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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Schooling, Physical Education and the primary-secondary transition

Hodgkin, Kieran January 2014 (has links)
Preliminary evidence indicates that although there have been attempts to ensure continuity across the primary-secondary transition (Tobell, 2003), discontinuities remain and that there is a „hiatus in progression‟ (Galton et al., 2000). For pupils the transition to secondary school is a time of change leaving their small familiar primary school and entering a large unfamiliar secondary school. This thesis presents pupils‟ expectations and experiences of the primary-secondary transition, across the curriculum and specifically with regards to Physical Education (PE). The primary-secondary transition with regards to PE is marked by significant changes in resource provision, and a mode of delivery from (mainly) non-specialist teachers to subject specialists (Capel and Piotrowski, 2000). As an exploratory case study, an ethnographic approach was adopted with „pupil-voice‟ a distinctive and central feature. Two phases of fieldwork were conducted. The first phase examined Year 6 (aged 10-11) pupils‟ expectations of the primary-secondary transition at Urban Primary and tracked these pupils into City Comprehensive to explore their experiences (June-October 2011). The second phase of fieldwork examined the particularities of the transition concerned with PE. Once more, expectations of Year 6 pupils at Urban Primary were explored and tracked into City Comprehensive (June-October, 2012). Thematic inductive analysis was conducted and there were four super-ordinate findings which relate to: pupils‟ perceptions of the process of transition across the curriculum and with regards to PE; the notion of „being good enough‟; social implications of transition; concept of „growing up‟; teachers and teaching. Findings suggest that these factors contribute to a discontinuous experience for pupils during transition. Future research directions point towards a focus on academia across transition and a consideration of the development in physical competence within primary school settings. Throughout this thesis reflexivity and reflection were used to provide an insight into the research journey as part of the doctoral apprenticeship.

Måluppfyllelse för simundervisning i grundskolan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av idrottslärares uppfattningar av måluppfyllelse på mellan- och högstadiet / Reaching the curricilum goals in swimming education in elementary- and secondary schools for PE teachers

Helghe, Jonas January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet var att belysa mellanstadielärares och högstadielärares arbete med måluppfyllelsen för elever i simundervisning. Studien utgår från tre frågeställningar: Hur bedriver idrottslärare simundervisning utifrån de krav de har för elevers måluppfyllelse? Vilka uppfattningar har idrottslärare om simundervisning för elevers progression till måluppfyllelse av de kunskapskrav som är reglerad i Lgr 11? Vad i skolans organisation kan påverka måluppfyllelsen i simundervisning för eleverna? Sju idrottslärare verksamma på mellan- och högstadiet har intervjuats. Intervjumaterialet har tematiserats och analyserats utifrån bio-ekologiska systemteorins begrepp. Resultatet visar att alla lärare bedriver simundervisning efter läroplanen mot en progression i årskurs sex och nio. Lärarna i studien arbetar oerhört lösningsorienterat och hittar tid som inte finns på schemat till att skapa progression, övningstillfällen och utveckling för eleverna. Min slutsats är att lärarna arbetar mot samma mål men på olika sätt och att covid-19 pandemin har skapat fler utmaningar för mellanstadielärarna gentemot högstadielärarna. Utökad tid och fler undervisningstillfällen kan vara enkla åtgärder för att kommunerna att öka måluppfyllelsen i simning.

Inclusion and teaching Physical Education (PE) in Greece : PE teachers' understandings and practice of inclusion and Mosston's Spectrum of Teaching Styles

Karageorgopoulou, Efstathia January 2016 (has links)
Inclusion in relation to special educational needs (SEN) has become an imperative in the educational policies of many countries. However, the implementation of inclusive practice is not straightforward and has been the focus of many studies. In Physical Education (PE), Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles is an integral component of many educational systems but has not been studied in relation to teachers’ understanding of inclusion and inclusive practice. Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching styles has been promoted in Greece since 2006 and this study investigates the relationship between the beliefs and practices of specialist primary PE teachers in Greece in relation to inclusion and Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles. The study has a single-case research design with embedded units and was conducted in mainstream primary schools with 15 participant PE teachers. Data was collected using semi-structured observations of participants’ PE lessons followed by semi-structured interviews focusing on their understanding of inclusion, of inclusive practices and their knowledge and use of Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles. The findings suggest that some of the teachers’ beliefs about inclusion resonate with current understandings as reported in the literature whereas other teachers refer to older understandings of inclusion and disability. Very few teachers had a detailed knowledge of Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles but were found to use them to some extent during their lessons. While not commonly associated with inclusion, the teaching styles from Mosston’s Spectrum that were used did not prevent the use of inclusive practices by the teachers. This study relates Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles to a single dimension of inclusion and challenges the value it is accorded in Physical Education policy in Greece where inclusive practice is promoted by particular educational policies. The findings lead to suggestions for enhancement of both policy and practice in the context of Physical Education in Greece and more widely.

