Spelling suggestions: "subject:"derceived exertion"" "subject:"derceived exertions""
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The rolling resistances of roller skis and their effects on human performance during treadmill roller skiingAinegren, Mats January 2010 (has links)
<p>Modern ski-treadmills allow cross-country skiers, biathletes and ski-orienteers to test their physical performance in a laboratory environment using classical and freestyle techniques on roller skis. For elite athletes the differences in performance between test occasions are quite small, thus emphasising the importance of knowing the roller skis’ rolling resistance coefficient, µ<sub>R</sub>, in order to allow correct comparisons between the results, as well as providing the opportunity to study work economy between different athletes, test occasions and core techniques.</p><p>Thus, one of the aims of this thesis was to evaluate how roller skis’ µ<sub>R</sub> is related to warm-up, mass, velocity and inclination of the treadmill. It was also necessary to investigate the methodological variability of the rolling resistance measurement system, RRMS, specially produced for the experiments, with a reproducibility study in order to indicate the validity and reliability of the results.</p><p>The aim was also to study physiological responses to different µ<sub>R</sub> during roller skiing with freestyle and classical roller skis and techniques on the treadmill as a case in which all measurements were carried out in stationary and comparable conditions.</p><p>Finally, the aim was also to investigate the work economy of amateurs and female and male junior and senior cross-country skiers during treadmill roller skiing, i.e. as a function of skill, age and gender, including whether differences in body mass causes significant differences in external power per kg due to differences in the roller skis’ µ<sub>R</sub>.</p><p>The experiments showed that during a warm-up period of 30 minutes, µ<sub>R</sub> decreased to about 60-65% and 70-75% of its initial value for freestyle and classical roller skis respectively. For another 30 minutes of rolling no significant change was found. Simultaneous measurements of roller ski temperature and m<sub>R</sub> showed that stabilized m<sub>R</sub> corresponds to a certain running temperature for a given normal force on the roller ski. The study of the influence on m<sub>R</sub> of normal force, velocity and inclination produced a significant influence of normal force on m<sub>R</sub>, while different velocities and inclinations of the treadmill only resulted in small changes in m<sub>R</sub>. The reproducibility study of the RRMS showed no significant differences between paired measurements with either classical or the freestyle roller skis.</p><p>The study of the effects on physiological variables of ~50% change in µ<sub>R</sub>,<sub> </sub>showed that during submaximal steady state exercise, external power, oxygen uptake, heart rate and blood lactate were significantly changed, while there were non significant or only small changes to cycle rate, cycle length and ratings of perceived exertion. Incremental maximal tests showed that time to exhaustion was significantly changed and this occurred without a significantly changed maximal power, maximal oxygen uptake, maximal heart rate and blood lactate, and that the influence on ratings of perceived exertion was non significant or small.</p><p>The final part of the thesis, which focused on work economy, found no significant difference between the four groups of elite competitors, i.e. between the two genders and between the junior and senior elite athletes. It was only the male amateurs who significantly differed among the five studied groups. The study also showed that the external power per kg was significantly different between the two genders due to differences in body mass and m<sub>R</sub>, i.e. the lighter female testing groups were roller skiing with a relatively heavier rolling resistance coefficient compared to the heavier testing groups of male participants.</p> / Sporttech
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Validation d'outils adaptés pour l'évaluation de l'endurance cardiorespiratoire chez l'adolescent obèse / Validation of tools adapted for evaluation of cardiorespiratory fitness in obese adolescentsQuinart, Sylvain 25 November 2013 (has links)
L'obésité pédiatrique et ses pathologies associées sont devenues un problème majeur de santé publique. La reprise des activités physiques quotidiennes et de loisirs, préconisée dans les recommandations internationales, est souvent complexe chez le jeune obèse en raison d'une image de soi dévalorisée, de difficultés d'intégration et d'une faible condition physique. L'excès pondéral, associé à la sédentarité, altère progressivement l'endurance cardiorespiratoire à l'exercice, freinant le retour à une pratique physique régulière et contribuant à la non-observance des prescriptions en activité physique. Pour répondre à un besoin croissant des professionnels de l'activité physique impliqués dans la prise en charge de ces jeunes, l'objectif de ce travail de thèse a été de valider des outils cliniques explorant l'endurance cardiorespiratoire chez l'adolescent obèse :Un test de marche/course de 12 minutes, un test de marche navette adapté sur 20 mètres (4km.h^ incrémenté de 0,5 km.HAmin-1) et un test sous-maximal sur ergocycle en 4 paliers ontpermis de déterminer des indices d'endurance cardiorespiratoire (D12, Vmax, PMA).L'analyse fréquentielle en temps variant de la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque a permisd'estimer des intensités d'exercice sous-maximales proches des seuils ventilatoires.Le "Childhood Obesity Perceived Exertion Scale" (COPE-10) a permis de quantifier l'intensitéde l'exercice perçue au cours de l'effort.Ces outils non-invasifs et peu coûteux, utiles à l'évaluation initiale et au suivi de la condition physique du jeune obèse, peuvent être facilement utilisés pour concevoir et individualiser des programmes de réentraînement adaptés à ces jeunes. / Pédiatrie obesity and its associated diseases hâve become a major public health challenge. However, thé return to daily physical and leisure activities, recommended by most international guidelines, can be difficult for obèse youths, due to low self-esteem, difficulties in integrating groups and poor physical fitness. Overweight combined with sedentarity progressively modify cardio-respiratory exercise tolérance, rendering difficult thé return to exercise and contributing to non-compliance with prescriptions for physical activity. To meet thé growing needs of professionals in thé field of physical activity responsible for thé management of thèse subjects, thé main objective of this doctoral thesis was to validate clinical tools exploring cardiorespiratory capacity in obèse adolescent.A 12 minute walk/run test, an adapted 20m shuttle walk test (starting speed 4 km.b.-1,incréments : 0.5 km.h-1.miir1) and a submaximal exercise test by cycle ergometer with 4 stageswere proposed to calculate indices of cardiorespiratory fitness (D12, Vmax, PMA).Time-varying spectral analysis of heart rate variability was studied to estimate intensitiessubmaximal exercise near ventilatory thresholds.-The "Childhood Obesity Perceived Exertion Scale" (COPE-10) was used to quantify thé intensity of exercise as perceived by thé subjects during exercise.Thèse non-invasive tools, inexpensive, useful in thé évaluation and follow-up of cardiorespiratory fitness in obèse adolescents, can easily be used to develop and personalise adapted re-training programmes in thèse overweight teenagers.
