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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Коришћење репичиног уља у исхрани шарана и лињака као фактора промене квалитета меса / Korišćenje repičinog ulja u ishrani šarana i linjaka kao faktora promene kvaliteta mesa / The use of rapeseed oil in the diet of carp and tench as a factor thataffecting meat quality

Ljubojević Dragana 10 January 2014 (has links)
<p>Месо шарана, најзаступљеније врсте рибе на рибњацима у<br />Републици Србији, али и других ципринидних врста, представља<br />значајан нутритивни извор n-3 високо незасићених масних киселина,<br />које имају важну улогу на здравље људи. У раду су испитани<br />фактори који делују на хемијски и маснокиселински састав меса<br />шарана и других ципринидних врста које се гаје на подручју Србије.<br />Установљено је да је садржај масти и маснокисeлински састав риба<br />су под утицајем врсте рибе, чак и када припадају истој фамилији,<br />различитих фактора животне средине, начина гајења, а посебно<br />начина исхране. Утврђен је значај добре технологије производње на<br />рибњаку за одговарајућу структуру планктонских и бентосних<br />организама, што игра велику улогу у добијању меса шарана, али и<br />других ципринидних врста, које се могу гајити у поликултури са<br />њим, доброг хемијског и маснокиселинског састава. Указано је на<br />значај који формулисане смеше имају у исхрани риба на њихово<br />здравствено стање, производне параметре и квалитет меса. Извршено<br />је испитивање замене компоненти анималног порекла са<br />алтернативним компонентама биљног порекла и добијени су<br />задовољавајући резултати у погледу производних перформанси и<br />умерених промена квалитета меса, када је у питању маснокиселински<br />ДВМ Драгана Љубојевић<br />Коришћење репичиног уља у исхрани шарана и лињака као фактора променa квалитета меса<br />iii<br />састав. Анализом седимента, воде у рибњацима, као и меса риба из<br />рибњака и отворених вода установљен је степен загађености животне<br />средине. Представљен је нови производ од меса шарана и других<br />ципринидних риба. По први пут је успостављена ћелијска култура<br />масног ткива шарана, која омогућава анализирање молекуларних и<br />биохемијских механизама који се не могу изучавати на живим<br />рибама, који настају као последица промена у исхрани.</p> / <p>Meso šarana, najzastupljenije vrste ribe na ribnjacima u<br />Republici Srbiji, ali i drugih ciprinidnih vrsta, predstavlja<br />značajan nutritivni izvor n-3 visoko nezasićenih masnih kiselina,<br />koje imaju važnu ulogu na zdravlje ljudi. U radu su ispitani<br />faktori koji deluju na hemijski i masnokiselinski sastav mesa<br />šarana i drugih ciprinidnih vrsta koje se gaje na području Srbije.<br />Ustanovljeno je da je sadržaj masti i masnokiselinski sastav riba<br />su pod uticajem vrste ribe, čak i kada pripadaju istoj familiji,<br />različitih faktora životne sredine, načina gajenja, a posebno<br />načina ishrane. Utvrđen je značaj dobre tehnologije proizvodnje na<br />ribnjaku za odgovarajuću strukturu planktonskih i bentosnih<br />organizama, što igra veliku ulogu u dobijanju mesa šarana, ali i<br />drugih ciprinidnih vrsta, koje se mogu gajiti u polikulturi sa<br />njim, dobrog hemijskog i masnokiselinskog sastava. Ukazano je na<br />značaj koji formulisane smeše imaju u ishrani riba na njihovo<br />zdravstveno stanje, proizvodne parametre i kvalitet mesa. Izvršeno<br />je ispitivanje zamene komponenti animalnog porekla sa<br />alternativnim komponentama biljnog porekla i dobijeni su<br />zadovoljavajući rezultati u pogledu proizvodnih performansi i<br />umerenih promena kvaliteta mesa, kada je u pitanju masnokiselinski<br />DVM Dragana LJubojević<br />Korišćenje repičinog ulja u ishrani šarana i linjaka kao faktora promena kvaliteta mesa<br />iii<br />sastav. Analizom sedimenta, vode u ribnjacima, kao i mesa riba iz<br />ribnjaka i otvorenih voda ustanovljen je stepen zagađenosti životne<br />sredine. Predstavljen je novi proizvod od mesa šarana i drugih<br />ciprinidnih riba. Po prvi put je uspostavljena ćelijska kultura<br />masnog tkiva šarana, koja omogućava analiziranje molekularnih i<br />biohemijskih mehanizama koji se ne mogu izučavati na živim<br />ribama, koji nastaju kao posledica promena u ishrani.</p> / <p>Meat of common carp, the most common fish species which is farmed in<br />the Republic of Serbia and meat of other cyprinid species, represent an<br />important nutritional source of n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids, which<br />play an important role in human health. This paper examined the factors<br />that affect the chemical and fatty acid composition of carp and other<br />cyprinid species that are grown in Serbia. It was found that the fat content<br />and fatty acid composition of fish are influenced by fish species, even<br />when they belong to the same family, and also by different environmental<br />factors of cultivation, especially by diet. It was established the importance<br />of proper rearing technology in the pond for the appropriate structure of<br />planktonic and benthic organisms, which play a significant role in getting<br />carp meat, and meat of other cyprinid species that can be grown in<br />polyculture with carp of desirable chemical and fatty acid composition. It<br />was pointed out on the significance of formulated feed mixtures in fish<br />nutrition on fish health, production parameters and meat quality. An<br />investigation was done on replacing components of animal origin with<br />alternative components of plant origin and satisfactory results were<br />obtained in terms of production performance and moderate changes in the<br />quality of meat, regarding to fatty acid composition. The degree of<br />environmental pollution was established by analysis of sediment and<br />water in the ponds, and the flesh of fish from ponds and open water. The<br />new food product made from fish meat was presented. For the first time, it<br />was established cell cultures carp preadipocytes, which allows analysis of<br />the molecular and biochemical mechanisms that arise as a result of<br />ДВМ Драгана Љубојевић<br />&nbsp;</p>

