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Exploring push and pull factors experienced by South African self-initiated expatriatesMostert, Elsje January 2013 (has links)
A preliminary literature review indicated that not much research has been done on self-initiated expatriation (SIE), particularly in a South African context. The purpose of this study is twofold: Firstly, by reviewing previous research, this study aims to make a valuable contribution to the literature on SIE, particularly regarding the motivations behind SIE. Secondly, this study aims to explore and develop a deeper understanding of the push and pull factors experienced by South African self-initiated expatriates (SASIEs).
An empirical, exploratory qualitative approach, through the utilisation of qualitative field research, was employed as a means of inquiry. Furthermore, interpretivism was used as a research paradigm. Purposive sampling was applied, and the sample used consisted of nine individual South African self-initiated expatriates who had been working in their host countries for a minimum of six months. Data were obtained through in-depth semi-structured interviews. By implication only a few research questions were generated to guide the interview; however, participants were not limited to certain responses. This allowed for rich data to be obtained that were systematically analysed using grounded theory analysis to steer the process in a practical manner through the transcription of data and the rigorous extraction of codes towards the results that could best answer the original set of research questions. Criteria for rigour, authenticity, trustworthiness and credibility were applied and demonstrated throughout. The conceptual framework of the study was kept in mind during the research, the themes that emerged were explored, and the findings that were reached were substantiated through an extensive literature review.
The conclusion was reached that South African self-initiated expatriates experienced certain push factors from the home country (South Africa), and that there were equally strong or stronger pull factors to the host country. All these factors contributed to the participants’ decision to expatriate. Interestingly, there seemed to be no real push factors from the host country; these were rather perceived as challenges that had to be endured. Furthermore it seemed that, as far as the sample group in this study were concerned, South Africa did not offer strong pull factors, and that, if the participants were to repatriate to South Africa, it would be for sentimental reasons. This could hold some implications for South African organisations especially in terms of retaining skilled labour or attract the skilled labour who has already expatriated. Recommendations and opportunities regarding future research were also mentioned. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Human Resource Management / unrestricted
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Svensk eller Preussare? : Sex avgörande år för svenskpomrarnas identitet / Swedish or Prussian? : Six crucial years for the identity of the Swedish PomeraniansStenberg, Michael January 2020 (has links)
The agreement on Swedish Pomerania between Sweden and Prussia from 1815 contains an article that is central for this essay. It states that the inhabitants of Swedish Pomerania and the Pomeranian in Sweden were given six years to decide in which of the kingdoms they wanted to be citizens after Sweden had left Pomerania. Since this possibility was raised in an international treaty, one can assume that both signatories supposed it was a matter that would affect a certain number of individuals within Swedish Pomerania. I am examining to which extent this possibility was used, by whom and why. All in all, I have been able to show that there was a clear perception among the authorities of both sides that a certain number of inhabitants probably would want to leave Pomerania in connection with the transition to Prussia. I have also shown that people actually moved from Pomerania to Sweden during the years 1815 to 1821, although this was never the question of a major wave of emigration. Those who moved proved to have different motives and that these motives varied depending on background, occupation etc. The same applies to those who stayed.
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Risks and Performance in the Supply Chain -An Empirical Study in Vietnam Construction Sector- / サプライチェーンにおけるリスクとパフォーマンス-ベトナム建設業における実証研究-Truong, Quang Huy 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第20874号 / 経博第569号 / 新制||経||284(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 原 良憲, 准教授 菊谷 達弥, 准教授 秋田 祐哉 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Överlämnad eller övergiven? : En studie om övergångshandlingar från årskurs 9 till gymnasiet för elever med problematisk skolfrånvaro / Handed over or Abandoned? : A study on transition documents from grade 9 to upper secondary school for students with problematic school absenteeismTorsténi, Jenny, Mihic, Natalie January 2023 (has links)
