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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Passivity-Based Control of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems

Fahmi, Jean-Michel Walid 30 January 2023 (has links)
Energy-shaping techniques are used to expand the range of autonomous motion of unmanned aerial systems without prohibitively {color{black}increasing the computational cost of the resultant controller}. Passivity-based control presents a method to implement a static, nonlinear state feedback control law that stabilizes the motion of an aircraft with a large region of attraction. {color{black} The energy-based control scheme is applied to both multirotor and fixed-wing aircraft}. Multirotor aircraft dynamics are cast into a port-Hamiltonian System and the concept of trajectory tracking using canonical feedback transformation is implemented to construct a cross-track controller. Fixed-wing aircraft dynamics are cast in port-Hamiltonian form and a passivity-based nonlinear control law for steady, wings-level flight of a fixed-wing aircraft to a specified inertial velocity (speed, course, and climb angle) is constructed. Results in simulations and experiments suggest robustness, and a large region of attraction of the controller. The control law extended to support time-varying inertial velocity tracking that incorporates banking to turn. The results are extended by including a line-of-sight guidance law and varying the direction as a function of position relative to a desired path, rather than as a function of time. The control law and the associated proof of stability follow similarly to that of the time-varying directional stabilization problem. The results are supported with simulations as well as experimental flight tests. / Doctor of Philosophy / This dissertation presents an alternative but intuitive approach to regulate unmanned aerial vehicles' flight that would allow for more maneuverability {color{black} than conventional methods}. This scheme relies on modifying the energy of the system to achieve the desired motion and leverages the properties of the aircraft rather than eliminating them and imposing different properties. This approach is applied to both fixed-wing and aircraft and quadcopters. Simulations and experimental flights have show the efficacy of this approach compared to other more established methods.

Stability of Multilateral Haptic Teleoperation Systems

Mendez, Victor H Unknown Date
No description available.

Έλεγχος μηχανής συνεχούς ρεύματος τροφοδοτούμενης από τριφασικό πλήρως ελεγχόμενο αντιστροφέα

