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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fine-tuning a BERT-based NER Model for Positive Energy Districts

Ortega, Karen, Sun, Fei January 2023 (has links)
This research presents an innovative approach to extracting information from Positive Energy Districts (PEDs), urban areas generating surplus energy. PEDs are integral to the European Commission's SET Plan, tackling housing challenges arising from population growth. The study refines BERT to categorize PED-related entities, producing a cutting-edge NER model and an integrated pipeline of diverse NER tools and data sources. The model achieves an accuracy of 0.81 and an F1 Score of 0.55 with notably high confidence scores through pipeline evaluations, confirming its practical applicability. While the F1 score falls short of expectations, this pioneering exploration in PED information extraction sets the stage for future refinements and studies, promising enhanced methodologies and impactful outcomes in this dynamic field. This research advances NER processes for Positive Energy Districts, supporting their development and implementation.

Musica e Arti Visive nell'Educazione: qualità dell'apprendimento in una esperienza realizzata secondo un approccio interdisciplinare = Música y Artes Visuales en la Educación:calidad del aprendizaje en una experiencia realizada desde un enfoque interdisciplinario

Anceschi, Alessandra January 2015 (has links)
A partire da un percorso didattico appositamente predisposto, la ricerca indaga la produzione di artefatti musicali e/o visivi elaborati (individualmente o in piccolo gruppo) da studenti preadolescenti di scuola secondaria di primo grado del sistema scolastico italiano. Lo sviluppo dello studio si è articolato sull'idea che tali produzioni, condotte nel solco di un'azione interdisciplinare, possano essere rivelatrici di una peculiare qualità di pensiero di natura metacognitiva. Il metodo di ricerca ha adottato alcune strategie tipiche della Ricerca-Azione, e si è basato su un approccio di tipo ermeneutico-interpretativo, le cui prassi analitiche sono state desunte dall'ambito critico/estetico e semiologico. La complessità a livello sistemico dell'indagine ha suggerito l'adozione di un approccio definito ecologico. Gli esiti dello studio hanno portato a individuare una particolare qualità di pensiero espressa a livello fabrile e sensoriale, per questo denominata metacognizione sensibile. La ricerca ha inteso con ciò avvalorare la relazione esistente tra il creare e il comprendere-conoscere, facendo emergere la processualità ambivalente che si esplica con reciprocità nel "dar forma al pensiero" e "dar pensiero alla forma". I risultati della ricerca costituiscono strumenti utili alla comprensione della valenza educativa dei processi di costruzione di una identità artistica, profilo necessario a definire i tratti di una completa personalità in uscita dalla scuola dell'obbligo. [ENG: Starting from the arrangement of a teaching activity especially arranged, the research investigates the production of musical and / or visual artifacts developed (individually or in small groups) by 13- and 14-year-old students who attend the first level of the secondary Italian school (Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado). The development of the study has been based on the idea that these productions, carried out through an interdisciplinary action, can reveal a peculiar metacognitive quality of thought. The research method has adopted some Research-Action strategies, and is based on a hermeneutic-interpretative approach, whose analytical practices have been derived from the critical, aesthetic and semiological field. The systemic complexity of the survey suggested the adoption of an approach that can be defined as ecological. The results of the study led to identify a particular quality of thought, expressed at an operational and sensory level and therefore called sensitive metacognition. In this way the research intended to strengthen the existing relationship between creating and understanding-knowing, highlighting the ambivalent processuality that is reciprocally expressed by "give form to thought" and "give thought to form". The findings can be useful to understand the educational value of the building processes of an artistic identity, which is a necessary profile to identify the traits of a complete personality for students at the end of compulsory education.]

