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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

HABITAT PERIURBAIN AUTOCONSTRUIT EN REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO. Perspectives d'amélioration des logements de terre crue en climat tropical.

Chirhalwirwa Mwilarhe, Liévin 26 September 2008 (has links)
Les difficultés d’accès à un logement décent, le coût exorbitant des matériaux de construction dits « nobles » ainsi que l’absence des filières de production foncière et immobilière en RDCONGO ont motivé cette recherche orientée vers l’utilisation des matériaux locaux – et en particulier la terre crue – en vue de contribuer à la résorption des problèmes d’habitat auxquels font face la plupart des populations vivant en zone périurbaine congolaise. Cette thèse démontre qu’il est possible, à travers l’autoconstruction – procédé utilisé par plus de 80% de ménages congolais pour produire leurs logements – , d’améliorer l’habitat dans ce pays en partant de la zone périurbaine. On peut donc, à partir des propositions faites dans cet espace idéalement localisé entre les zones urbaine et rurale, envisager des répercutions positives au sein de ces deux zones qui lui sont contiguës. L’observation constitue la principale méthodologie utilisée. Des enquêtes menées sur quelques 930 logements situés au sein de trois sous zones climatiques de la RDCONGO ont permis, suivant 29 critères principaux appliqués sur 3 différents paliers (la maison, la parcelle et le quartier) d’engranger plus de 100 000 (cent mille) données reprises dans les annexes à la présente et offrant la possibilité d’extrapoler les résultats obtenus sur l’ensemble du territoire de la RDCONGO. Inventaire des intelligences et connaissances locales relatives à l’utilisation du matériau terre en construction (Savoirs et Pratiques Populaires « SPP »), espaces engendrés par les architectures de terre en RDCONGO, cartographies des constructions en terre en RDCONGO, maisons périurbaines autoconstruites en adobes, modélisation d’un lotissement de 200 logements réalisables en terre crue, etc. constituent les principaux résultats atteints par cette thèse. Toutefois, il sied de préciser qu’il s’agit ici, non seulement de construire des maisons en terre, mais surtout de développer un style d’habitat répondant à la fonctionnalité des logements et susceptible de renforcer les dimensions sociales et culturelles tout en respectant l’environnement. Enfin, des pistes de recherches ultérieures sont envisagées. Elles nécessitent d’être creusées en vue d’autres améliorations des logements de terre crue en climat tropical. Il s’agit de : l’érosion due au ruissellement sur les murs de terre, l’étude des logements de terre crue en hauteur (R+1, 2, 3, …n ; où n représente le nombre d’étages) pour la RDCONGO, le développement des activités économiques liées aux constructions en terre, la stabilisation organique des sols à l’aide des produits locaux, etc. Contact : arch2002chiral@yahoo.fr

L’art à Chypre de 1974 à 2014 : de l’espace fractionné au lieu symbolique / Art in Cyprus from 1974 to 2014 : from a divided space to a symbolic place