Μιχαλόπουλος, Ιωάννης 07 July 2015 (has links)
Σήμερα η ανάγκη για δημιουργία ποιοτικών και φθίνων και ανταγωνιστικών βιομηχανικών προϊόντων έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα να χρειαζόμαστε αυτοματισμούς και αυτόματο έλεγχο ηλεκτρικών μηχανών με μεγάλη ακρίβεια και αδιάλειπτη λειτουργία απο διαταραχές του περιβάλλοντος . Επιπλέον το ενεργειακό πρόβλημα που είναι από τα σπουδαιότερα προβλήματα του πλανήτη και του ανθρώπου σήμερα οδηγούν στην ανάγκη ελαχιστοποίησης των ενεργειακών απωλειών με αποτέλεσμα συνήθως να επιθυμούμε λειτουργία των ηλεκτρομηχανικών συστημάτων με μηδενική κατανάλωση/ παραγωγή άεργου ισχύος . Η Ηλεκτρική μηχανή συνεχούς ρεύματος με διέγερση σε σειρά χρησιμοποιείται λόγω των ιδιαίτερων χαρακτηριστικών της σε πολλές εφαρμογές που χρειάζονται υψηλή ροπή εκκίνησης όπως ανυψωτικά μηχανήματα, σιδηροδρομικά οχήματα. Οι ανορθωτές με ελεγχόμενη έναυση αλλά και σβέση κατά PWM προτιμούνται έναντι των διόδων και των θυρίστορς γιατί μας δίνουν περισσότερες δυνατότητες ελέγχου . Η Μοντελοποίηση , σχεδιασμός συστήματος ελέγχου, ευστάθειας του συστήματος για την μηχανή συνεχούς ρεύματος οδηγούμενης από τριφασικό ανορθωτή ερευνάται. Γίνεται εξαγωγή του μοντέλου, στο τριφασικό σύστημα και στο πλαίσιο park, με βάση την δυναμική ανάλυση Εuler -Lagrange . Για την εξαγωγή του μοντέλου γίνεται ακόμα χρήση του Averaging Analysis . Ανάλυση που βασίζεται στην παθητικότητα μάς δείχνει ότι το σύστημα είναι ευσταθές πεπερασμένης εισόδου-πεπερασμένης κατάστασης. Οι ελεγκτές που αναπτύσσονται σε αυτή τη εργασία είναι ο ασαφής ελεγκτής, ο νευροασαφής που χρησιμοποιούνται ευρέως σε μη γραμμικά συστήματα στην βιομηχανία, ο PI σειριακός (cascade) ελεγκτής που συνηθίζεται στις ηλεκτρικές μηχανές. Τέλος επιχειρείται ο σχεδιασμός ενός PI ελεγκτή με υπολογισμό κερδών από νευροασαφή εκτιμητή. Ο ασαφής ελεγκτής σχεδιάζεται με πρόβλεψη σφάλματος και επιτυγχάνει πολύ καλή ρύθμιση των στροφών και καλό έλεγχο στης αέργου ισχύος, εξομοιώσεις επιβεβαιώνουν την απόδοση του ελεγκτή. Ομοίως ισχύουν για τον νευροασαφή ελεγκτή με το πλεονέκτημα μικρότερου υπολογιστικού χρόνου αλλά μειονεκτεί μεγαλύτερης εμφάνισης ενός μόνιμου σφάλματος. Ο PI σειριακός (cascade) επιτυγχάνει άριστη ρύθμιση αέργου ισχύος και καλή ρύθμιση στροφών ενώ ο PI casacde- Anfis μας δίνει ελαφριά καλύτερα αποτελέσματα αλλά αφήνει αρκετές δυνατότητες για περαιτέρω σχεδιασμό και έρευνα. Επίσης γίνεται κάποια ανάλυση για εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων ευστάθειας και σύγκλισης για τα σύστημα κλειστού βρόχου. Τα αποτελέσματα τα επιβεβαιώνουμε και τα συγκρίνουμε μέσω εξομοιώσεων. / Nowadays , the demand for precise control in industrial applications require the design and development of advanced controllers. Also the energy problem which is one of the most important global problems lead to the need of high energy efficient systems. In industrial applications in most cases ,due to the energy problem , we desire operation with unity power factor. The dc series connected motor is preferred in many application such as railway and levitating systems due to its high starting torque. We choose the 3 -phase pulse width modulation rectifier because of its many capabilities comparison with thyristor rectifiers. Modeling, control design and stability analysis of series connected dc motor fed by three-phase PWM ac/dc voltage converter are investigated. The designed controllers are fuzzy , neuro fuzzy, PI cascade and Anfis- pi cascade controller. The model is obtained via Euler -Lagrange dynamic analysis. Also we used the averaging analysis in order to determine the dynamic model of the system in a-b-c frame and d-q park's frame. We prove the ISS stability of the open loop system based on passivity analysis. The fuzzy use a predictive logic based on the acceleration of the motor, we result excellent precise control of angular velocity and a satisfied control of reactive power. Neuro Fuzzy controller has the same effectiveness with less computational effort but has a possibility to occur a small permanent error in angular velocity. PI cascade controller has as a result a excellent response at reactive power and good response in angular velocity with more less computational effort. ANFIS -PI cascade controller have a bit better results from PI-cascade controllers but it leaves hopes for more optimum designs in feature. Furthermore there are some stability and convergence analysis for the closed loop system. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of each controller for comparison.

Le geste suicidaire, enjeux et devenir psychiques : Détresse, hystérisation, passivité / The suicidal gesture between issues and become psychic : Distress, hystericization, passivity

André, Joanne 09 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse se présente comme un parcours entre enjeux et devenirs du geste suicidaire, moment traumatique, dont l’une des particularités est la qualité de son inscription dans le temps. Quelque chose du côté de l’insaisissable tente d’être appréhender au fil du travail et à partir de plusieurs points de vue. De la crise à la scène suicidaire, de la singularité du geste suicidaire à la singularité de ce qui est psychiquement remanié, réorganisé, la réflexion s’appuie sur une clinique actuelle, des effets immédiats de l’acte, pour tenter d’en comprendre les enjeux psychiques, de saisir la (les) configuration intrapsychique qui peut « faire » du geste suicidaire une « solution » à un conflit du même ordre. / The thesis is presented as a path between issues and become of suicidal gesture, traumatic moment, one of whose features is the quality of his registration in time. Something on the side of the elusive try to be understanding over work from multiple perspectives. From crisis to the scene of suicide, the singularity of the suicidal gesture to the singularity of what is psychically altered, rearranged, a reflection based on current clinical, immediate effects of the act, to try to understand mental challenges, to grasp the configuration intrapsychiqu e can 'do' a suicidal act of "solution" to a conflict similar.

