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Indexation pour la recherche par le contenu textuel de flux RSS / Indexing by content in RSS systemsHmedeh, Zeinab 10 December 2013 (has links)
Afin de réduire l’intervalle de temps nécessaire entre la publication de l’information sur le Web et sa consultation par les utilisateurs, les sites Web reposent sur le principe de la Syndication Web. Les fournisseurs d’information diffusent les nouvelles informations à travers des flux RSS auxquels les utilisateurs intéressés peuvent s’abonner. L’objectif de la thèse est de proposer un système de notification passant à l’échelle du Web, prenant en considération le grand nombre d’utilisateurs et le débit élevé d’items. Nous proposons un index basé sur les mots-clés des requêtes utilisateurs permettant de retrouver ceux-ci dans les items des flux. Trois structures d’indexation de souscriptions sont présentées. Un modèle analytique pour estimer le temps de traitement et l’espace mémoire de chaque structure est détaillé. Nous menons une étude expérimentale approfondie de l’impact de plusieurs paramètres sur ces structures. Pour les souscriptions jamais notifiées, nous adaptons les index étudiés pour prendre en considération leur satisfaction partielle. Afin de réduire le nombre d’items reçus par l’utilisateur, nous intégrons une deuxième phase de filtrage par nouveauté et diversité considérant l’ensemble d’items déjà reçus par l’utilisateur. / Based on a Publish/Subscribe paradigm, Web Syndication formats such as RSS have emerged as a popular means for timely delivery of frequently updated Web content. According to these formats, information publishers provide brief summaries of the content they deliver on the Web, while information consumers subscribe to a number of RSS feeds and get informed about newly published items. The goal of this thesis is to propose a notification system which scales on the Web. To deal with this issue, we should take into account the large number of users on the Web and the high publication rate of items. We propose a keyword-based index for user subscriptions to match it on the fly with incoming items. We study three indexing techniques for user subscriptions. We present analytical models to estimate memory requirements and matching time. We also conduct a thorough experimental evaluation to exhibit the impact of critical workload parameters on these structures. For subscriptions which are never notified, we adapt the indexes to support a partial matching between subscriptions and items. We integrate a diversity and novelty filtering step in our system in order to decrease the number of notified items for short subscriptions. This filtering is based on the set of items already received by the user.
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A CoAP Publish-Subscribe Broker for More Resource-Efficient Wireless Sensor NetworksOudishu, Ramcin, Gärdborn, Pethrus January 2018 (has links)
With the rapid development of the Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are deployed increasingly all over the world, providing data that can help increase sustainable development. Currently in Uppsala, Sweden, the GreenIoT project monitors air pollution by using WSNs. The resource constrained nature of WSNs demand that special care is taken in the design of communication models and communication protocols. The publish-subscribe (pub/sub) model suits WSNs very well since it puts an intermediary the broker server between sensor nodes and clients, thus alleviating the workload of the sensor nodes. The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) is currently in the process of standardizing a pub/sub extension to the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP). Since the extension is such a recent addition to CoAP and not yet standardized, there are very few actual implementations of it and little is known of how it would work in practice. The GreenIoT project is considering replacement of their current pub/sub broker with the CoAP pub/sub broker since its underlying implementation is likely to be more energy efficient and the standardizing organization behind CoAP is the well-esteemed IETF. On a general level, this report offers an investigation of the problems and challenges faced when implementing the CoAP pub/sub extension with respect to design choices, implementation and protocol ambiguities. More specifically, a CoAP pub/sub broker is implemented for the GreenIoT project. By means of carefully analyzing the CoAP protocol and CoAP pub/sub draft as well as other necessary protocols, then proceeding to make decisions of what programming language to use as well as what existing CoAP library to use, a broker server was implemented and tested iteratively as the work proceeded. The implementation gave rise to several questions regarding the pub/sub draft which are also discussed in the report. / Den hastiga utvecklingen av Sakernas Internet över hela världen har medfört ett ökat användande av trådlösa sensornätverk vars datainsamling kan bidra till en mer hållbar utveckling. För närvarande använder sig GreenIoT-projektet i Uppsala av trådlösa sensornätverk för att övervaka halterna av luftföroreningar. Resursbegränsningarna för dylika nätverk medför att särskild hänsyn måste tas vid design av såväl kommunikationsmodeller som kommunikationsprotokoll. Modellen Publicera-Prenumerera (pub/pre) passar ypperligt för trådlösa sensornätverk då en mellanhand placeras mellan klient och server en s.k. broker vilket får den positiva effekten att att sensornoderna avlastas. För närvarande är IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) i färd med att standardisera en pub/pre-utvidgning av det redan standardiserade CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol). Eftersom att utvidgningen är så pass ny finns ytterst få implementationer av den och man vet därmed väldigt lite om hur den faktiskt fungerar i praktiken. GreenIoT-projektet överväger att ersätta sin nuvarande pub/pre-broker med en CoAP pub/pre-broker eftersom att energianvändningen kan antas bli lägre samt att standardiseringsorganisationen bakom CoAP är det välrenommerade IETF. Sett ur ett större perspektiv erbjuder denna rapport en undersökning av de problem och utmaningar man ställs inför vid implementation av CoAP pub/pre-utvidgningen med avseende på designval, implementationsval, och protokolltvetydigheter. Mer konkret implementeras en CoAP pub/pre-broker åt GreenIoT-projektet. Genom att först noggrant analysera CoAP-protokollet, CoAP pub/pre-utkastet, liksom andra nödvändiga protokoll, för att därefter bestämma vilket programmeringsspråk och vilket existerande CoAP-bibliotek som skulle användas, implementerades en broker server som testades iterativt under processens gång. Ett flertal frågor som uppstod rörande pub/pre-utkastet presenteras och diskuteras i rapporten.