Sources of dioxins and other POPs to the marine environment : Identification and apportionment using pattern analysis and receptor modeling

Sundqvist, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
In the studies underlying this thesis, various source tracing techniques were applied to environmental samples from the Baltic region. Comprehensive sampling and analysis of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in surface sediments in Swedish coastal and offshore areas resulted in a unique data set for this region. Nearly 150 samples of surface sediments were analyzed for all tetra- to octa-chlorinated PCDD/Fs. The levels showed large spatial variability with hotspots in several coastal regions. Neither Sweden nor the EU has introduced guideline values for PCDD/Fs in sediment, but comparisons to available guidelines and quality standards from other countries indicate that large areas of primarily coastal sediments may constitute a risk to marine organisms. Multivariate pattern analysis techniques and receptor models, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF), were used to trace sources. These analyses suggested that three to six source types can explain most of the observed pattern variations found in the sediment samples. Atmospheric deposition was suggested as the most important source to offshore areas, thus confirming earlier estimates. However, spatial differences indicated a larger fraction of local/regional atmospheric sources, characterized by PCDFs, in the south. This was indicated by the identification of several patterns of atmospheric origin. In coastal areas, the influence of direct emission sources was larger, and among these, chlorophenol used for wood preservation and emissions from pulp/paper production and other wood related industry appeared to be most important. The historic emissions connected to processes involving chemical reactions with chlorine (e.g. pulp bleaching) were found to be of less importance except at some coastal sites. The analysis of PCDD/Fs in Baltic herring also revealed spatial variations in the levels and pollution patterns along the coast. The geographical match against areas with elevated sediment levels indicated that transfer from sediments via water to organisms was one possible explanation. Fugacity, a concept used to predict the net transport direction between environmental matrices, was used to explore the gas exchange of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) between air and water. These estimates suggested that, in the Kattegat Sea, the gaseous exchange of HCHs primarily resulted in net deposition while PCBs were net volatilized under certain environmental conditions. The study also indicated that, while the air concentrations of both PCBs and γ-HCH are mostly dependent upon the origin of the air mass, the fluctuations in α-HCH were primarily influenced by seasonal changes.