Vill man så kan man : En intervjustudie om ämnesintegrering med Idrott och hälsa

Larsson Samuelsson, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
Läroplanens innehåll har genom tiderna förändrats. Enligt dagens läroplaner (Lgr 11 och Lgy 11) ska lärare och rektorer jobba på ett sådant sätt så eleverna har möjligheter att uppnå undervisningsmål genom ämnesöverskridande arbeten. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka om idrottslärare arbetar ämnesintegrerat mellan Idrott och hälsa och andra ämnen, och då mer specifikt med naturvetenskapliga ämnen. Syftet har även varit att se hur man bedriver denna typ av undervisning samt varför eller varför man inte bedriver sådan undervisning. Det som framkommit är att man arbetar ämnesintegrerat i mindre utsträckning i form av temaarbeten och det är främst med lärare inom naturvetenskapliga ämnen, genom friluftslivet och hälsodelen. Lärarna jobbar ämnesintegrerat dels för att minska på arbetsstoffet men också för att de tror att det förstärker idrott och hälsa som ämne. Vissa av lärarna beskriver hur man når fler elever och hur det ter sig mer lättförståeligt för eleverna. Ämnesintegreringen definieras i litteraturen på ett något djupare plan än lärarna beskriver, vilket gör att det kan problematiseras i diskussionen kring sökandet efter och/eller fördjupningen av kunskapen. Tiden är det största problemet/hindret för att jobba ämnesintegrerat enligt lärarna, men i diskussionen väcks frågan om det kanske är positiv inställning och fantasi som saknas. / The content in the curriculum has changed over time. According to today’s curricula (Lgr 11 and Lgy 11) teachers and principals should work in way so student have an opportunity to achieve learning goals through interdisciplinary work. The purpose of this study was to investigate if physical educators are working subject integrated with PE and other subjects, more specific with science subjects. The aim has also been to see how they work with it and why or why not they work that way. In the results you can see that the teachers work subject integrated with teachers in science, in shorter thematic works. The teachers work subject integrated because they want to reduce their own workload and they think that it enhances the PE as a subject. Some teachers describe how they can reach out to more students and how it’s more understandable for the students. Subject integration is described in the literature on a deeper level, which can be problemized in the discussion of deepen their knowledge. Time is the biggest problem/obstacle of working subject integrated according to the teachers, but the question is if they lack of positive attitude and imagination?

The significance of swimming skills in Sweden : An analysis of Swedish Physical Education syllabi in regard to swimming ability in compulsory and upper secondary schools / Simkunnighetens betydelse i Sverige : En diskursanalys av kursplaner för idrott och hälsa från och med 1962 när det gäller simförmåga i grund- och gymnasieskolan

