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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Australia’s Covid-19 approach and its compatibility with John Stuart Mill’s Harm Principle

Dahlqvist, Rachel January 2022 (has links)
My aim with this essay is to investigate if Australia's approach; implementation of lockdown, vaccine passport and restriction of the right of assembly and the impact on public protest is compatible with John Stuart Mill's harm principle. I found a conflict between the individual freedom and harm to others. One the one hand, to implement restrictions intervenes with the autonomy of an individual; of one’s body, freedom to move around freely and with freedom of speech. But on the other hand, not implementing these restrictions could potentially harm others by letting the virus spread in the society. My interpretation of Mill's harm principle is that liberty originates from the individual as a progressive being, hence I claim that allowing people to live their life as they chose -”experiment of living”, will lead to a better and happier society. I argue that the Australian government's approaches during the Covid 19 pandemic was not compatible with the harm principle’s individualistic core as I claim Australia neglected individual freedom. However, I argue that some restrictions might be compatible to the harm principle if they are proportional, time limited and properly scrutinised.

Användargränssnitt för skapande av Digitala Produktpass : Prototypframställning och utvärdering av ett användargränssnitt med fokus på användbarhet / User Interface for Creating Digital Product Passport : Prototyping and Evaluation of a User Interface With Focus on Usability

Werelius, Lucas January 2024 (has links)
Europeiska Unionen står inför en komplex uppgift med att införa Digitala Produktpass (DPP) – en digital mekanism som strävar efter att förbättra hur information om produkters livslängd, tillförlitlighet och återanvändbarhet samlas och delas. Detta arbete utförs med syfte att utveckla och förbättra användbarheten i ett användargränssnitt som är tänkt att integreras i samband med onlineköp för att effektivisera och förenkla processen för skapandet av DPP. Genom att omfamna metoden Design Thinking, har arbetet utvecklat och utvärderat en prototyp. Detta genom att identifiera och analysera problem med användbarhet i en utvärdering beståendes av intervju, användartest i form av Retrospective Probing och en enkät. Resultaten från utvärderingen visade brister i användarnas förståelse för användargränssnittet och DPP. Detta har specifikt lett till förbättringar av designen för initieringsknappen i användargränssnittet. I initieringsknappens beskrivande text har det lagts till mer informtion om Digitala Produktpass, vilket syftar till att öka interaktionens tydlighet och användarnas nöjdhet. Slutsatserna av arbetet belyser både framgångar och identifierade begränsningar. Det framhäver inte bara de förbättringar som redan har genomförts med initieringsknappen, utan också de områden där ytterligare insatser krävs för att optimera användbarheten, som flera iterationer av Design Thinking. Arbetet ger även vägledning för kommande studier och implementeringar inom området genom att föreslå riktningar för framtida forskning för utvecklandet av användbarhet i användargränssnitt för DPP. Genom att skapa en smidig och intuitiv interaktion mellan användare och DPP kan det öka engagemanget och uppmuntra till ökad användning av DPP. Vilket slutligen hjälper Europeiska Unionen införa DPP. / The European Union faces a complex task in introducing the Digital Product Passport (DPP) – a digital mechanism that aims to improve the way information about product lifespan, reliability and reusability is collected and shared. This work is carried out with the aim of developing and improving the usability of a user interface that is intended to be integrated in connection with online purchases, in order to streamline and simplify the process of creating DPP. By embracing the Design Thinking method, the work has developed and evaluated a prototype. This was made by identifying and analysing usability issues in an evaluation consisting of interview, user tests in the form of Retrospective Probing Probing and surveys. The results from the evaluation, showed deficiencies in users’ understanding of the user interface and DPPs. This has specifically led to improvements in the design of the initiation button in the user interface. In the initiation button’s describing text, more information about Digital Product Passports has been added, which aims to increase the clarity of the interaction and the satisfaction of the users. The conclusions of the work highlights both successes and identified limitations. It not only highlights the improvements that have already been made with the initiation button, but also the areas where efforts are required to optimize usability, such as further iterations of Design Thinking. The work also provides guidance for future studies and implementations in the field, by suggesting directions for future research for the development of usability in user interfaces for DPP. By creating a smooth and intuitive interaction between users and DPP, it can increase engagement and encourage increased use of DPP. Which ultimately helps the European Union introduce the DPP.

