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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Development of an Appropriate Strategy Map : An application of strategy map theory on China Mobile

Zhao, Lei, Chen, Meng January 2008 (has links)
After several years practice and research, companies and researchers have agreed thatmanagement of a company can not only rely on financial performance measures, butnon-financial measures should be also included in the set of tools. One of the mostpopular approaches to solve this problem are BSC (Balanced Scorecard) combiningwith KPI (Key Performance Indicators).Balanced Scorecard has been introduced by Kaplan and Norton in 1992 whichconsists of a set of financial and non-financial measures which are categorized in fourperspectives “financial”, “customer”, “internal processes”, and “learning and growth”.Key performance indicators are financial and non-financial metrics used to help acompany define and measure progress toward goals and KPIs are typically tied to anorganization's strategy through Balanced Scorecard.In this thesis we limit our study to the Mobile Network Operator industry, use casestudy, as the research design, with a combination of quantitative and qualitativeresearch methods. We summarized the limitation of the initial Balanced Scorecard,discussed the demand and benefits of strategy map, researched on principles andcriteria of a suitable strategy map. Ultimately, we formulated the process of how todesign a strategy map.In practice, after several years of dramatic development, along with the saturation ofthe market and the fierce competitions, mobile network industry stepped into the ageof depression; the sudden huge profits have been over. While a new wirelesstechnology, 3G offers the mobile network operators (MNOs) a new chance toimprove their value added services with high speed bandwidth from 3G technology,and make more profit from it. European 3G markets is the most competitive anddeveloped now, while the Japan 3G was already in an advanced level. In the recentyears, China as the biggest developing country also wants to start the 3G market.With the defined KPIs, we benchmarked the performance of China Mobile to thethree world’s leading MNOs, Vodafone, “3”, and NTT; ascertained the situation ofChina Mobile, set goals and discovered the cause-effect linkage of the KPIs, andfinally formulate a strategy map for China Mobile according to the analysis. Thestrategy map is based on four perspectives, financial, customers, internal and learningand innovation perspectives, and in each perspective, practical solutions which arebased on their strengths and weaknesses are provided. With the help of this research,the company can trace their problems and find the solutions for them.

Terms and conditions (villkor för orderläggning) : En fallstudie på Ericsson AB i Gävle

Kotzmann, Robert, Kallberg, Johan January 2008 (has links)
This final thesis was performed at Ericsson in Gävle between April and June of 2008. Ericsson is a world leading manufacturer of radio base stations (RBS), which handles mobile phone traffic with 2G and 3G technology. The main purpose of this study is to examine if two different types of products (RBS and site material) should have different terms and conditions, today the terms and conditions are the same for both types.   During the course of our study we have tried to think of the terms reliability, validity and generalization. The intention in doing that was to keep the thesis at a high academic level. To name an example of this we have tried to keep our minds at an objective level during the interviews and informal conversations. This was done to keep our minds open and help us draw our own conclusions.   Through our literature studies we have identified a few guidelines that are important to consider when you’re formalising terms and conditions. Later the constructed guidelines are compared to the information about Ericsson’s routines which is collected from interviews, Ericsson’s intranet and informal conversations. After a discussion we were able to see some conclusions about the formalising of terms and conditions.   One conclusion this study has resulted in is that it’s difficult to say whether the same terms and conditions can be used for different types of products. It is likely that it would be possible to have different terms and conditions, but to design these there would take more research in how the organization in question handles their orders and everything around them.   To complement the results of this final thesis more case based studies should be conducted within the subject of terms and conditions in the order process. Our reason to think this way about further studies is that we felt the currently existing theories to be few and far between in our research.

