Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fhysics educationization"" "subject:"fhysics education.action""
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Method-approach Interaction: The Effects Of Learning Cycle Vs Traditional And Contextual Vs Non-contextual Instruction On 11th Grade StudentsPesman, Haki 01 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of the study was to explore how learning cycle and traditional method as teaching methods contribute to the effect of contextual approach on 11th grade students&rsquo / achievement in &ldquo / impulse and momentum&rdquo / , and attitude towards physics. Therefore, a distinction between teaching approach (contextual vs. non-contextual) and teaching method (learning cycle vs. traditional method) was made and they were used as independent variables. Students&rsquo / gender was also used as an independent variable. Thus, the study was a 2x2x2 factorial design. The sample, drawn through the purposive sampling, included 226 students. Pretests and posttests were used for assessing students&rsquo / achievement in impulse and momentum, and attitude towards physics. Using Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA), the main effects of contextual approach, learning cycle, and student gender as well as the interaction effects among them were investigated. Consequently, (1) contextual approach was more effective in supporting students&rsquo / conceptual understanding of impulse and momentum, (2) learning cycle was as effective as the traditional method, (3) gender related difference in attitude towards physics in favor of males could not be removed through the treatments, (4) contextual approach worked better with the traditional method than the learning cycle for achievement and attitude, (5) males benefitted a little more from learning cycle while females benefitted a little more from traditional method in terms of conceptual and non-conceptual scores.
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Lernen durch eigenständiges Schreiben von sachbezogenen Texten im Physikunterricht / Eine Feldstudie zum Schreiben im Physikunterricht am Beispiel der Akustik / Learning through independent writing of subject-related texts in the physics classroom / A field study of writing in the physics classroom using the example of acousticsBergeler, Elmar 27 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Studie wurde eine auf eigenständiges Schreiben beruhende Lernmethode im Rahmen einer quasiexperimentellen Studie im Themengebiet Akustik im 11. Jahrgang des Gymnasiums eingesetzt. Aus den vorliegenden lernpsychologischen Grundlagen und didaktischen Erkenntnissen wird eine auf selbstständiges Schreiben beruhende Lernmethode und ein Modell für die Textproduktion für den Einsatz im Physikunterricht entwickelt. Die Intervention, die in der sieben Schulstunden umfassenden Lerneinheit durchgeführt wurde, bestand aus einer vorhergehenden kurzen Einführung in das Schreiben von Texten zu physikalischen Fragestellungen und dem anschließenden Einsatz von speziellen Schreibaufgaben, die in dem herkömmlichen Physikunterricht eingebettet wurden. Der Unterricht zur Akustik in der Interventions- und einer Vergleichsgruppe hatte den selben zeitlichen Umfang und war überwiegend identisch, da die gleiche Grobplanung des Unterrichts und die gleichen Lernziele vorlagen. An der Studie nahmen vier Kurse, zwei davon in der Interventionsgruppe und zwei in der Vergleichsgruppe, teil. Insgesamt konnten 47 Schülerinnen und Schüler in der statistischen Auswertung berücksichtigt werden. Unter Verwendung von Vortests, direkten und verzögerten Nachtests, und dem Vergleich der Interventions- mit der Vergleichsgruppe, wurde der Lernerfolg durch das eigenständige Schreiben untersucht. Als Kontrollvariable wurde der vorhandene allgemeine Wortschatz erhoben. Am Ende der Studie wurde außerdem mit Hilfe eines Fragebogens in der Interventionsgruppe die Einstellung zu der Schreib-Lernmethode erhoben. Die Studie zeigt, dass der Einsatz der Schreib-Lernmethode im Physikunterricht auch in einem nur begrenzten Zeitraum nach einer kurzen Einführung (eine Schulstunde) in die Thematik des Erstellens von Texten mit physikalischen Inhalten möglich ist. Die Auswertung zeigt, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler durch das in den traditionellen Unterricht eingebettete selbstständige Schreiben von Texten zu physikalischen Fragestellungen Faktenwissen und Fähigkeiten zum Auslesen und Interpretieren von Diagrammen ebenso wie bei rein traditionellen Lernmethoden erwerben und festigen. Somit bereichert das selbstständige Produzieren von Physik-Texten die Methodenvielfalt des Physikunterrichts. Zusätzlich zu dem physikalischen Fachwissen lernen die Schülerinnen und Schüler durch die Schreib-Lernmethode physikalische Sachverhalte zu versprachlichen und in Kontexte einzubinden. Der statistisch signifikante Effekt bei dieser Fähigkeit ist im mittleren Bereich. Es zeigt sich eine deutliche Abhängigkeit der Fähigkeit, physikalische Sachverhalte zu versprachlichen, vom vorhandenen physikalischen Fachwissen. Zum allgemeinen Wortschatz besteht ein geringer Zusammenhang. Da kein Zusammenhang zwischen der Fähigkeit, die Fachsprache korrekt zu verwenden und der Fähigkeit zum eigenständigen Versprachlichen von physikalischen Sachverhalten festgestellt werden konnte, scheinen sich diese beiden Arten der Versprachlichung hinsichtlich der involvierten Kompetenzen zu unterscheiden. Das vorgestellte Modell für die Textproduktion wurde insgesamt von den Schülerinnen und Schülern, und besonders von denen mit einer geringen Selbsteinschätzung ihrer Fähigkeiten zum Schreiben von Physik-Texten, als hilfreich eingestuft und kann daher für den Einsatz im Physikunterricht empfohlen werden.
