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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pharmacological alterations of neuroplasticity in the human motor cortex induced by dopaminergic and cholinergic agents / Einfluß cholinerger und dopaminerger Mechanismen auf Neuroplastizität im humanen motorischen Kortex

Thirugnanasambandam, Nivethida 17 January 2011 (has links)
Dopamin und Acetylcholin sind wichtige neuromodulatorische Substanzen im menschlichen zentralen Nervensystem mir einem starken Einfluß auf Neuroplastizität. Der spezifische Einfluß dieser Substanzen auf Neuroplastizität wird durch verschiedene Faktoren, unter anderem Dosisabhängigkeit, Hintergrundaktivität neuronaler Netze und Subrezeptorspezifität determiniert. In dieser Dissertation haben wir den dosis- und subrezeptorabhängigen Effekt des cholinergen und dopaminergen Systems auf Neuroplastizität des menschlichen motorischen Kortex untersucht. Transkranielle Gleichstromstimulation (tDCS) und gepaarte assoziative Stimulation (PAS) stellen nicht-invasive Hirnstimulationstechniken dar, die die Erzeugung von Neuroplastizität beim Menschen ermöglichen. Wir haben in unseren Studien tDCS zur Erzeugung nicht-fokaler und PAS zur Erzeugung fokaler synapsenspezifischer Plastizität im motorischen Kortex von gesunden Probanden eingesetzt. In der ersten Studie konnten wir zeigen, daß die Aktivierung nikotinischer Rezeptoren einen fokussierenden Effekt auf fazilitatorische Plastizität hatte, inhibitorische Plastizität aber unabhängig von ihrer Fokalität verhinderte. Somit hat die Aktivierung nikotinerger Rezeptoren ähnliche Effekte wie globale cholinerge Aktivierung auf fazilitatorische, aber differente Effekte auf inhibitorische Plastizität. In der zweiten Studie untersuchten wir die dosisabhängigen Auswirkungen der Dopamin-Vorläufersubstanz l-Dopa auf Neuroplastizität. Bei mittlerer Dosis von l-Dopa war fokale Plastizität unverändert, wohingegen niedrige und hohe Dosen von l-Dopa die Induktion von Plastizität verhinderten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen somit einen klaren nicht-linearen dosisabhängigen Effekt. Aus den Ergebnissen dieser Studien kann geschlossen werden, daß Neuromodulatoren Plastizität im motorischen Kortex des Menschen relevant beeinflussen. Diese Effekte sind Subrezeptor- und Dosis-abhängig.

The role of network interactions in timing-dependent plasticity within the human motor cortex induced by paired associative stimulation

Conde Ruiz, Virginia 04 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) has been suggested as one of the key mechanism underlying learning and memory. Due to its importance, timing-dependent plasticity studies have been approached in the living human brain by means of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) protocols such as paired associative stimulation (PAS). However, contrary to STDP studies at a cellular level, functional plasticity induction in the human brain implies the interaction among target cortical networks and investigates plasticity mechanisms at a systems level. This thesis comprises of two independent studies that aim at understanding the importance of considering broad cortical networks when predicting the outcome of timing-dependent associative plasticity induction in the human brain. In the first study we developed a new protocol (ipsilateral PAS (ipsiPAS)) that required timing- and regional-specific information transfer across hemispheres for the induction of timing-dependent plasticity within M1 (see chapter 3). In the second study, we tested the influence of individual brain structure, as measured with voxel-based cortical thickness, on a standard PAS protocol (see chapter 4). In summary, we observed that the near-synchronous associativity taking place within M1 is not the only determinant influencing the outcome of PAS protocols. Rather, the online interaction of the cortical networks integrating information during a PAS intervention determines the outcome of the pairing of inputs in M1.

