Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reas"" "subject:"seas""
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Glycerolipid biosynthesis in pea root plastidsXue, Lingru January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization of galactolipid synthesis in pea root plastidsMcCune, Letitia M. January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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The establishment and evaluation of safe processes involved in the flame sterilization of peasIce, James Richard January 1975 (has links)
No description available.
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Antioxidant responses of pea (Pisum sativum L.) protoplastsDoulis, Andreas G. 19 September 2008 (has links)
Freshly isolated protoplasts from pea leaves were used to investigate the responses of antioxidant enzymes to oxidative stress. Two cultivars, Progress (tolerant) and Nugget (sensitive), that have differing resistance with respect to oxidative stress at the whole plant level were used. Sulfite and the superoxide generating herbicide, paraquat, were used as the oxidants. Final sulfite concentrations during photosynthetic incubations ranged from 1.5 mM to 30.0 mM. During the polarographic estimation of photosynthesis, CO₂-dependent O₂ evolution did not decrease. At sulfite concentrations of 3.0 mM or less, light-dependent O₂ evolution increased and was probably due to a concomitant SO₂-dependent O₂ evolution. Photosynthesis determined as ¹⁴CO₂ fixation was not increased at these low concentrations of sulfite. Concentrations greater than 7 mM = sulfite inhibited photosynthetic ¹⁴CO₂ fixation. No difference in these responses was found between the two cultivars.
At 0.1 µM paraquat, the relative resistance to oxidative stress was reversed compared to previous studies at the whole plant level. With the tolerant cultivar, activity of the plastid antioxidant enzyme, glutathione reductase, increased after a three-hour exposure. Changes in the steady state level of glutathione reductase protein, as judged by immunoblots, did not correlate with the observed changes in enzyme activity. No change in the de novo synthesis of glutathione reductase occurred over the same period as a consequence of paraquat application. A mechanism, unrelated to oxygen free radical scavenging, may contribute to the relative tolerance to low concentrations of paraquat. On the other hand, after an eight-hour exposure to 0.1 mM PQ in the presence of Gamborg’s basal salts, superoxide dismutase activity of Progress protoplasts was enhanced 288% above the preexposure levels while glutathione reductase activity decreased 70% and ascorbate peroxidase activity decreased 90%. The relationship of these changes to oxidative damage to the photosynthetic machinery remains to be assessed. / Ph. D.
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Questões de identidade no Hip-Hop norte-americano: um estudo da banda Black Eyed Peas / Issues of identity in American hip-hop: a study of Black Eyed PaesFortini, Marcela Marques 14 June 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação investiga o processo de formação da identidade, através do trabalho artístico/musical da banda de hip-hop norte-americano: Black Eyed Peas, formada na década de 80, nos Estados Unidos da América. Essa investigação diz respeito às questões de identidades discutidas pela temática do hip-hop, bem como a releitura que esta banda apresenta de elementos tidos como essenciais no gênero em questão. Ainda, visa uma maior compreensão da problemática envolvida na obra artística popular e racial e sua relação com a teoria de massa, para à partir daí, analisar seu potencial de resistência, de criatividade e de protesto. / This research ivestigates the process of meaning meaking/ signifyin(g) in the musical work of a North-american hip-hop band: Black Eyed Peas, founded in the decade of 1980, in the United States of America. This investigation is based on the identity questions discussed by the hip-hop themes, as well as the reelaboration/revisionism that this specific band shows about elements considered essences in the gender studied. Yet, this research intends a better understanding of the matters involved in the popular and racial artistic creation and its relation with the mass theories, in order to analyse its potencial of political resistance, criativity and protest.
