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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kognitiva förmågor som förklarar utveckling av läsförståelse från första till andra klass / Cognitive Skills that Explains the Development of Reading Comprehension from First to Second Grade

Claar, Moa, Larsson, Lina January 2015 (has links)
Bokstavskunskap, ordavkodningsförmåga och fonologisk medvetenhet inklusive RAN (rapid automatized naming, benämningshastighet) har i tidigare studier visats vara prediktorer för den tidiga läsförmågan. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att kartlägga vilka kognitiva förmågor som kunde predicera utveckling av läsförståelse. Stort fokus lades på fonologisk medvetenhet i föreliggande studie. Metoder att mäta fonologisk medvetenhet utvärderas och diskuteras. Deltagarnas resultat från första klass jämfördes med deras prestation i andra klass. Det deltog 36 barn i föreliggande studie och de förmågor som undersöktes var: fonologisk medvetenhet, ordavkodning, läsförståelse och bokstavskunskap. Resultatet visade att läsförståelse i första klass predicerade läsförståelse i andra klass. Signifikanta korrelationer mellan läsförståelse och ordavkodning samt fonologisk medvetenhet konstaterades i föreliggande studie. Ordavkodning och fonologisk medvetenhet förklarade 58 % av variansen av läsförståelse i årskurs två.  Testet Fonologisk bearbetning förklarade den största delen av variansen. Vid undersökning av tester som mäter fonologisk medvetenhet framkom det att testet för RAN visade ett signifikant samband med rimtestet men inte med testet Fonologisk bearbetning. Resultatet beror troligen på att testerna mäter olika delar av fonologisk förmåga. Slutsatsen är att läsförståelse vid årskurs ett predicerar läsförståelse i årskurs två samt att fonologisk bearbetning tycks vara en stark prediktor för läsförståelse i årskurs två. / Letter knowledge, word decoding and phonological awareness including RAN (rapid automatized naming) are known to predict early reading ability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the development of reading comprehension from first to second grade. Phonological awareness holds an important role in this study; different ways to measure this ability will be discussed.  In the study, 36 second graders participated and the following abilities were measured; phonological awareness, word decoding, reading comprehension and letter knowledge. Performances in first and second grade were compared. The results showed that reading comprehension in first grade predicts reading comprehension in second grade. Furthermore, significant correlations between reading comprehension, word decoding and phonological awareness were observed in second grade. Word decoding and phonological awareness together explains 58 % of the variance of reading comprehension in second grade. The test Phonological processing alone explains the biggest part of the variance in reading comprehension. The tests for phonological awareness show that RAN had a significant correlation with the rime test but not with the test Phonological processing. The correlation indicates that the tests measure different aspects of phonological skills. In conclusion reading comprehension in first grade predicts reading comprehension in second grade. Additionally, phonological processing seems to be a strong predictor for reading comprehension in second grade.

The dependency relations within Xhosa phonological processes

Podile, Kholisa 30 June 2002 (has links)
See file

Sounds of silence : Phonological awareness and written language in children with and without speech

