Spelling suggestions: "subject:"carents anda children"" "subject:"carents anda 3children""
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The psychosocial needs of mothers with primary school physically disabled children : the role of social work in community based rehabilitationOffice, Snowball Ditlhamallo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Disability can be physical or mental and have different causes, which determine how it is classified. This study will concentrate on physical disability. In the past, the causes of disability were associated with many beliefs of which most perceived disability as something bad. In Botswana, even though people now understand the causes of disability, they still associate it with something bad or have not fully accepted disabled people. The beliefs surrounding physical disability are worse due to the fact that the disability is visible.
The way people perceive physical disability does not only affect the disabled person, but also their families. As the causes of disability vary and can develop prior to birth or be acquired later in life, they affect the different age groups in different ways. This study will focus on physical disability in school children and will explore the impact it has on their mother’s psychosocial needs.
The physical disability of school children has different challenges depending on the type of disability. The challenges can be physical, social, economic and psychological. Due to these challenges these children are considered to have special needs and require special care. The special care involves providing for their special basic needs and their medical, social and psychological needs at home and at school. The physically disabled school children also use special equipment which helps them with their daily actives. This equipment needs special care and these children therefore need to go for regular checkups. They also need to be assisted with how to use this equipment at home and school.
The challenges of physically disabled school going children are administered by social workers under the Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Programme. The CBR must assist with improving the lives of disabled children and their families. When the social workers attend to the disabled school going child, they concentrate on the medical part of the child’s disability, often forgetting other needs. They also do not attend to the mother and her needs, as she is the primary carer.
This study was conducted in Letlhakeng village in Botswana. Twenty (20) biological mothers of physically disabled school going children were interviewed using a semi structured questionnaire. The sampling was a non probability purposive sample and the study used both quantitative and qualitative methods of research.
The quantitative study has shown that the mothers in the area have limited education and are non-skilled. They are still active and most of them are single parents engaged in low income economic activities or not doing anything and they have a reasonable number of children. Their housing structures are poor and not accessible for the disabled children.
The results indicated that mothers know about disability, but the causes have not been fully communicated to them. Even though they consider physical disability to have a natural cause, they still associate it with other beliefs according to which the disability could have happened at birth or after birth. This indicates that cultural beliefs still have an impact.
The mothers send their children to school but their schooling is not taken seriously as the mothers do not know about programmes like special education that can help their children. They still have negative feelings when the child is at school. In addition the mothers are not comfortable with the school environment and still believe a disabled child does not have the capacity to learn.
The qualitative study showed that mothers have psychosocial needs which are not provided for, as they feel that CBR does not involve them and assist them accordingly. This therefore deprives them of the information and confidence to provide for their disabled children.
The mothers do not interact well with their relatives and the community due to the negative attitudes they have towards the disabled. They also lack support from them and from the social workers, because at the time of this study there was no social worker in the area.
The mothers showed that they have the burden of caring for their disabled children and this is affecting them physically, economically, socially and psychologically.
The role of social work in rehabilitation is still not taken seriously as indicated by the fact that the post at the rehabilitation office has remained vacant for so long.
Overall, mothers have psychosocial needs and experience difficulties in coping with the burden of providing for their physically disabled school going children and the social workers are not playing their role in this regard to assist them.
The recommendation is made for advocacy to assist the physically disabled children and their families especially the mothers as the primary caregivers and to improve the role of the social worker. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gestremdheid kan liggaamlik of geestelik wees en het verskillende oorsake waarvolgens dit geklassifiseer kan word. Hierdie studie fokus op liggaamlike gestremdheid. In die verlede is die oorsake van gestremdheid met allerlei gelowe vebind, wat meestal as negatief beskou is. Selfs al is die oorsake van gestremdheid vandag bekend, is daar steeds mense in Botswana wat gestremdheid as iets boos beskou of diegene met gestremdhede nie ten volle aanvaar nie. Die gelowe rondom liggaamlike gestremdheid is selfs eger omdat die gestremdheid sigbaar is.
Die manier waarop mense liggaamlike gestremdheid beskou, beïnvloed nie net die gestremde persone nie, maar ook hulle gesinne. Aangesien die oorsake van gestremdheid verskil en dit by geboorte of later opgedoen kan word, beïnvloed dit verskillende ouderdomsgroepe op verskillende maniere. Hierdie studie fokus op liggaamlike gestremdheid by skoolkinders en ondersoek die impak daarvan op hulle moeders se psigososiale behoeftes.