Investigating the possibility of Jakobsgårdarna district in Borlänge, Sweden becoming a Positive Energy District (PED)

El Sawalhi, Rayan January 2022 (has links)
Climate change is a global phenomenon that strongly affect cities and urban areas. Due to the intensive industrial activities and global population growth leading to more fossil energy demands for the last century, the global warming effect appeared to have been significantly exacerbated. To overcome the issues related to the increase of greenhouse emissions amplifying the global warming, multiple initiatives and engagements have appeared for the last 10 years in order to reduce our global energy demands and reduce the dependency to fossil energy and engage a transition to renewable energy. One way to achieve these objectives is to engage a technological and societal shift in the building industry by reducing energy demands and increasing local energy productions based on renewable energy or, at least, carbon neutral systems. In order to qualify these new types of construction, the concept of positive energy district (PED) has arisen through multiple initiative around the world. This thesis aims to assess the possibility to meet the PED requirements for the new Jakobsgardarna district extension project proposed by Sweco in Borlange, Sweden. This project is based on 144 buildings composed of schools, residentials, retails shop, and offices spread on an 80 ha of land. The Building Energy Modelling (BEM) has been performed on IDA ICE to assess the energy demands and energy production of the entire district following multiple scenarios. These simulations have been performed with either a district heating system or a heat pump as base system. Then, the models have been extended with photovoltaic (PV) panel in multiple configurations in order to find the bes tsolution to meet the PED requirements. First results of the baseline configuration (district heating) shows that the yearly energy demand was around 14,227 MWh which represent almost 69 kWh/m2, mainly dominated up to 75% by the heating demands including domestic hot water (DHW). Moreover, an uncomfortable situation has been met in almost all residential building during summer with temperature reaching up to 31°C. The second configuration considering a heat pump with bore holes in replacement of the district heating shows an overall yearly energy demands of 9,738 MWh representing 47.2kWh/m2 per heated area. This results in a 67% reduction of the energy demands in comparison with the base case. This is due to the high coefficient of performance (COP=4) of the heat pump compared to the district heating system’s (COP=1). In this configuration the heating demands still corresponds to 70% of the overall energy demands. The addition of PV panels compensated the entire electrical needs of the district when combined with district heating and even allowed to reach the positive energy requirements when combined with heat pumps with bore holes. The latter case generates up to 20% of electrical energy in excess of what it produced, even while considering solar panels at a15° of tilt angle in a region where the optimal inclination is defined at 45°. According to the preliminary results obtained in this study, positive energy requirements could be met by the combination of heat pump and PV panels according to our assumptions. This work could then be used to further refine the district design and propose suggestions to improve both the thermal modeling of the district and the design rules for architects and local stakeholders.

Mesure de déformation et cristallinité à l'échelle nanométrique par diffraction électronique en mode précession / investigation of nano crystalline materials strain and structure using high spatial resolution precession electron diffraction

Vigouroux, Mathieu Pierre 11 May 2015 (has links)
La diffraction électronique en mode précession (PED) est une méthode récente d’acquisition de clichésde diffraction permettant de minimiser les interactions dynamiques. L’objectif de cette thèse est dedévelopper une méthodologie d’acquisition et de traitement des clichés de diffraction en modeprécession afin de mesurer les champs de déformation en combinant une résolution spatialenanométrique et une sensibilité inférieure à 10-3 typiquement obtenues par d’autres techniques usuellesde microscopie, telle que l’imagerie haute-résolution. Les mesures ont été réalisées sur un JEOL 2010Aéquipé du module de précession Digistar produit par la société Nanomegas.Un système modèle constitué de multicouches Si/SiGe de concentrations connues en Ge a été utilisépour évaluer les performances de la méthodologie développée dans cette thèse. Les résultats indiquentune sensibilité sur la mesure de contraintes qui atteint, au mieux, 1x10-4 et un accord excellent avec lescontraintes simulées par éléments finis. Cette nouvelle méthode a pu ensuite être appliquée sur despuits quantique d’InGaAs et sur des transistors de type Ω−gate.La dernière partie traite d’un nouvel algorithme permettant d’évaluer de manière robuste et rapide lapolycristallinité des matériaux à partir d’une mesure PED. Nous donnons des exemples d’applicationde cette méthode sur divers dispositifs / Precession electron diffraction (PED) is a recent technique used to minimize acquired diffractionpatterns dynamic effects. The primary intention of this PhD work is to improve PED (PrecessionElectron Diffraction) data analysis and treatment methodologies in order to measure the strain at thenanoscale. The strain measurement is intended to reach a 10-3 strain precision as well as usualmicroscopy techniques like high-resolution imaging. To this end, measurements were made with aJEOL 2010A with a Digistar Nanomegas precession module.The approach developed has been used and tested by measuring the strain in a Si/SiGe multilayeredreference sample with a known Ge Content. Strain measurements reached 1x10-4 sensitivity withexcellent finite element strain simulation agreement. This process has been also applied to measure thestrain in microelectronic InGaAs Quantum Well and an "Ω-gate" experimental transistor devices.The second approach developed has been made to provide a robust means of studying electrontransparent nanomaterial polycrystallinity with precession. Examples of applications of this analysismethod are shown on different devices.