Ferreira, Janna January 2007 (has links)
Avhandlingens övergripande syfte var att undersöka fonologisk medvetenhet och skriftspråklig förmåga hos talande eller icke-talande barn, med lässvårigheter eller motoriska talsvårigheter. De huvudsakliga fynden i denna avhandling var: (1) För barn med lässvårigheter som befinner sig på en tidig nivå i sin läsutveckling bör intervention kring läs- och skrivförmågor fokusera på barnets svaghet snarare än styrkan vad gäller ordavkodning. (2) För barn med lässvårigheter hade såväl fonologisk som ortografisk intervention effekt på förmågan att läsa och skriva. Fonologisk intervention hade effekt även på barnen med lägst läsförmåga. (3) För barn med motoriska talsvårigheter var det signifikanta skillnader mellan de bästa och de sämsta läsarna vad gäller auditiv fonemdiskrimination och generella språkförmågor. (4) För barn med motoriska talsvårigheter hade fonologisk intervention effekt på förmågan att stava ord men inte på läsförmågan. (5) I en analys av nonsensord undersöktes stavfel hos en flicka med anartri. Fler stavfel återfanns i längre ord och en högre grad av fel återfanns i mitten av ord, vilket tyder på svårigheter med arbetsminne och med att segmentera ord. Fynden diskuteras i relation till fonologisk informationsbearbetning inom fyra delområden: fonologiska representationer, fonologisk produktion, fonologiskt minne och fonologisk medvetenhet. Talets betydelse för läs- och skrivförmågan är komplex. Även ett gravt avvikande tal kan ge fonologisk återkoppling och för barn med anartri tycks bristen på tal spela en viss roll. Denna avhandling har ett handikappvetenskapligt synsätt och bidrar till den övergripande förståelsen av fonologisk medvetenhet och skriftspråklig förmåga. Flera av fynden är direkt applicerbara i kliniska sammanhang. / The general aim of this thesis was to explore phonological awareness and written language in the presence and absence of speech in children with reading impairments and children with motor speech impairments. The main findings of the present thesis were: (1) For children with reading impairments who are at an early stage of reading development, interventions targeting reading and spelling should focus on their weakness rather than their strength in word decoding. (2) For children with reading impairments, phonological as well as orthographic intervention had effects on reading and spelling. The children with the lowest reading performance also showed effects of phonological intervention. (3) For children with motor speech impairments, significant differences were shown between low level readers and high level readers in the areas of auditory phoneme discrimination skills and general language skills. (4) For children with motor speech impairments, phonological intervention had effect on word spelling skills but not on reading skills. (5) In an analysis of non-word spelling errors of a girl with anarthria, more spelling errors were found on longer words, and a higher proportion of spelling errors were found in medial letter positions, implying deficit in segmentation of spoken words and working memory. The findings were discussed in relation to four subfields of phonological processing: phonological representations, phonological production, phonological memory and phonological awareness. The contributions of speech to reading and spelling are complex. Even a severely distorted speech can serve as a phonological feedback and for children with anarthria, the lack of speech does seem to play a role. The present thesis has a disability research approach and is a contribution to the overall understanding of phonological awareness and written language. Many of the findings are directly applicable to the clinical context.

Matematiska färdigheter hos elever med lässvårigheter i årskurs 4 / Mathematical Skills in Students with Reading Difficulties in Fourth grade

