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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processus participatifs et urbanisme à l’échelle métropolitaine : Une perspective comparative entre Lyon et Montréal / Participatory Processes and Town Planning at the Metropolitan Scale : A Comparative Perspective between Lyon and Montreal

Combe, Lila 08 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge le lien entre la participation et l’urbanisme à l’échelle métropolitaine. Il s’agit de comprendre comment les dispositifs participatifs mis en place dans les territoires contribuent à l’élaboration des politiques urbaines. Nous interrogeons en particulier la manière dont la participation permet la prise en compte, dans le processus d’élaboration des politiques, des enjeux portés par le public. Nous nous demandons également dans quelle mesure elle génère une plus grande coordination des acteurs, des dispositifs et des échelles qui interviennent dans cette élaboration. Nous abordons ces questions à l’échelle de la métropole, qui induit un ensemble de spécificités relatives à l’action sur les territoires et au public participant. Notre étude met en évidence plusieurs apports de la participation : sa contribution porte essentiellement sur l’énonciation des enjeux des politiques urbaines, et moins sur la formulation des solutions, qui s’avère source de désaccords. La participation génère de nouvelles coordinations entre acteurs, dispositifs et échelles d’action publiques, mais ces coordinations apparaissent souvent fragiles et éphémères. Si les étapes de la concertation et du débat public produisent chacune des effets propres, notre travail donne à voir une construction cumulative des effets au fil du processus participatif. Les transferts d’acteurs, la répétition d’enjeux et le raffinement des recommandations permettent, dans certains contextes, d’élargir le champ d’impact de la participation, qui s’étend alors de la formulation des enjeux jusqu’à la logique de mise en œuvre des politiques. / Our study is questioning the link existing between participation and urbanism at the metropolitan scale. This concerns Lyon and Montreal metropolis. The target is to understand how are contributing participating action plans to elaborate an urban policy. We are specially questioning how this participation allows to take into consideration in the process of politics elaboration, the stakes hold by public. We are also wondering about the way this participation produces a wider coordination between actors, action plans and scales contributing to this elaboration. We are considering these questions at a metropolitan scale, where action on territories and public are presenting some specificity.Our study is highlighting several contributions of participation: concerning mainly the process of problem setting, and less the process of problem solving, which is source of disagreement. The participation is creating new coordination between actors, action plans and scales of public actions, but these coordination appear weak and short lived. Each stage of the consultation and the public debate are producing specific effects; but our study also shows a progressive and a building up effects increasing in the development of the participatory process. Transfers of actors, repetition of stakes and refinement of recommendations allow in some contexts to extend the field of participation impact, which is so, expending from the formulation of stakes to the logic of politics implementation.

A PSS-based process : Towards the participation of elderly in co-development of sustainable habitat solutions

López, Itziar January 2013 (has links)
In response to the Ageing of our Society, a new paradigm is evolving that promotes healthy ageing and independency through self-care and wellbeing. The role of the living environments is crucial in the Ageing Society to promote wellbeing. Besides, elderly contribution through social participation is essential for their integration and inclusion in society. This thesis explores the case of Cooperative Housing for elderly in Sweden, a concept that promotes the participation of elderly in the design of their habitats. The research is oriented towards a smoother inclusion of elderly in participatory processes aimed at developing sustainable and need-satisfying habitat solutions for elderly. To do this the author explored how the concepts of PSS, Design Thinking, Human Needs and Needfinding could inform the design of those participatory processes. Based on the results of interviews, questionnaires and three case studies on Cooperative Housing, a set of three distinguished types of recommendations was developed to guide the design of future participatory processes: overarching models, process enablers and specific methods and tools for each of the process phases. Mainly, the discussion focuses on the concepts of PSS, human needs-centered design and sustainability, and how those can enable a smoother inclusion of elderly. / Joaquin Collar 8 8ºE, 01002 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain +34690666663

Integrating Participatory Processes in Planning for Strategic Sustainable Development

