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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fast driftställe enligt OECD:s modellavtal i ljuset av elektronisk handel / Permanent Establishment According to the OECD Model Tax Convention in the Light of Electronic Commerce

Hoang, Quang January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the concept of permanent establishment, as defined in Article 5 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital, is applicable to electronic commerce and if so whether the current definition is able to appropriately deal with the challenges of electronic commerce. In 2003, the OECD added a new section to the Commentary on the Model Tax Convention on Article 5. The new section is a clarification on the application of the permanent establishment definition in electronic commerce. The current definition of permanent establishment in the Model Tax Convention relies on the physical presence of a foreign corporation as the threshold for source taxation. While the current definition, prima facie, might be applicable on electronic commerce, the highly mobile nature of electronic commerce might affect the current revenue distribution equilibrium between states.

Fast driftställe enligt OECD:s modellavtal i ljuset av elektronisk handel / Permanent Establishment According to the OECD Model Tax Convention in the Light of Electronic Commerce

Hoang, Quang January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the concept of permanent establishment, as defined in Article 5 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital, is applicable to electronic commerce and if so whether the current definition is able to appropriately deal with the challenges of electronic commerce.</p><p>In 2003, the OECD added a new section to the Commentary on the Model Tax Convention on Article 5. The new section is a clarification on the application of the permanent establishment definition in electronic commerce.</p><p>The current definition of permanent establishment in the Model Tax Convention relies on the physical presence of a foreign corporation as the threshold for source taxation. While the current definition, <em>prima facie</em>, might be applicable on electronic commerce, the highly mobile nature of electronic commerce might affect the current revenue distribution equilibrium between states.</p>

Trends in corporative income taxation in Latin America / Tendencias del impuesto a la renta corporativo en Latinoamérica

Villagra Cayamana, Renée Antonieta, Zuzunaga del Pino, Fernando Enrique 10 April 2018 (has links)
The main objective of this study is to expose the corporative income taxation granted by the legislations of different Latin American countries, trying to identify and analyze trends that  emerge  from  such  treatment. This paper does not intend to make a critical or comprehensive analysis of the corporative income taxation. This paper identifies the most important issues of the resident’s income taxation, deductible expenses, non-resident taxation and withholdings, and the anti-avoidance measures introduced by the domestic legislation of Latin American countries in order to avoid the base erosion. / El principal objetivo del presente trabajo es exponer el tratamiento del impuesto a la renta corporativo que otorgan las diferentes legislaciones de los países de Latinoamérica, procurando identificar y analizar las tendencias que de dicho tratamiento surgen; sin pretender hacer un análisis crítico ni exhaustivo de las mismas. Se identifican los aspectos más importantes del impuesto a la renta de los residentes, los gastos deducibles, los aspectos vinculados a la tributación de los no residentes, así como las medidas defensivas introducidas por las legislaciones domésticas que los Estados se han visto en la necesidad de implementar unilateralmente a fin de evitar laerosión de la base.

The effect of global e-commerce on taxation legislation and the permanent establishment concept in South Africa

Young, Nikita Jade January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to analyse the effect of the increasing popularity of global e-commerce on the South African legislative framework in respect of the taxation of non-resident enterprises, and to propose a possible solution for the taxation of e-commerce, taking into account previous theories. The methodology utilised comprised of a critical analysis of the legal rules relating to the taxation of a foreign entity's business profits by virtue of the application of the permanent establishment principle, its definition and evolution as a conceptual basis for taxation. Furthermore, an in depth evaluation of the various solutions that have already been proposed and, in some cases, implemented was undertaken. It was concluded that the application of the permanent establishment principle is wholly ineffective as a means to levy tax on the e-commerce business profits of a foreign entity as the principle relies too heavily upon a physical intermediary in the source state, whereas e-commerce transactions are conducted on the intangible trading platform of the Internet. In light of the numerous policy proposals advanced over the years, it was concluded that the most feasible and practical solution for the taxation of foreign e-commerce would be the imposition on a foreign entity in South Africa of a low withholding tax on the active business profits in excess of a pre-determined threshold. Key words: South African taxation; e-commerce; foreign business entity; permanent establishment; withholding tax

A tributação do ISS na sociedade da informação / The taxation of Brazilian Municipal Services Taz (ISS) in the information society.