Asimenou, Monika 05 February 2015 (has links)
En 1974, l’île de Chypre s’est vue contrainte à la partition suite à une intervention militaire turque. Plus d’un tiers du territoire chypriote est encore occupé – en 2014 – par l’armée turque tandis qu’une ligne de démarcation, dite zone morte, protégée par les Casques bleus des Nations Unies, sépare les habitants de l’île entre d’un côté – au sud – les chypriotes grecs et de l’autre – au nord – les chypriotes turcs et les colons turcs.Le lieu symbolique que crée l’art à Chypre – ce territoire balafré – reproduit-il la dualité territoriale et les conséquences de la partition de l’île ? Objets de cette recherche sont les notions d’espace, de mémoire et d’histoire telles qu’elles apparaissent à travers le prisme artistique. Dans la perspective de l’histoire de l’art, cette thèse propose ainsi une analyse d’œuvres d’artistes chypriotes à travers les relations que ceux-ci entretiennent avec l’espace fractionné – le sud, le nord et la zone morte – et telles que ces relations sont révélées par les œuvres.Les créations artistiques évoquées traitent de la particularité de cet espace qui ici constitue très souvent le point de départ de la création de l’œuvre : des souvenirs du lieu perdu situé de l’autre côté de la ligne, de l’expérience de l’espace présent et de l’appropriation – concrète et métaphorique – de la zone morte. Elles mettent également en évidence la nostalgie tout en engendrant de nouvelles cartographies et en ouvrant – en vue d’une réconciliation – le champ des possibles. Chaque œuvre transgresse à sa manière – artistique, poétique et esthétique – la frontière. C’est ainsi que cet espace fractionné est susceptible de devenir « habitable ». / In 1974 the island of Cyprus was forcibly divided by a Turkish military intervention. Over a third of Cyprus' territory is still, in 2014, under occupation by the Turkish army. A demarcation line, known as the dead zone, manned by United Nations peacekeepers, separates the inhabitants of the island between on one side, the Greek Cypriots in the South, and on the other side, the Turkish Cypriots together with settlers from Turkey, in the North.Does this symbolic place that art creates, this scarred territory, reproduce the territorial duality and the consequences of the division of Cyprus? The object of this research is the notions of space, memory and history as they appear through the artistic view. From the perspective of the history of art, this thesis presents an analysis of the works of Cypriot artists through the relationships they maintain with the fragmented space – the South, the North and the dead zone – as these are revealed through the works of art.The artistic creations in question deal with the particularity of this fragmented space that often constitutes the starting point of the creation of the work of art : the memories of the lost place situated on the other side of the line, the experience of the present space and the appropriation, real and metaphorical, of the dead zone. They demonstrate the nostalgia by creating new cartographies and by opening, with a view to reconciliation, the field of possibilities. Each work of art transcends in its way –artistic, poetic and aesthetic – the border. It is in this way that this fragmented space is likely to become “habitable”.

Prácticas experimentales e indagación sobre sonido, territorio y tecnologías contemporáneas: Cartografías, soportes de escucha y sonidos disruptivos