Die liggaamlike gestremdheid van skoolkinders bied verskillende uitdagings na gelang van die soort gestremdheid. Die uitdagings kan liggaamlik, maatskaplik, ekonomies en sielkundig wees. Hierdie uitdagings beteken dat die kinders beskou word as kinders met spesiale behoeftes wat spesiale sorg nodig het. Die spesiale sorg behels dat voorsiening gemaak moet word vir hulle spesiale basiese behoeftes, asook hulle mediese, maatskaplike en sielkundige behoeftes tuis en by die skool. Liggaamlik gestremde skoolkinders gebruik ook spesiale toerusting wat hulle in staat stel om hulle daaglikse aktiwiteite te kan uitvoer. Aangesien hierdie toerusting deel uitmaak van spesiale sorg, word die kinders gereeld medies ondersoek. Hulle moet ook hulp kry om die toerusting tuis en by die skool te gebruik.
Die uitdagings wat die skoling van liggaamlik gestremde kinders bied word ooreenkomstig die Gemeenskapsgebaseerde Rehabilitasieprogram (GBRP) deur maatskaplike werkers aangebied. Die GBRP is gemik daarop om kinders met gestremdhede én hulle ouers se omstandighede te verbeter. Wanneer die maatskaplike werkers met skoolgestremde kinders werk, fokus hulle op die mediese sy van die kind se gestremdheid en vergeet dikwels van die ander behoeftes. Hulle sien ook nie om na die moeder – wat die hoofversorger is – en háár behoeftes nie.
Die studie is uitgevoer in die dorpie Letlhakeng in Botswana. Onderhoude is gevoer met twintig biologiese moeders van skoolgaande liggaamlik gestremde kinders deur gebruik te
maak van ʼn halfgestruktureerde vraelys. Die steekproefneming behels ʼn doelgerigte niewaarskynlikheidsteekproef en die studie gebruik kwantitatiewe sowel as kwalitatiewe navorsingsme.
Die kwantitatiewe studie dui daarop dat die moeders in die gebied oor ʼn lae opvoedingsvlak beskik en weinig vaardighede het. Ofskoon hulle nog aktief is en die meeste van hulle die hoof van die huishouding is, is hulle betrokke by ekonomiese aktiwiteite wat lae inkomste bied. Ander beskik oor geen inkomste nie, terwyl die getal kinders binne die nasionale gemiddeld is. Die huisstruktuur is swak en ontoeganklik vir kinders met gestremdhede.
Die resultate dui daarop dat die moeders vertroud is met gestremdheid, maar dat die oorsake daarvan nie volledig aan hulle oorgedra is nie. Selfs al besef hulle dat liggaamlike gestremdheid wel ʼn natuurlike oorsaak het, assosieer hulle dit steeds met ander gelowe wat by geboorte of na geboorte ʼn rol kon speel. Dit dui daarop dat kulturele gelowe wel ʼn impak op hulle het.
Alhoewel die moeders hulle kinders laat skoolgaan, word die skoling nie in ʼn ernstige lig beskou nie, aangesien die moeders onbewus is van spesialeonderrigprogramme wat hulle kan help. Hulle bly dus negatief oor hulle kinders se skoolbywoning. Verder het die moeders nie vertroue in die skoolomgewing nie en meen gestremde kinders se leervermoë is ontoereikend.
Die kwalitatiewe studie wys dat moeders psigososiale behoeftes het waarin daar nie voorsien word nie. Hulle meen die GBRP betrek hulle nie en staan hulle nie dienooreenkomstig by nie. Dít ontneem hulle dus die inligting en selfvertroue om vir hulle gestremde kinders te kan voorsien.
Die moeders kommunikeer nie juis met familielede en die gemeenskap nie weens die familielede en gemeenskap se ingesteldheid. Die moeders kry nie bystand van hulle óf van maatskaplike werkers nie. Met die studie is daar vasgestel dat daar geen maatskaplike werkers in die omgewing is nie.
Dit was duidelik dat die moeders gebuk gaan onder die las om hulle gestremde kinders te versorg en dat dit hulle liggaamlik, ekonomies, sosiaal en sielkundig beïnvloed.
Die rol van maatskaplike werk in rehabilitasie word steeds nie ernstig opgeneem nie en daarom staan die rehabilitasiekantoor dikwels vir lang tye leeg.