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Science, Language, and Literacy : Case Studies of Learning in Swedish University PhysicsAirey, John January 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents an investigation of undergraduate student learning with respect to physics lectures attended in English and Swedish. The work studies three connected areas: student learning patterns, bilingual scientific literacy and disciplinary discourse. Twenty-two physics students at two Swedish universities attended lectures in both English and Swedish as part of their regular undergraduate programme. These lectures were video-taped and used to contextualize in-depth, semi-structured interviews with students. When taught in English the students asked and answered fewer questions and reported be-ing less able to simultaneously follow the lecture and take notes. Students adapted to being taught in English by; asking questions after the lecture, no longer taking notes in class, read-ing sections of work before class or—in the worst case—by using the lecture for mechanical note taking. Analysis of student oral descriptions of the lecture content in both languages identified a small number of students who found it almost impossible to speak about disciplinary concepts in English. These students were first-years who had not been taught in English before. How-ever, the findings suggest that, above a certain threshold level of disciplinary language com-petence, it does not appear to matter which language students are taught in. Finally, the thesis makes a theoretical contribution to educational research. The initial lan-guage perspective is broadened to include a wide range of semiotic resources that are used in the teaching of undergraduate physics. Student learning is then characterized in terms of becoming fluent in a disciplinary discourse. It is posited that in order to achieve an appropri-ate, holistic experience of any given disciplinary concept, students will need to become fluent in a critical constellation of disciplinary semiotic resources.
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Using a Social Semiotic Perspective to Inform the Teaching and Learning of PhysicsFredlund, Tobias January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines meaning-making in three different areas of undergraduate physics: the refraction of light; electric circuits; and, electric potential and electric potential energy. In order to do this, a social semiotic perspective was constituted for the thesis to facilitate the analysis of meaning-making in terms of the semiotic resources that are typically used in the teaching and learning of physics. These semiotic resources include, for example, spoken and written language, diagrams, graphs, mathematical equations, gestures, simulations, laboratory equipment and working practices. The empirical context of the thesis is introductory undergraduate physics where interactive engagement was part of the educational setting. This setting presents a rich data source, which is made up of video- and audio recordings and field notes for examining how semiotic resources affect physics teaching and learning. Theory building is an integral part of the analysis in the thesis, which led to the constitution of a new analytical tool – patterns of disciplinary-relevant aspects. Part of this process then resulted in the development of a new construct, disciplinary affordance, which for a discipline such as physics, refers to the inherent potential of a semiotic resource to provide access to disciplinary knowledge. These two aspects, in turn, led to an exploration of new empirical and theoretical links to the Variation Theory of Learning. The implications of this work for the teaching and learning of physics means that new focus is brought to the physics content (object of learning), the semiotic resources that are used to deal with that content, and how the semiotic resources are used to create patterns of variation within and across the disciplinary-relevant aspects. As such, the thesis provides physics teachers with new and powerful ways to analyze the semiotic resources that get used in efforts to optimize the teaching and learning of physics.
