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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da sanitização e do armazenamento nos compostos bioativos de manga 'palmer' in natura e processada /

Monaco, Kamila de Almeida, 1985. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Giuseppina Pace Pereira Lima / Coorientador: Juan Saavedra del Aguila / Banca: Fabio Vianello / Banca: Francisco Artes Calero / Banca: Camila Renata Correa Camacho / Banca: Igor Otavio Minatel / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influencia de sanitizantes (ozônio e hipoclorito de sódio) no conteúdo de compostos bioativos e na atividade antioxidante durante o armazenamento refrigerado e na simulação de comercialização de mangas (Mangifera indica L.) 'Palmer' cultivadas em sistema orgânico e convencional e verificar as alterações durante o armazenamento de dois diferentes smoothies. Para atingir esse objetivo a tese foi dividida em cinco capítulos, no primeiro as mangas 'Palmer' orgânicas adquiridas no município de Borborema-SP e as convencionais, doadas pela Ogata Citrus (Taquaritinga-SP) foram transportadas ao laboratório de Bioquímica, onde foram submetidas a quatro tratamentos de imersão: imersão em água; em água clorada com 100 mg L-1 de hipoclorito de sódio por 10 minutos e em água ozonizada por 10 ou 20 minutos. As avaliações foram realizadas após a colheita e aos 7 e 15 dias de armazenamento refrigerado. Aos 7 dias, os frutos foram levados ao ambiente e as avaliações seguiram por 4 e 8 dias, para simular o período de comercialização. Determinaram-se a firmeza da polpa, pH, ácido ascórbico, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, polifenóis totais, flavonóides totais, β-caroteno, DPPH e FRAP. As análises microbiológicas foram realizadas após a colheita, aos 7 dias de armazenando refrigerado e aos 7 dias mais 4 em ambiente. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC) com esquema fatorial 5 x 8 (dias de avaliação x tratamentos) com 3 repetições. Houve uma tendência dos frutos orgânicos e ozonizados apresentarem maiores conteúdos dos compostos bioativos, com isso maior atividade antioxidante, o que evidenciou que o ozônio pode substituir o cloro sem prejuízos aos frutos. No segundo capitulo, foi realizada a quantificação das aminas bioativas das polpas de manga 'Palmer' orgânicas e convencionais, submetidas a ... / Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of sanitizers (ozone and sodium hypochlorite) in the bioactive compounds content and antioxidant activity during cold storage and marketing simulation grown in mango (Mangifera indica L.) grown in organic and conventional system and verify changes during storage of two different smoothies. To achieve this thesis objective was divided into five sections, the first the mango 'Palmer' organic acquired in Borborema-SP and conventional, donated by Ogata Citrus (Taquaritinga-SP) were transported to the laboratory of Biochemistry, which were submitted four immersion treatments: immersion in water; in chlorinated water with 100 mg L-1 of sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and ozonated water for 10 and 20 minutes. The evaluations were performed after harvest and at 7 and 15 days of cold storage. At 7 days, fruit were taken to the environment and evaluations followed by 4 and 8 days, to simulate marketing period. Were determined firmness, pH, ascorbic acid, soluble solids, titratable acidity, total polyphenols, total flavonoids, β-carotene, DPPH and FRAP. The microbiological analyzes were carried out after harvest, after 7 days of cold storage and 7 days over 4 environment. The design was completely randomized (CRD) with factorial 5 x 8 (day trial x treatments) with three repetitions. There was a trend of organic fruit and ozonated have higher bioactive compounds contents, therefore higher antioxidant activity, which shows that ozone could replace chlorine without damage to fruit. In the second chapter, it performed the bioactive amines quantification of the pulp mango 'Palmer' organic and conventional, undergo four sanitization treatments: immersion in the tap water; in chlorinated water with 100 mg L-1 of sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and ozonization for 10 and 20 minutes postharvest and after seven days of cold storage followed by 4 and 8 ... / Doutor

Conhecimento, discurso e educação: contribuições para a análise da educação sem a metafísica do racionalismo. / Knowledge, discourse and education: contributions for the analysis of education without the metaphysics of rationalism.