Gli studenti del sistema educazione degli adulti in Cile: uno studio nella regione di Valparaiso

ACUNA COLLADO, VIOLETA ROSA 16 March 2011 (has links)
Il proposito di questa ricerca è di conoscere gli utenti dell’educazione degli adulti in Cile, il motivo per cui hanno abbandonato e poi ripreso gli studi, oltre alla loro attuale percezione del sistema scolastico. Per lo studio si è utilizzata la tecnica dei questionari, con un campione aleatorio di 597 giovani e 61 docenti in 24 scuole della regione di Valparaiso. Gli aspetti analizzati per gli studenti sono stati: abbandono della scuola, reinserimento nel sistema scolastico, didattica dell’insegnante; per gli insegnanti: soddisfazione per lavorare nei centri per adulti, opinioni rispetto agli studenti e percezione della propria didattica. Tra i risultati risalta il fatto che gli studenti riconoscono di aver abbandonato la scuola per mancanza di motivazione e per motivi didattici e per contro la buona percezione che hanno delle peculiarità della modalità di Educazione degli Adulti e del modo di fare degli insegnanti. Gli insegnanti si sentono soddisfatti del loro lavoro e considerano che la specializzazione nell’area l’hanno acquisita con l’esperienza. Riguardo agli studenti rilevano carenze nella motivazione, nella costanza allo studio e nella presenza alle lezioni; c’è una buona percezione dell’aiuto reciproco tra studenti anche se si registrano casi di auto-isolamento. / The purpose of this research is to know users of adult education in Chile, because they left their studies and taken up today, as well as current perception of the school system. The survey technique was used in the study and a random sample of 597 youth and 61 teachers from 24 schools in the Region of Valparaíso. The studied topics of students were: return to the school system, teaching used by teachers and drop out of school. The teacher topics were: satisfaction of working in adult schools, students view and perception of their own teaching. Results indicated that students admit to having left the formal system mostly due to lack of motivation and educational reasons. In addition they have a good perception of the treatment of teachers and characteristics of the adult education system. On the other hand, teachers believe that specialization in this area have been acquired through experience and feel satisfied in their work. About their students, teachers emphasize their lack of motivation, failure to attend classes and persistence in their studies.


SIDOTI, LAURA 31 March 2011 (has links)
Questa ricerca presenta una panoramica introduttiva delle principali variabili (storiche, sociali, economiche, istituzionali, culturali, ideologiche e valoriali) che condizionano il policy-making educativo degli Stati Uniti e descrive le riforme e innovazioni più significative introdotte negli ultimi trent’anni nel sistema scolastico americano. Quali fattori socio-culturali, urgenze storiche, azioni e convinzioni politiche stanno alla base delle riforme in atto? Come stanno mutando gli equilibri di potere fra governo federale, stati membri e autorità locale e quali sono le ricadute di questo riallineamento sulla governance scolastica? L’approccio seguito per esaminare le principali riforme ed innovazioni (dal movimento per gli standard comuni, al collegamento fra i test scolastici e accountability per i risultati, alle charter school) è quello proprio della policy research, disciplina pressoché sconosciuta a quanti s’interessano di problematiche pedagogiche in Italia ma che può arricchire la capacità di lettura e comprensione di molte questioni dibattute quando si parla di riforme dell’istruzione. / this research provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of education policies in the United States. Blending together theoretical analysis and practical examples, it examines the main variables (history, economy, demographics, political structures, ideologies, values, political culture) that influence the policy environment. What social and economic needs does the U.S. education system cater to? What sociocultural factors, pressing historical circumstances, political choices and actions and beliefs (independent) underlie the current education reforms? What are the implications of the shift of power over education policy from the school and local levels to the federal and state levels? Current issues such as charter schools, high-stakes testing, standards-based reform, and school choice are analyzed in retrospective and perspective using a policy research approach to public problems and policy alternatives. Almost unknown to Italian educational experts, particularly in academia, policy research can expand our general understanding and knowledge about problems and choices when education reform is under discussion.