Key Performance Indicators och Kraljics matris : Verktyg för att realisera inköpsstrategier inom Saab / Key Performance Indicators and the Kraljic matrix : Instruments to realize purchasing strategies within Saab

Fristedt, Mårten, Hansson, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
I takt med att inköp har fått en allt mer betydande roll inom företag krävs det också att strategier för inköp utformas på ett sätt som möjliggör att de kan efterlevas och följas upp, framförallt när det rör sig om koncernövergripande strategier som kräver samordning. I dagsläget är det inköpsrådet på Saab som styr över och samordnar projekt och initiativ som sker inom inköp. Inköpsrådet ansvarar även för framtagandet av inköpsstrategier och arbetet utifrån dessa för hela koncernen. En första klassificering av Saabs leverantörer utefter Kraljics matris genomfördes år 2010 och i samband med detta har ett ökat intresse påvisats för att på ett differentierat sätt mäta och följa upp leverantörer. Syftet med studien är därmed att se vilka Key Performance Indicators (KPI:er) som är tillämpliga i en indelning av leverantörer enligt Kraljics matris, det vill säga om olika KPI:er är fördelaktiga för att genomföra mätning och uppföljning av olika typer av leverantörer enligt Kraljics matris. En betydande slutsats med indelning av KPI:er enligt Kraljics matris är att studien ska påvisa vilka mätetal som är mest väsentliga att ha vid uppföljning av leverantörer kopplade till respektive kvadrant i Kraljics matris. Detta innebär dock inte att mätetal kopplade till specifika kvadranter saknar relevans i övriga kvadranter. KPI:er kan användas i flera kvadranter, helt beroende på situation. I mitten av matrisen återges en del som benämns BAS vilket ska symbolisera att samtliga leverantörer oavsett klassificering eller kvadrant är i behov av att följas upp utefter leveransprecision, kvalitetsutfall, rätt kvantitet samt dokumentation och certifikat. BAS sammanfaller även med de KPI:er som ska följas upp för icke-kritiska leverantörer. Denna gemensamma uppföljning är ett första steg mot koncernövergripande KPI:er som möjliggör att Saab på ett enat sätt kan genomföra uppföljning av leverantörsfloran. Slutsatsen av studien är att Saab med fördel kan arbeta med KPI:er som är differentierade utefter Kraljics matris. Enligt de förutsättningar som finns på Saab har det även påvisats att det finns behov av att utforma gemensamma definitioner på de KPI:er som ska användas.

Utveckling av nyckeltal för logistiska tjänster : En studie vid logistikföretaget Foria / Development of Key Performance Indicators of Logistic Services : A Study at Foria