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Influence d’un environnement chaud et humide sur les réponses perceptives et physiologiques : applications dans le domaine du sport et de la santé. / Hot and humid environment influences of perceived and physiological responses : sport and health applications.Gonzales, Benoît 03 December 2012 (has links)
La réalisation d’une performance sportive dans un environnement chaud est un challenge majeur que doivent surmonter les athlètes de haut niveau notamment à l’occasion des Jeux Olympiques d’été. Depuis plusieurs décennies, les scientifiques ont tenté de trouver des solutions innovantes. Parmi les réponses proposées, on distingue aujourd’hui le refroidissement corporel préalable ou consécutif à l’effort (le pré et le post-cooling, respectivement), qui permettrait de minimiser les risques d’hyperthermie et améliorerait la récupération de l’athlète. Cependant, les modalités d’utilisation de ces méthodes et leur efficacité font l’objet de conclusions pour le moins contradictoires en raison notamment des techniques de refroidissement mises en œuvre (refroidissement par immersion, vêtements thermorégulants, brumisation…), de la durée d’application, du type d’exercice réalisé et des conditions environnementales explorées. La préparation des Jeux Olympiques à Pékin, en Août 2008, a été une occasion unique de faire un état de l’art sur les méthodes existantes. Nous avons testé chez des cyclistes de haut niveau l’hypothèse selon laquelle une stratégie de refroidissement utilisant une veste garnie d’accumulateurs thermiques permettrait d’améliorer le confort thermique et la performance lors d’un exercice de type anaérobie (Wingate test) et lors d’une épreuve d’endurance de 20 minutes. L’étude menée sur le test de Wingate ne montre aucun effet significatif du pré-cooling sur le pic de puissance ni sur la puissance moyenne mais permet néanmoins d’améliorer significativement (P < 0,05) l’indice de fatigue des athlètes testés. Sur l’épreuve de 20 minutes, le pré-cooling permet une amélioration significative (P < 0,05) de la puissance moyenne développée, du confort thermique et une baisse significative des températures cutanées et rectales. Une autre étude portant sur l’influence de différents maillots sur les réponses physiologiques et perceptives de coureurs cyclistes a montré qu’un maillot constitué de larges mailles offrait un meilleur confort thermique en diminuant significativement (P < 0,05) la température cutanée, mais sans modifier la perception de l’effort. Les bénéfices observés chez les cyclistes de haut niveau nous ont orientés vers la mise en œuvre d’un protocole similaire appliqué à des personnes atteintes de pathologies affectant la thermorégulation. Ainsi, nous avons débuté un protocole de recherche clinique exploratoire visant à étudier les effets du port d’une veste thermorégulante sur les performances motrices et cognitives de patients atteints de sclérose en plaques. Ce protocole, qui a obtenu l’accord du Comité de Protection des Personnes du Grand Est –II, devrait commencer fin 2012. / Abstract: Exercising in the heat and high relative humidity is a major challenge that athletes have to overcome, especially during the summer Olympic Games. For decades, scientists investigated innovative solutions amongst which the body cooling before competing (pre-cooling) or after competing (post-cooling) seemed to be a valuable mean of minimizing hyperthermia threats and increasing the recovery of the athletes. However, contradictory results have been reported concerning body cooling protocols (cold water immersion, cooling vests, water sprays, etc.), exposure time, exercise duration, environmental conditions and their efficiency. By preparing the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, we managed to review the existing literature on those methods. We hypothesized that a cooling vest combined with a cooling headband would increase thermal comfort of elite cyclists and their performances on an anaerobic (Wingate Test) and endurance (20 minutes time-trial) exercises. The Wingate Test study showed no significant effect of pre-cooling on peak or mean power output despite a significant increase (P < 0.05) of fatigue indexes. During the endurance study, pre-cooling maneuvers induced significant improvement (P < 0.05) of the mean power output, of the thermal comfort and a significant decrease in rectal and skin temperatures. Another study concerning the influence of wearing different cycling shirt on perceived and physiological responses of cyclists showed that a large knitted shirt provided a better thermal comfort by decreasing significantly (P < 0.05) skin temperatures, but without affecting perceived exertion. Those positive results on elite athletes lead us to apply similar cooling strategies on a population experiencing disease-related thermoregulation troubles. We decided to initiate an exploratory clinical study aiming at investigating the effects of a cooling vest on motor and cognitive skills of patients with multiple sclerosis disease. This protocol obtained the clearance of the French National Ethics Committee – East Section II, and should start on the late of 2012.