Kvarnryd, Erica, Morén, Emilia January 2014 (has links)
Reading difficulties is the most common learning difficulty in the western world and it is common that people with reading disabilities also exhibit arithmetic difficulties. Different theories about the cause of the relationship exists, one theory describes the importance of good phonological ability in reading as well as in arithmetic, while another theory describes the importance of a reliable number system and that only a subgroup of students with reading disabilities also have difficulties with arithmetic. The purpose of this study is to investigate how students with reading difficulties (RD), without any known mathematical difficulties, perform on mathematical tasks relative to a control group. The study was theoretically grounded on the Triple code model (Dehaene, 1992), which is a model for numerical information processing that describes how various numerical and arithmetic tasks are processed through three distinct representation systems in the brain, a verbal and a visual representation system and a quantity system. Reading skills, phonological skills, arithmetic skills and number processing skills were examined in 61 students through a variety of tests. After examination of reading ability, the participants were split into two groups, students with RD and a control group. Statistical comparisons were calculated by one-way analysis of variance between the two groups on each task, and for some tasks one-way analysis of covariance were used. The results provided partial support for the present hypotheses. The main findings showed that students with RD have difficulties within the verbal and visual representation system but exhibit an intact quantity system. Within the verbal representation system, students with RD performed significantly worse in retrieval of arithmetic facts (addition, subtraction and multiplication), they retrieved fewer established answers from long-term memory on all of the three arithmetic operations compared to the control group. The students with RD also made more errors regarding subtraction and multiplication and within the visual representation system they had significantly fewer answers that were correct on written arithmetic calculation and was significantly slower in symbolic number comparison, compared with the control group. It is discussed whether a connection difficulty, namely difficulties in linking a particular symbol with a semantic content, is the cause of the exhibited arithmetic difficulties in students with RD. / Lässvårigheter är den vanligaste inlärningssvårigheten i västvärlden och det är vanligt att personer med lässvårigheter även uppvisar aritmetiska svårigheter. Skilda teorier kring orsaken till sambandet finns och en teori beskriver vikten av god fonologisk förmåga vid läsning såväl som vid räkning. En annan teori beskriver vikten av ett tillförlitligt antalsystem och att endast en undergrupp av elever med lässvårigheter också har svårigheter med aritmetik. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur elever med lässvårigheter (LS) utan kända matematiksvårigheter presterar på matematiska uppgifter i förhållande till en kontrollgrupp. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är Trippel-kod-modellen (Dehaene, 1992), vilket är en modell för numerisk informationsbearbetning som beskriver hur olika numeriska och aritmetiska uppgifter antas bearbetas genom tre representationssystem i hjärnan, det vill säga verbalt och visuellt representationssystem samt kvantitetssystem. Läsfärdighet, fonologisk förmåga, aritmetisk färdighet samt antalsuppfattning undersöktes hos 61 elever genom ett flertal test. Efter undersökning av läsfärdighet delades deltagarna upp i två grupper, elever med LS och en kontrollgrupp. Statistiska jämförelser beräknades genom envägs variansanalys mellan grupperna på respektive uppgift och för vissa uppgifter beräknades även envägs kovariansanalys. Resultatet gav delvis stöd för de uppsatta hypoteserna då huvudfyndet visade att elever med LS har svårigheter inom både verbalt och visuellt representationssystem men uppvisar ett intakt kvantitetssystem. Inom verbalt representationssystem presterade eleverna med LS signifikant sämre än kontrollgruppen på uppgiften framplockning av aritmetiska talfakta inom addition, subtraktion och multiplikation då de hade färre svar att plocka fram från minnet på alla tre räknesätt. Eleverna med LS hade också fler fel gällande subtraktion och multiplikation. Inom visuellt representationssystem uppvisade de signifikant färre rätt på skriftlig aritmetisk kalkylering samt var signifikant långsammare gällande symbolisk antalsuppfattning jämfört med kontrollgruppen. Utifrån resultaten diskuteras huruvida en kopplingsproblematik, det vill säga svårigheter att koppla en bestämd symbol med ett semantiskt innehåll, ligger till grund för de uppvisade aritmetiska svårigheterna hos elever med LS.

Biliteracy Development in Chinese and English: The Roles of Phonological Awareness, Morphological Awareness, and Orthographic Processing in Word-level Reading and Vocabulary Acquisition