Shulika, Kateryna January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: In Sweden, it is vital that children acquire swimming ability at an early age because of the easy access to the sea, rivers, lakes, and swimming pools. Swimming ability is a life skill necessary for conducting outdoor life safely and using nature as an arena for recreation both near and in the water. Therefore, over the past century, swimming and water safety have been an essential part of the Swedish Physical Education (PE) subject to increase the likelihood that students will be able to save themselves and others from drowning. Aims: The aim of this investigation is to provide a greater understanding of the ways in which swimming ability has been described in Swedish PE syllabi for compulsory and upper secondary schools from 1962 to 2020.  Materials and methods: Discourse analysis (DA) has been used to analyze the Swedish PE syllabi from 1962 to 2020. Theoretical framework: This study is inspired in a Foucauldian genealogy perspective.  Results: Two main result categories were constructed from the analysis. (a) Swimming education has been present in all PE syllabi for compulsory school since 1962. These syllabi note that outdoor life, lifesaving, and swimming skills overlap and reinforce one another and suggest that swimming is an important part of Swedish culture. However, since 1994, the Physical Education and Health (PEH) syllabus for upper secondary school omits swimming skills from its content. (b) Swimming ability has a prominent position in the most recent (2011) PEH syllabus for elementary schools. Nevertheless, it is excluded from the 2011 PEH syllabus for upper secondary schools.Discussion Even though swimming ability is vital for safely conducting outdoor life and using nature as an arena for physical activity, as shown in the latest PEH syllabus, it has been excluded from current upper secondary education. Conclusion: The exclusion of swimming ability from upper secondary school syllabi may mean that some students, such as newly arrived students who migrate to Sweden, are denied opportunities to learn to swim and be safe close to and in the water.

Ефекти изборног и стандардног програма физичког васпитања на антрополошки статус ученика средње школе / Efekti izbornog i standardnog programa fizičkog vaspitanja na antropološki status učenika srednje škole / The effects of elective and compulsory PE activities on the anthropological status of secondary school students

Katanić Milana 11 May 2018 (has links)
<p>Fizičko vaspitanje predstavlja važnu socijalnu&nbsp;strategiju promocije fizičke aktivnosti i<br />nezamenljivi deo kvalitetnog obrazovanja,&nbsp;usmeren na razvoj kompetencija neophodnih za<br />aktivan životni stil. Međutim, učenici mnogo puta nisu adekvatno motivisani za nastavu<br />fizičkog vaspitanja i fizičku aktivnost&nbsp;generalno, a to posebno važi za učenike srednje<br />&scaron;kole. Zato je realizovano istraživanje sa ciljem&nbsp;da se ispitaju efekti izbornog i standardnog<br />programa fizičkog vaspitanja na antropolo&scaron;ki&nbsp;status učenika srednje &scaron;kole. Kori&scaron;ćen je kvazieksperimentalni&nbsp;dizajn, sa po dva&nbsp;eksperimentalna i kontrolna odeljenja učenika.<br />Standardni i eksperimentalni program (izborna&nbsp;nastava fizičkog vaspitanja) realizovani su<br />tokom 12 nedelja, &scaron;to odgovara trajanju jednog&nbsp;nastavnog ciklusa. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju&nbsp;da je eksperimentalni program fizičkog&nbsp;vaspitanja imao statistički značajno veće<br />pozitivne efekte na antropolo&scaron;ki status učenika,&nbsp;u odnosu na kontrolni program fizičkog<br />vaspitanja. Najveće pozitivne efekte ispoljio je&nbsp;na motoričke sposobnosti učenika (posebno kod&nbsp;ispitanika mu&scaron;kog pola), zatim, na ukupnu&nbsp;fizičku aktivnost i redukciju sedentarne<br />aktivnosti, dok su manji pozitivni efekti&nbsp;utvrđeni u prostoru motivacije i kada je reč o<br />pojedinačnim tipovima fizičke aktivnosti.&nbsp;Rezultati istraživanja sugeri&scaron;u da bi uvođenje<br />izbornih aktivnosti u redovne časove fizičkog&nbsp;vaspitanja u srednjoj &scaron;koli, moglo doprineti<br />većim efektima nastave na antropolo&scaron;ki status&nbsp;učenika.</p> / <p>Physical education presents an important<br />social strategy of physical activity promotion<br />and an irreplaceable part of a good quality<br />education, directed towards competence<br />development, which is necessary for<br />promoting an active lifestyle. However,<br />secondary school students are not often<br />motivated adequately for PE classes and<br />physical activities in general. Hence the<br />realization of the research aims to examine<br />the effects of elective and compulsory PE<br />activities on the anthropological status of<br />secondary school students. A quasi<br />experimental design was used in the research.<br />The sample consisted of two experimental<br />and two control classes. Both control and<br />experimental activities (elective PE activities)<br />were realized in 12 weeks, which corresponds<br />to the duration of one teaching cycle. The<br />results indicate that, statistically, the<br />experimental PE activities had significantly<br />higher positive effects on the anthropological<br />status of students than the control PE<br />activities. They manifested the highest<br />positive effects on students&rsquo; motor skill<br />development (particularly among male<br />students), on their physical activity and the<br />reduction of sedentary activity, while, on the<br />other hand, lower positive effects on<br />motivation and individual types of physical<br />activity. The results of this research show that<br />better effects on the anthropological status of<br />secondary school students could be achieved<br />by providing some elective activities during<br />regular PE classes.<br />Accepted on</p>

