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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Självskattad fysisk aktivitet bland yrkesverksamma fysioterapeuter i Sverige i relation till WHO:s rekommendationer för fysisk aktivitet. / Self-reported physical activity among working physiotherapists in Sweden, in relation to WHO recommendations on physical activity.

Ribic, Ibro, Söderberg, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Fysisk aktivitet är en av de grundläggande behandlingar som fysioterapeuter använder för att behandla patienter. Men hur fysiskt aktiva är fysioterapeuter själva? Syfte: Undersöka nivån av fysisk aktivitet bland yrkesverksamma fysioterapeuter i Sverige i relation till Världshälsoorganisationens rekommendationer för fysisk aktivitet från 2010, samt huruvida det är någon skillnad mellan män och kvinnor vad gäller fysisk aktivitetsnivå och antalet som uppnår rekommendationerna.  Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie av deskriptiv och komparativ design. Självrapporterad fysisk aktivitet för en vecka med International Physical Activity Questionnaire – Short Form jämfördes med Världshälsoorganisationens rekommendationer för fysisk aktivitet från 2010. Antalet minuter med fysisk aktivitet på måttlig och mycket ansträngande fysisk aktivitetsnivå deltagarna angett omvandlades till MET-minuter. Studiedeltagare var yrkesverksamma fysioterapeuter i Sverige mellan 18–64 års ålder. Resultat: Sju av tio (74%) respondenter var tillräckligt fysiskt aktiva för att uppfylla rekommendationerna antingen genom måttlig eller mycket ansträngande fysisk aktivitet i kombination med minst två muskelstärkande pass för större muskelgrupper. Det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad mellan manliga och kvinnliga deltagare i fysisk aktivitetsnivå eller antalet som uppfyllde rekommendationerna.  Konklusion: Yrkesverksamma fysioterapeuter i Sverige verkar var mer fysiskt aktiva än den generella befolkningen. Ingen statistisk skillnad förelåg mellan män och kvinnor i fysisk aktivitet eller antalet som uppfyllde rekommendationerna för fysisk aktivitet. Fler och större studier behövs för att undersöka fysisk aktivitetsnivå bland fysioterapeuter samt för att jämföra självrapporterad fysisk aktivitet med objektiv data insamlad med accelerometrar för att påvisa eventuella skillnader mellan dessa två datainsamlingsmetoder inom populationen. / Background: Physical activity is one of the foundational treatments that physiotherapists use to treat patients. How physically active are physiotherapists themselves?  Objective: To determine the self-reported physical activity of working physiotherapists in Sweden in relation to the World Health Organisations recommendations for physical activity from 2010 and determine if physical activity and attainement rate of the recommendations differs between male and female physiotherapists in Sweden. Method: A cross-sectional quantitative descriptive comparative design study. Self-reported physical activity for 1 week using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire – Short Form compared to the World Health Organisations recommendations for physical activity from 2010. Moderate or vigourous  physical activity activity minutes were translated into MET-minutes. Participants were working physiotherapists in Sweden between the ages of 18-64. Results: Seven of ten (74%) respondents were sufficiently active to fulfil the recommendations through moderate or vigorous physical activity in combination with at least two bouts of muscle strengthening exercises for major muscle groups. There were no significant statistical differences between male or female participants in physical activity level or the rate of attainment of the recommendations. Conclusions: Working physiotherapists in Sweden seem to be more physically active than the general population. No statistical differences were observed between men and women in physical activity or attainment rate of the recommendations. More and larger studies are needed to research physical activity levels among physiotherapists and compare self-reported physical activity with objective data collected by using accelerometers to research the discrepancy between these two types of data collections methods within the population.