Dynamique d'émission de champ photo-assistée à partir de nanofils de silicium individuels / Dynamic of photo-assisted field emission from individual silicon nanowires

Derouet, Arnaud 23 June 2014 (has links)
La recherche sur les sources d'électrons modulées en temps connaît actuellement un vif intérêt, notamment dans le domaine des sciences fondamentales ou pour certaines applications exigeantes. C'est dans ce contexte que ce travail exploratoire sur l'émission de champ (EC) photo-assistée de nanofils de silicium s'inscrit. Nous explorons dans un premier temps les caractéristiques émissives de ces nanofils semi-conducteurs présentant un régime de saturation très prononcé, très sensible à la température et à la lumière, et encore jamais observé pour de telles structures à température ambiante. Le rôle important joué par la surface dans la saturation est prouvé par des traitements in-situ ayant des conséquences radicales sur les caractéristiques courant-tension de l'EC. Grâce à des cycles de passivation à l'hydrogène nous avons pu montrer le rôle des liaisons pendantes à l'interface matériau/oxyde dans la saturation et basculer de façon réversible entre un comportement quasi-métallique et semiconducteur. Nous étudions ensuite la réponse de ces émetteurs à une excitation optique modulée en temps. Leur réponse est attribuée à la photoconduction due à l'absorption directe : les effets thermiques peuvent être exclus à ces puissances laser. Nous avons alors mis en évidence la présence de deux constantes de temps associées à l'éclairement et la relaxation de l'échantillon. Le rôle des états pièges en surface prend là encore une part importante dans le temps de réponse de l'échantillon en limitant celui-ci à quelques dizaines de microsecondes seulement. Enfin nous avons mis en évidence un effet complètement nouveau en EC sous éclairage laser : une double résistance différentielle négative. Dans les dispositifs à semiconducteurs, cet effet est généralement associé à des oscillations de courant à haute fréquence et ouvre la perspective vers des sources EC compactes et auto-oscillantes à très hautes fréquences / There is currently a notable rise in research on time modulated electron sources for new fundamental science and for several demanding applications. Our exploratory work on photo-assisted field emission (FE) from silicon nanowires falls within this context. We first explore FE characteristics of these semiconducting nanowires, which are very sensitive to temperature and light and present a very pronounced current saturation regime, never observed before on such structures. The strong influence of surface states on the saturation regime is proven by in-situ treatments, which radically alter the FE current-voltage characteristics. H-passivation cycles reveal the role of dangling bonds at material/oxide interface in the saturation regime and allow to reversibly switch between a quasi-metal and semiconductor behavior. We then study the response of these emitters to a time modulated optical excitation. The response is attributed to direct absorption photoconduction after excluding thermal effects at these laser powers. The existence of two time constants associated with illumination and relaxation time is shown. The role of the surface state traps again plays an important part in the response time, limiting it to some tens of microseconds. Finally, a completely new effect in FE under laser illumination is identified : a double negative differential resistance. In semiconductor devices this effect is usually associated with high frequency current oscillations and thus opens perspectives toward compact and high frequency self-oscillating FE sources

Commande robuste multi-variable des systèmes de comanipulation / Robust multi-variable control of comanpulating systems

Abroug, Neil 17 September 2018 (has links)
À l'aube de la quatrième révolution industrielle, la comanipulation robotique est une technologie clé tant elle allie la dextérité de l'opérateur humain à la puissance de la machine. Ce partage de tache entre humain et la machine, en sus dans un environnement incertain et inconnu à l'avance, apporte un lot de difficultés intrinsèques à la nature de cette interaction. Cette problématique a été intensivement étudiée durant les vingt dernières années, par diverses équipes de recherches, le plus souvent sur des dispositifs à un seul degré de liberté et avec des hypothèses fortes sur la nature du contrôleur. Dans la présente thèse, nous traitons la problématique de la comanipulation robotique à travers la commande Hoo structurée, cadre de travail particulièrement adapté aux systèmes multivariables et pouvant être étendu à une certaine classe de systèmes non linéaires – les robots manipulateurs en font partie – à travers une modélisation linéaire à paramètres variants (LPV). Les exigences de performance et de stabilité propres aux systèmes de comanipulation sont exprimées en termes de contraintes Hoo et de conditions de secteurs à respecter. Les objectifs de commande ainsi formalisés, sont résolus par optimisation non lisse afin de tirer profit des structures particulières des contrôleurs de robots de comanipulation. La validation de la méthodologie est réalisée par des simulations intensives et des expérimentations sur des dispositifs réels. / At the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution, robotic comanipulation is a key technology as it combines the dexterity of the human operator with the power of the machine. This task sharing between human and machine, in an uncertain and previously unknown environment, brings a lot of intrinsic difficulties to the nature of this interaction. This problem has been intensively studied over the last two decades by various research teams, mostly on devices with a single degree of freedom and with strong hypotheses about the controller structure. In this thesis, we deal with the problem of robotic comanipulation through the scope of the structured Hoo control, a framework particularly adapted to multivariable systems and which can be extended to a certain class of non-linear systems – manipulating robots are part of it – through linear parameter varying (LPV) models. The performance and stability requirements specific to comanipulation systems are expressed in terms of Hoo constraints and sector bounds. The control objectives thus formalised are solved by non-smooth optimization in order to take advantage of the particular structures of the comanipulation robot controllers. The validity of the methodology is carried out by intensive simulations and experiments on real devices.

