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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Servi?o social e o trabalho com fam?lias no ?mbito da pol?tica nacional de assist?ncia social

Sant?anna, Vera L?cia Nunes 25 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 432744.pdf: 244930 bytes, checksum: f8bf84f3c32221ab5e58dd987bcd922b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-25 / Este estudo busca analisar o trabalho dos assistentes sociais com fam?lias a partir da implanta??o da Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social (PNAS), com o objetivo de Conhecer o trabalho dos Assistentes Sociais com as fam?lias, com vistas a contribuir para o aprimoramento do trabalho profissional e subsidiar a Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social (PNAS). Na expectativa de enfrentar tal desafio recorreu-se a Funda??o de Assist?ncia Social e Cidadania (FASC), ?rg?o da Prefeitura do munic?pio de Porto Alegre, respons?vel pela coordena??o e execu??o da pol?tica de assist?ncia social, como campo para a pesquisa. A pesquisa teve como sujeito os assistentes sociais inseridos nos Centros de Refer?ncia de Assist?ncia Social (CRAS), na Prote??o Social B?sica. Como resultado da Pesquisa, aponta-se as potencialidades que se mesclam as dificuldades, e que determinam possibilidades e limita??es para as a??es dos assistentes sociais. Para exemplificar, o processo de implanta??o da PNAS apresenta potencialidades por meio da Lei Org?nica de Assist?ncia Social, 1993, garantida na Constitui??o Federal de 1988, e na pr?pria Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social, 2004. A legisla??o da assist?ncia social d? as diretrizes para sua implanta??o, a qual necessita superar desafios para sua materializa??o, provocados pela trama de rela??es contradit?rias e pela hist?rica cultura da assist?ncia entendida como ajuda, favor, assistencialismo. Realizou-se a pesquisa qualitativa, norteada pelo m?todo dial?tico cr?tico que abarca as tr?s dimens?es da dial?tica, a historicidade, a contradi??o e a totalidade. A coleta de dados se deu atrav?s da entrevista semi-estruturada e para a an?lise e aprofundamento dos dados coletados optou-se pela An?lise Textual Discursiva (ATD). Um dos resultados desta pesquisa a ser ressaltado pelas participantes ? o lugar que o usu?rio assume como sujeito participante na PNAS, sendo ator e protagonista.

Territ?rio e assist?ncia social: uma an?lise do servi?o social a partir da produ??o social do espa?o

Andrade, Iraci de 30 January 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 437981.pdf: 1765405 bytes, checksum: 7699b3fe6eaeff8e1d4da3405472158d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-01-30 / This thesis is a study about social production in a determined context. The research included social workers who materialized the Social Assistance Policy in the West and on the Coast of the State of Santa Catarina. The study was developed based on the historical and dialectic perspectives of the qualitative and quantitative approach. It aims to reveal new implications and challenges that social work faces to bring effectiveness for social assistance rights according to the territorial dimension incorporated in the Social Assistance National Policy stated by the Social Assistance Single System perspective. The three main categories of this investigative study are: territorial, social assistance policy, and social work. Data were collected by using bibliographic and documental research, focus groups and on-line questionnaires. Empirical data were collected through five focus groups which were made up with forty subjects mostly social workers connected to CRAS and CREAS teams from the West and the coast of the State of Santa Catarina. Based on the principles of the historical and dialectic construction of the human being and the social space, the study considers human labor as the central category in the social context production. The social and territorial analysis approaches problems regarding different social and historical processes of usage, production and the fight for the territorial ownership by traditional Indian populations, African-Indian descendents and landless peasants from the West of Santa Catarina State. The construction of hydro electrical plants, which involved thousands of workers, reveals itself as a restricted territory even for the effectiveness of public policies able to preserve fundamental human rights. The study also explores elements related to urbanization processes that are associated to the tourism industry on the state coast. In this sense, the study shows multiple social processes of perverse inclusion of broad social segments that have become poor as a consequence of the inadequate market production of the touristic space. According to these parameters, the current globalized and urbanized capitalist society is deeply unequal and it determines the social context for the Social Assistance National Policy based on territorial perspectives. The results demonstrated that the comprehension of the critical and dialectic dimension of the territorial category is essential to guarantee social assistance rights and the effectiveness of social assistance policies. Such comprehension of the facts is only possible for those professionals who are able to use instruments rooted in the critical method. Territory is an element of life pulsation and partnership dispute and social work is a profession that is constructed in this arena. Social work means to give sense to the Social Assistance Policy as a contradictory space in the struggle for exceeding in the capitalist society. / A tese realiza estudo sobre a produ??o social do espa?o referenciado na perspectiva hist?rico-dial?tica de abordagem investigativa quali-quantitativa, desvendando as novas implica??es e desafios postos ao Servi?o Social na efetiva??o de direitos socioassistenciais, considerada a dimens?o territorial incorporada pela Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social na perspectiva do SUAS. A trilogia categorial ― o territ?rio, a pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social e o Servi?o Social ― conforma o n?cleo orientador da constru??o do estudo investigativo. Relativamente ?s t?cnicas de pesquisa, utilizaram-se a pesquisa bibliogr?fica e a documental, grupos focais e question?rio on-line. Os dados emp?ricos foram coletados atrav?s de cinco grupos focais, que contaram com a participa??o de 40 trabalhadores sociais (essencialmente, Assistentes Sociais) vinculados a equipes de Centros de Refer?ncia de Assist?ncia Social (CRASs) e de Centros de Refer?ncia Especializada de Assist?ncia Social (CREASs), sendo realizados nas regi?es oeste e litoral catarinenses. O estudo contempla abordagem fundamentada na constru??o hist?rico-dial?tica do ser social e do espa?o social, elegendo o trabalho humano enquanto categoria central na produ??o social do espa?o. A an?lise socioterritorial desenvolvida aborda quest?es relativas aos diferentes processos s?cio- -hist?ricos de uso, produ??o e luta pela apropria??o do territ?rio por parte das popula??es tradicionais ind?genas, caboclas, de trabalhadores sem terra e agricultores familiares no oeste catarinense. A constru??o de hidrel?tricas, envolvendo milhares de trabalhadores, revela-se como territ?rio restrito, at? mesmo para a atua??o de pol?ticas p?blicas fundamentais ? defesa de direitos humanos b?sicos. Nesse mesmo movimento, o estudo explora elementos sobre o processo de urbaniza??o associado ? ind?stria do turismo no litoral catarinense, revelando m?ltiplos processos sociais de inclus?o perversa de amplos segmentos sociais empobrecidos em decorr?ncia das contradi??es inerentes ao modo de produ??o mercantil do espa?o tur?stico. Nesses par?metros, a produ??o social do espa?o, nos marcos da sociedade capitalista globalizada, urbanizada e profundamente desigual, demarca o contexto social do desenvolvimento da Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social na perspectiva territorial. O resultado da pesquisa, envolvendo trabalhadores sociais que materializam a Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social no oeste e no litoral catarinenses, demonstra que ? essencial, para a garantia dos direitos socioassistenciais e a efetividade da pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social, a apreens?o da dimens?o cr?tica-dial?tica da categoria territ?rio usado. A referida apreens?o s? ? poss?vel para os profissionais que utilizam instrumentos enraizados no m?todo cr?tico, pois pensar o territ?rio como elemento de pulsa??o de vida e disputa de projeto societ?rio significa pensar o Servi?o Social como profiss?o que se constr?i nessa arena, da mesma forma, ? dar sentido ? Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social como espa?o contradit?rio na luta pelo excedente na sociedade capitalista.