Luo, Yang 08 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis examined the role of metalinguistic skills in concurrent and subsequent word-level reading and oral vocabulary among Chinese-English bilingual children who learned Chinese as their heritage language and English as their societal language. While previous studies on biliteracy development among this group of children have mostly focused on one of the two languages, this thesis gave equal emphasis to both languages. The research had two general purposes: 1) to investigate the role of phonological awareness, morphological awareness and orthographic processing in predicting word-level reading and oral vocabulary in Chinese and English concurrently and longitudinally; and 2) to examine the cross-linguistic role of phonological and morphological awareness to word-level reading and vocabulary, concurrently and longitudinally, between Chinese and English. These goals were explored through two interrelated studies, using path analyses. The participants included 91 Chinese-English bilingual children, recruited from kindergarten and Grade 1 Chinese heritage language classes in Canada. They were tested twice, one year apart, on a battery of cognitive and literacy measures in Chinese and English. Findings of Study 1 on within-language relationships indicated that, for word-level reading, all three metalinguistic skills were independent concurrent predictors in English, whereas only morphological awareness was predictive in Chinese. For oral vocabulary, morphological awareness was the only concurrent predictor in both languages. The longitudinal contributions of these metalinguistic skills were mostly mediated through the auto-regressors of the literacy outcomes. Findings of Study 2 on between-language relationships demonstrated that Chinese phonological awareness directly contributed to concurrent and subsequent English word reading beyond the effect of concurrent English phonological awareness. Yet, Chinese morphological awareness indirectly predicted concurrent and subsequent English oral vocabulary through concurrent English morphological awareness. Similarly, English morphological awareness only indirectly predicted concurrent and subsequent Chinese oral vocabulary. These findings suggest that different metalinguistic skills are required for literacy development in Chinese and English. Moreover, metalinguistic skills transfer to literacy, even across two typologically distant languages, but the transfer patterns of phonological and morphological awareness to different literacy skills vary considerably. These results are discussed in light of current reading and transfer models as well as linguistic contexts of biliteracy acquisition.

Biliteracy Development in Chinese and English: The Roles of Phonological Awareness, Morphological Awareness, and Orthographic Processing in Word-level Reading and Vocabulary Acquisition

Luo, Yang 08 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis examined the role of metalinguistic skills in concurrent and subsequent word-level reading and oral vocabulary among Chinese-English bilingual children who learned Chinese as their heritage language and English as their societal language. While previous studies on biliteracy development among this group of children have mostly focused on one of the two languages, this thesis gave equal emphasis to both languages. The research had two general purposes: 1) to investigate the role of phonological awareness, morphological awareness and orthographic processing in predicting word-level reading and oral vocabulary in Chinese and English concurrently and longitudinally; and 2) to examine the cross-linguistic role of phonological and morphological awareness to word-level reading and vocabulary, concurrently and longitudinally, between Chinese and English. These goals were explored through two interrelated studies, using path analyses. The participants included 91 Chinese-English bilingual children, recruited from kindergarten and Grade 1 Chinese heritage language classes in Canada. They were tested twice, one year apart, on a battery of cognitive and literacy measures in Chinese and English. Findings of Study 1 on within-language relationships indicated that, for word-level reading, all three metalinguistic skills were independent concurrent predictors in English, whereas only morphological awareness was predictive in Chinese. For oral vocabulary, morphological awareness was the only concurrent predictor in both languages. The longitudinal contributions of these metalinguistic skills were mostly mediated through the auto-regressors of the literacy outcomes. Findings of Study 2 on between-language relationships demonstrated that Chinese phonological awareness directly contributed to concurrent and subsequent English word reading beyond the effect of concurrent English phonological awareness. Yet, Chinese morphological awareness indirectly predicted concurrent and subsequent English oral vocabulary through concurrent English morphological awareness. Similarly, English morphological awareness only indirectly predicted concurrent and subsequent Chinese oral vocabulary. These findings suggest that different metalinguistic skills are required for literacy development in Chinese and English. Moreover, metalinguistic skills transfer to literacy, even across two typologically distant languages, but the transfer patterns of phonological and morphological awareness to different literacy skills vary considerably. These results are discussed in light of current reading and transfer models as well as linguistic contexts of biliteracy acquisition.

Alfabetização de jovens e adultos e a consciência fonológica: um estudo sobre concepções de alfabetizadores / The youth and adult literacy and the phonological awareness: a study on the literacy Conceptions