Paixão, liberdade e conveniência em dois ensaios de Montaigne (Da vaidade e De poupar a própria vontade) / Passion, freedom and convenience in two essays of Montaigne (Of vanity and Of managing the will)

Scoralick, Andre 08 October 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo pretende oferecer uma interpretação da reflexão moral de Montaigne que se opõe àquelas que a vêem centrada na alegação da passividade do ensaísta, reduzindo-a à prescrição de uma subordinação pragmática às leis e aos costumes e fazendo dos Ensaios uma mera descrição da condição humana. Através da leitura daqueles ensaios em que Montaigne mais parece passivo (nos quais tais interpretações justamente apóiam suas hipóteses), acreditamos encontrar os modos de operação de uma ação discreta, pautada pela exigência de adequação aos objetos e às circunstâncias, uma ação que abre espaço para o livre jogo das paixões segundo a conveniência. Espera-se, com isso, resgatar a dimensão normativa dos Ensaios, seja lançando luz sobre as preocupações permanentes do autor com a própria liberdade (sempre ameaçada pelo risco da servidão aos afetos), seja chamando a atenção dos leitores para o Montaigne político, atento aos riscos que a ambição, as inovações e os remédios extremos (a perfídia) trazem para ordem pública e, ao mesmo tempo, ocupado em sugerir (através do exemplo de seus mandatos à frente da mairie de Bordeaux) parâmetros para uma ação política discreta. / The present study has the purpose of responding to the commentators who interpret Michel de Montaignes thought under the key of passivity and see a complete absence of an ethics on the essays and reduce all montaigniana morality to a pragmatic subordination to the laws and costumes, and also seeing the Essays as a mere description of the human condition. Reading the essays in which Montaignes passivity seems attain his higher level (where such commentaries exactly base their hypotheses on) we sought to find the operating ways of a discreet action, ruled by that the objects and their circumstances impose; an action in which passions are gladly admitted only when it is convenient. We expect here to recover the Essays normative dimension, be it through shedding light on the authors permanent concern with his own freedom (always threatened by the risk of the servitude to affections), be it drawing the readers attention to the politician Montaigne, aware of the risks that ambition, innovations and grievous remedies (the perfidy) bring to the public order and, at the same time, able to suggest (through the example of his mandates ahead of mairie de Bordeaux) some patterns for a discreet political action.

Disturbance Attenuation in Mass Chains with Passive Interconnection

Yamamoto, Kaoru January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with disturbance amplification in interconnected systems which may consist of a large number of elements. The main focus is on passive control of a chain of interconnected masses where a single point is subject to an external disturbance. The problem arises in the design of multi-storey buildings subjected to earthquake disturbances, but applies in other situations such as bidirectional control of vehicle platoons. It is shown that the scalar transfer functions from the disturbance to a given intermass displacement can be represented as a complex iterative map. This description is used to establish uniform boundedness of the H∞-norm of these transfer functions for certain choices of interconnection impedance. A graphical method for selecting an impedance such that the H∞-norm is no greater than a prescribed value for an arbitrary length of the mass chain is given. A design methodology for a fixed length of the mass chain is also provided. A case study for a 10-storey building model demonstrates the validity of this method.

