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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Redesigning the ‘shape’ of the local church : leaders building with applied timeless ecclesiology in the midst of prevailing culture

Humphreys, Jason 17 August 2012 (has links)
The church is facing a season of challenge in Western Europe and America, areas where once the church was strong and influential. We find, however, that the affluent suburbs in Cape Town are themselves not exempt from the challenge western culture is bringing to the church. Though there are signs of growth in some Christian sectors to inspire hope, there remains a great responsibility on the leaders of the local church today to engage this challenge. A responsibility rests on church leaders to hold firmly to the timeless message of the scriptures, and lightly to the forms of church that no longer engage a culture increasingly unimpressed with the face of modern Christianity. Within this thesis, we will attempt to outline a tenet of the western church’s ecclesiology that has been diluted in many places; this weakness has impacted the church’s ability to engage its community, as well the form and shape of the activities of the local church. Through investigating Jesus’ intention for the local church, we will shown that the church is not defined by the form of its activities, but by people’s response to the demands of the kingdom. We will show that focusing on the church’s response to the demands of the kingdom is able to be a uniting and strengthening force in the church in this season of cultural challenge. The demands of the kingdom are, therefore, to set the agenda for local church leaders, and free those leaders to redesign the form of the church’s activities to engage the local community in culturally appropriate ways. Copyright / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Musicoterapia e teologia prática: o cuidado em grupos de canto da IECLB

Günter Otto Kasinger 09 March 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Percebe-se que no contexto hodierno, cada vez mais as pessoas estão tendo dificuldades em lidar com a carga que o mundo pós-moderno ocidental inflige. O resultado disto são os inúmeros casos de pessoas que procuram por terapias. Esta pesquisa aborda a colaboração entre a Teologia Prática e a Musicoterapia no concernente a sua atuação para potencialização do cuidado em grupos de canto na IECLB. Para tanto se fez necessário um trabalho de pesquisa bibliográfica com a finalidade de apresentar formas de cuidado oriundas do fazer musical, das mensagens da hinologia oficial da IECLB, entre outros fatores terapêuticos atrelados ao convívio e vínculo grupal. O presente trabalho está dividido em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo destinou-se à exposição de dois importantes conceitos para este trabalho: Musicoterapia com sua abordagem terapêutica dos elementos da música (ritmo, melodia, harmonia) fornecendo um cuidado diferenciado às pessoas em situação de fragilidade; e o cuidado a partir, principalmente da concepção do teólogo Leonardo Boff. O referido cuidado é abordado primeiramente de uma forma geral, visando suas diferentes definições, até um cuidado mais específico encontrado na diaconia e cuidado advindo de Cristo. O segundo capítulo se caracteriza por uma abordagem histórica expondo a ligação da música com a espiritualidade, especialmente com a fé judaico-cristã; na sequência é pesquisada a relação música-igreja-grupo a partir do envolvimento de Lutero, e, por conseguinte, pela chegada da teologia luterana em território brasileiro, junto com os primeiros imigrantes alemães. No último capítulo é realizado um levantamento bibliográfico acerca do relato de cuidado prestado por pessoas vinculadas a grupos de música, desde membros até coordenadores; são apresentadas mensagens de cuidado contidas nos temas e hinos do hinário oficial da IECLB (Hinos do Povo de Deus); também são apresentados fatores terapêuticos atrelados ao estar em grupo; e, para finalizar, são expostas algumas formas de cuidado oriundas da aplicação de possíveis objetivos terapêuticos em Musicoterapia. / One can perceive in the context of daily life, that people are having ever greater difficulties in dealing with the load inflicted upon them by the post-modern Western world. The result of this is the innumerable cases of people seeking therapies. This research deals with the collaboration between Practical Theology and Music Therapy relating to its action in potentializing care giving in singing groups in the IECLB [Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil]. To accomplish this bibliographical research work was necessary in order to present ways of care giving stemming from musical action, from messages from the official hymnology of the IECLB, among other therapeutic factors connected to group communal interaction and ties. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter was designated to the exposition of two important concepts for this work: Music Therapy with its therapeutic approach of musical elements (rhythm, melody, harmony) providing a differentiated care giving for people in situations of frailty; and care giving based mainly on theologian Leonardo Boff‟s conception. The care giving referred to is first approached in a general way, focusing on its different definitions, going to a more specific care giving found in diakonia and care giving coming from Christ. The second chapter is characterized by an historical approach presenting the connection of music to spirituality, especially within the Jewish-Christian faith; in sequence the relation of music-church-group is researched based on Luther‟s involvement, and, finally, the arrival of Lutheran theology on Brazilian territory, together with the first German immigrants. In the last chapter a bibliographic survey is carried out about the reports of care giving given by people tied to music groups, from members to coordinators; care giving messages appearing in the themes and hymns of the official hymnal of the IECLB (Hinos do Povo de Deus [Hymns of the People of God]) are presented; therapeutic factors tied to being in a group are also presented; and, finalizing, some forms of care giving coming from applying possible therapeutic goals of Music Therapy are presented.

