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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of the ESCO Commercial Model in Taiwan

Wang, Yu-Chung 10 July 2009 (has links)
The energy service industry is a newly emerging industry in Taiwan, where related regulations and measures are still at an immature stage. The business operation models include being a motivator in regard to energy conservation, becoming an ESCO, or developing strategies covering both areas. The implementation will help present energy users to break through existing bottlenecks involving: funds, manpower, technology, and recycling term; change the environment where the Government is currently the main motivator; and attract private companies to participate in energy saving and carbon reduction. First, topics for in-depth interviews were established in order to obtain a better understanding of the operational environment of ESCOs in Taiwan, including any obstructions encountered during the development of the ESCO industry. Second, in-depth interviews were carried out with selected ESCOs via explorative research and quantitative methods. The interview data were analyzed and discussed. The following results were obtained regarding the domestic ESCO industry: 1. The status of current development and business opportunities is promising. 2. Factors affecting current development include the lack of regulations, subsidizing plans, third party authentication, energy-saving technologies, and financing solutions. 3. The financing difficulties include: insufficient collateral, sound financial reports, or banks¡¦ understanding of the ESCO industry. 4. The key success factors for the domestic ESCOs to enter the global ESCO market include: the accuracy of the energy-saving reports and income estimates, provision of integrated energy-saving technologies, and utilization of the small and medium business credit guarantee funds and loans. 5. Business models that best suit the development of domestic ESCOs include: sharing energy, performance guarantees, and equipment lease.

Analyse des synchronisations dans un programme parallèle ordonnancé par vol de travail. Applications à la génération déterministe de nombres pseudo-aléatoires. / Analysis of Synchronizations In Greedy-Scheduled Executions - Application to Efficient Generation of Pseudorandom Numbers in Parallel

Mor, Stefano Drimon Kurz 26 October 2015 (has links)
Nous présentons deux contributions dans le domaine de la programmation parallèle.La première est théorique : nous introduisons l'analyse SIPS, une approche nouvelle pour dénombrer le nombre d'opérations de synchronisation durant l'exécution d'un algorithme parallèle ordonnancé par vol de travail.Basée sur le concept d'horloges logiques, elle nous permet,: d'une part de donner de nouvelles majorations de coût en moyenne; d'autre part de concevoir des programmes parallèles plus efficaces par adaptation dynamique de la granularité.La seconde contribution est pragmatique: nous présentons une parallélisation générique d'algorithmes pour la génération déterministe de nombres pseudo-aléatoires, indépendamment du nombre de processus concurrents lors de l'exécution.Alternative à l'utilisation d'un générateur pseudo-aléatoire séquentiel par processus, nous introduisons une API générique, appelée Par-R qui est conçue et analysée grâce à SIPS.Sa caractéristique principale est d'exploiter un générateur séquentiel qui peut "sauter" directement d'un nombre à un autre situé à une distance arbitraire dans la séquence pseudo-aléatoire.Grâce à l'analyse SIPS, nous montrons qu'en moyenne, lors d'une exécution par vol de travail d'un programme très parallèle (dont la profondeur ou chemin critique est très petite devant le travail ou nombre d'opérations), ces opérations de saut sont rares.Par-R est comparé au générateur pseudo-aléatoire DotMix, écrit pour Cilk Plus, une extension de C/C++ pour la programmation parallèle par vol de travail.Le surcout théorique de Par-R se compare favorablement au surcoput de DotMix, ce qui apparait aussi expériemntalement.De plus, étant générique, Par-R est indépendant du générateur séquentiel sous-jacent. / We present two contributions to the field of parallel programming.The first contribution is theoretical: we introduce SIPS analysis, a novel approach to estimate the number of synchronizations performed during the execution of a parallel algorithm.Based on the concept of logical clocks, it allows us: on one hand, to deliver new bounds for the number of synchronizations, in expectation; on the other hand, to design more efficient parallel programs by dynamic adaptation of the granularity.The second contribution is pragmatic: we present an efficient parallelization strategy for pseudorandom number generation, independent of the number of concurrent processes participating in a computation.As an alternative to the use of one sequential generator per process, we introduce a generic API called Par-R, which is designed and analyzed using SIPS.Its main characteristic is the use of a sequential generator that can perform a ``jump-ahead'' directly from one number to another on an arbitrary distance within the pseudorandom sequence.Thanks to SIPS, we show that, in expectation, within an execution scheduled by work stealing of a "very parallel" program (whose depth or critical path is subtle when compared to the work or number of operations), these operations are rare.Par-R is compared with the parallel pseudorandom number generator DotMix, written for the Cilk Plus dynamic multithreading platform.The theoretical overhead of Par-R compares favorably to DotMix's overhead, what is confirmed experimentally, while not requiring a fixed generator underneath.