A predictive model of the states of financial health in South African businesses

Naidoo, Surendra Ramoorthee 11 1900 (has links)
The prediction of a company's financial health is of critical importance to a variety of stakeholders ranging from auditors, creditors, customers, employees, financial institutions and investors through to management. There has been considerable research in this field, ranging from the univariate dichotomous approach of Beaver (1966) to the multivariate multi-state approaches of Lau (1987) and Ward (1994). All of the South African studies namely, Strebel and Andrews (1977), Daya (1977), De La Rey (1981), Clarke et al (1991) and Court et al (1999), and even, Lukhwareni's (2005) four separate models, were dichotomous in nature providing either a "Healthy" or a "Failed" state; or a "Winner" or "Loser" as in the latter case. Notwithstanding, all of these models would be classified as first stage, initial screening models. This study has focused on following a two stage approach to identifying (first stage) and analysing (second stage) the States of Health in a company. It has not adopted the rigid "Healthy" or "Failed" dichotomous methodology. For the first stage, three-state models were developed classifying a company as Healthy, Intermittent or Distressed. Both three year and five year Profit after Tax (PAT) averages for Real Earnings Growth (REG) calculations were used to determine the superior definition for the Intermittent state; with the latter coming out as superior. Models were developed for the current year (Yn), one (Yn-1), two (Yn-2) and three years (Yn-3) forward using a Test sample of twenty companies and their predictive accuracy determined by using a Holdout sample of twenty-two companies and all their data points or years of information. The statistical methods employed were a Naïve model using the simple Shareholder Value Added (SVA) ratio, CHAID and MDA, with the latter providing very disappointing results - for the Yn year (five year average), the Test sample results were 100%, 95% and 95%, respectively; with the Holdout sample results being 81.3%, 83.8% and 52.5%, respectively. The Yn-1 to Yn-3 models produced very good results for the Test sample but somewhat disappointing Holdout sample results. The best two Yn models namely, the Naïve and the CHAID models, were modified so as to enable a comparison with the notable, dichotomous De La Rey (1981) model. As such, three different approaches were adopted and in all cases, both the modified Naïve (100%, 81.3%, 100%) and the modified CHAID (100%, 85.9%, 98%) produced superior results to the De La Rey model (84.8%, 62.6%, 75.3%). For the second stage, a Financial Risk Analysis Model (FRAM) using ratios in the categories of Growth, Performance Analysis, Investment Analysis and Financial Status were used to provide underlying information or clues, independent of the first stage model, so as to enable the stakeholder to establish a more meaningful picture of the company. This would pave the way for the appropriate strategy and course of action to be followed, to take the company to the next level; whether it be taking the company out of a Distressed State (D) or further improving on its Healthy status (H). / Business Management / D. BL.

Presynaptic mechanisms of short-term plasticity at hippocampal mossy fibersynapses / Mécanismes présynaptiques de la plasticité à court terme des synapses fibres moussues de l’hippocampe / Presynaptische mechanismen van korte-termijn plasticiteit in mosvezel synapsen van de hippocampus

