Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pedagogical 1eadership"" "subject:"pedagogical aleadership""
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Hur lärare kan stödja rektorns pedagogiska ledarskap : – Relationen mellan rektor och lärare / How teachers can support principal's pedagogical leadership : - The relation between principals and teachersWestin, Janina, Nilsson, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Syftet för den kvalitativa undersökningen är att undersöka om och hur lärare kan stödja rektorns pedagogiska ledarskap. Undersökningen framförs ur rektorns perspektiv.Följande frågeställningar används för att hitta svar på denna studie: Vad rektorer tycker om det pedagogiska ledarskapet (abstrakta svar, känslor, icke materiellt): Tycker rektorer att det är svårt att klara av det pedagogiska ledarskapet? Hindrar lärare rektorer att klara av det pedagogiska ledarskapet? Vilket stöd skulle rektorer vilja ha av lärare i sitt pedagogiska ledarskapet? Vilket stöd rektorerna får (konkreta svar, ej känslomässiga, materiellt): Vilket stöd får rektorer av lärare i sitt pedagogiska ledarskap? Vilka brister finns det i lärarnas stöd till rektorers pedagogiska ledarskap? Arbetets teoretiska ramverk består av kapitel som handlar om rektorns juridiska, administrativa och ekonomiska ansvar. Det består av kapitel som handlar om rektorns pedagogiska ledarskap men också om relationen mellan rektor och lärare. Relationen är väldigt viktig eftersom ledarskapet inte existerar utan relationer och i relationen är i sin tur kommunikationen central. Undersökningen visar att rektorer ofta nämner ord som diskussion, gemenskap och förtroende. De nämner också ofta orden mål, resultat och förutsättningar när de beskriver sin organisation i förhållande till rektorns pedagogiska ledarskap. Dessa ord är alltså centrala och påverkar rektorns pedagogiska ledarskap. Även om samtliga rektorer uttrycker sig med dessa ord, är det inte säkert att de omsätts på samma sätt av alla. Hur organisationen når sitt mål, kan vara olika beroende på rektorns arbetssätt och hur denne bygger upp verksamheten. / The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate if and how teachers can support the principal’s leadership. The research will be executed from the perspective of principals.The following questions will be used in purpose to find the answers of the study:What teachers think about the pedagogical leadership (abstract):Do principals think that it is difficult to manage the pedagogical leadership?Do teachers prevent principals from managing their pedagogical leadership?What sort of backing do the principals want from the teachers regarding their pedagogical leadership?What sort of backing the principals do get (concrete):What sort of backing do the principals get from the teachers regarding their pedagogical leadership?What sort of shortages are there regarding the teachers backing of the principals leadership?The theoretical chapters of the study contain information about the principals’ juridical, administrative and economical responsibilities. The chapters also contain information about the principal’s pedagogical leadership but, also about the relation between principals and teachers. The relation between principals and teachers is important because without a relation, no leadership will exist. A relation will not exist without communication. Communication is therefore central in the existence of a relation. The survey shows that principals often use words such as discussion, togetherness and trust when describing their organization compared to their pedagogical leadership. They also mention words such as goals, results and conditions. These words are therefore essential and they influence the principal’s pedagogical leadership. Even though all principals mention these words, it is not certain that they all execute them in the same way. How the organization reaches its goal, depends on how the principal work and how the organization is composed.