Rodríguez López, Ramona 02 March 2021 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis pone el foco en lo sonoro en un momento de cambios disruptivos operados por las tecnologías y su impacto en los globalizados sistemas sociales, culturales, políticos y científicos. La conceptualizada Industria 4.0 acelera a gran velocidad el proceso de digitalización y automatización de todas las esferas, activando nuevas relaciones humano-máquina, máquina-máquina; las ciudades modelos generalizados de vida, concentran gran parte de la actividad social y el volcado de los procesos tecnológicos, la hibridación físico-digital potenciada por la ubicuidad. Ya no se trata de la portabilidad del sonido ni de su reproducción, el cambio se produce por la colonización de nuestro tiempo y espacio, la conectividad infinita que media en todas nuestras transacciones, acontecimientos y la percepción de los lugares; las acciones de corporeización con dispositivos que se vuelven cuasitransparentes (Ihde, 2015), la conversión en cíborg al añadir nuestro cuerpo temporalmente para adaptarnos a un nuevo entorno (Case, 2018); el síndrome de atención parcial continuada (Stone, 2014) que nos mantiene en un estado de alerta, o el tiempo que, según Foucault, está gestionado como artefacto de la cultura y el resultado de las relaciones de poder. Desde el prisma del arte y su vertiente práctica, el estudio ofrece una lectura de la ciudad y los medios digitales a través de sus sonidos, un acercamiento que busca descifrar el carácter de un territorio, encontrar rastros de singularidad o de homogeneidad, la sintonía con los ambientes, y también el pensamiento de lo disruptivo. La investigación se expresa a través de propuestas sonoras y visuales, cartografías simbólicas y perceptivas, conjugadas con metodologías mestizas de estudio teórico-práctico interdisciplinario, en un proceso abierto y fluido de experimentación que se funda en la re-utilización o instanciación de medios, materiales y conceptos de manera que puedan arrojar ideas, lecturas no previstas o activar el pensamiento crítico y estético. / [EN] This thesis focuses on sound in times of disruptive changes operated by technologies and their impact on globalised social, cultural, political and scientific systems. The conceptualised Industry 4.0 accelerates the process of digitisation and automation at great speed and on all spheres, activating new human-machine, machine-machine relationships; cities, the generalised models of life, gather a large part of social activity and the dumping of technological processes, the physical-digital hybridisation promoted by ubiquity. It is no longer about the portability of sound or its reproduction, the change is takes place by the colonisation of our time and space, the infinite connectivity that mediates all our transactions, events and the perception of places; embodiment actions with devices that become quasi-transparent (Ihde, 2015), the transformation into cyborgs by temporarily adding our bodies to adapt to a new environment (Case, 2018); the syndrome of continued partial attention (Stone, 2014) that keeps us in a state of alert, or the time that, according to Foucault, is managed as a device for culture and the result of power relations. From the eyes of art and its practical side, the study offers a reading of the city and the digital media through its sounds, an approach that seeks to decipher the nature of a territory, find traces of singularity or homogeneity, the harmony with the environments, and also the thought of the disruptive. The research is expressed through sound and visual proposals, symbolic and perceptual cartographies, blended with hybrid methodologies of interdisciplinary theoretical-practical study, in an open and fluid experimentation process that is based on the re-use or instantiation of media, materials and concepts so that they can shed ideas, unforeseen readings or activate critical and aesthetic thinking. / [CA] Aquesta tesi posa el focus en allò sonor en un moment de canvis disruptius operats per les tecnologies i el seu impacte en els globalitzats sistemes socials, culturals, polítics i científics. La conceptualitzada Indústria 4.0 accelera a gran velocitat el procés de digitalització i automatització de totes les esferes, i activa noves relacions humà-màquina, màquina-màquina. Les ciutats, models generalitzats de vida, concentren una gran part de l'activitat social i l'abocament de dades dels processos tecnològics, la hibridació físicodigital potenciada per la ubiqüitat. No es tracta ja de la portabilitat del so ni de la seua reproducció, el canvi es produeix per la colonització del nostre temps i espai, la connectivitat infinita que media en totes les nostres transaccions, esdeveniments i la percepció dels llocs; les accions de corporeïtzació amb dispositius que es tornen quasitransparents (Ihde, 2015), la conversió en cíborg en afegir el nostre cos temporalment per a adaptar-nos a un nou entorn (Case, 2018), la síndrome d'atenció parcial continuada (Stone, 2014), que ens manté en un estat d'alerta, o el temps que, segons Foucault, és gestionat com a artefacte de la cultura i el resultat de les relacions de poder. Des del prisma de l'art i el seu vessant pràctic, l'estudi ofereix una lectura de la ciutat i els mitjans digitals a través dels seus sons, un acostament que busca desxifrar el caràcter d'un territori, trobar rastres de singularitat o d'homogeneïtat, la sintonia amb els ambients, i també el pensament del disruptiu. La investigació s'expressa a través de propostes sonores i visuals, cartografies simbòliques i perceptives, conjugades amb metodologies mestisses d'estudi teòric i pràctic interdisciplinari, en un procés obert i fluid d'experimentació que es funda en la re-utilització o instanciació de mitjans, materials i conceptes de manera que puguen llançar idees, lectures no previstes o activar el pensament crític i estètic. / A la Universitat Politècnica de València por la beca FPI y la estancia de investigación concedidas para dar cobertura económica a este trabajo y ayudar a mi formación. / Rodríguez López, R. (2021). Prácticas experimentales e indagación sobre sonido, territorio y tecnologías contemporáneas: Cartografías, soportes de escucha y sonidos disruptivos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/162974 / TESIS

Cartografias da "Excepcionalidade" : para uma (re)invenção das práticas de cuidado /