Taddei, Renzo Romano 05 December 2000 (has links)
O objetivo é analisar as implicações da teorização pós-estruturalista para o pensamento educacional, especialmente no que se refere ao relativismo decorrente desta teorização, assunto que ganhou destaque nas discussões acadêmicas não só apenas de filosofia da educação como também nas relacionadas à filosofia da ciência e do pensamento social. Não se objetivou uma análise extensiva das possibilidades da filosofia pós-moderna para a educação, uma vez que a multiplicidade dos discursos, autores e idéias tornaria esta tarefa irrealizável e inadequada no que se refere ao escopo deste trabalho. Antes, o foco é estabelecido sobre a idéia da deposição das fundamentações realistas, racionalistas e naturalistas do discurso educacional, e sobre as críticas mais representativas que este movimento suscita na comunidade de pensadores da educação.


ROGÉRIO TILIO 16 August 2006 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese de doutorado tem como objetivo investigar o discurso dos livros didáticos de ensino de inglês como língua estrangeira e sua relação com a construção de identidades sociais dos alunos. Buscando verificar como estes livros representam sócio-discursivamente o mundo e os contextos culturais relacionados à língua alvo; observar em que medida oferecem oportunidades de voz aos alunos; e como situam-se em relação ao ensino e aprendizagem da língua inglesa, esta pesquisa adota uma teoria de linguagem de base sistêmico- funcional, uma perspectiva sócio-interacionista de ensino e aprendizagem e uma abordagem crítica de discurso e de cultura. A partir de uma visão não-essencialista das identidades e considerando a sociedade inserida na pós- modernidade, este trabalho analisa doze livros de ensino de inglês, de seis séries didáticas, nos níveis iniciante e intermediário. Os livros foram selecionados de acordo com parâmetros de variação quanto aos seus objetivos comunicativos, público alvo, local e data de publicação, bem como mercados consumidores. Os tópicos e os contextos culturais foram investigados para identificar a visão de mundo representada em cada livro (metafunção ideacional); as atividades propostas foram relacionadas aos papéis sociais imaginados pelo autor para os usuários projetados do livro e às oportunidades para o aluno mostrar sua voz (metafunção interpessoal); e a organização estrutural do material (metafunção textual) foi estudada com a finalidade de identificar as crenças do autor em relação ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem de inglês como língua estrangeira. A análise do corpus mostrou que as escolhas dos tópicos e dos contextos culturais propiciam uma visão de mundo que pode induzir os alunos a adotar determinadas identidades que são apresentadas como certas, socialmente aceitas e legitimadas nos livros. Os resultados apontam para uma visão de mundo, em oito dos doze livros, americanizada e europeizada, sendo o status e a visibilidade determinantes de sucesso, tal como na sociedade pós-moderna. A organização dos livros didáticos, muitas vezes tematizando o componente gramatical, mostra que os autores, em sua maioria, vêm o processo de ensino e aprendizagem como um conjunto de regras formais a serem apreendidas e reproduzidas e não como uma forma de agir no mundo. A análise das atividades propostas mostrou que há pouco espaço para a cultura dos aprendizes e poucas oportunidades para que mostrem sua voz e exerçam livremente suas identidades. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a importância da discussão das questões relevantes ligadas ao uso do livro didático e necessidade de conscientização dos alunos, professores e pesquisadores quanto à força social e discursiva destes materiais, que podem interferir na construção de identidades, de mundos e de crenças. / [en] The purpose of this research is to investigate the discourse of English as foreign language coursebooks and its relation to students´ construction of social identities. In order to observe socio-discursively how these books represent the world and the cultural contexts related to the English language; to investigate the extent to which they offer voice opportunities to students; and to identify the beliefs they reflect concerning the teaching and learning of English, this thesis adopts a systemic-functional approach to language, a socio- interactionist view of teaching and learning and a critical perspective of discourse and culture. Adopting a non-essentialist view of social identities and considering the insertion of society in post modernity, this research analyzes twelve English coursebooks, from six different series, at beginner and intermediate levels. Books were selected according to variation parameters involving communicative objectives, target audience, both place and date of publication, and consumer market. Topics and cultural contexts were investigated to identify the world view expressed in each book (ideational metafunction); exercises and activities were both related to the social roles imagined for projected book users and to students´ voice opportunities (interpersonal metafunction); finally, the structural organization of the materials (textual metafunction) was studied to identify authors´ beliefs concerning the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language. The analysis showed that the choice of topics and cultural contexts provides a world view that may lead students to adopt certain identities which are presented as the right ones, socially acceptable and legitimated in several books. Results also indicate, in eight out of the twelve books analyzed, the representation of an American and European world view, where status and visibility are crucial to success, in accordance with post modern society. The organization of the materials, which generally thematize grammar, shows that most authors understand the teaching and learning process as a set of formal rules to be apprehended and reproduced, rather than a way of acting in the world. The analysis of the exercises and activities showed that there is little space for learners´ cultures and few opportunities for them to show their voice and perform their identities freely. Results of this research point to the importance of discussing these issues and making students, teachers and researchers who deal with coursebooks aware of the social and discursive force inherent to the materials, which can interfere with the construction of identities, worlds and beliefs.