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Hur kommunicerar rektorer och verksamhetschef? : En kvalitativ studie om hur rektorer och verksamhetschef kommunicerar i den kommunala ledningsgruppen för rektorerAndersson, Fanny January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to examine how principals and superintendents communicate in their management team and is based on the two questions 1) How does communication take place in the principal’s group based on the aspects structure, culture, to each other and style? 2) What opportunities and challenges do their ways of communicating bring? From a historical perspective, principals’ assignments have changed over time. More precise in today's Sweden, there are often one or more principals per school, unlike year 1290 when there was one principal in the country (Ullman, 1997). Further on is the national principal program described, from the start in 1946 until today, where it is compulsory for all appointed principals. Lastly the principals work situation is described (Ullman, 1997; Johansson & Svedberg, 2013). Then is the Swedish school system described, from a state level to local level (Nihlfors & Johansson, 2015). Previous research reveals that the concept of pedagogical leadership is difficult to define (Augustinsson, 2012). If the term ‘pedagogical’ is in focus, it could be explained as a leader that encourages teachers to develop. If the focus is laid on the term ‘leadership’, it can be explained as a leader of a pedagogical activity (Augstinsson, 2012; Nestor, 2006). A review of principal’s pedagogical leadership is then presented (Brüde Sundin, 2007; Forssten Seiser, 2017) and the school’s governance (Hellerström, 2006: Nihlfors & Johansson, 2015) and finally principals communication (Nihlfors, 2003; Nihlfors & Johansson, 2014; Nihlfors & Johansson, 2015; Ärlestig, 2007). The analytical framework in the study is based on the four perspectives for a more conscious organizational communication by Ärlestig (2013). The result of the study is based on qualitative interviews with six participants which consisted of five principals and one superintendent. The results show that the organizational communication in the studied municipality is conscious. The principals that participated in this study express a positive attitude towards the principals’ group, its structure and communication. The superintendent and the administration have actively worked on structured meeting, a permissive climate and clear information where everyone in the principal group feels involved. Based on the results of this study, what needs to be developed is the structure of digital meetings, that everyone feels that they benefit from the meetings, no matter how experienced or inexperienced the principal is, and that the content of the meetings is structured to reach a higher level of efficiency.
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Game based pedagogies and the volunteer coaching community : (re)imagining coach learning and knowledge through a collaborative approachWilliams, Shaun January 2017 (has links)
Collaborative action was undertaken in response to the continued criticisms of formal coach education. It is strongly felt that we can no longer merely criticise what is not happening in terms of coach learning, but a key requirement now is to demonstrate other options. In the UK up to 80% of coaches are volunteers who reach out to around eight million people involved in sport. This valuable workforce is largely forgotten and the bureaucratic structures which oversee formal coach education are merely concerned with quotas and income generation. A fundamental problem with formal coach education is the way in which learning is decontextualized and a knowledge deficit remains. Coaching is multifarious and complex and we need to consider better ways in terms of how we prepare people for this. The Coach Learning and Development (CLAD) programme was devised and implemented in October 2013 to May 2014 at a community rugby club in Wiltshire. Over this 8 month period a range of strategies for coach learning were integrated into CLAD to evidence methods which benefitted the transition of knowledge(s). The theoretical endeavours of Basil Bernstein are introduced to SCR for the first time, particularly the ‘pedagogical device’ to understand, theorise and develop insight into the type of educational contexts that can better support the learning of volunteer coaches. Findings suggest that CLAD as collaborative action learning was successful in transforming coaches to engage with more positive and contemporary forms of coaching pedagogy. Namely ‘game based pedagogies’ argued to be theoretically underpinned by the ‘constraints based approach’. Empirical insights are given in the hope that this can spur further methodological enquiries that move beyond the mere criticism of coach education. SCR needs research endeavours that shift beyond the ‘bricolage’ where knowledge is transferred into the real world to influence real change. Therefore, the findings also draw on the pivotal features of CLAD to not only support more value laden research commitments, but to inform policy developments and practice that can re-configure more successful outcomes for coach education and coaches.