Cretney, Alison, Cretney, Steven, Meisterheim, Tracy January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines how dialogue-based methodologies can be integrated into a participatory planning process for strategic sustainable development. Evidence of the complex nature of the sustainability challenge is cited as necessitating tools and methodologies suited for dealing with complexity. The methodologies in this study were designed to use dialogue to address complex problems in which outcomes are unpredictable. Within the sustainability practitioner community, we identified a need for research on systematic guidance for pairing engagement processes with use of the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD). This research focuses on how a specific set of dialogue-based methodologies within the Art of Hosting network can be integrated with the FSSD to strengthen the linkage between content and process. As the culmination of our research, we have developed The Weave: Participatory Process Design Guide for Strategic Sustainable Development (www.theweave.info). It includes a Template for process design, suggestions and examples for use, and guiding principles. It is the first prototype of participatory process design guidance to be offered for pilot testing in the field of strategic sustainable development.

Behavior Analysis and Modeling of Stakeholders in Integrated Water Resource Management with a Focus on Irrigated Agriculture

Al Khatri, Ayisha Mohammed Humaid 15 February 2019 (has links)
The scarcity of freshwater resources in the Sultanate of Oman, makes it essential that both surface and groundwater resources are carefully managed. Introducing new water demand management tools is important, especially for the coastal agricultural areas (e. g. Al Batinah coastal region) which are affected by sea water intrusion. Based on a social survey performed during this work, the existing situation generates conflicts between different stakeholders (SHs) which have different interests regarding water availability, sustainable aquifer management, and profitable agricultural production. The current aim is to evaluate the implementation potential of several management interventions and their combinations by analysing opinions and responses of the relevant stakeholders in the region. Influencing the behavior and drivers affecting farmers’ decision-making manner, can be a valuable tool to improve water demand management. The work also introduces the use of a participatory process within the frame of an integrated water resources management (IWRM) to support decision makers in taking better informed decisions. Data were collected by questionnaires from different groups of stakeholders. These data were analysed statistically for each group separately as well as relations amongst groups by using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) software package. Differences were examined between opinions of farmers and decision makers (DM’s) regarding potential interventions. Farmers’ frequency curves showed differences in opinions in some interventions, while differences in opinions were not so high within the group of DM’s. Therefore, Cross Tabulation and Discriminant Analysis (DA) were performed to identify the drivers influencing farmers’ opinions regarding the intervention measures. As an advanced step, a Bayesian Networks (BNs) approach is used for mapping stakeholders’ behaviors and to show the strength of a relationship between dependent and predictor variables. By using BNs it is possible to analyse future scenarios for implementation and acceptance of interventions.

Designkriterien für die Vergabe von Nachhaltigkeitspreisen - zwischen Designpraxis und SDGs

Augsten, Andrea, Wölfel, Christian 09 February 2023 (has links)
Die Vergabe von Auszeichnung und Preisen hat eine lange Tradition im Design, einhergehend mit der Kritik nach Transparenz, Motivation oder Finanzierungsmodellen seitens der Einreichenden. Dennoch erleben wir in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit eine erneute Aktualität. Es sprechen vielfältige Gründe dafür, und nicht zuletzt geben die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) nun einen Rahmen. Um global nachhaltige Strukturen zu schaffen, haben sich damit im Jahr 2015 die Mitgliedstaaten der Vereinten Nationen gemeinsame Ziele gesetzt, die in der Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung festgehalten sind. Diese 17 SDGs sind nicht originär der Designdisziplin zugeordnet, sondern als rahmengebend und zielsetzend für gestaltendes Handeln eines jeden zu verstehen. Einhergehend mit der Forderung nach nachhaltigem Handeln, bieten sie Kriterien, die gleiches messbar machen (sollen). Dass Design in dieser Transformation eine wesentliche Rolle spielen kann, ist kaum umstritten. Dabei geht es nicht nur um neue (oder auch wiederentdeckte) Lösungen, sondern auch um Kompetenzen und Methoden des Designs. Menschzentrierung, partizipative Prozessgestaltung und eine ganzheitliche, komplexe Lösungsentwicklung sind lediglich drei der vielfältigen Potenziale, die die Designdisziplin zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung beitragen kann. Die zahlreichen Beiträge der DGTF-Jahrestagung 2022 zum Thema ‚Design × Nachhaltigkeit‘ bilden genau dieses Spektrum ab, zeigen Hürden und er-öffnen neue, positive Perspektiven und machen Mut, diesen Weg weiter zu verfolgen.

