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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barn & ungdomars upplevelser av att ha deltagit i ett kampsportsprojekt

Harandi, Ihab January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie handlar barn och ungdomar upplevelser av sitt deltagande i kampsportsprojektet Golden Life av idrottsföreningen Golden Leaf. Uppsatsen har utförts på ett kvalitativts sätt där barn och ungdomar slumpmässigt har valts ut genom att delta via semistrukturerande intervjuer. Ändamålet med studien är att tolka och förstå de barn och ungdomar som har deltagit i ett kampsportsprojekt under hösten 2017. Hur var deras upplevelse under tiden som de deltog och hur gick det sedan när projektet avslutades. Frågeställningen för denna uppsats blir således hur kampsportsprojektet fungerade som socialisations arena. Den teori jag använder mig av är situerat lärande från Lave och Wenger (1991) där social inlärning kan appliceras på ett idrottsfenomen för hur människor anammar instruktioner och hur inlärning sker i socialt sammanhang i relation till sitt idrottsutövande. Men även legitima perifera deltagandet som handlar om hur man tar till sig kunskap där kunskapsbyggandet inte är det viktigaste utan förmågan att lära sig genom att ta in kunskap i en grupp som redan är etablerade i det som ska utövas. På så vis skapas legitimitet och det är inom denna ram som man lär sig det som ska genomföras.Resultatet i denna undersökning utgår från respondenternas egna berättelser där en analys görs i relation till teorin och i viss mån den tidigare forskningen som berör idrott och integration i relation till den sociologiska processen. Resultatet utifrån insamling av empirin visar även hur det finns samband mellan vad intervjudeltagarna beskriver i relation till teorin Legitimt perifert deltagande. Sambandet är tydligt för hur man beskriver utövandet av träningen. Där kampsportmiljön och omgivningens struktur av tränare och andra medlemmar i föreningen tydligt kan kopplas ihop med teorin. Genom att föreningen är öppna mot andra människor även om de inte tillhör den ordinarie verksamheten och bjuder in till deltagande. Detta medför att deltagarna känner sig välkomnade vilket leder till att man deltar och lär sig kampsport. / Abstract This study involves the experiences of children and adolescents with regard to their participation in the Golden Life martial arts project of the Golden Leaf Sports Association. I have conducted qualitative research, in which I have randomly selected children and adolescents who have then participated in semi-structured interviews. The purpose of this study is to understand how children and adolescents experienced the martial arts project in the fall of 2017, and what happened to the participants after the project was over. The question of this paper thus becomes how the martial arts project served as an arena of socialization. The theory used is situational learning from Lave and Wenger (1991) in which social learning used in athletic contexts can be applied to people embracing instructions. Futhermore this theory relates to how physical activity in a social context facilitates learning. But also legitimate peripheral participation that deals with how to acquire knowledge where knowledge building is secondary to the ability to learn and acquiring knowledge in a group already established. In such a way, legitimacy is created and it is within this framework that one learns what is going to be performed.The result of this study is based on the respondents own stories, where an analysis is made in relation to the theory and, to a certain extent, the previous research relating to sport and integration in relation to the sociological process. The result from the gathering of the data also shows how there is a connection between what the interviewees described in relation to the theory of legitimate peripheral participation. The resemblance between how the excercise is described and the actual training is easily identified. The martial arts environment and the environment's structure of coaches and other members of the association can be clearly linked to the theory. Due to the association being open to other people, even if they do not belong to the regular business they do invite others for participation. This means that the participants feel welcome, which leads to the participation and learning of martial arts.

Looking closely at teachers who prepare for museum visits

Mosabala, Mpho Shadrack 11 September 2009 (has links)
Although other research has addressed some features of successful school group visits to museums, such as preparation and follow up and emphasis on first-hand experience, there has been little research on the practices being used by the teachers who take their classes to the museums. I examined how teachers from five schools conducted their visits to one of four museums (Scibono Discovery Centre, HartRAO, Johannesburg Planetarium or Adler Museum) with their learners. The case study involved observing the five teachers before, during and after the visit and interviewing them before and after the visit. The data were analysed using communities of practice theory to determine the practices of the selected teachers. An in-depth analysis of the five teachers’ interviews and observations was done both for the rich data it provided and for triangulation purposes. The analysis shows that three teachers had what was described as task-oriented preparation while the other two had learning-oriented preparation. One teacher preparation was also described as not directly about the visit. The analysis further shows that four teachers were observed to have no interaction with their learners in some instance. Three teachers had learning oriented interaction with their learners at the museums. Three teachers were also observed controlling the behaviour of their learners. Furthermore, the analysis shows that the purposes and objectives of the field trips as given by teachers were for entertainment, edutainment,curriculum, interactive, career and tradition. Lastly, teachers follow up activities were described as either task-oriented or learning-oriented. The study shows that some teachers are old timers while others are newcomers in the community of teachers who take their classes to the museums.