O trabalho do assistente social na pol?tica p?blica de educa??o b?sica na regi?o metropolitana de Porto Alegre

Silveira, Silvia Regina 24 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 445411.pdf: 1448674 bytes, checksum: 7e1f489a0c02f1edabe82e406c61195f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-24 / This study, guided by the critical-dialectical method, refers to the work of the social worker in Public Policy for Basic Education in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, with the problem the following question: How has constituted the work of the social worker in Politics Public Basic Education in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. Therefore, the questions that guided the study were: what are the demands met by a social worker? What are the means used to carry out the occupation? What are the products of the work of social policy in this sector? The overall objective was to analyze the work of social workers inserted in Public Policy for Basic Education in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre in order to contribute to building knowledge in the area of Social Work. Has the following objectives: identify the insertion occurs as social workers in Public Policy for Basic Education, professional activity and the demands met by them and possible coordination with other sectoral policies; know the subject of professional action and strategies for action Social Services in ensuring the right to education; investigate the concept of education used by professional Social Work inserted in Public Policy Basic Education and how their professional activity contributes to the effectiveness of mobilization, participation and protagonism of the subjects. For realization of this study was to survey the presence of the social worker in Public Policy for Basic Education in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, where, of the 32 municipalities belonging to the site above, we identified the presence of 16 professionals in the year 2012 , distributed in 07 municipalities. To collect data, we used qualitative research through semi-structured interview, with the approval of the project by the Ethics PUCRS. The research sample was given to 12 professionals. In the treatment of the data analysis was based content Bardin (2006). The main results identified that social workers are included in the Municipal Departments of Education, one of which operates on a Specialized Educational Services Department, said secretary bound. The work of the social worker is carried out based on the axes of access and retention of students in school, being developed 4 shares that constitute instances in management and policy implementation: socioeconomic evaluation, coordination of care networks of other social policies, planning and implementing continuing education meetings to the school community and technical advice to schools. It was concluded that in addition to the activities undertaken to secure access and retention of students in school, social workers are challenged to potentiate the actions related to social emancipatory processes, contributing to the realization of education as a social right with compromised the interests the working class. / O presente estudo, orientado pelo m?todo dial?tico-cr?tico, refere-se ao trabalho do assistente social na Pol?tica P?blica de Educa??o B?sica na regi?o metropolitana de Porto Alegre, tendo como problema a seguinte quest?o: como vem se constituindo o trabalho do assistente social na Pol?tica P?blica de Educa??o B?sica na regi?o metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Para tanto, as quest?es que nortearam o trabalho foram: quais as demandas atendidas pelo assistente social? Quais os meios utilizados para a realiza??o da atividade profissional? Quais os produtos do trabalho do assistente social nesta pol?tica setorial? O objetivo geral foi analisar o trabalho dos assistentes sociais inseridos na pol?tica p?blica em quest?o na regi?o metropolitana de Porto Alegre a fim de contribuir para a constru??o de conhecimento do Servi?o Social na ?rea. Tem como objetivos espec?ficos: identificar como ocorre a inser??o dos assistentes sociais na referida pol?tica, a atividade profissional e as demandas atendidas pelos mesmos e a poss?vel articula??o com as demais pol?ticas setoriais; conhecer os sujeitos da a??o profissional e as estrat?gias de a??o do Servi?o Social na garantia do direito ? educa??o; investigar a concep??o de educa??o utilizada pelo profissional do Servi?o Social inserido na Pol?tica P?blica de Educa??o B?sica e de que forma sua atividade profissional contribui para a efetiva??o da mobiliza??o, participa??o e protagonismo dos sujeitos. Para realiza??o do referido estudo foi realizado levantamento sobre a presen?a do assistente social na pol?tica p?blica supracitada na regi?o metropolitana de Porto Alegre, sendo que, dos 32 munic?pios pertencentes ao local referido, identificou-se a presen?a de 16 profissionais no ano de 2012, distribu?dos em 07 munic?pios. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizada a pesquisa qualitativa, atrav?s de entrevista semi-estruturada, mediante a aprova??o do projeto pelo Comit? de ?tica da PUCRS. A amostra da pesquisa deu-se com 12 profissionais. No tratamento dos dados foi realizada a an?lise de conte?do baseada em Bardin (2006). Como principais resultados identificou-se que as assistentes sociais est?o inseridas nas Secretarias Municipais de Educa??o, sendo que uma delas atua em um Departamento de Atendimento Educacional Especializado, vinculado a referida secretaria. O trabalho do assistente social ? realizado com base nos eixos de acesso e perman?ncia dos alunos na escola, sendo desenvolvidas 4 a??es que se constituem nas inst?ncias de gest?o e execu??o da pol?tica: avalia??o socioecon?mica, articula??o das redes de atendimento das demais pol?ticas sociais, planejamento e execu??o de encontros de forma??o continuada ? comunidade escolar e assessoria t?cnica ?s escolas. Concluiu-se que para al?m das atividades realizadas para a viabiliza??o do acesso e perman?ncia dos alunos na escola, as assistentes sociais s?o desafiadas a potencializar as a??es referentes aos processos sociais emancipat?rios, contribuindo para a efetiva??o da educa??o, enquanto direito social comprometida com os interesses da classe trabalhadora.

