Spelling suggestions: "subject:"apatient interaction"" "subject:"1patient interaction""
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#Being epileptic' : sociology of a stigmatizing conditionScambler, Graham Nigel January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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Process of nurse-patient interaction in the presence of technology.Alliex, Selma January 1998 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a substantive theory or at least a set of theoretical propositions explaining the process of nurse-patient interaction in the presence of technology. This study was undertaken in Perth, Western Australia. The grounded theory method was chosen to undertake this research.The study's informants consisted of nurses. Theoretical sampling led to the inclusion of patients and patients' relatives. Purposive and theoretical sampling were used to choose the informants. Data were obtained using field observations and formal and informal interviews with nurses and post-discharge patients. Data analysis was conducted using the constant comparative method (Glaser and Strauss, 1967), writing memos and drawing a schema. The Ethnograph software package (Seidel, 1988) was used to organize and manage the data.The findings of the study indicated that nurses were stymied in their person-centered interactions with patients in the presence of technology. Nurses used the process of navigating the course of interaction to deal with this problem. The process of navigating the course of interaction consisted of three phases. These were the phases of embarking, steering and veering and disembarking. The action/interaction of the process occurred during the steering and veering phase and four specific strategies of interaction became evident in this research. These strategies of interaction were steadying, demurring, coasting and maximizing. The strategies of interaction used by nurses did not center on one type. There was rather a movement between strategies during and between interactions with patients in the presence of technology. This movement was termed oscillating connections. Conditions that modified the core process of navigating the course of interaction were also identified. The findings of the study provide an understanding of the problem ++ / encountered by nurses in their interaction with patients in the presence of technology and the process used by the nurses to deal with this problem.
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"Delivering knowledge and advice" : Healthcare providers' experiences of their interaction with patients' management of rheumatoid arthritis.Bergsten, Ulrika, Bergman, Stefan, Fridlund, Bengt, Arvidsson, Barbro January 2011 (has links)
Rheumatic diseases are often chronic and involve a lifetime of suffering. The focus of rheumatology care is to support patients to manage their lives and master their disease. Healthcare providers and patients have different views on the consequences of living with rheumatic diseases and patients are reporting unmet healthcare needs. There is a need to integrate providers' perspective to develop the quality of rheumatology care. The aim was to explore healthcare providers' experiences of their interaction with patients in their management of RA. Interviews with 18 providers from different clinical settings were analysed in accordance with the grounded theory method. A core category; Delivering knowledge and advice was found to be the most important task and involved providing the patient with information about the disease and appropriate forms of treatment. Healthcare providers' attitudes and patients' responses influenced the outcome of the delivery of knowledge and advice and three dimensions emerged; completed delivery, adjusted delivery and failed delivery. There were differences in the providers' experiences in their interaction with patients as well as in reflections on their role as the delivering part. There could be difficulties in the interaction when patients' expectations and preferences were not taken into account when giving advice. These findings highlight the importance of developing rheumatology care, as no provider or patient benefits if the delivery of knowledge and advice becomes a failed delivery. The healthcare organization must acknowledge the difficulties involved in the interaction with patients in their management of RA and find methods to develop a more person-centred approach to care.
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Doctor-Patient Interaction in an American Medical Television Series : A study of statements, questions and commands in House M.DHenrysson, Harriet January 2015 (has links)
This study investigates doctors’ and patients’ usage of three speech functions; namely statements, questions and commands in the American medical drama series House M.D. Furthermore, the study investigates interruptions between doctors and patients. The aim of the study was to ascertain whether the claim that doctors practice power over patients can be verified. The data comprises transcripts of 16 video recorded sessions of doctors and patient interacting where the material was personally collected and analyzed. In their interactions, doctors were found to dominate in making statements, asking questions and uttering commands. In addition, it was detected that the doctors’ and patients’ way to communicate differed given the fact that doctors are trained in their roles as doctors while patients are not. However, both interactants were found to perform the different speech functions similarly. The study also revealed that doctors interrupted more as compared to patients. Furthermore, gendered interruptions were found in the data, all of which came from male participants and it was concluded that the findings could be linked to the social and cultural roles of the participants. Overall, it was concluded that there exists a power relationship between doctors and patients.
