Spelling suggestions: "subject:"paradigms"" "subject:"paaradigms""
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Improving employees’ information systems (IS) security behavior:toward a meta-theory of IS security training and a new framework for understanding employees' IS security behaviorKarjalainen, M. (Mari) 18 October 2011 (has links)
Employee non-compliance with information systems (IS) security procedures is a key concern for organizations. However, even though the importance of having effective IS security training is widely acknowledged by scholars and practitioners, the existing literature does not offer an understanding of the elementary characteristics of IS security training, nor does it explain how these elementary characteristics shape IS security training principles in practice. To this end, this thesis develops a theory that suggests that IS security training has certain elementary characteristics that separate it from other forms of training, and sets a fundamental direction for IS security training practices. Second, the theory defines four pedagogical requirements for designing IS security training approaches. Then it points out that no existing IS security training approaches meet all these requirements. To address these shortcomings, the way in which to design an IS security training approach that meets all these requirements is demonstrated.
In this thesis it is also argued that, along with an effective IS security training approach, reasons for employees’ IS security behavior need to be understood. The existing empirical research in the field of employees’ IS security behavior is dominated by theory-verification studies that test well-known theories developed in other fields in the context of IS security. Instead, it is argued that there is a need to focus the investigation on the phenomenon of employees’ compliance itself through an inductive and qualitative approach to complement the existing body of knowledge of this topic. As a result, a framework identifying reasons associated with compliance/non-compliance with security procedures is developed. A particularly interesting finding is that individuals’ violation of IS security procedures depends on the type of violation.
Besides advancing a meta-theory for IS security training and developing the theoretical framework that points out reasons for employees’ IS security behavior, the thesis provides a future research agenda for IS security training and behavior. For practitioners, this thesis points out the limitations of the previous IS security training approaches and reasons for IS security behavior and, based on these observations, offers principles for designing effective IS security training approaches in practice. / Tiivistelmä
Yhtenä keskeisenä ongelmana organisaatioissa pidetään sitä, että työntekijät laiminlyövät organisaation tietoturvakäytäntöjä. Vaikka tutkijat ja organisaatiot ovat tunnistaneet tietoturvakoulutuksen tärkeyden, olemassa oleva kirjallisuus ei tuo esiin tietoturvakoulutuksen perusominaisuuksia ja niiden asettamia vaatimuksia käytännön tietoturvakoulutukselle.
Tässä väitöskirjassa kehitetään kolmitasoinen meta-teoria, joka huomioi nämä aikaisemmasta tietoturvakoulutusta käsittelevästä kirjallisuudesta puuttuvat kysymykset. Teorian ensimmäisellä tasolla määritellään tietoturvakoulutuksen perusominaisuudet, jotka erottavat sen muista koulutusmuodoista ja ohjaavat tietoturvakoulutuksen toteuttamista käytännössä. Teorian toisella tasolla määritellään neljä pedagogista vaatimusta tietoturvakoulutuksen suunnitteluun. Lisäksi kirjallisuusanalyysin perusteella osoitetaan, että olemassa oleva tietoturvakoulutusta käsittelevä kirjallisuus ei täytä kaikkia näitä vaatimuksia. Teorian kolmannella tasolla esitetään käytännön esimerkki siitä, kuinka tietoturvakoulutus voi täyttää tutkimuksessa määritellyt pedagogiset vaatimukset.
Väitöskirjassa esitetään myös, että tehokkaan koulutusmenetelmän lisäksi on tärkeää ymmärtää työntekijöiden tietoturvakäyttäytymistä. Aikaisemmin tällä alueella on pääasiassa testattu muiden tieteenalojen teorioita tietoturvakontekstissa. Tässä väitöskirjassa sen sijaan tarkastellaan työntekijöiden tietoturvakäyttäytymisen syitä induktiivisen ja laadullisen tutkimusmenetelmän avulla. Tutkimuksen tuloksena kehitetään teoreettinen viitekehys, jonka avulla analysoidaan työntekijöiden tietoturvakäyttäytymistä. Tutkimuksen päätuloksena osoitetaan, kuinka tietoturvakäyttäytymiseen syyt eroavat rikkomustyypeittäin.
