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Ανάπτυξη λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα / Open source software development

Μπισμπινικάκης, Γρηγόριος 17 May 2007 (has links)
Η ανάπτυξη του λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα είναι μια καινοτόμος μέθοδος ανάπτυξης λογισμικού και εφαρμογών του, η οποία έχει να επιδείξειαρκετές επιτυχίες τα τελευταία οκτώ με δέκα χρόνια. Έτσι, έχουν διαμορφωθεί διάφορες θεωρίες για να εξηγήσουν την επιτυχία της, κυρίως από τη σκοπιά της οικονομικής επιστήμης και των επιστημών της οργάνωσης και της διοίκησης επιχειρήσεων. Η εργασία αυτή εξετάζει διάφορες πτυχές των ζητημάτων της ανάπτυξης του λογισμικού του ανοικτού κώδικα. Στo Κεφάλαιο 1, εισάγονται κάποιες βασικές έννοιες για το λογισμικό ανοικτού κώδικα και παρουσιάζονται μερικές από τις γνωστότερες άδειες χρήσης του ανοικτού λογισμικού. Ιδιαίτερα, εξετάζουμε τους ορισμούς και τις διαφορές μεταξύ του λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα και του ελεύθερου λογισμικού. Επίσης, εστιάζουμε την προσοχή μας στις εξής άδεις χρήσης: δημόσιας κυριότητας (public domain), BSD, καλλιτεχνικής άδειας, GPL και LGPL. Τέλος, δίνουμε μια σύντομη περιγραφή της χρονολογικής εξέλιξης των προσπαθειών ανάπτυξης του λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα. Στο Κεφάλαιο 2, αναλύονται τα σημαντικότερα χαρακτηριστικά της οργάνωσης και της ροής εργασίας στα έργα ανοικτού κώδικα. Αυτά αναφέρονται σε κάποια χαρακτηριστικά μεγέθη, στη δομή των έργων, στις διαδικασίες ανάπτυξής τους, στους χρήστες τους (την ομάδα στόχο), στην επικοινωνιακή-πληροφοριακή υποδομή και στην τεκμηρίωση των έργων αυτών. Με βάση αυτά τα χαρακτηριστικά γνωρίσματα, ο σκοπός είναι να μπορεί να περιγραφεί οποιοδήποτε έργο ανοικτού κώδικα και να μπορείεπίσης και να κατηγοριοποιηθεί. Μια τέτοια κατηγοριοποίηση διευκολύνει αφενός την έρευνα, μέσω του ορισμού εννοιών καθολικής ισχύος, και αφετέρου στηρίζει την οργάνωση των ίδιων των έργων, καθώς και την επιλογή τους από την ελεύθερη οικονομία. Στο Κεφάλαιο 3, ακολουθούμε τη δουλειά των Healy & Schussman (2003), οι οποίοι έχουν αναλύσει ένα πολύ μεγάλο δείγμα έργων ανοικτού κώδικα και, έτσι, έχουν εντοπίσει κάποια εντυπωσιακά δομικά χαρακτηριστικά των κοινοτήτων ανάπτυξης λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα. Οι Healy & Schussman παρατήρησαν ότι η κατανομή των έργων αυτών για μια σειρά από δείκτες των δραστηριοτήτων, που αναπτύσσονται σε αυτά, είναι εντυπωσιακά ανομοιόμορφη. Εντόπισαν όμως ένα σχετικά μικρό αριθμό έργων, που παρουσιάζουν στοιχεία ισχυρής συνεργατικής δραστηριότητας. Τα έργα αυτά υποτίθεται ότι είναι χαρακτηριστικά για τις τυπικές διαδικασίες ανάπτυξης, που ακολουθούνται για τη διαμόρφωση του ανοικτού κώδικα. Τα συμπεράσματα των Healy & Schussman συμφωνούν με προγενέστερες μικρότερης κλίμακας εμπειρικές έρευνες. Μελετώντας τις διαφορές μεταξύ ενεργών και ανενεργών έργων, οι Healy & Schussman προτείνουν ότι αυτές μπορούν να εξηγηθούν με βάση τα κοινωνικο-δομικά χαρακτηριστικά των κοινοτήτων ανάπτυξης των αντίστοιχων έργων, τα οποία έχουν τύχει ελάχιστης προσοχής στην υπάρχουσα βιβλιογραφία. Επιπλέον, όπως θα δούμε, οι Healy & Schussman διαμορφώνουν ορισμένες υποθέσεις εργασίας, μέσω των οποίων να μπορεί να γίνει καλύτερα κατανοητή η "οικολογία" των έργων ανάπτυξης λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα. Στο Κεφάλαιο 4, προσπαθούμε να μελετήσουμε το φαινόμενο του λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα κάτω από το πρίσμα των οικονομικών. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, μας απασχολούν οι ρόλοι των συνεργατών στα έργα ανάπτυξης τέτοιου λογισμικού, είτε σαν μεμονωμένα άτομα ή σαν οργανώσεις, και οι σχέσεις τους με τον ευρύτερο δημόσιο τομέα. Ακόμη, κάνουμε μια συζήτηση για τις νέες οικονομικές δυνατότητες, που ανοίγονται από τη χρήση του λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα. Έτσι, έχει ενδιαφέρον να δούμε τις επιχειρήσεις από τρεις διαφορετικές γωνίες: σαν χρήστες, σαν συνεργάτες και σαν παροχείς υπηρεσιών για την ανάπτυξη του λογισμικού αυτού. Τέλος, με βάση το έργο BerliOS, συζητάμε κάποια παραδείγματα μακροοικονομικών προοπτικών στην ιδιωτική πρωτοβουλία, τις νέες αγορές και τη Νέα Οικονομία, που μπορούν να