Μοντελοποίηση ανοιχτής αρχιτεκτονικής για επικοινωνία ιατρικών απεικονιστικών εξετάσεων με βάση το πρωτόκολλο WADO του DICOM

Κουτελάκης, Γεώργιος 25 January 2010 (has links)
Η διατριβή εισάγει μια νέα ανοιχτή αρχιτεκτονική για επικοινωνία ιατρικών απεικονιστικών εξετάσεων, η οποία παρουσιάζεται μέσω ενός νέου PACS-ιστού που εστιάζει στην τηλεακτινολογία. Η προτεινόμενη αρχιτεκτονική είναι βασισμένη στις αρχές της επέκτασης ιστού του DICOM που είναι η υπηρεσία/πρωτόκολλο WADO (Πρόσβαση μέσω Ιστού σε Επίμονα Στοιχεία Εξέτασης DICOM). Η αρχιτεκτονική ενσωματώνει υπηρεσίες DICOM και κοινές υπηρεσίες Διαδικτύου (βασισμένες στον ιστό, στο FTP, και στο ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο). Η διατριβή επίσης επεκτείνει την δυνατότητα πρόσβασης της WADO σε ολόκληρη την ιεραρχία DICOM (Ασθενής, Διαγνωστική Εξέταση, Σειρά Εξέτασης και Στοιχείο Εξέτασης). Η επέκταση της WADO καλείται WADA (Πρόσβαση μέσω Ιστού σε Συστήματα Αρχειοθέτησης DICOM). Σε αντιδιαστολή με τη WADO, η WADA περιλαμβάνει ένα πρόσθετο εσωτερικό μηχανισμό αναζήτησης και υποστηρίζει την υποβολή ιατρικής διάγνωσης. Το σύνολο των προτεινόμενων υπηρεσιών υποστηρίζει την εκτεταμένη πρόσβαση και είναι ενσωματωμένο σε μια δομή τριών επιπέδων (πελάτη, εξυπηρετητή και δεδομένων) που εξασφαλίζει ευελιξία πρόσβασης, κινητικότητα χρηστών και ενισχυμένη ασφάλεια δεδομένων. Η πλευρά των εξυπηρετητών της αρχιτεκτονικής παρέχει διεπαφές των υπηρεσιών μέσω ιστού και διασφαλισμένο χώρο προσωρινής αποθήκευσης που καλείται Περιοχές Χρηστών. Η παρούσα διατριβή μελετά επίσης υποδομή υπολογιστικού πλέγματος για την αρχιτεκτονική του PACS-ιστού και ένα συνεργατικό σχήμα μεταξύ PACS και RIS για ολοκληρωμένη διαχείριση απεικονιστικών εξετάσεων μέσω ιστού. Η προτεινόμενη αρχιτεκτονική υλοποιήθηκε πιλοτικά κυρίως με τεχνολογίες βασισμένες σε Java και προϊόντα συμβατά με πρότυπα. Η υλοποιημένη αρχιτεκτονική αξιολογήθηκε από μηχανικούς σε συνεργασία με ιατρούς. / The dissertation introduces a new open architecture for medical imaging communication illustrating a novel web Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), which focuses on teleradiology. The proposed architecture is based on the concept of the web extension of Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) that is the Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects (WADO) protocol/service. The architecture integrates DICOM services and common Internet services (based on web, FTP, and e-mail). The dissertation also extends WADO access capability to the whole DICOM hierarchy (Patient, Study, Series and Object). The extended WADO is called Web Access to DICOM Archives (WADA). WADA, as opposed to WADO, includes an extra internal query mechanism and support of medical reports submission. The whole of the proposed services support the extended access and are integrated into a three-tier structure (client, server and data tiers) which ensures flexibility in access, user mobility and enhanced data security. The server site of the architecture provides service interfaces through web and invulnerable space for temporary storage, called as User Domains. This dissertation also studies a computing grid infrastructure for the web PACS architecture and a cooperative scheme between PACS and Radiology Information System (RIS) for integrated administration of imaging examinations through web. The proposed architecture is pilot implemented using mainly Java-based technologies and standard-compliant products. Τhe implemented architecture is evaluated by engineers in collaboration with doctors.

