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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Police education and police practice

Pennell, Kym January 2003 (has links)
"January 2002". / Thesis (DEd)--Macquarie University, Australian Centre for Educational Studies, School of Education, 2003. / Bibliography: p. 229-246. / Introduction: police education and police practice -- "Police": a definition -- Policing in a democratic society: the role dilemma -- Contemporary policing: a convergence of ideas -- Role conception: the United Kingdom -- Development of policing: Australia and the United States of America -- The nature of crime -- The police response: effectiveness and outcomes -- The perceptions and expectations of stakeholders -- The police culture -- The police organisation -- Police education and training: models of learning -- Police education and training: providers -- Police education and training: evaluation of 'training' models -- Police education and training: evaluation of 'professional models' -- Police education and training: evaluation of 'professional/academic' model -- Police education and training: evaluation of experience -- Conclusion. / A perception of escalating social disorder and allegations of police corruption and ineptitude have led to a social and political imperative to reform policing. Fundamental to this reform is the modification of the core mission of the police and the operational practices of the uniformed Constable. The core characteristics of policing and the operational practices of the uniformed Constable are determined by the core mission and the operational context of policing. -- Despite an imperative to reform the quality and provision of police services to the community the core mission of the police has not fundamentally altered during the last half century and remains crime control (Zaho, 1996). The core mission of contemporary policing has been criticised for being in direct conflict with basic democratic principles and for being simply unachievable. This thesis will establish that the origins and occurrence of crime, its prevalence and persistence is detennined by social, economic and cultural factors that are beyond the control of the police. It will be argued that long-term successful law-enforcement in a democratic society requires the acceptance, cooperation and approval of the community. Community oriented policing may provide the theoretical framework for internalising normative controls and for enhancing public participation in and sharing responsibility for crime control. -- It will be demonstrated that the strategc shift in policing implicit within the theoretical framework of community policing has significant implications for the reform of police . education and training. Several commentators and various Commissions of Inquiry have recommended upgrading police education and training, and the participation of police in tertiary education. -- The reform of police practice is contingent upon the reform of the core mission and the operational context of policing. The core mission and the operational context of policing is substantially defined, controlled and manipulated by the perceptions, expectations and actions of stakeholders. Directly or indirectly these have been found to be antithetical to alternative models of policing that are service orientated; thus blocking, diluting or redirecting efforts to implement community policing. -- Unless the core mission of the police and the operational context of policing are substantially modified then police education will continue to have a limited impact upon the operational practices of the uniformed Constable. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / xxi, 246 p

Kvinnor i polistjänst : Föreningen Kamraterna, Svenska polisförbundet och kvinnors inträde i polisyrket 1957-1971 /

Dahlgren, Johanna, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2007. / S. 185-192: Bibliografi.

The political economy of law and order policing : state power, class struggle and capitalist restructuring in Canada /

Gordon, Todd. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--York University, 2005. Graduate Programme in Political Science. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 261-278). Also available on the Internet. MODE OF ACCESS via web browser by entering the following URL: http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/yorku/fullcit?pNR11575

Friendly invasions: civilians and servicemen on the World War II American home front

Hiltner, Aaron 09 October 2018 (has links)
This dissertation challenges the idea that the United States “home front” in World War II escaped the violence and disorder visited upon overseas cities by military forces. It examines American “liberty ports”— from San Francisco and Los Angeles to New York and Boston— where millions of GIs and other Allied servicemen took leave and liberty. Emboldened by the privilege of their uniforms and near immunity from civilian laws and authorities, these troops caroused, fought with locals, rioted in the streets, and assaulted women. A near constant presence in many large ports and transportation hubs, servicemen effectively occupied entire urban districts, routinely provoking civil-military conflicts. Though many historians imagine that most troops spent the war abroad, in fact many of them remained stateside for the duration. Before the spring of 1944, when preparations for D-Day accelerated, 65-75% of all soldiers were stationed domestically. 25% of the U.S. Army’s forces never left the country at all. Friendly invasions and other occupations by troops not only impacted places such as Britain, France, Germany, Australia, and Japan; they fundamentally reshaped American cities and civilian life as well. To solve a number of manpower and training problems, U.S. military officials encouraged and inculcated in their recruits an aggressive, heterosexual masculinity that mocked civilian life as effeminate and weak. Many GIs embraced this vision of soldiering and took advantage of the military’s lenient stance toward “blowing off steam” in boom towns and liberty ports. Fist fights with civilian men, pursuing and cornering women, and rampant drunkenness went mostly unpunished as the Armed Forces struggled to mobilize for a two-front war. Nearby women faced many dangers, but they also found ingenious ways of defending themselves. Meanwhile, local politicians and businesses struggled to protest the militarization of their neighborhoods, even while doing their part for the war effort. This wartime militarization of civilian American life is a crucial but almost entirely forgotten factor in the rise of the military as a key institution of American society, as well as the postwar “civil-military divide.” / 2020-10-08T00:00:00Z

Problemorienterat polisarbete i Sverige : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av två lokalpolisområdens tillämpning av metoden / Problem-oriented policing in Sweden