προκύψουν από την υιοθέτηση του επιχειρησιακού μοντέλου του λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα. Στο Κεφάλαιο 5, ακολουθούμε την ανάλυση του Kelty (2001) για το κατά πόσο μπορεί κανείς να δει το ελεύθερο-δωρεάν λογισμικό σαν ένα κοινωνικό αγαθό παρόμοιο με την επιστήμη. Ιδιαίτερα, ο Kelty εξετάζει κατά πόσον το ελεύθερο-δωρεάν λογισμικό είναι - όπως η επιστήμη - μια "οικονομία ανταλλαγής δώρων", η οποία λειτουργεί με το δικό της νόμισμα. Ο βασικός ισχυρισμός του Kelty είναι ότι στην περίπτωση αυτή της οικονομίας του λογισμικού ελεύθερου και ανοικτού κώδικα, το νόμισμα των πληρωμών δεν είναι τίποτε άλλο παρά η φήμη, που αποκτούν οι ατομικοί ή συλλογικοί παράγοντες, οι οποίοι με τη συνεργασία τους συμβάλουν και συνεισφέρουν στην ανάπτυξη του λογισμικού αυτού. Έτσι, ο Kelty εξετάζει τα ζητήματα της φήμης και της αναγνώρισης της συμβολής, αφενός μέσω μιας συνοπτικής θεωρητικής ανασκόπησης της ιστορίας των επιστημών κι αφετέρου με τη σύγκριση - τόσο μεταφορικής όσο και πραγματικής - των διαφορετικών εννοιών της "συναλλαγής" και της "πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας", που εμφανίζονται σε διάφορους τομείς της επιστήμης και της οικονομίας. Στο Κεφάλαιο 6, ακολουθώντας τη σχετική εργασία του Edwards (2001a), η ανάπτυξη του λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα αντιμετωπίζεται σαν μια διαδικασία, που γίνεται στα πλαίσια μιας "επιστημικής κοινότητας". Με τον όρο αυτό, αποδίδεται το γεγονός ότι, σε μια τέτοια κοινότητα, η ανάπτυξη του λογισμικού είναι μία διαδικασία ανοικτής μάθησης, στην οποίαν τα εμπλεκόμενα μέρη, συνεισφέροντας με το προσωπικό έργο τους στην επίτευξη των ομαδικών στόχων, ταυτόχρονα μορφώνονται και μαθαίνουν πολλές χρήσιμες γνώσεις από τη συνεργασία, την αλληλεπίδραση και την αλληλοβοήθεια με τους άλλους συνεργάτες. Ιδιαίτερα, εισάγοντας τις θεωρητικές έννοιες της "εγκατεστημένης μάθησης" και της "νομιμοποιημένης περιφερειακής συμμετοχής", ο Edwards μελετά πώς οι μαθησιακές διαδικασίες αυτές συμβάλουν στη διαμόρφωση του χαρακτήρα μιας επιστημικής κοινότητας, που αναπτύσσει λογισμικό ανοικτού κώδικα. Ο συνδυασμός αυτών των δύο εννοιών φαίνεται να είναι καρποφόρος και ικανός να εξηγήσει μερικές από τις εμπειρικές παρατηρήσεις τέτοιων κοινοτήτων, ρίχνοντας άπλετο φως στα ζητήματα της κατανόησης των κινήτρων, της συμπεριφοράς και της δυναμικής των ομάδων, που εμπλέκονται σε τέτοια έργα. Στο Κεφάλαιο 7, γίνεται μια συζήτηση των επιχειρησιακών προγραμμάτων του Υπουργείου Παιδείας για την πληροφορική στην εκπαίδευση. Το βασικό ερώτημα, που τίθεται, είναι αν τελικά το μάθημα της πληροφορικής ,έτσι όπως διδάσκεται, υπηρετεί τον αρχικό στόχο της πολιτικής, με τον οποίο οι υπολογιστές εισέβαλλαν στην εκπαίδευση. Εξετάζονται κάποια προβλήματα, που έχει η χρήση του κλειστού-εμπορικού λογισμικού στην εκπαίδευση. Παρατίθενται μια σειρά από πλεονεκτήματα για τη χρήση του λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα στην εκπαίδευση, τα οποία του προσδίδουν σαφώς μεγαλύτερη παιδαγωγική αξία. Βεβαίως, σχολιάζονται τα συνήθη επιχειρήματα εναντίον του λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα. Στο τέλος, γίνεται μια προσπάθεια να εξαχθούν ορισμένα συμπεράσματα και να διατυπωθούν κάποιες συγκεκριμένες προτάσεις για τις ευεργετικές δυνατότητες, που έχει το λογισμικό αυτό στις εκπαιδευτικές και μαθησιακές διαδικασίες. Στο Κεφάλαιο 8, περιγράφουμε μια σειρά από λογισμικά ανοικτού κώδικα, που ήδη χρησιμοποιούνται ή μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν στην εκπαίδευση. Πρόκειται για λογισμικό σε σχέση με εφαρμογές γραφείου, επεξεργασίας εικόνας και διαφόρων οπτικοποιήσεων (visualizations) - π.χ., σχημάτων και γραφικών παραστάσεων - εφαρμογών στα μαθηματικά, στη διαχείριση βάσεων δεδομένων, στο Internet κ.λπ. Τέλος, κάνουμε μια σύντομη παρουσίαση των περιεχομένων του έργου KDE-Edutainment, μιας προσπάθειας για την ανάπτυξη λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα, που συνδυάζει μάθηση και διασκέδαση. Σαν Παράρτημα, στο Κεφάλαιο 9, δίνουμε έναν κατάλογο χρήσιμων ιστοσελίδων και ιστοτόπων, στους οποίους μπορούν να βρεθούν πολλές περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το λογισμικό ανοικτού κώδικα και τις εφαρμογές του στην εκπαίδευση. / Not available