Tietoturvakoulutuksen suunnittelua tukevan meta-teorian ja työntekijöiden tietoturvakäyttäytymistä selittävän teoreettisen viitekehyksen lisäksi väitöskirjassa esitetään uusia näkökulmia tietoturvakoulutuksen ja tietoturvakäyttäytymisen tutkimukselle. Käytännön tietoturva-ammattilaisille väitöskirja selventää olemassa olevien tietoturvakoulutuksen lähestymistapojen puutteita ja syitä työntekijöiden tietoturvakäyttäytymiselle. Näihin havaintoihin perustuen väitöskirjassa esitetään tekijöitä, joita tietoturvakoulutuksessa tulisi käytännössä ottaa huomioon.
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Muodot kontrastissa:suomen ja viron vertailevaa taivutusmorfologiaaRemes, H. (Hannu) 29 May 2009 (has links)
In my study I have taken a contrastive look at Finnish and Estonian inflectional morphology as evidenced in their literary forms. In its perspective the present study differs from the contrastive linguistic research as it is commonly practiced in Finland, in which the objects of research have usually been the relations between Finnish and a morphologically poorer Indo-European language. The languages now in comparison are both morphologically rich languages, viz., Finnish and Estonian, and they also share a common historical background.
The objective of my study is twofold: the primary goal is to obtain theoretical information about the relations of inflectional morphology that pertain between these two languages and, secondly, to acquire pedagogically applicable data for language teaching purposes. In order to achieve these goals, it is essential to find out how and to what extent Finnish and Estonian differ from each other morphologically, where the differences come from and how the changes have affected these languages typologically. The results show that by comparing languages it is also possible to discover such features that would not have been possible to detect by just focusing on one language. Natural morphology and markedness theory have served as the theoretical bases for this study. Even in the common grammatical categories there are differences in the markedness relations between Finnish and Estonian.
Contrastive research usually deals with a synchronic comparison of languages. However, in analyses of morphological relations between Finnish and Estonian it has turned out practical to relate the synchronic phenomena to their historical background. By adopting this procedure, we are able to unveil the strategic solutions that have taken the languages in different directions. These solutions are reflected in synchronic differences and they can also be indications of typological differentiation. The reasons underlying morphological divergence between Finnish and Estonian can often be found in the developments that have taken place in Estonian: phonological changes can have led to changes in morphological structures and even to morphological innovations. The complete morphologicalization of consonantal gradation and the birth of internal inflection are two of the important processes that Estonian has undergone. To some extent, differences have also been caused by conscious development and standardization of the two languages.
A comparison of inflectional morphology in Finnish and Estonian nouns shows that the singular and plural genitive forms have a more focal position in Estonian than they have in Finnish. I will also show in more detail, both diachronically and from the point of view of markedness, the nature of the relationship between the three plural types of Estonian compared to the two types in Finnish.
In verb morphology there are important differences, for example, in the passive construction, the mood system and past tense relations as well as in the selection and morphology of the infinite forms. A characteristic feature of Estonian is the weakening of the category for person: many finite verb forms are without the person suffix altogether, or it is optional.
The present analysis shows that the relations between Finnish and Estonian paradigm types are quite complex. For instance, many Finnish two-stem word-types are parallel to an Estonian type that has evolved into a single-stem type. However, Estonian can have developed a secondary consonant stem type, which has no equivalent in the Finnish paradigms. There is also ample evidence for one Finnish paradigm having its parallels in two or more types in Estonian. This is the case, for instance, in the two-syllable e contracted nouns and contracted verbs. In addition, a path of development in Estonian may also have led to merging of two paradigm types, such as the coalescence of us quality terms and action terms. / Tiivistelmä
Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani kontrastiivisesti suomen ja viron taivutusmorfologiaa niiden kirjakielisen edustuksen pohjalta. Lähtökohdiltaan työni poikkeaa Suomessa yleensä harjoitetusta kontrastiivisesta tutkimuksesta, jossa kohteina ovat olleet tavallisesti suomen ja jonkin usein morfologialtaan köyhemmän indoeurooppalaisen kielen suhteet. Nyt vertailtavina ovat paljolti yhteisen taustan omaavat läheiset sukukielet, suomi ja viro, jotka ovat morfologialtaan rikkaita.