Faktorer som påverkar hur primärvårdens fysioterapeuter ser på sin roll inom cancerrehabiliteringen : - En enkätstudie / Factors that influence how primary health care physiotherapists consider their role in cancer rehabilitation : - A survey study

Blixt, Emma, Köhler, Cornelia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar hur primärvårdens fysioterapeuter ser på sin roll inom cancerrehabiliteringen. Följande faktorer undersöktes: ålder, tidsmässig erfarenhet inom yrket och specifikt inom primärvården, hur ofta fysioterapeuter möter cancerpatienter, upplevd kunskap, upplevd tillgång på resurser, uppskattning från cancerpatienter samt läkares uppfattning om fysioterapeutens roll/kompetens. Studien utfördes med en elektronisk enkät och skickades ut via mail till chefer vid hälsocentraler placerade i Region Västerbotten, Region Norrbotten, Region Jönköpings län samt Region Sörmland. Cheferna ombads vidarebefordra mailet till de fysioterapeuter som arbetade vid hälsocentralerna och sedan återkoppla i ett svarsmail hur många fysioterapeuter som mottagit mailet. Totalt 66 personer besvarade enkäten. Samband analyserades mellan de ovan nämnda faktorerna och utgångsvariabeln “Självklar del”, som handlar om i vilken utsträckning fysioterapeuterna känner sig som en självklar del inom cancerrehabiliteringen. Vid analysen genomfördes en dikotomisering för att få en ökad statistisk power. Signifikansnivån sattes till 0,05 och när analysen genomfördes påträffades två statistiskt signifikanta samband. Det första sambandet innebar att fysioterapeuter som känner sig mer uppskattade av cancerpatienter också känner sig som en mer självklar del inom cancerrehabiliteringen (p<0,001 vid ursprunglig variabel ochp=0,004 dikotomiserad). Det andra sambandet innebar att de som upplever att läkare i större utsträckning är medvetna om fysioterapeutens kompetens också känner sig som en mer självklar del inom cancerrehabiliteringen (p=0,030 vid ursprunglig variabel, p=0,160 respektive 0,007 beroende på hur dikotomiseringen genomfördes).

Exposição à radiação não-ionizante emitida por equipamentos terapêuticos de micro-ondas e morbidade referida em fisioterapeutas / Exposure to non-ionizing radiation emitted by microwave therapeutic equipment and morbidity in physiotherapists