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Kränkande bemötande från patienter : Har fysioterapeutens kön inverkan på bemötandet från patienten? - en enkätstudieKarlsson, Frida, Wiklundh, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Interaktion och bemötande är viktiga i vården. Hur en person uppfattar ett bemötande är individuellt och beror på tidigare erfarenheter och social status. Bio-psyko-sociala faktorer kan ha inverkan på interaktionen då patienters beteende kan påverkas av sjukdomstillstånd och tidigare erfarenheter. Syfte: Att undersöka hur fysioterapeuter som arbetar inom Akademiska sjukhuset och Uppsala kommun upplevde att de blivit kränkande bemötta av patienter utifrån sitt kön och om patientens sjukdomstillstånd och ålder har betydelse i bemötandet. Design och metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med en komparativ och deskriptiv design. Sammanlagt 84 fysioterapeuter från Akademiska sjukhuset och Uppsala kommun besvarade en egenkonstruerad webbenkät. Resultatet analyserades med beskrivande statistik, Chi-2 test och kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: En hög andel av fysioterapeuterna (83%) hade erfarenheter av kränkande bemötande och ingen signifikant skillnad sågs mellan könen eller arbetsplats gällande dessa erfarenheter. Störst andel av de manliga fysioterapeuterna rapporterade att de upplevt hot och våld från patienter medan kvinnliga fysioterapeuter uppgav att de fick utstå mer sexuella trakasserier. Patienter med smärta eller demens var de patientgrupper som flest fysioterapeuter upplevde sig blivit kränkande bemötta av. Konklusion: Kränkningar mot fysioterapeuter är vanligt förekommande oavsett kön. Patientens sjukdomstillstånd har stor betydelse vid kränkande beteende mot fysioterapeuten. Det är viktigt att uppmärksamma ämnet både i utbildning och inom yrkeslivet. Fler studier krävs för att styrka resultatet. / Background: Interaction and communication are important in health care. How a person perceives a response is individual and depends on past experiences and social status. Bio-psycho-social factors can affect the interaction as patients' behavior is affected by disease states and previous experiences. Purpose: To investigate how physiotherapists working at Akademiska Sjukhuset and Uppsala municipality experienced how they were treated by patients based on their gender and if the patient's disease states and age can affect the interaction. Design and method: A quantitative cross-sectional study with a comparative and descriptive design. A total of 84 physiotherapists from Akademiska Sjukhuset and Uppsala municipality answered a self-designed web questionnaire survey. The result was analyzed with descriptive statistics, Chi-2 test and qualitative content analysis. Result: A high proportion of physiotherapists (83%) had experience of abusive treatment and no significant difference was seen between the sexes or the workplace regarding these experiences. Largest share of male physiotherapists reported that they experienced threats and violence from patients while female physiotherapists stated that they suffered more sexual harassment. Physiotherapists experienced the most abusive treatment of patients with pain or dementia. Conclusion: Violations against physiotherapists are commonplace regardless of gender. The patient's disease condition is of great importance in the case of offensive behavior against the physiotherapist. It´s important to pay attention to the subject both in education and in professional life. More studies are required to strengthen the results.
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Are the counselling skills nurses learn in training apparent in their everyday interactions with patients and carers?Digan, John January 2014 (has links)
This research evaluates whether nurses working in general hospital settings utilise the counselling skills they are taught during their initial nurse training when they practice as qualified nurses. A narrative enquiry methodology was used to gather stories about everyday nurse patient interactions from eight nurses working in a variety of general hospital settings. The stories were tape recorded and transcribed before being subjected to qualitative descriptive analysis, a variant of content analysis, which yielded a number of themes. The analytical process incorporated the use of a hermeneutic circle to reinforce the reliability of the analysis and three types of skill were identified within the narratives. The narratives suggest that nurses do use counselling skills regularly when interacting with patients and carers, in particular the skills of information giving and empathy. These skills are inter-related in nursing practice and their usage stems from the personal experiences of the nurses involved rather than any training received prior to their qualifying as registered practitioners. While the sample size is relatively small the findings might suggest there could be some worth in further research to determine the relational skills possessed by those wishing to enter nurse training. This type of investigation has a resonance with current calls for reform of nurse education and might allow for training in the area of interpersonal skills to become more personalised. Ethical permissions were obtained from NRES, the Ethics committee of the United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust and the University of Manchester.