Persistence in discrete Morse theory / Persistenz in der diskreten Morse-Theorie

Bauer, Ulrich 12 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Le droit à un environnement de qualité au Québec : une réponse aux problèmes de pollution diffuse?

Gourde, Karine 02 1900 (has links)
Les Québécois sont de plus en plus conscients de l’environnement qui les entoure et de l’importance d’en assurer la qualité et la pérennité. Certains phénomènes, tels les changements climatiques, l’accumulation de polluants organiques persistants et l’amincissement de la couche d’ozone, que nous qualifierons de phénomènes environnementaux diffus, sont engendrés par de multiples émetteurs de polluants et ont des effets globaux qui ne peuvent être liés à un événement précis et dont les impacts sont difficiles à identifier et à quantifier pour le moment. En l’absence de preuve quant aux effets qu’auront ces phénomènes diffus sur les citoyens et les difficultés liées à la preuve scientifique du lien causal entre ce dommage et un émetteur de polluant donné, les recours classiques en responsabilité civile et pour troubles de voisinage, prévus aux articles 1457 et 976 C.c.Q., apparaissent inopérants. Nous nous interrogeons donc sur l’existence d’un droit à l’environnement qui conférerait aux citoyens le droit de vivre dans un environnement sain et leur permettrait ainsi de réclamer que cesse toute atteinte environnementale engendrée par ces phénomènes, même si elle n’a pas d’effet directement sur eux. Considérant l’importance de l’efficacité des recours qui pourraient permettre une mise en œuvre de ce droit, nous procéderons à l’analyse de trois sources potentielles d’un droit à l’environnement sous cet angle. À cet effet, nous étudierons les recours constitutionnels et quasi-constitutionnels liés à la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, à la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne et au recours institutionnel prévu dans la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement. Considérant l’absence de reconnaissance suffisante d’un droit à l’environnement et de recours efficaces pour en assurer la mise en œuvre, nous proposerons ensuite des pistes de solution afin que puisse être développé un mécanisme permettant une réponse judiciaire aux phénomènes environnementaux diffus. / The quality of the environment has become a growing concern in the recent years for Quebec citizens. Phenomena such as climate change, persistent organic pollutants and the depletion of the ozone layer are caused by several sources, the effects of which cannot be distinguished one from the other and/or linked to a specific event. Furthermore, these phenomena have yet to create damage to Quebec residents in order to create the necessary standing for the introduction of legal proceedings. Also, the scientific uncertainty related to the source of potential damage and to the proof of said damage makes it impossible to legally attack the emitters of the pollutant contributing to this type of environmental phenomena under 1457 C.C.Q. or 976 C.C.Q. We have identified the 3 potential sources of a right to a clean environment which could entitle Quebec citizens to go before the courts in environmental matters, even in the absence of specific damages to their person or property. We have analysed the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms and the Environmental Quality Act and looked at the potential right to a clean environment possibly contained therein and the legal actions that could be taken to ensure their respect. Considering the weakness of what our legal system had to propose, we have developed solutions that could be put forward in order to allow the war against climate change and other environmental phenomena of the same nature to become legally actionable.

解析青少年犯罪率高峰之現象:「低自我控制」「與成熟代溝」之再議 / Analysis of the Concepts of Low Self-Control and Maturity Gap in the Pick Delinquency Phenomenon of Adolescents at Taiwan

