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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Vocabulary Knowledge on Nonword Judgments in Spanish-English Bilinguals

Leyden, Marisa E. 27 June 2018 (has links)
This thesis suggests that the range of vocabulary in an individual’s lexicon has an influence on in their assessment of nonword wordlikeness. The study included thirteen Spanish-English bilinguals who participated in a language dominance questionnaire, standardized assessments of Spanish and English vocabulary knowledge, and Spanish and English wordlikeness judgment tasks. Resulting data demonstrated moderate correlations between vocabulary knowledge and performance on nonword wordlikeness judgement tasks in Spanish and English. Participants with larger lexicons appeared more tolerant of less probable nonwords, those with low phonotactic probability, while those with smaller lexicons were less accepting of nonwords with low phonotactic probability. The results suggest that an individual’s processing of low probability phonological constituents is influenced by the diversity and complexity of their linguistic knowledge and specifically, their vocabulary acquisition.

Spanish-Specific Patterns and Nonword Repetition Performance in English Language Learners

Brea-Spahn, María R 01 January 2009 (has links)
Nonword repetition tasks were originally devised to assess the efficiency of the phonological loop (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974), a component of the working memory system, where verbal information is temporarily stored and translated to support activities like phonological processing during early word-recognition (Snowling, 1981; Wagner et al., 2003), speech production (McCarthy & Warrington, 1984), and articulation (Watkins, Dronkers, & Vargha-Khadem, 2002; Yoss & Darley, 1974). From a practical perspective, there is a significant need for a systematically-designed Spanish nonword repetition measure that is equivalent to currently-available English measures. For this study, a database of nonwords that considered phonotactic and phonological properties of Spanish was devised. In a preliminary study, Spanish-speaking adults provided wordlikeness judgments about a large set of candidate nonwords. A subset of the rated nonwords was used in the development of a Spanish nonword repetition measure. The aim of the main experiment was to explore the contributions of participant factors (age, gender, and vocabulary knowledge) and item factors (word length, stress pattern, and wordlikeness) to Spanish repetition performance in this group of Spanish speaking, English language learning children. From a theoretical perspective, this investigation allowed a first observation of how experience with listening to and producing Spanish words influences the acquisition of Spanish-specific phonological patterns. A total of 68 children, ages four to six years with varying degrees of Spanish language knowledge participated in this study. Results revealed significant age and word length effects. However, stress pattern did not exert significant effects on repetition performance, which is not completely consistent with previous literature. That is, participants repeated nonwords from both the more frequent and the less frequent stress pattern with similar accuracy. Wordlikeness, a previously uninvestigated variable in nonword repetition was found to affect repetition accuracy. For all participants, nonwords rated as high in wordlikeness were more accurately repeated than were nonwords with low wordlikeness ratings. Findings of the study are discussed in terms of how they relate to working memory and usage-based models of phonological learning. Finally, the clinical relevance of nonword repetition in the assessment of coarse- and fine-grained mappings of phonological knowledge is suggested.

Do Word-Level Characteristics Predict Spontaneous Finiteness Marking in Specific Language Impairment?

Wilson, Patrick S 17 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The correct use of morphological suffixes in obligatory contexts reflects linguistic knowledge and competence of speakers. Grammatical knowledge is acquired during a child’s period of primary language acquisition, and may be partial or incomplete due to normal linguistic variation found during acquisition, due to a child’s level of progression through typical chronological development, or due to the presence of language disorders, like specific language impairment (SLI). In the current study, we ask whether characteristics of verbs make it more or less likely that children will correctly use an inflectional morpheme. The morphemes of interest in the current study were third person singular –s (3S) and past tense –ed (ED). Data for analysis were taken from a database of spontaneous language samples collected from 40 children (20 with SLI and 20 developing typically; Hoover, Storkel, & Rice, 2012). Spontaneous language samples were analyzed for the presence or absence of each morpheme in obligatory contexts. For each word item, the uninflected base word was additionally analyzed for a number of phonological and lexical variables. After comparing children with SLI to typically developing peers group differences emerged with respect to the effect of phonological and lexical variables. Moreover, different variables were determined to predict the 3S and ED morphemes. The results are discussed highlighting relevant theoretical and clinical implications.