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Integrating Science, Technology, Society and Environment (STSE) into physics teacher education: Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions and ChallengesMacLeod, Katarin Alinta 17 December 2012 (has links)
Although STSE has recently received attention in educational research, policy, and science curricula development, fewer strides have been made in moving theory into practice. There are many examples of STSE-based and issues-based teaching in science at the elementary and secondary levels, which can be found in the literature (Alsop, Bencze, & Pedretti, 2005; Hodson, 1993, 2000; Pedretti & Hodson, 1995), yet little has focused specifically on physics education. This doctoral thesis will examine pre-service physics teachers’ beliefs and perceptions, challenges and tensions which influence their adoption of STSE education in the context of a pre-service physics education course (Curriculum and Instruction in Physics Education at the B.Ed level). An interpretive case study design as described by Merriam (1988) has been employed for this research (Merriam, 1988; Novodvorsky, 2006). The specific phenomena this case study examined and explored were the pre-service physics teachers’ beliefs and perceptions, challenges and tensions influencing their adoption of physics curricula that explicitly emphasizes an STSE orientation to physics education. The pre-service physics teachers’ evolution of perceptions and attitudes show growth in the areas of curricula understanding and implementation issues, potential student concerns, and general fit of the subject within the context of a student’s learning journey. This study contributes to our understanding of the challenges pre-service physics teachers face when considering teaching physics through an STSE lens, and provides some implications for both pre-service and in-service teacher education.
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The Effects Of Textbook Style And Reading Strategy On StudentsAkyuz, Volkan 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Akyü / z, Volkan
M.S., Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education
Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Eryilmaz
July 2004, 96 pages
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of textbook style and reading strategy on 9th grade students&rsquo / achievement and attitude towards heat and temperature at Eregli district of Zonguldak. Textbook style was means that whether textbook written in conceptual style or traditional style. The reading strategy was taken as K-W-L vs. reading without K-W-L. The study uses factorial design to investigate partial and combined effects of these methodologies.
In the study convenience sampling was used. The participants were 123 9th grade students at Zonguldak Eregli Super High School in four different classes. Then selected classes were randomly assigned into four groups. The groups were conceptual physics text with K-W-L reading strategy, conceptual physics text with reading without K-W-L, traditional physics text with K-W-L reading strategy and traditional physics text with reading without K-W-L. Achievement and attitude tests were administered before and after the treatment.
The data was analyzed by Multiple Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) to find out individual and combined effects of conceptual physics texts and K-W-L reading strategy. The results has shown that conceptual physics texts were effective in increasing students&rsquo / attitude, K-W-L was effective in increasing achievement, and their combination was effective in increasing both achievement and attitude of the students.
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The Effects Of Activities Based On Role-play On Ninth Grade StudentsKucuker (tuncer), Yadikar 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study intented to investigate the effects of activities based on role-play on ninth grade students&rsquo / achievement and attitudes at simple electric circuits. In this study, Physics Achievement Test was developed to evaluate students&rsquo / achievement on simple electric circuits and role-play activities about simple electric circuits were prepared. In addition, Physics Attitude Scale was administered to explore students&rsquo / attitude towards physics.
The present study was conducted at one of the high schools in Acipayam during 2003-2004 Spring Semester with a total number of 104 (51 female and 53 male) 9th students from four classes of two physics teachers. One class of each physics teacher was assigned as experimental and instructed by role-play activities on the other hand the other classes of each physics teacher was as control group and instructed by traditional method. The teachers were trained for how to implement role-play activities in the class before the study began. Physics Attitude Scale and Physics Achievement Tests were applied twice as a pre-test and after a three-week treatment period as a post-test to both groups to assess and compare the effectiveness of two different types of teaching / role-play versus traditional teaching method.
Data were collected utilizing Physics Achievement Test and Physics Attitude Scale. Data of this study were analyzed utilizing descriptive and inferential statistics. The scores of the post-tests were analyzed by statistical techniques of Multivariate Analyses of Covariance (MANCOVA). Experimental group compared to control group tended to favor a significant difference in the achievement. However the statistical analysis failed to show any significant differences between the experimental and control groups&rsquo / attitude towards physics at simple electric circuits.