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Impact of Patient Gender and Race on Patient Satisfaction within the Physician Patient InteractionMcIntosh, Denyse E. 02 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Anestesisjuksköterskans möte med den vuxna oroliga patienten : En intervjustudie / The anaesthetic nurse encounter with the adult anxious patient : A interview studyGülich, Sofia, Stöt, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att beskriva anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelse av möten med vuxna patienter som är oroliga inför generell anestesi. Bakgrund Att sövas innebär för de flesta patienter någon form av oro. För anestesisjukskö- terskor innebär det att på kort tid skapa ett möte där patienter känner trygghet, tillit och där- med mindre oro. Detta är en utmaning då det idag är ett högt flöde av patienter som ska ope- reras, samtidigt som det ställs höga krav på en säker vård där alla patienter ska mötas utifrån sina egna förutsättningar. Få studier har gjorts angående patienters oro utifrån anestesisjuk- sköterskornas perspektiv och är motiveringen till denna studie. Design Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Metod Deltagarna valdes ut med ett ändamålsenligt urval. Datainsamlingen bestod av semi- strukturerade intervjuer med anestesisjuksköterskor på två sjukhus i norra Sverige. Intervjuer- na transkriberades och analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Elva intervjuer genomfördes under hösten 2015. Analysen av materialet mynnade ut i ett tema med titeln ”Vara professionell”. Temat bestod av fem kategorier med benämningen ”Att lyckas med ett möte”, ”Att se patienternas oro”, ”Att bemöta patienternas oro”, ”Att på- verkas av mötet” och ”Att samarbeta och utvecklas”. Slutsats Anestesisjuksköterskorna upplevde att det i mötena med vuxna oroliga patienter handlade om att vara professionell i sin yrkesutövning. Att vara professionell inkluderade många områden, bland annat inställning, förhållningssätt och att sträva efter samma mål, detta för att kunna se och bemöta patienternas oro. / The aim of this study was to describe anesthetic nurses experiences, when interacting with adult patients that expresses anxiety in regards to their upcoming general anesthesia. Background: To undergo general anesthesia, is for most people, associated with some anxie- ty. The anesthetic nurse only has a limited time to build the patient ́s trust, and to try to relieve the anxiety and apprehension for the upcoming anesthesia. This is now becoming a bigger challenge, due to an increase in patient flow and stricter patient safety regulations, including requirements regarding patient centerdness. There has only been a limited number of studies looking at patient ́s pre-anesthetic anxiety, from a nursing perspective, hence the purpose of this study. Design: A qualitative research design with an inductive approach. Methods: The participants in this study were chosen based on their work. The data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews with anesthetic nurses at two hospitals in northern Sweden. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using a qualitative content method. Findings: Eleven interviews were conducted during the autumn of 2015. When analyzing the material, a theme ”Be professional” was established. This was further divided to five catego- ries entitled: “How to succeed with a patient interaction”, “To acknowledge patient ́s anxie- ty”, “To master the patient ́s anxiety”, “To be affected by the interaction” and “To cooperate and develop professionally. Conclusion: The anesthetic nurses emphasized the importance of professionalism when deal- ing with anxious pre-anesthetic patients. This professionalism encompasses a number of dif- ferent attributes such as attitude, approach and to work towards a common goal, to acknowledge and address patients concerns and anxiety.
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Kommunikativa utmaningar och strategier vid utskrivningssamtal mellan läkare och patienter med afasiHengen, Johanna, Fredrikson, Mats January 2012 (has links)
Utskrivningssamtalet är den sista kontakten mellan läkare och patient innan patienten åker hem ifrån avdelningen. Syftet med den föreliggande studien är att undersöka ifall det förligger kommunikativa utmaningar i ett utskrivningssamtal mellan en läkare och en patient med afasi. Den konkreta frågeställningen för studien var hur de potentiella problem som uppkom i samtalet hanterades och vilket utrymme som skapades för patientens deltagande i samtalet samt hur samtalsdeltagarna använde sig av icke-verbal kommunikation för att uppnå förståelse. Den valda metoden för att undersöka detta var Conversation Analysis, CA. I studien deltog två läkare, två patienter med afasi, samt två närstående till patienterna. Patienterna som deltog hade mild till måttlig afasi, svenska som modersmål och var 50 år och 70 år gamla. Läkarna som deltog hade varit anställda på avdelningen och arbetat med patienter med afasi i 2.5 år respektive 3.5 år och hade svenska som andraspråk. Resultatet av analysen var en identifiering av kommunikativa handlingar som ledde till sekvenser i samtalet som deltagarna orienterade mot som problematiska. Dessa var bland annat när läkaren inte följde upp på patientens förfrågan för mer information eller patient-initierade ämnen och inte redde ut missförstånd som uppkom. I resultatet identifierades även sekvenser där samtalsdeltagarna använde sin kommunikativa kompetens för att hantera kommunikativa utmaningar, samt sekvenser där samtalsdeltagarna använde sig av icke-verbal kommunikation för att underlätta den gemensamma förståelsen. Resultatet stämde överens med tidigare forskning om hur patienter med afasi och vårdpersonal organiserar interaktion i samtal.