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Questões de identidade no Hip-Hop norte-americano: um estudo da banda Black Eyed Peas / Issues of identity in American hip-hop: a study of Black Eyed PaesMarcela Marques Fortini 14 June 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação investiga o processo de formação da identidade, através do trabalho artístico/musical da banda de hip-hop norte-americano: Black Eyed Peas, formada na década de 80, nos Estados Unidos da América. Essa investigação diz respeito às questões de identidades discutidas pela temática do hip-hop, bem como a releitura que esta banda apresenta de elementos tidos como essenciais no gênero em questão. Ainda, visa uma maior compreensão da problemática envolvida na obra artística popular e racial e sua relação com a teoria de massa, para à partir daí, analisar seu potencial de resistência, de criatividade e de protesto. / This research ivestigates the process of meaning meaking/ signifyin(g) in the musical work of a North-american hip-hop band: Black Eyed Peas, founded in the decade of 1980, in the United States of America. This investigation is based on the identity questions discussed by the hip-hop themes, as well as the reelaboration/revisionism that this specific band shows about elements considered essences in the gender studied. Yet, this research intends a better understanding of the matters involved in the popular and racial artistic creation and its relation with the mass theories, in order to analyse its potencial of political resistance, criativity and protest.
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Gestão do programa educacional de atenção ao jovem numa escola estadual de Uberlândia (MG)Andrade, Cláudia Cristina Veloso 31 October 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-06-27T12:35:00Z
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Previous issue date: 2012-10-31 / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o Programa Educacional de
Atenção ao Jovem (PEAS Juventude), da Secretaria de Estado de Educação
de Minas Gerais, sob a perspectiva da Gestão Escolar. Para tanto, realizou-se
uma pesquisa qualitativa, apresentada na forma de um estudo de caso, na
Escola Estadual Segismundo Pereira, a fim de analisar a implementação do
PEAS na escola, levando-se em conta que a escola está inserida no programa
desde 1998. Como instrumentos metodológicos da pesquisa qualitativa,
recorreu-se à pesquisa bibliográfica, à observação não participante, a
entrevistas com roteiros semiestruturados e à realização de grupos focais.
Esses instrumentos permitiram à pesquisadora analisar a percepção dos
envolvidos no programa dentro da escola (coordenador, diretor alunos e
professores) e também alunos e professores não participantes, acerca da
gestão do PEAS, dos resultados e atendimento da demanda proposta pelo
programa. Os dados encontrados na pesquisa demonstraram que a gestão do
PEAS não acontece de forma integrada à gestão da escola. Por não terem uma
visão sistêmica, pensamento estratégico e planejamento envolvendo o coletivo,
as ações de cada disciplina e os projetos que a escola desenvolve não estão
articulados com foco num mesmo objetivo. O referencial teórico que
fundamentou toda a discussão sobre a pesquisa se deu a partir dos estudos
sobre a gestão escolar, dando ênfase à gestão estratégica e participativa, a
partir dos autores Heloísa Lück, Márcia Machado e José Carlos Libâneo. Nesse
contexto, buscando contribuir para melhoria da gestão do PEAS Juventude na
escola pesquisada, apresenta-se o Plano de Ação Educacional, com o objetivo
de sugerir propostas e ações que nortearão o gestor na tomada de decisões
referentes à implementação do PEAS Juventude, no âmbito escolar, de forma
mais efetiva. / This dissertation aims to analyze the Educational Program of Attention to Youth
(Youth PEAS), of State Secretariat of Education of Minas Gerais, from the
School Management perspective. Therefore, we carried out a qualitative study
in the State School Segismundo Pereira, presented as a case study, in order to
analyze the implementation of PEAS in the school, taking into account that the
school has been in the program since 1998. As methodological tools of
qualitative research, we used the literature, non-participant observation,
scripted semi structured interviews and conducting focus groups. These
instruments allowed the researcher to analyze the perception of those involved
in the program, within the school (coordinator, students and faculty director) and
non-participating students and teachers, about the management of PEAS,
results and meet of demands proposed by the program. The data found in the
study demonstrated that the administration of PEAS is not integrated with the
school management. For not having a systemic vision, strategic thinking and
planning involving the collective, the actions of each discipline and the projects
that the school develops, are not articulated with a focus on the same goal. The
theoretical framework that justified all the discussion about the research was
based on studies on school management, with emphasis on strategic and
participatory management, from the authors Heloise Lück, Marcia Machado and
José Carlos Libâneo et. al. In this context, striving to help improve the
management of PEAS Youth at the school researched, the Educational Action
Plan is presented, with the aim of suggesting proposals and actions that will
guide the manager in making decisions regarding the implementation of PEAS
Youth in schools more effectively.
