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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A ação da igreja no cuidado pastoral com pessoas com HIV

Walter Hoppe 07 January 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar o cuidado na prática pastoral desenvolvida frente às pessoas com o HIV e AIDS e assim enriquecê-la através da leitura de textos que refletem sobre esta prática. Na leitura buscouse uma abordagem interdisciplinar. O estudo pergunta pela Igreja, considerando que as pessoas com o HIV e AIDS, são parte de seu corpo. Buscando assim, pelo posicionamento das igrejas avaliar a postura que as mesmas deveriam assumir no enfrentamento da epidemia. No confronto com a literatura, numa leitura crítica tenta dar pistas, ser auxílio para o cuidador na sua prática pastoral. Cuidando da vida cuidar de si, cuidar do outro, ser cuidado por Deus, assim termina este primeiro momento. Na descrição da prática pastoral desenvolvida no Hospital Centenário de São Leopoldo-RS, hospital público, é apresentada a formação de visitadores e a organização do serviço de visitação espiritual no hospital. Por fim este estudo quer destacar os desafios que a doença coloca para as igrejas como comunidades de fé, como cristãos pessoas individuais e sociedade. Vê a necessidade da Igreja em redescobrir a si mesma, sua teologia, os meios da palavra que lhe foram concedidas, em como acolher, ouvir, perdoar, tocar, permitir a vida, ser fiel ao seu chamado hoje e permitindo a cura da vida. / This study aimed to reflect the care in the pastoral practice developed with the people who live with HIV/Aids and enrich it with texts that reflect on this practice. In this study an interdisciplinary approach was used. The study also reflects about the church, considering that the people, who live with HIV/Aids, are parts its body. In this perspective the question about the persons position as well as the position of the Church in combating the epidemic was raised. By revising the literature, a critical reading has been done, looking for ways to help the caregiver in his/her pastoral practice. Taking care of life, taking care of himself, taking care of another and be cared by God thats how this first moment envy. The description of the pastoral practice developed at the public hospital Hospital Centenário in São Leopoldo, RS, is introduced with the training of visitors and the organization of the spiritual visitation in the hospital. Lastly, this study intent to show the challenges that the illness (sickness) brings to the Church as a faith community, Christians individual persons and society. There is a need for the Church to reflect about herself, her theology; the ways the Word was conceded, how to care, listen, forgive, touch, and allow life and to be faithful to her call today, allowing the cure of life.

Pastorační péče u osob bez přístřeší / Pastoral care for homeless people

FERDANOVÁ, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The work deals with pastoral care for the non-prisoners in the asylum house of St. Pavel. The theoretical part deals with issues of homelessness, pastoral work in the broader and closer sense of the word, the outlines of the pastoral milion of the church with reference to the Bible, social encyclicals, but fundamentally centering the excerpt of the Second Vatican Council, especially the constitution of Gaudium et Spes. The purpose of the work has to analyze pastoralism as a spiritual master for homeless people visiting the asylum house of St. Pavel. The partial results are focused on the area of personal life, street life and the spiritual life of homeless people visiting the asylum house of St. Pavel. Qualitative research techniques have been applied in the analyses of interwievs with homeless persons.

Making visible the elderly

Swanepoel, Alta 28 February 2003 (has links)
This dissertation is about pastoral care and counselling to elderly people to keep them visible within our faith communities. The research is a reflection and a re-telling of the lives of five elderly people who shared their stories with me. I heard them talk about ageing as an ongoing journey that is not always smooth. To grow older includes a lot of changes and a reassessment of lifestyles and goals as well as the danger of becoming invisible to others. Visibility cannot be maintained without communities of support, and care within communities of shared prophetic mission. A pastoral therapist must convey the Christian message of care by healing and caring solidarity, co-constructing new narratives of hope, and bringing back visibility to the elderly. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Specialisation in Pastoral Therapy)

Pastoral care and the challenge of poverty : when opening hearts and minds create possibilities in a marginalised school community

Hulme, Thérèse 06 1900 (has links)
In the „coloured‟ community of Scottsville in the Western Cape, the historical legacy of political violence and abuse, combined with the current social hierarchies of violence, control and abuse, have serious consequences for Scottsville‟s young people. These traumas and the associated discourses create a culture of fear, distrust, hopelessness, humiliation and silence amongst the majority of the young people. I have employed feminist-poststructuralist analyses in order to grasp the complex nature of the challenges of „coloured‟ poverty. Foucault‟s analyses of power relations also offered this research ways to critique pastoral power. Because of Foucault‟s analyses, I became aware that „coloured‟ people‟s experience of poverty and invisibility could not be separated from my own experience of the power of privilege and visibility. The operation of unjust power relations in the „coloured‟ community therefore compelled me to use my education and privileges to work for the restitution of the voices and of relational and physical possibilities in the lives of „coloured‟ young people. What started out as a research project became a cross-cultural journey of reparation and of my own humanisation. I argue that the praxis of embodied solidarity with the „other‟ is the challenge that poverty ultimately poses to people of privilege and to the ways in which theology defines itself. In doing the work of reparation I was supported by the relational theme of solidarity with the marginalised provided by a feminist theology of praxis. The knowledges of the women in the community in particular served as resources of faith. The research methodologies I used in this research combined the practices of narrative therapy, creative writing, mentoring and drama. The purpose of these methodologies was to invite young people into various meaning-making processes which enabled them to become the agents of their own lives and of a culture of possibility. Derrida‟s work on deconstruction and the aporia provided this research with a framework for the theory of possibility. Through the methodologies of networking and advocacy, other people have joined us in going beyond the physical and relational limitations of poverty to create possibilities for the young people and their schools. / Practical theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Outsider Buddhism : a study of Buddhism and Buddhist education in the U.S. prison system