Gonzalez i Llinares, Bernat 17 December 2014 (has links)
Les synapses fibres moussues de l‘hippocampe entre le gyrus denté et les cellulespyramidales de CA3 sont caractérisées par leur morphologie particulière, et par leurspropriétés distinctives de transmission synaptique et de plasticité présynaptique. Cessynapses sont parfois appelées «détonatrices» pour leur rôle fonctionnel dansl‘encodage de la mémoire épisodique. Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires à labase des propriétés spécifiques de ces synapses restent peu connus. Ce travail estcomposé de deux parties principales:1) Phénotypage des synapses fibres moussues de l'hippocampe chez les sourisVAMP7 KOVAMP7 est une protéine SNARE vésiculaire de la famille des longins, qui joue unrôle dans la croissance des neurites durant le développement. Dans le cerveauadulte, VAMP7 est enrichi dans un sous-ensemble de terminaisons nerveuses, enparticulier dans les fibres moussues de l‗hippocampe. Nous avons analysé lafonction de VAMP7 dans la libération de neurotransmetteurs par une caractérisationextensive de la transmission synaptique et des mécanismes de plasticité de cettesynapse. L'absence de VAMP7 ne cause pas de graves déficits développementauxou neuronaux (Sato et al., 2011; Danglot et al., 2012). Les mécanismesprésynaptiques de la plasticité à court terme de la fibre moussue de l‘hippocampesemblent également normaux, pour des raisons éventuelles qui seront discutées.2) Circuits du CA3 examinés par traçage viral et enregistrements de pairesNous avons développé une technique pour établir des enregistrements en pairesentre cellules en grain du gyrus denté connectées et cellules pyramidales CA3 (GCCA3),sur des cultures organotypiques de tranches d'hippocampe de souris. Pouridentifier les partenaires présynaptiques directs à une cellule pyramidale CA3 ciblée,nous avons combiné l‘électroporation cellulaire unitaire et le traçage mono-transsynaptiquebasé sur un virus de la rage recombinant et pseudotypé. Nous avonstransfecté une cellule pyramidale CA3 unique par tranche avec les plasmides codantla glycoprotéine d‘enveloppe du virus de la rage (RG), un rapporteur fluorescent, etla protéine TVA (récepteur de surface apparenté au EnvA, qui n'a pas d‘homologuechez les cellules de mammifères). Les tranches ont ensuite été infectées avec levirus de la rage recombinant et pseudotypé. Après 3-4 jours, le traçage mono-transsynaptiquerévèle les entrées présynaptiques de ce neurone unique. Ensuite, nousavons pu établir des enregistrements de paires entre les cellules en grain-CA3connectés, ainsi que de quantifier les partenaires présynaptiques de la cellulepyramidale CA3 de départ. / The hippocampal mossy fiber is characterized by its particular morphology, distinctsynaptic transmission and presynaptic plasticity. Moreover, this synapse has beencalled ―teacher‖ or ―detonator‖ for its proposed functional role in episodic memoryencoding. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms underlying its specific functionalproperties remain elusive. This work is composed of two main parts:1) Phenotyping Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Synapses in VAMP7 KO MiceVAMP7 is a vesicle SNARE of the longin family important in neurite growth duringdevelopment. In the adult brain, VAMP7 is enriched in a subset of nerve terminals,particularly at the hippocampal mossy fiber. We analyzed VAMP7 function inneurotransmitter release by characterizing basal and evoked transmission at thissynapse in KO mice and fully tested hypotheses relevant to short-term plasticity.Loss of VAMP7 has been previously reported not to cause major developmental orneurological deficits (Sato et al., 2011; Danglot et al., 2012). Presynapticmechanisms of short-term plasticity at the hippocampal mossy fiber also seemunaffected for potential reasons that will be discussed.2) CA3 Circuits Probed with RABV-Tracing and Paired RecordingsWe developed a technique to establish paired recordings between connected dentategyrus granule cells and CA3 pyramidal cells (GC-CA3) in mouse hippocampalorganotypic slice cultures. To identify direct presynaptic partners to a defined targetCA3 pyramidal cell, we combined single-cell electroporation (SCE) and mono-transsynaptictracing based on a pseudotyped, recombinant rabies virus (EnvApseudotyped RABV ΔG). Using SCE we transfected a single CA3 pyramidal cell perslice with the plasmids encoding: the RABV envelope glycoprotein (RG), afluorescent reporter, and TVA (the EnvA cognate surface receptor, which has nohomologue in mammalian cells). The slices were subsequently infected with EnvApseudotyped RABV ΔG. After 3-4 days, the RABV mono-trans-synaptic tracingrevealed the presynaptic inputs of that single neuron. Then, we were able toestablish paired recordings between connected GC-CA3 cells, as well as to quantifythe presynaptic partners of the starter CA3 pyramidal cell. / De mosvezel van de hippocampus kenmerkt zich door een bijzondere morfologie,uitzonderlijke synaptische transmissie en presynaptische plasticiteit. De synapswordt ook wel "leraar" of "detonator" genoemd vanwege zijn waarschijnlijke rol in decodering van het episodisch geheugen. Toch blijven de specifieke moleculairemechanismen van dit synaps onbekend. Dit werk bestaat uit twee delen:1) Fenotypering van mosvezel synapsen van de hippocampus in VAMP7 KO muizenVAMP7 is een vesicle-SNARE van de longin familie van belang bij de groei vanneurieten tijdens de ontwikkeling. In de volwassen hersenen, wordt VAMP7 verrijkt ineen subset van zenuwuiteinden, vooral in de mosvezel van de hippocampus. Weanalyseerden VAMP7 functie in neurotransmitter afgifte door het karakteriseren vanbasale en opgeroepen transmissie bij deze synaps in KO muizen. Eerder is algesteld dat gebrek aan VAMP7 niet leidt tot grote ontwikkelings- of neurologischeafwijkingen (Sato et al., 2011; Danglot et al., 2012). Presynaptische mechanismenvan korte termijn plasticiteit in de mosvezel van de hippocampus lijken ookonaangetast te zijn, de mogelijke redenen hiervoor zullen worden besproken.2) CA3 circuits onderzocht met behulp van RABV-tracing en gekoppelde opnamesWe ontwikkelden een techniek om gekoppelde opnames tussen korelcellen van degyrus dentatus en aangesloten CA3 piramidale cellen (KC-CA3) op zogenaamde‗mouse hippocampal organotypic slice cultures‘ te meten. Om rechtstreeksepresynaptische partners te identificeren van een specifieke CA3 piramidale cel,combineerden we single-cell electroporation (SCE) en mono-trans-synaptic tracingop basis van een pseudo-typed, recombinant rabiësvirus (EnvA pseudogetypedRABV ΔG). Met behulp van SCE transfecteerde we één CA3 piramidale cel per slicemet plasmiden die coderen voor: het RABV glycoproteïne-envelop (RG), eenfluorescerende reporter, en TVA (de aan EnvA verwante oppervlakte receptor diegeen homoloog in zoogdiercellen heeft). De slices werden vervolgens geïnfecteerdmet ENVA pseudogetyped RABV ΔG. Na 3-4 dagen bracht de RABV mono-transsynaptischetracing de presynaptische ingangen van die ene neuron aan het licht.Hierna konden we gekoppelde opnames doen tussen verbonden KC-CA3 cellen.Daarnaast konden we de presynaptische partners van de starter CA3 pyramidale celkwantificeren.