Larsson, Andreas, Duchén, Sebastian January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to identify and define Key Perfomance Indicators (KPIs) and value adding services which are used to describe the quality of Forias logistics services from different aspects. The KPIs should be attractive to both Foria and their customers, with the aim to strengthen the interaction between both parties. The basis for this work is a research in which a literature review and a survey of the market for Swedish logistic service providers were carried out. An analysis of the present situation of Foria was carried out, where a number of people in the company were interviewed. These elements were used together with definitions of KPIs to perform the analysis of the work. The result of the work is ten KPIs that have been created and developed for Foria and which are considered to be attractive to both Foria and the selected customers. The KPIs are:   · ECO-driving (binary) – the company has ECO-driving-educated drivers · ECO-driving (comparison figure) – all drivers individual driving and its resulting exhaust emissions are compared · The environmental impact – a total of exhaust emissions from all vehicles belonging to a single business, measured in tonne-kilometres · Complete order – portion of fields with accurate information (in an order), with the possibility of error categorization · Delivery reliability – time difference between expected and actual delivery, average for all orders · On-time – the number of days and hours of difference between the expected and the actual time, for all activities of the order · On-time (activity) – the number of hours and minutes of difference between the expected and the actual time, for each individual activity of the order · Divergence – a categorization of all causes of divergence and its responsible department · Level of integration – the level of cooperation between the logistic service provider and the customer · Customer satisfaction – how well an order will meet the expectations of the customer   The KPIs are described in detail with definitions, how they can be used and what is required to implement them in the service process of Foria. These KPIs are the basis of four value adding services: Tracking of goods, Environmental Information, Presentation of the KPIs as a Whole, and Improvement of the Service Process. The work shows that it is possible to identify, define and develop KPIs of interest to both Foria and their customers, but to be used most of the KPIs require adaptation to a large degree. It also shows that it is the reasons behind the measured values of the KPIs that makes them interesting to customers. The literature describing the KPIs and the development of these are not comprehensive in terms of the relationship between a third party logistic service provider and its customer, and therefore this report describes a work from scratch to create KPIs for this purpose. / Syftet med detta arbete är att identifiera och utforma nyckeltal och mervärdestjänster för vilka ska beskriva kvaliteten på Forias logistiktjänst utifrån olika aspekter. Nyckeltalen ska vara intressanta för både Foria och deras kunder, med förhoppningen att stärka samarbetet mellan båda parter. Till grund för arbetet ligger en förstudie, där en litteraturstudie och en undersökning av marknaden för svenska logistikföretag utfördes. En nulägesanalys av Foria genomfördes genom att ett flertal personer på företaget intervjuades. Tillsammans med nyckeltalsteori användes dessa delar för att utföra analysen i arbetet. Resultatet av arbetet är tio nyckeltal som skapats och utvecklats för Forias verksamhet och som anses vara intressanta för både Foria och de för arbetet utvalda kunderna. Nyckeltalen är:   · ECO-driving (binärt) – företaget har ECO-driving-utbildade chaufförer · ECO-driving (jämförelsetal) – chaufförers individuella körstil och medförande avgasutsläpp jämförs · Miljöpåverkan – totalt avgasutsläpp från ett företags alla fordon, mätt i tonkilometer · Ifylld order – andel fält ifyllda (i en order) med korrekt information, med möjlighet för kategorisering av felorsaker · Leveranspålitlighet – tidsskillnad mellan förväntad och faktisk leverans, i medeltal för alla order · On-time – antal dagar och timmar som skiljer mellan den förväntade och den faktiska tidpunkten, för samtliga aktiviteter i orderledet · On-time (aktivitet) – antal timmar och minuter som skiljer mellan den förväntade och den faktiska tidpunkten, för varje enskild aktivitet i orderledet · Avvikelse – kategorisering av alla orsaker till avvikelse, och ansvarande avdelning · Integrationsgrad – nivån av samarbete mellan logistikföretaget och kunden · Kundnöjdhet – hur väl en order kommer att motsvara kundens förväntningar   Nyckeltalen beskrivs ingående med definitioner, hur de kan användas och vad som krävs vid en implementering i Forias verksamhet. Dessa nyckeltal ligger sedan till grund för fyra mervärdestjänster som utformats i arbetet: Godsspårning, Miljöinformation, Presentation av nyckeltalen som helhet, och Verksamhetsutveckling. Arbetet visar att det är möjligt att hitta, utforma och utveckla nyckeltal som är intressanta för både Foria och deras kunder, men de flesta av nyckeltalen kräver anpassning i hög grad för att kunna användas. Det visar också att det är orsakerna bakom nyckeltalens uppmätta värden som gör ett nyckeltal intressant för kunden. Den litteratur som beskriver nyckeltal och utveckling av dessa är inte heltäckande när det gäller relationen mellan ett tredjepartslogistikföretag och dess kund, och därför beskrivs i denna rapport ett arbete från grunden med att skapa nyckeltal för detta ändamål.