Oor die algemeen het moeders psigososiale behoeftes en hulle vind dit moeilik om die las te hanteer wat die skoling van hulle liggaamlik gestremde kinders op hulle plaas, terwyl daar onvoldoende maatskaplike werkers is om bystand hiermee te verleen.
Daar word vervolgens aanbevelings gedoen en voorspraak gelewer om die gesinne en families van liggaamlik gestremde kinders te help, veral betreffende die rol van die moeders as versorgers en om maatskaplike werkers se betrokkenheid te verbeter.
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Ouers se belewing van hul kind met dispraksieRust, Elmari 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Even though dyspraxia is a fairly new and unknown disorder, especially in South Africa, a fair amount of research has been conducted on what this condition entails, its causes and symptoms, as well as the resources available to deal with children with dyspraxia. However, research on the emotions, frustrations and concerns of the parents of children with dyspraxia is not as readily available. Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological perspective was used as it identifies the family’s diferrent systems where-in it functions. This can possibly identify and bring to attention the existing support systems within the family’s community. The research methodology of this study is qualitative research within the interpretive paradigm. The researcher made use of two case studies as this research explored a specific phenomenon. Through purposive sampling, four parents of children with dyspraxia was identified as participants. The research question guiding this study explores the personal experiences of the parents regarding their children’s dyspraxia. Individual semi-structured interviews and reflective journals were used as methods of data collection. According to existing literature, parents of children with disorders experience their children’s disorders on an emotional, physical as well as social level. The data analysis have shown that parents of children with dyspraxia also experience their children’s condition on these three levels. From this study, it was concluded that parents’ knowledge of dyspraxia, their living environment, the measure of support and resources available, as well as the number of children in the family are all factors that influence their experiences across the three aforementioned levels. The research provides insight into the parents’ experiences and the importance of adequate support for parents, and should promote general awareness and acknowledgement of dyspraxia as a significant barrier in a child’s development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel dispraksie veral in Suid-Afrika nog ’n betreklik nuwe en onbekende versteuring is, is daar al heelwat navorsing gedoen oor wat dié toestand behels, hoe dit ontstaan, met watter simptome dit gepaardgaan, en die beskikbare hulpbronne om ʼn kind met dispraksie te hanteer. Tog is navorsing oor die emosies, frustrasies en bekommernisse van die ouers van kinders met dispraksie nie ewe geredelik beskikbaar nie. Bronfenbrenner se bio-ekologiese teorie is gebruik, omdat dit die gesin se verskeie sisteme identifiseer waarbinne hulle funksioneer. Sodoende kan moontlike ondersteuning in die gesin se gemeenskap geïdentifiseer en bewerkstellig word. Die navorsingsmetodologie van hierdie studie is kwalitatiewe navorsing binne ʼn interpretatiewe paradigma. ʼn Spesifieke fenomeen is ondersoek en die navorser het gebruik gemaak van twee gevallestudies. Die deelnemers, soos geïdentifiseer deur ʼn doelgerigte steekproef, is vier ouers van kinders met dispraksie. Die navorsingsvraag wat hierdie studie lei handel oor die ouers se ervarings en persoonlike belewings rakende hul kinders se dispraksie. Individuele, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, sowel as reflektiewe joernale, is as metodes van data-insameling gebruik. Volgens bestaande literatuur beleef ouers van ʼn kind met ʼn versteuring hul kinders se toestand op ʼn emosionele, fisiese én sosiale vlak. Die data analise het gedui dat ook ouers van kinders met dispraksie hul kinders se toestand op hierdie drie vlakke ervaar. Die studie het ook daarop gedui dat ouers se kennis van dispraksie, die omgewing waar hulle woon, die mate van ondersteuning en hulpbronne waaroor hulle beskik, sowel as die getal kinders in die gesin, alles faktore is wat hul ervarings op voormelde drie vlakke beïnvloed. Die navorsing bied insig in die ouers se ervarings en die noodsaaklikheid van genoegsame ondersteuning vir ouers, en behoort algemene bewustheid en erkenning van dispraksie as ʼn hindernis vir ʼn kind se ontwikkeling te bevorder.
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Parents' perspectives of their children's transition from a mainstream to s special schoolHyman, Claire Louise 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Education White Paper 6, implemented in 2001, completed a significant period of policy development and change after the end of Apartheid in South Africa. The change in South African educational policy and the schooling system has given rise to many changes in the governance of special schools; this has further influenced this study. Education White Paper 6 (2001) introduced a comprehensive range of educational support services; schools now include mainstream schools, full-service schools and special schools. These schools offer varying levels of support with the view to minimise barriers to learning. While this research was conducted in a private special school, the parents who participated had all transitioned their child from a mainstream school.