Análise do processo participativo na gestão dos recursos hídricos no Estado de São Paulo: um estudo de caso do Comitê da Bacia Hidrográfica do Tietê - Jacaré / Analise of the partipative process in the water resources management in the São Paulo State: a case study of Tiete Jacare Watershed Commitee

Mariza Guimarães Prota 18 October 2011 (has links)
O modelo atual de gestão dos recursos hídricos no Brasil é descentralizado, participativo e integrado, e tem como unidade de planejamento a bacia hidrográfica. Baseia-se na atuação de comitês de bacia, sendo que cada comitê possui composição e regras de funcionamento próprias, regidas por seu estatuto. Os princípios básicos desta gestão foram ditados pela Constituição Brasileira de 1988 e detalhados pela Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos, instituída por meio da Lei Federal nº 9433/97. Porém, já em 1991, São Paulo promulgou sua Política Estadual de Recursos Hídricos, através da Lei Estadual nº 7663/91, que também prevê a implementação de instrumentos de gestão. Atualmente, decorridos quase 20 anos da promulgação da lei estadual, críticas são feitas a este modelo de gestão. Esta pesquisa analisou o processo de participação nos comitês de bacia do Estado de São Paulo por meio de um estudo de caso no Comitê da Bacia Hidrográfica do Tietê Jacaré, adotando como metodologia a aplicação de questionários aos seus membros da gestão 2009 - 2011. Os resultados encontrados, além de apontar para a necessidade de revisão do estatuto deste comitê, evidenciaram as distorções causadas pelas divergências entre a legislação estadual e a federal, principalmente quanto aos segmentos participantes e atores envolvidos. Mostraram também a necessidade de uma maior divulgação das questões de recursos hídricos nesta bacia e no Estado de São Paulo, como um todo / The current model of water resources management in Brazil is decentralized, participative and integrated, and adopted the river basin as a planning unit. Its based on the performance of basin committees; each Committee has its own composition and rules of procedure, governed by its statute. The basic principles of this management have been established by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and detailed by the National Water Resources Policy, established by Federal Law nº. 9433/97. However, already in 1991, São Paulo State promulgated its Water Resources Policy, through State Law nº. 7663/91, which also provides for the implementation of management instruments. Nowadays, after almost 20 years of the enactment of State law, comments about this water resources management model have been made. This research examined the participatory process in basin committees of the São Paulo State through a case study in the Tiete - Jacare Basin Committee, based on the application of questionnaires to the Committees members. The interviews results have pointed that the Committees statute need to be reviewed, and showed the differences between the Federal and the State legislations, mainly regarding the participating sectors and representatives involved. They also showed that a greater disclosure of water resource issues in this basin and in the State of São Paulo, as a whole, is necessary

Análise do processo participativo na gestão dos recursos hídricos no Estado de São Paulo: um estudo de caso do Comitê da Bacia Hidrográfica do Tietê - Jacaré / Analise of the partipative process in the water resources management in the São Paulo State: a case study of Tiete Jacare Watershed Commitee

