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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Subjekto kūniškoji raiška XX amžiaus X dešimtmečio lietuvių poezijoje / The bodily expression of subject of the lithuanian poetry in the last decade of the XXth century

Petrošius, Donatas 29 June 2005 (has links)
The object of this work is the poetry subject of the last decade of the XXth century, it‘s bodily expression. Various structuralistic and poststructuralistic litherary theory material is used about subject‘s body and being (and his anthrophomorphical form), and also it‘s conjunctions in popular culture with cult of body. We need to ascertain who connect confronting theories, which look at the essence of subject and also to authors connections to his institution. The object of analysis is texts of Lithuanian poets and the expression of corporeality in it. In this analysis we hold on the semiotical postulates – immanence and discourse, narathology and semantical level assumptions, plus lingvistical individual cathegory aspect. We come to the conclusion that popular culture in the revival period didn‘t make the substantial effect on bodily expression of Lithuanian poetry, though corporeality became one of the leading text dimesions.

Funkcja kolorystyki w poezji K. I. Galczynskiego / Colours of K. I. Galczynski poetry

Špakovska, Aneta 14 June 2005 (has links)
The main subject of the master thesis analysing the poetry of K. I. Galczynski. I would like to introduce Polish and foreign readers with his colourfull and imaginated reality of 1940-50th years.

Debesų vaizdinys lietuvių poezijoje / Mental image of clouds in lithuanian poetry

Jurgaitytė, Irma 20 November 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbo tikslas – apibrėžti lietuvių autorių poezijoje sukurtą debesų vaizdinį. Tiriamoji medžiaga – 362 eilėraščių fragmentai. Pasaulėvaizdžio svarbiausioms debesų ypatybėms iškelti analizuotos tiesioginės ir metoniminės, po to – metaforinės kalbos vienetų reikšmės. Poezijos ištraukose minimų veiksmažodžių, jų formų ir būdvardžių analizė papildo lietuvių poezijoje susidariusį debesų vaizdinį. / The aim of the master’s thesis is to define the image of clouds in the poetry by Lithuanian authors. The material of the research is 362 fragments of poems. In order to raise the most important characteristics of clouds in the world-view, primary and metonymic, later metaphoric meanings of language units were analyzed. The analysis of verbs, their forms and adjectives mentioned in the fragments of the poetry complements the image of clouds present in Lithuanian poetry.

Avangardizam Boška Tokina: kinematografski elementi u teorijskom, kritičkom, proznom i poetskom delu

Miljak Ivana 19 May 2015 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji, Bo&scaron;ko Tokin se, po prvi put, sveobuhvatno analizira kao teoretičar, kritičar, poetski i prozni pisac, te se, prema toj analizi i prema teorijskoj, kritičkoj, poetskoj i proznoj avangardnoj praksi uop&scaron;te, utvrđuje njegov značaj kao avangardnog pisca. Potom se dokazuje posebnost njegovog dela u avangardnom kontekstu, odnosno dokazuje se njegov avangardizam težnja prema sprezi&ldquo; književnosti i filma.<br />Analizom teorijskih radova pokazuje se da su elementi koje je zahtevao od književnih dela zapravo elementi koji su a priori ostvareniji u delima filmske umetnosti, zbog same prirode te umetnosti. Ti elementi se u ovom radu nazivaju kinematografski elementi.<br />Na temelju analize kritičkih radova određuje se da je na osnovu tih elemenata Tokin vrednovao, kako književna, tako i filmska dela, odnosno da je malo koje delo, iz jedne i druge umetnosti, moglo da zadovolji kriterijume na&scaron;eg kritičara, ali da su tome najbliži bili oni koji su u svojim književnim delima koristili kinematografske elemente. Iz interpretacije proznih i poetskih tekstova proizilazi da je pisac interpolirao kinematografske elemente u gotovo celokupni umetnički opus, odnosno da je svoja književna dela gradio elementima koji imaju ekvivalente u delima filmske umetnosti. Tako se dokazuje su&scaron;tina poetike Bo&scaron;ka Tokina, koja je u sledećem pisac je težio totalnom umetničkom delu&ldquo;, a totalno umetničko delo&ldquo; za njega predstavlja ono književno delo koje se temelji i gradi kinematografskim elementima.</p>

Motyw natury w poezji regionalistow / The motif of nature in regionalists’ poetry

Miloš, Alina 10 November 2006 (has links)
The topic of this work is the motif of nature in regionalists’ poetry of interwar period. The poems of Tadeusz Lopalewski, Witold Hulewicz, Wanda Niedzialkowska- Dobaczewska, and Eugenia Kobylinska are analyzed in this paper. All these poets called regionalists. The aim of this paper is not to analyze or evaluate all the poetry of the above mentioned authors but only those pieces of their creative work which deal with the motif of nature. So this master’s thesis analyses the motif of nature in the regionalists’ poetry of interwar period. The poems concerning nature are described in this work, stylistic and artistic devices of describing nature are discussed as well. The objects of this paper are: 1. To show the methods to describe the views of Vilnius. 2. To point out the most important motifs of the countryside in the poetry of Tadeusz Lopalewski, Witold Hulewicz, Wanda Niedzialkowska- Dobaczewska, and Eugenia Kobylinska. The landscapes of Vilnius are often related to people’s feature, their abilities to understand and feel. The regionalists idealize and glorify this nature. According to them the nature is exceptional and unusual. The poetry of regionalists reveals the features of romanticism and the “New Polish” styles in which the nature is personified and reflects the inner world of the lyrical object. The first part of the paper deals with the discussion of the nature of Vilnius in the poetry of the above mentioned authors. On the ground of the analysis of their... [to full text]

