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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti eliminace rizik recidivy u osob podmíněně propuštěných z výkonu trestu odnětí svobody / Elimination of the Risk of Recidivism of People Conditionally Released on Parole

VALÍČKOVÁ, Světlana January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The thesis titled - The possibility of eliminating the risk of recurrence of persons conditionally released from prison (the prison sentence) can illuminate current topic of criminal recidivism at a time whenmore and more discussion about prison overcrowding and the improvement of efficiency and alternative sanctions is debated in society. The theoretical part is divided into four chapters, in which I try to clarify the key issues. I explain different terms, mention the statistical data, I describe possible relapse prevention tools e.g. treatment programs or alternative sanctions. I refer to innovation tools of the criminal policy, e.g. Electronic monitoring or Probation Homes. I mention subjects dealing with prevention of criminal recidivism. The empirical part describes the research and it is divided into two chapters. To achieve its objective, I chose the strategy of qualitative research, an interrogation method and semi - structured interview technique. The first part was realized on a research sample of nine clients conditionally released from prison with a supervision of the probation officer. The second part of the research was conducted on a sample of eight probation officers from the Probation and Mediation Service (PMS) in the South Bohemia. The main goal was to map the instruments used in the context of prevention of recurrence of persons conditionally released from prison by probation officers. Results showed that the list of instruments is extremely diverse. Analysis of self - assessment, professional interview and assistance of the other organizations e.g. Labor office, police, NGOs or debt counseling are the most preferred ones. The first sub - objective was to findopinions of probation officers on implementing new instruments helping to reduce recidivism and to reveal their possible advantages and disadvantages of them. Results showed that electronic monitoring as a new tool is welcomed by probation officersand they are believed to increase efficiency of the home imprisonment sentence. The most of respondents identified the implementing of Probation Homes as useful, particularly in the area of strengthening the social functioning of the client. The second sub - objective was to describe differences in risk of recurrence from the perspective of persons conditionally released from prison to probation officers. The research results showed that probation officers and their clients have different points of view on the matter. The officers said their clients were not able to see "yourself", they had no lack of self - reflection and the ability to learn from the crime they had committed. People released from prison are the most feared of drug addictionand gambling or job loss. This thesis is supposed to bring insight into reducing the risk of recurrence issue and recently introduced tools in this field. Furthermore, to point out the difference in the view and riskassessment of recurrence between probation officers and their clients.

Probace a její prvky v českém právu / The probation and its components in the Czech Justice

BOUCHALOVÁ, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
The probation {--} probare in Latin means to examine and verify. The probation can be understood as an alternative of unconditional sentence. Its principal is not only to protect society but also to re {--} educate criminals and to protect them againts harmful consequences of execution of confinement. The probation is one of the methods of treating criminals whereat both aspects penological and social are combined. It is not perceived only as summary of sanction precautions but also as a number of services, activities and operations which are provided by Probation and Mediation Services. The meaning of probation lies in more various access to a treating of criminals of different delicts, using other, more efficient means as a reaction to less serious criminality then confinement is and creating better conditions and ways of major crime sanctions. Criminals are spare from harmful effects which are connected with execution of confinement and they are not exposed to negative experiences with stay in prison.

La place de la probation parmi les sanctions pénales : étude comparative du droit pénal bulgare et du droit pénal francais / The place of the probation among criminal sanctions : comparative studies in bulgarian and french criminal law