Björk, Ann, Sjöstrand, Malin January 2011 (has links)
Abstract Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a richer understanding of the two management control systems, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Tableau de Bord (TDB), and their ability to function in a real life setting, as an important element for efficiently support organization’s strategy. Design/Methodology/Approach: A case study, containing Company A, was executed through a qualitative approach with the intention to connect the theories, the control systems BSC and TDB, to a real life setting. The empirical findings are mainly based upon information collected through semi-structured interviews. Findings: The BSC is perceived as strict and controlling in its nature and as primarily establishing facts, while the TDB enhances communication with an educational intention. Regardless of the numerous of advantages the use of a TDB would entail, the current structure of Company A, with its hierarchical approach, resists its implementation. Theory, together with the employee’s desire, might imply TDB as the optimal alternative for supporting the strategy, however, the reality of Company A, with the directors of the board as monitors and decision-makers, suggests the use of a BSC. As a result of the correlation between the choice of MCS and the ideology of an organization, BSC will continue to be perceived as the optimal practice within Company A as long as the top-down approach remains. Whether the theory or the reality is to decide which control system to be used is for the organization to determine. Regardless of the organization’s choice of control system, advantages will emerge if a genuine implementation is completed in close connection to the theoretical framework. Research Limitations: The thesis intends to investigate the connection between control system and strategy, however, without providing any explicit theoretical framework regarding strategy. Nor will the strategic content of Company A be further analyzed. The small sample limits the ability to provide any general conclusions, however, similarities and parallels can be drawn and associated to related situations. Practical Implications: The thesis is mainly concerned with highlighting the practical relevance of the theories employed. Further Research: The TDB practice will require a more developed acknowledgment beyond its domestic origin before it can be recognized among organizations as a valid alternative to the BSC. In order for the BSC to continue being perceived as a respected control system, there is a need of a continued development of the theory in correspondence to the rapid changes in the business environment, which in turn would allow for greater flexibility in its use. Further, there is a need to emphasize the importance for organizations to involve their employees in open dialogue, which would ensure more precise information when implementing a BSC. This applies to both internal and external information.

The Performance Management and Salary System of Information Industries- I Company as an Case Study

Shen, Tai-Yun 29 August 2003 (has links)
The first goal of management for company is to make profit and growth. The company performance stands for its outcome managed under the optimum fit with resources. Human resource is the significant asset in the company and also influence on the company performance. It is the key to create the performance good or bad for ¡§ Performance Management¡¨ in which how to elaborate employees¡¦ higher productivity or potential and how to continue to employ is the critical issue. One of the functions of performance management is to implement training workforce or job rotation that based on the performance appraisal besides together with the compensation and merit pay, another is to make win win between the company and its employees that capitalized on the individual career development coordination with company. This study discuss the useful encourage mechanism for performance management with compensation and merit pay by the case study method, interview the employees of the case company and review on the relevant reference documents related the subject of those have been published textbooks and periodical. The key point of the study is to establish an appropriate performance management with pay-for-performance system and replace the present system, and become a high-performance culture company. The conclusions are significant to the management in the following¡G 1.Broken a falsehood fair system of performance management, become a real reasonable, public and fair system, and create a high-performance culture company. 2.To avoid the ratchet effect on budget and standard of Key performance indicators (KPI).It is necessary to check again about economic intelligence, industry situation and inside and outside resources etc in order to make an accurate budget and KPI. 3.Under the linkage mechanism of performance management with the merit-pay system, justice is a critical issue in the process of performance appraisal except fair pay-for-performance. It would drive voluntarily one¡¦s motivate of work and higher performance. 4.Besides the encouraged by money, job enrichment, rotary system and job training may increase employee¡¦s performance. If not so, the employee would be fired. 5.Performance management and merit pay system is two key factors for business organization that linkage with vision, object, strategy, culture and personnel goal would ignite organization power to enrich value-chain management and transform to be competitive superiority. It also becomes a three-win system to individual goal, company growth and stockholders value. And the recommendations are important as follows¡G 1.There is no absolutely good for any system whether it is good or bad, so the company of case study should be self-criticism the applicable system of performance management linkage with merit pay system at any time. 2.The person who is a boss in the department, please don¡¦t let your right to be sleep. You have to do justice to subordinate. 3.The execution is a key successful factor for the practice of performance management linkage with merit pay system. 4.Finally, the application of statistics analysis, the influence of execution, leadership, organization structure and innovation of measurement of encouragement are the directions for further study.