曾幼涵, Tzeng, Yo-Han Unknown Date (has links)
國內外的犯罪統計都發現青少年犯罪率高峰之現象。本研究擷取一般犯罪理論(A general theory of crime; Gottfredson & Hirschi, 1990)與成熟代溝理論(Maturity gap theory; Moffitt, 1993)的觀點來探討青少年犯罪率高峰現象之成因。一般犯罪理論採犯罪成因一元解釋觀點,認為犯罪人皆來自社會化不良所產生之低自我控制(low self-control)特質,低自我控制者具有貪圖眼前享樂,不顧未來後果的特性;一旦遇到適當的犯罪時機就會產生犯罪行為,而青春期正是犯罪能力與動機較強之時期,故青少年犯罪率特高。Moffitt將青少年犯罪分成青少年暫時型反社會行為(Adolescence-limited antisocial behavior)與終生型反社會行為(Life-course-persistent antisocial behavior)兩種,前者源於成熟代溝(maturity gap),指青少年在青春期生理成熟時產生之成人角色需求,受到法律或親長之限制而引發叛逆犯罪;後者則源於較先天性的神經心理因素。本研究即以「低自我控制」與「成熟問題」兩觀點來探索青少年犯罪率高峰現象的成因。本研究抽取國、高中學生共602人以及矯正機構學生共222人,比較國一到高三共六個年級的偏差行為分數,發現國二到國三是偏差行為的遽增期。階層回歸分析發現「低自我控制」先於社會化而存在,對偏差行為有很強的預測力;但是「成熟問題」的預測力與「低自我控制」相當。將受試者分成小時候即有偏差行為且持續到國中以後的「早發型」,以及直到國中以後才開始有偏差行為的「晚發型」,發現「早發型」無論在「低自我控制」或「成熟問題」,都較「晚發型」來得高分(即自我控制力較低,成熟困擾較高);訪談二位「早發型」及二位「晚發型」的矯正機構學生,發現「早發型」之自我控制力較低,但成熟困擾與「晚發型」相當。由於青春期發展困擾普遍存在於偏差青少年,使小學階段即有偏差行為的「早發型」產生更多違犯行為,使原先沒有偏差行為的「晚發型」開始從事違犯行為,乃因而產生青少年犯罪率高峰之現象。本研究額外的發現是,親長若對於青少年之官能性成熟需求加以限制,可抑制偏差行為之發生。另外,可預期「早發型」有持續犯罪的可能性,因為除了「低自我控制」的不良特質外,該特質會與惡質環境交互作用而產生進一步的累積結果(cumulative consequences)。 / With regard to the pick-delinquency phenomenon of adolescents, there are two major theories. A General Theory of Crime (Gottfredson & Hirschi, 1990) attribute the phenomenon to the crime committing opportunity caused by the strengthened motivation and action capacity of low self-control individuals who step into adolescence period. The Maturity-Gap Theory (Moffitt, 1993) emphasizes that the discrepancy between the newly developed needs and the limitation toward the fulfillment of these needs from social agents caused the jump of juvenile delinquency. 606 Students of general schools and 222 custodial adolescents of correction schools were asked to answer a questionnaire of which the variables related to the two theories were constructed. Using deviant behaviors as criterion variables and the measured variables as predicting variables, the regression analyses by sets of variables yield the following results:(1) instant fun seeking, impulsiveness, deviant peer association and sensual needs resulted from maturation are highly significant variables to predict deviant behaviors. Whereas, the inhibition of sensual maturation needs from adults are countering variables to prevent adolescents from doing deviant behavior. In sum, maturity is highly related to juvenile delinquency but not the way explained by the maturity-gap theory at least at Taiwan. Comparing the delinquents of " early onset (of crime)" and "late onset" with "never onset" adolescents, the deviant profiles of the former two groups are similar to each other, but with the "early onset" having higher scores on the measured undesirable variables which may result from cumulative effect of circulating interaction between the adolescent's low self-control characteristics and vicious environment. The same conclusion can be derived from the qualitative data from interviewing four delinquents of correction school.