Carregari, Júlio César. January 2002 (has links)
Orientador: Sônia Aparecida Moreira França / Banca: Maria Regina Ribeiro Salotti / Banca: Rossana Maria Seabra Sade / Resumo: Esse trabalho se concretiza a partir de encontros realizados com cinco alunos da APAE de Assis, São Paulo. Como estratégia de construção das relações, usamos o Acompanhamento Terapêutico e Grupos, entendendo-os como dispositivos de produção de processos de subjetivação. À medida que produzimos, com nosso trabalho, a visibilidade das linhas de força presentes em nossos encontros, também se constituíram as cartografias aqui desenhadas, evidenciando o regime da "Excepcionalidade" que os cinco participantes de nossa pesquisa estão vivendo, circunscritos ao espaço tutelar da APAE ou da família, os quais estabelecem com eles relações de tratamento. Assim, sempre que estas cartografias agiam em nossa relação, estrategicamente procurávamos produzir um desvio para que outras linhas de força entrassem em jogo e nos fosse possível a composição de novas cartografias. Esse acontecimento nos levou a desenhar uma outra forma de relação, a da amizade e do cuidado, num plano de imanência que passou a nos ofertar a sustentabilidade de outras narrativas que tivessem como referência o próprio sujeito, numa relação de pertença a si mesmo e ao mundo. / Abstract: This work concretizes itself trough the encounters accomplished with five students from Assis' APAE in the São Paulo state. As strategy of construction of the relationships, we used the Therapeutic Accompaniment and Groups, understanding them as devices of production of subjetivation processes. Whenever we produced with our work the visibility of the lines of force presents in our encounters, the cartographies were also drawn and constituted here, evidencing the regime of "Excepcionality" that the five participants of our research are living, bounded to the guardian space of APAE or of the family, establishing with them treatment relationships. Thus, whenever these cartographies acted in our relationship, tried to produce, strategically, a deviation toward other lines of force entered in game to the possible the composition of new cartographies. This event took us to draw another relationship form, the friendship and of the care, trough an immanence plan that passed to offert us the sustentability of others narratives that had as reference the own subject, in a belongings' relationship to himself and to the world. / Mestre

Contracartografias: Práticas críticas em um mundo hipermapeado / Countercartographies: critical practices in a hyper-mapped world

Kiminami, Cristina Akemi Goldschmidt 08 June 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação foca práticas contracartográficas realizadas por ativistas e artistas com o uso de mídias locativas. Observar estas práticas, que apontam no sentido inverso das cartografias hegemônicas e dominantes, permite uma visualização crítica de tensionamentos do atual contexto hipermediado. Conjuntamente, este tipo de estudo, permite apontar aspectos de visibilidade e invisibilidade que operam nesses meios informacionais e como são desafiados e tensionados com lentes críticas. Para tanto, alguns tópicos históricos da representação locativa são desenvolvidos, assim como são discutidos alguns elementos do contexto atual de profusão do uso de mapas georreferenciados em aplicativos móveis. A dissertação busca explicitar, a partir dos casos escolhidos, que as tecnologias locativas devem ser vistas e operadas criticamente, num contexto em que vêm sendo naturalizadas e incorporadas massivamente no cotidiano. / This dissertation focuses on countercartographic practices performed by activists and artists with the use of locative media. Observing these practices, which point in the opposite direction of the dominant cartographies, allows a critical visualization of tensions of the current hypermediated context. Together, this type of study allows us to point out aspects of visibility and invisibility that operate in these informational media and how they are challenged and stressed with critical lenses. To do so, some historical topics of locative representation are developed, as are some elements of the current context of profusion of the use of georeferenced maps in mobile applications. The dissertation seeks to explain, from the chosen cases, that locative technologies must be seen and operated critically, in a context in which they have been naturalized and massively incorporated in daily life.