This research study attempted to understand parents’ perspectives of transitioning their child from a mainstream school to a special school, focusing in particular on parents whose children were in the Senior Phase of their school career. Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model was used as the theoretical framework for this study because of the overlapping systems that are interconnected and influence the participants’ lives and the lives of their children. For the research study, the parents were placed in the centre of the model; the other microsystems include the school, family and the child. This study made use of a qualitative case study design and a qualitative methodology which is rooted within an interpretive paradigm. Purposeful sampling was used to select the parents from the selected special school in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town, as participants for the study. The study made use of three measures to collect data; a semi-structured interview, a life-line activity, as well as an open-ended questionnaire the parents were asked to complete at home. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the data generated by means of the three data collection methods.
The findings of this research paper suggest that the transient process at a later stage in the child’s academic career was a difficult experience for the parents who participated in the study. However, as the children gradually adjusted to the change, the parents felt the move had been worth it and had experienced a positive change in their children’s academic achievements. It should also be noted that the parents’ perspectives on special education were not based on the policy documents governing the South African school system and more parental education is needed regarding this area. While the findings of the study cannot be generalised to all schools in South Africa, from this research study recommendations could be made to the special school to assist in ensuring a smoother transition for both the parents and the learner. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onderwyswitskrif 6 wat in 2001 geïmplementeer is het die periode van die beleidsverandering ná die beëindiging van apartheid in Suid-Afrika voltooi. Die verandering in die Suid-Afrikaanse opvoedkundige beleid en die skoolstelsel het aanleiding gegee tot baie veranderinge in die bestuur van spesiale skole, en dit het hierdie studie beïnvloed. Onderwyswitskrif 6 (2001) het 'n omvattende reeks van opvoedkundige ondersteuningsdienste voorgestel wat die volgende strukture insluit; hoofstroom-, voldiens- en spesiale skole. Hierdie skole bied verskillende vlakke van ondersteuning aan met die oog om die hindernisse tot leer te oorbrug. Die navorsing is vanuit 'n privaat spesiale skool gedoen. Die ouers wat deelnemers aan die navorsing was, het hulle kinders uit 'n hoofstroomskool gehaal en oorgeplaas na ‘n spesiale skool.
Hierdie navorsingstudie het gepoog om ouers se perspektiewe te verstaan rakende die oorplasing van hulle kind vanuit ‘n hoofstroomskool na 'n spesiale skool, met spesifieke fokus op die ouers wie se kinders in die Senior Fase van hul skoolloopbaan was. Bronfenbrenner se bio-ekologiese model is as die teoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie studie gebruik in die lig van die klem op die oorvleuelende sisteme wat met mekaar verbind is en die invloed daarvan op die deelnemers se lewens en die lewens van hul kinders. Vir hierdie navorsingstudie is die ouers in die middel van die model geplaas, met die skool, gesin en die kind as verdere mikrosisteme. Hierdie studie het van 'n kwalitatiewe gevallestudie en 'n kwalitatiewe metodologie gebruik gemaak wat in 'n interpretatiewe paradigma gegrond is. Doelgerigte steekproefneming is gebruik om die ouers te kies uit die aangewese spesiale skool in die suidelike voorstede van Kaapstad, as deelnemers vir die studie. Die studie het gebruik gemaak van drie maatreëls om data in te samel: 'n semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud, 'n lewens-lyn aktiwiteit, en 'n oop vraelys wat die ouers tuis voltooi het. Kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise is gebruik om die data wat gegenereer is deur middel van die drie data–insamelingsmetodes, te ontleed.
Die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing suggereer dat die oorgangsperiode op 'n later stadium in die kind se akademiese loopbaan 'n moeilike ervaring vir die ouers, wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, was. Namate die kinders egter by hulle veranderde omstandighede aangepas het, het die ouers gevoel dat die skuif die moeite werd was en hulle het 'n positiewe verandering in hul kinders se akademiese prestasies opgemerk. Kennis moet ook daarvan geneem word dat die perspektief van die ouers op spesiale onderwys nie gebaseer was op die beleidsdokumente van die Suid-Afrikaanse skoolstelsel nie. Dit beklemtoon dat ouerontwikkeling ten opsigte van hierdie aspek noodsaaklik is. Die bevindinge van die studie kan wel nie na alle skole in Suid-Afrika veralgemeen word nie, maar daar kan vanuit hierdie navorsing aanbevelings gemaak word om spesiale skole by te staan ten einde die oorgang vir beide ouers en leerders makliker te maak.