Anglers, Warriors, and Acrobats: The Journey of Learning in Cooperative Education

Jones, Jeela 21 May 2013 (has links)
Each year, students who are newly enrolled in the University of Ottawa Cooperative Education Programs prepare for their first co-op work terms. In this period of pre-employment, students ask themselves important questions like, “What do I have to do to get a job?” and “What do I want to be?” As a co-op practitioner I am exposed to students’ experiences and the dilemmas they face but I still wondered what was hidden from my view and outside of my understanding. Thus, during one-on-one interviews that occurred prior to their first co-op work terms, six co-op students shared the photographs and stories of their co-op experiences with me and I shared my photographs and stories with them. Goffman’s (1959) theory of dramaturgy provided the theoretical framework to present, interpret, and understand the words and pictures that emerged from these interviews. What resulted were dramas, narratives, and allegories: six participant descriptions written as mini-biographies, verbatim transcripts prepared as a reader’s theatre script, and a set of five themes composed with vivid symbolism. The five metaphoric themes of co-op student experience are (a) journey, (b) circus, (c) metamorphosing, (d) anglers at sea, and (e) warriors. Taken together, what emerged was a deeper seeing and a richer understanding of what’s “really going on” in the time prior to students’ first co-op work terms (Goffman, 1974, p. 8) particularly with regards to legitimate peripheral participation, reflection, and experiential learning.

Att lära sig bli (som) en artist : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga artisters lärande- och identitetsskapande processer.

Ivansson, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Denna rapport har studerat hur lär- och identitetsprocessen att formas till artist har sett ut för några av Sveriges mest aktuella kvinnliga artister. Valet att studera denna yrkesgrupp beror på att formell utbildning genom skolväsendet saknas för att till fullo förbereda individer för yrket. Syftet har varit att genom artisternas beskrivningar av de egna erfarenheterna bidra med kunskap om hur dessa processer kan se ut. Sex stycken semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med hjälp av utformad frågeguide för insamlandet av data. Intervjuerna transkriberades sedan och analyserades därefter med drag av hermeneutisk tolkning. Förförståelsen hos mig som forskare har haft en central roll i rapporten då jag själv är verksam som frilansande trummis inom musikbranschen. Då tidigare forskning rörande lär- och identitetsskapande processer för artister inte hittades baserades litteraturöversikten till stor del av forskning om de lär- och identitetsskapande processer som elitidrottare gjort. Valet av denna yrkesgrupp baserades på att framgång som idrottare ofta leder till medial uppmärksamhet, i likhet med artisternas. Insamlad empiri analyserades sedan genom Lave och Wengers (1991) teorier om hur kunskap uppstår och utvecklas genom sociala interaktioner i olika kontexter, något de kallar för situerat lärande. I analysen användes även Goffmans (2009) rollteoretiska modell som behandlar hur identiteter skapas, upprätthålls och förändras. Slutsatserna i studien visade på att kunskapen till stor del skapats genom observation av de mer erfarna inom musikbranschen samt interaktion med dessa. Artisternas föreställningar om vad det innebär att vara en artist samt till vilken grad de interagerat med olika delar av musikbranschen tycks ha påverkat deras förmåga att själva identifiera sig som artister. Gemensamt för samtliga respondenter var den beskrivna upplevelsen av att kunna påverka rollen som artist till högre grad i och med ökad erfarenhet och framgång som artist. / This report has studied how the processes of learning about the role as an artist and the ability to identify oneself as one has been for some of Sweden’s most popular artists. The choice to study this profession is due to the lack of formal education through the school system to fully prepare individuals for the profession. The purpose has been to provide knowledge about these processes thru the described experiences from the artists. Six semi- structured qualitative interviews were conducted using a designed questionnaire for data collection. The interviews were then transcribed and analyzed by means of hermeneutic interpretation. The preconceptions have played a central role in the report, as I myself am a freelance drummer in the music industry. Since earlier research about learning and identity-creating processes among artists was not found, the literature review has been based largely on research about the learning and identity-creating processes that elite athletes have made. The choice to study this profession was based on the similarity between professions in the terms where their success often leads to great media attention. Collected empirical data was then analyzed thru Lave and Wenger’s (1991) theories of how knowledge arises and develops through social interactions in different contexts, something they call situated learning. The analysis was also made thru used Goffman's (2009) role theory model that addresses how identities are created, maintained and changed. The conclusions of this study showed that knowledge about the role as an artist was largely created by observing the more experienced in the music industry as well as thru interaction with these. The artists' perceptions of what it means to be an artist and the extent to which they interacted with different parts of the music industry seem to have influenced their ability to identify themselves with the role. Commonly to all respondents was the described experience that the ability to influence the role of an artist increased with experience and success as an artist.