Anguera, Maria das Graças 11 December 2012 (has links)
Introdução: O fisioterapeuta utiliza-se de vários equipamentos eletro-eletrônicos que emitem radiação eletromagnética para fins terapêuticos. Entre esses, o equipamento de diatermia por micro-ondas de alta frequência, sendo essa de 2,45 GHz. Nesse procedimento terapêutico, é possível ter perdas variáveis da energia irradiada por reflexão e por dispersão, desde o aplicador até a área a ser tratada. Assim, o profissional que opera o equipamento de diatermia por micro-ondas, é exposto a essa radiação diariamente durante anos. Adicionalmente a esse cenário ocupacional, observa-se que o fisioterapeuta, de modo geral, tem raras atitudes de proteção ocupacional durante essas aplicações, tornando o ambiente de trabalho, bem como a si mesmo, passivos de situações de riscos não controlados e, consequentemente, efeitos adversos podem ocorrer. Com a finalidade de contribuir na elucidação de indicadores que despertem o interesse das autoridades relacionadas com a vigilância e legislação em saúde no que se refere à segurança de profissionais envolvidos direta ou indiretamente com a terapia de diatermia por micro-ondas, realizou-se este estudo. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre a prevalência de morbidades referidas por fisioterapeutas e a exposição destes profissionais à radiação emitida por equipamentos terapêuticos de diatermia por micro-ondas. Metodologia: Realizou-se estudo de corte transversal com 193 fisioterapeutas de quatro Municípios da Região Oeste do Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Aplicou-se, via eletrônica, questionário estruturado especialmente para a coleta de dados sobre a exposição ocupacional à radiação de diatermia por micro-ondas, potenciais fatores de confusão e morbidades, acrescido do questionário de Avaliação Multidimensional de Fadiga (MAF) e do Questionário de Avaliação da Incapacidade por Enxaqueca (MIDAS). A análise estatística incluiu regressão logística e Teste t de Student. Resultados: Observou-se associações significantes entre a exposição de fisioterapeutas à radiação de diatermia por micro-ondas e o uso de lentes de correção da visão (p = 0,02; OR: 3,56; IC 95%: 1,15 - 10,96), a fadiga (p= 0,04; OR: 4,93; IC 95%: 1,04 - 23,25) e a neoplasias (p = 0,008; OR: 32,05; IC 95%: 2,46 - 416,96). Os resultados obtidos no Teste t de Student, relacionados com exposição ocupacional à radiação de diatermia por micro-ondas e fadiga (p = 0,004), uso de lentes de correção da visão (p < 0,001) e neoplasias (p < 0,001), apresentaram-se consistentes com os resultados obtidos nas análises univariada e multivariada para esses desfechos. Conclusão: Os resultados demonstraram associação significante entre exposição ocupacional de fisioterapeutas à radiação de diatermia por micro-ondas e uso de lentes de correção da visão, fadiga e neoplasias. Portanto, são sugeridas orientações de segurança ocupacional, dirigidas a estes profissionais, como medida preventiva de possíveis efeitos adversos, e a replicação deste estudo. / Introduction: Various electroelectronic equipments that emit electromagnetic radiation for therapeutic purposes are employed by physiotherapists. Among these is the equipment for diathermy with microwave high frequency (2.45 GHz). During this procedure of treatment different levels of losses by reflection and scattering of the radiated energy from the applicator to the area to be treated are possible. Thus, the equipment operator is exposed to this radiation daily for years. In addition to this occupational setting, physiotherapists seldom do maintain occupational protection attitudes for these applications, doing the work environment, as themselves, passive in risk and not controlled situations. Therefore, adverse effects may occur. In order to contribute to elucidate indicators and arouse the authorities care over surveillance and health legislation regarding professional\'s security, directly or indirectly involved with the therapy by microwave diathermy, this study was conducted. Objective: To analyze the association between prevalence of morbidities referred by physiotherapists and their occupational exposure to radiation emitted by therapeutic microwave diathermy equipment. Methodology: A Cross-sectional study conducted in 193 physiotherapists from four cities of the west of Paraná State, Brazil. A specified structured web questionnaire was applied for collecting data about microwave diathermy exposition, potential confounders and morbidities, plus the Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF) and the Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS). Statistical analysis included logistic regression and Student\'s t-Test. Results: It was observed significant associations between exposure of physiotherapists to microwave and the use of visual correction lens (p = 0.02; OR: 3.56; 95% CI: 1.15 - 10.96), fatigue (p = 0.04; OR: 4.93; 95% CI: 1.04 - 23.25) and neoplasms (p = 0.008; OR: 32.05; 95% CI: 2.46 - 416.96). The results obtained in the Student\'s t test, related to occupational exposure to radiation of microwave diathermy and fatigue (p = 0.004), use of visual correction lens (p < 0.001) and neoplasms (p < 0.001), were consistent with the results obtained in the univariate and multivariate analyzes for these outcomes. Conclusion: The results demonstrated a significant association between occupational exposure of physiotherapists to radiation of microwave diathermy and use of visual correction lens, fatigue and cancer. Therefore, occupational safety guidelines aimed at these professionals, as a prevention of possible adverse effects, and replication of this study are suggested.

Exposição à radiação não-ionizante emitida por equipamentos terapêuticos de micro-ondas e morbidade referida em fisioterapeutas / Exposure to non-ionizing radiation emitted by microwave therapeutic equipment and morbidity in physiotherapists