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Development Of A Three-tier Test To Assess Ninth Grade Students' / Misconceptions About Simple Electric CircuitsPesman, Haki 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study was to develop a three-tier test for assessing ninth-grade students&rsquo / misconceptions about simple electric circuits. The first tier of an item on the test presents an ordinary multiple choice question, the second tier presents a set of reasons for the response given to the first tier, and the third tier questions if examinees are confident for their responses to the first two tiers. The study was carried in Polatli, the biggest outlying district of capital Ankara. In the light of the related literature, interviews were conducted by the researcher so as to collect information about students&rsquo / understanding of simple electric circuits. Thereby, a list of misconceptions was acquired and it was used for developing an open-ended questionnaire. Next, the questionnaire was examined by two physics teachers and an instructor from METU for establishing content validity. The questionnaire was administered to 99 ninth-grade students and their responses were categorized in the purpose
of determining the distracters of the three-tier test / the Simple Electric Circuit Diagnostic Test (SECDT). At last, the SECDT was developed and administered to 124 ninth-grade students. The validity of the SECDT was established by means of quantitative methods in addition to the qualitative methods. A positive correlation coefficient was estimated between student scores and confidence levels, that is, successful students on the SECDT were more confident for their responses than unsuccessful students. This result means that the SECDT works properly, for example, students generally understood the items and found their reasoning among the distracters. Also, what items measure was investigated by means of factor analysis, and three reasonable factors were obtained. Furthermore, proportions of false positives and negatives were estimated and found as 17.47 % and 10.82 %, respectively. As well as, Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of student scores was estimated as 0.69, but the reliability coefficient of student misconception scores was estimated as 0.33. Consequently, the SECDT scores are valid and reliable measure of students&rsquo / qualitative understanding of simple electric circuits / however, misconception scores may not be reliable.
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Videosekvence a jejich využití při výuce fyziky / Use of Video in Physics EducationMASOPUST, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of the video as a didactic tool in the education of the physics. Introductory part is theoretic and focuses on classification of didactic tools which can be used for physics teaching. Second part analyses the possibility of capturing physical effects, especially effects with very long or very short duration which cannot be captured by conventional devices. This part is focused on the right selection of physical effects, selecting and setting of suitable devices for capturing and further processing of the recorded video. The next section is based on the previous analysis of physical effects, which are recorded and processed into the form of educational movie. The main result of this thesis is the collection of educational movies of fast and very slow physical effects useful as the didactic tool for the teaching of physics.
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Aprendizagem de física, trabalho colaborativo e crenças de autoeficácia : um estudo de caso com o método team-based learning em uma disciplina introdutória de eletromagnetismoOliveira, Tobias Espinosa de January 2016 (has links)
O ensino de Física Geral nas universidades brasileiras é frequentemente relacionado a dois problemas correlacionados: dificuldade de aprendizagem e desmotivação. Ambos são agravados pela adoção estrita do método de ensino tradicional, com aulas essencialmente expositivas e praticamente sem o incentivo para a interação e colaboração entre os alunos para a aprendizagem dos conteúdos. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é investigar a melhora na aprendizagem de Física e o desenvolvimento de crenças de autoeficácia em aprender física e em trabalhar colaborativamente por meio de uma adaptação do método de ensino ativo Team-Based Learning (TBL). Essas crenças estão diretamente ligadas à motivação, pois tratam-se de julgamentos que o sujeito tem sobre as próprias capacidades de organizar e executar cursos de ações específicos, os quais afetam seu desempenho, quantidade de esforço e persistência para alcançar seus objetivos. O TBL tem como foco melhorar a aprendizagem e desenvolver habilidades de trabalho colaborativo, por meio de uma estrutura que envolve: o gerenciamento de equipes de aprendizagem, tarefas de preparação e aplicação de conceitos, feedback constante e avaliação entre os colegas. Procuramos responder às seguintes questões: (i) Em relação ao desempenho dos alunos em testes padronizados sobre conceitos básicos de eletromagnetismo, quais os principais resultados alcançados com a implementação do TBL em uma disciplina de Física Geral (Eletromagnetismo) em um curso de Física numa universidade pública brasileira (UFRGS)? (ii) Quais as atitudes dos alunos em relação à mudança de método de ensino tradicional para o TBL? (iii) Como o TBL influencia os estudantes em relação às suas crenças de autoeficácia em aprender física e em trabalhar colaborativamente? Para