Studien syftar till att skapa en bild av och bidra med kunskap om hur överlämningar kan se ut för elever med problematisk skolfrånvaro från årskurs 9 till gymnasiet i två sydsvenska kommuner. Studien ämnar även belysa huruvida sakägande yrkesprofession i respektive skolstadium uppfattar övergångsprocessen som hindrande och/eller främjande. Studiens frågeställningar är; • Hur beskriver berörd skolpersonal att överlämningarna mellan grundskolan och gymnasiet för elever med problematisk skolfrånvaro går till? • Vad anser personalen vara hindrande respektive främjande i denna övergångsprocess? I studien behandlas frågeställningarna utifrån Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska systemteori, samt push-, pull- och fall out processer som riskfaktorer för elever i problematik skolfrånvaro. Genom Bronfenbrenners teori analyseras övergångshandlingarnas funktion i ett större system. Studiens avgränsning utgörs av ett personalperspektiv, d.v.s. att studien efterfrågar berörda yrkesprofessioners uppfattningar och erfarenheter i frågan. Valet av kommuner grundar sig i att den mindre kommunen skickar gymnasieelever till den större kommunen och att där finns ett naturligt utbyte av övergångshandlingar sinsemellan. Datainsamlingen för denna studie utgår ifrån totalt fem intervjuer med yrkesprofessioner inom elevhälsan som skickar eller mottar övergångshandlingar. På grundskolan har två studie- och yrkesvägledare, två socialpedagoger och en specialpedagog intervjuats. En av dessa intervjuer var en gruppintervju. På gymnasiet har två specialpedagoger intervjuats. Materialet från intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån en fenomenografisk dataanalysmodell, vilket innefattar en stegvis bearbetning av material utifrån kategorierna utformning, innehåll, process, deltagande parter, hinder och framgångar. Resultatet visar att överlämningarnas utformning oftast utgörs av standardiserade dokument, till stor del bestående av krysslistor. Detta ansåg både högstadier och gymnasier vara otillräckligt. Muntliga samtal bedömdes mer effektivt för att rätt informationen ska förmedlas. Information som kan härledas till processer för problematisk skolfrånvaro övervägdes av insatser gentemot Push-out processer i form av redogörelser för extra anpassningar. Gymnasieskolor upplevde att de har svårare att möta elevers behov av anpassad undervisning för elever med problematisk skolfrånvaro jämfört med högstadieskolorna. Både högstadieskolor och gymnasieskolor upplevde att större vikt bör läggas vid individuella framgångsfaktorer och konkreta tips i samband med överlämningarna. Innehåll rörande elevens historik av problematisk skolfrånvaro upplevdes sparsam. Det framkom ett behov av att utöka den sociala delen av informationsinnehållet i överlämningarna samt mer preciserad information rörande elevens frånvaroproblematik för att gynna eleven i övergångsprocessen. De specialpedagogiska implikationerna i studien relaterar till elevhälsans involvering i övergångshandlingar. Där har specialpedagogen en särskild roll som ansvarig för pedagogiska insatser, vilket framkom i intervjuerna. Den specialpedagogiska behållningen av studiens resultat utgörs vidare av vikten att övergångshandlingarnas innehåll matchar elevens situation och har ett framgångsfokus, vilket mottagande elevhälsa kan bygga vidare på.
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"Höja pensionsåldern är katastrof för byggnadsarbetare" : En undersökning av byggnadsbranschens åsikter kring samt arbete för ett förlängt arbetslivBaggesen, Sanna January 2023 (has links)
I syfte att bereda ett förlängt arbetsliv, har Sverige i flera steg höjt den nedre åldern för uttag av ålderspension. Höjningen är politikernas svar på den åldrande befolkningen, samtidigt som den nationella pensionsåldern fortsätter gäller för alla yrkesgrupper. Eftersom yrkesgrupperna skiljer sig åt avseende arbetsbörda, varierar förutsättningarna till att hantera en höjd pensionsålder. Bland yrkesgrupper med hög fysisk arbetsbelastning har en del svårt att arbeta till dagens pensionsålder vilket ger dem sämre förutsättningar till höjd pensionsålder. Byggnadsarbetare är en sådan yrkesgrupp, dock är forskningen kring byggnadsarbetare och ett förlängt arbetsliv bristande. För att bidra till forskningsområdet ämnar föreliggande studie att undersöka synen på höjd pensionsålder och ett förlängt arbetsliv inom byggnadsbranschen samt undersöka branschens arbete kring ett förlängt arbetsliv, med frågeställningarna Hur ser byggnadsarbetare inom byggnadsindustrin på pensionsålder och på ett förlängt arbetsliv? samt Hur arbetar arbetsgivare inom byggnadsindustrin för att möjliggöra ett förlängt arbetsliv åt äldre byggnadsarbetare? Undersökningen utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra byggnadsarbetare och två arbetschefer. Det teoretiska ramverket består av push-pull-teorin som belyser anledningar till varför byggnadsarbetare slutar arbeta. Resultatet visar att byggnadsarbetare anser ett förlängt arbetsliv vara ohållbart under rådande omständigheter. De anser att en hållbar höjning av pensionsåldern kräver ett förbättringsarbete avseende arbetsmiljön, vilket innebär minskad stress, flexibla arbetsförhållanden och mer hjälpmedel. Medan arbetschefer uppger att höjd pensionsålder kan vara problematiskt för byggnadsarbetare men att det är nödvändigt. De är nöjda med det arbete som utförs för ett förlängt arbetsliv och påstår att ett förlängt arbetsliv som inte går att bereda tenderar att bero på faktorer som arbetschefen inte kan påverka, likt marknad, ekonomi och företagets kapacitet.