Velev, Ognyan Lyubomirov 20 December 2013 (has links)
La probation a été introduite dans la législation bulgare en 2002 (JO, n° 92/2002). Lenouvel article 42a est apparu dans le Code pénal, définissant la probation comme « unensemble de mesures de contrôle et de traitement non privatives de liberté » et la classantparmi les peines de notre droit répressif (par la même loi, les peines d’assignation à unelocalité sans privation de liberté et d’interdiction d’habiter dans une localité déterminée ontété supprimées). Les mesures de probation se divisent en obligatoires et facultatives. Lespremières sont : 1. enregistrement obligatoire 1 et 2. rendez-vous périodiques obligatoiresavec l’agent de probation2. Les secondes, dont le tribunal peut infliger une ou plusieurs, sont :1. restrictions de la liberté de déplacement3 ; 2. participation aux stages de qualificationprofessionnelle, programmes de traitement social 4 ; 3. travail correctionnel 5 ; 4. travaild’intérêt général6.En droit français la probation est introduite en 1958 sous la forme d’un nouveau typede sursis – « le sursis avec mise à l’épreuve ». Il est créé par « l’attachement » d’un régimecomposé de différentes mesures au sursis simple que la France connaît depuis 1891 et dans le cadre duquel la seule obligation pour le condamné est de ne pas violer de nouveau la loipénale. Le législateur français, en adoptant cette approche, a respecté la conception classiquede la probation qui apparaît sous sa forme moderne, comme un tel type de sursis justement,aux USA et en Angleterre au XIX siècle. / The main goal of the dissertation is to provide an analysis of the legal nature of the probation in the Bulgarian criminal law. The probation was firstly introduced in the Bulgarian legislation in 2002. The purpose of the probation was to become a new penalty type in the system of criminal sanctions of the Bulgarian Penal Code. In the positive Bulgarian law the probation is a sanction made up of six separate measures.Undoubtedly, the probation is a product of the Anglo-Saxon legal system. It is a classic Anglo-Saxon version of the well-known criminal institute "conditional sentence".In France, where the term of probation is not a legal term, it is traditionally assumed that it indicates precisely a specific type of conditional sentence - "conditional sentencing in for testing" which bears the specifics of the Anglo-Saxon probation.The dissertation presents, by adhering to the historical and comparative methods, that the natural and logical role of the probation in the repressive matter is not to be a penalty but a combination of other type of criminal sanctions - security measures.The dissertation also presents the practical purpose of such perception of the probation, which should lead to significant legislative changes in its regulation in the Bulgarian law.

Probation Programming’s Use of Assessment and Its Effect on Youth Outcomes

Brooks, Ashley 22 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Aktivity Probační a mediační služby ČR v rámci alternativních trestů / Activities of the Probation and Madiation Service of alternative sentences

Konečný, Roman January 2013 (has links)
1 Abstract Thesis deals with the implementation of elements of restorative justice in the Czech criminal law, especially in the prison system. The work identifies and analyzes the basic problems of the Czech prison system and their impacts on public policies in the Czech Republic, especially overcrowding of jails, and the way, how the state, and especially through the Probation and Mediation Service, solves this problem. This work analyzes, how successful is the implementation of alternative punishments, what tools the state has to reducing the number of people in prisons and how to reduce overcrowding in jails. In the work I also identify the role of the Probation and Mediation Service in the issue of alternative sanctions. In the work I also suggest, how to solve these problems.

Punir hors les murs : Sanctionner autrement l'auteur d'un délit passible de cinq ans d'emprisonnement / Punish except wals : Sanction to otherwise the author of an offence liable to five years of detention