Méthode et outils pour l'identification de défauts des bâtiments connectés performants / Method and tools for fault detection in smart high-performance buildings

Josse, Rozenn 13 November 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur le développement d’une nouvelle méthodologie pour l’identification de défauts de bâtiments performants et connectés afin d'aider à la garantie de performances. Nous avons dans un premier temps resitué nos travaux dans le contexte énergétique actuel en montrant le rôle majeur des bâtiments dans la réduction des consommations énergétiques. Nous avons ensuite présenté notre méthodologie en argumentant sur les techniques à utiliser avant d’effectuer un choix final. Cette méthodologie se compose de deux blocs principaux : le premier vise à réduire les incertitudes liées à l'occupant et à l'environnement et le second étudie l'écart entre la simulation et la mesure par une analyse de sensibilité couplée à un algorithme bayésien. Nous l'avons ensuite implémentée dans un outil que nous avons nommé REFATEC. Nous avons alors soumis notre méthodologie à différents tests dans des conditions idéales afin d’éprouver sa précision et son temps d’exécution. Cette étape a montré que la méthodologie est efficace mais montre quelques faiblesses dans le cas d’une saison estivale ou d’un défaut très localisé. Enfin, nous l’avons mise en situation face à un cas réel afin de traiter les nombreuses questions que soulèvent l’utilisation de mesures in-situ dans la perspective de la garantie de performances et de la détection de défauts, avec notamment la fiabilité des mesures et les incertitudes encore nombreuses qui doivent être traitées. / This thesis deals with the development of a new methodology for fault detection within smart high-performance buildings helping the performance guarantee. We first have placed our work in the current energy context by focusing on the major role of buildings in the decrease of energy consumption. Then we introduced our methodology and we argued about various techniques that could be used before making a choice. This methodology is made up of two main parts : the former reduces the uncertainties due to the occupant and the environment and the latter studies the gap between simulation and measurements thanks to a sensitivity analysis coupled with a bayesian algorithm. Then we implemented it within a tool that we named REFATEC. We carried out various tests in controlled conditions in order to evaluate its precision and its calculation time. This step showed that our methodology is effective but it has some difficulties when the studied period is during summer or when the faults are very located. is a very located fault. Eventually we confronted our methodology to a real case where we faced numerous questions that appear when dealing with measurements, especially their reliability and the uncertainties that still need to be taken care of, in the perspective of performance guarantee and fault detection.

Étude de l'influence du comportement des habitants sur la performance énergétique du bâtiment / Study of the influence of the inhabitants behavior on the energy performance of buildings