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Pushes and pulls of radicalisation into violent Islamist extremism and prevention measures targeting these: Comparing men and womenJacobsen, Annemette January 2017 (has links)
Recent years’ terrorist attacks in Europe and the flow of foreign fighters joining the terrorist organisation Daesh, has made the understanding of radicalisation evermore crucial. This thesis investigates if push and pull factors leading into violent Islamic extremism differentiate between men and women. Furthermore, it assesses how preventive measures from The United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark targets push and pull factors and if these are sensitive to sex. To fulfil this objective an exploratory thematic analysis was used to synthesise secondary qualitative research surrounding push and pull factors. The push and pull factor analysis revealed three trends: there were limited variation in the overall categories describing the push and pull factors present for men and women; what caused push and pull factors to manifest differed according to sex; and, there were differences in how much men and women were affected by these factors. The assessment of prevention measures showed that none of the measures explicitly mentioned push and pull factors, yet they all had the potential of targeting these. Sex was included in some aspects of the measures, but was not a consideration in relation to the targeting of push and pull factors. The thesis ends with a discussion of what implications the found results have for practice and offers suggestions to how prevention measures can be improved.
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Applying Push-Pull-Mooring model to investigate non-malicious workarounds behaviorAljohani, Nawaf Rasheed 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
More than half of the violations of information systems security policies are initiated by non-malicious activities of insiders. To investigate these non-malicious activities, we utilized the theory of workaround and argued that the application of neutralization techniques impacts the use of workarounds. We built our model using three theories: the theory of workaround, push-pull-mooring theory, and techniques of neutralization. We identified the elements of workarounds related to non-malicious violations and proposed a theoretical perspective using the push-pull-mooring theory to investigate non-malicious workarounds empirically. We propose that non-malicious activities of insiders can be seen as a switching behavior, with push factors such as system dissatisfaction and time pressure, and pull factors such as convenience and alternative attractiveness. The mooring factors in our model are techniques of neutralization, including denial of injury, denial of responsibility, and defense of necessity. We employed the scenario-based factorial survey method to mitigate the effect of social desirability bias. Our mixed model analysis indicates that time pressure, convenience, denial of injury, and defense of necessity significantly impact an individual's likelihood of engaging in non-malicious workarounds. Additionally, the relative weight analysis of our model shows that convenience and time pressure explain most of the variance in our model.
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Ekonomické a sociální dopady migrace : Případ Spojeného království / Economic and social impacts of migration : The case of the United KingdomBéres, Dóra January 2022 (has links)
From 2015, a huge influx of refugees came from the Middle East, the Balkans, Central Asia and Africa to Europe. It is triggered by various persecutions, armed wars, economic impossibility. The majority of those arrived were refugees, those who had fled their country due to imminent threat or persecution and were even trying to reach the European continent at the risk of their lives. The others are economic immigrants who have migrated to the European Union in the hope of a better life - to work, study or reunite. The UK has been a major destination for both migrants and refugees for many decades. The dissertation draws attention to the complex effects of migration, with a particular focus on the host country, and highlights, especially in the UK, the need for migrants in an aging society in Europe, even if the public thinks otherwise. With the Brexit, the UK has exited the European Union, cut back on previous benefits for EU migrants and is opening up to former Commonwealth members as sending countries.
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Evaluating the Application of Modularity to Reduce Market Risk in Technology Push ProductsHopkinson, Aaron John 07 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Technology push product development presents a number of challenges over the more typical market pull product development. Despite these challenges, enough advantages exist to motivate firms to develop technology push products at greater risk. Modularity is a tool that can address some of these challenges. Currently most research and application of modularity have focused on market pull product development efforts. The research in this thesis explores the value of modularity in technology push product development through the development of methods and the analysis of 68 example products including 35 technology push products. A method has been developed for quantifying the degree to which a product is market pull and technology push by applying scores derived from customer feedback. In the development of the scoring method, the meaning of the terms market pull and technology push have been explored and clarified allowing for beneficial application. The scoring method was applied to 68 example products and then statistically evaluated to determine the effect that the market pull and technology push scores have on the probability of product success. With the market pull and technology push scores as a basis for the probability of success, the effect of modularity in technology push products can be determined. The concept of technology modularity was introduced in comparison to product modularity. Each of the 35 technology push products was evaluated to determine the level of both product and technology modularity present. These levels are used to statistically evaluate the affect of modularity on the probability of product success. This research presents methods for determining if technology modularity can significantly improve the probability of product success with examples indicating its value and application. Technology modularity, and its application, is validated as an important concept for technology push product developers. Three example products are provided to illustrate the application of this research to improve product development decisions. The methods, results, and conclusions of this research provide product developers with a powerful tool to aid them in the successful development and commercialization of technology push products.
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#ÄlskaÅre : En explorativ undersökning av Åredalens attraktivitet och livet därMarkiewicz, Maja January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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