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Проект. Подготовка и издание книги стихов : магистерская диссертация / Project. Preparing and publishing a book of poemsКалугина, Е. Р., Kalugina, E. R. January 2022 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех глав, библиографического списка и списка словарей. Во введении обоснована актуальность выбранной темы, поставлены цели и задачи. Главная цель проекта — это издание книги стихотворений. В первой главе рассматривается история русского стихосложения. Во второй главе обозначены принципы составления книг поэзии. В третьей главе представлен макет авторского сборника стихотворений. Общий объем работы составляет 80 страниц. / The graduation thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a bibliography, and a list of dictionaries. In the introduction, the relevance of the chosen topic is substantiated, goals and objectives are set. The main goal of the project is to publish a book of poems. The first chapter deals with the history of Russian versification. The second chapter outlines the principles for compiling books of poetry. The third chapter presents the layout of the author's collection of poems. The total volume of work is 80 pages.
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Smart parking : Network, infrastructure and urban service / Parking intelligent : Réseaux, infrastructures et services urbainsLin, Trista Shuenying 17 December 2015 (has links)
Le parking intelligent, permettant aux conducteurs d'accéder aux informations de stationnement sur leurs appareils mobiles, réduit les difficultés des usagers. Tout d'abord, nous mettons en lumière la manière de recueillir les informations de parking en introduisant une architecture de réseaux de capteurs multi-saut, et les modèles d'intensité applicative en examinant la probabilité d'arrivées et de départs de véhicules. Puis nous étudions la stratégie de déploiement des réseaux de capteurs et définissons un problème multi-objectifs, puis nous le résolvons sur deux cartes de parking réelles. Ensuite, nous définissons un service Publish-Subscribe pour fournir aux conducteurs des informations pertinentes. Nous illustrons le système dans des réseaux véhiculaires et mobiles et soulignons l'importance du contenu et du contexte du message au conducteur. Afin d'évaluer la résilience du système, nous proposons un modèle Publish-Subscribe étendu et nous l'évaluons dans différentes circonstances imprévues. Notre travail est basé sur la prémisse que les capteurs de parking sont déployés à une grande échelle dans la ville. Nous considérons une vue d'ensemble des services urbains du point de vue de la municipalité. Ainsi, nous faisons la lumière sur deux thèmes principaux: la collecte d'informations sur le déploiement de capteurs et un modèle étendu de Publish-Subscribe. Notre travail donne un guide avant de démarrer un projet de parking intelligent ou tout service urbain similaire en temps réel. Il fournit également une plate-forme d'évaluation valable pour tester des jeux de données plus réalistes, comme des traces de véhicules ou de trafic réseau. / Smart parking, allowing drivers to access parking information through their smart-phone, is proposed to ease drivers' pain. We first spotlight the manner to collect parking information by introducing the multi-hop sensor network architecture, and how the network is formed. We then introduce the traffic intensity models by looking at the vehicle's arrival and departure probabilities, following the heavy-tailed distribution. We study the deployment strategy of wireless on-street parking sensor layouts. We define a multiple-objective problem and solve it with two real street parking maps. In turn, we present a Publish-Subscribe service system to provide good parking information to drivers. We illustrate the system with a vehicular network and point out the importance of content and context of a driver’s message. To evaluate the resilience, we propose an extended Publish-Subscribe model, and evaluate it under different unforeseen circumstances. Our work is based on the premise that large-scale parking sensors are deployed in the city. We look at the whole picture of urban service from viewpoint of the municipality. As such, we shed light on two main topics: the information collection on sensor deployment and an extended version of Publish-Subscribe messaging paradigm. Our work gives a guideline from network-related perspectives for city before launching a smart parking or any similar real-time urban service. It also provides a meaningful evaluation platform for testing more realistic datasets, such as real vehicle traces or network traffic.