Tutkimukseni päämäärä on kahtalainen: ensisijaisena tavoitteena on saada teoreettista tietoa kielten taivutusmorfologisista suhteista, mutta toiseksi myös pedagogisesti hyödynnettävissä olevaa tietoa kielenopetuksen tarpeisiin. Keskeistä on sen selvittäminen, miten ja missä määrin suomi ja viro poikkeavat toisistaan morfologisesti ja mistä erot johtuvat sekä miten muutokset ovat vaikuttaneet kieliin typologisesti. Tulokset osoittavat, että kieliä vertailemalla niistä voidaan saada selville sellaisiakin seikkoja, jotka eivät olisi havaittavissa vain yhteen kieleen keskittymällä. Tutkimukseni teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on luonnollinen morfologia ja tunnusmerkkisyysteoria. Suomen ja viron välillä ilmenee yhteisissäkin kielioppikategorioissa eroja tunnusmerkkisyyssuhteissa.
Kontrastiivisen tutkimuksessa on tavallisesti kyse kielten synkronisesta vertailusta. Suomen ja viron morfologisten suhteiden selvittämisessä on osoittautunut tarkoituksenmukaiseksi synkronisten ilmiöiden suhteuttaminen historialliseen taustaan. Tällöin näkyvät kieliä eri suuntaan vieneet strategiset ratkaisut, jotka nyt kuvastuvat synkronisina eroina ja voivat olla osoituksena typologisesta erilaistumisesta. Suomen ja viron morfologisten erojen syynä on usein etenkin virossa tapahtunut kehitys: äänteenmuutokset ovat voineet johtaa kielen muotorakenteessa muutoksiin, myös morfologisiin innovaatioihin. Tärkeitä prosesseja ovat virossa olleet astevaihtelun täydellinen morfologistuminen ja sisäisen taivutuksen synty. Niin ikään eroja on jossain määrin aiheuttanut kielten tietoinen kehittäminen ja normittaminen.
Suomen ja viron nominien taivutusmorfologian vertailu osoittaa, että virossa erityisesti yksikön ja monikon genetiivimuodoilla on järjestelmässä huomattavasti keskeisempi asema kuin suomessa. Esitän myös lähemmin, millainen on viron kolmen monikkotyypin suhde suomen kahteen tyyppiin sekä diakronisesti että tunnusmerkkisyyden kannalta. Verbimorfologiassa kielten kesken on tärkeitä eroja muun muassa passiivissa, modusjärjestelmässä, imperfektityyppien suhteissa sekä infiniittimuotojen valikoimassa ja morfologiassa. Virolle leimallista on persoonakategorian heikkeneminen: monet finiittiset verbimuodot ovat vailla persoonapäätettä tai sellainen on valinnainen.
Suomen ja viron paradigmatyyppien suhteet osoittautuvat varsin kirjaviksi. Monia suomen kaksivartaloisia sanatyyppejä vastaa virossa yksivartaloiseksi kehittynyt tyyppi. Toisaalta viroon on voinut syntyä sekundaaria konsonanttivartaloisuutta, jollaiselta suomen paradigmoista puuttuu vastine. On myös useita esimerkkejä siitä, että yhtä suomen paradigmatyyppiä, esimerkiksi kaksitavuisia e-supistumanomineja sekä supistumaverbejä, vastaa virossa kaksi tai useampia tyyppejä. Kehitys on virossa voinut johtaa myös kahden paradigmatyypin, kuten us-ominaisuudennimien ja -teonnimien, yhdistymiseen.
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Assessing the Object Relations of Sexually Abused FemalesFreedenfeld, Robert N. 08 1900 (has links)
The TAT stories of 38 sexually abused females between the ages of 5 and 18 years and a clinical group of 26 females with no recorded history of abuse were analyzed using the Object Relations and Social Cognitions TAT Scoring System (Westen et al., 1985). Subjects in the sexual abuse group showed significantly lower mean scores on a scale measuring affect-tone of relationship paradigms and on a scale measuring complexity of representations of people. In addition, pathological responses were given significantly more often by sexual abuse victims on the complexity of representations of people scale. Thus, sexually abused children showed more primitive and simple characterizations of people and more negative, punitive affect in their representations. Moreover, these results were independent of age, race, and intelligence. Group differences are discussed in terms of object relations development.