Prota, Mariza Guimarães 18 October 2011 (has links)
O modelo atual de gestão dos recursos hídricos no Brasil é descentralizado, participativo e integrado, e tem como unidade de planejamento a bacia hidrográfica. Baseia-se na atuação de comitês de bacia, sendo que cada comitê possui composição e regras de funcionamento próprias, regidas por seu estatuto. Os princípios básicos desta gestão foram ditados pela Constituição Brasileira de 1988 e detalhados pela Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos, instituída por meio da Lei Federal nº 9433/97. Porém, já em 1991, São Paulo promulgou sua Política Estadual de Recursos Hídricos, através da Lei Estadual nº 7663/91, que também prevê a implementação de instrumentos de gestão. Atualmente, decorridos quase 20 anos da promulgação da lei estadual, críticas são feitas a este modelo de gestão. Esta pesquisa analisou o processo de participação nos comitês de bacia do Estado de São Paulo por meio de um estudo de caso no Comitê da Bacia Hidrográfica do Tietê Jacaré, adotando como metodologia a aplicação de questionários aos seus membros da gestão 2009 - 2011. Os resultados encontrados, além de apontar para a necessidade de revisão do estatuto deste comitê, evidenciaram as distorções causadas pelas divergências entre a legislação estadual e a federal, principalmente quanto aos segmentos participantes e atores envolvidos. Mostraram também a necessidade de uma maior divulgação das questões de recursos hídricos nesta bacia e no Estado de São Paulo, como um todo / The current model of water resources management in Brazil is decentralized, participative and integrated, and adopted the river basin as a planning unit. Its based on the performance of basin committees; each Committee has its own composition and rules of procedure, governed by its statute. The basic principles of this management have been established by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and detailed by the National Water Resources Policy, established by Federal Law nº. 9433/97. However, already in 1991, São Paulo State promulgated its Water Resources Policy, through State Law nº. 7663/91, which also provides for the implementation of management instruments. Nowadays, after almost 20 years of the enactment of State law, comments about this water resources management model have been made. This research examined the participatory process in basin committees of the São Paulo State through a case study in the Tiete - Jacare Basin Committee, based on the application of questionnaires to the Committees members. The interviews results have pointed that the Committees statute need to be reviewed, and showed the differences between the Federal and the State legislations, mainly regarding the participating sectors and representatives involved. They also showed that a greater disclosure of water resource issues in this basin and in the State of São Paulo, as a whole, is necessary

Democracia digital e participação cidadã: um estudo de caso do governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Rotenberg, Marcelo Rabelo 22 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by marcelo rabelo rotenberg (marcelo.rotenberg@fgv.br) on 2015-01-21T17:05:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação- Pós Banca 21.01.2015 (1).pdf: 9174538 bytes, checksum: ddabf3ffc294e85c46ae3792f04bbf32 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2015-01-21T18:30:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação- Pós Banca 21.01.2015 (1).pdf: 9174538 bytes, checksum: ddabf3ffc294e85c46ae3792f04bbf32 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-02-02T11:16:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação- Pós Banca 21.01.2015 (1).pdf: 9174538 bytes, checksum: ddabf3ffc294e85c46ae3792f04bbf32 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-02T11:16:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação- Pós Banca 21.01.2015 (1).pdf: 9174538 bytes, checksum: ddabf3ffc294e85c46ae3792f04bbf32 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-22 / The main aim of this work was to evaluate the digital participatory process pursuant to the second edition of the 'Governador Pergunta of Gabinete Digital'. For this aim, certain categories and criteria proposed by Villela (2012) were utilized who's objective are the evaluation of participant processes. The utilization of the mentioned criteria focuses on the concept of citizenship deliberaive, amplified by the edemocracy. These concepts include: discussion threads, pluralism, inclusion and common good. The data was collected, at first, by means of bibliographical research. Subsequently, interviews were conducted with the principal protagonists involved in the 'Gabinete Digital' and in the second edition of 'Governador Pergunta'. In summary, the results indicate the existence of spaces for discussion without decision making powers. Therefore, this active experience ensured to renew and highlight the public agenda in the state of Rio Grade do Sul and are means to improve the 'Gabinete Digital' and the tool that is the 'Governador Pergunta' in the public management. / Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo avaliar o processo participativo digital relativo à segunda edição do Governador Pergunta. Nesse sentido, foram utilizadas algumas das categorias e critérios propostos por Villela (2012) cujos objetivos são a avaliação de processos participativos. A utilização de tais critérios se apoia na concepção de cidadania deliberativa, ampliada por conceitos de democracia digital. Optou-se por analisa-lo a partir de alguns critérios de avaliação de processos participativos deliberativos, quais sejam: Processos de Discussão, Inclusão, Pluralismo e Bem Comum. Os dados foram coletados, em um primeiro momento, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica. Em seguida, foram realizadas entrevistas junto aos principais atores envolvidos no Gabinete Digital e na consulta pública digital do trânsito do Governador Pergunta. Em suma, os resultados apontam para a existência de espaços para discussão, contudo sem capacidade deliberativa. Entretanto, tal experiência participativa cidadã tratou por renovar e pautar a agenda pública no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Por fim, apresentam-se recomendações para o aperfeiçoamento do Gabinete Digital e da ferramenta do Governador Pergunta pela gestão pública.