Enfrentamento da viol?ncia sexual infanto-juvenil em Porto Alegre : contradi??es e perspectivas

Vieira, Monique Soares 25 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 445561.pdf: 2266291 bytes, checksum: 2e5dd4854a8a65e44e8230f2144e450a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-25 / The present study have as objective discuss about the materialization of actions to combat sexual violence against children and teens in scope the actions of the municipal government and its interface with Civil Society in the city of Porto Alegre / RS. In this sense, the research aimed to promote a critical contextualization about the municipalization the actions of the proposed National Plan for dealing with sexual violence against children and teens, aiming to strengthen the articulation between the municipal government and civil society to construction of public policies to guarantee rights of children and teens who are victims of violence. The specific objectives sought to analyze as it has been developed the actions aimed at combating sexual violence against children and teens; unravel how participatory spaces for civil society are organized, identify how the process of participation is encouraged and materialized in Porto Alegre, thus sought to know as is relationship between civil society and government, revealing how agents evaluate the process the combat with sexual violence. In view of the objectives proposed in this research, the type of search used outside of a qualitative approach, such as: the perceptions of individuals surveyed regarding the challenges and coping strategies of sexual violence against children and teens, the evaluation of these agents in the construction of such actions, the social relations that were established along the way of participation in the combat of sexual violence. The method chosen for analysis of reality was the critical-dialectical method using four categories historicity, totality, mediation and contradiction. To collect data, we used the desk research to analyze the Municipal Plans to Combat Sexual Violence Children and Teens (2012), and the Annual Reports of Accompaniments the children and adolescents the CREAS. To collect data, we used the desk research to analyze the Municipal Plan to Combat Sexual Violence Children and Youth (2012) of accompaniments to children and adolescents CREAS. In addition, use has been made of the interview, applying a form containing open questions with six subjects, who work in the process of coping with sexual violence in juvenile Porto Alegre (Child Protection Program of the Municipal Local Governance Reference Center for Victims of Violence of the Municipal Urban Security and Human Rights, Social Assistance Foundation, CMDCA and EVESCA). To analyze the data collected in the survey, it was decided by the technique of content analysis and the method of Systematization of Practice. The data analysis collected allowed the capture that way for materialization of coordinated actions between the Government and Civil Society in Porto Alegre necessitates the construction of strategies to able of ensure the fulfillment of rights of children and youth, given the complexity involved in the phenomenon, and expand and strengthen democratic participation of society in discussions and decision making. / O presente estudo tem como mote a discuss?o acerca da materializa??o das a??es de enfrentamento ? viol?ncia sexual contra crian?as e adolescentes no ?mbito das a??es do Poder P?blico Municipal e a sua interface com a Sociedade Civil no munic?pio de Porto Alegre/RS. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa visou promover uma contextualiza??o cr?tica sobre a municipaliza??o das a??es propostas pelo Plano Nacional para o enfrentamento ? viol?ncia sexual infanto-juvenil, almejando fortalecer a articula??o entre o Poder P?blico Municipal e a Sociedade Civil, para a constru??o de pol?ticas p?blicas destinadas ? garantia dos direitos das crian?as e adolescentes v?timas de viol?ncia sexual. Os objetivos espec?ficos buscaram analisar quais s?o e como v?m sendo desenvolvidas as a??es destinadas ao enfrentamento da viol?ncia sexual infanto-juvenil; desvendar como os espa?os participativos para a sociedade civil est?o organizados no ?mbito das a??es de enfrentamento ? viol?ncia sexual contra crian?as e adolescentes. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se identificar como o processo de participa??o ? estimulado e materializado em Porto Alegre, buscando assim conhecer como acontece ? articula??o entre a sociedade civil e o poder p?blico para a defesa e garantia dos direitos das crian?as e adolescentes e, desvendando como os agentes avaliam esse processo de enfrentamento ? viol?ncia sexual. Tendo em vista os objetivos propostos nesta investiga??o, o tipo de pesquisa utilizada foi a de enfoque qualitativo, em que se buscou apreender tais aspectos da realidade: as percep??es dos sujeitos pesquisados, no que se refere, os desafios e estrat?gias de enfrentamento ? viol?ncia sexual infanto-juvenil, a avalia??o destes agentes no processo de constru??o de tais a??es, as rela??es sociais que se estabeleceram no decorrer do caminho da participa??o social no enfrentamento ? viol?ncia sexual. A an?lise da realidade foi norteada pelo m?todo dial?tico-cr?tico a partir de quatro categorias: historicidade, totalidade, contradi??o e media??o. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a pesquisa documental para an?lise do Plano Municipal de Enfrentamento ? Viol?ncia Sexual Infanto-Juvenil (2012) e os Relat?rios Anuais de Acompanhamento ?s crian?as e adolescentes do CREAS. Al?m disso, realizou-se entrevistas com aplica??o de um formul?rio que continha perguntas abertas com seis sujeitos, que atuam no processo de enfrentamento ? viol?ncia sexual infanto-juvenil em Porto Alegre (Programa de Prote??o a Inf?ncia da Secretaria Municipal de Governan?a Local, Centro de Refer?ncia ?s V?timas de Viol?ncia da Secretaria Municipal de Direitos Humanos e Seguran?a Urbana, Funda??o de Assist?ncia Social, CMDCA e EVESCA). Para analisar os dados coletados na pesquisa, optou-se pela t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do e pelo m?todo de Sistematiza??o da Pr?tica. A an?lise dos dados coletados permitiu apreender que o caminho para materializa??o de a??es articuladas entre o Poder P?blico e a Sociedade Civil, em Porto Alegre, necessita da constru??o de estrat?gias capazes de garantir a plenitude dos direitos da inf?ncia e juventude, diante da complexidade que envolve o fen?meno, bem como ampliar e fortalecer a participa??o democr?tica da sociedade nos espa?os de discuss?o e tomada de decis?o.