Steigerung der Effektivität repetitiver Doppelpuls-TMS mit I-Wellen-Periodizität (iTMS) durch individuelle Adaptation des Interpulsintervalls

Sewerin, Sebastian 01 November 2012 (has links)
Die transkranielle Magnetstimulation (TMS) ist ein nichtinvasives Hirnstimulationsverfahren, mit welchem sowohl die funktionelle Untersuchung umschriebener kortikaler Regionen als auch die Modulation der Erregbarkeit ebendieser sowie die Induktion neuroplastischer Phänomene möglich ist. Sie wurde in der Vergangenheit insbesondere bei der Erforschung des humanen zentralmotorischen Systems angewandt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass ein einzelner über dem primärmotorischen Areal (M1) applizierter TMS-Puls multiple deszendierende Erregungswellen im Kortikospinaltrakt induzieren kann. Von diesen Undulationen besitzt die D-Welle (direkte Welle) die kürzeste Latenz und sie rekurriert auf eine direkte Aktivierung kortikospinaler Neurone, wohingegen I-Wellen (indirekte Wellen) längere Latenzen besitzen und durch transsynaptische Aktivierung dieser Zellen entstehen. Bemerkenswert ist das periodische Auftreten der letztgenannten Erregungswellen mit einer Periodendauer von etwa 1,5 ms. Zwar sind die genauen Mechanismen noch unbekannt, welche der Entstehung dieser I-Wellen sowie dem Phänomen der I-Wellen-Fazilitierung, das sich in geeigneten TMS-Doppelpulsprotokollen offenbart, zugrunde liegen, jedoch existieren hierzu verschiedene Erklärungsmodelle. Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit steht die repetitive Anwendung eines TMS-Doppelpulsprotokolls, bei dem das Interpulsintervall (IPI) im Bereich der I-Wellen-Periodizität liegt (iTMS) und das gleichsam durch eine Implementierung der I-Wellen-Fazilitierung in der repetitiven TMS charakterisiert ist. Da gezeigt werden konnte, dass iTMS mit einem IPI von 1,5 ms (iTMS_1,5ms) die kortikospinale Erregbarkeit signifikant intra- und postinterventionell zu steigern vermag, und die I-Wellen-Periodizität interindividuellen Schwankungen unterliegt, wurde in der hier vorgestellten Studie an Normalprobanden der Einfluss einer individuellen Anpassung des IPIs (resultierend in der iTMS_adj) auf die intrainterventionelle kortikospinale Erregbarkeit untersucht. In der Tat stellte sich heraus, dass die iTMS_adj der iTMS_1,5ms diesbezüglich überlegen ist. Dieses Ergebnis unterstreicht das Potential einer Individualisierung der interventionellen TMS für erregbarkeitsmodulierende Effekte und macht dasjenige der ohnehin auf physiologische Prozesse abgestimmten iTMS explizit, was insbesondere für klinische Anwendungen relevant sein mag.