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Le développement du neuromarketing aux Etats-Unis et en France. Acteurs-réseaux, traces et controverses / The comparative development of neuromarketing between the United States and France : Actor-networks, traces and controversiesTeboul, Bruno 20 September 2016 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche explore de manière comparée le développement du neuromarketing aux Etats-Unis et en France. Nous commençons par analyser la littérature sur le neuromarketing. Nous utilisons comme cadre théorique et méthodologique l’Actor Network Theory (ANT) ou Théorie de l’Acteur-Réseau (dans le sillage des travaux de Bruno Latour et Michel Callon). Nous montrons ainsi comment des actants « humains et non-humains »: acteurs-réseaux, traces (publications) et controverses forment les piliers d’une nouvelle discipline telle que le neuromarketing. Notre approche hybride « qualitative-quantitative », nous permet de construire une méthodologie appliquée de l’ANT: analyse bibliométrique (Publish Or Perish), text mining, clustering et analyse sémantique de la littérature scientifique et web du neuromarketing. A partir de ces résultats, nous construisons des cartographies, sous forme de graphes en réseau (Gephi) qui révèlent les interrelations et les associations entre acteurs, traces et controverses autour du neuromarketing. / Our research explores the comparative development of neuromarketing between the United States and France. We start by analyzing the literature on neuromarketing. We use as theoretical and methodological framework the Actor Network Theory (ANT) (in the wake of the work of Bruno Latour and Michel Callon). We show how “human and non-human” entities (“actants”): actor-network, traces (publications) and controversies form the pillars of a new discipline such as the neuromarketing. Our hybrid approach “qualitative-quantitative” allows us to build an applied methodology of the ANT: bibliometric analysis (Publish Or Perish), text mining, clustering and semantic analysis of the scientific literature and web of the neuromarketing. From these results, we build data visualizations, mapping of network graphs (Gephi) that reveal the interrelations and associations between actors, traces and controversies about neuromarketing.
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台灣推理小說文化生產場域的行動者分析 / An analysis of agencies in the field of Taiwanese detective novels production劉芮菁, Liou, Ray-Jing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究也發現,這些本土創作者儘管部分堅持推理小說獨特的美學,但主要是受到翻譯書市場排擠,只能以文學獎獲得出版機會,被迫形成小眾市場。本土推理創作因此在台灣形成「小眾」的「通俗文學」。 / Since 2000 A.D, lots of translated detective novels have being published in Taiwan, and noted American and Japanese novelists come to Taiwan to do signing for new books, which demonstrates that detective novel is popular in Taiwan. Nevertheless, there are seldom local detective novels to be published compared to the large market. The paper quoted the theory of field of cultural production by Pierre Bourdieu, and analyzed how the creators and cultural intermediaries’ form of capitals and aesthetic standards have constructing the production mechanism and logistics process of local and foreign novels in order to understand how the market of detective novels in Taiwan are dominated by foreign products.
As for the research method, the paper adopts second documentary analysis and in-depth interview. The former is to calculate the published detective novels from 2001 to Sep. 2015 sold in the dominant on-line bookstore, “Books”, in Taiwan, while the latter is to interview 15 related agencies included writers, editors, translators, and manager of bookstore to understand how the whole market of detective novels has changed in recent 15 years and the process of every agency interact with each other through their own capitals and form the production mechanism.
The results contain 3 following issues. First, local production has re-started since 1980’s after a long-time decline, while the publishers in west and Japanese have developed into matured system and produced well-known novelist every years. In contrast with spending large costs to cultivate local writers on their own, Taiwanese publishers prefer to produce noted foreign works, while their taste have an influence on the judgement of works. Secondly, literary awards are the vital way in the production of local works, served as the way that the local creators enter into the field of cultural production. The creators receive symbolic capital through awards, and even obtain more opportunities to publish their works or cooperate with other related organization, which means the acquirement of social capital. Nevertheless, the publishers mainly promote those local works through the reputation of awards, so the novelists are still little-known in the popular market, and they still cannot survive through the creation of detective novels.
Finally, the market of local detective novels is forced to be the field of restricted production as a result of supplanted by translated novels. There the local works can only be published through literary awards. As a consequence, the production of local detective novels becomes popular literature of niche market.