A Study on the Implementation of Balanced Scorecard In Hospitals with system dynamics

Li, Chin-mei 24 July 2008 (has links)
Our country since has implemented National Health Insurance, provided the best medical service to be easy to obtain, highly went see a doctor the option, as well as high quality medical service. But also therefore creates the health insurance wealth storehouse the loss, for this, the government implements global budget, can control the medical expense by the time. Simultaneously impels the newly hospital Evaluation, thus unceasingly increases the hospital the cost of operation. Therefore under, hurriedly changes in the external management environment, at present superintendents of the many medical establishments for ask the management achievements, positively inducts Balanced Scorecard to do for manages the tool. However Balanced Scorecard has not certainly considered between the realistic environment complex system Tightly Couple and the causes and effects back coupling relations, and has not been able to solve the influence which Time Delay creates. This research main goal for hope affiliation Systems Thinking, discusses the hospital if utilizes Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Map, comes policy of in accordance to the total amount payment system to case influence the hospital long-term transport business, then establishes System e Dynamics pattern, Simulates case hospital to implement Balanced Scorecard on four constructions surface index of correlation, and carries on the test and the confirmation to the pattern. Finally acts according to case hospital global the budget policy, designs Situation analysis and Policy simulation,as to proposes this research conclusion and the suggestion. The research method mainly is uses System Dynamics method. conclusion ¡G(1). Using simulation test of System Dynamics Model, may discover in the system Leading target, Leading target is a key point which the case hospital must pay attention.(2). By System Dynamics model, may inspect between the element and the element is linked together the causes and effects back coupling relations in the system, and case hospital originally strategy design again by Systems Thinking.(3). Using the System Dynamics , may inspect question of the case hospital concurrently digs up Counterintuitive the phenomenon,as case reference hospital strategy adjustment and policy plan. (4). Balanced Scorecard emphasis may penetrate the KPI value the weightto detect the key weight target the question,But in reality,Each key weight target change possibly comes under own and other external factors influences .Finally proposed this studies the suggestion, the research limit and the following research suggestion.

Utveckling av nyckeltal för logistiska tjänster : En studie vid logistikföretaget Foria / Development of Key Performance Indicators of Logistic Services : A Study at Foria