Jeanpierre, Virginie 19 October 2018 (has links)
La sanction des infractions délictuelles constitue le nœud gordien d’une politique pénale contemporaine largement désapprouvée. Privilégiée, la peine privative de liberté manifeste de multiples défaillances portant atteinte à sa crédibilité. Les peines d’emprisonnement inférieures ou égales à cinq ans exécutées principalement en maison d’arrêt sont les plus problématiques car nombreuses. Elles sont le plus souvent inadaptées à la délinquance contemporaine. Si des alternatives, déjà anciennes et d’autres plus récentes, existent, elles ne sont que peu prononcées alors même que leur utilité sociale en matière de réinsertion et de lutte contre la récidive ne paraît plus à prouver. La punition hors les murs de l’infraction délictuelle est une thématique politique et législative récurrente. Cependant, elle ne parvient pas à s’ancrer véritablement dans le paysage judiciaire français ; son enracinement étant notamment freiné par le défaut d’adhésion des magistrats en partie conditionné par des mécanismes procéduraux pourvoyeurs de peine privative de liberté. L’heure du changement de paradigme a pourtant sonné dès lors que la peine d’emprisonnement ne permet pas d’agir sur les causes de l’acte infractionnel et du passage à l’acte. Il est également temps de soulager une situation carcérale exsangue ne permettant plus à l’Administration pénitentiaire d’assurer convenablement ses missions de garde et de réinsertion. Albert Camus écrivait qu’une société se juge à l’état de ses prisons, la société française ne peut persister à épandre une telle incarnation de sa politique pénale. Aussi, au travers de mécanismes procéduraux perfectionnés, de l’influence d’exemples positifs du droit comparé, grâce au faire-valoir des ressources intrinsèques des services pénitentiaires d’insertion et de probation, à la rédaction nouvelle d’articles fondamentaux du Code pénal et au déploiement de moyens adéquats, la punition hors les murs des délits passibles de cinq ans d’emprisonnement devient accessible et tangible. / The penalty of the criminal breaches constitutes the Gordian knot of a widely disapproved contemporary penal policy. Privileged, the custodial sentence shows multiple failures striking a blow at its credibility. The lower prison sentences or five-year-old equals executed mainly in detention center are the most problematic because numerous. They are badly adapted for the contemporary crime. If alternatives, already older and others more recent, exist, they are only little pronounced even though their social utility regarding rehabilitation and regarding fight against the repeat offense does not any more appear to prove. The punishment outside the walls of the criminal breach is a recurring political and legislative theme. Nevertheless, it does not succeed in anchoring really in the French judicial landscape; its implanting being slowed down in particular by the defect of membership of the magistrates partially conditioned by procedural mechanisms suppliers of custodial sentence. The hour of the change of paradigm nevertheless rang since the prison sentence does not allow to act on the causes of the unlawful act and the acting out. It’s also necessary time to relieve a pale prison situation not allowing anymore the Prison Service to assure suitably its missions of guard and rehabilitation. Albert Camus wrote that a society judges itself in the state of its prisons, the French society cannot persist in spreading such an embodiment of its penal policy. So, through sophisticated procedural mechanisms, the influence of positive examples of the comparative law, thanks to the use of the intrinsic resources of the prison departments of insertion and probation, to the new writing of fundamental articles of the Penal code and to the deployment of adequate means, the punishment outside the walls of the offences punished for five years of detention becomes accessible and tangible.

Dohled jako sociálně pedagogický nástroj při práci s pachateli závažné trestné činnosti / The supervision as a social pedagogical tool in work with offenders of serious crime

Pečinková, Tereza January 2022 (has links)
The thesis focuses on probation supervision of offenders of serious crime, which can be considered a tool of in working with clients. The thesis has a theoretical-empirical character. The aim of this thesis is to determine the degree of influence of probation supervision on offenders of serious crime from the perspective of a probation officer. The theoretical part of the thesis is first devoted to the general issue of restorative justice and the Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic, which is an important institution in the field of criminal justice and social work. Then the thesis deals specifically with probation supervision. The next chapter defines serious crime and the specifics of supervision of its offenders. The supervision itself is also described from a social pedagogical perspective. The theoretical part of the thesis is rounded off by a summary of some existing Czech research in this field. In the empirical part, the analysis of data obtained by means of open coding from semi- structured interviews with probation officers carrying out the probation supervision agenda is carried out. The interviews were used to determine whether the purpose of probation supervision, which is to resocialise the offender of serious crime, change their behaviour and prevent them from...

”Nu tar vi alla ett steg fram” : En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella inom frivården och socialtjänsten upplever samverkan vid påföljden ungdomsövervakning / "Now we all take a step forward" : A qualitative study on how professionals in probation and social services experience collaboration in the new sanction of youth supervision

Lindéen, Vilma, Arvidsson, Julia January 2024 (has links)
Juvenile delinquency is a social problem and has existed for a long time. Combating juvenile delinquency requires that agencies transcend their organizational boundaries and cooperate with each other. An example of such cooperation is the new sanction of youth supervision. The probation service and social services must work together to achieve their common goals, which include preventing young people from reoffending. The new law on juvenile supervision was implemented in 2021 and is therefore relatively new for the professionals who will work with it, which will be of interest to this study as it examines professionals' experiences of collaboration when the sanction becomes relevant. Data was collected through interviews with two professionals from social services and seven professionals from probation services. The empirical data has been analyzed thematically. The results of the study show that there are several factors that can both inhibit and favor collaboration. A few factors that can favor collaboration is a functional communication between the two organizations and a professional who are committed and interested in both the law and the work that concerns collaboration. A few factors that can inhibit a collaboration is lack of knowledge and a vague leadership. The existing collaboration between probation services and social services can be improved because the result of our study shows that a few of the aforementioned factors are deficient which can affect the collaboration between the two agencies.