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Response of pea (Pisum sativum L.) different morphotypes to the effect of ozone and UV-B radiation / Sėjamojo žirnio (Pisum sativum L.) skirtingų morfotipų reakcija į ozono ir UV-B spinduliuotės poveikįJuozaitytė, Rima 04 February 2010 (has links)
Work hypothesis: Different pea (Pisum sativum L.) morphotypes respond differently to various anthropogenic factors. This can be related with an alteration of plant metabolism and with changes of photosynthetic pigments and biochemical indexes.
Work aim and the tasks: To investigate the effects of ozone and UV-B radiation on different pea (Pisum sativum L.) morphotypes under changing climatic conditions and to measure plant reaction to the effects of ozone and UV-B radiation.
1.To investigate the effects of ozone and UV-B radiation on the morphometric parameters of different pea morphotypes under changing climatic conditions;
2.To investigate the effects of ozone and UV-B radiation on the photosynthetic pigments of different pea morphotypes under changing climatic conditions;
3.To investigate the effects of ozone and UV-B radiation on the biochemical indexes of different pea morphotypes under changing climatic conditions.
Novelty of the scientific work. For the first time the effects of the near-ground ozone and UV-B radiation on two different pea (Pisum sativum L.) morphotypes (leafy ‘Ilgiai‘ and semi-leafless ‘Profi‘) were investigated under changing climate conditions. The response of these plants to the effects of ozone and UV-B radiation was measured.
Defended propositions
The different pea morphotypes respond differently to the effect of anthropogenic factors;
The morphometric parameters of the different pea morphotypes alters unequally when responding to the... [to full text] / Darbo hipotezė: Skirtingų morfotipų žirniai (Pisum sativum L.) nevienodai reaguoja į įvairius antropogeninius veiksnius. Tai gali būti susiję su augalų metabolizmo pakitimu, fotosintetinių pigmentų, bei biocheminių rodiklių kitimu.
Darbo tikslas: Ištirti ozono ir UV-B spinduliuotės poveikį skirtingų morfotipų žirniams (Pisum sativum L.) kintančiomis klimato sąlygomis, bei nustatyti jų reakciją į ozono ir UV-B spinduliuotės poveikį.
1.Kintančiomis klimato sąlygomis ištirti ozono bei UV-B spinduliuotės poveikį, skirtingų morfotipų žirnių morfometriniams parametrams;
2.Kintančiomis klimato sąlygomis ištirti ozono ir UV-B spinduliuotės poveikį, skirtingų morfotipų žirnių fotosintetiniams pigmentams;
3.Kintančiomis klimato sąlygomis ištirti ozono poveikį, skirtingų morfotipų žirnių biocheminiams rodikliams.
Mokslinis darbo naujumas. Pirmą kartą buvo ištirtas priežemio ozono ir UV-B spinduliuotės poveikis, kintančiomis klimato sąlygomis, skirtingų morfotipų sėjamajam žirniui (Pisum sativum L.) lapuotiems ‘Ilgiai‘ bei pusiau belapiams ‘Profi‘, bei nustatyta jų reakcija į ozono ir UV-B spinduliuotės poveikį.