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Analyse des performances physiques, des incidences physiologiques d’un match de football de haut niveau et des facteurs d’influence : mention spéciale au contexte d’enchaînement des matchs / Physical performance of high-level football matches, physiological incidences and influencing factors : special reference to the congested periods of matchesDjaoui, Léo 18 December 2017 (has links)
Le football moderne est caractérisé par des efforts intermittents de très haute intensité. Pendant un match, les joueurs réalisent des performances, qu'elles soient physiques ou techniques, en lien direct avec la spécificité de leur poste de jeu, leur rôle tactique et leur positionnement sur le terrain. Un match de football de haut niveau induit des variations de fréquence cardiaque, une baisse de réserves énergétiques, une augmentation des dommages musculaires, du stress oxydatif et une affectation du statut immunitaire. Incidences physiologiques auxquelles se rajoutent des modifications de perception de la fatigue, des douleurs musculaires, du bien-être, de la qualité du sommeil, du stress psychologique et de l'humeur. Toutes ces incidences se mesurent, se quantifient et s'analysent en lien direct avec des facteurs contextuels comme le lieu du match, le moment de la journée, le système de jeu, …, et les périodes d'enchainement de match (e.g. deux à trois matchs par semaine) qui peuvent avoir une influence significative. La présente thèse a pour objectif principal l'étude de l'influence de l'enchainement de matchs sur les performances physiques et sur les cinétiques de récupération mesurées sur des marqueurs sanguins, salivaires et des questionnaires de perception, sur des joueurs de football de haut-niveau / Modern football is characterized by very high-intensity intermittent efforts. During a match, players perform technical and physical tasks in relation to their specific positions on the field. A high-level football match induces heart-rate variations, energetic storage lowering, muscular damage and oxidative stress increase and immune status alteration. These physiological variations are accompanied by modifications of fatigue perceived, muscle soreness, wellness, sleep quality, psychological stress and overall mood. All these incidences can be measured, quantified and analyzed, in direct relation to contextual factors like game location, time of the day, playing system, …, and congested period of matches (e.g. two to three matches per week). The present thesis aims to report all the ways to monitor match load and fatigue and aims to analyze the influence of playing matches during congested periods on physical activity and on physiological post-match kinetics, over high-level football players
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Caracterização da carga de treinamento no voleibol de alto rendimentoHorta, Thiago Andrade Goulart 31 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-02-16T14:12:16Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-31 / A quantificação e a distribuição adequada das cargas de treinamento, somados a análise de marcadores de estresse e rendimento envolvidos no processo de treinamento, são fundamentais para que ocorram as adaptações psicofisiológicas específicas e o aumento de rendimento dos atletas. Dessa forma, o presente estudo teve os seguintes objetivos 1) analisar o comportamento das variáveis bioquímicas, psicológicas e de rendimento em quatro momentos do período preparatório de treinamento; 2) analisar o perfil da carga de treinamento de diferentes períodos, semanas e posições no voleibol masculino de alto rendimento; e 3) analisar a influência do salto vertical na percepção da carga de treinamento no voleibol de alto rendimento. Os objetivos 1 e 2 tiveram a mesma amostra composta de 16 atletas do sexo masculino (26,9 ± 4,6 anos, 94,9 ± 11,6 Kg, 194,6 ± 8 cm e 14,3 ± 4,8 % de gordura) pertencentes a equipe de voleibol da UFJF; já o objetivo 3 contou com atletas de outra temporada de treinamentos composto por 15 atletas do sexo masculino ( 27,7 ± 4,4 anos, 95,2 ± 4,9 Kg, 196,1 ± 4,2 cm e 11,6 ± 3,7 % de gordura) pertencentes a mesma equipe da UFJF. Foi observado diferença estatisticamente significativa nos 4 momentos analisados do período preparatório de treinamento composto por 7 semanas para carga de treinamento semanal total (CTST) e creatina quinase (CK), sem alterações significativas no teste de salto vertical, Testosterona (T), Cortisol (C) e razão T/C. A análise do estado de estresse e recuperação dos atletas através do RESTQ-76 Sport, apresentou diferença significativa apenas em duas escalas do questionário, Bem Estar e Lesões. Foi observada maior carga de treinamento diário (CT) no período preparatório em relação ao período competitivo I e II; na análise da CT das semanas, sem jogo, com 1 jogo, e com 2 jogos, foram encontradas diferenças significativas, com