Mesure de déformation et cristallinité à l'échelle nanométrique par diffraction électronique en mode précession / investigation of nano crystalline materials strain and structure using high spatial resolution precession electron diffraction

Vigouroux, Mathieu 11 May 2015 (has links)
La diffraction électronique en mode précession (PED) est une méthode récente d’acquisition de clichésde diffraction permettant de minimiser les interactions dynamiques. L’objectif de cette thèse est dedévelopper une méthodologie d’acquisition et de traitement des clichés de diffraction en modeprécession afin de mesurer les champs de déformation en combinant une résolution spatialenanométrique et une sensibilité inférieure à 10-3 typiquement obtenues par d’autres techniques usuellesde microscopie, telle que l’imagerie haute-résolution. Les mesures ont été réalisées sur un JEOL 2010Aéquipé du module de précession Digistar produit par la société Nanomegas.Un système modèle constitué de multicouches Si/SiGe de concentrations connues en Ge a été utilisépour évaluer les performances de la méthodologie développée dans cette thèse. Les résultats indiquentune sensibilité sur la mesure de contraintes qui atteint, au mieux, 1x10-4 et un accord excellent avec lescontraintes simulées par éléments finis. Cette nouvelle méthode a pu ensuite être appliquée sur despuits quantique d’InGaAs et sur des transistors de type Ω−gate.La dernière partie traite d’un nouvel algorithme permettant d’évaluer de manière robuste et rapide lapolycristallinité des matériaux à partir d’une mesure PED. Nous donnons des exemples d’applicationde cette méthode sur divers dispositifs / Precession electron diffraction (PED) is a recent technique used to minimize acquired diffractionpatterns dynamic effects. The primary intention of this PhD work is to improve PED (PrecessionElectron Diffraction) data analysis and treatment methodologies in order to measure the strain at thenanoscale. The strain measurement is intended to reach a 10-3 strain precision as well as usualmicroscopy techniques like high-resolution imaging. To this end, measurements were made with aJEOL 2010A with a Digistar Nanomegas precession module.The approach developed has been used and tested by measuring the strain in a Si/SiGe multilayeredreference sample with a known Ge Content. Strain measurements reached 1x10-4 sensitivity withexcellent finite element strain simulation agreement. This process has been also applied to measure thestrain in microelectronic InGaAs Quantum Well and an "Ω-gate" experimental transistor devices.The second approach developed has been made to provide a robust means of studying electrontransparent nanomaterial polycrystallinity with precession. Examples of applications of this analysismethod are shown on different devices.