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Sambandet mellan klassrumsmiljön och elevers språkutvecklingDusky, Karin January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att få kännedom om hur studiero i klassrummet är kopplat till elevers språkutveckling. Den språkliga utvecklingen är nödvändig för eleverna och för att den ständigt ska kunna utvecklas behövs en lugn och trygg klassrumsmiljö där undervisningen ska kunna bedrivas på bästa möjliga sätt. Studien har utgått ifrån frågeställningarna Vilka ledarskapskompetenser använder lärare för att främja studiero under lektionerna? och Hur reflekterar lärare kring sambandet mellan klassrumsmiljö och elevers språkutveckling? Studien har utförts med en kvalitativ ansats där lärare som varit verksamma på Umeå kommun, Botkyrka kommun, Haninge kommun samt Järfälla kommun berättat om sina tankar och tillvägagångssätt om ämnet. Syftet med att intervjua olika lärare från olika delar i landet har varit för att göra studien så nyanserad som möjligt där flera lärare från olika ställen delat med sig av sina reflektioner och tillvägagångsätt i sitt yrke. Resultatet indikerade att klassrumsmiljön är starkt kopplat till elevers språkutveckling och att det inte går att förbise detta. Ett lugnt och tryggt klassrumsklimat är nödvändigt för att eleverna ska kunna ständigt stimulera sitt språk på bästa möjliga sätt. Enligt samtliga respondenter var goda lärar- och elevrelationer avgörande för att skapa studiero och trivsel i klassrummet. Lärarna bör således ständigt sträva efter att skapa goda relationer till sina elever eftersom det ger goda förutsättningarna till att skapa ett trivsamt klimat där en ömsesidig respekt mellan alla parter blir befintlig. Sammanfattningsvis ansåg samtliga lärare att strävan för att skapa en god arbetsro kan vara komplex, men att det är ett aktivt ledarskap hos pedagogen som är nödvändig där goda och tillitsfulla relationer till eleverna är centralt. Pedagogerna delade synpunkten om att en trygg klassrumsmiljö stimulerar elevernas språkutveckling och därför är dessa delar nödvändiga för att läraren ska kunna bedriva en undervisning som ger förutsättningar för en god språkutveckling bland eleverna. / The purpose of this study has been to gain knowledge about how a good classroom environment is connected to pupils' language development. Language development is necessary for pupils and in order for it to be constantly developed, a good classroom environment is desirable. The study has been based on the questions What leadership skills do teachers use to promote a calm and good classroom environment? and How do teachers think about the connection between a good classroom environment and pupils’ language development? The study has been carried out with qualitative methods and five interviews were conducted with different teachers from the country where they have talked and discussed about their thoughts on the subject. The results showed that the teachers believed that the classroom environment is strongly linked to pupils' language development and that it is necessary for the teachers to create good relationships with their pupils in order to create a good classroom climate. Teachers should therefore constantly strive to create good relations with their pupils as it provides good conditions for creating a good learning climate. Overall, the teachers considered that the striving to create a good learning environment can be complex, but an active leadership of the teacher is necessary where good relationships with pupils are a central part. The teachers also considered that a good classroom environment bring better language development among pupils, therefore, a good classroom environment is necessary so the teacher can be able to conduct a teaching that provides the conditions for good language development.
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Successful Principal Leadership: : Prerequisites, Processes and OutcomesTörnsén, Monika January 2009 (has links)
This thesis' main theme is successful principal leadership in secondary schools within the Swedish education system. Successful principal leadership is examined from three perspectives: What are the processes of a successful principal? Do the leadership processes relate to successful academic and social outcomes of schools? What are the prerequisites for successful principal leadership? The Frame Factor Model and the three concepts of prerequisites, processes and outcomes constitute an overarching framework. The prerequisites are categorized as internal prerequisites (the particular characteristics of individual principals) and external prerequisites operating within the Swedish educational environment. The successful principal processes are viewed as pedagogical leadership processes, on one hand as providing prerequisites for teaching and learning and, on the other hand as leading the core processes of teaching and learning. The definitions build on the empirical data, on the Swedish national curriculum and demands for pedagogical leadership, and on international findings on what successful principals do. The outcomes of successful principal leadership are here defined as the academic and the social outcomes of schools. The research undertaken is part of the research project 'Structure, Culture, Leadership - Prerequisites for Successful Schools?' The empirical data for this thesis are gathered in twenty-six Swedish secondary schools whereof five are regarded successful schools based on both academic and social outcomes. The findings, reported on in four articles, derive from interviews and questionnaires to principals and teachers. The principals in the main identify prerequisites of importance that are within their own realm of influence, such as themselves, teachers and school district level. They consider a limited area of responsibility and support from district level specialists as providing possibilities for their success. The principals accept the national governance of schools and principals via the national curriculum. The principals in the five successful schools however take a higher degree of responsibility for setting direction towards national goals, for processes inside schools and for school outcomes than do principals in less successful schools.They as pedagogical leaders attend to a higher degree both to providing prerequisites for teaching and learning and to leading the core processes of teaching and learning than do principals in less successful schools. In schools with a successful implementation of social goals, which shows as successful social outcomes, the principals, according to teachers, overall take responsibility for their national objectives and obligations to a higher degree than principals in schools with a less successful implementation of social goals. The implementation of social goals is of importance not only from an outcome perspective but also from a process perspective. It requires collaborative interpretation which can promote principal-staff professional relations and ultimately student learning. The identified overall differences between principals' leadership processes and processes in the twenty-six schools raise questions around consequences for equivalence in education. / Struktur, kultur, ledarskap- förutsättningar för framgångsrika skolor?