Analyse descriptive de la formation initiale des enseignants d’éducation physique en Finlande

Paradis, Philippe 07 1900 (has links)
L’excellence et l’innovation du système d’éducation en Finlande soulèvent la curiosité et la fascination à l’international. Ce système scolaire se démarque notamment en éducation physique et à la santé (ÉPS), où les pratiques et programmes novateurs ont contribué dans les dernières années à diminuer la prévalence de sédentarité et augmenter la proportion de jeunes actifs au sein de leur population. Un rapport de la Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (2018) place ce pays nordique au premier rang mondial pour l’influence du milieu scolaire à favoriser l’activité physique (AP) chez les jeunes de 5 à 17 ans. Une cause soulevée pour expliquer leurs succès est la qualité de la formation des enseignants. Notre recherche qualitative descriptive a permis de mieux comprendre comment les enseignants d’ÉPS sont préparés à promouvoir l’AP chez les élèves dans deux universités-cas, soit l’Université Jyväskylä et l’Université Oulu. Nous nous sommes intéressés au modèle des approches de formation tel que conceptualisé par Paquay (1994), que nous avons adapté à la formation des enseignants d’éducation physique (FEEP). Le modèle écologique explicatif de la promotion de l’AP a également servi de grille d’analyse secondaire à notre recherche. Notre analyse documentaire s’est penchée sur des documents légaux, politiques, sur les programmes de formation des enseignants, sur des mémoires de recherche d’étudiants, sur des documents de promotion de l’AP ainsi que sur les curriculums en ÉPS. Notre recherche a également permis de comprendre le contexte sociologique dans lequel la FEEP prend forme grâce à un séjour d’études en Finlande et une collecte dans un journal de bord de nos réflexions personnelles sur le contexte social et l’expérience de FEEP finlandaise. Nous concluons qu’il existe une forte culture du développement de la personne, de la criticité, de la recherche et de la psychologie positive dans la FEEP en Finlande. Nous avons constaté qu’il existe une culture de l’AP à l’école en Finlande, développée notamment par une vision globale de la promotion de l’AP dans les programmes de formation des enseignants de classe et en FEEP. Notre recherche a également cherché à dégager des avenues de promotion de l’AP pour les programmes de FEEP du Québec. Bien qu’en apparence les deux contextes présentent des similitudes qui permettent d’espérer faire le transfert d’éléments de FEEP, les distinctions propres aux contextes socio-historico-culturel et à la valeur de l’éducation dans les deux contextes posent d’importantes limites aux possibilités de transfert. / The excellence of the Finnish education system brought great attention from all over the world in the past decade. Physical education (PE) classes have shown great efficiency to address inactivity and increase physical activity (PA) in the youth Finnish population. Finland ranks first among the world for the impact that school has on the PA level of youth in the 2018 report of the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance. One of the reasons raised to explain this success is the high quality of the teacher training, and the great preparation to contemporary issues in PE and PA promotion. Our qualitative descriptive research improved our understanding of how PE teachers are trained to promote PA at school. Our research was framed by Paquay’s (1994) typology of teacher training approaches. We adapted Paquay’s typology to the specificities of PE teacher training. Our document analysis explored two PE teacher education (PETE) programs, one at University of Oulu and the PETE program at University Jyväskylä. We also explored legal and political documents related to PETE and the Finnish school PE programs, and collected data in a diary during a four months' stay in Finland to explore the sociological context that produces these PETE programs. We observed a strong culture of personal and professional growth, a culture of reflexivity and a culture of positive psychology based on the foundational approach to teacher training. There is also a culture of physical activity in Finnish schools. The Finnish School on the Move! program, the social context positive to PA, the classroom teacher training in PE and the multi-approach way to train PE teachers contributes to such a culture of PA in schools. Our research also looked after avenues of transfer of the Finnish PETE programs to the PETE programs in Quebec. Even though the two contexts might look similar at first, we observed significant distinctions that may inhibit the possibilities of transfer. There are great differences that, according to our understanding of both contexts, cannot be ignored in the socio-historic-cultural context and the social value given to teachers and education.