Desigualdades e resist?ncias : avan?os, contradi??es e desafios para a garantia das seguran?as do SUAS pela prote??o social especial

Gasparotto, Geovana Prante 08 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 445412.pdf: 3919704 bytes, checksum: 658ca91e8b7b132ca6a4cd62f012f946 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-08 / The present work has as the subject of study the security and social protection of the special Social Welfare Policy, SUAS. The overall goal is to analyze how the CREAS from municipalities of the 9th Planning Functional Region state of RS are bailing under the Securities prescribed in SUAS in order to contribute with subsidies for the improvement of services provided to the user population . This study is guided by Marxism, based on the critical-dialectical method, which seeks to go to the essence of phenomena. It is characterized as a social explanatory research. The population defined for the survey is comprised by the municipalities of the 9th Region Functional Planning, which consists of one hundred and thirty municipalities. Of these, only nine had CREAS, four of whom comprised the sample: Small I: Irai; Small II: Solitude; Mid Size: Carazinho, and Large: Passo Fundo. The subjects of the study is comprised by representatives of families of all users from the surveyed CREAS, totaling 15 female users; Welfare municipal policy managers totaling four managers (one representative appointed by the manager); and 1 professional Social Worker at Center. Data were collected through documentary analysis of monitoring data sheet from CREAS through a guideline formulary to collect data and semi-structured interviews with the subjects. We used three guidelines for the interviews, all compounds with open questions. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The data was analyzed by content analysis by Bardin (2009).The results indicate that professionals from the surveyed Centers are finding difficulties for the materialization of social security protection of Social Welfare Services, which also require greater knowledge of its principles by the staff. The existing human resources structure in CREAS is not being able to meet the demands identified in the Centers, as well as they are not compliant with the prescriptions of NOB-RH/SUAS. The physical structure of buildings where the CREAS are installed are not suitable, and it?s being marked by improvisation which is a characteristic of the historical process of social welfare policy. The material resources available are also lacking maintenance and better conditions of functioning. The services offered in CREAS need a better definition and clarity in its methodology. The actions taken are still very much tied to situations experienced by individuals in a personal level, and collective activities that have the greatest potential to encourage participation and social mobilization are dismissed. Many professional actions also perpetuate gender stereotypes related to women's self-care concerning the users of the offered services.It is also evident the consolidation of bourgeois values in public services, with the rectification of ideology inherent to capitalism, which reproduces gender inequalities also in these spaces. We still can see the reiteration of culture of accountability by the lack of women's participation in activities as representatives of the families with the existing services. It was possible to visualize the numerous obstacles to the realization of Social Welfare as a public policy, but there are also individuals who engage in the struggle to guarantee rights and the consolidation of the Unified Social Welfare, as legally recommended. It is highlighted the importance of the collective organization by workers and users to the struggle for the guarantee of universal social rights based on equality / O presente trabalho tem como tema de estudo as seguran?as do SUAS e a prote??o social especial da pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social. O objetivo geral consiste em analisar de que forma os CREAS dos munic?pios da Regi?o Funcional de Planejamento 9 do Estado do RS v?m afian?ando as Seguran?as previstas no SUAS, a fim de contribuir com subs?dios para a qualifica??o dos servi?os prestados ? popula??o usu?ria. Este estudo ? orientado pelo marxismo, a partir do m?todo cr?tico-dial?tico, que busca ir ? ess?ncia dos fen?menos. Caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa social de n?vel explicativo. A popula??o definida para a pesquisa compreende os munic?pios que integram a Regi?o Funcional de Planejamento 9, que ? formada por cento e trinta munic?pios. Desses, apenas nove possu?am CREAS, sendo que quatro deles compuseram a amostra: Pequeno Porte I: Irai; Pequeno Porte II: Soledade; M?dio Porte: Carazinho; e, Grande Porte: Passo Fundo. Os sujeitos da pesquisa compreenderam representantes de fam?lias usu?rias de todos os CREAS pesquisados, totalizando 15 usu?rias; gestores/as municipais da pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social, totalizando 4 gestores/as (sendo um/a representante indicado/a pelo/a gestor/a); 1 profissional assistente social de cada Centro. Os dados foram coletados por meio da an?lise documental da ficha de monitoramento do CREAS, atrav?s de um roteiro para coleta de dados e entrevistas semiestruturadas com os sujeitos. Utilizou-se tr?s roteiros para a realiza??o das entrevistas, todos compostos com quest?es abertas.As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas. Para an?lise dos dados coletados, est? sendo utilizada a an?lise de conte?do, com base em Bardin (2009). Os resultados apontam que os/as profissionais dos Centros pesquisados v?m encontrando dificuldades para a materializa??o das seguran?as da prote??o social de Assist?ncia Social, as quais carecem tamb?m de maior apropria??o por parte das equipes. A estrutura de recursos humanos existente nos CREAS n?o vem dando conta das demandas identificadas nos Centros, tampouco est?o de acordo com o que disp?e a NOB-RH/SUAS. As estruturas f?sicas dos im?veis onde est?o instalados os CREAS n?o s?o adequadas, sendo marcadas pelos improvisos caracter?sticos do processo hist?rico da pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social. Os recursos materiais dispon?veis igualmente v?m carecendo de manuten??o e melhores condi??es de uso. Os servi?os ofertados nos CREAS carecem de melhor defini??o e clareza metodol?gica. As a??es desenvolvidas ainda est?o muito vinculadas aos indiv?duos e as situa??es vivenciadas, ficando obscurecidas as atividades coletivas que disp?em de maior potencial para estimular a participa??o e mobiliza??o social. Muitas a??es profissionais tamb?m perpetuam estere?tipos de g?nero relacionados ao autocuidado feminino das usu?rias dos servi?os ofertados.Observa-se a consolida??o dos valores burgueses nos servi?os p?blicos, com a retifica??o da ideologia inerente ao capitalismo, que reproduz as desigualdades de g?nero tamb?m nesses espa?os. Ainda visualiza-se a reitera??o da cultura de responsabiliza??o das mulheres pela falta de participa??o nas atividades na condi??o de representantes das fam?lias junto aos servi?os executados. Foi poss?vel visualizar a exist?ncia de in?meros empecilhos para a materializa??o da Assist?ncia Social enquanto pol?tica p?blica, por?m h? tamb?m sujeitos que se empenham na luta pela garantia de direitos e da consolida??o do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social, conforme preconizado legalmente. Identifica-se a import?ncia de que os trabalhadores e usu?rios/as se organizem coletivamente para a luta para que os direitos sociais sejam de fato garantidos, universalmente, em condi??es de igualdade