Rempel, Gabriela 27 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The development of academic literacies in a certain area of knowledge allows, to the one who is learning, conditions for reading the world and acting in the contemporary society, for engaging in the disciplinary debate, and for developing an opinion concerning the effects of scientific and technological innovations of the area and the potential consequences resulted from their use (MOTTA-ROTH, 2013a, p.145). Recognizing the importance of academic literacies in the university context and in the formation of students in different areas of knowledge, this research aims at identifying and discussing characteristics of academic literacies processes of a group of students from the course of Publicity and Advertising (PA) (Publicidade e Propaganda) in a PA experimental agency located at south of Brazil. In order to do that, we adopt the perspective of Critical Genre Analysis (MEURER, 2002; BHATIA, 2004; MOTTA-ROTH, 2008; 2011a), academic literacies studies (LEA; STREET, 1998; 2006; MOTTA-ROTH 2013a) and the notion of Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LAVE; WENGER, 1991). As part of the umbrella project Academic/scientific literacy and Legitimate Peripheral Participation in the knowledge production (Letramento acadêmico/científico e participação periférica legítima na produção de conhecimento) (MOTTA-ROTH, 2013b), this study consists in a qualitative research based on ethnography (LAUTOR; WOLGAR, 1997), in which, observations of social activities from the PA experimental agency were made. The corpus of this research is constituted by a) notes collected by prticipant observation; b) field notes/photography; c) answers from questionnaires applied to the agency members; and d) advising sessions between professors and students. With the observations and field notes, the intention was to collect information about the laboratory context. Through the observations and field notes, it was detected the need to apply questionnaires and to analyze advising sessions between professors and students. It is understood that the advising sessions through writing and rewriting processes and text editions, by students, based on professor s notes are a rich source to identify characteristics of students academic literacies. The results seem to indicate that students academic literacies depend on their interaction with other members from the laboratory and their engagement in genres and activities that arise from those genres in the agency. As the students participate in the agency, they develop literacies that turn them into more experienced publicists in the PA professional performance practices. Aligned to this characteristic, it seems that the academic literacies in PA are permeated with the development of personal taste. The members speech, in the advising sessions, is marked with lexicogramatical choices that privilege emotional mental clauses (e.g. amar, gostar, adorar). In this sense, it seems that emotional mental processes work as teaching parameters in this laboratory. These linguistic cues seem to be related to the recency of the PA area of knowledge (BORGES, 2002; DURAND; 2006; PÚBLIO; MADER, 2009). With this research, it is expected to contribute/reflect upon the academic literacies processes as for the PA area of knowledge as well as for the Applied Linguistic area of knowledge. / O desenvolvimento de letramentos acadêmicos em determinada área do saber permite, a aquele que está aprendendo, condições para a leitura de mundo e a ação na sociedade contemporânea, o engajamento no debate da disciplina, e desenvolvimento de uma opinião quanto aos efeitos das inovações científico-tecnológicas de sua área e as eventuais consequências acarretadas por seu uso (MOTTA-ROTH, 2013a, p.145). Reconhecendo a importância dos letramentos acadêmicos no contexto universitário e na formação de estudantes, em diferentes áreas do saber, esta pesquisa busca identificar características dos processos de letramentos acadêmicos de um grupo de estudantes do curso de Publicidade e Propaganda (PP) em uma agência experimental de PP alocada em uma universidade do sul do Brasil. Para isso, adota-se a perspectiva da Análise Crítica de Gêneros (MEURER, 2002; BHATIA, 2004; MOTTA-ROTH, 2008; 2011a), dos estudos de letramentos acadêmicos (LEA; STREET, 1998; 2006; MOTTA-ROTH 2013a) e da noção de Participação Periférica Legítima (LAVE; WENGER, 1991). Inserido no projeto guarda-chuva Letramento acadêmico/científico e participação periférica legítima na produção de conhecimento (MOTTA-ROTH, 2013b), este estudo consiste em uma pesquisa qualitativa de base etnográfica (LAUTOR; WOLGAR, 1997), na qual, foram realizadas observações das atividades sociais da agência experimental de PP. O corpus da presente pesquisa é constituído por: a) observações coletadas a partir de observação participante; b) notas de campo/fotografias; c) respostas de questionários aplicados com os membros da agência; e d) sessões de orientação entre professoras e estudantes. Nas observações e nas notas de campo, a intenção foi coletar informações acerca do contexto do laboratório. Por meio das observações e notas, detectou-se a necessidade da aplicação de questionários e da análise das sessões de orientação entre professoras e estudantes. Entende-se que as orientações por meio de processos de escrita, rescrita e edição de textos, por parte dos estudantes, com base nos apontamentos dos professores são uma fonte rica para identificar características dos letramentos acadêmicos dos estudantes. Os resultados parecem indicar que os letramentos acadêmicos dos estudantes dependem de sua interação com demais membros no laboratório e de seu engajamento em gêneros e atividades decorrentes desses gêneros na agência. À medida que esses estudantes participam, eles desenvolvem letramentos que os tornam publicitários mais experientes nas práticas de atuação profissional de PP. Aliada a essa característica, parece que os letramentos acadêmicos em PP são perpassados pelo desenvolvimento de gosto pessoal. A fala dos membros, nas sessões de orientação, é marcada por escolhas lexicogramaticais que privilegiam orações mentais emotivas (p. ex., amar, gostar, adorar). Nesse sentido, parece que processos mentais emotivos funcionam como parâmetros de ensino nesse laboratório. Esses indícios linguísticos parecem estar relacionados com a recência da área do saber da PP (PINHO, 1998; BORGES, 2002; DURAND, 2006; PÚBLIO; MADER, 2009). Com esta pesquisa, almeja-se trazer contribuições/reflexões acerca dos processos de letramentos acadêmicos tanto para área do saber da PP, como para a área do saber da Linguística Aplicada.