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The history of diplomatic protocol with the emphasis on French influence on diplomatic protocol and new cultural influences on today´s diplomatic protocol / Historie diplomatického protokolu se zaměřením na francouzský vliv na diplomatický protokol a nové kulturní vlivy na diplomatický protokolLukovicsová, Nicola January 2014 (has links)
The Master's Thesis on "The History of Diplomatic Protocol with the Emphasis on French Influence on Diplomatic Protocol and New Cultural Influences on Today's Diplomatic Protocol" aims at introducing the topic of History of Diplomatic protocol and is further elaborating on the topic in terms of various influences on Diplomacy and Diplomatic protocol. The purpose was to show that the evolution of the practices, protocols and etiquette is a gradual process of change. Nowadays we live in the world strongly influenced by the European tradition that mainly comes from France. However, the changing world and process of globalization makes it easier for people to interact, share their values and spread their ideas.
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A study to determine the nature of science teachers' functional paradigms using qualitative research methodsCardwell, Steven McDonald January 1988 (has links)
It is believed that one of the overriding factors that has contributed to the resistance to curriculum change on the part of teachers is that some of the new curricula seem to require a major change in teaching methodology and style. This change amounts to a conflict between paradigms. If this belief is correct, then one can argue that there will have to be a shift in teachers' functional paradigms in order for these curriculum innovations to be implemented.
The study focuses on the goals, problems, exemplars, and routines, which constitute the "functional paradigms" of teachers. The term "functional paradigm" is meant to convey the idea that the characteristics which unite a community of practitioners are likely to be centered on practical matters: Why do teachers function in particular ways? Do teachers attach "common meanings" to particular situations or entitles?
The following specific research questions were examined:
1. What are some of the factors which influence the formulation of teachers' functional paradigms?
2. What is the nature of teachers' functional paradigms? 3. a) What are the perceptions of teachers with regard to curriculum change?
b) What is the relationship between teachers' functional paradigms and their perceptions of curriculum change?
c) To what extent do teachers' functional paradigms become idiosyncratic when they are faced with a curriculum change?
The methodology involved interviews with teachers. A
pilot study was conducted prior to the main study. The
interviews in the main study were analyzed in terms of six
main categories.
The results seem to indicate:
1. There are common categories and sub-categories that contribute to the formation, development, and maintenance of teachers/ functional paradigms. They include:
o past educational experiences.
o background in general.
o practicum experiences.
o past and present teaching experiences.
o curriculum materials.
o constraints on teaching.
o school, students, and other workers in the school.
2. There seems to be a "core" of common categories among teachers. The intersection of elements within these categories composes the functional paradigms of teachers in general. Although the paradigms are functional in an active sense, they are relatively stable within the "culture", and over the long term. This stability must be considered if innovators in education ever contemplate a change which would require a shift in teachers'" functional paradigms. This commonality of beliefs, routines, problems, and exemplars is probably greater among teachers within the same small segment of the organization than within the entire profession.
3. Evidently, teachers select, interpret, and utilize learning materials in different ways dependent on the nature of their personal functional paradigms. A number of differing elements in teachers'' functional paradigms have been identified. These elements determine how teachers teach in terms of their use of curriculum materials. Curriculum change agents must consider the functional paradigms of individuals and determine how common these paradigms are before attempting a major pedagogical change. This study has shown that if these factors are not considered, then the curriculum change that is contemplated will be reduced to a mere change in content. The teachers will utilize the curriculum materials according to their own functional paradigms.