Sociedade civil e esfera p?blica : a participa??o social em debate

Machado, Loiva Mara de Oliveira 29 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 449588.pdf: 1998082 bytes, checksum: 8663394ce25c2e0c755f5b6101484e54 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-29 / This study addresses participation of civil society at the level of public sphere, from the following problem of research: how have been constituted participation of civil society organizations within non-formal education, mobilization and social control together with the public sphere during the period from 2002 to 2012? The overall objective of this study is to analyze what participation of civil society organizations within the non-formal education, mobilization and social control, along the public sphere in order to qualify participatory processes have been constituted like. Qualitative research was based on the method of Dialectical and Historical Materialism based on a set of theoretical frameworks related to core theoretical categories, which are: public sphere, social policies, social participation, non-formal education, social mobilization and social control from critical matrix of social thinking, particularly in the area of Applied Social Sciences (Law, Sociology, Education and Social Services). Techniques used to data collection, processing and analysis refer to: Oral History, Questionnaire, Research Document and Content Analysis, having as empirical locus Caritas Brasileira. Results obtained indicate: Non-Formal Education focused on a model of lifelong learning, which has roots in the methodology of popular education. Its materialization occurs through educational processes collectively, democratically and participatory constructed, by subjects involved in territories where they live; social mobilization set up as a permanent process of organization and articulation of different social subjects, around common goals, in order to change their reality; social control is constituted as a process of participation of civil society organizations in order to intervene in public administration. It makes possible collectively through formulation, determination, financial management, monitoring implementation and evaluation of public policies. The effective social control supposes a link between the institutionalized and non-institutionalized participation. It also verified that social participation constitutes as a collective process of exercise of participatory democracy. The aim is strengthen capacity of advocacy of subjects involved in decision making, along with the public sphere, in order to guarantee and expand rights and public policy. In this light, the conclusion of this study reminds us of emergency following thesis: participation of civil society in the constitution of the public sphere is part of the complex, contradictory and fruitful process of democratization, which translates in contention for a State model. In this process, the incidence of such participation has been making effective the institutionalized and non-institutionalized spaces from multiple domains, organizations, individuals and experiences that reflect class interests. Therefore, it will strengthen the constitution of this society as political society, with potentiality to a counter-hegemonic construction of another societal project. This would let overcome the current project that reduces such participation to a complementary function in implementing the public social policies. / O presente estudo tematiza a participa??o da sociedade civil junto ? esfera p?blica, a partir do seguinte problema de pesquisa: Como vem se constituindo a participa??o de organiza??es da sociedade civil, no ?mbito da educa??o n?o-formal, mobiliza??o e controle social, junto ? esfera p?blica, no per?odo de 2002 a 2012? O objetivo geral do estudo ? analisar como vem se constituindo a participa??o de organiza??es da sociedade civil, no ?mbito da educa??o n?o-formal, mobiliza??o e controle social, junto a esfera p?blica, com vistas a qualificar os processos de participa??o. A investiga??o de natureza qualitativa, fundamentou-se no m?todo do Materialismo Dial?tico Hist?rico e apoiou-se em um conjunto de referenciais te?ricos relacionados ?s categorias te?ricas centrais, quais sejam: esfera p?blica, pol?tica social, participa??o social, educa??o n?o-formal, mobiliza??o social e controle social, oriundos de matrizes cr?ticas do pensamento social, particularmente, da ?rea das Ci?ncias Sociais Aplicadas (Direito, Sociologia, Educa??o e Servi?o Social). As t?cnicas utilizadas para coleta, tratamento e an?lise dos dados, referem-se a: Hist?ria Oral, Question?rio, Pesquisa Documental e An?lise de Conte?do, tendo como l?cus emp?rico a C?ritas Brasileira. Os resultados obtidos indicam que: a Educa??o N?o-Formal est? voltada a um modelo de educa??o permanente, que tem ra?zes na metodologia da educa??o popular. Sua materializa??o ocorre atrav?s de processos educativos constru?dos de forma coletiva, democr?tica e participativa pelos sujeitos envolvidos, nos territ?rios onde est?o inseridos; a mobiliza??o social configura-se como processo permanente de organiza??o e articula??o de diferentes sujeitos sociais, em torno de objetivos comuns, com vista a mudan?a da realidade em que se encontram; o controle social se constitui como processo de participa??o da sociedade civil organizada, com vistas a intervir na gest?o p?blica. Se viabiliza de forma coletiva atrav?s da formula??o, delibera??o, gerenciamento financeiro, acompanhamento da execu??o e avalia??o de pol?ticas p?blicas. O efetivo controle social sup?e a articula??o entre espa?os institucionalizados e n?o-institucionalizados de participa??o. Verificou-se tamb?m que a participa??o social, constitui-se como processo coletivo, de exerc?cio da democracia participativa. Busca-se fortalecer a capacidade de incid?ncia pol?tica dos sujeitos envolvidos nos processos decis?rios, junto ? esfera p?blica, com vistas ? garantia e amplia??o de direitos e de pol?ticas p?blicas. Diante do exposto, a conclus?o do estudo nos remete a emerg?ncia da seguinte tese: A participa??o da sociedade civil na constitui??o da esfera p?blica integra o complexo, contradit?rio e fecundo processo de democratiza??o, que se traduz na disputa por um modelo de Estado. Nesse processo, a incid?ncia dessa participa??o vem se efetivando nos espa?os institucionalizados e n?o institucionalizados, a partir de m?ltiplos territ?rios, organiza??es, sujeitos e experi?ncias que traduzem interesses de classe. Logo, pode fortalecer a constitui??o dessa sociedade civil como sociedade pol?tica, com potencialidade para a constru??o contra hegem?nica de outro projeto societ?rio. Isto permitiria a supera??o do projeto vigente, que reduz essa participa??o ? fun??o complementar na execu??o das pol?ticas sociais p?blicas.

O trabalho do assistente social na pol?tica de habita??o de interesse social : o direito ? moradia em debate