Maria das Graças Anguera 11 December 2012 (has links)
Introdução: O fisioterapeuta utiliza-se de vários equipamentos eletro-eletrônicos que emitem radiação eletromagnética para fins terapêuticos. Entre esses, o equipamento de diatermia por micro-ondas de alta frequência, sendo essa de 2,45 GHz. Nesse procedimento terapêutico, é possível ter perdas variáveis da energia irradiada por reflexão e por dispersão, desde o aplicador até a área a ser tratada. Assim, o profissional que opera o equipamento de diatermia por micro-ondas, é exposto a essa radiação diariamente durante anos. Adicionalmente a esse cenário ocupacional, observa-se que o fisioterapeuta, de modo geral, tem raras atitudes de proteção ocupacional durante essas aplicações, tornando o ambiente de trabalho, bem como a si mesmo, passivos de situações de riscos não controlados e, consequentemente, efeitos adversos podem ocorrer. Com a finalidade de contribuir na elucidação de indicadores que despertem o interesse das autoridades relacionadas com a vigilância e legislação em saúde no que se refere à segurança de profissionais envolvidos direta ou indiretamente com a terapia de diatermia por micro-ondas, realizou-se este estudo. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre a prevalência de morbidades referidas por fisioterapeutas e a exposição destes profissionais à radiação emitida por equipamentos terapêuticos de diatermia por micro-ondas. Metodologia: Realizou-se estudo de corte transversal com 193 fisioterapeutas de quatro Municípios da Região Oeste do Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Aplicou-se, via eletrônica, questionário estruturado especialmente para a coleta de dados sobre a exposição ocupacional à radiação de diatermia por micro-ondas, potenciais fatores de confusão e morbidades, acrescido do questionário de Avaliação Multidimensional de Fadiga (MAF) e do Questionário de Avaliação da Incapacidade por Enxaqueca (MIDAS). A análise estatística incluiu regressão logística e Teste t de Student. Resultados: Observou-se associações significantes entre a exposição de fisioterapeutas à radiação de diatermia por micro-ondas e o uso de lentes de correção da visão (p = 0,02; OR: 3,56; IC 95%: 1,15 - 10,96), a fadiga (p= 0,04; OR: 4,93; IC 95%: 1,04 - 23,25) e a neoplasias (p = 0,008; OR: 32,05; IC 95%: 2,46 - 416,96). Os resultados obtidos no Teste t de Student, relacionados com exposição ocupacional à radiação de diatermia por micro-ondas e fadiga (p = 0,004), uso de lentes de correção da visão (p < 0,001) e neoplasias (p < 0,001), apresentaram-se consistentes com os resultados obtidos nas análises univariada e multivariada para esses desfechos. Conclusão: Os resultados demonstraram associação significante entre exposição ocupacional de fisioterapeutas à radiação de diatermia por micro-ondas e uso de lentes de correção da visão, fadiga e neoplasias. Portanto, são sugeridas orientações de segurança ocupacional, dirigidas a estes profissionais, como medida preventiva de possíveis efeitos adversos, e a replicação deste estudo. / Introduction: Various electroelectronic equipments that emit electromagnetic radiation for therapeutic purposes are employed by physiotherapists. Among these is the equipment for diathermy with microwave high frequency (2.45 GHz). During this procedure of treatment different levels of losses by reflection and scattering of the radiated energy from the applicator to the area to be treated are possible. Thus, the equipment operator is exposed to this radiation daily for years. In addition to this occupational setting, physiotherapists seldom do maintain occupational protection attitudes for these applications, doing the work environment, as themselves, passive in risk and not controlled situations. Therefore, adverse effects may occur. In order to contribute to elucidate indicators and arouse the authorities care over surveillance and health legislation regarding professional\'s security, directly or indirectly involved with the therapy by microwave diathermy, this study was conducted. Objective: To analyze the association between prevalence of morbidities referred by physiotherapists and their occupational exposure to radiation emitted by therapeutic microwave diathermy equipment. Methodology: A Cross-sectional study conducted in 193 physiotherapists from four cities of the west of Paraná State, Brazil. A specified structured web questionnaire was applied for collecting data about microwave diathermy exposition, potential confounders and morbidities, plus the Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF) and the Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS). Statistical analysis included logistic regression and Student\'s t-Test. Results: It was observed significant associations between exposure of physiotherapists to microwave and the use of visual correction lens (p = 0.02; OR: 3.56; 95% CI: 1.15 - 10.96), fatigue (p = 0.04; OR: 4.93; 95% CI: 1.04 - 23.25) and neoplasms (p = 0.008; OR: 32.05; 95% CI: 2.46 - 416.96). The results obtained in the Student\'s t test, related to occupational exposure to radiation of microwave diathermy and fatigue (p = 0.004), use of visual correction lens (p < 0.001) and neoplasms (p < 0.001), were consistent with the results obtained in the univariate and multivariate analyzes for these outcomes. Conclusion: The results demonstrated a significant association between occupational exposure of physiotherapists to radiation of microwave diathermy and use of visual correction lens, fatigue and cancer. Therefore, occupational safety guidelines aimed at these professionals, as a prevention of possible adverse effects, and replication of this study are suggested.