Juchem, Luiza de Salles 26 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study is in the Formation, Knowledge and Professional Development Research Line, of the Post-graduation Program on Education of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. As a general goal, we tried to understand the conception from a teachers group that were taking part in the Literate Brazil Program (PBA) in Santa Maria/RS city, considering the phonological awareness in the process of literacy of the youth and adult people. Therefore, we sought to know the formative path from five literacy teachers who worked in the PBA during the year 2013. In this way, we tried to identify their views on the reading and writing construction of the youth and adults in the early literacy process and recognize the teachers conceptions on phonological awareness on the reading and writing construction process of these youth and adult people. The methodology of this proposed study focuses on the principles of qualitative research and starts at the socio-historical narrative approach. The authors of Bolzan (2002, 2006, 2009), Isaia and Bolzan (2006), Isaia (2003), Bakhtin (2010, 2012), Freitas (1998, 2002), Vygotsky (2005, 2007), Marcelo Garcia (1997, 1999, 2010), Nóvoa (1997), Tardif (2012, 2009), Gadotti (2008), Freire (1978, 1979, 2006, 2011), Schwartz (2010), Mitchell (2012), Smith (2012), Smith and Teberosky (1999) were the theoretical support for this study. From the analyzing the teachers narratives who participated in the study it resulted into two categorical dimensions: conceptions of early reading and writing of the youth and adult people composed by the following categorical elements: great-responsibility, mediation, incompleteness, skills and impact of literacy. The second categorical dimension, called the phonological awareness conceptions in the youth and adult literacy process has the following categorical elements: waiting, touching and valuation. The teachers narratives are marked by the assumption of responsibilities from different nature, especially emergency demands on the students reading and writing. Reported mediations demonstrate caring about the maintenance of class motivation and the recognition of some difficulties in literacy function, attributing for some these the skills that should be consolidated by the students. Teachers apprehend the literacy and, therefore the work they do, as a possibility for social and cultural rising for people. Regarding the phonological awareness, they are wary about the proposition of activities until they understand that students are able to understand that writing is the sound of the words. Since then, they start to propose some metalinguistic activities with different purposes. Although these are grounded in the empiricism, the fact of that the literacy teachers develop activities on this nature and express themselves favorable to these doing, allowed us to recognize the value attributed to the phonological awareness. Thus, from this analysis it was possible to understand that the literacy teachers perform a dialectical movement, aware of their ways of teaching and the students learning process and their mutual implication, emerging as one crossing element, the commitment. We highlight the importance of knowledge about the functionality of the alphabetic writing system, involving the phonological awareness because these are part of the training of the literacy teachers as the key to a meaningful literacy work, independently if this working is with the youth and adult people or, even with children. / Este estudo insere-se na Linha de Pesquisa Formação, Saberes e Desenvolvimento Profissional do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria/RS. Como objetivo geral, buscamos compreender as concepções de um grupo de professores participantes do Programa Brasil Alfabetizado (PBA), do município de Santa Maria/RS, quanto à alfabetização de jovens e adultos e à consciência fonológica neste processo. Para tanto, procuramos conhecer as trajetórias formativas de cinco alfabetizadores de jovens e adultos, que atuavam no PBA durante o ano de 2013; identificar suas concepções sobre a construção da leitura e da escrita de jovens e adultos em processo de alfabetização inicial e, por fim, reconhecer as concepções desses professores sobre consciência fonológica no processo de construção da leitura e da escrita de jovens e adultos. A metodologia do estudo proposto direciona-se aos princípios da pesquisa qualitativa e parte da abordagem narrativa sócio-histórica. Os autores Bolzan (2002, 2006, 2009), Isaia e Bolzan (2006), Isaia (2003), Bakhtin (2010, 2012), Freitas (1998, 2002), Vygotsky (2005, 2007), Marcelo Garcia (1997, 1999, 2010), Nóvoa (1997), Tardif (2012 e 2009), Gadotti (2008), Freire (1978, 1979, 2006, 2011), Schwartz (2010), Morais (2012), Ferreiro (2012) e Ferreiro e Teberosky (1999) foram o aporte teórico no desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Da análise das narrativas dos professores participantes, resultaram duas dimensões categoriais: concepções sobre a leitura e a escrita iniciais dos jovens e adultos, dimensão composta pelos elementos categoriais: hiper-responsabilização, mediação, incompletudes, aptidões e repercussões da alfabetização; a outra dimensão categorial, denominada concepções sobre a consciência fonológica no processo de alfabetização de jovens e adultos, tem como elementos categoriais: espera, tateamento e valorização. As narrativas são marcadas pela assunção de responsabilidades de diferentes naturezas, principalmente quanto a demandas emergenciais relativas à leitura e à escrita dos estudantes. As mediações relatadas demonstram cuidado com a manutenção da motivação da turma e o reconhecimento de algumas dificuldades na função alfabetizadora, atribuindo, algumas destas, a aptidões que necessitariam ser consolidadas pelos estudantes. Os professores concebem a alfabetização e, portanto o trabalho que realizam, como possibilidade de ascensão social e cultural dos sujeitos. Em relação à consciência fonológica, são cautelosos com a proposição de atividades até compreenderem que os estudantes estão aptos para entender que a escrita representa a pauta sonora das palavras. A partir de então, passam a propor algumas habilidades metalinguísticas, com distintas finalidades. Embora fundamentadas no empirismo, o fato de os alfabetizadores desenvolverem atividades desta natureza e manifestarem-se favoráveis a elas, permitiu-nos reconhecer a valorização atribuída à consciência fonológica. Assim, a partir desta análise compreendemos que os alfabetizadores realizam um movimento dialético, atentos às suas formas de ensinar e de aprender dos estudantes e sua recíproca implicação, emergindo como elemento transversal, o comprometimento. Destacamos a relevância de conhecimentos referentes ao funcionamento do sistema de escrita alfabética, envolvendo a consciência fonológica, fazerem parte do processo formativo de alfabetizadores por serem essenciais a um profícuo trabalho de alfabetização, independente se for com jovens, adultos ou com crianças.