McIvor, Paul 28 November 2011 (has links)
Buddhist prison outreach is a relatively recent development, in the United States of America and elsewhere, and has yet to be chronicled satisfactorily. This thesis traces the physical, legal and social environment in which such activities take place and describes the history of Buddhist prison outreach in the USA from its earliest indications in the 1960s to the present day. The mechanics of Buddhist prison outreach are also examined. Motivations for participating in Buddhist prison outreach are discussed, including Buddhist textual supports, role models and personal benefits. This paper then proposes that volunteers active in this area are members of a liminal communitas as per Victor Turner and benefit from ‘non-player’ status, as defined by Ashis Nandy. The experiences of the inmates themselves is beyond the scope of this thesis. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Religious Studies)

As relações de cuidado transpessoal no acompanhamento pastoral do soro-positivo: um estudo de caso

Herinaldo de Santa Rosa Júnior 05 January 2010 (has links)
Amamos a vida e temos muitos planos para ela. Nem sequer queremos pensar na brevidade dos nossos dias ou, ainda, que estamos aqui só de passagem. Por mais dura que a vida nos pareça, nossos corações estão sempre cheios de esperanças e de ideias maravilhosas para nosso casamento, nossos filhos, nosso trabalho, nossos parentes e amigos, nossos investimentos, nosso patrimônio, nossos interesses, nossas aspirações, nossos passatempos e prazeres. Contudo, todos nós somos vulneráveis ao ataque súbito de uma doença grave. Moléstias que apresentam risco de vida não conhecem fronteiras; elas não atingem apenas o CORPO humano, elas desolam também o SER humano. A doença não compromete apenas a integridade biológica, ela também compromete significativamente a integridade pessoal. O HIV, por exemplo, com sua malignidade devastadora, arrasa o sistema imunológico e provoca desolações mentais, morais, emocionais, sociais, familiares, religiosas e culturais. A AIDS se fundamenta sobre a afirmação de elementos estigmatizantes e excludentes, como o sexo, a culpa e a morte. Aqui então compreendemos que o cuidado transpessoal oferecido no acompanhamento pastoral do soro-positivo é componente indispensável em um processo terapêutico humanitário, integrado e bem sucedido. O cuidado pastoral é confortante, é poderoso, comunica segurança e autoridade, acalma as tensões, administra os conflitos, monitora as emoções e vitaliza as instâncias superiores da pessoa enferma, ele comunica uma força de vida que não é simplesmente biológica, mas a vida cônscia, vida emocional, vida pessoal. Ele oferece proteção emocional, mental, moral, espiritual e pessoal mais do que qualquer outra forma de acompanhamento. Nas relações de cuidado com pessoas portadoras de doenças irremediáveis, entendemos ser necessário integrar a visão de vida e morte no contexto da existência terrena. É certo que vive melhor e mais livre quem se sente preparado para morrer, quem consegue encarar a morte com naturalidade, como um acontecimento que compõe nossa experiência na Terra. Quando o cenário muda e temos de enfrentar a morte em seus processos, o acompanhamento pastoral torna-se uma força indispensável e significativa para quem enfrenta o final da jornada. / We love the life and we have many plans for it. We do not want even to think about the brevity of our days or that we are just passing through. However hard our life seems to us, our hearts are always full of hopes and wonderful ideas for our marriage, our children, our work, our relatives and friends, our investments, our patrimony, our interests, our aspirations, our pastimes and pleasures. However, we are all vulnerable to the sudden attack of a serious disease. Illnesses which put our lives at risk do not know any frontiers; they do not just attack the human BODY, they also desolate the human BEING. Disease does not just jeopardize the biological integrity; it also endangers the personal one. HIV, for instance, with its wasting evilness, devastates the immunological system and provokes mental moral emotional social domestic religious and cultural desolations. AIDS is based on the assertion of excluding and branding elements like sex, guilt and death. In this research we understand that the transpersonal care offered in pastoral attendance of HIV serum positive is an indispensable element in an integrated humanitarian and successful therapeutic process. Pastoral care is comforting and powerful; it communicates safety and authority; it manages conflicts; it monitors emotions and it revitalizes the superior instances of the sick person. It communicates a life force that is not just biological, but also aware, emotional and personal. It offers emotional mental moral spiritual and personal protection more than any other attendance form. In care relationships with people who have incurable diseases, we think that it is necessary to integrate a life and death understanding in the context of earth-bound existence. It is true; the one who feels prepared to die, who can naturally face the death like an event that integrates our experience of living lives better and freer. When the scenery changes and we have to face the death in this process, the pastoral attendance becomes an indispensable and significant force for those who face the end of the journey.