Contracartografias: Práticas críticas em um mundo hipermapeado / Countercartographies: critical practices in a hyper-mapped world

Cristina Akemi Goldschmidt Kiminami 08 June 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação foca práticas contracartográficas realizadas por ativistas e artistas com o uso de mídias locativas. Observar estas práticas, que apontam no sentido inverso das cartografias hegemônicas e dominantes, permite uma visualização crítica de tensionamentos do atual contexto hipermediado. Conjuntamente, este tipo de estudo, permite apontar aspectos de visibilidade e invisibilidade que operam nesses meios informacionais e como são desafiados e tensionados com lentes críticas. Para tanto, alguns tópicos históricos da representação locativa são desenvolvidos, assim como são discutidos alguns elementos do contexto atual de profusão do uso de mapas georreferenciados em aplicativos móveis. A dissertação busca explicitar, a partir dos casos escolhidos, que as tecnologias locativas devem ser vistas e operadas criticamente, num contexto em que vêm sendo naturalizadas e incorporadas massivamente no cotidiano. / This dissertation focuses on countercartographic practices performed by activists and artists with the use of locative media. Observing these practices, which point in the opposite direction of the dominant cartographies, allows a critical visualization of tensions of the current hypermediated context. Together, this type of study allows us to point out aspects of visibility and invisibility that operate in these informational media and how they are challenged and stressed with critical lenses. To do so, some historical topics of locative representation are developed, as are some elements of the current context of profusion of the use of georeferenced maps in mobile applications. The dissertation seeks to explain, from the chosen cases, that locative technologies must be seen and operated critically, in a context in which they have been naturalized and massively incorporated in daily life.

Caractérisation de microtextures par la technique ACOM-TEM dans le cadre du développement des technologies avancées en microélectronique / Microtexture characterization by Automated Crystal Orientation Mapping in TEM for the development of advanced technologies in microelectronics

Valery, Alexia 16 March 2017 (has links)
Afin d’optimiser les composants de l’industrie de la microélectronique, il est essentiel d’établir le lien entre la texture cristallographique des matériaux constitutifs et leurs propriétés électriques, thermiques et mécaniques. Ainsi, il est nécessaire de disposer d’outils capables de cartographier la morphologie et l’orientation cristallographique des grains à l’échelle nanométrique. La technique ACOM, implémentée sur un Microscope Electronique en Transmission (MET), permet d’obtenir ces informations en exploitant les figures de diffraction électronique. Dans cette thèse, les capacités de cette technique sont évaluées, à la fois pour déterminer la microtexture de matériaux confinés dans quelques dizaines de nanomètres, et pour répondre aux problématiques associées à la fabrication de nouveaux circuits. Cette étude montre dans un premier temps l’importance de l’optimisation des conditions opératoires du MET afin de diminuer les erreurs d’indexation. Des analyses quantitatives de microtexture sont ensuite menées sur des films minces de siliciures de nickel-platine pour différents dopage du substrat, concentration en platine, et température de recuit. Enfin, le cas d’une superposition de signaux de diffraction observé lorsque plusieurs grains sont contenus dans l’épaisseur de l’échantillon est étudié. Les résultats montrent que les erreurs d’indexation restent rares dans ce cas et que les grains de plus large fraction volumique sont majoritairement sélectionnés par l’algorithme d’indexation. Une méthode est alors proposée pour traiter la totalité de l’information détectée dans les clichés de diffraction. Elle s’appuie sur l’indexation successive des orientations cristallographiques après soustraction préalable des réflexions associées à l’orientation précédemment indexée. Les capacités de cet outil en termes de caractérisation de la morphologie des grains superposés sont finalement comparées à deux autres techniques basées sur la reconstruction d’images en champ sombre et sur la factorisation en matrices non-négatives. / The development of advanced nodes in microelectronics requires to understand the impact of crystal size and orientation on the electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of materials. New tools have been developed to map the grains orientation and morphology of nanometer-scaled structures. Among them, the Automated Crystal Orientation Mapping technique used on a Transmission Electron Microscope (ACOM-TEM) is based on the indexation of electron diffraction patterns. The aim of this study was to evaluate the abilities and limitations of the ACOM-TEM technique for the characterization of microelectronics-related materials. Consequently, its ability to analyze nano-sized materials and the possibility of answering problematics related to microelectronics front-end fabrication challenges were investigated. The study highlighted in the first place the importance of the TEM illumination settings. The results showed that minimizing the electron probe convergence angle even at the cost of a larger size has decreased mis-indexation issues. These optimum settings were used to perform quantitative texture analysis of NiPt-silicide thin films. Finally, the case of superimposed diffraction patterns related to overlapping grains was analyzed. Experiments showed that mis-indexing remains limited despite the superimposition and that grains with larger fraction volume were preferentially selected by template matching. A dedicated method was also proposed to overcome crystal overlapping issues. The approach is based on iterative re-indexation of diffraction patterns after subtraction of the reflections related to the previous ACOM best match. Considering the same diffraction patterns data-set, the capabilities of this method to recover the grains size and morphology were compared to two recent techniques based respectively on the analysis of virtual dark field (VDF) images and non-negative matrix factorization (NMF).