Regina Vitoria Soares Garcia 27 May 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por finalidade estudar e identificar as perturbações sobrevindas nos critérios material e espacial da regra-matriz de incidência do Imposto sobre Serviços, decorrentes da alteração estrutural resultante da incorporação das novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TICs) nas transações do comércio eletrônico. Os recursos telemáticos não apenas despojaram as transações comerciais do contato físico entre os sujeitos envolvidos, mas relativizaram as condições de tempo e espaço, inerentes a todos os fatos jurídicos. Assim, buscamos examinar simultaneamente, de maneira análoga, a problemática da tributação do comércio eletrônico nos Estados, por meio do Direito Internacional Tributário, e a realidade vivida pelos Municípios no direito interno relativamente à tributação dos serviços afetados pelas mesmas inovações tecnológicas. Para tanto, o estudo foi pautado na definição de elementos de conexão, revelados em conceitos como estabelecimento permanente e estabelecimento prestador, para a delimitação da competência impositiva relativa aos fatos jurídicos inerentes às transações eletrônicas. O estudo se inicia na definição dos problemas jurídico-tributários inerentes ao comércio eletrônico, fixando seu conceito e analisando suas espécies e características específicas, adentrando no estudo do regime jurídico dos bens digitais, objeto das transações do comércio eletrônico direto. Ainda em estudo preliminar, abordamos aspectos relativos à Federação brasileira, definindo a realidade dos Municípios e analisando seu papel na Federação brasileira, divisando a composição de suas rendas próprias e a participação efetiva e potencial da receita tributária. Esta análise será concomitante àquela da outorga de competência impositiva no Brasil, e no direito comparado, finalizando por revisitar os temas da partição da competência dos tributos incidentes sobre o consumo e da dicotomia tipo-conceito. Por fim, após a análise destas questões preliminares, e munidos de um adequado suporte teórico, adentramos no estudo específico do Imposto sobre Serviços e da nova realidade na prestação de serviço advinda da reestruturação das empresas, da redistribuição das etapas de trabalho e da relativização da presença física nas relações comerciais, analisando as alterações nos conceitos de serviço e estabelecimento prestador na definição das competências impositivas dos Municípios. Ao final, será verificada a possibilidade da aplicação das soluções utilizadas no direito internacional e propostas pela doutrina para a concreção do conceito de estabelecimento permanente, aplicadas àquele de estabelecimento prestador no direito interno, em especial à configuração de servidores de dados e sites web como estabelecimento. Em conclusão, após a proposição de definição para os critérios material e espacial das transações no comércio eletrônico, dedicamos um breve estudo da aplicação prática dos mecanismos propostos a alguns serviços que sofreram alterações pela incorporação dos meios virtuais. / This study aims to analyze and identify disturbances that appear on the material and spatial criteria of incidence matrix-rule model of the Service Tax, arising from structural change resulting from the incorporation of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) in electronic trade transactions. The telematic resources not only deprived the business transactions of physical contact between the individuals involved, but relativized conditions of time and space inherent in all legal facts. Therefore, we sought to examine simultaneously, in a similar way, the issue of taxation of electronic commerce in the Brazilian States, through the International Tax Law, and the reality experienced by Municipalities in the law regarding the taxation of services affected by the same technological innovations. Thus, the study was guided by the definition of connecting factors, revealed in concepts such as permanent establishment and establishment rendering to delimit the jurisdiction imposing on legal facts inherent to electronic transactions. The study begins with the definition of legal and tax issues relating to electronic commerce, establishing its concept and analyzing its specific types and characteristics, studying the legal regime of digital assets, object of direct e-commerce transactions. Still in the preliminary study, we address aspects of the Brazilian Federation, defining the reality of Municipalities and analyzing their role in the Brazilian Federation, devising the composition of their own incomes and effective participation and potential tax revenue. This analysis is concomitant to that of grant of jurisdiction imposing in Brazil, and in comparative law, ending by revisiting the themes of partition within the competence of taxes on consumption and the dichotomy type-concept. Finally, after a preliminary analysis of these issues and based on an adequate theoretical support, we studied the specific Services Tax and the new reality in the provision of services arising from the restructuring of the companies, the redistribution of work steps, and the relativization of physical presence in trade relations, analyzing the changes in the concepts of service and establishment rendering in the definition of the powers of Municipalities. At the end, we will be investigating the possibility of applying the solutions used in the international law and doctrine proposals for the concretion of the concept of permanent establishmet, applied to that of establishment rendering under domestic law, in particular the configuration of data servers and websites like setting. In conclusion, after the proposal of setting criteria for material and spatial transactions in e-commerce, we dedicate a brief study of the practical application of the proposed mechanisms to some services that were modified by the incorporation of virtual media.