Efeitos da exposição combinada a programas informatizados de ensino de leitura, escrita e consciência fonológica a alunos com dificuldade de aprendizagem / Effects of combined exposure to computerized reading and writing and phonological awareness programs for students with learning difficulties

Rodrigues, Pauliana do Nascimento 30 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-23T17:22:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPNR.pdf: 2186685 bytes, checksum: 3eb85dc836dd2d72dc08286d77f33430 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-23T17:22:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPNR.pdf: 2186685 bytes, checksum: 3eb85dc836dd2d72dc08286d77f33430 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-23T17:22:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPNR.pdf: 2186685 bytes, checksum: 3eb85dc836dd2d72dc08286d77f33430 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-23T17:22:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPNR.pdf: 2186685 bytes, checksum: 3eb85dc836dd2d72dc08286d77f33430 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The present study aimed to verify the development of phonological awareness and the acquisition of reading and writing in children with learning difficulties using a reading and writing and a phonological awareness computerized programs. Seven students with learning disabilities enrolled in the second year of elementary school participated in the study. They were divided into two experimental conditions. On Condition 1, participants were exposed to Module 1 of a computerized reading and writing program, and on Condition 2, participants were exposed to the same computerized program concomitant with the phonological awareness program. Before (pre-test), during (intermediate test) and after the experimental training phase (post-test) the following tests were administered with participants of both conditions: Phonological Consciousness Test (by oral production - PCF), Phonological Awareness with Figures and Reading and Writing Diagnostics (DLE). Results show that four participants in Condition 1 completed the program within 21 to 23 sessions and the three participants in Condition 2 completed the teaching phases within 19 to 29 sessions. Concerning the phonological awareness program, participants on Condition 2 required more repetition of rhyme and alliteration activities than syllabic and phonemic activities. Results obtained from the evaluations indicate that participants of both conditions showed intermediate performance in rhyme and alliteration skills, high marks in syllabic skills and null performance in phonemic skills. In the post-test, improvement was observed for rhyme and alliteration, and syllabic skills. Participants did not consistently present improvement in phonemic skills in probes and post-tests. Regarding the reading and writing repertoire, results indicate that the participants of both conditions presented improvement in the relations evaluated at final test. The results suggest the need to improve teaching procedures for the development of phonological awareness skills. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar o desenvolvimento de habilidades de consciência fonológica e aquisição de leitura e de escrita em crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem empregando programas informatizados de consciência fonológica e de ensino de leitura e de escrita. Participaram da pesquisa sete alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem matriculados no segundo ano do Ensino Fundamental. Os participantes foram divididos em duas condições experimentais. Os participantes da Condição 1 foram expostos ao Módulo 1 de um programa informatizado de ensino de leitura e de escrita; e da Condição 2 foram expostos ao mesmo Módulo 1 de um programa informatizado de ensino de leitura e de escrita concomitantemente ao programa informatizado de consciência fonológica. Antes (pré-teste), na metade (teste intermediário) e após (pós-teste) a fase de ensino, foram aplicadas avaliações: Prova de Consciência Fonológica (por produção oral - PCF), a Prova de Consciência Fonológica com Figuras (PCFF) e o Diagnóstico de Leitura e Escrita (DLE) com os participantes das duas condições. Os resultados mostraram que