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Rodiče a prarodiče ve výchově dětí předškolního věku / Parents and grandparents in educating of pre school childrenMakoňová, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
This diploma work deals with parents and grandparents in education of preschool age. First theoretical part of the work examines sociological data about family and education of children. The work further deals details of the position and role of the grandparents when these findings are then compare in the context of a child where the main importance is focused to presence grandparents in education. The second part of the work is focused to research. It examines how the parents and grandparents work together in education and how feels this help young parent. This part of the work finds what education methods repeat of our children and how has changed the education today against of past. It deals if grandparents affect their children and if these children perceive they are influence by parents.
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"Man får ju vara lite uppfinningsrik" : en kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares uppfattningar om handlingsutrymme och delaktighetsfrämjande arbete med föräldrar till familjehemsplacerade barn / ”You just have to be a little inventive” : a qualitative study on the perspectives of social workers about discretion and the work of promoting participation among parents with children in foster careJohansson, Lena, Johansson, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Valet av uppsatsämne grundar sig i att det skett en förändring i synen på betydelsen av en relation mellan föräldrar och barn under senaste århundradet. Att föräldrarna har fått en större betydelse i barnens liv gör det därför intressant att studera hur föräldrar som har sina barn placerade i familjehem görs delaktiga i barnens liv utifrån socialsekreterares uppfattningar om delaktighetsfrämjande arbete och sitt handlingsutrymme i detta arbete. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett symboliskt interaktionistiskt perspektiv beskriva och analysera socialsekreterares uppfattningar om sitt handlingsutrymme och delaktighetsfrämjande arbete med föräldrar till familjehemsplacerade barn. Metod: Denna studie har en kvalitativ ansats där materialet har skapats genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer och empirin utgörs av fyra stycken transkriberade intervjuer. Urvalet har skett genom att socialsekreterare som har arbetsuppgifter som innefattar att arbeta med föräldrar till familjehemsplacerade barn kontaktades. Empirin har sedan bearbetats och analyserats utifrån en tematisk analysmodell. Resultatet presenteras sedan i relation till studiens teoretiska ram samt tidigare forskning. Resultat: Denna studie visar på att tillgänglighet och kontinuitet är enligt socialsekreterarna av betydelse för skapandet av en relation mellan socialsekreterare och föräldrar, vilket i sin tur främjar föräldrarnas delaktighet samt att det kan vara av betydelse för barnets bästa. I detta arbete så upplever socialsekreterarna att deras handlingsutrymme är stort och att det har en frihet i hur de kan lägga upp ett delaktighetsfrämjande arbete med föräldrar till familjehemsplacerade barn. Men samtidigt beskriver de även aspekter som de upplever begränsa deras handlingsutrymme. / Background: The choice of subject in this study is based on the altered perception of the importance of a relation between parents and children the last century. The enlarged importance of parent's involvement in their children's lives makes it interesting to study how these parents are made participated by the social worker and their perspectives of a work that promotes participation among these parents and how the social worker perceive their discretion in this work. Purpose: This study aims to describe and analyse, from a symbolic interactionistic perspective, the perspective of social workers about their discretion and the work of promoting participation among parents with children in foster care. Method: This study has a qualitative approach where the material was made by semi-structured interviews and the empirics consists of four transcribed interviews. We contacted social worker who is working with parents that have children placed in foster care to make our selection. The empirics have then been processed and analysed with a thematic analyse model. The result is then presented in relation to this study's theoretical frame and previous research. Result: The results of this study shows that availability and continuity are, according to the social worker, of importance in the making of a relation between the social worker and these parents, which in turn can promote the parent's participation and it can also be for the child's best. In this work the social worker experiencing that they have a wide discretion which enables them to scheduled their own time which they spend in the work of promoting participation among parents with children in foster care. At the same time, they also describe aspects that they feel is limiting their discretion.