以知&#63996;為本的協同文件管&#63972;之研究—以政府電子檔案管&#63972;為&#63925; / Research and Development on Architecture for Knowledge-based Collaborative Record Management-—on Example of National Records and Archives

賴盈汝, Lai, Ying-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
電子化作業為我政府作業營運揭開新的序幕,身為政府知識基礎之檔案管理,其多項電子化作業亦已步上軌道。而隨著典藏量不斷擴充與資訊技術快速的更迭,檔案的長期可讀取性成為電子檔案管理的瓶頸。因此,現代化電子檔案管理主要願景,即為善用資訊技術,建立穩定且具可擴充性之基礎架構,發展合乎時代需求之運作模式(Business Model),以促進檔案長久保存,增進檔案處理效能,確保知識永續利用。 由國內外經驗發現,資訊平台間流程與資訊元件間之互通性即為架構互通性之關鍵點。因此本研究採用Zachman Framework為框架,分析資訊元件、流程與地點等檔案協同作業系統之關聯元件,以符合上述需求;於流程部分,本研究綜合美國與澳洲等電子檔案管理工作發展與知識管理之現行模型,提出「以知識為本之電子檔案管理作業流程螺旋」,以提升典藏文件之知識辨識、擷取與利用效率。 於架構部分,本研究則基於美國NARA提出之重要儲存技術架構-「以知識為本之網格(Knowledge-based GRIDs)(簡稱知識網格)」,綜合參考聯合國UN/CEFACT提出之「ebXML協同作業框架」,據以建立「以知識為本的協同文件管理技術框架與作業模型:KPC框架」,以期於分散式文件管理的基礎上,實現檔案管理系統間之作業互通性。後續並針對我政府電子檔案管理作業進行框架分析,以為系統建構之參考建議。 / Based on its e-Government project, ROC government is stepping in a new stage of routine services. Record management that serves as the basis of government knowledge management, are transferring into digital manner to enhance the efficiency and the convenience of the related services. Regarding the explosive increase of record volume and emerging of information technology, the Long-Term Accessibility of preserved material become a crucial issue on e-record management. Aiming at keeping and managing files through long period, as well as to facilitating record with knowledge inside, a stable, scalable infrastructure and the underlying business model for manipulating information becomes the very important task for knowledge management within e-government field. It is found interoperability between processes and between information is the key point of such interoperable information architecture. Therefore, this research applies Zachman Framework as an approach to investigate the required information, processes, and locations and further the IT architect for such a system as described above. Integrating existing models on Knowledge Management and related Record Management works done in USA (so-called Knowledge-based Grids by NARA) and Australia, this research carries out the "Knowledge-based Record Management Spiral" to enhance the recognition, acquirement, and utilization of archive knowledge. Based on the aforementioned architect, this thesis combines the experiences from "Knowledge-based GRIDs" of SDSC and "ebXML Collaboration Framework" by UN/CEFACT, and then coins a blueprint for the "Knowledge-based Preservation and Collaboration Framework"(KPC Framework), The KPC Framework can be applied by archivists or archival designers to model the collaboration activities in digital archive domain. Last but not the least, this framework is employed to build a trial model for Taiwan’s governmental e-record management and a validation on the feasibility of this model is also done by means of informal test.

Coping with evolution in information systems: a database perspective

Lawrence, Gregory 25 August 2009 (has links)
Business organisations today are faced with the complex problem of dealing with evolution in their software information systems. This effectively concerns the accommodation and facilitation of change, in terms of both changing user requirements and changing technological requirements. An approach that uses the software development life-cycle as a vehicle to study the problem of evolution is adopted. This involves the stages of requirements analysis, system specification, design, implementation, and finally operation and maintenance. The problem of evolution is one requiring proactive as well as reactive solutions for any given application domain. Measuring evolvability in conceptual models and the specification of changing requirements are considered. However, even "best designs" are limited in dealing with unanticipated evolution, and require implementation phase paradigms that can facilitate an evolution correctly (semantic integrity), efficiently (minimal disruption of services) and consistently (all affected parts are consistent following the change). These are also discussed / Computing / M. Sc. (Information Systems)

Ultrastructural and Molecular Analyses of the Unique Features of Cell Division in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Mycobacterium Smegmatis