Análise das estratégias, condições e obstáculos para implantação de técnicas mais sustentáveis para tratamento local de efluentes sanitários residenciais. Caso: assentamento rural Sepé-Tiaraju, Serra Azul-SP

Martinetti, Thaís Helena 27 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:00:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2479.pdf: 4196494 bytes, checksum: 14c6802d9f57503ce1779318c1aa87a2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-27 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The lack of sanitation systems is one of the main causes of insalubrity and environmental degradation. The term sustainability has provoked a debate in the literature, derived, mainly with the environmental concern and the use of the non-endless natural resources. Besides environmental and ecological issues, the concept incorporates the economical, social, cultural and political dimensions. The last one emphasizes the people participation on making decisions, management and general control of the production process, through the comprehension of the reality and the analysis of different alternatives. The use of participatory processes for taking decision to the choice of more sustainable domestic wastewater system, besides easing the knowledge transfer, permit access to the nonconventional techniques. General purpose was to analyze the strategies, conditions and obstacles for the implantation of more sustainable domestic wastewater systems, containing as experimental object the Rural Settlement Sepé-Tiaraju, located in Serra Azul-SP (Brasil), considering the participatory process for families taking decisions. General strategy used was the participatory action research, which the researcher and the families interact with each other in a cooperative and participatory way. General steps of the action were: 1- participatory process for domestic wastewater systems choice; 2- executive project and the budget system; 3- execution plan of the pilot system; 4- family organization for the execution of the pilot system; 5- the execution of the pilot system; 6- the system maintenance and utilization instructions. For each verified hypothesis, it was elaborated a spreadsheet in where it was explained: the type of information (variable), the evidence sources, the proceedings for the data collection and analysis. It was used as evidence sources the reports, the spreadsheets, the audiovisual images from the discussion meetings with the families and the execution of the domestic pilot wastewater system. Products were: 1- characterization of the domestic wastewater system choice by participatory process for the case of rural settlement Sepé- Tiaraju; 2- characterization of the domestic pilot wastewater system execution by participatory process; 3- sustainability and the participatory action research analysis for the more sustainable domestic wastewater system implantation. Results indicate that the use of participatory process enables the information access, the choice of non-conventional techniques and more sustainable, although it takes more time of the evolved actors (researcher and families) and the adequacy of the activities to the social reality and the capacity of comprehension of the participants. Challenges are related to the actors governance, conflicts and financial resources governance, besides the match of disposable time for the research and the action in the social reality. / A ausência de saneamento ambiental é uma das principais causas de insalubridade e degradação ambiental. O termo sustentabilidade tem provocado um debate na literatura, derivado, principalmente, da preocupação com o meio ambiente e a utilização dos recursos naturais finitos. Além de questões ambientais e ecológicas, o conceito incorpora as dimensões econômica, social, cultural e política. A dimensão política da sustentabilidade enfatiza a participação das pessoas na tomada de decisão, gestão e controle coletivo dos processos de produção, por meio da compreensão da realidade e da análise das diferentes alternativas. A adoção de processos participativos para escolha de sistemas de tratamento esgoto residenciais mais sustentáveis, além de possibilitar a transferência do conhecimento, permite acesso às técnicas não convencionais. O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar as estratégias, condições e obstáculos para implantação de técnicas mais sustentáveis de tratamento de efluentes sanitários residenciais, tendo como objeto empírico o Assentamento Rural Sepé- Tiaraju, localizado no município de Serra Azul, SP, levando em conta processos participativos para tomada de decisão das famílias. A estratégia geral de pesquisa utilizada foi a pesquisaação participativa, em que o pesquisador e as famílias interagem de modo cooperativo e participativo. As etapas gerais da ação referem-se a: 1- processo participativo de escolha do sistema de tratamento local de efluentes sanitários residenciais; 2- projeto executivo e orçamento do sistema; 3- planejamento da execução de sistema piloto; 4- organização das famílias para a execução de sistema piloto; 5- execução do sistema piloto; 6- instruções para uso e manutenção do sistema. Para cada hipótese verificada, foi elaborada uma planilha em que foram explicitados: o tipo de informação (variável), as fontes de evidências, os procedimentos para coleta e análise dos dados. Foram utilizados como fontes de evidências os relatos, planilhas, imagens audiovisuais das reuniões de discussão com as famílias e da execução do sistema piloto de tratamento de efluentes sanitários residenciais. Os produtos obtidos foram: 1- caracterização do processo participativo para escolha de sistema de tratamento de efluentes sanitários residenciais mais sustentáveis para o caso do Assentamento Rural Sepé-Tiarajú, 2- caracterização do processo participativo para construção de sistema piloto de tratamento de efluentes sanitários residenciais; 3- análise da sustentabilidade e pesquisa-ação participativa para escolha e implantação de sistema de tratamento de efluentes sanitários residenciais mais sustentáveis. Os resultados indicam que a utilização de processos participativos possibilita além do acesso às informações, a escolha de técnicas não convencionais e mais sustentáveis, porém demanda um tempo maior de dedicação dos atores envolvidos (pesquisadores e famílias) e adequação das atividades à realidade social e capacidade de compreensão dos participantes. Os desafios são relativos à governabilidade de diferentes tipos de atores, conflitos e recursos financeiros, além da compatibilização dos tempos disponíveis para a pesquisa e ação na realidade social.