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“Så länge människan funnits har även barnet gått på denna jord" : En litteraturstudie om familjehemsföräldrars biologiska barn / As long as humans have walked the earth, so have childrenGrähs, Linnéa, Tidell, Anneli January 2019 (has links)
De flesta barn som blir placerade utanför det egna hemmet lever i familjehem, varav många familjehemsföräldrar även har egna biologiska barn. Dessa barn osynliggörs av socialtjänsten, trots den vikt de tillskrivs i fostringsprocessen av ett placerat barn. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur tidigare forskning har uppmärksammat familjehemsföräldrars biologiska barns uppväxt och på vilket sätt. Utifrån en systematisk, integrativ litteraturstudie har 15 artiklar valts ut och redogörs för i tematisk struktur varpå en analys har genomförts med hjälp av barndomssociologin som teoretisk ansats. Resultatet konstaterar att familjehemsföräldrars biologiska barn har en viktig roll i familjehemmet och är i många fall aktiva i behandlandet av det placerade barnet. Socialtjänsten bör förbereda familjehemsföräldrar och deras biologiska barn för de utmaningar, känslor och tankar biologiska barn kan erhålla när de agerar familjehem. / Most children that are placed in care are living in foster homes where many of the foster parents also have their own biological children. These biological children are found invisible by social services. The purpose of our study was to investigate how and to what extent previous research has drawn attention to foster carers own children. Based on a systematic, integrative literature study, 15 articles have been selected. We have analyzed these articles within the theoretical frame of childhood sociology. The results, states that the biological children have an important role in the foster care process and in the treatment process of the child being placed. The social services should prepare both parents and their children in the foster family for the challenges, feelings and thoughts that the biological children may possibly experience in the foster home care.
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Challenges faced by parents caring for their child after traumatic brain injuryUnknown Date (has links)
When children have a moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), they are
treated in a continuum of care that includes triage and emergency care, hospitalization,
rehabilitation and outpatient therapy. Physical and cognitive recovery from brain injury
may take several years. Children’s recovery varies, depending on numerous factors
including pre-injury conditions and injury severity. While children and families are eager
to return home to familiar activities, there are often significant physical, cognitive,
behavioral and emotional changes that challenge families. Successful community
reintegration depends on the ability of the family to understand and support the child,
dealing with and responding effectively to those challenges. The purpose of this study is to understand how parents manage the care and community reintegration of their child who has experienced a TBI over time. This study utilized a mixed methods approach exploring the dimensions of the health challenge faced by parents caring for a child after a TBI, critical turning points as they face health challenges, and approaches for movement toward resolving health challenges. Story theory and story inquiry method were used to gather stories from 10 parents of children who experienced moderate to severe traumatic brain injury between the ages of 12 and 18, and between 2 and 5 years ago. Parents’ perceptions of their child’s quality of life and their ability to manage their child’s health challenge were explored using the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory and Family Management Measure. Health challenges identified were: living with overwhelming personal upheaval, navigating the unknown, and struggling with how to support independence/dependence. Turning points were chronological or epiphanies. Approaches for movement toward resolving were continuously re-creating a new normal, being fully engaged in meeting the needs of one’s child, and embracing caring relationships to construct the new normal. Qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed to synthesize the findings. Results include a sense of ease in managing the health condition of the child associated with continuously creating a new normal. Healthcare providers can support and strengthen family management of children after TBI by understanding the health challenge, critical turning points and how parents move toward resolving. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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A família atual: declínio da função paterna ou declínio dos pais? / The Actual Family: decline of the paternal function or the parents decline?Gomes, Juliana Guimarães de Oliveira 14 June 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-06-14 / Considering contemporaneity, we have been watching an increase of episodes,
such as violence, which generally indicates a failure in the process of
culturalization /socialization of individuals. The family as a nuclear cell of society
has been identified as central to the analysis of this situation increasingly
evident. In this sense, it is essential to seek an understanding of relational
configurations between parents and children, specifically with regard to the
exercise of the paternal role. This study aimed to investigate the exercise of the
paternal role nowadays in situations where there is a perception by parents of
failure or inability in exercising his/her function of socializing children. For that, a
bibliography review was fulfilled contemplating the family settings from the end
of the Middle Ages until the actual moment; an exam, anchored in
Psychoanalysis, of the process of the psychic constitution of the individual in the
interior of the family, the central role of the paternal function and that which has
been appointed as its decline or weakening. From the empirical point of view
the research makes the observation and analysis of three Brazilian families who
take part in a reality show from a Brazilian TV, where parents were in significant
difficulty in the process of raising/nurturing children. Are listed the following
Motivational Factors: Ideal for Parents (belief in an omnipotent model);
Emotional Unpreparedness (immaturity, inability to manage conflict, inability to
self-evaluation and reflection), Affective Inclination (fear of loss of love,
insecurity, guilt, identification/projection, affective ambivalence). Data analysis
was performed by means of observation and detailed examination of the
parents speeches considering the Method of Analysis (Bardin, 2009). A general
consideration of the results states a decline of parents and not the paternal role
nowadays. / Considerando a contemporaneidade, temos assistido a uma inflação de
episódios, como por exemplo, a violência, que de um modo geral indicam uma
falha no processo de culturalização/socialização dos indivíduos. A família,
como célula nuclear da sociedade, tem sido apontada como central para a
análise desta conjuntura cada vez mais evidente. Neste sentido, faz-se mister
buscar uma compreensão das configurações relacionais entre pais e filhos,
mais especificamente no que se refere ao exercício da função paterna. Esta
pesquisa teve como objetivo a investigação do exercício da função paterna na
atualidade em situações onde há uma percepção pelos próprios pais de
fracasso ou incapacidade no exercício da sua função de socializar os filhos.