Vijay, Srinivasan January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The Mycobacterium genus contains major human pathogens, like Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae, which are the causative agents of Tuberculosis and Leprosy, respectively. They have evolved as successful human pathogens by adapting to the adverse conditions prevailing inside the host, which include host immune activation, nutrient depletion, hypoxia, and so on. During such adaptation for the survival and establishment of persistent infection inside the host, the pathogen, like M. tuberculosis, regulates its cell division. It is known that M. tuberculosis enters a state of non-replicating persistence (NRP) inside the host, to establish latent infection, which helps the survival of the pathogen under adverse host conditions such as hypoxia and nutrient depletion. The pathogen can reactivate itself, to come out of the NRP state, and establish active infection at a later stage, when conditions are suitable for its proliferation. The altered physiological state of the latent bacterium makes it tolerant to drugs, which are only effective against proliferating tubercle bacilli. In view of this unique behavioural physiology of tubercle bacilli, it is important to study the process of cell division and how it is regulated in the NRP and actively growing states. The work reported in the thesis is an attempt to understand these aspects of mycobacterial cell division. iii Chapter 1. Introduction: This chapter gives a detailed introduction to bacterial cell division and its regulation in various organisms, like Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Caulobacter crescentus, and others. In the background of this information, the major studies on mycobacterial cell division and its regulation are presented. Chapter 2. Materials and Methods: This chapter describes in detail all the materials and methods used in the experiments, which are presented in the four data chapters, 3-6. Chapter 3. Ultrastructural Study of the Formation of Septal Partition and Constriction in Mycobacteria and Delineation of its Unique Features: Mycobacteria have triple-layered complex cell wall, playing an important role in its survival under adverse conditions in the host. It is not known how these layers in the mother cell participate during cell division. Therefore, the ultrastructural changes in the different envelope layers of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium smegmatis, and Mycobacterium xenopi, during the process of septation and septal constriction, were studied, using Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The unique aspects of mycobacterial septation and constriction were identified and were compared with those of E. coli and Bacillus subtilis septation. Further, based on all these observations, models were proposed for septation in M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis. Chapter 4. Identification of Asymmetric Septation and Division in Mycobacteria and Its Role in Generating Cell Size Heterogeneity: Bacterial populations are known to harbour phenotypic heterogeneity that helps survival under stress conditions, as this heterogeneity comprises subpopulations that have differential susceptibility to stress conditions. The iv heterogeneity has been known to lead to the requirement for prolonged drug treatment for the elimination of the tolerant subpopulation. Hence, it is important to study the different mechanisms, which operate to generate population heterogeneity. Therefore, in this chapter, studies were carried out to find out whether asymmetric septation and division occur in mycobacteria to generate cell size heterogeneity. Subpopulations of mycobacterial mid-log phase cells of M. tuberculosis, M. smegmatis, and M. xenopi were found to undergo asymmetric division to generate cell size heterogeneity. The asymmetric division and the ultrastructure and growth features of the products of the division were studied. Chapter 5. Study of Mycobacterial Cell Division Using Growth-Synchronised Cells: In this chapter, different stages of cell septation and constriction were studied using growth-synchronised M. smegmatis cells. Phenethyl alcohol (PEA), which has been found to reversibly arrest mycobacterial cells, was used for growth synchronisation. The growth-synchronised mycobacterial cells, which were released from PEA block, were studied at different stages of septation and septal constriction, at the ultrastructural and molecular levels. Chapter 6. Identification of the Stage of Cell Division Arrest in NRP Mycobacteria: The exact stage at which the NRP tubercle bacilli are arrested in cell division is currently unknown. In Wayne’s in vitro model for hypoxia-responsive tubercle bacilli, gradual depletion of oxygen leads to hypoxic stress, inducing the bacilli to enter non-replicating persistence (NRP) state. Using this model, the stage of cell division arrest in M. tuberculosis was characterised at the ultrastructural and molecular levels. Hypoxia-stressed M. smegmatis was used as an experimental system for contrast. The thesis concludes with salient findings, a bibliography, and the list of publications.

Pathobiologie de la hernie diaphragmatique congénitale expérimentale induite par l'exposition au nitrofène chez le rat / Pathobiology of experimental congenital diaphragmatic hernia induced by nitrofen in rat

Makanga, Martine 29 April 2015 (has links)
Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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