Distributed communities of practice : an exploration of a distributed community of practice of South African Life Science teachers

Mckay, Robert Forbes 13 January 2009 (has links)
This study researches phenomenon of the Biology Teachers Network (BTN), a distributed Community of Practice (CoP). The membership of the BTN is voluntary. The BTN is supported by a core group of members and administered by single moderator. The network uses a manually operated email system to communicate and share information as an automatic listserv proved to be beyond the capabilities of the membership. Etienne Wenger is the authority on the theory of CoPs and provides in depth background to the processes that are evident in a CoP. A CoP consists of the Domain, Practice and Community and through a process of negotiation of meaning, learning takes place through identity formation. CoPs can exist online in the form of distribute CoPs. Passionate leadership is essential for the formation of a CoP as is the voluntary participation of the members. A Naturalistic case study methodology is considered to be the most appropriate research tool. In this study a focus group interview and a collection of emails were used as data sources. The data was analysed using three instruments derived from the literature. The conclusion from the analysis of the data was that the BTN is a vibrant and fully functional distributed CoP in the coalescing stage. Participation in the BTN has led to an increase in professional development and ICT skills amongst some of the member teachers. The fact that this was achieved through the use of email instead of sophisticated websites suggests that this model of distributed CoP is suitable for the professional development of teachers in South Africa. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Anglers, Warriors, and Acrobats: The Journey of Learning in Cooperative Education

Jones, Jeela January 2013 (has links)
Each year, students who are newly enrolled in the University of Ottawa Cooperative Education Programs prepare for their first co-op work terms. In this period of pre-employment, students ask themselves important questions like, “What do I have to do to get a job?” and “What do I want to be?” As a co-op practitioner I am exposed to students’ experiences and the dilemmas they face but I still wondered what was hidden from my view and outside of my understanding. Thus, during one-on-one interviews that occurred prior to their first co-op work terms, six co-op students shared the photographs and stories of their co-op experiences with me and I shared my photographs and stories with them. Goffman’s (1959) theory of dramaturgy provided the theoretical framework to present, interpret, and understand the words and pictures that emerged from these interviews. What resulted were dramas, narratives, and allegories: six participant descriptions written as mini-biographies, verbatim transcripts prepared as a reader’s theatre script, and a set of five themes composed with vivid symbolism. The five metaphoric themes of co-op student experience are (a) journey, (b) circus, (c) metamorphosing, (d) anglers at sea, and (e) warriors. Taken together, what emerged was a deeper seeing and a richer understanding of what’s “really going on” in the time prior to students’ first co-op work terms (Goffman, 1974, p. 8) particularly with regards to legitimate peripheral participation, reflection, and experiential learning.