Upplevelse av stress i arbetslivet hos fysioterapeuter inom primärvård : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Hållén, Isabelle, Jansson, Fia January 2018 (has links)
Background: Physiotherapist is one health care profession with an increased exposedness for work-related burnout. Purpose: To investigate the experience of work-related stress in physiotherapists within primary health care in Sweden as well as coping strategies to manage stress at work.   Design and method: Qualitative design based on semi-structured interviews. Five physiotherapists from different workplaces in two different regions in Sweden attended in the study. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze and process collected data. Results: The physiotherapists experienced high workload, increased stress levels, working overtime, staff shortages as well as expectations and demands as stressors in the workplace. Poor quality at work and in meetings with patients were mentioned as consequences of work-related stress. Facilitating factors and coping strategies to abate stress were used in terms of good self-efficacy in the profession, having collegial support, physical activity as well as being content with the current life-situation outside of work. Conclusion: Social support in the workplace is an important factor to abate stress among physiotherapists in primary health care in Sweden. The result illustrates the importance of being observant on contributive factors for work-related stress. Coping strategies to counteract stress were also mentioned in the study. / Bakgrund: Fysioterapeuter är en av flera vårdprofessioner som har en ökad utsatthet för arbetsrelaterad utbrändhet. Syfte: Att undersöka upplevelse av stress i arbetslivet hos fysioterapeuter inom primärvård samt hur de hanterar den stress som kan uppstå. Metod: Kvalitativ design i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer användes. Fem fysioterapeuter, från olika arbetsplatser inom primärvården samt från två olika regioner i Sverige, intervjuades utifrån författarnas intervjuguide. Intervjuerna bearbetades och analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys.   Resultat: Fysioterapeuterna upplevde bidragande faktorer i form av bland annat ökad stressnivå, hög arbetsbelastning, övertidsarbete, låg bemanning samt krav inom arbetet. Underlättande faktorer som framkom var trygghet i arbetsrollen, kollegialt stöd på arbetsplatsen samt en god livssituation utanför arbetet. Nedsatt kvalité i arbetet och patientbemötandet var konsekvenser som uppkom till följd av arbetsrelaterad stress. Stresshanteringsstrategier såsom tydlighet i mötet med patienten och ta hjälp av kollegor nämndes. Utanför arbetstid användes även fysisk aktivitet samt att ”varva ned” som strategier. Konklusion: Stöd från kollegor och ledning är viktigt hos fysioterapeuter i primärvård för att minska risken för upplevd arbetsrelaterad stress. Studien uppmärksammar vikten av att vara observant på faktorer som tyder på upplevd arbetsrelaterad stress samt att använda individuella stresshanteringsstrategier hos fysioterapeuter inom primärvård.

Cvičení a pohybové aktivity během těhotenství z pohledu fyzioterapeutů České republiky / Exercise and physical activities during pregnancy from the perspective of physiotherapist in the Czech republic.

Humlová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
Author: Bc. Kateřina Humlová Title: Exercise and physical activities during pregnancy from the perspective of physiotherapist in the Czech Republic. Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis is evaluate the opinions, experiences and competencies of physiotherapist from the Czech Republic in relation to work with pregnant woman, which were collected during pre- and postgraduate education. Methods: A non-standardized questionnaire was created for the Leeds of the research. The research was taken by 171 probands (physiotherapists of the Czech Republic). The data were evaluated using Microsoft Excel and mathematical software R. Results: In the examined number of physiotherapists in the Czech Republic (n = 171) it was found that over 85 % (n = 146; 85,4 %) of participating physiotherapists rand the evaluation of informatik during undergraduate study and the posibility of working with pregnant woman as insufficient. There were no statistically signifiant differences between the evaluations of respondents from different schools or between the time from graduation. More than 81 % of respondents (n = 139) were interested in pregnancy education. Interest of women dominated over interest of men. Over 71 % of respondents (n = 119) work regurarly with pregnant women and more than 73 % of respondents (n = 126)...