a CT da semana sem jogo apresentando maior valor em relação as semanas com jogos; e em relação as posições de atuação foram observadas diferenças significativas dos Ponteiros em relação as outras posições com exceção dos Levantadores. Por fim, foi observado que os levantadores apresentaram o maior número de saltos verticais totais (119,2 ± 48,5 saltos) com diferença significativa em relação às demais posições, e não houve diferença significativa entre as posições em relação ao salto de ataque (oposto, ponteiro, central respectivamente / 34,6 ± 16,9; 31,3 ± 15,6; e 31,7 ± 19,0 saltos). Em relação às correlações entre a PSE dos atletas e o número de saltos verticais, foram encontradas correlações entre PSE e salto de ataque (r = 0,44) para opostos, e (r = 0,34) para ponteiros; e correlação positiva entre a PSE e saltos de ataque no treinamento tático (r = 0,36). Conclui-se, que a creatina quinase se
mostrou sensível às alterações nas cargas de treinamento, enquanto que a testosterona, cortisol, teste de salto vertical e RESTQ-76 Sport não apresentaram sensibilidade em refletir o estresse imposto ao organismo dos atletas submetidos ao processo de treinamento. Maiores cargas de treinamento foram apresentadas no período preparatório e na semana sem jogo em relação às semanas com um e dois jogos, além disso, os ponteiros apresentaram maiores valores de cargas de treinamento diárias em relação ás outras posições de atuação. O salto vertical mostrou ter influência de baixa a moderada magnitude na carga interna apresentada pelos atletas de voleibol através da PSE, com outras variáveis podendo ter contribuição no valor da PSE reportada pelos atletas de voleibol. / The quantification and distribution of adequate training loads, plus analysis of stress markers and performance involved in the training process, are fundamental to occur specific psychophysiological adaptations and increased athletes´ performance. Thus, the dissertation had the following aims 1) to analyze the behavior of biochemical, psychological and performance variables at four times the preparatory period training, 2) analyze the load profile of different periods, weeks and positions in men's volleyball high performance, and 3) analyze the influence of the vertical jump in the perception of training load in volleyball high performance. In purposes 1 and 2 had the same sample consisting of 16 male athletes (26.9 ± 4.6 years, 94.9 ± 11.6 kg, 194.6 ± 8 cm and 14.3 ± 4.8 % fat) belonging to volleyball team UFJF; in purpose 3 had athletes from another season of training consisted of 15 male athletes (27.7 ± 4.4, 95.2 ± 4.9 kg, 196.1 ± 4.2 cm and 11.6 ± 3.7 % fat) belonging to the same UFJF team. Statistically significant difference was observed in 4 of the time points analyzed preseason training composed of 7 weeks for total weekly training load (TWTL) and creatine kinase (CK), no significant changes in the vertical jump test, testosterone (T), cortisol (C), the T/C. The analysis of the state of stress and recovery of athletes by RESTQ -76 Sport, showed a significant difference in only two scales of the questionnaire, Welfare and Injury. The greater daily training load (TL) was observed in the preparatory period for competitive period I and II; and in the analysis of TL weeks without playing, with one game and two game, significant differences were found, TL of the week with no game featuring higher value compared with the weeks games; and relative positions in expertise were observed significant differences of Pointers regarding other positions except the Setters. Finally, it was observed that the setters had the highest number of total vertical jumps (119.2 ± 48.5 jumps) with a significant difference from the other positions, and there was no significant difference between the positions in relation to attack jump (opposite, outside hitter and middle blocker) respectively 34,6 ± 16.9; 31.3 ± 15.6; 31.7 ± 19.0 jumps) . Regarding the correlations between RPE athletes and the number of vertical jumps, correlations between RPE and jump attack (r = 0.44) were found to opposite, and (r = 0.34) for pointers, and positive correlation between RPE and attack jumps the tactical training (r = 0.36). It is concluded that creatine kinase was sensitive to changes in training loads, while testosterone, cortisol, vertical jump test and RESTQ-76 Sport showed no sensitivity to reflect the stress imposed on the body of athletes subjected to the process training. Higher training loads were presented at the preparatory period and the week without game for weeks one and two games, in addition pointers showed
higher loads of daily training in relation to other positions of action. The vertical jump showed influence of low to moderate magnitude in the internal load presented by the volleyball players through the RPE, with other variables may have contribution in the amount of RPE reported by volleyball players.
