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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Nationwide Study of Asthma and Allergy in Swedish Preschool Children : with Special Reference to Environment, Daycare, Prevalence, Co-ocurrence and Incidence

Bröms, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this project was to study the age and sex specific occurrence of atopic and non-atopic asthma and other atopic manifestations in a nationwide sample of Swedish pre-school children. Methods: All 70 allergen avoidance day-care centres (AADC) with 84 sections and 140 matched ordinary day-care centres with 440 sections in 62 municipalities across Sweden were sampled. In 2000 the staff at each section responded to a questionnaire on indoor and outdoor environment at the section. In 2002 parents of 5,886 children attending the AADCs and ODCs responded to a postal questionnaire regarding symptoms indicating prevalent asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, and food, furred pet and pollen allergy and other data in their children. In 2007, parents of 4255 children responded to an almost identical follow-up questionnaire. Results: The AADCs had far more strict rules than ODCs on furred pets and smoking at home and on perfume use, and the indoor environment was better, owing to better cleaning. The age specific asthma prevalence was curvilinear with a peak at age 3 of 11.4% among boys and 9.8% among girls. In addition the prevalence increased by municipality population density, a proxy for degree of urbanisation. There was a highly significant co-occurrence between all asthma-atopic manifestations, but there was no evidence of ordered sequence of manifestation onset. The asthma incidence was highly dependent on presence or absence of co-occurrence variables. Given the variable mix in the present study population, the annual asthma incidence ranged from 0.6% to 1.2%. Conclusions: AADCs had more strict rules and a better indoor environment than ODCs. The asthma prevalence was affected by age, sex and degree of urbanisation. There was close co-occurrence between all asthma and atopic manifestations but no evidence of ordered sequence of onsets. The annual asthma incidence was strongly dependent of co-occurrence conditions.

Spasticity after first-ever stroke

Lundström, Erik January 2009 (has links)
The prevalence of spasticity after first-ever stroke is approximately 20%, but there are no data on the prevalence of disabling spasticity.The reported prevalence of pain after stroke varies between 19% and 74%, whether pain is associated with spasticity is not known. Until now, there is no health economic analysis of patients with spasticity after stroke. Methods: Two groups of patients were studied. Cohort I was a cross-sectional survey. A representative sample of 140 patients was investigated 1 year after their first-ever stroke. Spasticity was defined as ≥ 1 score on the modified Ashworth scale, disabling spasticity was defined as spasticity having such an impact that intervention, e.g. intensive physiotherapy, orthoses or pharmacological treatment, should be offered. Pain was assesed with the Visual Analogue Scale. All direct costs during one year were identified and converted into Purchasing Power Parities US dollar (PPP$). Cohort II was a prospective cohort study. Forty-nine patients were examined at day 2–10, at one month, and at six months after their first-ever stroke. Assessment and definitions were similar as for cohort I. Results: Spasticity occurs within 1 month and disabling spasticity occur within 6 months. After one year, the prevalence of spasticity was 17% and that of  disabling spasticity 4%. Disabling spasticity was more frequent in the upper extremity. There was an independent effect of severe upper extremity paresis (OR 22, CI 3.9–125) and age below 65 years (OR 9.5, CI 1.5–60). The prevalence of stroke-related pain was 21% after one year. Stroke-related pain was associated with paresis (OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.2–7.7), sensory disturbance (OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.1–8.9) and depression (OR 4.1, 95% CI 1.4–13), but not with spasticity as an independent variable. The majority of the direct costs for one year (78%) were associated with hospitalization, whereas 20% was associated with municipality services. Only 1% of all direct costs were related to primary health care and 1% to medication. The mean (median, inter-quartile range) direct cost for stroke patients with spasticity was PPP$ 84 195 (72 116, 53 707) compared to PPP$ 21 842 (12 385, 17 484) for stroke patients without spasticity (P < 0.001).