WILLIAM DE ARAUJO REZENDE 06 February 2017 (has links)
[pt] Esse trabalho pretende investigar o agenciamento contemporâneo da sexualidade e a Internet. Essa articulação se conjuga na acepção do cibersexo, a qual se pretende analisar segundo uma perspectiva arqueológica e cartográfica de autores como Foucault, Deleuze e Guattari. Esse estudo busca evidenciar, a partir da análise dos enunciados, dos discursos acerca do cibersexo, suas condições de emergência, sua dinâmica e mecanismos de funcionamento, bem como situá-lo em relação às dimensões política e econômica da sociedade na atualidade. / [en] This work aims to investigate the contemporary assemblage of sexuality and the Internet. This articulation is combined within the meaning of cybersex, which is intended to analyze according to a cartographic and archaeological perspective of authors such as Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari. This study seeks to demonstrate, through the analysis of statements, speeches about cybersex, its emergency conditions, dynamics and mechanisms of operation, and situate it in relation to the political and economic dimensions of contemporary society.

A (in)visibilidade dos prazeres, das sexualidades e dos gêneros e a parresia na formação queerizada em Psicologia: narrativas de outras perspectivas e experiências docentes / The (in)visibility of pleasures, sexualities and genders and the parrhesia in the querrized formation in psychology: narratives of another perspectives and teaching experiences