L'habitat spontané : une architecture adaptée pour le développement des métropoles ? Le cas de Bangkok, Thaïlande / Spontaneous housing : a suitable architecture for the development of cities? The case of Bangkok, Thailand

Gerbeaud, Fanny 04 December 2012 (has links)
La croissance des bidonvilles interroge les modalités de production de la ville, notamment dans les pays en développement. Cette thèse montre le cas de Bangkok où les « communautés denses », outre la flexibilité de leur architecture, cristallisent souvent des pratiques sociales et une histoire commune propres au lieu. Rarement prises en compte dans la métropole et victimes d'une image négative, elles font preuve d'un dynamisme économique et associatif stimulant et représentent un enjeu fort face aux notions de développement durable et de droit à la ville, à l'échelle locale comme internationale. Au travers d'une analyse spatiale principalement, d'entretiens d'acteurs et d'observations de terrain, nous abordons l'habitat spontané comme une construction incrémentale issue de processus d'appropriation individuelle. Nous l'analysons autour de trois configurations ou « contextes d'émergence » de ces constructions : l'habitat spontané « ancien », « pur » et « greffé ». Cette première configuration interroge la notion de patrimoine au sujet de constructions populaires remontant aux origines de l'urbanisation à Bangkok. L'habitat spontané pur tend en parallèle à former de véritables morceaux de ville attractifs et finement reliés à leur contexte urbain. Avec les greffes spontanées observées sur les immeubles sociaux de relogement, l'habitat spontané s'affirme comme un mode de construction viable et un outil de développement urbain. L'habitat spontané entraîne progressivement le repositionnement des acteurs de l'urbain, la mise en place de processus de projet alternatifs qui renouvellent la production courante du logement vers une construction urbaine partagée. / The importance of spontaneous construction raises some questions about the modalities of urban production, especially in developing countries. This thesis presents the case of Bangkok, where the "dense communities," besides the flexibility of their architecture, often crystallize a common site specific history. Rarely taken into account in the metropolis and victims of a negative image, they show, at a local and international level, a stimulating economic and associative dynamism and represent a major challenge in light of the concepts of sustainable development and the right to the city. Through a mainly spatial analysis, interviews and field observations, we approach spontaneous settlements as an incremental construction, result of a process of individual appropriation. We then analyze three configurations or "contexts of emergence" of these constructions: “ancient”, “pure” and "grafted". The first configuration questions the notion of heritage in relation to these popular constructions, dating back to the origins of Bangkok’s urbanization. At the same time, the pure spontaneous housing settlements tend to become real attractive city districts, finely linked to their urban context. With the added spontaneous grafts, which we observed on the social re-housing buildings, informal settlements become a viable way to build the city and a tool for urban development. Spontaneous housing leads progressively to a repositioning of urban actors, the implementation of alternative design processes, renewing the current models of housing production to a shared urban construction

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