Gibt es somatoforme Störungen bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen? Erste epidemiologische Befunde der Untersuchung einer bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Stichprobe / Are There Somatoform Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults? First Epidemiological Findings Based on a Representative Population Sample

Lieb, Roselind, Mastaler, Marianne, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 22 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Auf der Grundlage der Basisuntersuchung einer epidemiologischen prospektiven Verlaufsstudie (1995–1999) an 3021 Personen im Alter zwischen 14 und 24 Jahren werden epidemiologische Befunde zur Häufigkeit von somatoformen Beschwerden und somatoformen Syndromen/Störungen bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen berichtet. Die Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen wurden mit Hilfe des M-CIDI, einem standardisierten Interview zur Erfassung psychischer Symptome, Syndrome und Störungen nach dem DSM-IV, befragt. Die Ergebnisse der ersten Untersuchung zeigen, daß 50% der Jugendlichen einmal in ihrem bisherigen Leben unter einem somatoformen Symptom litten. Junge Frauen berichten häufiger von somatoformen Beschwerden als junge Männer (61 vs. 40%). Die im DSM-IV operationalisierten Kriterien einer somatoformen Störung werden nur von wenigen Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen (2,7%) erfüllt. Die Prävalenz erhöht sich jedoch, wenn man nicht ausschließlich voll ausgeprägte somatoforme Störungen, sondern zusätzlich unterschwellige Syndrome in die Betrachtung einschließt: Hier berichten etwa 11% der Jugendlichen von somatoformen Syndromen. Somatoforme Störungen/Syndrome zeigen sich häufig im Verbund mit anderen psychischen Störungen, wobei die Komorbidität mit dem Alter zunimmt. Wie unsere Analysen ergaben, berichten Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene mit somatoformen Störungen, aber auch solche mit unterschwelligen Syndromen, vermehrt Beeinträchtigungen in verschiedenen sozialen Rollenbereichen und der Arbeitsproduktivität. / As part of a longitudinal study, prevalence findings of somatoform symptoms, syndromes and disorders are presented for a random sample of 3021 respondents aged 14 to 24 years. The response rate was 71%. Assessment was made using the computer- assisted Munich-Composite International Interview (M-CIDI). Findings of the first part of the study revealed that 50% (men: 40%; women: 61%) of the sample once had a somatoform symptom in their life. Threshold somatoform disorders were rare with 2.7%. However, when including subthreshold somatoform syndromes (11%), the lifetime prevalence of any somatoform disorder/syndrome was 13%. Somatoform disorders and syndromes are often comorbid with other mental disorders, and comorbidity rises with age. Further, they are associated with disabilities and impairments in social and work domains.

Continued Needs for Epidemiological Studies of Mental Disorders in the Community

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 29 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Introduction: Faravelli et al. [1, 2] present findings on the lifetime, point and 1-year prevalence of mental disorders from their recent Sesto Fiorentino community survey in Italy. The publication of these study findings occurs at a time where some researchers and journal editors seem to have come to the conclusion that there is currently no further need for such cross-sectional studies on the prevalence of mental disorders. In fact, there have been pleas for a pause of such studies [3]. Highlighting several noteworthy features and findings from the survey of Faravelli et al. [1, 2], this editorial will challenge this attitude. The status, past and recent progress in the field of epidemiology of mental disorders will be critically discussed, in an attempt to underline the continued core role of descriptive epidemiological studies for our field and to identify future research needs.

NISAS-2000 - die "Nationwide Insomnia Screening and Awareness Study"