En studie av ordinlärning med elever i årskurs 3 : Påverkan av fonotaktisk sannolikhet och grannskapstäthet på ordinlärning samt koppling till fonologisk medvetenhet / A Study on Word Learning with Pupils in Primary School Third Grade : Effects of Phonotactic Probability and Neighborhood Density on Word Learning and Connection to Phonological Awareness

Hillerström, Elisabet, Stensson, Erika January 2019 (has links)
Examensarbetet bygger på tidigare forskning som visat att två egenskaper hos ord, hög/låg fonotaktisk sannolikhet och hög/låg grannskapstäthet, kan påverka ordinlärning hos vuxna och barn. I examens­arbetet upprepas ett ordexperiment som tidigare genomförts i USA och Neder­länderna. Syftet var att, genom en experimentell design, undersöka påverkan av fonotaktisk sannolikhet och grannskapstäthet på ordinlärningen hos 21 elever i åk 3 med typisk språk­ut­veckling. Sambandet mellan elevernas ordinlärning och vokabulär, fonologisk medvetenhet och/eller verbalt arbetsminne undersöktes också. Varje elev genomförde ett ordexperiment i en sagokontext med inlärning av 16 nonord som representerar svenska substantiv. De verbalt och visuellt förmedlade orden har skapats utifrån den svenska fonotaxen. Eleven mötte orden upprepade gånger och skulle genom sagans olika episoder lära in och reproducera dessa. Denna studies resultat är i linje med tidigare resultat från USA och Nederländerna. Eleverna genom­förde också ett test av ordförrådets bredd, PPVT-IV, fonologisk medvetenhet och verbalt arbets­minne, NEPSY-II.  Statistisk analys (ANOVA) visade att repetition förbättrade inlärning­en. En korrelationsanalys visade ett starkt positivt samband mellan antalet inlärda ord och fonologisk medvetenhet. Då det fanns en effekt av hög/låg fonotaktisk sannolikhet i interaktion med hög/ låg grannskapstäthet hos elever med typisk språkutveckling, kan det i vidare forskning vara av intresse att undersöka om denna effekt även gäller för elever med språkstörning och/eller dyslexi. / This student thesis is based on former research which claims that certain characteristics of words, high/low phonotactic probability and high/low neighbourhood density, may affect word learning in adults and children. In this thesis a word experiment, formerly used in the USA and the Netherlands, was replicated. The aim was through experimental design, examine the impact of phonotactic probability and neighbourhood density on word learning in 21 pupils in grade 3 with typical language development. Correlations between pupils’ word learning and vocabulary, phonological awareness and/or verbal short-term memory were also examined. Each pupil performed a word experiment through a story context where 16 pseudo words representing Swedish nouns were learned. The verbally and visually presented words have been created using Swedish phonotactics. The student encountered the words repeatedly and was tasked to during the different episodes learn and produce the words. The result of this study is in line with former studies in the USA and the Netherlands. The pupils also performed tests of vocabulary, PPVT-IV, phonological awareness and verbal short-term memory, NEPSY-II. Statistical analyses (ANOVA) suggested that repeated training improves learning. Correlation analysis indicated a strong positive correlation between number of words learned and phonological awareness. Since there was an effect of high/low phonotactic probability combined with high/low neighbourhood density in pupils with typical language development, future research may examine this effect in pupils with developmental language disorder and/or dyslexia.

Mekanismer som påverkar vid ordinlärning - en komplex process : En experimentell studie i årskurs 1 kring påverkansfaktorerna fonotaktisk sannolikhet och grannordstäthet / Mechanisms that Affect Word Learning - a Complex Process : An Experimental Study of the Effect of Phonotactic Probability and Neighbourhood Density in Year 1

Svernlöv, Carina, Thurfjell, Karin January 2020 (has links)
Ordförrådet är en central del i språkförståelsen. Forskning visar att svårigheter inom detta område kan leda till sämre förutsättningar att utvecklas kunskapsmässigt i skolan. Därför är det betydelsefullt att speciallärarens arbete är evidensbaserat för att främja och utveckla ordförrådet hos eleverna. Ordinlärning är ett komplext område med många ingående delar. Två variabler som har undersökts i internationell forskning för att få kunskap om ordinlärningsprocessen är fonotaktisk sannolikhet och grannordstäthet. Att brister i fonologisk medvetenhet försvårar ordinlärning har också uppmärksammats. I vårt arbete utfördes ett ordinlärningsexperiment och tre språkliga/kognitiva tester med 16 elever i årskurs 1 med typisk utveckling. I experimentet varierades ords fonotaktiska sannolikhet och grannordstäthet i syfte att undersöka vilken roll dessa variabler hade vid ordinlärning. Eleverna fick lyssna på två olika berättelser där 16 non-ord presenterades. Målet var att försöka lära sig dessa ord. Vi undersökte också, genom ett test i fonologisk medvetenhet, hur sambandet såg ut mellan ordinlärning och fonologisk medvetenhet. I studien uppnås inte ett signifikant resultat för variablernas påverkan vid ordinlärning. Däremot kan en ordinlärningsprogression säkerställas allteftersom exponeringarna för non-orden ökar. Korrelation mellan ordinlärning och fonologisk medvetenhet påvisas inte. Studiens resultat beror på att golveffekter uppnås i samband med experimentet. Eleverna lär sig få ord, vilket beror på att testet är för svårt. Framtida forskning bör vid liknande experiment med aktuell åldersgrupp beakta och överväga ett större urval, öka antalet exponeringar av målorden i testsituationen samt ändra rättningsförfarandet

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