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Kitchen Space, Cauldron Calling: Origins of Psychic Shells and the Poetry of PainStraight, Kelly L 01 June 2014 (has links)
Cauldron Calling is a compilation of poems ranging in poetic forms from the sonnet to free verse to lyric prose that incorporates a number of processes including: hypnopompic texting, hypnagogic automatic writing, and direct observation. The purpose of this myriad of poetic forms is to peer through the psychic shells we create and examine the workings of the mind so as to give form to the nebulousness found within while most closely recreating physical experiences of pain. In the collection, domestic spaces, particularly kitchens, serve as filters and lenses through which to process anxiety and pain. Conversely, domestic spaces are viewed as areas of both liberation and confinement and the voices of the various speakers throughout the manuscript struggle with this duality/plurality and whether there is a choice to participate in the intergenerational recycling and handing down of these beliefs and behaviors or not. Through sound sense, enjambment, deep image, and the elevation of the mundane, these poems are meant to give insight into the feminine experience as it relates to ritualistic acts of release as opposed to product-driven enterprises for mass consumption.
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Právnické osoby soukromého práva jako povinné subjekty dle zákona o registru smluv / Private juridical persons as persons having duties under the Act on Contract RegisterMaier, Václav January 2019 (has links)
Private juridical persons as persons having duties under the Act on Contract Register Abstract The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the rights and obligations arising from Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on the Contract Register, for private juridical persons, focusing mainly on the interpretative problematic provisions of the Act on the Contract Register which are applicable to private juridical persons. The thesis is also focused on provisions that are not yet sufficiently interpreted by any reference literature or by the case law but are absolutely crucial in terms of their impact on rights and obligations of private juridical persons. This thesis is divided into eight chapters. The main topics of the thesis are the possibilities and conditions of application of selected exceptions from the publication obligation, the information not published in the respective contracts and the consequences of not publishing a contract subject to publication in the contract register, including ways to solve situations caused by cancellation of the contract from the beginning. The first chapter is due to the compactness of the thesis devoted to brief analysis of the characteristics of the mandatory published documents in the contract register, including the mandatory forms of the documents, with...
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Resource Allocation Algorithms for Event-Based Enterprise SystemsCheung, Alex King Yeung 30 August 2011 (has links)
Distributed event processing systems suffer from poor scalability and inefficient resource usage caused by load distributions typical in real-world applications. The results of these shortcomings are availability issues, poor system performance, and high operating costs. This thesis proposes three remedies to solve these limitations in content-based publish/subscribe, which is a practical realization of an event processing system. First, we present a load balancing algorithm that relocates subscribers to distribute load and avoid overloads. Second, we propose publisher relocation algorithms that reduces both the load imposed onto brokers and delivery delay experienced by subscribers. Third, we present ``green" resource allocation algorithms that allocate as few brokers as possible while maximizing their resource usage efficiency by reconfiguring the publishers, subscribers, and the broker topology. We implemented and evaluated all of our approaches on an open source content-based publish/subscribe system called PADRES and evaluated them on SciNet, PlanetLab, a cluster testbed, and in simulations to prove the effectiveness of our solutions. Our evaluation findings are summarized as follows. One, the proposed load balancing algorithm is effective in distributing and balancing load originating from a single server to all available servers in the network. Two, our publisher relocation algorithm reduces the average input load of the system by up to 68%, average broker message rate by up to 85%, and average delivery delay by up to 68%. Three, our resource allocation algorithm reduces the average broker message rate even further by up to 92% and the number of allocated brokers by up to 91%.
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Resource Allocation Algorithms for Event-Based Enterprise SystemsCheung, Alex King Yeung 30 August 2011 (has links)
Distributed event processing systems suffer from poor scalability and inefficient resource usage caused by load distributions typical in real-world applications. The results of these shortcomings are availability issues, poor system performance, and high operating costs. This thesis proposes three remedies to solve these limitations in content-based publish/subscribe, which is a practical realization of an event processing system. First, we present a load balancing algorithm that relocates subscribers to distribute load and avoid overloads. Second, we propose publisher relocation algorithms that reduces both the load imposed onto brokers and delivery delay experienced by subscribers. Third, we present ``green" resource allocation algorithms that allocate as few brokers as possible while maximizing their resource usage efficiency by reconfiguring the publishers, subscribers, and the broker topology. We implemented and evaluated all of our approaches on an open source content-based publish/subscribe system called PADRES and evaluated them on SciNet, PlanetLab, a cluster testbed, and in simulations to prove the effectiveness of our solutions. Our evaluation findings are summarized as follows. One, the proposed load balancing algorithm is effective in distributing and balancing load originating from a single server to all available servers in the network. Two, our publisher relocation algorithm reduces the average input load of the system by up to 68%, average broker message rate by up to 85%, and average delivery delay by up to 68%. Three, our resource allocation algorithm reduces the average broker message rate even further by up to 92% and the number of allocated brokers by up to 91%.
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