En webbaserad miljöutbildning för de anställda i Axfoods butiker : En undersökning kring att väcka engagemang

Hammarsten, Emma January 2010 (has links)
Idag är miljö ett ämne som diskuteras ivrigt av både regering, media och företag. Att bara göra en sökning på internet på ordet miljö ger över 6 miljoner träffar och de första som kommer upp är oftast kopplade till miljöhot, klimatet eller hur kommuner/företag arbetar för miljön med hållbarhetsprogram. Det skrivs som sagt mycket om miljön idag, men hur påverkas vi egentligen av den informationen vi får? Och vad gör vi av den kunskap som vi tar till oss? Detta var något av utgångspunkten för examensarbetet och det som sedan kom att ligga som motivation till den förundersökning som gjordes inom Axfoods butiker. Förundersökningen som skulle ligga till grund för hur man skulle skapa en webbaserad utbildning inom ämnet miljö för de anställda hos Axfood. En utbildning som i och med Axfoods nya hållbarhetsarbete ska kunna få upp kunskapsnivån, medvetenheten och motivationen hos Axfoods anställda, för att de ska börja agera för miljön, både i sitt arbete men också utanför. Frågeställningarna är de följande: Vilka olika innebörder går att identifiera i de anställdas och kunders uppfattningar av begreppet miljö? Vad är de bakomliggande faktorerna till de anställdas och kundernas beteende när det kommer till att agera för miljön? Vad anser anställda och kunder inom Axfood vara det avgörande steget för att människor ska bli mer engagerade och motiverade att agera för en bättre miljö?Det empiriska materialet bygger på ett 70-tal kvalitativa och kvantitativa intervjuer ifrån anställda och kunder inom Axfoods verksamhet. Ett material som enligt en induktiv metod sammanställts och analyserats och som ligger till grunden för de slutsatser som dragits i rapporten.Undersökningen visade på att det idag är relativt jämt fördelat mellan vår positiva och negativa attityd genemot området miljö, men att en person som inte bär på några tidigare erfarenheter kring ämnet och som idag matats med en mängd negativa intryck har en negativ attityd till ämnet miljö. På samma sätt har också en person som bär på negativa erfarenheter ifrån sin uppväxt idag en negativ attityd. Samtidigt som en person som bär på positiva erfarenheter från sin uppväxt har en positiv attityd till ämnet miljö. Det visar sig också att detta kan vara avgörade för hur vi idag agerar för miljön. Negativa erfarenheter har en förmåga att bromsa oss i vårt arbete.Materialet som togs fram visar på att de anställda och kunderna som deltog i underökningen efterfrågar en utbildning inom miljö som ska bidra med de grunder som krävs för att ett fortsatt deltagande i det framtida hållbarhetsarbetet ska vara möjligt. Där tyngdpunkterna som undersökningen visar på ligger i att utbildningen ska bidra med motivation, enkelhet i att bidra och att få reda på hur man faktiskt är med och påverkar sin omgivning. Utifrån detta material ges flertalet orsaker till varför man idag inget gör för miljön och vad som skulle förändra detta beteende. Den största orsaken till att vi idag inte agerar för miljön visade sig vara bekvämlighet, deltagarna har livsstilar och rutinartade mönster som är svåra att bryta eller skära ner på. Detta kan också uppenbara sig i kombination med att man känner osäkerhet inför ämnet miljö i och med att man saknar kunskap, samtidigt som man inte känner motivationen i och med den maktlöshet som sprids bland deltagarna via medias negativa information kring ämnet miljö. Det som prioriteras högst idag bland deltagarna för att väcka ett engagemang är utbildningen som under våren och sommaren 2010 skapades hos Axfood. / Today the environment is a topic discussed eagerly by both the government, media and businesses. Just to do a search on the internet on the word environment provides more than 6 million hits and the first thing that comes up is most often linked to environmental threats, climate changes or how the municipalities / companies are working with environmental sustainability programs. As said before, the environment is a hot topic today, but how much are we humans affected by the information we receive? And what do we make of the knowledge that we receive? This was one of the starting points for this thesis that came to serve as motivation for the pre-investigation that took place in Axfoods stores. A pre-investigation which would be the basis for how to create a Web-based education in the Department of Environment for the employees of Axfood. An education that should be able to bring up the level of knowledge, awareness and motivation of the employees of Axfood, so that they will start thinking more about the environment, both at their work but also outside of it. The questions for this report are: What are the different meanings that can be identified in the employees and customers perception of the concept of environment? What are the underlying factors to the employees and customers behavior when it comes to acting for the environment? What does employees and customers in Axfood consider to be the crucial step for humans to become more engaged and motivated to act for a better environment? The empirical material is based on qualitative and quantitative interviews of employees and customers within Axfood enterprises. A material that according to an inductive method has been compiled and analyzed and which forms the basis for the conclusions reached in the report. The survey showed that it today is relatively equally between our positive and negative attitude towards the field environment, but one person who does not carry any previous experience on the topic and is now fed with a variety of negative impressions is showed to have a negative attitude to the subject environment. Similarly, a person who also carries the negative experiences from their childhood will today have a negative attitude. While a person who carries the positive experiences from their childhood have a positive attitude to the subject environment. It turns out that this can be crucial for how we act today to the environment. Negative experiences have a tendency to prevent us from working. The material shows that the staff and customers who participated in the investigation has a increased demand of an education in the department of Environment that will provide the foundations needed for a continued participation in the future work for sustainability. Where the focus of the study shows that an education like this one should help the employees with motivation, simplicity of contribution and to find out how I im fakt are with and are affecting my surroundings. Based on this material, several reasons on why one doesn´t do anything today for the environment is presented and also what would change this behavior. The biggest reason of why we today are not acting on the environment proved to be convenience, participants have lifestyles and routine patterns that are difficult to break or cut down on. This can also manifest itself in combination with the feeling of uncertainty about the subject Environment in connection with the lack of knowledge, while you at the same don’t get the motivation that is needed from media which leads to the feeling of powerlessness among the participants. The top priority today for bringing involvement among the participants is the education that was created by Axfood in the spring and summer of 2010.