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Krause, Petra, Höfler, Michael, Winter, Susanne, Spiegel, Barbara, Hajak, Göran, Riemann, Dieter, Pittrow, David, Steiger, Axel, Pfister, Hildegard 29 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
ZIEL: Ermittlung der Stichtagsprävalenz von Insomnie und anderen Schlafstörungen in deutschen Allgemeinarztpraxen sowie Bestimmung hausärztlicher Erkennensraten. METHODIK: Bundesweite Zufallsauswahl von 539 Arztpraxen. Charakterisierung der Arzt- und Praxismerkmale mittels initialer Vorstudie. Darauf folgend eine Stichtagsbefragung aller Hausarzt-Patienten mittels Schlaffragebogen (PSQI) und klinischen Fragen (N = 19155 Fälle) sowie klinisch-ärztliche Beurteilung durch den behandelnden Artz mittels CGI und Fragebogen. ERGEBNISSE: 1. Trotz nur moderater Kompetenzeinschätzungen hinsichtlich Diagnose und Therapie behandeln Hausärzte Insomnien und andere Schlafstörungen vorwiegend selbst, auch wenn diese einen hohen Behandlungsaufwand erfordern. 2. Die Stichprobe kann als typisch für die Hausarzt-Klientel angesehen werden. 3. Schlafstörungen sind der dritthäufigste Konsultationsanlass. Nahezu jeder zweite Patient berichtete, in den vergangenen 2 Wochen unter Schlafbeschwerden gelitten zu haben, 26,5% erfüllten aufgrund der subjektiven Angaben die Studienkriterien (DSM-IV) für Insomnie. 4. Auch die Ärzte beurteilten 46,4% aller ihrer Patienten mittels CGI zumindest als Grenzfälle einer Schlafstörung, 85,6% wurden als chronisch eingeordnet. Die ärtzlich beurteilte Insomnieprävalenz betrug 25,9%, die anderer Schlafstörungen 13,7%. 5. Nur 54,3% aller Insomniepatienten wurden auch als solche vom Hausarzt diagnostiziert. DISKUSSION: Die Studie liefert erstmals bundesrepräsentative, differenzierte epidemiologische Daten zu der Prävalenz, dem Schweregrad, den Einschränkungen und den Verlaufsmustern von Insomnien und Schlafstörungen. Die außerordentlich große Häufigkeit und die zum Teil markanten Defizite hinsichtlich Erkennen und Diagnostik in der primärärztlichen Versorgungen werden diskutiert. / AIM: To estimate the point prevalence of insomnia, recognition and prescription behavior in primary care. METHODS: Nationwide sample of 539 primary care settings along with their characterization (stage 1). Standardized assessment of all attenders (N = 19.155 patients) on the NISAS target day using a sleep questionnaire (PSQI) and additional questions to cover psychosocial and additional clinical variables. All patients were evaluated by the primary care doctors using a standardized clinical appraisal questionnaire, including a CGI-rating. RESULTS: Prevalence insomnia according to DSM-IV was 26.5%. Recognition of presence of any clinically significant sleep disorder was 72%, recognition of insomnia was poor 54.3%. 85.6% of insomnia patients were rated as chronic. Close to 50% of all insomnia cases did not receive a specific insomnia therapy. Herbals, followed by hypnotics and sedatives and antidepressants were the three most frequent treatments applied, psychotherapy was only seldomly indicated. DISCUSSION: NISAS provides for the first time nationally representative estimates of interventions for insomnia in primary care. The relatively low treatment rates and the high proportion of chronic patients receiving longterm prescription of benzodiazepines seem to be critical. Priorities for future agenda to improve this situation are discussed.

Size and burden of social phobia in Europe

Fehm, Lydia, Pelissolo, Antoine, Furmark, Thomas, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 25 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This paper provides a critical review of the prevalence of social phobia in European countries, a description of associated disability and burden and of clinical correlates and risk factors associated with social phobia. On the basis of a comprehensive literature search we identified 21 community studies and two primary care studies. The median lifetime and 12-month prevalence rates of social phobia in community samples referring to DSM-III-R and DSM-IV criteria were 6.65% and 2.0%, respectively. Younger individuals showed the highest rates, and women were more frequently affected than men. Social phobia was shown to be a persistent condition with a remarkably high degree of comorbid conditions, associated impairment and disability. Research deficits lie in a lack of data for most EU countries and in a lack of studies in children and the elderly. No data are available addressing met and unmet needs for intervention and costs, and data for vulnerability and risk factors of malignant course are scarce.