Para tanto foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica que contemplou as
configurações da família desde o final da Idade Média até o momento atual; um
exame, ancorado na Psicanálise, do processo de constituição psíquica do
indivíduo no interior da família, do papel central da função paterna e do que
vêm sendo apontado como seu declínio ou enfraquecimento. Do ponto de vista
empírico, a pesquisa realiza a observação e análise de três famílias
participantes de um reality show da televisão brasileira, onde os pais
encontravam-se em significativa dificuldade no processo de criação/educação
dos filhos. São elencados os seguintes Fatores Motivacionais: Ideal de Pais
(crença em um modelo onipotente); Despreparo Emocional (imaturidade,
incapacidade de gerir conflitos, incapacidade de auto-avaliação e reflexão),
Disposição Afetiva (medo de perda do amor, insegurança, culpa,
identificação/projeção, ambivalência afetiva). A análise dos dados foi realizada
por meio da observação e do exame pormenorizado das falas dos pais
considerando o método de Analise de Conteúdo (Bardin, 2009). Uma
consideração geral dos resultados afirma um declínio dos pais e não da função
paterna na atualidade.
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Stress appraisal and social support of mothers of mentally retarded adults.January 1994 (has links)
by Theresa, Yuk ki Chen. / Includes questionaire in Chinese. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 75-80). / abstract --- p.ii / acknowledgments --- p.iii / list of tables --- p.vi / Chapter / Chapter 1 --- BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY AND LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.1 / The stress of families with mentally retarded children --- p.1 / Stress encountered by parents of mentally retarded adults --- p.5 / The concept of social support and its effects --- p.8 / Stress and social support of families with mentally retarded children --- p.9 / The optimal-matching model of stress and social support --- p.13 / Purpose of the present study --- p.20 / Chapter 2 --- RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY --- p.24 / Subjects --- p.24 / Instruments --- p.26 / Procedure --- p.28 / Chapter 3 --- RESULTS --- p.30 / The social functioning of the mentally retarded adults --- p.30 / Sources and. nature of stress --- p.30 / Sources of social support --- p.46 / Nature of social support --- p.49 / Stress appraisal and effectiveness of social support --- p.53 / Support needed the nature of stress --- p.57 / Stress appraisal and social support needed --- p.59 / Chapter 4 --- DISCUSSION --- p.61 / Nature of stresses in mothers of mentally retarded adults --- p.61 / Sources and nature of social support received --- p.66 / Testing the optimal-matching hypotheses --- p.68 / "The , needs for social support" --- p.71 / Limitations and suggestions for further' study --- p.72 / Implications for rehabilitative services of mentally retarded individuals --- p.74 / REFERENCES --- p.75 / APPENDIX / Chapter A --- LETTER TO THE SUBJECT --- p.81 / Chapter B --- CONSENT FORM FOR SUBJECT --- p.83 / Chapter C --- THE STRUCTURED INTERVIEW SCHEME --- p.85 / Chapter D --- VINELAND SOCIAL MATURITY SCALE --- p.94
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A família como contexto de desenvolvimento moral para crianças e adolescentes com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade / The family as a context of moral development for children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAmaral, Ana Paula 28 June 2017 (has links)
O Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) é um transtorno neurobiológico amplamente estudado e o que mais acomete a população infantil em idade escolar. No entanto, pesquisas relacionando o contexto familiar destas crianças e adolescentes com a moralidade são escassas. Este estudo teve por objetivo mapear o contexto familiar deste público no que diz respeito às concepções educativas morais, a legitimidade da autoridade parental e as representações de si dessas mães. MÉTODO: Participaram da pesquisa 17 mães e 5 avós (responsáveis legais) de crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico de TDAH atendidos por uma instituição filantrópica especializada localizada na cidade de São João da Boa Vista, interior do estado de São Paulo. Para a coleta de dados, os instrumentos utilizados foram: Escala de Concepções Educativas Morais ECEM, Questionário de legitimidade da autoridade parental e Representações de si de mães de crianças e adolescentes com TDAH. RESULTADOS: Os resultados apontaram para mães que priorizam o