Spelling suggestions: "subject:"massive house"" "subject:"assive house""
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Domaren 8: Passivhus i en mindre stad : Projektering av ett passivhus i Bollnäs / Domaren 8: A passive house in a smaller city : Projection of a passive house in BollnäsEngström, Johanna, Lyppert Thomsson, Liza January 2018 (has links)
The prevailing housing shortage and the developed considerations of environmental issues are todaytwo current topics. Bollnäs county is an example of a county that works to maintain and actualize itsenvironmental goals, especially in new constructions. Passive houses are a way to buildenvironmental friendly and it is a concept that is becoming more and more common. The concept isabout maximizing heat gains and minimizing heat losses. This is achieved through an air-tightenvelope, certified building components, exhaust and supply air ventilation where heat is regainedfrom the extract air and buildings with low U-values. This project presents a change of an existingdetailed development plan from general purpose to housing. The aim of the project is that thehouse, with a restaurant on the bottom floor, must meet the requirements for passive houses andharmonize with the surrounding environment.The project initiates with a literature study followed by an analytical study with the aim to gatherknowledge about both passive houses as well as the surrounding area of the property. Conformationand calculation are two essential parts of the project. The shape of the house, the design and wherethe house is located in the property are adjusted to both the requirements of passive houses and thecultural history of Bollnäs.The calculations performed in PHPP indicate that the requirements for passive houses are met on thebasis of the conditions in this project. Drawings such as site plan, general plans, facades, sections anddetails are presented together with illustrations of the finished house.The main problem regarding the projection of passive houses lies in the absence of its actualmeaning. The concept is about compensations and that every house, regardless of building systemand conformation, has the possibility to be certified as a passive house.
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Apparater, aktiviteter och aktörer : Lågenergiboende som resurs och restriktion för energiordningar / Appliances, activities and actors : Low energy housing - resources and restrictions for energy ordersKarresand, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Energianvändningen inom bostadssektorn har stadigt ökat och verkar inte minska trots energieffektiva apparater. Genom att bygga lågenergibostäder försöker bostadsbolagen minska energianvändningen, vilket också sker, men endast vad gäller uppvärmning och varmvatten. Syfte med avhandlingen är att öka kunskapen kring hushållens energianvändning i passivhus med fokus på hushållens aktiviteter. Intervjustudier har utförts med hushåll och bostadsbolag för att utröna hur de materiella förutsättningarna påverkar vardagsaktiviteter i hushållen. Utifrån tidsgeografiska begrepp analyseras några vardagliga hushållsprojekt: mathållning, klädvård och rekreation. Begreppet energiordning används för att påvisa hur aktiviteters genomförande påverkas av resurser, restriktioner och möjligheter av olika slag, inklusive elektricitet. Eftersom varje hushåll är unikt kommer också energiordningarna i hushållen att se olika ut vilket påverkar värmekomforten i bostaden. Passivhuskonceptet som sådant påverkar inte aktiviteterna i nämnvärd grad, men hushållen bevarar gärna den värme som uppstår i och med olika aktiviteter genom att öppna dörrar och ugnsluckor för att sprida värmen i bostaden. En slutsats från studien är att eftersom alla hushåll har unika energiordningar behöver också de materiella resurserna anpassas så att olika handlingsalternativ blir möjliga. Genom att ta del av hushållens erfarenheter av olika energiordningar kan bostadsbolagen få tillgång till nya idéer och anpassa de materiella förutsättningarna till hushållens behov så att energieffektivt boende också inbegriper hushållens aktiviteter. / Energy use in the residential sector has gradually increased and does not seem to be decreasing in spite of energy efficient appliances. By building low energy homes, housing companies are trying to reduce energy use, and to some extent they are succeeding, although the reductions are confined to heating and hot water. The aim of the thesis is to increase knowledge about household energy use in passive houses focusing on household activities. Interviews were conducted with households and public housing companies to investigate how material conditions, such as the flats and the appliances, affect daily activities in the home. Based on time-geographic concepts, a few everyday household projects are analyzed: cooking, care of clothing and recreation. The concept of energy orders is used to show that the realization of activities is influenced by various kinds of resources, including electricity, and the constraints and opportunities related to them. Since each household is unique, the energy orders also look different, which has an influence on the thermal comfort in the home. The passive house concept as such does not affect household activities in a profound way, but the households try to preserve and spread the spill heat generated in various activities by opening doors to rooms and doors of appliances such as the oven to distribute the heat throughout the flat. One conclusion from the thesis is that, because all households have unique energy orders, material resources also need to be adapted so that activities can be performed in a variety of ways. By taking advantage of household experiences, housing companies may gain access to new ideas and improve functionality so that material conditions suit household needs. By taking advantage of household experiences, housing companies may gain access to new ideas and improve functionality so that material conditions in energy efficient housing are designed to suit a broad range of household needs.