Vorger, Éric 04 December 2014 (has links)
Le comportement humain est modélisé de manière sommaire dans les logiciels de simulation énergétique des bâtiments. Or son impact est considérable et il est à l'origine d'écarts importants entre résultats de simulation et mesures in situ. Les occupants influencent les consommations d'énergie des bâtiments par leur présence et leurs activités, les ouvertures/fermetures de fenêtres, la gestion des dispositifs d'occultation, l'utilisation de l'éclairage artificiel et des appareils électriques, la gestion des consignes de chauffage et les puisages d'eau chaude sanitaire. La thèse propose une modélisation de l'occupation incluant l'ensemble de ces aspects suivant une approche stochastique statistique, pour les bâtiments résidentiels et de bureaux. La construction des modèles fait appel à un grand nombre de données issues de campagnes de mesures, d'enquêtes sociologiques et de la littérature scientifique. Le modèle d'occupation proposé est couplé à l'outil de simulation thermique dynamique Pléiades+COMFIE. En propageant les incertitudes des facteurs du modèle d'occupation et du modèle thermique (enveloppe, climat, systèmes), un intervalle de confiance des résultats de simulation peut être estimé, ouvrant ainsi la voie à un processus de garantie de performance énergétique. / Human behaviour is modelled in a simplistic manner in building energy simulation programs. However, it has a considerable impact and is identified as a major explanatory factor of the discrepancy between simulation results and in situ measurements. Occupants influence buildings energy consumption through their presence and activities, the opening/closing of windows, the actions on blinds, the use of artificial lighting and electrical appliances, the choices of temperature setpoints, and the water consumptions. The thesis proposes a model of occupants' behaviour including all these aspects, according to a stochastic approach, for residential and office buildings. Models' development is based on numerous data from measurements campaigns, sociological surveys and from the scientific literature. The proposed model for occupants' behaviour is coupled to the simulation tool Pléiades+COMFIE. By propagating the uncertainties of factors from the occupants' behaviour model and the thermal model (envelope, climate, systems), the simulation results confidence interval can be estimated, opening the way to an energy performance guarantee process.

Développement d’une méthode de méta modélisation des consommations énergétiques des bâtiments en fonction des facteurs d’usages et d’exploitation pour la garantie de résultat énergétique / Development of a metamodel for building energy consumption as a function of space use and HVAC systems operations factors for energy performance guarantee

Novel, Aymeric 07 January 2019 (has links)
À mesure que les performances intrinsèques des bâtiments s’améliorent, les usages énergétiques non réglementés, que nous associons à une notion d’intensité énergétique des usages, prennent de plus en plus d’importance dans le bilan des consommations des bâtiments. De plus, les bâtiments performants font apparaître des problématiques au niveau de l’exploitation des installations. Ces constats nous permettent d’affirmer qu’il est aujourd’hui important de proposer un cadre pour le suivi et l’optimisation de la sobriété énergétique des usages et l’exploitation performante pour la maîtrise des consommations énergétiques réelles des bâtiments. Cette thèse propose tout d’abord de développer des modèles polynomiaux de prédiction de la consommation énergétique tous usages en fonction des facteurs caractérisant l’intensité d’usage, la qualité d’usage et la qualité d’exploitation. Pour cela, nous utilisons le logiciel EnergyPlus afin de réaliser des simulations énergétiques dynamiques (SED) sur des valeurs de paramètres définis par la méthode des plans d’expérience D-optimaux. Le modèle polynomial créé permet alors d’effectuer, avec un faible temps de calcul, une propagation des incertitudes sur les consommations d’énergie calculées. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons les données mesurées en exploitation dans le cadre de la mesure et de la vérification de la performance énergétique, associées à une incertitude concernant leur valeur. Nous pouvons alors déterminer l’incertitude globale sur les consommations énergétiques et identifier les pistes pour la réduire, permettant ainsi un meilleur suivi et encadrement de la consommation énergétique réelle. / Since building envelope and MEP systems characteristics regularly improve, the weight of non-regulatory energy end-uses increases. These energy end-uses are typically associated with tenants or owners’ activities. In addition, high performance buildings show new issues related to HVAC systems operations. Therefore, it is important to evaluate and improve non-regulatory energy end-uses energy as well as HVAC systems operations efficiencies. We have developed polynomial energy models that can predict energy consumption as a function of building’s activities characteristics and HVAC systems operations factors. We used EnergyPlus software in order to build reliable energy models along with the D-optimum design of experiments method (DOE). Then, we used measurement and verification (M&V) data, associated with probability functions, to determine the associated uncertainty of the calculated energy consumption. Finally, we combine the latter with the polynomial modeling error to calculate the energy consumption global uncertainty, with the goal to identify strategies to reduce it.