The daily accounts of an internship in probation as performed at the Pima County Juvenile Court Tucson, Arizona, February 1, 1960 to April 5, 1960

Brotherton, William L. January 1960 (has links)
Diary in lieu of thesis (M.P.A. - Public Administration) -- University of Arizona.

L'intervention psychosociale auprès des jeunes contrevenants au Québec la perception des intervenants sur les pratiques d'aide axées sur la responsabilisation et l'insertion sociale des jeunes : exemples du Centre jeunesse de l'Estrie (CJE)

Sene, Fatema January 2008 (has links)
Le but de la recherche est de connaître les pratiques des intervenants qui, de leur point de vue, aident le plus les jeunes contrevenants qui se trouvent en milieu de garde ou en suivi probatoire, à se responsabiliser et à s'insérer dans leur milieu de vie. Plus spécifiquement, les objectifs poursuivis sont d'abord de connaître, du point de vue des intervenants, les pratiques qui soutiennent l'intervention auprès des jeunes contrevenants, en vue de leur responsabilisation et de leur insertion sociale, ensuite d'identifier les pratiques à promouvoir pour mieux favoriser la responsabilisation et l'insertion sociale des jeunes contrevenants et enfin d'identifier les obstacles et les défis à relever pour améliorer les pratiques. L'étude est de type qualitatif exploratoire. Elle est effectuée dans deux points de service du centre jeunesse de l'Estrie, Duffrin et à Val du Lac. Dix intervenants sélectionnés à partir de leur expérience en jeunes contrevenants, ont participé à l'étude. Les entrevues individuelles semi dirigées, sont réalisées à partir d'un canevas d'entretien. De façon générale, les résultats ont montré que les intervenants utilisent leur savoir, leur savoir faire et le savoir être pour accompagner et aider les jeunes à développer des habiletés personnelles et sociales, ainsi que des compétences qui devraient leur permettre de vivre en harmonie dans leur milieu de vie et d'être autonomes. Les intervenants travaillent en collaboration avec les familles des jeunes et s'adressent aux ressources du milieu et à la communauté, afin de mieux répondre aux besoins multiples des jeunes et des parents. Les intervenants trouvent toutes les pratiques aidantes, mais ils ont identifié parmi elles, certaines qu'ils recommandent de maintenir et de promouvoir dans l'intervention. L'étude confirme la plupart des écrits trouvés dans la littérature sur l'intervention auprès des jeunes délinquants en ce qui concerne les approches utilisées, l'orientation des programmes et les collaborateurs des intervenants. Cependant, elle a permis de découvrir les obstacles aux pratiques et les défis que le centre jeunesse doit relever pour offrir un meilleur encadrement aux jeunes contrevenants. Il s'agit des comportements antisociaux notés chez les jeunes, des difficultés personnelles des parents, des problèmes d'ordre organisationnel (manque de ressources humaines et matérielles, manque de communication intra et inter organisationnelle), des lacunes et des incohérences dans l'application de la LSJPA. La révision de cette loi est considérée par les intervenants comme le plus grand défi à relever. Mais étant donné que c'est une loi fédérale, il n'est pas possible de l'arrêter à court terme. Pour faire face à ces obstacles et défis, les intervenants pensent qu'il faut favoriser le développement des programmes liés aux problématiques des jeunes, l'organisation des services, l'amélioration des processus cliniques (utilisation des outils cliniques, formation continue des intervenants et continuité dans l'intervention) et enfin l'amélioration du fonctionnement organisationnel (renforcer les ressources humaines et matérielles, développer le partenariat externe et interne, assurer les conditions de base à une intervention de qualité). En ce qui concerne la LSJPA, il faut adopter des stratégies qui permettront de réduire les méfaits sur les pratiques et l'intervention en générale.

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