / Abstract in English --- p.1 / Abstract in Chinese --- p.3 / Labyrinth for Piano Sextet --- p.4 / Programme notes --- p.5 / First movement --- p.6 / Second movement --- p.17 / Third movement --- p.32 / "Music for Oboe, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon and Piano" --- p.53 / Programme notes --- p.54 / Score --- p.55 / The Ride-by-Nights (for Treble Choir or Female Choir) --- p.75 / Programme notes --- p.76 / Lyrics --- p.77 / Score --- p.78

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