MARIA DAS GRACAS CUNHA GOMES 26 January 2009 (has links)
[pt] Envelhecimento Feminino e Espaço Público: a dimensão do aconchego e da política é um estudo sobre os processos interativos e políticos que constituem a base do protagonismo de mulheres em fase de envelhecimento. Esses processos que se evidenciam na publicização de projetos e colocam novas perspectivas para a experiência do envelhecimento decorrem de fatores relacionados aos padrões societários vigentes que moldam o indivíduo a uma lógica de adesão a determinados valores. Estes, no entanto, podem ser redefinidos para interesses que ampliem e potencializem os sujeitos na sua autonomia e poder decisório quanto aos rumos da sociedade desejada. O estudo contempla uma análise da natureza das práticas que se dão nos espaços associativos, freqüentados por mulheres idosas, e o reflexo dessas práticas para os projetos societários e pessoais delas. Trata-se de buscar um entendimento dos padrões que definem o perfil social da mulher idosa e de problematizar questões que envolvem mudanças e permanências. A análise visa, portanto, a uma melhor compreensão desse processo em face dos padrões de dominação e estereótipos vigentes e aponta para dois direcionamentos: um, predominante, que conforma a sociabilidade ancorada nos padrões de responsabilidade individual e outro, ainda incipiente, em que a dimensão coletiva se constitui como base para encaminhamento de questões de interesse público. Em ambas as direções, torna-se fundamental a redefinição do público e do privado. / [en] Elderly women and public space: the dimension of a cosy environment and its politics is a study on the interactive and political proceedings which are the basis of the protagonism of aging women. These proceedings which become clear the moment the projects are born and which bring forth new perspectives for an experience of aging, result from facts related to current society standards. These, however mould the individual to a logistics binding them to certain values which, can be redefined for interests that may amplify and power the individuals in their autonomy and decisionmaking, regarding the heading of the desired society. The study, likewise, targets on an analysis of nature of practices which occur at associated spaces frequented by elderly women and the result of these practices for the social and personal projects of those women. The study looks for an understanding of the standards which define the social profile of elderly women and bring birth to different complexities to issues involving changing and unchanging. The analysis provides a better understanding of this proceending regarding the current patterns of domination and stereotypes aiming at two targets: a prevailing one which places the sociability anchored in patterns of individual responsibility and the other one, still incipient, whose collective dimension becomes a basis to bringing to life issues of general interest. In both directions, the redefinition of the public and the private are fundamental dimensions to be taken into account.