Larsson, Andreas, Duchén, Sebastian January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to identify and define Key Perfomance Indicators (KPIs) and value adding services which are used to describe the quality of Forias logistics services from different aspects. The KPIs should be attractive to both Foria and their customers, with the aim to strengthen the interaction between both parties.</p><p>The basis for this work is a research in which a literature review and a survey of the market for Swedish logistic service providers were carried out. An analysis of the present situation of Foria was carried out, where a number of people in the company were interviewed. These elements were used together with definitions of KPIs to perform the analysis of the work.</p><p>The result of the work is ten KPIs that have been created and developed for Foria and which are considered to be attractive to both Foria and the selected customers. The KPIs are:</p><p> </p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>ECO-driving (binary)</em> – the company has ECO-driving-educated drivers</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>ECO-driving (comparison figure)</em> – all drivers individual driving and its resulting exhaust emissions are compared</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>The environmental impact</em> – a total of exhaust emissions from all vehicles belonging to a single business, measured in tonne-kilometres</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>Complete order</em> – portion of fields with accurate information (in an order), with the possibility of error categorization</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>Delivery reliability</em> – time difference between expected and actual delivery, average for all orders</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>On-time</em> – the number of days and hours of difference between the expected and the actual time, for all activities of the order</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>On-time (activity)</em> – the number of hours and minutes of difference between the expected and the actual time, for each individual activity of the order</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>Divergence</em> – a categorization of all causes of divergence and its responsible department</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>Level of integration</em> – the level of cooperation between the logistic service provider and the customer</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>Customer satisfaction</em> – how well an order will meet the expectations of the customer</p><p> </p><p>The KPIs are described in detail with definitions, how they can be used and what is required to implement them in the service process of Foria. These KPIs are the basis of four value adding services: <em>Tracking of goods</em>, <em>Environmental Information</em>, <em>Presentation of the KPIs as a Whole</em>, and <em>Improvement of the Service Process</em>.</p><p>The work shows that it is possible to identify, define and develop KPIs of interest to both Foria and their customers, but to be used most of the KPIs require adaptation to a large degree. It also shows that it is the reasons behind the measured values of the KPIs that makes them interesting to customers. The literature describing the KPIs and the development of these are not comprehensive in terms of the relationship between a third party logistic service provider and its customer, and therefore this report describes a work from scratch to create KPIs for this purpose.</p><p> </p> / <p>Syftet med detta arbete är att identifiera och utforma nyckeltal och mervärdestjänster för vilka ska beskriva kvaliteten på Forias logistiktjänst utifrån olika aspekter. Nyckeltalen ska vara intressanta för både Foria och deras kunder, med förhoppningen att stärka samarbetet mellan båda parter.</p><p>Till grund för arbetet ligger en förstudie, där en litteraturstudie och en undersökning av marknaden för svenska logistikföretag utfördes. En nulägesanalys av Foria genomfördes genom att ett flertal personer på företaget intervjuades. Tillsammans med nyckeltalsteori användes dessa delar för att utföra analysen i arbetet.</p><p>Resultatet av arbetet är tio nyckeltal som skapats och utvecklats för Forias verksamhet och som anses vara intressanta för både Foria och de för arbetet utvalda kunderna. Nyckeltalen är:</p><p> </p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>ECO-driving (binärt)</em> – företaget har ECO-driving-utbildade chaufförer</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>ECO-driving (jämförelsetal)</em> – chaufförers individuella körstil och medförande avgasutsläpp jämförs</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>Miljöpåverkan</em> – totalt avgasutsläpp från ett företags alla fordon, mätt i tonkilometer</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>Ifylld order</em> – andel fält ifyllda (i en order) med korrekt information, med möjlighet för kategorisering av felorsaker</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>Leveranspålitlighet</em> – tidsskillnad mellan förväntad och faktisk leverans, i medeltal för alla order</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>On-time</em> – antal dagar och timmar som skiljer mellan den förväntade och den faktiska tidpunkten, för samtliga aktiviteter i orderledet</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>On-time (aktivitet)</em> – antal timmar och minuter som skiljer mellan den förväntade och den faktiska tidpunkten, för varje enskild aktivitet i orderledet</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>Avvikelse</em> – kategorisering av alla orsaker till avvikelse, och ansvarande avdelning</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>Integrationsgrad </em>– nivån av samarbete mellan logistikföretaget och kunden</p><p><!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]--><em>Kundnöjdhet</em> – hur väl en order kommer att motsvara kundens förväntningar</p><p> </p><p>Nyckeltalen beskrivs ingående med definitioner, hur de kan användas och vad som krävs vid en implementering i Forias verksamhet. Dessa nyckeltal ligger sedan till grund för fyra mervärdestjänster som utformats i arbetet: <em>Godsspårning</em>, <em>Miljöinformation</em>,<em> Presentation av nyckeltalen som helhet, </em>och Verksamhetsutveckling.</p><p>Arbetet visar att det är möjligt att hitta, utforma och utveckla nyckeltal som är intressanta för både Foria och deras kunder, men de flesta av nyckeltalen kräver anpassning i hög grad för att kunna användas. Det visar också att det är orsakerna bakom nyckeltalens uppmätta värden som gör ett nyckeltal intressant för kunden. Den litteratur som beskriver nyckeltal och utveckling av dessa är inte heltäckande när det gäller relationen mellan ett tredjepartslogistikföretag och dess kund, och därför beskrivs i denna rapport ett arbete från grunden med att skapa nyckeltal för detta ändamål.</p><p> </p>

Envision Central Texas performance indicators : is central Texas realizing its preferred vision?