Daňové aspekty vysílání zahraničních zaměstnanců do České republiky / Tax aspects of assignment to the Czech Republic

Zusková, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyses both legislative and tax aspects of employment assignment structures. First part of diploma thesis summarises data concerning Czech and European labour migration. Second part of the document focuses on the definiton of legal framework of assignment in view of the Czech republic legislation, legislation of the European Union and partly in view of the legislation of non-EU member states. Wide legal framework finally leads to definiton of three basic possible employment structures. Two of them are described in diploma thesis in more detail. The final part of document analyses tax aspects of mentioned assignment structures. This part also refers to international social security and health insurance aspects as well as selected labour law implications. The last part ends with analysis of relevant judicature of The Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic and The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic.

Analýza uplatnění a přenositelnosti daňových ztrát v rámci EU / Analysis of applicability and transferability of the corporation tax losses within the EU

Fuksová, Barbara January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses the treatment of tax losses in the Czech Republic in national and cross-border situations in the context of the recommendations of the European Commission and trends in treatment of losses, based on the cases of the European Court of Justice. Lack of immediate relief for losses leads to asymmetry of taxation, which is one of the causes of limitation functioning of the EU internal market. The comparison with other EU Member States based Czech Republic as a country with below-average possibilities of obtaining relief for losses. These include the 8 Member States have not yet adopted any national system of group taxation. Ways to get immediate relief for losses in domestic situations, including remains fiscally transparent entities in the group structure. Cross-border loss relief is available only if doing business in certain countries either by means of transparent entities or permanent establishments. This method of obtaining relief for losses is contrary to the interpretation of freedom of establishment, according to which there should be no discrimination on the basis of the legal form of business.

Zdanění stálé provozovny v České republice / Taxation of Permanent Establishment in the Czech Republic

Abrahamová, Eva January 2019 (has links)
Master´s thesis deals with issue of taxation of permanent establishment which come into existence to the resident of a Contracting State on the grounds of construction site in the Czech Republic. The thesis contains an analysis of relevant articles of the double tax treaty with Slovakia and relevant legal regulations of the Czech republic, on the basis of which is proposed the methodology for determining the tax base of the permanent establishment in the Czech Republic.

Mezinárodní zdanění příjmů z poskytování služeb v jiném členském státě EU / International Taxation of Income from Providing Services in Another EU Member State

Vilímková, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the taxation of Czech tax residents with income from another EU member state – namely from providing services in the Federal Republic of Germany. The thesis includes description of relevant legislation, recommended steps in order to start sole trader business in the FRG and calculation of the individual´s tax in both countries.

Zdaňování pasivních příjmů ve vazbě na stálou provozovnu / Taxation of Passive Incomes in Relation to Permanent Establishment

Bělušová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describe the international taxation of passive incomes in relation to the permanent establishment. The aim of the thesis is to create a guidebook for the attribution of passive incomes to the permanent establishment. Selected judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union are analysed too. At the end of this thesis are listed model examples for calculation of their tax liability.

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