The Efficacy of Knowledge Sharing: Centralized Vs. Self-Organizing Online Communities

Godara, Jaideep 23 May 2007 (has links)
This study investigates the impact of an online community's control structure on the knowledge sharing process in that community. Using a framework comprised of legitimate peripheral participation theory and the weak-ties phenomenon, the study focuses on a comparative analysis of self-organizing online communities (e.g., weblog networks) and centralized online communities (e.g., discussion forums communities) with respect to the efficacy of knowledge sharing in these communities. The findings of this study indicate that self-organizing communities of practice have more weak-ties among their members compared to centralized communities. As per weak-ties theory of Granovetter (1973, 1983), these findings suggest that self-organizing communities facilitate greater dissemination of knowledge and flow of information among their members than centralized communities. The abundance of weak-ties in their community structure also makes self-organizing communities better environments for the discovery of new information compared to centralized community environments. This study did not find any evidence of community structure impact on peripheral participation and the interaction activity level among peripheral participants of a given online community. These observations may have stemmed from the limitations of research design, however, it is safe to say as of now that verdict on peripheral participation differences in different community structures is inconclusive at best. / Master of Science

Var dags lärande : Om lärande i ett arbetsmarknadsprojekt / Every Day Learning : About learning in a labour market project

Ax Mossberg, Margareta January 2008 (has links)
I slutet av 1990-talet beslöt den dåvarande regeringen att initiera ett antal projekt i medelstora och större svenska städer. Projekten skulle förläggas till förorternas miljonprogramsområden och målen skulle vara att stärka kompetensen hos de invandrare som bodde i bostadsområdena, öka deras arbetskraftsdeltagande och öka kontaktytorna mellan svenskar och invandrare. Kooperativet Latitud är ett av dessa projekt. Inom kooperativet arbetar flyktingar, långtidsarbetslösa och lågutbildade. Männen har kommit dit genom arbetsmarknadsplaceringar, praktikplatser, aktivitetsgaranti, medan de flesta av kvinnorna har kortvariga anställningar. Studien bygger på Lave och Wengers teorier kring legitimt perifert lärande och lärande i en handlingsgemenskap. Dessutom prövas teoriernas användbarhet i den kontext som kooperativet utgör. Grundläggande i dessa teorier är att lärandet är situerat och sker i handling i en social gemenskap och att lärande och utveckling av identitet är sammanvävda. Arbetsplatsen Latitud studeras i dess egenskap av en handlingsgemenskap, där människors lärande är beroende av och förknippat med den mening de finner i verksamheten och i sin egen tillvaro i kooperativet, lika väl som av den gemenskap de formar som arbetsgrupp. Lärandets betydelse för individens identitet tydliggörs i fyra individers lärande och agerande under deras tid i kooperativet. Avhandlingen visar att de använda teorierna är väl skickade för att studera Latitud som miljö för lärande, dock krävs ytterligare utveckling av teorierna för att utforska och förklara individens lärande och samspelet mellan individ och kontext. En fördjupning av teorin krävs för att beskriva hur en människas identitet byggs från deltagande och lärande i olika lokala praktiker och behov, och hur varje individs lapptäcke av livserfarenheter och lärande formar ett individuellt mönster. / At the end of the 1990s, the then Swedish Government initiated a number of projects in large and medium-sized Swedish cities. The projects were to be conducted in suburban housing areas built during the Million Programme and the objectives were to improve the skills of migrants living in these areas, increase their participation in the workforce and strengthen contacts between them and Swedish people. The Latitude Cooperative (Kooperativet Latitud) was one of these projects. Refugees, long-termed unemployed and low-educated people work within the cooperative. The men have arrived there as labour market placements, whilst most of the women are on short-term employment contracts. The study is based on Lave and Wenger's theories on Legitimate Peripheral Participation and learning in a Community of Practice. The applicability of these theories was also tested in the context of the cooperative. The basic premise of these theories is that learning is situated and occurs when participating in a social community and that learning and development of identity are interwoven. The Latitude Cooperative is studied in its capacity as a community of practice, where people's learning is dependent on and associated with the meaning they find in the activities and in their own existence in the cooperative, as well as on the community they shape as a working group. The significance of learning for individual identity is exemplified in the learning of four individuals and their actions during their time in the cooperative. The thesis shows that the theories employed are well suited to the study of Latitude as a learning environment. The theories require further development, however, in order to research and explain individual learning and the interplay between the individual and the context. Dreier provides the necessary further development of the theory to describe how a person's identity is constructed from participation and learning in different local practices and needs, and how each individual's patchwork of life experiences and learning forms an individual pattern.