Prevalence and age of onset for drug use in seven international sites: Results from the international consortium of psychiatric epidemiology

Vega, William A., Aguilar-Gaxiola, Sergio, Andrade, Laura, Bijl, Rob, Borges, Guilherme, Caraveo-Anduaga, Jorge J., DeWit, David J., Heeringa, Steven G., Kessler, Ronald C., Kolody, Bo, Merikangas, Kathleen R., Molnar, Beth E., Walters, Ellen E., Warner, Lynn A., Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 08 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study compares lifetime prevalence and age of first use (onset) for alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs in six international sites. Data from seven epidemiologic field surveys that used compatible instruments and study designs were compiled for cross-site analyses by the International Consortium of Psychiatric Epidemiology (ICPE). The world health organization’s composite international diagnostic instrument (WHO-CIDI) and additional items were used to ascertain drug use in each site. Lifetime use rates were estimated for alcohol, cannabis, and other illicit drugs. Survival analyses were used to estimate age of onset. Study settings and main results: use of alcohol twelve or more times ranged in descending order from the Netherlands (86.3%), United States (71.7%), Ontario, Canada (71.6%); São Paulo, Brazil (66.1%), Munich, Germany (64.9%), Fresno, California (USA) (51.9%), to Mexico City (43.2%). Use of cannabis five or more times in a lifetime ranged from 28.8 in the United States to 1.7% in Mexico City, and other drugs ranged from United States (19.4%) to Mexico City (1.7%). Age of first use was similar across study sites. This study demonstrates the fundamental uniformity of onset patterns by age as contrasted with wide variations in lifetime prevalences across sites. Study findings suggest that drug use patterns may change among emigrating populations from low consumption nations as a consequence of international resettlement in nations with higher rates. Methodological limitations of the study along with recommendations for future international comparative research are discussed.

Towards a better understanding of the size and burden and cost of brain disorders in Europe

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Jönsson, Bengt, Olesen, Jes 10 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This special issue was prepared within the framework of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Task Force on “Size and Burden of Mental Disorders in Europe”. The core aim of the Task Force was to describe the prevalence and the burden of treated and untreated mental disorders in all European member states and to highlight needs for further research. Ten state-of-theart epidemiological papers summarize the outcome of this project, making an attempt to provide for the first time ever prevalence estimates for a wide range of mental disorders, as well as for dementia and Parkinson’s disease in 28 European countries. These data also provide input for the European Brain Council (EBC, http://www.ebc-eurobrain. net) Initiative “Cost of Disorders of the Brain in Europe” aiming at estimating the cost of major classes of mental, neurological and neurosurgical disorders and conditions in Europe.

A Survey of perceived disability and contributing risk factors to work-related low back pain amongst nurses in Rwanda