Nalin, Nilene Maria 30 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 452191.pdf: 2125281 bytes, checksum: 92324d8988d5e0d91844a7da82695750 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / The process of late urbanization/industrialization in Brazil can be explained by the dominance of money and its repercussion on workers. It has prevented workers from possessing pieces of urban land that should be theirs; it has also increased social-spatial exclusion. This thesis approaches the problems related to the denial of the Right to Inhabit and the dilemmas pertaining to the existent segregation in Brazilian cities. It also approaches the new Social Housing Policies (Pol?tica de Habita??o de Interesse Social - PHIS), which was established with the creation of the Ministry of Cities in 2003, and it similarly approaches urban policies due to its inseparability. These elements require the Social Service to understand this form of exclusion, furthering the responses given to it in the context of public policies. Thus, this thesis focus on the effectiveness of the role of the social assistant to the Social Housing Policies (PHIS) and, in parallel, to the analysis of the Social Housing Local Plans (Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social PLHIS) found in the south of Brazil and within the Housing Plan. We took a dialectical-critical approach considering the use of quantitative and qualitative data. The investigative process was made with the following research-problem: How is the role of the social assistant within Social Housing Policies defined in the three spheres of the government? Its overall goal is defined as follows: To analyze the role of the social assistant in the Social Housing Policies (PHIS) in the three spheres of the government regarding the construction of new conceptual and interventional parameters for the Social Service. The study used the following techniques for research: during collection of the data, questionnaires were sent to 79 social assistants in federal, state and municipal spheres; twenty-four of those have answered the instrument of research and seven Social Housing Local Plans (Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social-PLHIS), including documental sources which contained Housing Policies. The data and the documents were later analyzed. The main conclusions for the study of Social Housing Local Plans (Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social PLHIS) show that there is a quantitative deficit of 6.272.645 million properties and a qualitative deficit of 11.559.200 million properties in Brazil. On the other hand, there are 7.051.262 properties that have not been occupied yet, and from these, 6.220.000 properties are in full conditions to be occupied but are still from the government or pertaining to greater purchasing power sectors. As to the role of social assistants, they are linked to a perspective broader than politics, i.e. to the defense of the Right to Inhabit in the City. The effectiveness of the role of the Social Assistants in the Social Housing Local Plans (Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social PLHIS) has a social direction that is mostly linked to the perspective broader than politics, which is the Right to Inhabit in the City and which includes the Right to the City. Its role is seen in situations along with communities participating on political programs, with actions by public authorities, in special in the planning and development of actions of mobilization and organization of the community and with the management of politics, which tangentially influences the qualification of the inhabiting process of people in different ways. / O processo de urbaniza??o/industrializa??o tardia no Brasil est? marcado pelo dom?nio do capital e os seus rebatimentos na classe trabalhadora, ou seja, impediu que esta se apropriasse da parcela de solo urbano que lhe cabia por direito, acirrando a exclus?o socioespacial. A nega??o do direito de morar e os dilemas pertinentes ? segrega??o existentes nas cidades brasileiras s?o problematizados nesta tese, como tamb?m a nova configura??o da Pol?tica de Habita??o de Interesse Social (PHIS) instaurada a partir da cria??o do Minist?rio das Cidades em 2003 e, de forma an?loga, a pol?tica urbana, em raz?o de que s?o indissoci?veis. No seu conjunto, estes elementos convocam o Servi?o Social, como ?rea de conhecimento, a apreender esta forma de exclus?o, al?m das respostas dadas a ela, no ?mbito das pol?ticas p?blicas. Assim, a tese centra-se na efetiva??o do trabalho do assistente social na PHIS e, de modo paralelo, na an?lise dos Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social (PLHIS) da regi?o Sul e no PlanHab. O referencial adotado na presente pesquisa ? o dial?tico-cr?tico, contemplando a articula??o de dados quantitativos e qualitativos. O processo investigativo se configurou com o seguinte problema de pesquisa: Como se efetiva o trabalho do assistente social na pol?tica de habita??o de interesse social nas tr?s esferas de governo? No que tange ao objetivo geral, este est? definido conforme segue: Analisar o trabalho do assistente social na PHIS nas tr?s esferas de governo, com vistas ? constru??o de novos par?metros conceituais e interventivos para o Servi?o Social. O estudo lan?a m?o das seguintes t?cnicas de pesquisa: na coleta, foram enviados question?rios a 79 assistentes sociais das tr?s esferas de governo, ou seja, federal, estadual e municipal, sendo que vinte quatro responderam ao instrumento de pesquisa e de sete PLHIS, incluindo fontes documentais que cont?m a pol?tica de habita??o. Quanto ao tratamento e an?lise dos dados, foram utilizadas a an?lise documental e de conte?do. Como principais conclus?es do estudo, no que se refere aos PLHIS se pode apontar que h? um deficit quantitativo de 6.272.645 milh?es e qualitativo de 11.559.200 milh?es no Brasil. Por outro lado, h? 7.051.262 de im?veis n?o ocupados ou ociosos e desses, 6.220.000 em condi??es de serem ocupados, por?m pertencentes ao Estado ou a segmentos de maior poder aquisitivo. Quanto ? conforma??o do trabalho do assistente social, este est? vinculado a uma perspectiva ampliada da pol?tica, ou seja, na defesa do direito ? moradia digna inclusa ? cidade. A efetiva??o do trabalho do assistente social na PHIS possui uma dire??o social que se vincula, majoritariamente, a uma perspectiva ampliada da pol?tica, ou seja, na defesa do direito ? moradia digna, o que inclui o direito ? cidade. Sua conforma??o se desmembra na atua??o junto com as comunidades inclusas em programas vinculados ? pol?tica, bem como nas a??es do poder p?blico, especialmente no planejamento e no desenvolvimento das a??es de Mobiliza??o e Organiza??o Comunit?ria e, tamb?m, na gest?o da pol?tica que, apesar de tangencial, influencia, de m?ltiplas formas, na qualifica??o do processo de morar dos sujeitos.

Para al?m das condicionalidades : desafios para o programa bolsa fam?lia no munic?pio de Esteio/RS