AI-Nudges for the Digital Product Passport (DPP) : Nudging, AI and Organisational Change: Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap for Sustainability towards the Implementation of the DPP

Grünewald, Lilly, Huvermann, Frederike January 2024 (has links)
This thesis aims to offer practical guidance for organisational change to successfully implement the Digital Product Passport (DPP). Additionally, it aims to identify specific AI-Nudges that can foster the DPP implementation. The DPP, as proposed by the European Commission, is a unified tool designed to capture and store comprehensive product lifecycle data. It should promote sustainability and circularity in products by ensuring traceability, transparency, and accountability across the entire supply chain. Despite its potential, successful implementation of the DPP requires organisational change and overcoming a significant challenge: the Knowing-Doing Gap. This means that knowledge is not translated into action. A qualitative research approach was used with semi-structured interviews with behavioural economics, AI and organisational change experts and thematic analysis. The findings revealed that while many organisations are aware of the DPP, fewer have progressed to actual implementation. The analysis supported the existence of the Knowing-Doing Gap, highlighting barriers such as resource constraints, abstract goals, and insufficient technological infrastructure. To overcome these barriers, Kotter’s 8-Step Model of Change was contextualised, offering actionable steps for organisations, including interdisciplinary collaboration, stakeholder engagement, data management, and establishing new norms. Additionally, the study exemplified specific AI-Nudges that can support the implementation of the DPP. These included a Reminder-Tracking AI-Nudge for the project team and employees, a Data Usage AI-Nudge for project teams, an Decision-Making AI-Nudge for purchasing departments, and a Recommendation AI-Nudge for consumers. As a result, this study provided a theoretical framework and process model for the DPP implementation.

Svenska klädföretags resell-plattformar och det digitala produktpassets påverkan : Övergången från en linjär till cirkulär affärsmodell / Swedish clothing companies´resell platforms and the digital product passport's influence : The transition from a linear to a circular business model

Ekelund, Alice, Holmgren, Maja, Fredin, Emilia January 2024 (has links)
Övergången från en linjär till en cirkulär affärsmodell inom textilindustrin är av yttersta vikt för att göra branschen mer hållbar. År 2023 initierade EU-kommissionen därför ett förslag om att tillämpa Extended Producer Responsibility även på textilindustrin. Förslaget innebär att företaget som tillverkar de textila produkterna enligt lag ska vara ansvarigt för vad som händer med produkterna efter att de lämnat företaget. Flera företag har därför initierat en take-backstrategi och med denna en resell-plattform, med målet att förlänga livslängden på produkterna. Som en del av denna övergång finns också ett förslag om att implementera ett digitalt produktpass. Produktpasset är tänkt att fungera som en informationsbärare och möjliggöra för kunden att fatta ett välgrundat beslut och förhoppningsvis ett mer hållbart val. Förhoppningen är också att detta ska pressa företagen att bli mer transparenta och skapa en mer hållbar försörjningskedja. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka svenska modeföretags syn på en resell-plattform, vilka möjligheter och utmaningar de ser i denna samt vilka effekter det digitala produktpasset kan ha på resell-processen. Representanter från fem svenska klädföretag med fokus på olika produktkategorier har intervjuats angående resell-plattformarna och deras tankar kring det digitala produktpasset. Studien visar att utmaningar relaterade till resell-plattformen är kopplade till såväl lönsamhet som resurskrav gällande personal, kunskap och digitalisering. Den visar också att företagen är mycket beroende av kunden för att få en framgångsrik resell-plattform. Samtidigt skapar plattformen möjligheter för företagen att utveckla starkare relationer med kunderna samt skapa nya relationer med nya kundgrupper. Företagen upplever också att varumärket stärks genom att företaget tar mer ansvar och utvecklar sitt hållbarhetsarbete ytterligare. Vidare finner studien att det finns en generell osäkerhet kring de digitala produktpassen kopplat till utformning och praktisk användning och hur de kommer att påverka företagen, samt resell-plattformarna. Det finns också en allmän försiktighet där inget företag känner behov av att vara först ut med ett produktpass. Samtliga företag ställer sig dock positiva till produktpasset på branschnivå och vilka positiva effekter det kan ha på till exempel produktens livscykel och värdet på resell-produkter. Uppsatsen är skriven på svenska. / The transition from a linear to a circular business model in the textile industry is of utmost importance in order to make the industry more sustainable. In 2023 the European Commission therefore initiated a proposal to apply the Extended Producer Responsibility on the textile industry as well. This would mean that the companies producing the textile products are responsible, by law, for what happens with the products after they leave the company´s hands. Several companies have therefore initiated a Take Back Strategy and with this a resell platform, with the goal to prolong the life of the textile products. As a part of this transition there is also a suggestion from the EU to implement the Digital Product Passport. The passport is supposed to act as an information carrier and enabler for the customer to make an informed decision and hopefully a more sustainable choice. The hope is that this will pressure the companies to be more transparent and create a more sustainable supply chain. This study aims to investigate Swedish fashion companies ´ view on their resell-platform, what possibilities and challenges they see in this, and what possible effects the Digital Product Passport could have on the resell process. Representatives from four Swedish companies focused on different product categories have been interviewed regarding the resell platforms and their thoughts on the Digital Product Passport. The study finds that challenges related to the resell platform are connected to profitability as well as resource demanding in terms of personnel, knowledge, and digitalization. It also shows that the companies are very dependent on the customer in order to have a successful resell-platform. At the same time, the platform creates opportunities for the companies to develop stronger relationships with the customers as well as creating new relationships with new customer groups. The companies also find that the brand is strengthened by taking more responsibility and developing their sustainability work further. Further, the study finds that there is an insecurity regarding the Digital Product Passports and how they will affect the companies, and there is a general caution where no company feels the need to be the first one with a passport. However, all companies are positive about the passport and what positive effects it can have on e.g. the product life cycle and the value on resell products. This essay is written in Swedish.