Ndagijimana, Pierre Claver January 2011 (has links)
<p>Nursing is worldwide regarded as a high risk occupation for the development of work-related low back pain (WRLBP). LBP is one of the most common causes of disability, creating an important socio-economic problem in modern society. Studies report that more than 80% of&nbsp / workers suffer from WRLBP once in their occupational lives. Among nurses, the lifetime prevalence has been found to be higher, varying up to 90% of a nursing population. The current study aimed at determining the prevalence, perceived disability and contributing/risk factors to WRLBP among nurses in Rwanda, identifying the perceived contributing risk factors of WRLBP and intervention strategies received by those nurses. A descriptive quantitative cross-sectional survey using convenience sampling was used to gather data with a self-administered questionnaire on a sample of 226 nurses. The study population included all registered nurses of Kabgayi District Hospital and Nyanza District Hospitals and their respective health centers. To be included, the nurses had to have suffered from WRLBP during the previous 6 months before data collection. The Nordic Back Pain Questionnaire, the Oswestry Disability Index and an open-ended questionnaire regarding perceived risk factors have been used. Descriptive statistics to summarize data and inferential statistics such as chisquare test to test the relationship between different variables of the study have been studied at 5% levels. Correlation coefficients in terms of cross-tabulation were also studied at 1% level of significance. The current study highlights one-month prevalent rates of 70.4%, and one-week prevalent rates of 54.4%. WRLBP among nurses has been found to be significantly associated with gender according to the p-value of 0.007 among the studied variables, and good correlation coefficients between disability scores, together with the length of WRLBP and BMI with 0.0001, 0.0030 respectively. Nurses in the current study reported WRLBP as a result of a wide range of factors related to their work, manual handling being the major physical work activity exposing them to WRLBP. The perceived risk factors for WRLBP reported in this study were classified into 4 categories. The first category included work positional factors such as standing, sitting, bending, and awkward work postures. The second group included work-related nursing tasks such as lifting patients and items at work, repositioning and transferring patients, bed making, washing patients, and many others. In the third group, psychosocial factors like poor relationship with colleagues, work pressure and reduced job satisfaction have been listed. Finally, some non-occupational factors such as aging, pregnancy, menstruation, history of back pain, being female and body built have also been perceived as contributing factors to WRLBP. The Oswestry Disability Index demonstrated a mild to moderate disability due to WRLBP in this group of nurses. WRLBP has a negative impact in health services due to activity limitation, lost time and lowered productivity. The study concludes that nurses must be protected from ergonomic work stressors, and improvement of awareness of&nbsp / urses with regards to ergonomic stressors seems to be crucial. However, an effort by different parties concerned with the problem at all levels in Rwanda is needed. The government of Rwanda, through the Ministry of Health in particular, will be recommended to put strategies in place for the management, reduction and prevention of WRLBP amongst health workers, especially in the nursing population.</p>

Patterns of antihypertensive drug utilization in primary care

Pittrow, David, Kirch, Wilhelm, Bramlage, Peter, Lehnert, Hendrik, Höfler, Michael, Unger, Thomas, Sharma, Arya M., Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 21 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background: In the treatment of hypertension, physicians’ attitudes and practice patterns are receiving increased attention as contributors to poor blood pressure (BP) control. Thus, current use of antihypertensive drugs in primary care was analyzed and the association with selected physician and patient characteristics was assessed. Methods: The Hypertension and Diabetes Risk Screening and Awareness (HYDRA) study is a cross-sectional point prevalence study of 45,125 primary care attendees recruited from a representative nationwide sample of 1912 primary care practices in Germany. Prescription frequencies of the various antihypertensive drugs in the individual patients were recorded by the physicians using standardized questionnaires. We assessed the association of patient variables [age, gender; co-morbidities such as diabetes, nephropathy or coronary heart disease (CHD)] and physician variables (general practitioner vs internist, guideline adherence, etc.) with drug treatment intensity and prescription patterns. Results: Of all 43,549 patients for whom a physician diagnosis on hypertension or diabetes was available, 17,485 (40.1%) had hypertension. Of these hypertensive patients, 1647 (9.4%) received no treatment at all, 1191 (6.8%) received non-pharmacological measures only, and 14,647 (83.8%) were given one or more antihypertensive drugs. Drug treatment rates were lower in young patients (16–40 years: 57.4%). BP control was poor: 70.6% of all patients were not normalized, i.e., had BP ≥140/90 mmHg. Antihypertensive treatment was generally intensified with increasing age, or if complications or comorbidities were present. The use of the different drug classes was rather uniform across the various patient subgroups (e.g., by age and gender). Individualized treatment with regard to co-morbidities as recommended in guidelines was not the rule. Adherence to guidelines as self-reported by physicians as well as other physician characteristics (region, training etc.) did not result in more differentiated prescription pattern. Conclusions: Despite the broad armamentarium of drug treatment options, physicians in primary care did not treat hypertension aggressively enough. Treatment was only intensified at a late stage, after complications had occurred. Treatment should be more differentiated in terms of coexisting morbidities such as diabetes, nephropathy, or CHD.

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