Teixeira, Renato de Oliveira 20 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 455912.pdf: 2774099 bytes, checksum: e4b9db48c63f0192a0d24a7d7f467c07 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-20 / This dissertation has as its theme the Bolsa Fam?lia?s Program (BFP) in the municipality of Esteio/RS, and the relationship between public policies of social welfare, education and health derived from conditionalities and the challenges towards the construction of intersectionality. It is proposed to systematize the results of a research conducted in 2013, which had the overall objective of verifying whether the conditionalities of BFP potentiate the intersectionality between public policies of social welfare, education and health from the experiences brought by beneficiary families and by workers and managers involved the actions of the program in the municipality of Esteio/RS. With a critical dialectic perspective, this qualitative study, with contributions of quantitative data provides references related to this topic, the historical background of the PBF and its relationship with the social question, the prospect of targeting, conditionalities and intersectionality. Had as research subjects: four women's legal guardian of the beneficiary families of BFP, three workers and three managers of policies involved the PBF. Among the key findings are the sociodemographic characteristics of families benefiting from the program based on the systematization of the analysis of quantitative data from CAD?NICO and PBF. In their qualitative part, we used the content analysis technique, which allowed the emergence of perceptions, experiences and opinions of the three segments addressed. Among the families and their relationship with the program, the data indicates the bureaucracy in access , the waiting time for the benefit, the demand for oversight of the program, and the conditionalities as an affirming element of the division of labor based on gender , their perceptions of conditionalities of the program, crossed by precariousness as a manifestation of structural violence, among the segment of workers, the concern with dependence on money, generating autonomy and emancipation in the program, a look of accountability arises from families as responsible for their conditions of poverty , the yearning for further actions and the need to define the services provided. Also the experience of the precariousness of the lack of human resources and infrastructure. On the positive side, there is the bond with the families and the possibility of prevention of diseases related to nutritional status. Between managers: understand that the PBF contributes in income generation and responsibility of families. Compliance with the counterparts, one finds the concept of BFP as a program in motion and perceive advances, as on the school frequency. Regarding health, there is the understanding that greater accountability of family health teams for family support and intensification of actions is required. On the positive side, emerges the idea that the BFP seeks a transformative perspective and overcome welfarism. Such analysis of these results indicate the need for further development and qualification of the relationship between public policies related to BFP , in the context of managing and implementing the program as well as related to the families benefiting from the program. / A presente disserta??o tem como tema o Programa Bolsa Fam?lia (PBF) no munic?pio de Esteio/RS, a rela??o entre as pol?ticas p?blicas de Assist?ncia Social, Educa??o e Sa?de a partir das condicionalidades e os desafios que se colocam ? constru??o da intersetorialidade. Prop?e-se a sistematizar os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada no ano de 2013, que teve por objetivo geral verificar se as condicionalidades do PBF potencializam a intersetorialidade entre as pol?ticas p?blicas de Assist?ncia Social, Educa??o e Sa?de a partir das experi?ncias trazidas por fam?lias benefici?rias e por trabalhadores e gestores implicados ?s a??es do programa no munic?pio de Esteio/RS. Numa perspectiva cr?tico-dial?tica, o estudo de car?ter qualitativo, com aportes de dados quantitativos, traz referenciais relativos ao tema, os antecedentes hist?ricos do PBF e a sua rela??o com a quest?o social, a perspectiva da focaliza??o, as condicionalidades e a intersetorialidade. Teve como sujeitos da pesquisa quatro mulheres respons?veis legais das fam?lias benefici?rias do PBF, tr?s trabalhadoras e tr?s gestoras das pol?ticas implicadas ao PBF. Dentre os principais resultados: uma caracteriza??o sociodemogr?fica das fam?lias benefici?rias do programa, sistematizando a an?lise dos dados quantitativos, a partir do CAD?NICO e PBF. Em sua parte qualitativa, utilizou-se a t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do, que propiciou a emers?o de percep??es, viv?ncias e opini?es dos tr?s segmentos abordados. Dentre as fam?lias e sua rela??o com o programa, apontam-se a burocracia no acesso, o tempo de espera pelo benef?cio, a demanda por fiscaliza??o do programa, as condicionalidades como elemento afirmador da divis?o do trabalho baseado no g?nero e as suas percep??es quanto ?s condicionalidades do programa, atravessada por precariedades, numa manifesta??o da viol?ncia estrutural. Dentre o segmento dos trabalhadores, surge a preocupa??o com a depend?ncia em rela??o ao benef?cio, com a gera??o de autonomia e emancipa??o em rela??o ao programa, um olhar de responsabiliza??o das fam?lias benefici?rias pela condi??o de pobreza, o anseio pela amplia??o das a??es, a necessidade de qualificar os servi?os prestados e, ainda, a viv?ncia das precariedades da falta de recursos humanos e infraestrutura. Como aspectos positivos, h? o v?nculo com as fam?lias e a possibilidade de preven??o de doen?as ligadas ? condi??o nutricional. Dentre as gestoras, h? o entendimento de que o PBF contribui para a renda e para a responsabiliza??o das fam?lias. Quanto ao cumprimento das contrapartidas, constata-se a concep??o do PBF como um programa em movimento e percebem avan?os, como na quest?o da infrequ?ncia escolar. No que tange ? Sa?de, h? o entendimento de que ? necess?ria maior responsabiliza??o das equipes de Sa?de da fam?lia para o acompanhamento familiar e a intensifica??o de a??es. Como aspecto positivo, emerge a ideia de que o PBF busca uma perspectiva transformadora e supera??o do assistencialismo. Tais resultados da an?lise indicam, como desafios, a necessidade de aprofundamento e qualifica??o da rela??o entre as pol?ticas p?blicas ligadas ao PBF em ?mbito de gest?o e execu??o do programa, bem como destas com as fam?lias benefici?rias do programa.

O acesso e perman?ncia do aluno prounista na universidade privado-filantr?pica brasileira

Pereira, Larissa Ramalho 25 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 456318.pdf: 1855739 bytes, checksum: 058f3edce6ec8a229c1fa7393a99eae3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-25 / The present study has as its guiding theme of student assistance policies within the private network / Brazilian philanthropic, aiming to access and permanence of prounista student. The guarantee of the right to higher education guides the analytical axis of this study. This qualitative research study with quantifiable aspects has its bases on the historical and dialectical materialism, founded on theoretical frameworks mainly from the fields of Education, Social Work and Social Sciences. The research problem beacon discusses how the private-philanthropic Universities in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre develop their programs of student assistance, to support access and retention of scholarship student. To meet the defined research problem, the main objective is to develop an investigative study about the management of student assistance programs, by the three universities surveyed: PUCRS ULBRA Gravata? and UNISINOS. The sources used in the research are interviews with the technical teams responsible for scholarships each IES sectors, as well as information and data obtained by research agencies of government and institutional websites. In the process of data analysis, the methodology used was content analysis. The survey results show how policies, programs, projects and services provided by institutions in these areas are still incipient and require investment, both in respect to supporting the scholarship student as to the composition of work teams. Ensuring access to education and retention through programs like PROUNI, are still very fragile, since institutions, mostly guide their actions in strictly administrative practices, in order to meet legal requirements, leaving second plan important human, social and cultural aspects. Government guidelines for Expansionist Policy of Higher Education have its foundations on market logic, which aims at an accelerated certifications large scale with a view to more skilled workers in minimum time. This would not be possible without the partnership between public and private. The construction of these policies complies with international guidelines, which treats education as a marketable commodity, although it is a social right that must be a guarantee for everyone. / O presente estudo tem como tema norteador as pol?ticas de assist?ncia estudantil, no ?mbito da rede privado/filantr?pica brasileira, que visem ao acesso e perman?ncia do aluno prounista. A garantia do direito ? educa??o superior pauta o eixo anal?tico deste estudo. Esta pesquisa tem car?ter qualitativo, com aspectos quantific?veis, e fundamentada pelo materialismo hist?rico e dial?tico, apoiada em referenciais te?ricos oriundos principalmente das ?reas da Educa??o, Servi?o Social e Ci?ncias Sociais. O problema de pesquisa balizador discute a maneira como as Universidades privado-filantr?picas da regi?o metropolitana de Porto Alegre desenvolvem seus programas de assist?ncia estudantil, no apoio ao acesso e perman?ncia do aluno bolsista. Para atender ao problema de pesquisa definido, o objetivo central visa desenvolver um estudo investigativo, acerca da gest?o dos programas de assist?ncia estudantil, por parte das tr?s universidades pesquisadas: PUCRS, ULBRA Gravata? e UNISINOS. As fontes utilizadas na pesquisa s?o as entrevistas com as equipes t?cnicas respons?veis pelos setores de bolsas de estudo de cada IES, al?m de informa??es e dados obtidos por ag?ncias de pesquisa do governo e nos sites das institui??es. O m?todo utilizado para an?lise dos dados obtidos ? a an?lise de conte?do. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram o quanto pol?ticas, programas, projetos e servi?os prestados pelas institui??es nestas ?reas ainda s?o incipientes e requerem investimentos, tanto no que diz respeito ao apoio ao aluno bolsista quanto ? composi??o das equipes de trabalho. A garantia do acesso e perman?ncia ? educa??o, por meio de programas como o PROUNI, ainda s?o muito fr?geis, pois as institui??es, na maioria, norteiam suas a??es em pr?ticas estritamente administrativas, com vistas a atender ?s determina??es legais, deixando para segundo plano os aspectos humanos, sociais e culturais importantes. As diretrizes governamentais para Pol?tica Expansionista da Educa??o Superior orientam-se pela l?gica de mercado, que visa a um processo acelerado de certifica??es em larga escala, com vistas a obter mais trabalhadores qualificados em tempo m?nimo. Isso n?o seria poss?vel sem a parceria entre o p?blico e o privado. A constru??o dessas pol?ticas est? alinhada a pautas internacionais, onde a educa??o ? tratada como uma mercadoria negoci?vel, muito embora esse seja um direito social que deve ser garantindo igualmente para todos.