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Comparação entre diferentes parâmetros de controle da carga interna e externa de treinamento, recuperação e rendimento em atletas de nataçãoAndrade, Francine Caetano de 11 April 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-03-31T12:34:36Z
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Previous issue date: 2013-04-11 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / O presente estudo teve como objetivos 1) comparar a percepção da intensidade da carga de treinamento planejada pelo técnico com a intensidade percebida pelos atletas; 2) analisar a relação entre a carga externa de treinamento representada pelo volume e intensidade e a carga interna obtida pela PSE da sessão; e 3) verificar o comportamento do estado de recuperação e dos níveis de rendimento em função das cargas externas e internas em atletas juvenis de natação. Participaram do estudo 17 atletas juvenis de natação de ambos os sexos (15,2 ± 0,57 anos; 59,7 ± 5,7 kg e 170,1 ± 6,3 cm). Diariamente, antes da sessão de treinamento, os atletas responderam a escala de TQR e o treinador respondeu a Escala de PSE conforme planejou seu treino. Ao final de cada sessão, os atletas responderam a Escala de PSE e o treinador anotou o volume total a intensidade e a duração da sessão. Os atletas também responderam ao RESTQ no primeiro dia de coleta, após o Campeonato Estadual e após o Campeonato Nacional. Os resultados oficiais de cada atleta em cada prova foram convertidos em International Point Score (IPS), para análise do rendimento. Para a análise dos dados, utilizaram-se os programas estatístico Statistica (versão 8.0) e SPSS (versão 19.0) e nível de significância de 5% em todas as análises. Os principais achados indicaram que as maiores incompatibilidades entre as percepções de atletas de natação e seu treinador estão na categoria moderada. Porém, em intensidades extremas (treinos leves ou pesados) os atletas perceberam as sessões dentro do proposto. A carga interna apresentou maiores valores de correlação com o volume total nadado, além de a PSE da sessão sofrer maior influência das variáveis relacionadas ao volume aeróbio, do que das relacionadas ao volume anaeróbio. Houve aumento dos níveis de recuperação, apesar da não alteração do rendimento entre as três competições. Durante a competição principal, os atletas tinham uma menor autoeficácia, aceitação pessoal e qualidade do sono e um maior estresse geral, mas que não foram suficientes para alterar significativamente a relação recuperação-estresse do RESTQ. Sugere-se que futuros estudos correlacionem as variáveis de carga interna e externa também com variáveis fisiológicas, para verificar possíveis diferenças nos resultados. / The aim of this study was to 1) compare the perception of the training load intensity planned by the coach with the intensity perceived by athletes, 2) analyze the relationship between the external training load represented by the volume and intensity and internal load obtained by the session RPE, and 3) verify the behavior of the recovery state and performance levels from the external and internal loads in young swimming athletes. The sample consisted of 17 young swimming athletes of both genders (15.2 ± 0.57 years, 59.7 ± 5.7 kg and 170.1 ± 6.3 cm). Every day, before the training session, the athletes responded to TQR scale and the coach responded RPE scale as he planned workout. At the end of each session, the athletes responded to RPE scale and the coach noted the total session intensity and session duration. Athletes also responded to RESTQ in the first collection day, after the State Championship and after the National Championship. The official results of each athlete in each event were converted to International Point Score (IPS) for analysis of performance. For data analysis, we used the statistical software Statistica (8.0) and SPSS (19.0) and a significance level of 5% for all analyzes. The main findings indicated that the major incompatibilities between perceptions of swimmers and their coach are in the moderate category. However, in extreme intensities (light or heavy workouts) athletes realized within the proposed sessions. The internal load had higher correlation with the total volume swum, and the session RPE suffer greater influence of variables related to aerobic volume than anaerobic volume. There was an increase of the recovery levels, despite not change in performance between the three competitions. During the main competition, the athletes had a lower self-efficacy, personal acceptance and sleep quality and a greater overall stress, but were not sufficient to significantly alter the relationship of stress-recovery RESTQ. Suggest that future studies correlating internal and external training load variables with physiological variables, to check possible differences in results.
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Comparação do custo energético, pico do lactato sanguíneo, percepção subjetiva do esforço e atividade eletromiográfica nos exercícios resistidos em plataformas estável e instávelAranda, Liliane Cunha 03 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-05-09T15:15:18Z
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lilianecunhaaranda.pdf: 1248132 bytes, checksum: a0aa518814e1294a6d9eca11f4e4bb1f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-06-08T15:59:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
lilianecunhaaranda.pdf: 1248132 bytes, checksum: a0aa518814e1294a6d9eca11f4e4bb1f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-08T15:59:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-06-03 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O impacto metabólico no custo energético (CE) dos exercícios resistidos (ER) é pouco conhecido na literatura científica. As diversas possibilidades de organização do treino, utilização de diferentes plataformas instáveis (PI), a atividade eletromiográfica (EMG) e a medida do componente anaeróbio no CE que muitas vezes é desprezada nos estudos sobre ER, podem alterar o valor do CE. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: 1) comparar o efeito agudo dos ER no método de treinamento circuitado (MTC) em plataformas estáveis (PE) e PI sobre o CE, pico do lactato sanguíneo (PLS) e percepção subjetiva do esforço (PSE); 2) comparar a atividade EMG e a força em 15 repetições máximas no supino reto e agachamento livre em PE e PI. A amostra foi composta de 20 homens saudáveis (24,65 ± 3,48 anos, 1,79 ± 0,08 m, 80,61 ± 9,14 Kg e 11,86 ± 3,49 % de gordura). No primeiro estudo propusemos um circuito com sete ER em PE e PI. Encontramos um CE total maior em PI vs. PE (p=0,01), assim como a PSE total (p=0,02), entretanto o PLS foi maior em PE vs. PI (p=0,05). Conclui-se que o uso das PI no MTC é uma excelente alternativa para os indivíduos que buscam uma maior demanda energética nos ER. No segundo estudo verificamos que o valor da carga levantada para o agachamento livre na PE foi significativamente superior em relação a PI (p=0,001), diferença esta não encontrada no supino reto (p=0,231). Em relação à atividade EMG, não foram observadas diferenças significativas no deltoide anterior (p=0,06), peitoral maior (p=0,14), bíceps femoral (p=0,50) e vasto lateral (p=0,76) em ambas as plataformas. As PI produzem uma similar atividade EMG em relação às PE mesmo utilizando uma menor carga. / The metabolic impact on energy cost (EC) of resistance exercise (RE) is little known to date in the scientific literature. The various possibilities for organizing training, using different unstable surfaces (US), electromyographic (EMG) activity and the measurement of the anaerobic component in EC, which is often overlooked in studies on RE, can change the value of EC. This study aimed to: 1) compare the acute effect of RE on the circuit training method (CTM) in stable surfaces (SS) and US on the EC, peak blood lactate (PBL) and perceived exertion (PE); 2) compare the EMG activity and strength in 15 repetition maximum bench press and squat free PE and PI. The sample consisted of 20 healthy men (24.65 ± 3.48 years old, 1.79 ± 0.08 m, 80.61 ± 9.14 kg and 11.86 ± 3.49% fat). In the first study we proposed a circuit with seven RS on a SS and an US. We found a higher total EC on US vs. SS (p = 0.01) and total PE (p = 0.02), but the PBL was higher on the SS vs. the US (p = 0.05). We can conclude that the use of US in the CTM is a great alternative for individuals seeking greater energy demand in the RE. In the second study, it was found that the value of the load lifted in the free squat on the SS was significantly higher than on the US (p = 0.001), a difference not found in the bench press (p = 0.231). Regarding the EMG activity, no significant differences were observed in the anterior deltoid (p = 0.06), pectoralis major (p = 0.14), biceps femoris (p = 0.50) and vastuslateralis (p = 0.76) on both surfaces. The US produces a similar EMG activity in relation to SS even using a lower load.
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Quantificação da carga de treinamento, desempenho e respostas de marcadores enzimáticos, hormonais e psicométricos no futsalNogueira, Ruan Alves 10 April 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-05-12T11:02:08Z
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ruanalvesnogueira.pdf: 1615173 bytes, checksum: 07d5c7e68d297b4fb738f629f1c681c1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-06-27T19:29:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
ruanalvesnogueira.pdf: 1615173 bytes, checksum: 07d5c7e68d297b4fb738f629f1c681c1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-27T19:29:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ruanalvesnogueira.pdf: 1615173 bytes, checksum: 07d5c7e68d297b4fb738f629f1c681c1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-04-10 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / O presente estudo teve como objetivos 1) comparar a resposta de marcadores enzimáticos, hormonais e psicométricos de três microciclos pertencentes a diferentes momentos da temporada de atletas de futsal e 2) verificar o comportamento de testes de rendimento em relação às adaptações dos atletas às cargas de treinamento após o período da pré-temporada no futsal. A amostra foi composta por 15 atletas do sexo masculino integrantes de uma equipe de futsal de alto rendimento. Anteriormente ao início das sessões da pré-temporada, os atletas foram submetidos à alguns testes de rendimento. Ao final da pré-temporada todos os jogadores repetiram o protocolo. Também foram analisados três microciclos não consecutivos da temporada, com ausência de jogos e posteriores a pelo menos dois dias de recuperação. Foram realizadas 4 coletas de dados, no primeiro dia de treinamento da equipe (baseline) e no último dia de treinamento de cada um dos 3 microciclos, consistindo em coleta sanguínea para análise dos níveis séricos de CK e dos valores dos hormônios Testosterona e Cortisol, além da aplicação da TQR e do RESTQ. Os principais achados indicaram que algumas escalas do RESTQ mostraram-se sensíveis às variações da carga. A Testosterona e o Cortisol não se constituíram como marcadores diretos da carga de treinamento. Verificou-se a necessidade de um acúmulo da carga para alterar a Razão T/C, enquanto a TQR mostrou ser uma ferramenta capaz de refletir agudamente o estado de recuperação do atleta após a aplicação das cargas. A CK necessita ser analisada em conjunto com outros marcadores para melhor interpretação das respostas. Dentre os testes aplicados, o Yo-yo Intermitent Recovery Test 2 (YYIR2) e o teste de salto vertical Squat Jump (SQJ) foram os únicos que apresentaram diferenças significantes durante a pré-temporada. / The aim of this study was to 1) compare the enzyme markers, hormonal and psychometric responses of three microcycles belonging to different moments of the soccer athletes season and 2) verify the behavior of the performance tests in relation to athletes adaptations to training loads after the futsal preseason. The sample was composed of 15 male athletes members of a futsal team high yield. Before the beginning of the pre-season training sessions, athletes were submitted to some performance tests. At the end of the preseason all players repeated the protocol. We also analyzed three nonconsecutive microcycles with no games and post at least two recovery days. Were performed 4 data collections on the team training first day (baseline) and on the training last day of each of the 3 microcycles, consisting of blood collection for analysis of serum CK and values of the testosterone and cortisol hormones. In addition, the athletes answered the TQR and RESTQ in these moments. The main findings indicated that some RESTQ scales were sensitive to load variations. Testosterone and Cortisol not constituted as direct training load markers. It’s necessary a training load accumulation to change the T/C ratio, while TQR shown to be a tool capable of acutely reflect the state of the athlete's recovery after the loads application. CK need to be conjunction analyzed with other markers for better interpretation of the responses. Among the tests, the Yo-yo intermitent Recovery Test 2 (YYIR2) and vertical jump test Squat Jump (SQJ) were the only significant difference that during the pre-season.