Análise do desajuste vertical e do afrouxamento de parafusos de próteses sobre implante confeccionadas pelas técnicas do cilindro cimentado ou soldado a laser / Analysis of vertical misfit and screw loosening of implant-supported prosthesis obtained by cemented cylinder or laser welding technique

Oliveira, Danilo Flamini 16 December 2013 (has links)
Este estudo avaliou próteses implantossuportadas obtidas por 2 técnicas (cilindro cimentado ou soldado a laser) e seus comportamentos no que tange à passividade e afrouxamento de parafusos. Foram confeccionadas PPFs de 3 elementos sobre 2 implantes: G1, técnica do cilindro cimentado; G2, técnica do cilindro soldado a laser (n=10). Avaliados níveis de desajuste vertical e passividade antes e após aplicação de cerâmica prensada e após ciclagem mecânica, e a perda de torque inicial dos parafusos de retenção protética antes e após fadiga. Ciclagem mecânica simulando 1 ano de função mastigatória normal (50N, 300.000 ciclos). Análises de desajuste vertical e passividade realizadas pelo método de Sheffield. Calculada % de perda de torque de inserção. Os dados de desajuste e perda de torque foram comparados estatisticamente pelo Modelo Linear de Efeitos Mistos. De modo geral, G1 apresentou níveis de desajuste vertical estatisticamente inferiores a G2 (p<0,05) nas três condições analisadas pelo teste de Sheffield, tanto antes quanto após ciclagem mecânica, atingindo valores máximos de desajuste correspondentes a: 11,94 ± 3,17&mu;m (G1) e 48,63 ± 39,68 &mu;m (G2), antes da ciclagem, 12,42 ± 6,19&mu;m (G1) e 47,62 ± 35,16&mu;m (G2), após a ciclagem, estando os parafusos parafusados. Adicionalmente, em todas as condições experimentais, a ciclagem mecânica não influenciou no desajuste de ambos os grupos (p<0,05), com exceção do molar em G1 quando analisado apertado (p<0,0001). Quando analisado G2, verificamos aumento estatisticamente significante do desajuste vertical após prensagem cerâmica para todos os elementos (p<0,0001) nos diferentes momentos avaliados, com exceção do molar quando avaliado solto, o qual apresentou desajustes semelhantes antes e após prensagem (p=0,052). Na análise de perda de torque, valores expressos em % de perda são apresentados: Pré-molar - G1- antes ciclagem: 31,04 ± 13,22%; G2- antes ciclagem: 33,97 ± 13,41% (G1 x G2 antes ciclagem: p=0,662); G1- após ciclagem: 42,36 ± 14,99%; G2- após ciclagem: 37,92 ± 9,32% (G1 x G2 após ciclagem: p=0,461). Quando analisado o pré-molar, não foram verificadas diferenças estatísticas antes e após ciclagem mecânica para ambos os grupos (G1: p=0,067; G2: p=0,423); Molar - G1- antes ciclagem: 30,77 ± 12,37%; G2- antes ciclagem: 44,37 ± 11,14% (G1 x G2 antes ciclagem: p=0,032); G1- após ciclagem: 39,28 ± 13,96%; G2- após ciclagem: 54,40 ± 26,39% (G1 x G2 após ciclagem: p=0,189). Quando analisado o molar, diferenças estatísticas também não foram identificadas antes e após ciclagem, para ambos os grupos (G1: p=0,392; G2: p=0,233). Diante dos resultados, é possível concluir que: G1 apresentou índices de desajuste vertical e passividade menores que G2, porém para ambos os grupos os desajustes estão dentro dos padrões aceitáveis pela literatura; ciclagem mecânica não promoveu alterações nos níveis de desajuste vertical e perda de torque (%) para ambos os grupos; ambas as técnicas não foram capazes de promover passividade absoluta, tendo em vista os maiores valores de desadaptação do lado solto quando comparados ao lado parafusado. / This study evaluated implant supported prostheses obtained by two techniques (cemented cylinder or laser welded cylinder) and their behavior regarding passivity and screw loosening. Three-element FPPs were made over 2 implants: G1, cemented cylinder technique, G2, laser welded cylinder technique (n=10). The levels of vertical misfit and passivity were evaluated before and after ceramic pressing, and after mechanical cycling; while loss of initial torque of prosthetic retaining screws, before and after mechanical cycling. The mechanical cycling simulated one year of normal masticatory function (50N, 300,000 cycles). Vertical misfit and passivity were analyzed by Sheffield\'s test. The percentage of torque loss was calculated. The misfit and torque loss data were statistically compared by Mixed Linear Model . Overall, G1 showed vertical misfit statistically lower than G2 (p<0.05) in the three conditions analyzed by Sheffield\'s test, before and after mechanical cycling, reaching maximum values of misfit corresponding to: 11.94 ± 3.17&mu;m (G1) and 48.63 ± 39.68 &mu;m (G2) before cycling; 12.42 ± 6.19&mu;m (G1) and 47.62 ± 35.16&mu;m (G2), after cycling, when screws were tightened. Additionally, in all experimental conditions, the mechanical cycling did not influence the misfit in both groups (p<0.05), except for the molar G1 when analyzed in the tightened condition (p<0.0001). When was analyzed G2, statistically significant increase in the vertical misfit was found after ceramic pressing for all elements (p<0.0001) for different moments, except when the molar was not tightened, which showed similar misfit before and after pressing (p=0.052). In the analysis of torque loss, values expressed as percentage of loss are presented: Pre-molar - G1- before cycling: 31.04 ± 13.22%, G2- before cycling: 33.97 ± 13.41% (G1 x G2 before cycling: p=0.662), G1- after cycling: 42.36 ± 14.99%, G2- after cycling: 37.92 ± 9.32% (G1 x G2 after cycling: p=0.461). When the pre-molar was analyzed, statistical differences before and after cycling were not found for both groups (G1: p=0.067; G2: p=0.423); Molar - G1- before cycling: 30.77 ± 12.37%; G2- before cycling: 44.37 ± 11.14% (G1 x G2 before cycling: p=0.032); G1- after cycling: 39.28 ± 13.96%; G2- after cycling: 54.40 ± 26 , 39% (G1 x G2 after cycling: p=0.189). When the molar was analyzed, statistical differences were not found before and after cycling for both groups (G1: p=0.392; G2: p=0.233). Based on these results, it is possible to conclude that: G1 showed vertical misfit and passivity smaller than G2, but for both groups, the misfits are within acceptable standards for the literature; mechanical cycling did not change the vertical misfit and torque loss (%) for both groups; both techniques were not able to promote absolute passivity, in view of the higher values of misfit when compared to the side no tightened.