Epilepsie: Wissen und Einstellungen von Physiotherapeuten, Ergotherapeuten und Logopäden

Hackel, Katharina 14 August 2020 (has links)
Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists play a key role in the treatment of children with epilepsy. We performed a survey of therapists’ knowledge of and attitudes towards epilepsy in two regions of Germany, the city of Leipzig and the rural district of Zwickau. Therapists of 29/68 (43%) outpatient practices and 4/9 (44%) hospitals took part. In total, 195 therapists participated: 63 (32%) physiotherapists, 74 (38%) occupational therapists, and 58 (30%) speech therapist. In 65%, epilepsy was subject of vocational training. Of all therapists, 8% claimed they had not treated epilepsy patients so far. During professional life, 43% had witnessed a seizure. Of all therapists, 44% correctly assumed a seizure could result in death. During a seizure, 42% would perform the obsolete measure of placing something solid in the patient’s mouth, and 41% would administer a prescribed rescue medication. More information on epilepsy was requested by 92%. Conclusion: Most therapists treat patients with epilepsy, and almost half have already witnessed a seizure. Often, however, epilepsy is not subject of vocational training. The risk of a fatal outcome of a seizure is underestimated, and many therapists would perform obsolete measures. Knowledge of seizure management should be transmitted to therapists especially during vocational training.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis ............................................................................................... 3 1. Einführung in die Thematik..................................................................................... 4 1.1. Hintergrund ................................................................................................... 4 1.1.1. Epilepsie ................................................................................................. 4 1.1.2. Therapie der Epilepsie ............................................................................ 5 1.1.3. Bedeutung von Physiotherapie, Ergotherapie und Logopädie im Rahmen der Epilepsietherapie................................................................ 6 1.2. Therapeuten und Epilepsie als Schwerpunkt bereits vorhandener Studien . 8 1.3. Zielsetzungen der Studie ............................................................................ 10 1.4. Studiendesign ............................................................................................. 11 2. Originalartikel.......................................................................................................12 3. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit..............................................................................20 4. Literatur................................................................................................................25 5. Anlagen................................................................................................................30 I. Darstellung des eigenen Beitrages, Anteile der Co-Autoren................................ 40 II. Eigenständigkeitserklärung..................................................................................41


Mwenedata, Maurice January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Background: Physiotherapists’ knowledge, attitude and practice patterns in falls prevention are studied mainly in middle- and high-income countries. This study aims to develop and validate a questionnaire for studying the attitude, self-reported knowledge and clinical practice of Rwandan physiotherapists in falls prevention of older adults.  Method: In a cross sectional design the content, face and cross-cultural validity was tested on four Swedish experts and four Rwandan physiotherapists. Test-retest was performed with 20 Rwandan physiotherapists and descriptive data was summarized for these physiotherapists. Content validity index (CVI) was calculated per item and scale, and face validity index with face validity index (FVI) per item and scale. Interviews complemented the face validity scorings for cross-cultural validation. Test-retest was analysed with intraclass correlation coefficient(ICC). Results were categorized into individual, behavioural and environmental factors, in line with the Social Cognitive Theory.  Results:  The questionnaire attained a satisfactory degree of content validity with content validity index per item(I-CVI) and scale-level content validity index based on the average method (S-CVI/Ave) of 0.96. Questionnaire had satisfactory face validity with a face validity index per item (I-FVI) and scale-level face validity index based on the average method (S-FVI/Ave) of 0.89. The questionnaire was shown to be pertinent to Rwandan physiotherapists’ context. The test-retest stability of the questionnaire was non-significant. Most physiotherapists emphasized individual rather than environmental or behavioral risk factors for falls and in falls prevention treatment.  Conclusion: The content and face validity as well as cross-culture validity of preliminary questionnaire of falls prevention were acceptable. Further research in this area is essential to complete validation and to improve the reliability of the questionnaire. The study highlights the importance of application of social cognitive theory in studying how physiotherapists consider the complexity of factors contributing to falls.