Towards a new model of Diocesan management structures and proficiency in the Post-Vatican two Roman Catholic Church

Slanders, Christopher Michael January 2009 (has links)
The topic of diocesan Church management structures which I present in this research emerges from concerns concerning the comprehensive implementation of the Second Vatican Council in this regard. It is an attempt to examine, comprehend and present the responses and opinions of members of a diocesan Church in a systematic, clear and simple manner to concerns such as: should diocesan Church management structures change? If so, how should diocesan Church management structures change? What should be the main focus and priority of diocesan Church management structures? Do the current management structures of the diocesan Church respond adequately to the needs of the People of God? Since the Catholic Church has a complex management structure, the entire examination thereof is beyond the scope of this research. However, the aim of this investigation is to critically examine the diocesan management structures of a contemporary local Church. The challenge of this research is to ascertain how ecclesial management, as a vital aspect in the Church, is responding to the challenges of the Second Vatican Council to make the Church not only relevant, but allowing full participation and representation of her members in the management of the diocesan Church. / Department of Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Th (Practical Theology)

Svenska kyrkan samma kyrka? : ecklesiologi före och efter relationsförändringen mellan kyrka och stat

Rosenius, Marie January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is an ecclesiological study, conducted in the form of a case study that examines worship praxis in six parishes in the diocese of Luleå between 1990 and 2009. The specific research problem of the dissertation is whether the organizational changes that took place in connection with the relational change between Church and State in 2000 are reflected in local worship and in church service related decisions in diocese and parishes, and how the concrete relationship between worship praxis and regulations is manifested. The research problem also includes what ecclesiological impact the organizational changes may have had in the studied parishes and what the empirical results can reveal about the ecclesiality of the Church. The dissertation addresses four research questions. In response to the first question: “Are the organizational changes of 2000 reflected in local worship and in worship related decisions in dioceses and parishes and, if so, in what way?” it is noted that organizational change is reflected indirectly in expressions of growing autonomization. In response to the second question "What is the relationship between worship praxis and regulations in the Church ordinance and The Swedish Church manual 1986?” there is a tangible difference between worship praxis and regulations throughout the studied period, i.e. even before the relational change, although the difference over time has increased. Regarding the third question "What impact could the organizational change, associated with the relational change between the Church of Sweden and the State, have had on the ecclesiologies in the worship praxis which the studied parishes represent and hold?” I have not found that the new order has affected, in any direct way, the parishes’ implicit ecclesiologies during the time span covered by the study. Rather, it seems that the Church ordinance that was established at the time of the relational change has reinforced an already existing implicit ecclesiology where the parishes are considered to be autonomous. The fourth question "How can the empirical result be interpreted theologically with regard to its implicit ecclesiology, and what does that say about the ecclesiality of the Church of Sweden?” The theological interpretation of autonomization indicates an overall "immanent ecclesiology", which can be visualized in current praxis in the diocese of Luleå. The ambition that the Church of Sweden despite organizational change in the year 2000 would be the same also indicates a similar implicit ecclesiology. This is because the Church was not thought to change its identity despite being subjected to a revision in form. The study shows that the arsenal of theories and the methodical approach have implications for how much can be clarified and that different ways of studying the Church should be combined. The present study is an example of this by the study's abductive approach and exploratory character, which have allowed both interaction between praxis-related empiricism and theory and interaction between descriptive analysis and hermeneutic interpretation. The study also shows that “ordo-related theories” may be applicable to the study of the Church as an organizational structure.