A constitucionaliza??o da alimenta??o : um direito a ser implementado adequadamente no Brasil

Jacques, In?s Terezinha Oliveira 16 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 456338.pdf: 3457109 bytes, checksum: 179dbc5c6ba3a0c4d317bccbfdbed727 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-16 / This study discusses the constitutionalisationof food in Brazil, through the enactment of constitutional amendment 64, in February 5, 2010, and aims to analyze the power insertion in article 6 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution in guaranteeing the right to proper nutrition and healthy. Given thiscontext, formulated, for this work, the following problem: how the insertion in article 6 of the Federal Constitution of feed is reverberating the right to adequate food of Brazilians? As the goal, exploratory study was conducted, guided by qualitative research and analysis that guides is based on dialectical method-critical enabling clarification of the social phenomenon, from analysis of the history of the subject and of the factors of society. So, the first step of the research corresponded to a literary research developed from a survey of Capes portal of dissertations and theses related to the topic, as well as for scientific articles, books and official documents of Federal Government websites of Brazil. The second leg was held at the 4th National Conference on food security held in Salvador-Bahia through interviews with technical representatives of the 54 State and 54 CONSEA s visitors of the event. The analysis took place in the perspective of the reading of the involvement, knowledge and information they had on food security and the actions of the CONSEA s; food safety policies and Nutricionale of the right to adequate food in Brazil. The results indicate that there is a need for information on how to be a proper nutrition and the meaning of the term food security. It was observed that society doesn't know public policies that deal with this subject, but that the Federal Constitution is known and recognized by all as Supreme Law of the country. In this context, the author of this research proposes to recast the insertion of the power supply in its article 6, for "proper nutrition" because as Legal framework should dictate that the power should be adequate, for being a supreme legal standard, has the power to edit important changes, in this case, significant changes in the nutritional profile of the population, which today is evidenced by serious health problems due to the increase of non-communicable chronic diseases. / O presente estudo aborda a constitucionaliza??o da alimenta??o no Brasil, atrav?s da promulga??o da Emenda Constitucional n?64, em 5 de fevereiro de 2010, e tem como objetivo analisar a inser??o da alimenta??o no artigo 6? da Constitui??o Federal Brasileira na garantia do direito ? alimenta??o adequada e saud?vel.Diante deste contexto, formulou-se, para este trabalho, o seguinte problema: como a inser??o no artigo 6? da Constitui??o Federal da alimenta??o est? repercutindo o direito a uma alimenta??o adequada dos brasileiros? Conforme o objetivo, foi realizado estudo explorat?rio, norteado pela pesquisa qualitativa e a an?lise que a orienta ? fundamentada no m?todo dial?tico-cr?tico que possibilita esclarecimentos do fen?meno social, a partir de an?lises da hist?ria dos sujeitos e dos fatores da sociedade. O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas, a primeira correspondeu a uma pesquisa bibliogr?fica atrav?s de uma revis?o liter?riadesenvolvida a partir de um levantamento no portal da Capes de disserta??es e teses relacionadas ao tema, como tamb?m por artigos cient?ficos, livros e documentos oficiais de sites do Governo Federal do Brasil. A segunda etapa foi realizada na IV Confer?ncia Nacional de Seguran?a Alimentar ocorrida em Salvador-Bahia atrav?s de t?cnica de entrevistas com 54Conselheiros representantes do CONSEA s Estaduais e 54Ouvintesdo evento. A an?lise ocorreu na perspectiva da leitura do envolvimento, conhecimento e informa??es que os mesmos tinham sobre Seguran?a Alimentar e as a??es dos CONSEA s; das pol?ticas de Seguran?a Alimentar e Nutricional do direito ? alimenta??o adequada no Brasil. Os resultadosapontam que h? a necessidade de informa??es sobre como deve ser uma alimenta??o adequada e o significado do termo Seguran?a Alimentar. Observou-se que a sociedade n?o conhece as pol?ticas p?blicas que tratam desta tem?tica, mas que a Constitui??o Federal ? conhecida e reconhecida por todos como lei suprema do Pa?s. Neste contexto, a autora desta pesquisa prop?e a reformula??o da inser??o da alimenta??o no seu artigo 6?, para alimenta??o adequada, pois como Marco Legal deve ditar que a alimenta??o deva ser adequada, por ser uma norma jur?dica suprema, tem o poder de editar mudan?as importantes, neste caso, mudan?as significativas no perfil nutricional da popula??o, que hoje ? evidenciado por problemas graves de sa?de decorrentes ao aumento de doen?as cr?nicasn?o transmiss?veis como a obesidade, o diabetes entre outras.

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