Jakten efter likvärdighet i Stockholms grundskolor : En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares upplevelser kring målsättningar, tillämpningar och påverkande faktorer. / The search for equality in Stockholm’s primary schools : A qualitative study of physical education teachers' experiences of goals, applications and influencing factors.

Leek, Kevin, Kalliokoski, Kirsti January 2022 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur idrottslärare i Stockholmsområdet tolkar målsättningar i ämnet idrott och hälsa utifrån styrdokumenten, samt hur dessa tillämpas i undervisning i förhållande till påverkansfaktorer för att sträva efter en likvärdig undervisning. Frågeställningarna är: (1)Vilka målsättningar har lärare i ämnet? (2)Hur arbetar lärare för att uppfylla dessa mål och sträva efter en likvärdig undervisning? (3)Vilka faktorer påverkar lärares mål med undervisning?   Metod:  Eftersom studien syftar till att undersöka lärarnas tolkningar och upplevelser valdes en kvalitativ metod. Datainsamlingen genomfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex idrottslärare i Stockholmsområdet. Datainsamlingen analyserades med hjälp av en deduktiv innehållsanalys utifrån två teoretiska utgångspunkter. Dessa två teoretiska utgångspunkterna var ramfaktorteori och läroplansteori.   Resultat: Resultatet visar att idrottslärarna hade gemensamma målsättningar med ämnet idrott och hälsa. Dessa målsättningar var: rörelseglädje, intresse för framtida fysisk aktivitet, kunskaper om hälsa och etiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visade att två idrottslärare hade ytterligare enskilda målsättningar. För att tillämpa dessa mål i undervisningen använde de sig av variation av olika aktiviteter samt olika pedagogiska tillvägagångssätt såsom anpassning, repetition och progression. De inre och yttre faktorer som påverkade lärarna var framförallt erfarenhet, idrottsbakgrund, lokal, tid och elevsammansättning.   Slutsats:  Utifrån resultatet av studien kan vi dra en slutsats att lärarnas tolkning av ämnets målsättningar grundades utifrån de formulerade målen i styrdokumenten. Detta tyder på att de olika riktlinjerna på formuleringsarenan bidrar till en mer likvärdig tolkning. Däremot tillämpades målsättningarna på olika sätt beroende på de yttre och inre faktorerna. Baserad på denna iakttagelse kan en slutsats dras att likvärdig undervisning kräver att läraren gör anpassningar utifrån de förutsättningar hen har i sitt specifika sammanhang. / Aim:The aim of this study is to investigate how physical education teachers in the Stockholm area interpret objectives in the subject of sports and health based on the governing documents, and how these are applied in teaching in relation to influencing factors in order to strive for an equivalent teaching. The questions are: (1) What are the goals of teachers in the subject? (2) How do teachers work to meet these goals and strive for equal teaching? (3) What factors influence teachers' goals in teaching? Method:Since the study aims to examine teachers' interpretations and experiences, a qualitative method was chosen. The data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with six sports teachers in the Stockholm area. The data collection was analyzed using a deductive content analysis based on two theoretical basis. These two theoretical basis were framework factor theory and curriculum theory. Results:The results show that the physical education teachers had common goals with the subject sports and health. These goals were: joy of movement, interest in future physical activity, knowledge of health and ethical perspective. The results showed that two sports teachers had additional individual goals. To apply these goals in the teaching, they used variety of different activities as well as different pedagogical approaches such as adaptation, repetition and progression. The internal and external factors that influenced the teachers were primarily experience, sports background, location, time and student base. Conclusion:Based on the results of the study, we were able to conclude that the teachers' interpretation of the subject's objectives was based on the formulated objectives in the curriculum. This indicates how the different guidelines in the formulation arena contribute to a more equal interpretation. However, the objectives were applied in different ways depending on the external and internal factors. Based on this observation, it can be concluded that equivalent teaching requires the teacher to make adjustments based on the conditions in their specific context.

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