L'hypersomnie à l'adolescence de la passivité à la symbolisation / Hypersomnia during adolescence : from passivity to symbolization

Dubois, Fanny 28 September 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche vise à explorer et comprendre ce qu’est l’hypersomnie adolescente, et dans quels contextes psychopathologiques elle survient.Nous tenterons d’exposer comment l’hypersomnie chez l’adolescent constitue une forme d’agir pour signifier et symboliser les transformations adolescentes, ainsi que le retour de vécus bruts engrammés dans son psychosoma.En lien avec le mécanisme de passivation première, ce refuge dans le sommeil long et profond permettrait au sujet de se retirer de la scène externe au profit d’une scène corporelle nécessaire à la maturation somato-psychique.Au travers de la symptomatologie hypersomniaque, l'expérience de rêve lucide permettrait à l’adolescent de figurer des conflits et des évènements irreprésentables dans l'aire de jeu que constitue l'espace onirique conscientisé.En appui sur des éléments épistémologiques transdisciplinaires, nous proposons de revenir sur les caractéristiques cliniques, psychopathologiques et psychosomatiques propres à ce trouble du sommeil qui fait irruption dans la vie de jeunes. A l’aide de plusieurs outils, il s’agit d’explorer les représentations psycho-sociales, les pratiques cliniques et usages autour dusommeil, et d’identifier les principaux facteurs de risque psychopathologique(s) chez l’adolescent.A partir d’une étude descriptive et analytique et d’une analyse de cas cliniques issus de l’accompagnement psychologique de ces adolescents, nous tenterons d’analyser comment l'écoute de cette hypersomnie participerait d’une relance de la vie psychique du sujet adolescent. / This research tries to explore and understand the adolescent hypersomnia, and in which psychological contexts it happens.We try to explain how the hypersomnia at the teenage age constitutes a shape to act and to symbolize the adolescent transformations, as well as the return of rough recorded real-life experiences in its psychosoma.In connection with the mechanism of passivation (the first one), this haven in the long and deep sleep could allow themselves to retreat from the external scene for the benefit of a physical scene needed for necessary somato-psychic maturation.Through hypersomnia symptomatology, the experience of lucid dream would allow the teenager to represent conflicts and unrepresentable events in the game’s area which establishes the raised awareness dreamlike space.Based on interdisciplinary epistemological elements, we suggest returning to the clinical characteristics, psychopathology and psychosomatic appropriate to this disorder of the sleep which penetrates the lives of young people. Through a variety of tools, it’s about exploring the psychosocial representations, the clinical practices and uses around the sleep, and identifying the main risk factors psychopathology at the teenager.From a descriptive and analytical study and from the analysis of clinical cases from the counselling of these teenagers, we shall try to analyze how the listening of this hypersomnia could participate in a relaunching of the adolescent’s psychic life.

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