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Monitoramento da carga interna e respostas longitudinais de marcadores da carga de treinamento no futsalDias, Bernardo Miloski 23 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-06-01T20:24:54Z
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bernardomiloskidias.pdf: 1289985 bytes, checksum: 211adea1bb168174f5600f1dd81efae6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-02T13:05:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
bernardomiloskidias.pdf: 1289985 bytes, checksum: 211adea1bb168174f5600f1dd81efae6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-02T13:05:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
bernardomiloskidias.pdf: 1289985 bytes, checksum: 211adea1bb168174f5600f1dd81efae6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-03-23 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os objetivos do presente estudo foram descrever e analisar a dinâmica da carga interna de treinamento em um macrociclo de futsal de alto rendimento utilizando-se o método da Percepção Subjetiva do Esforço (PSE) da sessão, e verificar a relação entre a carga de treinamento (CT) aplicada em longo prazo nesta modalidade e as respostas longitudinais dos marcadores bioquímicos creatinaquinase (CK), lactato desidrogenase (LDH), n° de hemácias, hemoglobina e hematócrito; dos marcadores imunológicos n° de leucócitos, n° de neutrófilos e n° de linfócitos; e do marcador psicológico RESTQ-76 SPORT. A amostra foi composta por 13 atletas participantes da Liga Nacional Brasileira de futsal (26,9 ± 5,4 anos, 73,8 ± 4,7 kg). Calculou-se a carga de treinamento semanal total (CTST), monotonia e strain durante 37 semanas divididas em Período Preparatório (PP), Período Competitivo I (PCI) e Período Competitivo II (PCII). Ao final dos mesociclos (meso) 2 ao 8 foram analisadas as variáveis bioquímicas, imunológicas e psicológicas. Utilizando ANOVA de medidas repetidas, seguida pelo post-hoc de Bonferroni observa-se que PP apresentou maiores CTSTs que PCI e PCII. Utilizando o mesmo procedimento estatístico, foram observadas as diferenças significativas para CTST entre os mesos: 4 menor que 1, 2, 3 e 7; 5 menor que 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 e 7; 6 menor que 1; 8 e 9 menores que 1, 2, 3, 6 e 7 (p<0,05). Utilizando teste correlação de Pearson foram observadas correlações significativas, porém, de nível baixo entre CK x CTST e LDH x CTST, considerando os valores da média da carga no mesociclo, além de correlação significativa e moderada entre CK x CTST da semana anterior. Também foram encontradas correlações significativas de nível moderado da CK com algumas escalas do RESTQ-76 SPORT. Pode-se concluir que os atletas foram submetidos a uma elevada carga durante o PP, e uma subsequente redução da mesma no Período Competitivo (PC). Entretanto, devido à longa duração do PC no futsal, são necessárias aplicações de cargas elevadas em alguns momentos deste período. Além disso, a CT apresenta uma característica oscilatória, adaptando-se ao calendário competitivo. Também se conclui que os marcadores bioquímicos, imunológicos e psicológicos utilizados neste estudo não apresentaram relação com a CT aplicada em longo prazo. Todavia, a CK se apresenta como uma variável que pode ser mais sensível a cargas aplicadas em ciclos mais curtos de treinamento, e o RESTQ- 76 SPORT se apresentou como um bom indicador para detectar o estado de fadiga. / The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the dynamics of internal training load in a macrocycle of high-performance futsal using the session Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and verify the relationship between training load applied to long-term and longitudinal responses of biochemical markers creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit; immunological markers number of leukocytes, number of neutrophils and number of lymphocytes; and psychological marker RESTQ-76 SPORT. The sample consisted of 13 athletes participating in the Brazilian Futsal National League (26.9 ± 5.4 years, 73.8 ± 4.7 kg). The total weekly training load (CTST), monotony and strain were calculated, over 37 weeks divided into preparation period (PP), competitive period I (PCI) and competitive period II (PCII). At the end of mesocycles (meso) 2 to 8, biochemical, immunological and psychological variables were analyzed. Using repeated measures ANOVA, followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test, the PP was shown to have CTST larger than the PCI and PCII. Using the same procedure, significant differences were observed in CST among the mesos: 4 < 1, 2, 3 e 7; 5 < 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 e 7; 6 < 1; 8 e 9 < 1, 2, 3, 6 e 7 (p<0,05). Using Pearson correlation, were founded significant correlations, however with low level between CK x CTST and LDH x CTST considering the average mesocycle values, in addition to a moderate and significant correlation between CK x CTST of the previous week. Significant correlations were also found at a moderate level between CK and some scales in RESTQ-76 SPORT. We can conclude that the athletes were subjected to a high CT during the PP, and a subsequent decrease in competitive period (PC). However, due to long-term PC in futsal, applications of high loads are needed in the competitive period. In addition, CT has an oscillatory characteristic, adapting to the competition schedule. We also conclude that the biochemical, immunological and psychological markers used in this study did not correlate with CT applied to a long term. However, is a variable that could be more sensitive to loads applied at shorter training cycles, and RESTQ-76 SPORT is a good indicator to detect the fatigue state.