Towards a new model of Diocesan management structures and proficiency in the Post-Vatican two Roman Catholic Church

Slanders, Christopher Michael January 2009 (has links)
The topic of diocesan Church management structures which I present in this research emerges from concerns concerning the comprehensive implementation of the Second Vatican Council in this regard. It is an attempt to examine, comprehend and present the responses and opinions of members of a diocesan Church in a systematic, clear and simple manner to concerns such as: should diocesan Church management structures change? If so, how should diocesan Church management structures change? What should be the main focus and priority of diocesan Church management structures? Do the current management structures of the diocesan Church respond adequately to the needs of the People of God? Since the Catholic Church has a complex management structure, the entire examination thereof is beyond the scope of this research. However, the aim of this investigation is to critically examine the diocesan management structures of a contemporary local Church. The challenge of this research is to ascertain how ecclesial management, as a vital aspect in the Church, is responding to the challenges of the Second Vatican Council to make the Church not only relevant, but allowing full participation and representation of her members in the management of the diocesan Church. / Department of Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th (Practical Theology)


MARCO STRONA 25 May 2021 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa pretende apresentar a contribuição teológica e pastoral que a reflexão do Papa Francisco oferece no âmbito do debate migratório. A tese é composta de três partes, cada qual com dois capítulos. O título da primeira parte é A migração hoje e o discernimento da Igreja Católica. O primeiro capítulo apresenta, em termos gerais, o fenômeno da migração do ponto de vista sociológico. O fenômeno da mobilidade humana, por suas próprias características, sempre esteve no centro do cuidado pastoral da Igreja. Sendo que este tema é desenvolvido no decorrer do segundo capítulo, especificamente pretende-se verificar como a Igreja, ao longo dos séculos, tomou consciência, paulatinamente, do fenômeno migratório, amadurecendo um discernimento pastoral e se organizando estrutural e institucionalmente. A segunda parte da tese evidencia e aprofunda as matrizesdo discernimento de Francisco: a mística inaciana (capítulo 3) e a recepção latino-americana da eclesiologia do povo de Deus (capítulo 4). Inácio de Loyola, em sua auto biografia, se identifica com o peregrino. Por certo, como podemos constatar, a característica da experiência de Deus que aqui desponta é exatamente a da peregrinação, é a própria história que assume os atributos desta grande peregrinação na qual o ser humano, homo viator, é chamado constantemente a reconhecer os sinais de Deus, que sempre se manifestam como uma surpresa. Deus é o Deus das Surpresas, da novidade inaudita que somos chamados a reconhecer em uma atitude de maravilha e atenção. Mesmo porque no caminho, o homem nunca está sozinho, mas faz parte de um povo, o povo de Deus que no decorrer da história é chamado, em comunidade, a procurar Deus e encontrá-lo em todas as coisas.O quarto capítulo, por sua vez, se dedica especificamente à recepção latino-americana da eclesiologia do povo de Deus, procurando evidenciar a evolução, a partir da Escritura, deste paradigma chave do Vaticano II e, sucessivamente, analisar a recepção ocorrida na América Latina por meio de alguns autores: G. Gutiérrez (opção pelos pobres), J. Sobrino e I. Ellacuria (povos crucificados), L. Gera e R. Tello (teologia delpopolo). A terceira parte (capítulos 5 e 6) por fim, examinam a prospectiva teológico-pastoral do Papa Francisco a partir do fenômeno migratório, para a vida e a missão da Igreja. O quinto capítulo se dedica ao exame da proposta de Francisco, partindo dos textos magisteriais, dos discursos e das homilias, referentes a migração. O sexto capítulo, por fim, procura lançar uma luz ao tema, propondo algumas indicações que se ramificam a partir desta proposta para um estudo mais aprofundado. Particularmente intencionamos apresentar dois grandes temas centrais par ao Magistério do Papa – a Igreja em saída e a mística marcado por um ritmo que se desenvolve em quatro etapas: o ser no caminho e aberto à surpresa de Deus, a fronteira, a hospitalidade, a koinonia na diferença, ou a cultura do encontro. Considerar o fenômeno migratórios nesses termos abre a um claro ethos evangélico: a comunhão na diversidade representa um elemento essencial para a compreensão do mistério da Trindade, pois ela própria revelou-se à humanidade levando ao desenvolvimento de um novo paradigma par poder dizer Deus hoje, o Deus peregrino. / [en] This work aims to illustrate the theological and pastoral contribution that Pope Francis reflection offers regarding the migration debate. The thesis was divided into three parts, each consisting of two chapters. The first part is entitled Migration today and the discernment of the Catholic Church. The first chapter presents, broadly speaking, the phenomenon of migration from a sociological point of view. The phenomenon of human mobility, precisely for this reason, has also always been at the center of the pastoral care of the Church. This is the theme that is developed in the second chapter. In particular, here we try to see how the Church, over the centuries, has gradually become aware of the migratory phenomenon, maturing a pastoral discernment and also organizing itself on a structural and institutional level. The second part of the thesis highlights and deepens the matrices of Francis discernment: Ignatian mysticism (chapter 3) and the Latin American reception of the ecclesiology of the people of God (chapter 4). Ignatius of Loyola, in his Autobiography, identifies himself as the pilgrim. In fact, as we will see, the characteristic of the experience of God that emerges here is precisely that of the pilgrimage; it is history itself that takes on the features of this great pilgrimage in which the human being, homo viator, is constantly called to recognize the traces of God, manifested each time as a surprise. God is the God of surprises, of the unheard novelty that we are called to recognize in an attitude of wonder and attention. Precisely because on the journey, man is never alone, but is part of a people, the people of God who throughout history is called, together, to seek God and find him in all things. The fourth chapter, then, focuses precisely on the Latin American reception of the ecclesiology of the people of God, trying to highlight the development, starting from Scripture, of this key paradigm of Vatican II and, subsequently, to analyze the reception that took place in Latin America through some authors: G. Gutierréz (option for the poor); J. Sobrino and I. Ellacuria (crucified peoples); L. Gera and R. Tello (theology of the people). Finally, the third part (chapters 5 and 6) examines the theological-pastoral perspective of Pope Francis, starting from the migratory phenomenon, for the life and mission of the Church. The fifth chapter examines the proposal of Francis, from the magisterial texts, speeches and homilies about the migration. Finally, the sixth chapter seeks to shed light on the progress made, proposing some tracks that branch off from this road for further study. In particular, we would like to present two major themes, central to the Pope s Magisterium - the outgoing Church and the mysticism of the We - marked by a rhythm that develops in four stages: being on the move and open to the surprise of God; the frontier; hospitality; the koinonia in difference, or the culture of encounter. The assumption in these terms of the migratory phenomenon opens up a clear evangelical ethos: communion in diversity represents an essential element for understanding the mystery of the Trinity just as it wanted to reveal itself to humanity, leading to the development of a new paradigm for being able to say God today; the pilgrim God. / [it] Il presente lavoro intende illustrare il contributo teologico e pastorale che la riflessione di Papa Francesco offre in merito al dibattito migratorio. La tesi è stata divisa in tre parti, ciascuna composta di due capitoli. La prima parte è intitolata La migrazione oggi e il discernimento della Chiesa cattolica. Il primo capitolo presenta, a grandi linee, il fenomeno della migrazione dal punto di vista sociologico. Il fenomeno della mobilità umana, proprio per questo motivo, è stato sempre anche al centro della sollecitudine pastorale della Chiesa. È questo il tema che viene sviluppato nel secondo capitolo. In particolare qui si cerca di vedere come la Chiesa, lungo i secoli, ha preso coscienza, a poco a poco, del fenomeno migratorio, maturando un discernimento pastorale e organizzandosi anche a livello strutturale e istituzionale. La seconda parte della tesi evidenzia e approfondisce le matrici del discernimento di Francesco: la mistica ignaziana (capitolo 3) e la recezione latinoamericana dell ecclesiologia del popolo di Dio (capitolo 4). Ignazio di Loyola, nella sua Autobiografia, si identifica come il pellegrino. Infatti, come vedremo, la caratteristica dell esperienza di Dio che qui emerge è proprio quella del pellegrinaggio; è la storia stessa ad assumere i tratti di questo grande pellegrinaggio in cui l essere umano, homo viator, è chiamato costantemente a riconoscere le tracce di Dio, che si manifestano ogni volta come una sorpresa. Dio è il Dio delle sorprese, della novità inaudita che siamo chiamati a riconoscere in un atteggiamento di meraviglia e di attenzione. Proprio perché in cammino, l uomo non è mai solo, ma fa parte di un popolo, il popolo di Dio che lungo la storia è chiamato, insieme, a cercare Dio e trovarlo in tutte le cose. Il quarto capitolo, allora, si sofferma precisamente sulla recezione latinoamericana dell ecclesiologia del popolo di Dio, cercando di evidenziare lo sviluppo, a partire dalla Scrittura, di questo paradigma chiave del Vaticano II e, successivamente, analizzare la recezione avvenuta in America Latina attraverso alcuni Autori: G. Gutierréz (opzione per i poveri); J. Sobrino e I. Ellacuria (popoli crocifissi); L. Gera e R. Tello (teologia del popolo). La terza parte (capitoli 5 e 6) infine, esamina la prospettiva teologico-pastorale di Papa Francesco, a partire dal fenomeno migratorio, per la vita e la missione della Chiesa. Il quinto capitolo prende in esame la proposta di Francesco, a partire dai testi magisteriali, i discorsi e le omelie, circa la migrazione. Il sesto capitolo, infine, cerca di far luce sul cammino svolto, proponendo alcune piste di che si diramano a partire da questa strada per un ulteriore approfondimento. In particolare vorremmo presentare due grandi temi, centrali per il Magistero del Papa – la Chiesa in uscita e la mistica del Noi – scanditi da un ritmo che si sviluppa in quattro tappe: l essere in cammino e aperti alla sorpresa di Dio; la frontiera; l ospitalità; la koinonia nella differenza, ovvero la cultura dell incontro. L assunzione in questi termini del fenomeno migratorio dischiude un chiaro ethos evangelico: la comunione nella diversità rappresenta un elemento essenziale per la comprensione del mistero della Trinità così come essa si è voluta rivelare all umanità, conducendo all elaborazione di un nuovo paradigma per poter dire Dio oggi; il Dio pellegrino.