PASTA, STEFANO 23 March 2016 (has links)
La ricerca affronta il tema delle manifestazioni di “pensiero prevenuto” nell’ambiente digitale, spesso collegate a performance razziste “banalizzate” e socialmente condivise. Per individuare risposte educative specifiche e buone prassi di intervento, è necessario analizzare le diverse forme assunte dal pregiudizio in Rete alla luce degli aspetti affettivo-emotivi e non solo razionali. L’ambiente di ricerca è il Web 2.0, inteso come “realtà aumentata”, ovvero uno spazio non contrapposto al reale ma segnato dalle proprie specificità. Si è individuato un corpus di “razzismi online” da sottoporre a un’analisi di tipo qualitativo-testuale attraverso il software T-Lab e, in parallelo, a un’analisi di tipo qualitativo-motivazionale. I risultati ottenuti sono stati quindi interpretati alla luce di una duplice bibliografia: da un lato quella della pedagogia interculturale e degli studi classici sui razzismi, dall’altro quella sulle caratteristiche del digitale, della pragmatica della comunicazione online e della Media Education. Durante la ricerca si sono inoltre svolte – con esiti differenti – alcune conversazioni via Ask.fm con adolescenti contattati poiché, in vario modo, avevano preso parte a performance razziste; oltre che come caso studio di etnografia virtuale, viene proposto come esperimento di educazione alla riflessività. Si noterà come dalla banalizzazione delle tesi razziste e dalla deresponsabilizzazione dello “stare in Rete” deriva un recupero implicito dell’istanza biologica, su basi non scientifiche, svuotate di senso, ma paradossalmente accettate e interiorizzate. D’altro canto, si incontrano svariati esempi di attivazione di “cittadini digitali”; anche a partire da questo “capitale antirazzista”, si sottolineerà il ruolo dell’educazione alla cittadinanza – interculturale, digitale e morale – nel formare soggetti e agenti morali nella mediapolis, affermando il valore della responsabilità verso gli altri. / The study deals with the topic of manifestations of “prejudiced thought” in the digital environment, which are often linked with “banalised” racist and socially shared performances. In order to identify specific educational responses and good practices of intervention, the various forms taken by prejudice on the Web in the light of affective-emotive, and not only rational, aspects have to be analysed. The research environment is Web 2.0, understood as “augmented reality”, i.e. a space that is not opposed to reality but marked by its own specificities. A corpus of “online racism” has been identified to be submitted to a qualitative-textual analysis through T-Lab software and, in parallel, a qualitative-motivational type of analysis. The results obtained were then interpreted in the light of a dual bibliography: on the one hand that of intercultural pedagogy and classic studies on racism, on the other that on the characteristics of the digital environment, the pragmatics of online communication and of Media Education. Some conversations were also carried out during the research – with different outcomes – via Ask.fm with adolescents contacted as, in various ways, they had taken part in racist performances; as well as a case study of virtual ethnography, this is proposed as an experiment on education on reflectivity. It will be noticed how an implicit recovery of the biological question, with non-scientific bases, emptied of meaning, but paradoxically accepted and internalised, derives from the banalisation of racist theories and the lack of a sense of responsibility of “being on the Web”. On the other hand, several examples of activating “digital citizens” are encountered; from this “antiracist capital” as well, the role of education for citizenship – intercultural, digital and moral – in forming subjects and moral agents in the mediapolis, asserting the value of responsibility towards others, will also be emphasised.


SANDRINI, SIMONA 18 March 2016 (has links)
L’intensità del trasporto alimentare è un trend destinato ad aumentare nella sua complessità. La ricerca attesta come sia rilevante analizzare “come il cibo viaggia”, forse più di “quanto il cibo viaggia”, nel mercato globalizzato dei prodotti agroalimentari, nelle realtà urbane che modificano le abitudini di consumo e nel “global food system” composto da cinque tipologie di sistemi agroalimentari. Gli impatti in sostenibilità sono strettamente dipendenti dall’efficienza del trasporto e della logistica, di merci agroalimentari e di persone che si spostano per l’approvvigionamento, dal campo al consumatore e viceversa. Eppure il concetto di food miles si è ampiamente diffuso tra gruppi di consumatori, attestando mutamenti culturali significativi. Si pensi all’idea tutta italiana di “km-zero”. “Può il trasporto del cibo essere economicamente, socialmente e culturalmente sostenibile, per conservare l'ecosistema?” Questa domanda, approfondita pedagogicamente, può essere riformulata: “How can consumers, economical stakeholders and policy makers become environmentally friendly about transportation of food?” Il quesito conduce all’interrogativo di quale formazione e ricerca interdisciplinare progettare per orientare gli sforzi verso questo fine. Una nuova formulazione concettuale potrebbe promuovere azioni sostenibili per la mobilità e i trasporti sulle lunghe, medie e corte distanze, per la filiera lunga e corta: il “Kmetro verde”. / The transportation of agro-alimentary products is constantly evolving. The research has been focusing on long distances, tied with the global market. But results in a lack of investigations in medium and short distances which also possess some efficiency gain. The investigation of these shorter mode of transport is paramount as they have significant impact on the triptych of sustainability. In this context, the concepts of "food miles" and of "km-zero" have spread widely among the consumers, attesting the community awareness regarding sustainability issues. However, as environmental concerns arise, such concept has showed it's limit. Therefore the question, "Can transportation of food become economically, socially and culturally sustainable, to preserve the ecosystem?", that lead to this concept, needs to be reassessed. Starting from a pedagogical standpoint, this question can be rephrased as “How can consumers, economical stakeholders and policy makers become environmentally friendly about transportation of food, to preserve the ecosystem?”. For a successful undertaking of such problematic, it is paramount to evaluate the need of novel training practises as well as the design of interdisciplinary research. A new formulation of such concept, embodied in "kmeter green", would aim to promote sustainable mobility on all the distances and chains' lengths.