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Monitoramento da carga interna e respostas longitudinais de marcadores da carga de treinamento no futsalDias, Bernardo Miloski 23 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-06-28T14:31:35Z
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bernardomiloskidias.pdf: 1289985 bytes, checksum: 211adea1bb168174f5600f1dd81efae6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-13T15:48:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
bernardomiloskidias.pdf: 1289985 bytes, checksum: 211adea1bb168174f5600f1dd81efae6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-13T15:48:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
bernardomiloskidias.pdf: 1289985 bytes, checksum: 211adea1bb168174f5600f1dd81efae6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-03-23 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os objetivos do presente estudo foram descrever e analisar a dinâmica da carga interna de treinamento em um macrociclo de futsal de alto rendimento utilizando-se o método da Percepção Subjetiva do Esforço (PSE) da sessão, e verificar a relação entre a carga de treinamento (CT) aplicada em longo prazo nesta modalidade e as respostas longitudinais dos marcadores bioquímicos creatinaquinase (CK), lactato desidrogenase (LDH), n° de hemácias, hemoglobina e hematócrito; dos marcadores imunológicos n° de leucócitos, n° de neutrófilos e n° de linfócitos; e do marcador psicológico RESTQ-76 SPORT. A amostra foi composta por 13 atletas participantes da Liga Nacional Brasileira de futsal (26,9 ± 5,4 anos, 73,8 ± 4,7 kg). Calculou-se a carga de treinamento semanal total (CTST), monotonia e strain durante 37 semanas divididas em Período Preparatório (PP), Período Competitivo I (PCI) e Período Competitivo II (PCII). Ao final dos mesociclos (meso) 2 ao 8 foram analisadas as variáveis bioquímicas, imunológicas e psicológicas. Utilizando ANOVA de medidas repetidas, seguida pelo post-hoc de Bonferroni observa-se que PP apresentou maiores CTSTs que PCI e PCII. Utilizando o mesmo procedimento estatístico, foram observadas as diferenças significativas para CTST entre os mesos: 4 menor que 1, 2, 3 e 7; 5 menor que 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 e 7; 6 menor que 1; 8 e 9 menores que 1, 2, 3, 6 e 7 (p<0,05). Utilizando teste correlação de Pearson foram observadas correlações significativas, porém, de nível baixo entre CK x CTST e LDH x CTST, considerando os valores da média da carga no mesociclo, além de correlação significativa e moderada entre CK x CTST da semana anterior. Também foram encontradas correlações significativas de nível moderado da CK com algumas escalas do RESTQ-76 SPORT. Pode-se concluir que os atletas foram submetidos a uma elevada carga durante o PP, e uma subsequente redução da mesma no Período Competitivo (PC). Entretanto, devido à longa duração do PC no futsal, são necessárias aplicações de cargas elevadas em alguns momentos deste período. Além disso, a CT apresenta uma característica oscilatória, adaptando-se ao calendário competitivo. Também se conclui que os marcadores bioquímicos, imunológicos e psicológicos utilizados neste estudo não apresentaram relação com a CT aplicada em longo prazo. Todavia, a CK se apresenta como uma variável que pode ser mais sensível a cargas aplicadas em ciclos mais curtos de treinamento, e o RESTQ- 76 SPORT se apresentou como um bom indicador para detectar o estado de fadiga. / The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the dynamics of internal training load in a macrocycle of high-performance futsal using the session Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and verify the relationship between training load applied to long-term and longitudinal responses of biochemical markers creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit; immunological markers number of leukocytes, number of neutrophils and number of lymphocytes; and psychological marker RESTQ-76 SPORT. The sample consisted of 13 athletes participating in the Brazilian Futsal National League (26.9 ± 5.4 years, 73.8 ± 4.7 kg). The total weekly training load (CTST), monotony and strain were calculated, over 37 weeks divided into preparation period (PP), competitive period I (PCI) and competitive period II (PCII). At the end of mesocycles (meso) 2 to 8, biochemical, immunological and psychological variables were analyzed. Using repeated measures ANOVA, followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test, the PP was shown to have CTST larger than the PCI and PCII. Using the same procedure, significant differences were observed in CST among the mesos: 4 < 1, 2, 3 e 7; 5 < 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 e 7; 6 < 1; 8 e 9 < 1, 2, 3, 6 e 7 (p<0,05). Using Pearson correlation, were founded significant correlations, however with low level between CK x CTST and LDH x CTST considering the average mesocycle values, in addition to a moderate and significant correlation between CK x CTST of the previous week. Significant correlations were also found at a moderate level between CK and some scales in RESTQ-76 SPORT. We can conclude that the athletes were subjected to a high CT during the PP, and a subsequent decrease in competitive period (PC). However, due to long-term PC in futsal, applications of high loads are needed in the competitive period. In addition, CT has an oscillatory characteristic, adapting to the competition schedule. We also conclude that the biochemical, immunological and psychological markers used in this study did not correlate with CT applied to a long term. However, is a variable that could be more sensitive to loads applied at shorter training cycles, and RESTQ-76 SPORT is a good indicator to detect the fatigue state.
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