Ginamieji teiginiai
Skirtingų morfotipų žirniai nevienodai reaguoja į antropogeninių veiksnių poveikį;
Skirtingų morfotipų žirnių morfometriniai parametrai, nevienodai skirtingai kinta nuo poveikio laiko, bei poveikio stiprumo;
Skirtingų morfotipų žirnių fotosintezės mechanizmai yra nevienodi, sąlygojantys apsaugą nuo fotooksidacinio streso;
Skirtingų morfotipų žirnių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Drėgmės trūkumo poveikis žirnių morfofiziologiniams rodikliams / The influence of moisture lack on pear morphofizioligical indicesKlimas, Tautvydas 16 June 2014 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiami žirnių fotosintezės pigmentų, prolino, sacharidų bei santykinės drėgmės pokytis lapuose esant drėgmės deficitui.
Tyrimų objektas – `Ilgiai` veislės sėjamasis žirnis (Pisum sativum L.).
Darbo metodai. Tyrimai atlikti Aleksandro Stulginskio universiteto Agrobiotechnologijos laboratorijoje 2012-2013 metais. Žirniai pasėti į 0,16 m x 0,23 m (aukštis x diametras) vegetacinius indus su substratu (pH − 6,31, P2O5 − 633,94 mg kg-1, K2O – 912 mg kg-1). Eksperimentas vykdytas 6 pakartojimais po 5 augalus inde. Augalai auginti programuojamoje auginimo kameroje esant 20/18 °C (diena/naktis) temperatūrai, 16/8 val. (diena/naktis) fotoperiodui, 50 µmol m-2 s-1 apšviestumui. Augalai auginti programuojamoje auginimo kameroje aukščiau nurodytomis sąlygomis bei esant drėgmės deficitui substrate. Sausros tyrimas pradėtas po sėjos praėjus trims savaitėms.
Darbo rezultatai. Esant drėgmės deficitui, patikimai didžiausi chlorofilo a ir b bei karotenoidų kiekiai žirniuose (atitinkamai 2,501 ir 0,821, bei 1,059 mg l-1) nustatyti praėjus 8 dienoms po laistymo. Esmingai didžiausi prolino ir sacharidų kiekiai (atitinkamai 46,543 μM g-1 ir 0,155 g kg-1) žirniuose, esant drėgmės deficitui, nustatytas praėjus 12-ai dienų. Dirvožemio drėgnis (SWC) esmingai kito visą tyrimų laikotarpį. Mažiausias dirvožemio drėgnis (15,12 proc.) nustatytas paskutinę tyrimų dieną, praėjus 16-ai dienų po paskutinio laistymo. Santykinis vandens kiekis lapuose (RWC) esmingai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master’s thesis submitted to pea’s photosynthesis pigments, proline, saccharins and relative humidity change in leaves and the influence of humidity.
The object of researches – ‘Ilgiai’ variety of sowing peas (Pisum sativum L.)
Methods. Research carried out at Aleksandras Stulginskis University in Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology 2012–2013. Peas were sown in 0.16 m x 0.23 m (height x diameter) vegetative vessels with the substratum (pH – 6.31, P2O5 – 633.94 mg kg-1, K2O – 912 mg kg-1). The experiment was carried out in 6 replicates of 5 plants in container. Plants were cultivated at programmable climatic chamber at 20/18 °C (day/night) temperature, 16/8 hours (day/night) photoperiod, 50 µmol m-2 s-1 illumination. Plants were grown at programmable climatic chamber by conditions which are set out above and with deficit of moisture in substrate. The investigation of drought launched after three weeks of sowing.
Results. In the moisture deficit, reliably the largest chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids amount in peas (respectively 2.501 and 0.821, and 1.059 mg l-1) were determined after 8 days after watering. Essentially the maximum proline and saccharins contents (by 46.543 μM g-1 and 0.155 g kg1) in peas at the moisture deficit were set after 12 days. Soil water content (SWC) was essentially varying through all period of researches. Minimum soil humidity (15.12 percent) was established at the last day of researches, passing 16 days after last watering. Relative water content in... [to full text]
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Environmental factors and plant-to-bacteria signals effects on nodulation and nodule development of peaLira Junior, Mario de Andrade. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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