The role of network interactions in timing-dependent plasticity within the human motor cortex induced by paired associative stimulation

Conde Ruiz, Virginia 07 November 2013 (has links)
Spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) has been suggested as one of the key mechanism underlying learning and memory. Due to its importance, timing-dependent plasticity studies have been approached in the living human brain by means of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) protocols such as paired associative stimulation (PAS). However, contrary to STDP studies at a cellular level, functional plasticity induction in the human brain implies the interaction among target cortical networks and investigates plasticity mechanisms at a systems level. This thesis comprises of two independent studies that aim at understanding the importance of considering broad cortical networks when predicting the outcome of timing-dependent associative plasticity induction in the human brain. In the first study we developed a new protocol (ipsilateral PAS (ipsiPAS)) that required timing- and regional-specific information transfer across hemispheres for the induction of timing-dependent plasticity within M1 (see chapter 3). In the second study, we tested the influence of individual brain structure, as measured with voxel-based cortical thickness, on a standard PAS protocol (see chapter 4). In summary, we observed that the near-synchronous associativity taking place within M1 is not the only determinant influencing the outcome of PAS protocols. Rather, the online interaction of the cortical networks integrating information during a PAS intervention determines the outcome of the pairing of inputs in M1.


Catherine Jenifer Rajam Rajendran (5931113) 03 February 2023 (has links)
<p>Protein malfunction can cause human diseases, which makes the protein a target in the process of drug discovery. In-depth knowledge of how protein functions can widely contribute to the understanding of the mechanism of these diseases. Protein functions are determined by protein structures and their dynamic properties. Protein dynamics refers to the constant physical movement of atoms in a protein, which may result in the transition between different conformational states of the protein. These conformational transitions are critically important for the proteins to function. Understanding protein dynamics can help to understand and interfere with the conformational states and transitions, and thus with the function of the protein. If we can understand the mechanism of conformational transition of protein, we can design molecules to regulate this process and regulate the protein functions for new drug discovery. Protein Dynamics can be simulated by Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations.</p> <p>The MD simulation data generated are spatial-temporal and therefore very high dimensional. To analyze the data, distinguishing various atomic interactions within a protein by interpreting their 3D coordinate values plays a significant role. Since the data is humongous, the essential step is to find ways to interpret the data by generating more efficient algorithms to reduce the dimensionality and developing user-friendly visualization tools to find patterns and trends, which are not usually attainable by traditional methods of data process. The typical allosteric long-range nature of the interactions that lead to large conformational transition, pin-pointing the underlying forces and pathways responsible for the global conformational transition at atomic level is very challenging. To address the problems, Various analytical techniques are performed on the simulation data to better understand the mechanism of protein dynamics at atomic level by developing a new program called Probing Long-distance interactions by Tapping into Paired-Distances (PLITIP), which contains a set of new tools based on analysis of paired distances to remove the interference of the translation and rotation of the protein itself and therefore can capture the absolute changes within the protein.</p> <p>Firstly, we developed a tool called Decomposition of Paired Distances (DPD). This tool generates a distance matrix of all paired residues from our simulation data. This paired distance matrix therefore is not subjected to the interference of the translation or rotation of the protein and can capture the absolute changes within the protein. This matrix is then decomposed by DPD</p> <p>using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce dimensionality and to capture the largest structural variation. To showcase how DPD works, two protein systems, HIV-1 protease and 14-3-3 σ, that both have tremendous structural changes and conformational transitions as displayed by their MD simulation trajectories. The largest structural variation and conformational transition were captured by the first principal component in both cases. In addition, structural clustering and ranking of representative frames by their PC1 values revealed the long-distance nature of the conformational transition and locked the key candidate regions that might be responsible for the large conformational transitions.</p> <p>Secondly, to facilitate further analysis of identification of the long-distance path, a tool called Pearson Coefficient Spiral (PCP) that generates and visualizes Pearson Coefficient to measure the linear correlation between any two sets of residue pairs is developed. PCP allows users to fix one residue pair and examine the correlation of its change with other residue pairs.</p> <p>Thirdly, a set of visualization tools that generate paired atomic distances for the shortlisted candidate residue and captured significant interactions among them were developed. The first tool is the Residue Interaction Network Graph for Paired Atomic Distances (NG-PAD), which not only generates paired atomic distances for the shortlisted candidate residues, but also display significant interactions by a Network Graph for convenient visualization. Second, the Chord Diagram for Interaction Mapping (CD-IP) was developed to map the interactions to protein secondary structural elements and to further narrow down important interactions. Third, a Distance Plotting for Direct Comparison (DP-DC), which plots any two paired distances at user’s choice, either at residue or atomic level, to facilitate identification of similar or opposite pattern change of distances along the simulation time. All the above tools of PLITIP enabled us to identify critical residues contributing to the large conformational transitions in both HIV-1 protease and 14-3-3σ proteins.</p> <p>Beside the above major project, a side project of developing tools to study protein pseudo-symmetry is also reported. It has been proposed that symmetry provides protein stability, opportunities for allosteric regulation, and even functionality. This tool helps us to answer the questions of why there is a deviation from perfect symmetry in protein and how to quantify it.</p>