4. The inertia against curriculum change is most difficult to overcome with more experienced teachers, and more easily overcome with beginning teachers. This suggests that the focus of curriculum implementation needs to be aimed at certain segments of the profession. Somehow the change agents must assist educators to change their functional paradigms to meet the desired ends of the new curriculum prior to implementation. The alternative is the disparity that seems to exist between the curriculum that is intended by the policy makers, the curriculum that is implemented by the teachers, and the curriculum that is ultimately attained by the students. / Education, Faculty of / Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of / Graduate
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Homo deficiens: tecendo metáforas para os abismos e progressos do eu / Homo deficiens: weaving metaphors for the depth and the progress IMarsiglia, Priscila Munhoz 29 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-06-09T14:37:09Z
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Priscila Munhoz Marsiglia.pdf: 1063911 bytes, checksum: a39134bc5350a7f3fddbea0677ef6959 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-03-29 / This research has as its theme the issue of inclusion processesof homo deficiens, tracing a historical path of exclusion and segregation, which remains in scholar environment and in the roots of current Brazilian laws. The study shows that for centuries the treatment offered to people suffering from any kind of disability was the complete and definitive social isolation, with the creation of totalitarian institutions such as mental hospitals, hospices, boarding schools. However, while the laws currently allow the access to regular education, this is still insufficient because different people still experiences the humiliation in daily life, accompanied by myth and prejudice. These barriers generate the need for radical changes and studies on the understanding of homo deficienscondition, and inclusive policies based on human rights and the right to education for all, regardless of their differences. The study’s object isthe regular school and Paralympic athletes. The selected hypotheses: a) regular school promotes the inclusion of the disabled; b) sport promotes ecology of action and assists the development of the human being The goal is to understand the experiences and educational and scholar livingfor Paralympic athletes and para-athletes in general, and identify the presence of possible discriminatory acts during the process of schooling. The method used in this study is the qualitative approach, through afield research based on oral history with guiding questions. Five interviews were conducted in 2015. The interviews demonstrated that regular school only promotes the access for the disabled, not ensuring their true inclusion and equality in full development rights, while the sport promotes ecology action to homo deficiens, transposing assigned barriers and limitations, overcoming discriminatory and exclusionarythoughts. Throughout centuries of social and educational history, explanations on human diversity emphasized the negative and reductionist aspects of homo deficiens, being the subject little discussed and always marginalized. This shows that exclusionary practices perpetuate andare transmittedfor generations intotroubled and discriminatory contexts, generating the need for a complete and radical paradigmatic rupture of the misunderstandings about homo deficiensand the educational and social inclusion. / Esta pesquisa tem como tema a problemática dos processos de inclusão do homo deficiens, traçando um percurso histórico de exclusão e segregação, que permanecem no ambienteescolar e nos conceitos de leis brasileiras vigentes. O estudo demonstra que durante séculos o tratamento oferecido às pessoas que sofressem de qualquer tipo de deficiência era o isolamento social completo e definitivo, com a criação de instituições totalitárias como manicômios, hospícios, colégios internos. Mas, embora atualmente as leis oportunizem os acessos ao ensino regular, isto ainda éinsuficiente, pois o diferente ainda vivencia a humilhação em sua cotidianidade, acompanhada de mito e preconceito. Estes entraves geram a necessidade de estudos e mudanças radicais acerca da compreensão da condição do homo deficiense de políticas inclusivas, com base nos direitos humanos de uma sociedade e no direito à escola para todos, independentemente de suas diferenças. O objeto de estudo é a escola regular e atletas paralímpicos. As hipóteses apontadas são: a) a escola regular promove a inserção do deficiente; b) o esporte promove a ecologia da ação e auxilia o desenvolvimento do ser. O objetivo é compreender as experiências e vivências educacionais e escolares do atleta paralímpico e do para-atleta, além de identificar a presençade possíveis atos discriminatórios durante o processo de escolarização. O método utilizado neste estudo é o qualitativo, por meio de pesquisa de campo de história oral com questões norteadoras. Foram realizadas cinco entrevistas no ano de 2015. As entrevistas realizadas demonstraram que a escola regular apenas promove a inserção do deficiente, não garantindo sua real inclusão e a igualdade nos direitos de desenvolvimento pleno, enquanto o esporte promove a ecologia da ação ao homo deficiens, transpondo barreiras e limitações atribuídas, superando o pensamento discriminador e excludente. Ao longo de séculos de história social e educacional, as explicações sobre a