Non-South African French-speaking students’ curriculum experiences in a community of practice at a private tertiary institution

Adebanji, Charles Adedayo 09 1900 (has links)
This research set out to explore the curriculum experiences of French-speaking students in a private tertiary education institution. The study was qualitative in nature and utilized narrative inquiry and the case study approach. Data-gathering methods included a blend of semistructured interviews, document analysis, participant observation and field notes. Data analysis employed content and thematic analyses. Findings that emerged from the study were seven-fold: First, the academic experiences of French-speaking students from pre-degree to third-year degree programme entailed a rigorous negotiation with the LoLT. They negotiated the pre-degree route to mainstream degree programme due to non-compliance with academic standards set for higher education. Second, French-speaking students negotiated the pre-degree route to mainstream degree programme because their curricula of study, while they negotiated secondary school education in French-speaking countries were not recognized by most South African public universities. Third, French-speaking students experienced a number of hidden curriculum experiences which were not visible but influenced the planned, enacted and assessed curricula. Fourth, the deportment of lecturers was a useful asset. Lecturers were sourced from different sociocultural perspectives of the world. The impact of lecturers’ deportment led to commitment to achieve excellence and dedication towards student learning. Fifth, the use of Zulu, Sotho and sporadic use of Afrikaans languages by lecturers became sociocultural experiences of French-speaking students. The impact of this was felt by French-speaking students when they took a longer time to negotiate transition from French-speaking to English-speaking. The rate at which white lecturers spoke and the unfamiliar accents of black South African lecturers became important aspects of experiences they negotiated at Montana College. Sixth, learning ensues when there is a hybridization of the three sociocultural factors namely language of communication, acculturation to the domain of influence and mediated identity. Seventh, it was found that power relations manifested themselves in different perspectives at Montana College. Lave and Wenger (1991) proposed that power relations exist in the field of education where teachers exercise their roles as facilitators of learning and students see that they are in possession of economic power, by virtue of the fact that they pay fees. Consequently the issues of power relations abound in the form of the “continuity-displacement contradictions” as suggested by Lave and Wenger (1991:115-116). Much new knowledge came to light, especially in terms of the three sociocultural factors (language, acculturation and identity). When these are in a state of redress, there is an emergent learning, depending on the extent of hybridization between the sociocultural factors. The magnitude of learning is conceptualized to depend on the extent of redress or hybridization among the sociocultural factors. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Apprentissage dans une communauté de pratique : fansubbing et compétence linguistique

Liu, Xiao 04 1900 (has links)
Fansub consiste à traduire et à sous-titrer les produits médiatiques étrangers tels que des films, des feuilletons ou des animes par des internautes bénévoles. Ce phénomène est aujourd’hui très répandu en Chine. Les amateurs s’organisent en groupes de fansub pour accomplir ce travail en collaboration. Les groupes de fansub se caractérisent par la virtualisation du lieu de travail, l’hétérogénéité des membres, la liberté de participation, la collaboration et la non-commercialité. Leur processus de travail et organisation est aussi particulier. Dans ce mémoire, je me suis intéressée à l’apprentissage des fansubbers, un aspect peu étudié dans la littérature sur le fansub. Le fansub a été abordé sous l’angle d’une communauté de pratiques pour comprendre comment les fansubbers acquièrent de nouvelles connaissances et améliorent leur compétence linguistique en sous-titrant les films de langue étrangère. L’étude est basée sur l’observation participative dans un groupe de fansub chinois-français, Fansub Yueyue. J’ai fait de l’observation participante auprès de ce groupe de fansub pour recueillir des traces du travail et des interactions entre les membres. Dix fansubbers du groupe ont aussi été interrogés. Les analyses ont indiqué que le groupe de fansub démontre les trois caractéristiques essentielles d’une communauté de pratique : l’entreprise commune, l’engagement mutuel et un répertoire partagé. Cet ensemble favorise l’existence du groupe ainsi que l’apprentissage des membres. Aussi, par l’analyse des erreurs fréquentes des fansubbers et leur autoévaluation, nous concluons que les pratiques de fansub aident les membres à améliorer leur compétence linguistique. L’apprentissage a lieu pendant le processus de travail de sous-titrage ainsi qu’à travers les interactions entre les membres ou avec des personnes hors de ce groupe. / Fansubbing consists of translating and subtitling foreign mass media productions by netizens interested in these films, television programs or cartoons. This phenomenon is growing rapidly in Chinese cyberspace with the proliferation of the Internet and the increasing number of foreign language learners. Fansub groups are organized by passionate amateurs willing to accomplish this work together. Characterized by a virtual workplace, heterogeneity of members, voluntary participation, and the non-commercial nature of their production, fansub groups have attracted the attention of academic researchers. Previous studies have considered the cultural aspects of fansub, problems of legitimacy as well as the question of audiovisual translation quality. However, this study considers fansub groups as communities of practice in which learning occurs. Specifically, we examine how one group’s members acquire new knowledge and improve their language abilities through the practice of subtitling. The study is based on participant observation in a Chinese-French fansub group named Yueyue Fansub. We collected and analyzed information and documents created during the work process. We also conducted interviews with ten fansub group members to deepen our empirical understanding. Our analysis shows that the fansub group has all three of the characteristics deemed essential in a community of practice: joint enterprise, mutual engagement and shared repertoire, and that this combination supports the group as well as members’ learning. In addition, analysis of common mistakes made by fansubbers combined with their self-evaluations indicate that fansub practices help improve language ability. Learning takes place during the subtitling work as well as in and through interactions among group members or with people outside the group.