quatro participantes da Condição 1 completaram o programa de ensino de leitura e de escrita realizando entre 21 e 23 sessões e os três participantes da Condição 2 finalizaram o ensino realizando entre 19 e 29 sessões. Em relação ao programa de consciência fonológica, verificou-se que os participantes da Condição 2 necessitaram de mais repetições das atividades de rima e aliteração do das atividades silábicas e fonêmicas. Nas avaliações realizadas, verificou-se que os participantes de ambas as condições obtiveram resultados inicias intermediários nas habilidades de rima e aliteração na Prova de Consciência Fonológica, altas porcentagens de acertos nas habilidades silábicas e desempenho nulo nas habilidades fonêmicas. No pós-teste, observou-se melhora no desempenho nas habilidades de rima e aliteração e silábicas; e nas habilidades fonêmicas, os participantes não apresentaram melhora de forma consistente nas duas condições nas sondas e pós-testes. Em relação ao repertório de leitura e de escrita, os resultados indicaram que os participantes das duas condições apresentaram melhora nos desempenhos nas relações avaliadas após o programa de leitura. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade do aprimoramento de procedimentos de ensino para o desenvolvimento de habilidades de consciência fonológica.

Barns tidiga läs- och skrivundervisning : Med hjälp av Bornholmsmodellen / Children's early literacy teaching : With the help of the Bornholm model

Jarlstam, Tania January 2018 (has links)
Många förskoleklasser är ålagda att arbeta med Bornholmsmodellen för att öka den språkliga medvetenheten hos barnen. Forskning visar på att ett tidigt arbete med barns språkliga medvetenhet innan läsinlärningens start har stor betydelse för barns läsinlärning. Med Bornholmsmodellen jobbar man med språklekar för att stimulera barnens språkliga medvetenhet. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på hur Bornholmsmodellen uppfattas av verksamma pedagoger inom två kommuner samt vad dessa anser finns för olika fördelar och nackdelar med metoden. Vidare så undersöks det om Bornholmsmodellen upplevs vara effektiv för barns språkliga medvetenhet och utveckling samt på vilka sätt den anses vara det. Genom arbetets gång undersöktes det även om andra metoder fanns kopplade till Bornholmsmodellen. Metoder för undersökningen har varit intervjuer med åtta informanter från två olika kommuner samt enkäter som besvarats av fyrtiotvå informanter från två olika kommuner. Undersökningen visar att Bornholmsmodellens syfte i att göra barn språkligt medvetna upplevs som framgångsrik. De flesta informanterna anser att Bornholmsmodellen saknar att ge barnen ett sammanhang i undervisningen vilket pedagoger med rätt förutsättningar från kommun och skolledning lyckas skapa genom att använda sig av andra metoder integrerat med Bornholmsmodellen. / Many preschool classes are required to work with a method named Bornholm model to increase the linguistic awareness among children. Research shows that working with children's linguistic awareness in an early stage is of great importance for children's reading skills. With help from the Bornholm model, you work with language games to stimulate the children's linguistic awareness. The aim of the study was to find out how the Bornholm model are being interpreted by active teachers in two municipalities, as well as their thoughts about what different advantages and disadvantages they considered in relation to the method. Furthermore, the results will show if they feel that the method is effective for children's linguistic awareness and development and in what way they feel it is so. The study will also show whether other methods connect to the Bornholm model. Methods of investigation have been interviews with eight informants from two different municipalities as well as questionnaires answered by forty-two informants from two different municipalities. The result shows that the purpose of the Bornholm method in making children become literally aware successfully perceived. The Bornholm method lacks a context integrated in teaching situations, which educators with the right conditions from the municipality and school management succeed in creating through different methods integrated with the Bornholm model.