diversidade humana enfatizaram os aspectos negativos e reducionistas do homo deficiens, sendo o tema pouco debatido e sempre marginalizado. Isto mostra que as práticas excludentes se perpetuame são repassadas por gerações e em contextos conturbados e discriminatórios, gerando a necessidade de uma ruptura paradigmática completa e radical sobre as incompreensões acerca do homo deficiens e sobre a inclusão educacional e social. / Esta tesis de Maestría tiene como tema la inclusión de los procesos de inclusión del homo deficiens, trazando un camino histórico de la exclusión y la segregación, que permanecen en el entorno escolar y los conceptos de la ley brasileña actual. El estudio muestra que durante siglos el tratamiento que se ofrece a las personas que sufren algún tipo de discapacidad fue el aislamiento social completo y definitivo, con la creación de instituciones totalitarias tales como hospitales psiquiátricos, centros de cuidados paliativos, internados. Pero mientras que las leyes actualmente con base en el acceso a la educación regular, esto es aún insuficiente debido a la diferente todavía experimenta la humillación en su vida diaria, acompañado por el mito y el prejuicio. Estas barreras generan la necesidad de cambios radicales y estudios sobre la comprensión de la condición de homo deficiens y las políticas inclusivas basadas en los derechos humanos de una empresa y el derecho a la escuela para todos, independientemente de sus diferencias. El objeto de estudio es la escuela regular y los atletas paralímpicos; El objetivo es comprender las experiencias y las experiencias educativas y escolares de los atletas paralímpicos y al atleta, e identificar la presencia de posibles actos de discriminación durante el proceso de escolarización. El método utilizado en este estudio es cualitativo, a través de la investigación de campo de la historia oral con preguntas de orientación. cinco entrevistas se llevaron a cabo en 2015. Los resultados obtenidos confirman a través de la metodología aplicada identificaron las hipótesis: a) la escuela regular promueve la inclusión de los discapacitados y b) el deporte promueve la ecología de la acción y ayuda al desarrollo de la, ya entrevistas han mostrado que la escuela regular sólo promueve la inclusión de los pobres, no garantizando su verdadera inclusión y la igualdad de derechos de desarrollo completo, mientras que el deporte promueve la ecología de la acción del homo deficiens, la transposición de las barreras y limitaciones asignadas, la superación de pensamiento discriminador y excluyente. A lo largo de siglos de historia social y educativo, las explicaciones de la diversidad humana hicieron hincapié en los aspectos negativos y reduccionista del homo deficiens, siendo el tema poco discutido y siempre marginados. Esto demuestra que las prácticas de exclusión se perpetúan y se transmiten de generación en generación y contextos problemáticos y discriminatorias, creando la necesidad de una ruptura paradigmática completa y radical de los malentendidos acerca del homo deficiens y la inclusión educativa y social.
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No Principal Left Behind: Leadership and Ethical Dilemmas in the Turbulent Era of School AccountabilityWeiler, Christopher Scott January 2009 (has links)
In 2003, Mid-County North High School (pseudonym), a large suburban, rather affluent school did not make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) under the No Child Left Behind Act. The school's special education population was unable to meet the proficiency requirements of the Mid-County's state, and as such received a "failing" label from the state. The irony in this is that North High School (NHS) and the Mid-County District have a documented legacy of excellence -even on the very assessments upon which the "failing" assessments were based. This single-site, qualitative case study, was designed to investigate the real-life dilemmas, ethical, professional, and personal, that the school leaders at NHS and in the Mid-County School District encountered after the school did not make AYP. The perceived internal pressures caused by the possible competition of a school leader's personal and professional values, as well as the necessity for leaders to guide their school toward making AYP, were investigated. In addition to internal pressures, the study attempted to uncover the perceived pressures faced by the leaders within the organizational structure of the school and school district, from the community, media and government. In addition, the study was designed to unveil school leaders' reactions to these perceived pressures. This study used semi-structured interviews with 12 school leaders, including central office and building level leaders, as well as teachers, a parent, and a school board member. In addition to interviews, pertinent documents, and artifacts were analyzed. The interview and document data were then coded using a qualitative analysis program, TAMSAnalyzer. The constant comparative method (Glaser and Strauss, 1967) was used to analyze the data in terms of the study's two theoretical frameworks: Turbulence Theory (Gross, 1998) and Multiple Ethical Paradigms (Shapiro and Stefkovich, 2001). The data revealed three dominant themes: (a) Turbulence Happens: School Leaders Are Forced to Respond to Externally Imposed Accountability in the Era of NCLB and AYP; (b) Flight School: School Leaders' Ethical Codes and Experience Prepare them to Navigate Through Turbulence; (c) Pilot to Co-Pilot: School Leaders Communicate, Collaborate, and Innovate to manage the Turbulence of Not Making AYP. / Educational Administration