Le nuove sfide all'educazione nella realtà dell'Unione Europea / The New Challenges to Education in European Union Reality

CAPUZZI, MONICA 02 April 2007 (has links)
La tesi analizza e riflette, criticamente e metodicamente, sulla base di precisi contenuti bibliografici, in merito a quanto l'Unione Europea ha proposto, e continua a prospettare, per ciascuno dei propri cittadini nel complesso settore formativo, educativo e didattico. La matrice della riflessione, e della conseguente azione, è data dal celeberrimo Vertice di Lisbona del marzo del 2000, in cui ciascuno degli Stati membri si impegnò affinché l'Unione Europea potesse diventare, nell'intervallo di tempo intercorrente fra il 2000 ed il 2010, "l'economia della conoscenza più forte e competitiva nel mondo". La sottolineatura relativa all'incremento del "capitale umano" e del "capitale sociale" ritorna con insistente frequenza nella maggior parte dei documenti relativi al patto formativo complessivo nella Comunità Europea. Ciò dà adito ad un corollario di riflessioni che vertono di volta in volta sull'introduzione sempre più massiccia delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione; sulla conoscenza di almeno due lingue straniere; sul collegamento sinergico fra il mondo del lavoro ed il mondo della formazione; sull'educazione lungo l'intero corso della vita; sul monitoraggio continuo della qualità dell'istruzione; sulla riforma dei curricola; sulla costruzione delle competenze, per fare solo pochi esempi. I valori che, conseguentemente, non solo in campo formativo ma anche in campo lavorativo, appaiono fondamentali, sono legati alla competitività, alla flessibilità, al cambiamento, all'adattabilità, all'apprezzamento delle eccellenze, all'innovazione ed all'imprenditorialità, considerate indispensabili in un contesto caratterizzato dalla globalizzazione. / The present degree thesis analyses and thinks over, critically and methodically, on the bases of careful bibliographical contents, the proposals that European Union has made, and is still making, for everyone of its citizens in the complicated field of formation, education and didactics. The matrix of reflection, and of the following action, has been realized by the famous Meeting of Lisbon in March 2000, during that every one of the member States committed themselves in order that European Union became, in the period between 2000 and 2010, the strongest and the most competitive economy of knowledge in the world". The underlining concerning the increase of "human capital" and of "social capital" comes back with insistent frequency in the most of documents about the overall formative agreement in European Community. It brings to a corollary of reflections in the direction, time after time, of an ever more massive introduction of Technology of Information and Communication; of the knowledge of two languages at least, of the synergistic connection between the world of work and the world of formation; of the education along the whole course of life; of the continuous monitoring of education quality; of the reformation of curricula; of the skills construction, just to bring few examples. The values that, consequently, not only in the formation field but also in the work field, seem to be essential, are connected with competitiveness, flexibility, change, adaptability, appreciation of excellence, innovation and entrepreneurship, esteemed necessary in a context characterized by globalization.

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