An analysis of technology applications in the restaurant industry

Cavusoglu, Muhittin 25 March 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the utilization of Front of House and Back of House technology applications by U.S. restaurants across different types of restaurants along with their level of IT management style, and the importance of these technology applications to the restaurants' operations. This study used secondary data. The survey data collected from 500 randomly selected restaurant technology managers who are current subscribers of Hospitality Technology Magazine as of January 2013. Response rate was 27.2% and these sample groups represented 67,299 restaurant units. The data analysis was organized into 3 parts (descriptive, factor analysis and independent samples t-test). In the descriptive part of the data analysis, the information about respondents' job functions, company characteristics and companies' IT perspectives are evaluated. In the second part, factor analysis was used. Since the factor analysis is a data reduction technique, factor analysis is used to create correlated variable composites and to reduce variables for better interpretation. The third and final stage of the data analysis included testing hypotheses based on factor analysis outcomes by using an independent samples t-test. The main purpose of using an independent samples t-test is to determine whether position (IT versus Non-IT), types of restaurant (Chain versus Independent), business leadership and technology leadership (Innovator versus Follower) differ on the factor attributes.

多角化產品策略的財務效益- 以飛捷公司為例 / The financial effect of Flytech's product diversification

劉惠娟, Liu, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
POS (Point of Sales) 產業屬於工業電腦垂直應用領域的一環, 產品穩定度要求高,生命週期較長,技術層次高,對小公司形成進入壁壘;加上產品少量多樣,客製化比例偏高的特性,無法依單一規格標準化大量生產,國內電腦硬體大廠亦無意涉足,這使得台灣 POS 業在各電子業中競爭密度相對較低,至今 (2010) 仍享有較高的毛利率;POS 廠商亦較無多角化經營的壓力。 目前台灣上市、櫃及興櫃的 POS 企業共有五家,依其進入 POS 系統業的先後順序分別為振樺 (8114)、 拍檔 (3097)、伍豐 (8076)、鴻毅 (3521) 及飛捷 (6206)。 其中前四家廠商至今仍以單一 POS 目標市場為產品開發的重心。僅有最後進入 POS 業的飛捷在 2004 年決定由單一 POS 市場策略調整為多角化產品策略,延伸其原有的 POS 系統開發核心技術,橫向拓展更多垂直應用領域,以尋求規避單一市場的風險及達到穩定獲利的目標。 本論文以個案分析法,以飛捷公司做為實際案例,藉由 POS 業的產業分析、波特五力分析及個案公司內在 SWOT 分析來了解其選擇多角化產品目標市場的決策過程。透過其不同產品策略期間財務比率的分析來探討 POS 系統公司選擇不同的產品市場競爭策略,在不同的景氣循環下所產生的財務效益。研究發現: 單一產品市場策略在產業景氣佳時期固然可以為企業帶來快速的成長及可觀的利潤;然而唯有多角化的產品策略才能有效分散經營的風險,使企業在產業景氣反轉時仍能享有穩定的獲利。

Management in the project-oriented society

Gareis, Roland January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
A society, which applies frequently projects and programmes, and which provides project management-related education, research and marketing services, can be perceived as a project-oriented society (POS). More projects and programmes are performed in industry but also in new social areas, such as (small) municipalities, associations, schools and even families. "Management by Projects" becomes a macro-economic strategy of the society, to cope with complexity and dynamics and to ensure quality of the project results. In order to ensure international competitiveness through professionally managed projects and programmes more individuals and more organisations in the society have to be familiar with project management principles. Project and programme management competences are required not only in the industry but also in these new areas of application. A "project management cross-over" between business life and private life can be organised explicitly, to develop project management competences in families, schools, small municipalities, etc. Universities, PM associations, consulting and training companies, etc, have to take on responsibilities for the know how transfer from industry to individuals and organisations, representing these new areas of project management application. programm I austria - The Austrian Project Management Initiative promotes on the one hand the professionalisation of project and programme management, and of project portfolio management in the Austrian industry and on the other hand the application of project management in families and schools, in small municipalities and associations, in politics, in churches, etc. By that the maturity of Austria as a POS shall be further developed. First experiences were made with family projects, school projects and projects of small municipalities. (author's abstract) / Series: WU-Jahrestagung 2002