responder a tais questões, adotamos as orientações metodológicas para estudo de caso de Yin e, a fim de responder a terceira questão de pesquisa, utilizamos a Teoria Social Cognitiva, em específico, o conceito de autoeficácia, de Bandura. Para a investigação, realizamos um estudo exploratório que teve duas unidades de análise, uma ampla (a turma, com 27 alunos concluintes) e outra específica, João, um sujeito cujo senso de autoeficácia inicial era baixo e que possuía um histórico de reprovações no curso de licenciatura em Física. Os resultados mostraram que os ganhos normalizados médios da turma nos três testes padronizados que foram aplicados foram semelhantes àqueles atingidos por outros métodos ativos de ensino e superiores a resultados obtidos nos mesmos testes em turmas com o método de ensino tradicional. João obteve resultados similares à média da turma em dois dos três testes. As atitudes dos alunos frente ao método de ensino foram positivas tendo sido destacadas principalmente, as tarefas de estudo prévio e as discussões em equipe. Como fatores negativos foram mencionados: o fato da disciplina ser muito trabalhosa e de não ter tempo suficiente em aula para a realização das atividades previstas. Sobre as crenças de autoeficácia em aprender física e em trabalhar colaborativamente, constatamos que as crenças dos alunos foram influenciadas positivamente pelas atividades desenvolvidas com o método de ensino, por meio das principais fontes destacadas por Bandura: experiências positivas e vicárias, persuasão social e redução de estresse. Concluímos que o TBL tem potencial para auxiliar na aprendizagem conceitual de Física e em desenvolver crenças de autoeficácia em aprender física e em trabalhar colaborativamente. Novas pesquisas são necessárias para dar continuidade a este estudo exploratório, investigando mais profundamente a aprendizagem, por meio de um referencial teórico específico, e relacioná-la com a mudança nas percepções de eficácia pessoal proporcionadas pelo TBL. / The introductory physics education in the Brazilian universities is frequently related to two correlated problems: students’ difficulties of learning and lack of motivation. In both cases, the strict adoption of traditional teaching method (lecturing), with a timid or non-existent incentive for interaction and collaboration among students, plays a major role. The main goal of this research is to investigate the improvement in the physics learning, the development of self-efficacy beliefs in learn physics and in work collaboratively through an adaptation of the active teaching method Team-Based Learning (TBL). These beliefs are directly linked to motivation, because they are based on judgments made by the individuals about their own capabilities to organize and execute specific courses, which affect their performance, amount of effort and persistence to achieve their goals. The TBL focuses on improving learning and develop collaborative work skills, through a structure which involves: management of learning teams, reading assignments and tests of concepts application, constant feedback and evaluation by peers. We tried to answer the following questions: (i) In relation to student performance on standardized tests about basic concepts of electromagnetism, what are the main results achieved with the implementation of the TBL in an introductory physics class (electromagnetism) in one physics course in a Brazilian public university (UFRGS)? (ii) What are the attitudes of the students regarding the change of the traditional teaching method for TBL? (iii) How TBL affects the students regarding their self-efficacy beliefs in learning physics and in work collaboratively? Therefore, to answer the questions, we have adopted the methodological guidelines for case study of Yin and in order to answer the third research question, we use the Social Cognitive Theory, in particular, the concept of self-efficacy, of Bandura. For the investigation, we conducted an exploratory study which had two units of analysis, a wide (the class, with 27 college students) and other specific, João, an individual whose sense of initial self-efficacy was short and had a history of failures in the course degree in physics. The results showed that the mean normalized gains of the three class standardized tests that were applied were similar to those achieved by other active teaching methods and superior to results obtained in the same tests in classes with the traditional teaching method. João achieved the class average in two of the three tests. The attitudes of the students about the method were positive having been highlighted mainly the reading assignments and team discussions. As negative factors were mentioned: the amount of work and not having enough time in class to carry out all the planned activities. About the self-efficacy beliefs in learn physics and in work collaboratively, we found that the beliefs of the students were positively influenced by the activities developed with the teaching method, through the main sources highlighted by Bandura: positive experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasion and stress reduction. We conclude that TBL has the potential to assist in the conceptual learning of physics and developing self-efficacy beliefs in learn physics and in work collaboratively. Further research is necessary to continue this exploratory study, by investigating deeper into learning through a specific a theoretical reference and relate it to the change in perceptions of personal efficacy provided by the TBL.
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