Opvoedkundig-sielkundige ondersoek na derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrika / An educational-psychological exploratory investigation on third culture kids in South-Africa

Bester, Dierdré 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie handel oor derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrika met die fokus daarop om die fenomeen aan ouers, kinders, onderwysers, sielkundiges en ander belangstellendes bekend te stel. Derdekultuur-kinders is die term wat geskep is om kinders te benoem wat vir 'n tydperk tydens hulle ontwikkelingsjare saam met hulle ouers in die buiteland deurbring en hul daar vestig, maar weer na hul vaderland terugkeer. 'n Derdekultuur word geskep indien die kinders dele van hul ouers se kultuur en dele van die kultuur van die gasheerland integreer ten einde geredelik in die gasheerland te funksioneer. Die probleem ontstaan egter wanneer hierdie kinders na hul vaderland terugkeer, aangesien hulle dan nie meer binne hul portuurgroep inpas nie. Die aantal derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrikaanse konteks het sedert 1994 met rasse skrede vermeerder, aangesien al hoe meer internasionale maatskappye Suid-Afrikaners in die buiteland in diens neem en Suid-Afrikaanse ambassades in bykans elke land in die wêreld gevestig is. Die tendens om gesinne saam op die internasionale plasing te neem, veroorsaak dat kinders in verskeie lande gevestig word en in hierdie tydperk aan 'n internasionale en bevoorregte leefwyse blootgestel word. In hierdie studie word 'n literatuurstudie onderneem om die profiel van derdekultuur-kinders, hul kulturele identiteitsvorming en omgekeerde kultuurskok met hul terugkeer na hul land van oorsprong, te ondersoek. 'n Empiriese studie is onderneem om te bepaal tot watter mate die profiele en omgekeerde kultuurskok waaraan Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders blootgestel word, vergelyk met dié soos beskryf in die literatuurstudie. Op grond van die inligting verkry uit vraelyste en individuele onderhoudvoering, en inligting verkry uit die literatuurstudie, is riglyne vir 'n hulpprogram saamgestel waarmee ouers hulle derdekultuur-kinders tydens hulle terugkeer na Suid-Afrika kan ondersteun. Terapeute sonder internasionale ondervinding sal ook hierdie hulpprogram nuttig kan vind. Die studie bevestig dat: * die profiel van Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders grootliks met dié van ander lande ooreenstem; * Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders problematiese her-aanpassing by hul terugkeer na hul paspoortland ondervind; * ouers en terapeute bemagtig moet word om derdekultuur-kinders met hul heraanpassingsprobleme te ondersteun. / This study deals with Third Culture Kids in South Africa, focusing on introducing the phenomenon to parents, children, teachers, psychologists and other concerned parties. “Third Culture Kids” is the term used to describe children who have spent a number of their developmental years with their parents abroad, after which they return to their country of origin. A third culture is created when children integrates the culture of their parents together with the culture of the host country in order to function readily in the host community. The problem arises when the children return to their home country as they then encounter problems adapting and fitting into the local community. The number of Third Culture Kids in the South African context has increased dramatically since 1994, as international companies employed more South Africans abroad and many new South African Embassies were established all over the world. The tendency of having the family accompanying the parents to other countries results in the children residing in various countries and being exposed to an international and privileged lifestyle This study consists of a literature study of the profile and cultural identity-formation of Third Culture Kids, as well as the reverse culture shock they experience on their return to their country of origin.An empirical study is conducted to establish how South African Third Culture Kids‟ profiles compare with that of the literature and whether they are affected by reverse culture shock upon their return to South Africa. The information, gathered by means of a survey and individual interviews and from the literature study, was then used to compile guidelines for a programme with which parents would be able to assist their Third Culture Kids during the repatriation to their country of origin. Therapists without international experience would also be able to benefit from using this programme to assist Third Culture Kids. The study confirms that: the profiles of South African Third Culture Kids have commonalities with those described in the literature; South African Third Culture Kids experience problems on re-entry adapting to the culture of the country of origin; parents and therapists should be empowered to assist and support Third Culture Kids with problems relating to their return to their passport country / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkundige)