Das Volk des Exodus als Gegenkonzept zur imperialen Macht Ägyptens : ein alternativer Gesellschaftsentwurf / The Exodus people as a counter-concept to Egyptian power : an alternative model of society

Rudolph, Benjamin 02 1900 (has links)
Text in German, summaries in German and English / Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist, einen Beitrag aus der alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft zur gegenwärtigen Situation der westlichen Kirche zu leisten. Dabei soll der Text von Exodus 1-15 als Grundlage dienen, um das alternatives Bewusstsein herauszustellen, das dem Volk Gottes zu allen Zeiten helfen kann, sich in herrschenden Machtstrukturen zu verstehen und sich seiner Identität und Aufgabe bewusst zu bleiben. Die Untersuchung folgt einem literaturwissenschaftlichen Interesse, das die „Endgestalt“ zum Ausgangspunkt hat. Die Erzählung weist bewusst verwendete Strukturen und Stilmittel auf, die für die Interpretation von Bedeutung sind. Die Untersuchung soll jene Stilmittel herausstellen, welche für das Thema der Arbeit signifikant sind. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass die Exoduserzählung zum Aufbau eines alternativen Bewusstseins dient, auf dessen Basis Lebenspraxis und Zukunft von Gottes Volk geformt wird. So verstanden helfen die Texte auch der westlichen Kirche, sich in unterschiedlichen dominanten Kontexten als »Kontrastgesellschaft« zu verstehen. / The goal of this dissertation is to make a particular contribution from Old Testament research to the present situation of the Church in the Western world. Exodus 1-15 serves as a foundational text for establishing an alternative consciousness which helps the People of God, throughout all times, to maintain an understanding of themselves in the midst of other prevailing power structures and to remain aware of their identity and mission. The research uses the methodology of literary criticism, where the “final stage” of the text serves as the starting point. The exodus narrative reveals intentional structuring and stylistic devices which are important for interpretation. Each of the literary devices significant to this dissertation topic will be identified. The dissertation shows that the exodus narrative creates an alternative consciousness which in turn influences the life praxis and future of the People of God. Likewise these texts can also help the Church in the Western world to understand itself as a “counterculture” amongst its own dominant environments. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M. Th. (Old Testament)

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