Work Integrated Learning : crossing Boundaries

Skaresund, Robert January 2010 (has links)
<p>Work integrated learning was established at Swedish universities about twenty years ago; and today there are some different attitudes about the purpose of integrating theoretical perspectives to practical experiences, during higher education. For example, there are arguments that students tend to become clients or tools in order to gain regional development if the practical perspectives overcome the possibilities of reflection. Education will in this case only serve to facilitate employment after graduation, rather than to facilitate developmental learning. To understand the relationship between reproductive- and developmental learning, this thesis explores the different kinds of strategies student teachers develop, during their teacher training – to gain the skills and knowledge needed to work as a professional teacher. The focus is how the students respond to the various emerging contradictions, while crossing the boundaries – between the university, and the workplace. The activity theory approach conceptualizes boundary-crossing as a phenomenon based on the idea of horizontal development – which requires the ability to find relevant information wherever it may be available. The implication is that change and development occur as a result of collaboration through mutual boundary objects, and via emerging contradictions between two or more interacting activity systems. The overall design resembles a phenomenological case study performed over a period of approximately six months. The population providing the empirical data consisted of five student teachers, in their first year, attending a teacher training program in Sweden. Data collection where gathered through a three-step design, where exploratory narrative interviews were conducted at three different occasions: (i) after their first period of work placement, (ii) before entering their second period of work placement and (iii) immediately after their second period of work placement. The results indicate that the students’ processes of learning include four distinct learning strategies (questioning, challenging, adjusting and imitating), to transform the information given in various situations. These strategies are consequences of the students´ prior experiences when encountering contradictions during their teacher training program.</p> / <p>För omkring 20 år sedan utvecklades arbetsintegrerat lärande som en ny pedagogisk form på svenska högskolor och universitet Det råder dock delade meningar om syftet bakom högskolans ambition att integrera teoretiska perspektiv till individuella praktiska erfarenheter. Exempelvis riskerar studenter att liknas vid klienter, eller verktyg för regional utveckling om fokus på praktiska erfarenheter överordnas möjligheten till reflektion. Utbildningens roll kan i så fall bli att underlätta anställningsbarhet efter examen istället för att leda till ett utvecklingsinriktat lärande. För att förstå relationen mellan anpassnings- och utvecklingsinriktat lärande undersöker denna uppsats vilka strategier lärarstudenter utvecklar, under utbildning på lärarprogrammet, för att uppbära den kunskap som behövs för att kunna arbeta som lärare. Fokus ligger på hur studenterna svarar mot de varierande motsättningar som uppstår vid övergångarna mellan högskolan och arbetsplatsen. Uppsatsen utgår från verksamhetsteoretiska resonemang och speciellt fenomenet ”boundary-crossing” som innebär grunden för horisontell utveckling och innefattar förmågan att finna relevant information där den är tillgänglig. Utgångspunkten är att förändring och utveckling sker som ett resultat av samverkan mot gemensamma mål och på grund av motsättningar mellan två eller flera verksamhetssystem. Det övergripande upplägget av studien kan liknas vid en fenomenologisk fallstudie och utfördes under sex månader. Populationen som ligger till grund för studiens empiriska data består av fem lärarstudenter som studerar sitt första år vid en av Sveriges lärarutbildningar. Data samlades in genom narrativa intervjuer vid tre olika tillfällen: (i) efter studenternas första praktikperiod, (ii) innan studenterna påbörjade sin andra praktikperiod och (iii) direkt efter att studenterna avslutat sin andra praktikperiod. Studiens resultat visar att lärarstudenterna använder fyra olika lärandestrategier (ifrågasättande, utmanande, anpassande och imiterande), för att omvandla den information de möter till kunskap, vid olika tillfällen under lärarutbildningen. Dessa strategier utvecklas som följd av de erfarenheter studenterna har med sig när de möter olika motsättningar under lärarutbildningen.</p>