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Erfarenheter från flerbostadshus som passivhus : En handflata och sex värmeljus / Experiences from apartment houses as passive house : A palm and six tea lightsWesterén, Markus, Löfgren, Oskar January 2013 (has links)
All new households were to be constructed with "near zero energy house standards" (NZE-house) by the year of 2020. The ambition to construct energy-efficient buildings had to increase rapidly in the spring of 2013.The purpose of this report was to increase the interest for building contractors to construct apartment buildings with passive house standards. By locating and evaluating experiences from an existing passive house a case study including interviews, field visits and document analysis was made. Research of literature regarding other passive houses in Sweden also helped to answer the following questions: - What positive and negative experiences have the study of the passive house meant to the involved stakeholders and residents? - What improvements can be made based on identified experiences? - How can an apartment building be designed as a passive house based on possible improvements? By collecting good and bad experiences, as well as improvements and potential design proposals, a diagram was created designed as a tool for developers when constructing apartment buildings with passive house standards. The diagram was organized in the categories; material, immaterial and image. Positive experiences from the case study were for instance that estimated time table, budget and planned energy level were achieved mainly due to a designed prefabricated sandwich element of concrete and the organizational form called partnering. Negative experiences were for example problems with high temperatures in staircase areas due to glassed facades and the lack of ventilation hatches, problems with condense and frost on windows, insufficient knowledge in using technical equipment and relatively high investment costs. Improvements and potential design proposals recommended by the authors were for example vertical lamellas for sunscreen and screening of the night sky, energy watchers in each apartment for higher energy awareness and a minor use of passive house independent qualities, in order to avoid the risk of building contractors not wanting to build passive houses due to high costs. The experiences in the result diagram emphasized what building contractors should focus on in order to succeed with constructing apartment buildings, with similar requirements as the building in the case study, as a passive house. / Från år 2020 skulle alla nybyggda hus i Sverige vara av ”nära nollenergihus-standard” (NNE). Våren 2013 behövde därför ambitionsnivån att producera energisnåla nybyggnationer öka markant. Syftet med rapporten var att öka attraktiviteten för byggherrar att konstruera flerbostadshus som passivhus. Genom att lokalisera och utvärdera erfarenheter från ett utfört passivhusprojekt i form av en fallstudie innefattande intervjuer, studiebesök och dokumentanalys, men även studerande av litteratur gällande andra genomförda projekt i Sverige, besvarades följande frågeställningar: - Vilka positiva och negativa erfarenheter har studerat passivhus medfört för inblandade aktörer och boende? - Vilka förbättringsmöjligheter finns med utgångspunkt från identifierade erfarenheter? - Hur kan ett flerbostadshus utformas som passivhus med hänsyn till eventuella förbättringsmöjligheter? Genom att insamla positiva- och negativa erfarenheter, förbättringsmöjligheter samt potentiella utformningsförslag inom kategorierna materiella erfarenheter, immateriella erfarenheter samt image skapades förutsättningar för en sammanfattande resultattabell ämnad som ett verktyg för byggherrar vid framställande av flerbostadshus som passivhus. Positiva erfarenheter från fallstudien var bland annat att uppsatt tidplan, budget och planerad energinivå levdes upp till, där ett framtaget prefabricerat sandwich-element i betong i kombination med organisationsformen partnering sågs som främsta anledningar till detta. Negativa erfarenheter var bland annat problem med övertemperaturer i trapphus på grund av stor andel glasad fasad i samband med avsaknaden av ventilationsluckor, utvändig kondens och frost på lägenhetsfönster, brister i teknikanvändandet samt en relativt hög investeringskostnad. Förbättringsmöjligheter och författarnas utformningsförslag bestod bland annat av inbyggda tvärställda lameller som sol- och natthimmelavskärmning, energibevakare i varje lägenhet för ökad energimedvetenhet samt en mindre omfattning av passivhusoberoende kvaliteter för att minska uppfattningen av passivhuskonceptet som kostnadsmässigt avskräckande. Resultattabellen betonade vad en byggherre särskilt skulle tänka på för att lyckas med nybyggnation av flerbostadshus som passivhus vid likartade villkor som i fallstudien.