Stöd för fysisk aktivitet till kvinnor som får kurativ behandling vid bröstcancer : en explorativ intervjustudie med patienter och fysioterapeuter / Physical activity support for women receiving curative breast cancer treatment : an exploratory interview study with patients and physiotherapists

Jilläng, Jonna, Stenman, Christina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Enligt Världshälsoorganisationens rekommendationer för fysisk aktivitet, bör vuxna med cancer följa samma rekommendationer som friska. Det är dock få som uppnår detta i samband med cancerbehandling trots studier som visar på flertalet fördelar. Det behövs mer kunskap om hur de som inte uppnår rekommendationerna kan stödjas. Syftet: Att utforska fysiskt inaktiva kvinnors samt fysioterapeuters uppfattning om vad som skulle kunna stödja kvinnor med bröstcancer att utöva fysisk aktivitet under pågående kurativ onkologisk behandling. Metod: Explorativ intervjustudie där sju individer intervjuades med semistrukturerade intervjuer, tre kvinnor med bröstcancer och fyra fysioterapeuter verksamma inom området. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades. Dataanalysen genomfördes med induktiv kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två kategorier som byggs upp av tre subkategorier från intervjuerna med kvinnor med bröstcancer. Från intervjuerna med fysioterapeuterna identifierades tre kategorier. Kategorierna är desamma som subkategorierna. Slutsats: Samtliga kvinnor uttrycker på olika sätt vikten av ett socialt stöd för att motivera till och underlätta utövande av fysisk aktivitet. Fysioterapeuterna beskriver att deras interventioner upplevs ge kvinnorna en ökad trygghet och bekräftelse. / Background: According to the World Health Organization's recommendations for physical activity, adults with cancer should follow the same recommendations as healthy people. However, few achieve this during cancer treatment, despite studies that show a number of benefits. More knowledge is currently needed on how to support those who do not meet the recommendations. Aim: To explore the perception of physically inactive women and physiotherapists about what could support women with breast cancer to exercise during ongoing curative oncological treatment. Method: Exploratory interview study where seven individuals were interviewed with semi-structured interviews, three women with breast cancer and four physiotherapists active in the field. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The data analysis was implemented with inductive qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in two categories that are made up of three subcategories from the interviews with women with breast cancer. From the interviews with the physiotherapists, three categories were identified. The categories are the same as the subcategories. Conclusion: All women express in different ways the importance of social support to motivate and facilitate the implementation of physical activity. The physiotherapists describe that their interventions are perceived to give the women increased security and confirmation.

Factors that influence the quality of the clinical supervision experience in a first contact physiotherapy (FCP) role - The perspectives of supervisors and supervisees – A qualitative analysis

Millington, Paul, Snaith, Beverly, Edwards, Lisa, Carus, Catherine 25 September 2024 (has links)
Yes / Purpose: First contact practitioner (FCP) roles have been developed to supplement the primary care workforce in managing the burden of musculoskeletal conditions. In order to quality assure and standardise capability of these clinicians an educational framework was developed by NHS England. The Roadmap to Practice (2020) was the curriculum designed to support and develop capability for FCP roles. This secondary analysis of a broader research project aimed to understand the factors affecting the supervisory experience from both a supervisor and supervisee perspective. Methods: A qualitative design using group interviews and an online survey was utilised to examine the experiences of these clinicians on their journey navigating and supporting the Roadmap to Practice portfolio process. Findings: Three principal themes were identified that affected the supervisory process; preparation of both supervisors and supervisee; the person (supervisor) and the practicalities associated with supervision. Conclusion: There were numerous factors influencing the quality of clinical supervision. Adequate preparation of the supervisor and supervisee is critical to success. The attributes of the supervisor were important in the enhancing the quality of supervisory process. Time afforded to undertake supervision and access to appropriate supervisors need to be adequate and accounted for in workforce planning. A paradigm shift in workplace culture is required so clinical supervision is seen as an integral component in maintaining quality and assuring patient safety. / The original project was funded by NHS England formerly Health Education England.

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