Barreto, Danielle Jardim [UNESP] 24 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by DANIELLE JARDIM BARRETO null (danibarreto@unipar.br) on 2016-04-14T17:52:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE DEPÓSITO FINAL.pdf: 1887817 bytes, checksum: b23ab4c273a465b28f897810fe29fe31 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-04-18T13:22:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 barreto_dj_dr_assis.pdf: 1887817 bytes, checksum: b23ab4c273a465b28f897810fe29fe31 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-18T13:22:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 barreto_dj_dr_assis.pdf: 1887817 bytes, checksum: b23ab4c273a465b28f897810fe29fe31 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-24 / Esta pesquisa se enunciou a partir de questionamentos acerca dos constantes embates vivenciados em sala de aula ao trazermos a temática de outras sexualidades, outros prazeres e de outras expressões de gênero, dissidentes dos modelos identitários heteronormativos, em nosso cotidiano universitário. Destes tensos encontros, anunciaram-se indagações como: - Que Psicologias estamos ensinando? - Que psicólog@s estão se formando atualmente? E mais uma indagação ainda: - Há uma identidade psi? Nesta pesquisa, agenciam-se através de sete narrativas outras possibilidades de nomearmo-n@s psicólog@s, pois esta pesquisa valora as tecnologias e os conjuntos de estratégias que tanto podem contribuir para a ampliação das Psicologias e suas conexões com a realidade e os movimentos sociais, quanto denunciando as estratégias que podem aprisioná-las em conceitos e metodologias descontextualizadas que reificam biopolíticas de manutenção ao Estado neoliberal. Os mapas que se desenharam nesta pesquisa-implicação, se compõem pelas ferramentas da cartografia e da genealogia, acompanhadas de autores como Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, além de autor@s feministas como Donna Haraway e Paul B. Preciado. As cartografias anunciadas através dos capítulos destacam o necessário agenciamento de novos contratos éticos - estéticos e políticos nos territórios da formação em Psicologia, para a produção de outras Psicologias e que produzam outr@s modos de estar psicólog@s, através de desterritorizalizações das teorias tradicionais e de procedimentos de mensuração das vidas, com claras e pouco ingênuas, intenções de desconstrução das estratégias enrijecidas construídas e validadas pelas Psicologias de pastoreio, em prol da emancipação das experimentações dos corpos nas práticas sexuais, afetivas políticas e éticas de Psicologias e psicólog@s queerizad@s. / The following research has been enunciated from questions about the constant clashes lived in a classroom when themes regarding other sexualities, pleasures and another gender expressions, dissidents from the heteronormative identities are brought up, on a College everyday. From such tense rendezvous, some quests were summoned, such as: - Which psychology we are teaching? - What kind of psychologists are graduating nowadays? And, yet, one other quest: - Is there a psi identity? Within this research, through seven narratives, other possibilities of naming ourselves psychologist in any gender are allocated. Due to this research’s values the techniques and the amount of strategies that can as contribute for the magnification of the psychologies and their connexions with reality and the social movements, as denouncing the strategies that can enclosure them in concepts and descontextualized methodologies which reificate biopolitics of maintenance to the Neoliberal state. The maps in which such research-implication had drawn, are composed by the cartography and genealogy tools, accompanied by authors such as Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, besides of feminists authors e.g: Donna Haraway and Paul B. Preciado. The cartographies that were announced through the chapters highlight the necessary agency of new ethic-aesthetic and political contracts within the territory of psychology graduation In order to produce other psychologies and hence creating other methods of psychological being. This can be achieved through deterritorialisation of traditional theories and life measuring procedures, with clear and little naive, intentions of debuilding of strategies, brought forth and validated for the sheperd psychology, in aid of the emancipation of the experimentations of bodies in sexual practices, affective, politics and ethics of psychologies and queerized psychologists.

Cartografias de mulheres na prostituição: territórios, heterotopias e suas interfaces com a psicologia / Cartographies of women in prostitution: territories, heterotopies and its interfaces with psychology