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Att vårdas i en flerbäddssal : En litteraturöversikt om patienters erfarenheter av att vårdas i en flerbäddssal / Being cared for in multiple-bed room : A literature review of patients experiences of being cared for in multiple-bed roomNieminen, Cecilia, Tomic, Jelena January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att vårdas i en flerbäddssal med andra medpatienter kan medföra både positiva och negativa erfarenheter för patienter. När en människa intar rollen som patient hamnar hen i en situation där patientens avskildhet kan bli svår att bevara och värdigheten kan bli hotad. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av att vårdas i en flerbäddssal med andra medpatienter. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på tio vetenskapliga studier, varav nio var kvalitativa och en var både kvalitativ och kvantitativ. Studierna som erhölls ifrån databaserna CINAHL och PUBMED analyserades och sammanställdes. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fyra huvudteman och sju subteman. Det första huvudtemat benämns som Att vårdas i en flerbäddssal med tre subteman; Betydelsen av att ha sällskap av medpatienter, Stödjande samtal av medpatienter och Bevara självständighet och värdighet genom ett oberoende. Det andra huvudtemat benämns som Patienternas upplevelse av att vistas i en flerbäddssal med andra medpatienter med ett subtema; Att vårdas i en könsblandad flerbäddsal som ett hot mot värdigheten. Det tredje huvudtemat benämns som Patienters upplevelse av att höra och föra ett samtal i en flerbäddssal med ett subtema; Draperiernas betydelse för avskildhet i en flerbäddssal. Det fjärde huvudtemat benämns som Svårigheter med att bevara avskildhet i en flerbäddssal med ett subtema; Strategier för att vara avskild i en flerbäddssal. Diskussion: Diskussionen baseras på litteraturöversikten resultat, där författarna diskuterar resultatet utifrån livsvärldsbegreppet och konsensusbegreppet människa. I diskussionen lyfts de nämnda erfarenheter som förekom i resultatdelen och hur sjuksköterskan kan förhålla sig till och arbeta för att tillgodose patientens individuella behov. / Background: Being cared for in multiple-bed hospital rooms with other fellow patients can have both positive and negative experiences for patients. When a person takes the role of patient harbors she/he in a situation where the patient's privacy can be difficult conserved and dignity can be threatened. Aim: The aim was to explore patients' experiences of being cared for in multiple-bed hospital room with other fellow patients. Method: A literature review based on ten scientific studies, of which nine was qualitative and one was both qualitative and quantitative. The studies were obtained from CINAHL and PUBMED which are then analyzed and compiled. Results: The results are presented in four main themes and seven subthemes. The first main theme is referred to as being cared for in a multiple-bed room with three subthemes: The importance of having the company of fellow patients, promoting conversations of fellow patients and preserve the autonomy and dignity towards the staff .The second main theme is referred to as patients' experience of staying in a multiple-bed room with other fellow patients with a subtema; Being cared for in a mixed-gender multiple-bed room as a threat to dignity. The third main theme is referred to as Patients' experience of hearing and having a conversation in a multiple-bed room with a subtema; The curtains importance of privacy in a multiple-bed room. The fourth main theme is referred to as Difficulties with preserving privacy in a multiple-bed room with a subtema; Strategies to be private in a multiple-bed room. Discussions: The discussion is based on the literature review results, which the authors discuss the results based on the life-world concept and consensus concept of human. The discussion highlighted those experiences that occurred in the results section and how the nurse can relate to and work to meet individual patient needs.
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