Why Canada's "Costly" Securities Regulation Regime Ensures Better Decision-making

Spilke, Ezra 27 November 2012 (has links)
The purported costs of provincial autonomy in Canadian securities regulation have been well documented. Proposals for centralizing the securities regulatory regime, whether under a national regulator or through restricting the scope of provincial divergence from national standards, have consistently cited the costliness of the current regime. However, policymakers' cognitive biases lead them from time to time to overemphasize the need for decisive and swift action, which in turn causes them to abandon sound decision-making processes. Provincial autonomy ensures that policymaking with national reach is process-oriented and is more likely to be guided by facts and rational projections. Supporters of centralization discount or ignore these features of decentralization and are too sanguine about the ability of centralized regulators to adhere to process. Any further proposals for reform should properly account for these effects.

Why Canada's "Costly" Securities Regulation Regime Ensures Better Decision-making

Spilke, Ezra 27 November 2012 (has links)
The purported costs of provincial autonomy in Canadian securities regulation have been well documented. Proposals for centralizing the securities regulatory regime, whether under a national regulator or through restricting the scope of provincial divergence from national standards, have consistently cited the costliness of the current regime. However, policymakers' cognitive biases lead them from time to time to overemphasize the need for decisive and swift action, which in turn causes them to abandon sound decision-making processes. Provincial autonomy ensures that policymaking with national reach is process-oriented and is more likely to be guided by facts and rational projections. Supporters of centralization discount or ignore these features of decentralization and are too sanguine about the ability of centralized regulators to adhere to process. Any further proposals for reform should properly account for these effects.

The Critical Reception of Herta Müller in the German and English Printed Media Before and After the Nobel Prize for Literature 2009

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: After being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2009, Herta Müller attained great prominence around the world. Commentators, especially in English-speaking countries, seemed shocked by the decision. One of the primary concerns was that Müller was relatively unknown. This thesis seeks to address this and other concerns by looking at reviews of her works in German- and English-language publications both before and after the Nobel Prize was awarded. This thesis analyses chronologically the reception of her books beginning with Niederungen in 1982 and ending with the reception of her novel Atemschaukel in 2009. It compares the reception of the original German text to that of the English translation; therefore only works which have been translated and published in English are discussed. The study also shows that while Müller's work did not top the bestseller charts, at least before the Nobel Prize, she was hardly the completely unknown author that some in the English-language media believed. This thesis seeks to present trends in the reception as well as provide a basis for further study of the reception of Herta Müller. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. German 2011

Opvoedkundig-sielkundige ondersoek na derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrika / An educational-psychological exploratory investigation on third culture kids in South-Africa