Comparison of vacuum treatments and traditional cooking in vegetables using instrumental and sensory analysis

Iborra Bernad, María del Consuelo 21 October 2013 (has links)
Los objetivos de la presente tesis fueron comparar el efecto de tres técnicas de cocción en varios vegetales y su selección para cada producto estudiado. Para ello, los trabajos realizados han considerado los cambios en las propiedades físico-químicas, nutricionales, sensoriales y la microestructura. Asimismo, como respuesta al reto de aplicar tratamientos equivalentes en firmeza con diferentes técnicas de cocción se ha propuesto una metodología que combina los diseños experimentales de superficie respuesta (RSM) con análisis instrumentales y sensoriales. Los tratamientos térmicos estudiados fueron la cocción tradicional (TC¿ agua hirviendo a 100 °C) junto con dos tratamientos que utilizan el vacío en el procesado: el cook-vide (CV¿ cocción a vacío continuo donde los alimentos están en contacto con agua hirviendo a baja presión) y el sous-vide (SV¿ cocción de alimentos previamente embolsados a vacío donde el alimento está separado del agua de cocción). Los vegetales objeto de estudio fueron la patata morada (Solanum tuberosum L. var. Vitelotte), la judía verde (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Estefania), la zanahoria (Daucus carota L. cv. Nantesa) y la col lombarda (o repollo colorado) (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. capitata f. rubra). Considerando muestras con firmeza instrumental similar y las propiedades nutricionales y sensoriales (especialmente aroma y sabor), incluyendo la aceptación del consumidor, se recomienda la cocción SV para los vegetales estudiados, excepto para la zanahoria. En el caso de este vegetal el cocinado tradicional (100 °C) mantiene la aceptabilidad del consumidor y aumenta la extracción de los ß-carotenos por lo que se considera más recomendable que el SV. / Iborra Bernad, MDC. (2013). Comparison of vacuum treatments and traditional cooking in vegetables using instrumental and sensory analysis [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/32953

探討N-甲基-D-天門冬胺酸受體在時距相關的操作式制約行為與空間工作記憶的角色:memantine的神經心理藥理學機制 / Investigation of the role of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors on temporal operant behavior and spatial working memory: the underlying neuropsychopharmacological mechanisms of memantine