A Study of Participating Employees' Welfare Committee and Organizational Citizenship Behavior¡G Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediating Mechanism

Kuo, Pin-yi 10 August 2012 (has links)
According to the report, in the year 2008 there are more than 14,000 Employees' Welfare Committees, which proves Employees' Welfare Committee plays an important role between the employers and the employees in Taiwan . Therefore, in this study, we will try to compare two groups of people (participant and non-participant) to differentiate the differences in PSS (perceived supervisor support) , POS ( perceived organizational support) and OCBs ( organizational citizenship behavior ). Besides, we will also exanimate the composition of Employees' Welfare Committee to see if the people who have participated in Employees' Welfare Committee will trigger higher POS or PSS, and with a higher PSS or POS. Employees will be more motivated in their job performance and will work beyond the responsibilities given . This survey shows that the differences in PSS and POS between the two groups are not significant, however, the participated group in one dimension of OCBs ¢w Organizational Identification is significant. The further analysis shows that the number of members, the way of election, the welfares offered by the committee will have positive relationships with PSS and POS by assigning the HR to the committee. What¡¦s more, if the organizations can make good use of these components to let their employees perceive and understand how their organizations or supervisors put efforts on them when they participate in the Welfare Committee. Furthermore to influence employees to exhibit behavior which is not explicitly recognized by formal reward system but expected to be positively related to measures of organizational effects.

The impact of organizational climate variables of perceived organizational support, workplace isolation, and ethical climate on salesperson psychological and behavioral work outcomes

Riggle, Robert J 01 June 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to build and test a model that integrates the marketing, management, and psychological literature with respect to organizational climate variables and their direct and indirect impact on salesperson psychological and behavioral outcomes, as well as one that answers the overarching research question of how organizational climate variables impact salesperson psychological and behavioral work outcomes. Data were collected during the time period from April 2006 until May 2006. Three hundred survey invitations were sent via e-mail to salespeople at three organizations. The participating organizations included a privately owned publishing firm located in the southeastern United States, a large privately owned Internet recruiting firm located in the upper Midwest, and a publicly traded worldwide financial information reporting firm. In total, 251 responses were gathered yielding an overall response rate for the study of 83.6%. Generally, the results from this analysis confirm the research questions that climate variables such as perceived organizational support, ethical climate, and trust do positively impact salesperson psychological and behavioral outcomes. Managerial implications and directions for future research are also offered.

Exploring the Commitment of Contractor’s Employees in a Municipal Recreation Environment

Morley, Vanessa 12 December 2013 (has links)
With an increased focus on health promotion and chronic disease prevention, municipal recreation centres are becoming predominant places for community members to become physically engaged in a diversity of pursuits (Barnes, Maclean, & Cousens, 2010). Recreation Organizations are increasingly searching for flexibility in programming and staffing (Connelly, Gallagher, & Gilley, 2007; Coyle-Shapiro & Morrow, 2006; Lepak, Takeuchi, & Snell, 2003) and new forms of employee-employer relationships are evolving. One of the most common trends in the provision of recreation services is the use of third parties (contractors) who place their employees with client organizations (municipal recreation centres) on a long-term basis. This study explores the perspectives of four contract recreation service provider employees and their experiences delivering recreation programs at municipal recreation centres. Transcripts were used to illustrate each individual’s perspectives using their own words wherever possible and the four interviews were compared to identify similarities and differences. Three themes emerged from the interviews: focus of commitment, impact of perceived organizational support (POS) and the dynamic with the recreation centre. It was found that contractor’s employees in this type role were generally affectively committed to a variety of aspects of their jobs (the participants in the program, their career and the program/activity itself). Incidents were also identified that influenced POS (organizational policies and procedures and those perceived by the employee). It was also found that interactions with municipal recreation centre staff impacted the employee significantly. Future studies should explore this topic further and specific attention could be given to the working relationship between the contractor employee and the recreation centre. Research should also be conducted from the perspectives of the two other key players in this study: the recreation centre (recreation programmer) and the recreation contract service provider. / Graduate / 0680 / 0523 / 0575

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