Hilde, Thomas Warren 26 November 2012 (has links)
The Envision Central Texas (ECT) scenario-based regional planning process formulated its preferred vision for future growth in Central Texas in 2004. While the process was successful in developing a unified vision for future development for a region undergoing rapid growth, it is questionable whether any implementation has been seen on the ground since. Utilizing the performance indicators originally used to assess the alternative growth scenarios during the ECT planning process, this study attempts to monitor the region’s growth trajectory since that time. In other words, is the region realizing its preferred vision for new population growth and urban development? An analysis using remote sensing of satellite imagery, GIS and available data was undertaken to calculate eleven performance measures for the current regional context. Results of the indicator analysis helped to form a better understanding of the region’s growth since the ECT vision was adopted. For the most part, the region is continuing to grow in its “baseline” or “business as usual” pattern of development, characterized by low-density, separate use development on the urban fringe. Although the ECT vision is still in its early stages of implementation, the region faces challenges in realizing its fulfillment. The findings of this study are the product of the only quantifiable monitoring efforts of ECT implementation to date. They should be used in conjunction with qualitative monitoring already undertaken by ECT to better understand the region’s growth trajectory, and be used as a model for monitoring ECT implementation in the future. Additionally, the analysis offers a discussion of how the use of performance indicators can be improved in future scenario-based planning processes. / text

Managing Performance Measurement : A study of how to select and implement performance measures on a strategic, tactical and operational level

Rolfsdotter Karlsson, Annika January 2008 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to define important criteria to consider when selecting and implementing performance measures on a strategic, tactical and operational level. The thesis is built around the questions "What to measure" and "How to measure". Generally within the thesis the question of "what" concerns different frameworks and working procedures that can be used to determine what to measure, while the question of "how" concerns criteria to consider when implementing performance measures, such as how to design measure formulas and targets, how to communicate measures, etc. The study has been conducted as a qualitative study, where the empirical data has been collected through interviews and by using information material from the case company. The purpose of the case study was to test the theoretical framework. The studied case company was Sandvik Process Systems, a product area within the Sandvik group. The case study was complemented by two minor comparative studies of companies also belonging to the Sandvik group. In total the study comprised interviews with 15 persons within different organizational levels. Several different frameworks aiming to help organizations to answer the question of what to measure have been developed during the last decades. The frameworks differ more or less, but theorists appear to agree on several matters. My conclusions of the most important criteria to be taken into consideration when answering the question of what to measure is: * Complement the outcome measures, i.e. the financial measures that show the results from past efforts, by pro-active performance drivers - the measures that drive the future performance * Ensure linkage between performance measures and company vision and strategic objectives * Involve the co-workers in the process of developing measures * Use an overall comprehensive view and methodic approach * Limit the amount of measures * Retain the methodic approach – manage the performance measurement system After answering the question of what to measure there are also a number of important criteria to consider when it comes to how to measure and implement measures into the organization: * Define measure purposes * Assign reasonable targets to the measures * Consider the field of application when designing a performance measure * Communicate the performance measures * Specify the measures Despite attempting to simplify a complicated reality the frameworks aiming to help organizations to select measures are all rather complex. Hence, to develop and implement a PMS (Performance Measurement System) by the book will imply an extensive project for any company. How time- and resource demanding the project will become will differ from one company to another. Thus, a general conclusion of this study is that a company must start out from its own conditions in order for the development and implementation not to become too complex a project, where the organization loses focus and fails to manage the project all the way through. Companies must consider factors such as the size and complexity of the organization, how the business is controlled and managed as well as the structure and control of an already existing PMS. For large organizations, already possessing a rather unstructured PMS, the best approach could be to look upon the development as a constantly on-going activity in the spirit of continuous improvements, rather than a complex project running over a limited time. A vital success factor is also to communicate the intentions to the whole organization at an early stage. If the whole organization is aware of the intention and the purpose this will facilitate the process of developing and implementing a successful PMS.

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