Legitimate Peripheral Participation of Secondary Educators in Scientific Research Experiences: Implications for Teachers' Understanding of the Nature of Science and Classroom Teaching

Perkins, Matthew Phillip 01 May 2010 (has links)
Both of the national reform efforts (AAAS, 1993; NRC, 1996) encouraged teachers to engage in professional development that included authentic scientific research experiences. The Department of Energy developed a program to match teachers with mentor scientists at national laboratories for three consecutive summers. Teachers produced and presented a poster summarizing their research at the conclusion of each summer. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to better understand how scientific research experiences impacted teachers. Six dimensions were examined: trajectory of participation, content knowledge development, mentor relationships, beliefs about the nature of science, teacher confidence, and classroom practice. These six dimensions were integrated into three research questions which guided the research: the teachers’ ability to increase their level of participation from the first to the last summer of research, the teachers’ changes in their understanding of the nature of science (NOS), and any changes in the teachers’ classroom teaching because of their involvement in the program. In-depth interviews were triangulated with teachers’ posters to provide insights into teachers’ legitimate peripheral participation in the research laboratory. The VNOS-C (Lederman et al., 2002) was administered pre/post to the teachers. Evidence of more informed, developing, and more naive understandings of each of the tenets of NOS was collected and compared to identify changes in teachers’ beliefs. Interviews and follow-up correspondence informed the study of changes in classroom teaching. The teachers became very familiar with their mentors’ research, increased their subject content knowledge, and contributed to their mentor’s work. Mentors utilized teachers’ expertise as communicators when presenting research and hosting other student groups. The teachers’ understanding of the NOS did not change as a result of their immersion in the culture of the laboratory. The lens through which the teachers viewed science influenced how they perceived and interpreted their research experiences. Teachers who held positivist views reinforced them, while the lone teacher who held post-positivist views reinforced their positions. The teachers developed confidence in their ability to facilitate classroom inquiry, increased the number of inquiry-based in their curriculum, introduced advanced placement and scientific research courses, and rejuvenated their enthusiasm for teaching.

Work Integrated Learning : crossing Boundaries

Skaresund, Robert January 2010 (has links)
Work integrated learning was established at Swedish universities about twenty years ago; and today there are some different attitudes about the purpose of integrating theoretical perspectives to practical experiences, during higher education. For example, there are arguments that students tend to become clients or tools in order to gain regional development if the practical perspectives overcome the possibilities of reflection. Education will in this case only serve to facilitate employment after graduation, rather than to facilitate developmental learning. To understand the relationship between reproductive- and developmental learning, this thesis explores the different kinds of strategies student teachers develop, during their teacher training – to gain the skills and knowledge needed to work as a professional teacher. The focus is how the students respond to the various emerging contradictions, while crossing the boundaries – between the university, and the workplace. The activity theory approach conceptualizes boundary-crossing as a phenomenon based on the idea of horizontal development – which requires the ability to find relevant information wherever it may be available. The implication is that change and development occur as a result of collaboration through mutual boundary objects, and via emerging contradictions between two or more interacting activity systems. The overall design resembles a phenomenological case study performed over a period of approximately six months. The population providing the empirical data consisted of five student teachers, in their first year, attending a teacher training program in Sweden. Data collection where gathered through a three-step design, where exploratory narrative interviews were conducted at three different occasions: (i) after their first period of work placement, (ii) before entering their second period of work placement and (iii) immediately after their second period of work placement. The results indicate that the students’ processes of learning include four distinct learning strategies (questioning, challenging, adjusting and imitating), to transform the information given in various situations. These strategies are consequences of the students´ prior experiences when encountering contradictions during their teacher training program. / För omkring 20 år sedan utvecklades arbetsintegrerat lärande som en ny pedagogisk form på svenska högskolor och universitet Det råder dock delade meningar om syftet bakom högskolans ambition att integrera teoretiska perspektiv till individuella praktiska erfarenheter. Exempelvis riskerar studenter att liknas vid klienter, eller verktyg för regional utveckling om fokus på praktiska erfarenheter överordnas möjligheten till reflektion. Utbildningens roll kan i så fall bli att underlätta anställningsbarhet efter examen istället för att leda till ett utvecklingsinriktat lärande. För att förstå relationen mellan anpassnings- och utvecklingsinriktat lärande undersöker denna uppsats vilka strategier lärarstudenter utvecklar, under utbildning på lärarprogrammet, för att uppbära den kunskap som behövs för att kunna arbeta som lärare. Fokus ligger på hur studenterna svarar mot de varierande motsättningar som uppstår vid övergångarna mellan högskolan och arbetsplatsen. Uppsatsen utgår från verksamhetsteoretiska resonemang och speciellt fenomenet ”boundary-crossing” som innebär grunden för horisontell utveckling och innefattar förmågan att finna relevant information där den är tillgänglig. Utgångspunkten är att förändring och utveckling sker som ett resultat av samverkan mot gemensamma mål och på grund av motsättningar mellan två eller flera verksamhetssystem. Det övergripande upplägget av studien kan liknas vid en fenomenologisk fallstudie och utfördes under sex månader. Populationen som ligger till grund för studiens empiriska data består av fem lärarstudenter som studerar sitt första år vid en av Sveriges lärarutbildningar. Data samlades in genom narrativa intervjuer vid tre olika tillfällen: (i) efter studenternas första praktikperiod, (ii) innan studenterna påbörjade sin andra praktikperiod och (iii) direkt efter att studenterna avslutat sin andra praktikperiod. Studiens resultat visar att lärarstudenterna använder fyra olika lärandestrategier (ifrågasättande, utmanande, anpassande och imiterande), för att omvandla den information de möter till kunskap, vid olika tillfällen under lärarutbildningen. Dessa strategier utvecklas som följd av de erfarenheter studenterna har med sig när de möter olika motsättningar under lärarutbildningen.