Rūtos semantika lietuvių folklore ir poezijoje / Rue’s semantic in the Lithuanian folklore and poetry

Valošinienė, Irmanta 28 June 2006 (has links)
Rue is popular in all the nationalities, but its mean different. In the Lithuanian culture this flower means a lot, it is important in every life, creation and in hundreds of years it couldn’t be changed by another objects. In this work is the material analysed about the rue’s semantic in the folk creation, traditions and in the individual poetry and its contacts to the culture of many nations. The aim of this work is to analise one of the most important objects (the rue) in our creation, customs, spoken creation, its way to the individual creation, the meaning change in the poetry and its semantic meaning.

Tworczosc poetycka Tadeusza Lady - Zablockiego / Poetry of Tadeusza Lady - Zablockiego

Maliuševskaja, Leokadija 14 June 2005 (has links)
T. Lad - Zablocki is the most famous poet of Caucasus group. He lived and created his poems in XIX century. The master thesis describes Poland political situation and nature of Caucasus. T. Lad - Zablocki has written about love to his native country.

Tematyka regionalna w poezji Kazimiery Iłakowiczówny / Regionaliniai motyvai Kazimieros Iłłakowiczównos poezijoje / Regionalisms in the Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna's poetry

Baranovska, Česlava 16 August 2007 (has links)
Praca zawiera omówienie utworów regionalnych w poezji K. Iłłakowiczówny. W pierwszym rozdziale podana jest biografia poetki, w następnym - analiza wierszy, opisujących piękno pejzażu Litwy i Łotwy. Trzeci rozdział zawiera interpretację utworów, przedstawiających obraz ludzi, związanych z krajem, gdzie poetka się urodziła, spędziła swe dzieciństwo i wczesną młodość. / Darbe yra nagrinėjami regionaliniai motyvai Kazimieros Iłłakowiczównos poezijoje. Pirmame skyriuje yra aprašoma poetės biografija, antrame - interpretuojami eilėraščiai, kuriuose poetė aprašo Lietuvos ir Latvijos gamtos grožį. Trečiame skyriuje analizuojami kūriniai aprašantis žmones, susijusius su šalimi, kurioje poetė gimė, praleido savo vaikystę ir paauglystę. / The author of this work tryes to research regionalisms in K. Iłłakowiczówna's poetry. At first she introduces us to poetess's biography. After that the author analyses these poems, which are discribing the beauty of Lithuaninian and Latvian landscape. Also she makes interpretation of these poems, which are portraying people who were born and had lived in these countries and where poetess had spent her childhood and youth.

Proziškėjimo tendencija šiuolaikinėje lietuvių poezijoje (G. Grajausko, R. Kmitos, M. Valiuko, N. Abrutytės ir kt. debiutantų kūryboje) / Contemporary Lithuanian poetry growing into prose

Lūžaitė-Kajėnienė, Jurgita 20 June 2005 (has links)
The curiosity of the author of this work about Lithuanian poetry growing into prose was not accidental: the synthesis of various genres in contemporary literature becoming more vital, poet’s escaping into prose essays. The transformation of traditional poetic – forces to contemplate into which direction goes our poetry. So the basic goal of this work – try to reveal, to describe the direction of transformation of Lithuanian’s contemporary poetry. Lithuanian poetry today experience different influences especially: from information and technology society, from television, from mass media, from prose and essayistic creations, from another types and forms of art. Recently critics of Lithuanian literature more frequent talks about influence from prose into poetry, its transformation into prose, into writing more down on earth. For that reason the author of this work had decided to look more precise into this growing tendency. Had to admit, that this very strong reveals itself in a young poets creations of the last decade; they tray to transform the traditional poetry of poems, to escape from abstract talking and the labyrinth of mixture of senses, to contemplate today’s experiences, visualizations, things, objects, stories ect. For a long time the poetry was comprehended like the priority, more exceptional organization of article language. But when critics and literature of realism provided such definitions as “truth”, “simplicity”, exactly then them are becoming the mane... [to full text]

Tylos poezija / Poetry of the silence

Grebenkovaitė, Rasa 14 January 2007 (has links)
Communication remains the most important matter trough all periods of life and all epoches. We communicate , reflect, exchange information since an infancy till an old age. The speech is the main form of communication. Therefore every human‘s look, step, moove, gesture are meaningful. Even every object breaks about it‘s existance. A poetic speech makes the meaning of object and classical picture to turn to tangible individual form. It „brings up the picture of what we see and makes to forget what appeared untill up to us“ (Cezanne). Our interest in out of the picture takes us to new limits of seeing and listening.

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