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Så olika men ändå så lika : En komparativ studie med fokus på det pedagogiska ledarskapet sett ur två skilda kulturperspektivTalevska, Maria, Hjalmarsson, Emma January 2006 (has links)
Abstract Emma Hjalmarsson, teacher student Maria Talevska, teacher student Title: So different yet so alike â A comparative study focusing on the pedagogical leadership in two different cultures. Växjö University, Fall Semester 2005, Department of the Humanities GIX 192, Degree project/Religious Studies in Secondary Education This paper compares the pedagogical leadership in Thailand and Sweden. By performing interviews, handing out questionnaires and observing class rooms we wanted to compare the relationship between pupils and teachers from one school in Sweden and one school in Thailand. From the pupils we wanted information about their view on teachers; what characterizes the best teacher, what the worst teacher is like and how they would like a teacher to be. From the teachers on the other hand we wanted to know what kind of relationship they would like to have with their pupils and how they work to accomplish that purpose. We also wanted to find out if they put more emphasis on upbringing or knowledge and if there are any religious influences in the education. Finally, we also wanted to see if there was something from the pedagogical view in the Thai school that we could use in education in Sweden.
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Så olika men ändå så lika : En komparativ studie med fokus på det pedagogiska ledarskapet sett ur två skilda kulturperspektivTalevska, Maria, Hjalmarsson, Emma January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Emma Hjalmarsson, teacher student</p><p>Maria Talevska, teacher student</p><p>Title: So different yet so alike â A comparative study focusing on the pedagogical leadership in two different cultures.</p><p>Växjö University, Fall Semester 2005, Department of the Humanities</p><p>GIX 192, Degree project/Religious Studies in Secondary Education</p><p>This paper compares the pedagogical leadership in Thailand and Sweden. By performing interviews, handing out questionnaires and observing class rooms we wanted to compare the relationship between pupils and teachers from one school in Sweden and one school in Thailand.</p><p>From the pupils we wanted information about their view on teachers; what characterizes the best teacher, what the worst teacher is like and how they would like a teacher to be.</p><p>From the teachers on the other hand we wanted to know what kind of relationship they would like to have with their pupils and how they work to accomplish that purpose. We also wanted to find out if they put more emphasis on upbringing or knowledge and if there are any religious influences in the education.</p><p>Finally, we also wanted to see if there was something from the pedagogical view in the Thai school that we could use in education in Sweden.</p>
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Communication between principals and teachers in successful schoolsÄrlestig, Helene January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the interplay between organizational structure and culture and principals’ communication with their teachers in a Swedish school setting. Especially communication about issues connected to teaching and learning, student outcomes and school improvement are in focus. These issues are examples of what principals work with as pedagogical leaders. The thesis consists of four published articles on principals’ communication in relation to organizational prerequisites and aims. The four separate articles are all connected to three overall questions. How do organizational factors relate to the communication process? How does the communication between principals and teachers affect and reflect principals’ and teachers’ work towards the national objectives in the Swedish curriculum? What, if any, differences are there in the communication process between successful and less successful schools? The research undertaken in this thesis is a part of a larger project called ‘Structure, Culture, Leadership – prerequisites for Successful Schools?’ The empirical data used consists of interviews and questionnaires with teachers and principals in twenty-four Swedish schools as well as one school outside the projects study population. The twenty-four schools within the project have been divided into four groups depending on how they have succeeded in reaching academic and social objectives in the curriculum. The overall result shows that most communication in schools is related to everyday activities and individual students. Teachers claim that their communication with their principals is uncomplicated and straightforward. Viewing communication as a multidimensional process including information, affirmation/feedback and interpretation reveals that many principals overestimate their ability to communicate as pedagogical leaders. The difference in the communication process between the schools was more due to organizational factors like structure and culture than the principal’s individual communication abilities. In the successful schools, principals and teachers communicated more frequently about issues related to teaching and learning. These principals made more classroom visits and provided more frequently feedback on teachers’ professional role. In many of the other schools, there were signs of a communicative and organizational blindness. There is a potential in many schools to improve principals' and teachers' daily conversations so the communication process to a higher extent support long-term work towards positive school outcomes.