Ziegler, Fernanda Lopes Silva 14 December 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this study is to analyze the discourse of students from an undergraduate Letters course at a university in southern Brazil and at an Applied Linguistics Laboratory the LLAp from the same department, based in the triad of teaching, research and extension, who were asked to speak about their academic discursive practices, in order to identify the characteristics of academic literacy processes, using the frameworks of ACD (FAIRCLOUGH, 1992; 2003), academic literacies (LEA; STREET, 1998; STREET, 2010) and the notion of legitimate peripheral participation (LAVE; WENGER, 1991). We developed and applied written semi-structured questionnaires and oral interviews dealing with three characteristics of academic literacy processes: genre systems, the roles played in academic literacy and the processes of authoring and co-authoring. In 58 written questionnaires answered by students of Letters and of the LLAp, we identified 47 genres mentioned by students. Among the most cited genres were those, which are most routine and formulaic in academic communities, such as reviews, abstracts and articles. On the other hand, genres less cited were those, which are more diffused and imprecise, such as conversation and defining the meaning of 'text'. Besides genre diversity, the diversity of roles mentioned by students indicates the plurality of possibilities made available by the projects developed at this university, especially at the LLAp. In the four interviews with LLAp students, we sought to focus on issues that were not explored thoroughly in the written questionnaire. In terms of genre system, students stressed different aspects. Two students emphasized bureaucratic genres, one student pointed out genres produced within the research project, co-authored with other group members and, finally, one student emphasized genres produced in the classroom and for the classroom, in relation to her role as a teacher in training and as a teacher in action. Regarding the authoring and co-authoring process, as well as the roles played, we identified different degrees of engagement and participation of students in the community. In theory, the longer a student participates and the greater the degree of engagement in the social practices of academic literacies in the community, the greater, proportionately, will be the legitimate peripheral participation process and, consequently, the greater the learning. / O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o discurso de alunos de um curso de Letras de uma universidade do sul do Brasil e um laboratório de Linguística Aplicada o LLAp que tem como base o tripé ensino, pesquisa e extensão da mesma universidade sobre suas práticas discursivas acadêmicas, de modo a identificar as características dos processos de letramentos acadêmicos, a partir da perspectiva da ACD (FAIRCLOUGH, 1992; 2003), dos estudos de letramentos acadêmicos (LEA; STREET, 1998; STREET, 2010) e da noção de participação periférica legítima (LAVE; WENGER, 1991). Para isso, elaboramos e aplicamos questionários semiestruturados escritos e entrevistas que tratavam especialmente sobre três características dos processos de letramentos acadêmicos: o sistema de gêneros, os papeis desempenhados e o processo de autoria e coautoria. Em síntese, alguns dados gerados parecem se salientar. Nos 58 questionários escritos respondidos por alunos do curso de Letras e do LLAp, identificamos 47 gêneros mencionados pelos discentes. Entre os gêneros mais citados estão aqueles mais rotineiros e formulaicos de comunidades acadêmicas como resenhas, resumos e artigos. Por outro lado, entre os gêneros menos citados, estão aqueles mais difusos e imprecisos como conversação e definição do significado de texto . Além da diversidade de gêneros, a diversidade de papeis mencionados pelos discentes indica a pluralidade de possibilidades oportunizadas pelos projetos desenvolvidos nesta universidade com destaque para o LLAp. Nas quatro entrevistas realizadas com alunos do LLAp, buscamos focar em questões que não foram exploradas profundamente no questionário escrito. Sobre o sistema de gêneros, identificamos que os alunos enfatizaram diferentes aspectos. Dois alunos enfatizaram gêneros da esfera burocrática , um aluno destacou gêneros produzidos no âmbito do projeto de pesquisa, em coautoria com outros membros do grupo e, por fim, um aluno deu ênfase em gêneros produzidos em sala de aula e para a sala de aula , seja em relação ao seu papel como docente em formação quanto docente em atuação. Em relação ao processo de autoria e coautoria, bem como dos papeis desempenhados, percebemos diferentes graus de engajamento e participação dos discentes na comunidade. Em tese, quanto maior o tempo de participação e maior o grau de engajamento dos discentes nas práticas sociais de letramentos acadêmicos na comunidade, maior, proporcionalmente, será o processo de participação periférica legítima e, consequentemente, maior será a aprendizagem.

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