Silva, Luciana Codognoto da [UNESP] 16 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by LUCIANA CODOGNOTO DA SILVA null (lupsico.codognoto@gmail.com) on 2016-07-11T18:45:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE LUCIANA CODOGNOTO.pdf: 1671615 bytes, checksum: bf62faf0d2163a49bb14b6720bcde902 (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo a orientação abaixo: O arquivo submetido não contém a folha de aprovação. A versão submetida por você é considerada a versão final da dissertação/tese, portanto não poderá ocorrer qualquer alteração em seu conteúdo após a aprovação. Corrija esta informação e realize uma nova submissão contendo o arquivo correto. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2016-07-12T18:24:03Z (GMT) / Submitted by LUCIANA CODOGNOTO DA SILVA null (lupsico.codognoto@gmail.com) on 2016-07-13T00:14:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE LUCIANA CODOGNOTO DA SILVA.pdf: 1673816 bytes, checksum: 3b40e1f2826167e63aca6112eb97534f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-07-14T16:27:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_lc_dr_assis.pdf: 1673816 bytes, checksum: 3b40e1f2826167e63aca6112eb97534f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-14T16:27:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_lc_dr_assis.pdf: 1673816 bytes, checksum: 3b40e1f2826167e63aca6112eb97534f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Nesta pesquisa, buscamos realizar cartografias das experiências existenciais de mulheres que se prostituem e dos territórios voltados à prostituição feminina adulta em um município interiorano e de pequeno porte populacional, localizado na região sudeste do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul - MS. Consideramos a prostituição de mulheres adultas como movimento e conjunto de forças culturais, econômicas, políticas, psicológicas e sociais que se entrecruzam em espaços e tempos determinados, tendo como finalidade principal a oferta de relações sexuais em troca de dinheiro. Para mapearmos as experiências vividas por diferentes mulheres na prostituição, recorremos à abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa em Psicologia e aos aportes teóricos advindos dos Estudos Culturais e da Teoria Queer, além de importantes leituras descritas por Michel Foucault. A cartografia e a observação participante nos auxiliaram nas atividades de campo e na realização de entrevistas de longa duração com 10 (dez) mulheres que atuavam em diferentes territórios/espacialidades da prostituição da cidade, como bares, casas e ruas. Tivemos a preocupação de entrevistar apenas as bio-mulheres adultas – mulheres em termos biológicos, portadoras do órgão sexual feminino (PRECIADO, 2008) –, de diferentes idades, raças/cores e classes sociais e de distintas trajetórias de vida pessoal e profissional. Diversos fatores contribuíram para a entrada e a permanência de nossas participantes na prostituição, desde as histórias de violências estruturais e de gêneros, vividas da infância à idade adulta, até a tentativa de romper com um ideal binário de feminilidade, destinado ao casamento e à procriação. Observamos ações do contrapoder feminino, demonstrando, por meio de diferentes táticas de resistências, “que nem tudo está à venda na prostituição” (BURBULHAN, et al, 2012). Em outras palavras, as mulheres com as quais dialogamos neste estudo rompem com a imagem da mulher prostituta enquanto pessoa imoral, vitimizada, desregrada e destruidora dos bons costumes. São mulheres Queers, inomináveis, e que escapam dos ideais identitários normativos e dualistas de a “santa/puta”, ao mostrarem, através do uso de diferentes denominações políticas, que variações do humano são possíveis, até mesmo nos vários territórios da prostituição. Os resultados apontam ainda a ausência de pesquisas sobre esta temática por parte de profissionais e/ou pesquisadores/as psicólogos/as no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul e a necessidade de novos estudos a serem concretizados pela Psicologia sobre a prostituição de mulheres adultas em pequenos centros urbanos e em cidades do interior do país. Histórias de vida, cartografias, heterotopias, relações de gêneros e de poder, territórios, classes sociais, raças/cores, sexualidades e suas interfaces com a Psicologia são os temas que direcionam o caminhar dialógico desta pesquisa. / In this research, we intend to do cartographies of the existential experiences of prostituted women and the territories focused in adult female prostitution in a small-town located in the southeastern of Mato Grosso do Sul - MS. We consider prostitution of adult women as a movement and a set of cultural, economic, political, psychological and social forces that intersect in certain space and time, with the main purpose to offer sex in exchange for money. To map out the experiences of different women in prostitution, we make use of qualitative research in Psychology and theoretical contributions from Cultural Studies and Queer Theory, besides important readings described by Michel Foucault. The cartography and participant observation assisted us in the field research and conducting long interviews with ten (10) women who usually worked in different territories/spatiality of prostitution in the city, such as bars, homes and streets. We had the concern to interview only bio-adult women – ―women in biological terms, carrying the female sexual organ‖ (PRECIADO, 2008) – of different ages, races/colors and social classes and different paths of personal and professional life. Several factors contributed to the entry and stay of these research collaborators in prostitution, since the stories of structural and gender violence – lived from childhood to adulthood – until the attempt to break with an ideal torque of femininity destined to marriage and procreation. We observe actions of female counterforce, demonstrating through different tactics of resistance, like ―not everything is on sale in prostitution‖ (BURBULHAN, et al, 2012). In other words, women with which we dialogue in this study, break with the image of woman prostitute as ―immoral victimized person‖, dissolute and destructive of morality. They are Queer Women, unspeakable, and who escape from the ideals of normative and dualistic identity "saint/whore", to show, through the use of different political denominations, that variations of human beings are possible even in different prostitution territories. The results also point to the absence of research on this topic by professionals and (or) researchers psychologists in Mato Grosso do Sul and the need for new studies to be made on adult female prostitution in small and provincial-towns. Life stories, cartographies, heterotopies, gender and power relations, territory, social classes, races/colors, sexualities and its interfaces with Psychology are the themes that lead the dialogic path of this research.

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