陳碩甫 Unknown Date (has links)
認知功能的提升是當今神經科學領域中的研究重點之一,但其神經機制尚有待釐清。本研究利用一種用於改善阿茲海默症臨床的非競爭型N-甲基-D-天門冬胺酸受體拮抗劑memantine,檢測其對於大白鼠在不同時距相關操作式制約行為及空間工作記憶行為之影響效果。實驗一為針對時間屬性的操作式制約行為實驗,運用大白鼠的區辯性增強低頻反應作業(DRL 10秒行為)與固定時距作業(FI 30秒行為)之行為作業,並操弄連續訓練與間歇訓練的兩種不同模式,測試memantine對前述四組受試的操作式制約行為在表現、消除與自發恢復等三階段之劑量反應。實驗二利用配對性延遲T迷津作業區分出不等基準線(表現好與表現差)之受試,再加以藥理實驗,測試memantine對於前述兩組受試之劑量反應。實驗一結果顯示,受試在兩種不同訓練模式下經十五次習得訓練後,在兩種操作式壓桿行為的壓桿反應相關指標中都有明顯的差異,這證實不同的行為訓練模式會導致學習後的表現有差異之別。memantine藥理實驗結果顯示,此藥對於上述四組受試的操作式行為之三階段的影響效果,會因為不同訓練模式與不同作業而異。實驗二結果顯示,memantine提高空間工作記憶的正確率在表現不好的組別有很顯著的藥效,這證實memantine對於空間式工作記憶行為的影響,也會因學習基準線的不同水平而異。在行為實驗後所進行的蛋白質表現量檢測中,memantine(5 mg/kg)只對五個測試腦區中的背側紋狀體中ERK1磷酸化程度有明顯上升的影響,而其對ERK2及CREB的磷酸化在所有腦組織中皆沒有顯著的影響。綜合以上結果,memantine影響時間與空間屬性的相關行為之藥理效果,會依行為的不同習得歷程(或行為背景經驗)及基準線表現程度而異,而此項行為藥理效果,可能與紋狀體中ERK1的磷酸化有關。 / The neural basis of cognitive enhancement is one of the intriguing topics in neuroscience research; however, the underlying neural mechanisms remain to be elucidated. This study examined the effects of memantine, a non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist which is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease in clinic, on operant behaviors and spatial working memory. In Experiment 1, using the differential reinforcement for low-rate-response 10 sec (DRL 10s) and the fixed-interval 30 sec (FI 30s) operant tasks, and with the manipulation of two different training regimens (continuous vs. intermittent) in the acquisition phase, the effects of memantine were evaluated in three stages of behavioral tests including the performance (right after the end of 15-day acquisition), the extinction, and the spontaneous recovery (after the extinction). In Experiment 2, memantine were tested in the subjects with different level of baseline performance (good vs. bad) on the distinctive patterns of operant responding in four different groups which received DRL 10s and FI 30s with different training regimens; indicating that behavioral task and training background are critical to the operant performance of temporal operant behaviors. Such behavioral outcomes led the dissociable effects of memantine appeared in between the four groups as tested in all three different stages. The results of Experiment 2 showed a profound improvement of the correct responses rate on spatial working memory in the low-baseline group as compared to the higher-baseline group. With a pretreatment of memantine (5 mg/kg), brain tissues in five selected areas were collected for western blot assays of ERK 1, ERK 2, and CREB. The results only revealed a significant increase of ERK 1 phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum. Together, the effects of memantine to improve cognition-associated processes in the temporal operant behaviors and the baseline of performance, and the present observation of cognition-enhancing effects of memantine may be resulted by the ERK 1 phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum.

Změna třídního klimatu po odchodu žáků na osmiletá gymnázia / The Change of Classroom Climate in Czech Elementary Schools with the Departure of Students into High-Track Schools

Holubová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to compare the psychosocial climate of the classes between the 5th and 6th grades of Czech elementary school. In the train of pupils' leaving into the high- tracked schools there are significant organizational changes in the classes of the 6th grade. This theme includes the phenomenon of the early tracking, when some pupils can leave the mainstream of education (elementary school) and start attending the high-tracked schools (multi-year gymnasium). The aim of our study is to contribute to the research, that with the departure of students into high-tracked schools the psychosocial climate in the classes of the 6th grade unequivocally exacerbates. We are also interested in which specific students are accepted into high-tracked schools, and whether they are effective classroom leaders and socio- metric stars. In our study, we also find out the classroom positions of students who are continuously educated in the 5th and 6th grades of the elementary schools and their classmates, who have come as new students into the classes of the 6th grade. In the theoretical section we introduce the foreign and domestic researches which were conducted on the association between tracking and classroom climate. The empirical part inquiries into a detailed analysis of quantitative research...

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