Paz, Enrique E., III 30 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

From Students to Researchers: The Education of Physics Graduate Students

Lin, Yuhfen 08 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Analyzing Stakeholder Perceptions of Gaps in Public Sexuality Education: Curriculum, Context, and Community

Richardson, Kasey Lee 19 November 2020 (has links)
Sexuality education in public schools in the US is a set of curricula geared toward sexual health, sexual identities, sexual acts, associated values, as well as intimacy and relationships (Naz, 2014). Taught under the curricular umbrella of family life education in the present study, it is governed by state and federal legislation and shaped by community values. It is also uniquely controversial both politically and personally (Drazenovich, 2015; Giroux, 2011). In this study, I developed research questions grounded in Sexual Configurations Theory (SCT): a contemporary, comprehensive theory of sexual identities and behaviors (van Anders, 2015). I also used the theory of legitimate peripheral participation, which is a well-established theory of social interaction that can explain how learning occurs within and around a community (Lave and Wenger, 1991). I analyzed the curriculum of two rural public school divisions in the southeastern US to identify salient categories of curricula relevant to the research questions. I also interviewed 29 school personnel and community partners involved in the curriculum development and guest lectures. I aimed to identify differences in their perceptions of the curriculum as well as how students may have learned about sexuality in out-of-class contexts (for example, the internet, pornography, peer-to-peer, in households, etc.) (Charmaraman, Lee, and Erkut, 2012; Tight, 2016). Results indicated that participants perceived adolescents engaging in informal learning about sexuality elsewhere. The participants reported trying to help adolescents bridge these gaps in instruction with community partnerships, guest lectures from health professionals, and referrals to resources inside and outside of the school. I conclude that curriculum, context, and community are overarching principles in teaching and developing sexuality education. The evidence gathered and interpretations presented provide a rich description that drives implications for stakeholders interested in increasing curricular comprehensiveness. / Doctor of Philosophy / Sexuality education (or sex ed, also sometimes called family life education) in US public schools is a course that teaches adolescents about sexual identities, sexual activities, values, and relationships. It is a controversial topic due to its history, the politics associated with it, and differing values surrounding it across communities. In this study, I looked at the sexuality education curriculum of two rural school divisions in the southeastern US. I also interviewed 29 school personnel and community health partners involved with the curriculum and guest lectures, paying special attention to different perspectives that were raised about the topic. Results showed that participants were perceived that adolescent students would search for information on sex (such as among their peers, at home, on their phones, and watching pornography) when not given the information they wanted in the classroom. Participants also perceived concern that adolescents would engage in sexual behaviors as a result of out-of-class learning, and they attempted to provide referrals to in-school and community resources to bridge the gap between what was taught in the classroom and what was learned out of class. The research also uncovered different views on opting out of sexuality education, abstinence, pregnancy, disease (STI) prevention, and use of technology and apps.

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