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Energianalys av Sveriges största skola byggd med passivhusteknik / Energy analysis of Sweden´s largest school built with passive house techniqueMusic, Nermina, Lund, Hilda January 2018 (has links)
För att uppnå Sveriges energimål har servicesektorn börjat bygga energieffektiva byggnader. I detta examensarbete har energiberäkningar med hjälp av VIP-Energy utförts för Elmeskolan som är byggd enligt passivhusteknik. Resultatet av energiberäkningen har jämförts med kraven enligt BBR 22 och 25 och passivhusstandarden. Det visade sig att kraven för BBR och passivhusstandarden uppfylldes. Även en beräkning av energiprestanda för BBR 22 och 25 med avseende på bergvärme och fjärrvärme har tagits fram med hjälp av definitioner enligt Boverkets byggregler. Energiprestandan för bergvärme visade sig vara lägre än för fjärrvärme. Tre LCC-kalkyler har utförts med hjälp av en Excel-mall. Den beräknade energiprestandan för Elmeskolan samt det maximala kravet för energiprestanda för passivhusstandarden och BBR 22 har legat till grund för kalkylen. Kalkylen resulterade i att Elmeskolans energikostnad var en fjärdedel i jämförelse med kravet för BBR 22. Syftet med denna studie är att resultatet ska påvisa fördelarna med att uppföra byggnader med passivhusteknik samt påvisa energieffektiviteten för ett passivhus. / In order to achieve Sweden's energy goals, the service sector needs to build energy-efficient buildings. Therefore, the national board of housing, building and planning proposed building regulations called BBR that consists of requirements and general recommendations for both new and existing building and contains multidimensional aspects including energy management in the building. Passive house building is also another promising solution to approach an energy efficient building. The main aim of this study is to assess the energy performance of a case study building according to the both BBR and passive house building criteria. Correspondingly, Elmeskolan, which has been built based on passive house standards, is chosen as the case study and a model is developed using a building energy-modelling program, VIP-Energy. The result of the energy calculation has been compared with the requirements of BBR 22 and 25 and the Passive House Standards. The study shows that the requirements for BBR and Passive House Standards were met for the case studied building. The primary energy demand of the heat supply system in the building is assessed by considering either geothermal or district heating system according to the Boverket’s energy management building regulations. It is concluded that the primary energy demand in case of using geothermal system is lower than district heating system to supply building heating demand. A simplified LCC analysis has been considered in this study due to the passive house standard and BBR 22 and 25 building regulations. The results show energy cost of the case studied building that is built based on passive house criteria is 25 % of total energy cost of similar building that built based on BBR 22 requirements. The results show the benefits of passive house requirements in comparison with BBR regulations for the case studied building in terms of thermo-economic objectives.
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Hodnocení konstrukčních detailů budov z pohledu energetické náročnosti / Construction details of buildings evaluation from energy demand point of viewCísař, Milan January 2018 (has links)
Theoretical part of Diploma thesis deals with issues about thermal bridges and thermal connections in building structures. The Calculating part focused on the family houses with a low heat use. The results of this part are energy and financial evaluations of family house. The last part deals with the using of computer technology in engineering practice. These chapters devote about computer modeling an assembly details of passive house and family house after reconstruction (the dates of family house after reconstruction are compared with the results from experimental measurements). The last section of this Diploma thesis solves dynamic modelling of particular passive house in simulation program called Trnsys.
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Simulace energetické náročnosti a reálné užívání budov / SIMULATION OF ENERGY PERFORMANCE AND REAL OPERATION OF BUILDINGSŠteffek, Libor January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation thesis primarily focuses on the experimental measurement of energy consumption of a given energy-passive family house as well as theoretical research in the field of energy calculations using computer simulations. The results of quasi-stationary and dynamic simulations, with varying computational and real-time climate data, are compared with experimental measurements. Using the dynamic calculation model, which was validated by actually measured data, the relationship between architectural design and the energy performance of the building was analyzed. The influence of selected different operating modes for heat consumption on heating, cooling, ventilation, and interior overheating is observed. The result of the mutual interaction of several input parameters of variant solutions provides the basis for optimization of the whole design.
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Ekonomická analýza cash flow nízkoenergetických staveb RD / Cash Flow Analysis of Low-Energy HousesKönig, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The subject of my master´s thesis is analysis of the operating costs in households in various energy categories of houses. The theoretical part is focused on passive homes issue where I explained principles and differences of standard constructions. The practical part is based on a concrete example of the differences and the structure of costs. The aim is to confirm or refute the hypothesis, which say that higher investment costs for the construction of low energy buildings could reduce costs and family budgets in the future. They also lead to higher liquidity.
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Studium vlivu konstrukčních systémů na energetickou náročnost staveb / Study of the influence of structural systems for the energy performance of buildingsDus, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The theme of the diploma thesis is study the influence of structural systems for the energy performance of buildings. The thesis compares designed and measured values of the energy consumption of selected buildings with different bearing structure materials beside the results from numerical modeling of energy consumption.
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Bytový dům v Kyjově / Apartment Building in KyjovJurutková, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This master´s thesis solves the apartment building with – bakeshop. The are five floors in the apartment building. The building hasn´t any basement. There are fifteen flats in the building and one flat is barrier-free. The apartment building is designed in passive standard, it´s caused by the orientation to cardinal points, compact shape, extreme thicknesses of insulations, orientation of windows to the south-west and to the south-east, but also thanks to the climatic area.
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Návrh otopného systému pro nízkoenergetický rodinný dům / Design of heating system for low-energy family houseKytýrová, Zdeňka January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of a heating system for a "low-energy" house. It is conceived as a low temperature system using a combination of radiators and underfloor heating. The design is supplemented with a calculation of heat loss, a proposal of needed components, a scheme of the system and means of regulation. The second part solves the heat source selection. A solar system with vacuum tubes is used as the primary source. The second one is an electrical water heater located in the accumulation reservoir for the hot domestic water. Necessary calculations for the design of the solar system, together with a scheme and means of regulation, are enclosed in this section.
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