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Análise da implementação do sistema de avaliação educacional em Limeira – SP a partir da atuação dos gestores escolares das escolas pesquisadasRossini, Sandrine Cristina Ibañes 16 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-03-30T11:49:26Z
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-16 / O presente Plano de Ação Educacional analisa a implementação da política de avaliação instituída na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Limeira-SP por meio da Resolução SME nº 01/2012, que altera alguns aspectos da avaliação existente na rede até 2011, tanto no que se refere às turmas e áreas avaliadas na avaliação municipal em nível externo quanto na avaliação em nível interno, ao adotar siglas para representação do desempenho dos estudantes do ensino fundamental a partir de escalas de domínio de habilidades. O fato de a nova política ter sido apresentada no início do ano letivo de 2012 aos gestores escolares, associado à inexistência de programas de formação com esses atores no município, motivou o estudo. Foram selecionadas cinco escolas municipais, constituindo seus gestores os sujeitos da presente pesquisa. Dessa forma, a análise de como a política é interpretada e recriada pelos profissionais que atuam no âmbito escolar, a identificação de seus efeitos a partir da atuação dos atores envolvidos, a relação estabelecida pelos gestores escolares com a política e com o trabalho pedagógico desenvolvido nas unidades escolares, além das dificuldades encontradas na implementação do novo Sistema de Avaliação, são evidenciadas por meio da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas e de relatórios de visitas às escolas. A análise da liderança profissional exercida por cada gestor evidencia importantes aspectos da dinâmica centralizadora e burocrática da Secretaria Municipal da Educação que impactam a gestão escolar à medida que distanciam os gestores do trabalho pedagógico desenvolvido nas escolas e dificultam sua apropriação sobre a nova política implementada, subsidiando a propositura de um programa de formação direcionado aos gestores escolares municipais, objetivando qualificá-los para o novo Sistema de Avaliação do Município e fortalecer sua liderança pedagógica para a eficácia escolar. / The current Educational Action Plan analyzes the implementation of the Evaluation policy established in the Municipal Schools in Limeira, state of São Paulo, through the Resolution SME number 01/2012, which modifies some aspects related to assessment until 2011, regarding to groups and evaluated areas in municipal assessment, both in internal and external levels, when adopting acronyms to represent the development of students from primary schools, from mastering skills scales. The study was motivated due to the fact that the new policy has been presented in the beginning of the school year 2012 to principals, together with the lack of training programs. Five schools were selected, including the principals. This way, the analysis of how the policy is interpreted and recreated by the people who work in the system, the identification of its effects from people involved, the relation between the principals and the policy and the pedagogical work developed in the units, in addition to the difficulties found in implementing the new Evaluation System which are shown through the interviews made and also by the visit reports at the schools. The professional leadership analysis, exercised by each principal, demonstrates important, centralizing and bureaucratic aspects of The Municipal Secretary of Education which impacts the school management, creates a distance from the people who work in the pedagogical area and makes the appropriation difficult on the new implemented policy, subsidizing the starting of a training to the principals from municipal schools, qualifying them to the new evaluation system and strengthen its pedagogical leadership in order to have a more efficient school management.
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Hur kvalitetssäkrar vi fritidshemmet? : En studie om utmaningarna att implementera läroplan för fritidshemCarlstedt, Martina January 2020 (has links)
This essay is about how I explore and above all reflect on my future assignment as a teacher. The purpose of the text is to examine what is in the governing document for the after-school center and thus the assignment for an after-school center teacher. The primary questions that are asked is what type of conditions are important for an after-school center teacher, in order for the after-school center teacher to be able to comply with the National Agency for Education's intention with chapter 4 in the curriculum. As a research method, I look at previous research in the subject and take in perspectives from professional role, profession and leadership. I will link to theory about the pedagogical leadership and who is responsible for quality assurance of the leisure center. The results of the survey will show the complexand difficult task that an after-school teacher has with collaboration in school and the leisure pedagogical task in the after-school center. An assignment that currently is hard to navigate and may be interpreted differently by an after-school teacher or principal in which the conditions are paramount.
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