Selective legal aspects of bank demand guarantees

Kelly-Louw, Michelle 31 October 2008 (has links)
Bank demand guarantees have become an established part of international trade. Demand guarantees, standby letters of credit and commercial letters of credit are all treated as autonomous contracts whose operation will not be interfered with by courts on grounds immaterial to the guarantee or credit itself. The idea in the documentary credit transaction/demand guarantee transaction is that if the documents (where applicable) presented are in line with the terms of the credit/guarantee the bank has to pay, and if the documents do not correspond to the requirements, the bank must not pay. However, over the years a limited number of exceptions to the autonomy principle of demand guarantees and letters of credit have come to be acknowledged and accepted in practice. In certain circumstances, the autonomy of demand guarantees and letters of credit may be ignored by the bank and regard may be had to the terms and conditions of the underlying contract. The main exceptions concern fraud and illegality in the underlying contract. In this thesis a great deal of consideration has been given to fraud and illegality as possible grounds on which payment under demand guarantees and letters of credit have been attacked (and sometimes even prevented) in the English, American and South African courts. It will be shown that the prospect of success depends on the law applicable to the demand guarantee and letter of credit, and the approach a court in a specific jurisdiction takes. At present, South Africa has limited literature on demand guarantees, and the case law regarding the grounds upon which payment under a demand guarantee might be prevented is scarce and often non-existent. In South Africa one finds guidance by looking at similar South African case law dealing with commercial and standby letters of credit and applying these similar principles to demand guarantees. The courts, furthermore, find guidance by looking at how other jurisdictions, in particular the English courts, deal with these issues. Therefore, how the South African courts currently deal/should be dealing/probably will be dealing with the unfair and fraudulent calling of demand guarantees/letters of credit is discussed in this thesis. / Jurisprudence / LL.D

Selective legal aspects of bank demand guarantees

Kelly-Louw, Michelle 31 October 2008 (has links)
Bank demand guarantees have become an established part of international trade. Demand guarantees, standby letters of credit and commercial letters of credit are all treated as autonomous contracts whose operation will not be interfered with by courts on grounds immaterial to the guarantee or credit itself. The idea in the documentary credit transaction/demand guarantee transaction is that if the documents (where applicable) presented are in line with the terms of the credit/guarantee the bank has to pay, and if the documents do not correspond to the requirements, the bank must not pay. However, over the years a limited number of exceptions to the autonomy principle of demand guarantees and letters of credit have come to be acknowledged and accepted in practice. In certain circumstances, the autonomy of demand guarantees and letters of credit may be ignored by the bank and regard may be had to the terms and conditions of the underlying contract. The main exceptions concern fraud and illegality in the underlying contract. In this thesis a great deal of consideration has been given to fraud and illegality as possible grounds on which payment under demand guarantees and letters of credit have been attacked (and sometimes even prevented) in the English, American and South African courts. It will be shown that the prospect of success depends on the law applicable to the demand guarantee and letter of credit, and the approach a court in a specific jurisdiction takes. At present, South Africa has limited literature on demand guarantees, and the case law regarding the grounds upon which payment under a demand guarantee might be prevented is scarce and often non-existent. In South Africa one finds guidance by looking at similar South African case law dealing with commercial and standby letters of credit and applying these similar principles to demand guarantees. The courts, furthermore, find guidance by looking at how other jurisdictions, in particular the English courts, deal with these issues. Therefore, how the South African courts currently deal/should be dealing/probably will be dealing with the unfair and fraudulent calling of demand guarantees/letters of credit is discussed in this thesis. / Jurisprudence / LL.D

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