Cuidado pastoral num centro de tratamento intensivo adulto: referenciais bíblico-teológicos e competências pastorais

Daniel Annuseck Hoepfner 31 August 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta tese tem como objetivo definir referenciais bíblico-teológicos, visando ampliar as competências práticas do cuidado pastoral num Centro de Tratamento Intensivo adulto, mais precisamente, numa unidade de internação voltada a pacientes em estado grave de saúde. A fragilidade humana, neste contexto, representa um grande desafio para a teologia e, de forma especial, para a teologia pastoral. Dentre estes referenciais teológicos são enfatizadas tanto a dimensão da solidariedade divina em meio ao sofrimento humano quanto a da graça e da paixão reveladas na pessoa em Jesus Cristo, as quais alicerçam tanto a perspectiva da resistência quanto a da submissão humanas frente à realidade da morte. A partir dos conteúdos alcançados, a pesquisa se propõe a mapear as competências do agente pastoral junto ao paciente (e de sua família) que nortearão a prática da visitação numa perspectiva ecumênica, o estabelecimento de uma comunicação eficaz, o testemunho sensível e responsável da Palavra de Deus, o uso da oração e dos ritos religiosos e uma interação adequada com a equipe assistencial. / This thesis aims to define biblical and theological references in order to extend the pastoral care practical skills in an adult Intensive Care Unit, more precisely in an inpatient unit dedicated to patients in critical health conditions. In this context, human frailty represents a great challenge to theology and, in a particular way, to pastoral theology. Among these theological references, both the theological dimension of the divine solidarity in the midst of the human suffering and the theological dimension of the grace and of the passion revealed in the person of Jesus Christ are emphasized, which underpin both the perspective of the human resistance and of the human submission against the reality of death. Based on the contents achieved, the research aims to map the skills of the pastoral agent when with the patient (and with family members), which will guide the visiting practice in an ecumenical perspective, the establishment of an effective communication, the sensitive and responsible testimony of the Word of God, the use of prayer and religious rituals and of an appropriate interaction with the care team.

Paliativní a hospicová péče / Helping hand in crossing over

LASCHOVÁ, Daniela January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with palliative and hospice care. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part there are provided with basic information about palliative care, it describes aspects of palliative care in terms of spiritual, social, psychological and physical. There are also recorded information on facilities that provide palliative care, their characteristic, mission and goals. The thesis is also reported on problems of dying, suffering and death. The work also records a pastoral and social care about dying seniors, a description of a multidisciplinary team of hospice care. The practikal part of the thesis is reported on a detection rate of awareness of palliative and hospice care at the clients of caritas Týn nad Vltavou. Next the research found out the respondents opinion of dignified dying in a domestic care

The silent voices of orphans and vulnerable children living in the HIV and AIDS environment in urban Zambia : a pastoral care challenge

Shawa, Deborah Wanjiku 02 October 2012 (has links)
The phenomenon of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Zambia is a consequence of the HIV and AIDS epidemic. Many of these children are orphaned at a critical developmental stage of their lives when parental care and nurture is most needed. In the African world view, children’s opinions in matters concerning them including care are rarely sort or heard. The main aim of this research was to gain a holistic understanding of the silent voices of children affected and/or infected by the HIV and AIDS, and specifically about their experiences of care and/or lack of it. The other aims were: 1) to research alternative means of getting the silent stories of the marginalized children heard by the Zambian society; and 2) to disseminate the research findings to policy makers. Ten children orphaned by AIDS and vulnerable children, who are the core-searchers, drawn from three Lusaka urban based NGOs participated in the study. The research process and experience was reflected upon by the researcher, co-researchers and the care givers. The research was carried out from a Practical Theology perspective and the narrative approach within the postmodern social-constructionist paradigm. The ABDCE model for fiction writing as a metaphor for doing narrative research was used. This approach enabled the researcher to carry out the research in a systematic manner. It also allowed the researcher and the co-researchers to begin and work together throughout the research process, as the researcher listened to the co-researchers’ stories and experiences of care and/or lack of it and was drawn into them. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Právní úprava pastorační péče v oblasti civilního letectví / Legal regulation of pastoral care in civil aviation

Disman, Jakub Jan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis examines the regulation of pastoral care in the sector of civil aviation by the laws of the Roman Catholic Church (Latin Church). The general part first describes the theological reasons for special pastoral care, as well as the inception and development of its institutional organisation. The core of the general part of the thesis consists of identifying and interpreting the relevant legal standards of the Roman Catholic Church's (Latin Church's) general canon law. Attention is devoted in particular to the possibilities of organisational arrangement, the issue of airport chapels, their canonical status and use, individuals providing pastoral care, the specific issues of communicatio in sacris and the possibility of regulation by particular law. The special part of the thesis describes how pastoral care in civil aviation is organised in selected European Union member states and how it may be modified by particular law. Keywords Canon law, particular law, pastoral care, civil aviation, airport, chaplain, airport chaplaincy.

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