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The economy of knowledge in migration policy : Understanding Georgia's migration policy within the modern world systemNadibaidze, Tamar January 2022 (has links)
The study aims to analyze Georgia's Migration Strategy 2021-2030 and its elaboration process within a multi-stakeholder format. The Strategy along with the annual action plans and a logic framework, sets a state policy on migration. The development of migration policy and cohesive field management is a novel and largely understudied phenomenon in the local context. It also falls beyond the general research focus of migration policies within the Western liberal democracies. In addition, conditions related to Georgia's specific location, introduced by the thesis, give relevance to studying the contemporary manifestation of migration in the state policy. The research is interested in the knowledge paradigms and its sources that form the policy, and their role in creating salience of certain topics, while muting others. The research uses an ethnographic method and a poststructural policy analysis to interrogate the strategy and its development process. The results are assessed with the use of a conceptual framework assembled from Brown and Balibar's theorization of relationship between neoliberalism and democracy, and its consequent impact on democratic governance. The findings reveal the prominence of neoliberal rationality as a political and normative form of reason and display some of its sources of power. In this process, best practices function as perceived neutral forms of knowledge and further carry a legitimizing effect due to their intrinsic contingency on the European geopolitical space. In overall, the results reveal a certain 'disorganic' development of migration policy, dislocated from Georgia's historical and contemporary realities.
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Litteraturanalysens ämneskonceptioner : Litteraturanalysens aktiviteter i läromedel för Svenska 3 och läroplanen / The Paradigms of Literary Analysis : The activities of literature analysis in text books for Swedish 3 and within the curriculumGranbacke, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Based on the extensive goals and mission in the Swedish curriculum regarding literature and analysis, this study examines how said curriculum and two textbooks, for the third course in Swedish in upper secondary school, suggests learning activities for literary analysis. Using content analysis and an adapted model of paradigms as a framework, themes are reviewed for how literary analysis is described and literature teaching is prescribed. The results show that the dominating paradigms in the subject purpose-text is mainly learner oriented and cultural, while the course content text and evaluation text is dominantly focused on the formal aspects of literature. The evaluation text is also notably void of learner-oriented focus. The textbooks show a priority of the content-oriented paradigms and are shown to differ greatly from the paradigms of the curriculum. The results of the textbooks are noticeably similar and suggest congruency in priorities between textbook authors, while the differences between curriculum documents are major. The results are discussed in relation to the Swedish political discourse of measurability in learning, and in relation to the textbook making process and its influences.
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An autoethnographic account of married life after traumatic brain injury : a couple's co-construction of their journeyGraham, Jennifer Ann 01 1900 (has links)
This autoethnography explores the phenomenon of marriage after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Capturing as its data, through a series of audio-recorded conversations and journal entries, the first-hand, co-constructed experiences of a married couple, it provides an ‘insider’ and as such, intimate perspective on life together following such an unexpected, disruptive and life-altering event. Situated within ‘a systemic constructionist’ epistemology, it spotlights, in particular, the relational aspects of the post-TBI marriage unfolding over time, rather than just the individual perspectives of each spouse at a single point in time - as most existing studies on the topic do. As a qualitative study, it made allowance for the collection and use of rich, nuanced data so as to do some justice to the complex nature of the topic being studied. David Reiss’ explanatory theory on ‘crisis and the development of the family paradigm’ was applied deductively during the carrying out of a thematic analysis of the data, with the intention of bringing new insights to the understanding of the phenomenon of the post-TBI marriage. Data were also analysed inductively, in that themes emerging from the data itself were also used. A discussion based on the findings of the data analysis was proffered. Based on these findings, recommendations on what issues therapists working from within a family-systems orientation might focus their attention on were made. A recommendation for TBI couples to receive support from early intervention and follow-up services was also made, along with identifying the consequent need for research first to be done on developing and implementing such a service / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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