respeito unilateral, a justiça retributiva com o uso de sanções expiatórias, o desejo pela obediência e baixa autonomia. Além disso, as mães legitimam a autoridade parental em todos os domínios, sendo as regras de domínio pessoal menos legitimadas que as demais. O uso de punições físicas está muito presente no discurso dessas mães. As representações de si como pessoa dessas mães estão voltadas para a maternidade como valor central e para um olhar positivo sobre si mesmas. Como mães, essas mulheres tem representações de si positivas e positivas morais com ênfase no cuidado. A maior parte das mães percebem diferenças entre educar crianças com TDAH e sem o transtorno. Elas também apresentam representações de si positivas, quando questionadas sobre como o filho, os familiares, os professores e os profissionais da saúde que atendem o filho com TDAH as veem como mães. Em relação às apresentações do TDAH, podemos destacar que as mães de crianças com apresentação predominantemente hiperativa/impulsiva apresentam a menor média para o construto autonomia e as maiores médias para o construto obediência e para as regras de domínio pessoal. As mães de crianças com apresentação predominantemente desatenta utilizam mais regras e apresentam maior legitimidade da autoridade parental, exceto quando se trata das regras de domínio pessoal. As mães de crianças com apresentação combinada apresentam as menores médias em todos os domínios, o que aponta para menor legitimidade da autoridade parental e menor expectativa de obediência. CONCLUSÃO: O contexto familiar dessa amostra não favorece o desenvolvimento moral. As participantes deste estudo desejam filhos obedientes e utilizam sanções expiatórias para garantir a obediência. Para as participantes, ser boa mãe está relacionado ao cuidado e o sacrifício pelos filhos / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological disorder that is widely studied and which affects the school-age children. However, research relating the family context of these children and adolescents with morality is scarce. This study aimed to map the family context of this public with regard to moral educational conceptions, the legitimacy of parental authority and the self-representations of these mothers. METHODS: 17 mothers and 5 grandmothers (legal guardians) of children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD attended by a specialized philanthropic institution located in the city of São João da Boa Vista, in the state of São Paulo, participated in the study. For the data collection, the instruments used were: Moral Educational Conceptions Scale - ECEM, Questionnaire of legitimacy of parental authority and Self-representations of mothers of children and adolescents with ADHD. RESULTS: The results pointed to mothers who prioritize unilateral respect, retributive justice with the use of expiatory sanctions, the desire for obedience and low autonomy. In addition, mothers legitimize parental authority in all domains, with rules of personal dominance less legitimized than the others. The use of physical punishments is very present in the discourse of these mothers. The self-representations as a person of these mothers are focused on motherhood as a central value and a positive image at themselves. As mothers, these women have positive and positive moral self-representations with an emphasis on care. Most mothers perceive differences between educating children with ADHD and without the disorder. They also present positive self-representations when questioned about how the child, family members, teachers, and health professionals who treat the child with ADHD see them as mothers. Regarding the presentations of ADHD, we can highlight that the mothers of children with predominantly hyperactive / impulsive presentation present the lowest mean for the autonomy construct and the highest averages for the obedience construct and the rules of personal dominance. Mothers of children with predominantly inattentive presentation use more rules and have greater legitimacy of parental authority, except when it comes to rules of personal domain. Mothers of children with a combined presentation have the lowest averages in all domains, which points to a lower legitimacy of parental authority and lower expectation of obedience. CONCLUSION: The family context of this sample does not favor moral development. Participants in this study desire obedient children and use expiatory sanctions to ensure obedience. For the participants, being a good mother is related to the care and sacrifice for the children
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