Bester, Dierdré 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie handel oor derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrika met die fokus daarop om die fenomeen aan ouers, kinders, onderwysers, sielkundiges en ander belangstellendes bekend te stel. Derdekultuur-kinders is die term wat geskep is om kinders te benoem wat vir 'n tydperk tydens hulle ontwikkelingsjare saam met hulle ouers in die buiteland deurbring en hul daar vestig, maar weer na hul vaderland terugkeer. 'n Derdekultuur word geskep indien die kinders dele van hul ouers se kultuur en dele van die kultuur van die gasheerland integreer ten einde geredelik in die gasheerland te funksioneer. Die probleem ontstaan egter wanneer hierdie kinders na hul vaderland terugkeer, aangesien hulle dan nie meer binne hul portuurgroep inpas nie. Die aantal derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrikaanse konteks het sedert 1994 met rasse skrede vermeerder, aangesien al hoe meer internasionale maatskappye Suid-Afrikaners in die buiteland in diens neem en Suid-Afrikaanse ambassades in bykans elke land in die wêreld gevestig is. Die tendens om gesinne saam op die internasionale plasing te neem, veroorsaak dat kinders in verskeie lande gevestig word en in hierdie tydperk aan 'n internasionale en bevoorregte leefwyse blootgestel word. In hierdie studie word 'n literatuurstudie onderneem om die profiel van derdekultuur-kinders, hul kulturele identiteitsvorming en omgekeerde kultuurskok met hul terugkeer na hul land van oorsprong, te ondersoek. 'n Empiriese studie is onderneem om te bepaal tot watter mate die profiele en omgekeerde kultuurskok waaraan Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders blootgestel word, vergelyk met dié soos beskryf in die literatuurstudie. Op grond van die inligting verkry uit vraelyste en individuele onderhoudvoering, en inligting verkry uit die literatuurstudie, is riglyne vir 'n hulpprogram saamgestel waarmee ouers hulle derdekultuur-kinders tydens hulle terugkeer na Suid-Afrika kan ondersteun. Terapeute sonder internasionale ondervinding sal ook hierdie hulpprogram nuttig kan vind. Die studie bevestig dat: * die profiel van Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders grootliks met dié van ander lande ooreenstem; * Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders problematiese her-aanpassing by hul terugkeer na hul paspoortland ondervind; * ouers en terapeute bemagtig moet word om derdekultuur-kinders met hul heraanpassingsprobleme te ondersteun. / This study deals with Third Culture Kids in South Africa, focusing on introducing the phenomenon to parents, children, teachers, psychologists and other concerned parties. “Third Culture Kids” is the term used to describe children who have spent a number of their developmental years with their parents abroad, after which they return to their country of origin. A third culture is created when children integrates the culture of their parents together with the culture of the host country in order to function readily in the host community. The problem arises when the children return to their home country as they then encounter problems adapting and fitting into the local community. The number of Third Culture Kids in the South African context has increased dramatically since 1994, as international companies employed more South Africans abroad and many new South African Embassies were established all over the world. The tendency of having the family accompanying the parents to other countries results in the children residing in various countries and being exposed to an international and privileged lifestyle This study consists of a literature study of the profile and cultural identity-formation of Third Culture Kids, as well as the reverse culture shock they experience on their return to their country of origin.An empirical study is conducted to establish how South African Third Culture Kids‟ profiles compare with that of the literature and whether they are affected by reverse culture shock upon their return to South Africa. The information, gathered by means of a survey and individual interviews and from the literature study, was then used to compile guidelines for a programme with which parents would be able to assist their Third Culture Kids during the repatriation to their country of origin. Therapists without international experience would also be able to benefit from using this programme to assist Third Culture Kids. The study confirms that: the profiles of South African Third Culture Kids have commonalities with those described in the literature; South African Third Culture Kids experience problems on re-entry adapting to the culture of the country of origin; parents and therapists should be empowered to assist and support Third Culture Kids with problems relating to their return to their passport country / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkundige)

Ekonomická efektivnost a finanční proveditelnost projektu realizovaného obcí / Economic Efficiency and Financial Feasibility of Project Realized by Municipality

Vik, Vladimir January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a public lighting and its direct impact on the financial management of the municipality. Within this analysis the basic methods and ways, which the municipality use in the field of a management and a maintenance of the public lighting system, were described. The eventual form of the reconstruction of the public lighting in the Černožice village was also proposed. In a response to this proposal possible ways of financing this investment project were subsequently outlined. The secondary aim of this thesis was to create a concise database of implemented projects of the reconstruction in other municipalities and comparison of these results.

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