Att lära sig att läsa är en viktig del av livet för att utvecklas till en självständig individ : En kvalitativ studie av lärares resonemang kring deras val av läsinlärningsmetoder / To learn to read is an important part of life to develop into an independant individual : A qualitative study of teachers´reasoning about their choices of Literacy Learning

Lundin, Annika January 2018 (has links)
The study is intended to identify the methods teachers use to develop students' reading skills, how they select methods and why. The thesis begins with learning theories and previous research on the topic and an explanation of the different literacy learning methods.  The study is a qualitative study and includes ten interviews with teachers working in four different counties. The interviews have been analysed and discussed with the basis in the study's aim and research questions. The result shows that all teachers choose to mix synthetic and analytical literacy learning methods. They do this to meet each individual student at his level in the processes of literacy learning. There is not one method that suits all students, but, there are methods that are suitable for everyone. According to the interviewed teachers, it is a big difference in the achievement levels in reading in grade one. Some students only recognise the letters in their own name, some students already know all the letters of the alphabet, some read short words, and some have begun to read “easy to read” chapter-books.  Their choices are made to get varied and interesting teaching and combining different methods and approaches to be able to capture all the students. The challenge is to get everyone to feel like they are a part of the community of reading and writing in the classroom and that everyone feels like a reader and a writer. All the teachers in the survey mean that the reading and writing education should be based on the students and have a content that interests them to be fruitful for the students. / Studien syftar till att kartlägga metoder verksamma lärare använder för att utveckla elevers läsförmåga, hur de väljer metoder och varför. Uppsatsen inleds med beskrivningar av lärandeteorier och tidigare forskning om ämnet samt en redogörelse av olika läsinlärningsmetoder. Undersökningen är en kvalitativ studie och omfattar tio intervjuer med verksamma lärare från fyra olika kommuner. Intervjuerna har analyserats och diskuterats utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Resultatet visar att samtliga lärare väljer att blanda syntetiska och analytiska läsinlärningsmetoder, detta gör de för att kunna möta varje enskild elev på dennes nivå i läsinlärningprocessen. Det finns inte en metod som passar alla elever däremot finns metoder som passar för varje individ. Enligt de intervjuade lärarna är det stor skillnad på kunskapsnivåerna i läsning i årskurs ett. En del elever känner bara igen bokstäverna i sitt eget namn, några elever kan alla bokstäver i alfabetet, andra läser korta ord och vissa har börjat att läsa lättlästa kapitelböcker när de börjar årskurs ett. Deras val är gjorda för att få en varierad och intressant undervisning och de kombinerar olika metoder och tillvägagångsätt för att kunna fånga upp alla elever. Utmaningen är att få alla att känna sig som en del av läs- och skrivgemenskapen i klassen och känna sig som läsare och skrivare. Alla lärare i undersökningen menar att läs- och skrivundervisningen ska utgå från eleverna och ha ett innehåll som intresserar dem för att den ska vara givande för eleverna.

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