Björnqvist, Josefin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att belysa den svenska polisens tillämpning av problemorienterat polisarbete på lokal nivå. Tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes i en pendlingskommun nära storstad och i en större stad. Huvudresultatet visade att det verkar saknas en tydlig riktlinje om hur problemen i lokalpolisområdet formuleras, men att polisen har många olika källor till information. Polisen använder en rad olika metoder för att lösa de problem som finns i lokalpolisområdet, både i samverkan med andra samhällsaktörer och själva. Det framkommer att polisen utvärderar effektiviteten av sitt arbete, dock efter bästa förmåga och många intervjupersoner efterfrågar vägledning och stöd i utvärderingsprocessen. / The aim of this study was to describe how the Swedish police puts the problem- oriented approach to practice on a local level. Twelve semistructured interviewes was conducted in two separate cities and the results showed a lack of guidelines in formulating the problems which the police was meant to solve. Furthermore the results indicated a wide range of sources of information as well as a variety of problemsolving methods. The methods was carried out with or without help from other agencies. Finally the study showed that the police do evaluate their work, although many police officers expressed a need for guidance in the process.

Mudan??as organizacionais na implementa????o do policiamento comunit??rio

Marinho, Karina Rabelo Leite January 2002 (has links)
Submitted by Gustavo Gomes (gustavolascasas@gmail.com) on 2014-03-13T12:58:52Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Mudancas organizacionais na implementacao do policiamento comunit??rio.pdf: 604665 bytes, checksum: 13e0453f2c1827727bc37c1de535851c (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Roger Guedes (roger.guedes@fjp.mg.gov.br) on 2014-03-13T18:04:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Mudancas organizacionais na implementacao do policiamento comunit??rio.pdf: 604665 bytes, checksum: 13e0453f2c1827727bc37c1de535851c (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-03-13T18:04:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Mudancas organizacionais na implementacao do policiamento comunit??rio.pdf: 604665 bytes, checksum: 13e0453f2c1827727bc37c1de535851c (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002 / Funda????o Jo??o Pinheiro / Discute as implica????es, de natureza organizacional, do processo de mudan??a do modelo convencional, profissional-burocr??tico de policiamento, para o modelo, hoje t??o difundido, de policiamento comunit??rio. Demonstra que a transi????o de uma estrat??gia organizacional para outra implica mudan??as significativas na estrutura e car??ter da organiza????o, com altos custos para a estabilidade organizacional. Foi feita uma discuss??o de natureza te??rica sobre tens??es estruturais entre modelos organizacionais distintos, buscando, oportunamente, ilustrar esta discuss??o com exemplos que sirvam como evid??ncias emp??ricas do argumento apresentado. Delineou-se, com o aux??lio da teoria das organiza????es, quais foram as altera????es relacionadas ao processo de implementa????o de tais mudan??as, do ponto de vista organizacional. Chegou-se a conclus??o que n??o ?? poss??vel a implementa????o do policiamento comunit??rio, portanto, mantendo-se a atual estrutura organizacional da pol??cia. / Defesa e Seguran??a

The Role of Organizational Justice in Predicting Attitudes Toward Body-Worn Cameras in Police Officers

Lawshe, Nathaniel L. 23 March 2018 (has links)
Body-worn cameras are a promising new development in policing. They have been linked to positive outcomes such as decreases in use of force and complaints against officers. However, this new technology has produced a number of issues that could thwart a successful body-worn camera program implementation. One issue is the extent in which officers possess positive attitudes toward using body-worn cameras. If officers do not view body-worn cameras positively, cameras may not be used to their full potential. A promising factor that has emerged from past research in explaining attitudes toward body-worn cameras is organizational justice. Broadly, organizational justice is defined as the extent in which members of an organization are treated fairly and believe this to be the case. Organizational justice has been linked to positive organizational outcomes such as increased compliance with organizational directives and positive evaluation of organizational leadership. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between organizational justice and attitudes toward body-worn cameras in police officers across three agencies. Findings indicated that there was no observable relationship between perceptions of organizational justice and attitudes toward body-worn cameras. There were a number of competing explanations for the findings, including potential measurement issues, possible intervening variables, and the possibility that there is no relationship between organizational justice and attitudes toward body-worn cameras.

"Segurança pública não é só polícia!": segurança e participação social em relação ao policiamento comunitário na cidade de Aracaju

Passos, Gleise da Rocha January 2011 (has links)
236f. / Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-09-05T14:10:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE-Gleise Passos-COMPLETA-Versão Final.pdf: 20308144 bytes, checksum: dabd8fe25185c3e6b6c684482ba8fd26 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Portela(anapoli@ufba.br) on 2013-09-05T16:52:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE-Gleise Passos-COMPLETA-Versão Final.pdf: 20308144 bytes, checksum: dabd8fe25185c3e6b6c684482ba8fd26 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-09-05T16:52:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE-Gleise Passos-COMPLETA-Versão Final.pdf: 20308144 bytes, checksum: dabd8fe25185c3e6b6c684482ba8fd26 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / FAPESB / O aumento da criminalidade nas últimas décadas provocou respostas que, em geral, tenderam a duas direções opostas no que se refere às políticas públicas de segurança - de um lado, endurecimento, de outro, abertura à participação comunitária. A preocupação em controlar a violência tem levado tanto ao reforço da punitividade como recurso do Estado Punitivo, quanto à tentativas de aproximação da polícia com a população, a exemplo do policiamento comunitário. Na América Latina, frente à crise de legitimidade que as polícias passaram com a transição do autoritarismo à democracia, o modelo comunitário de policiamento foi usado como uma tentativa de recuperar prestígio. No Brasil, o policiamento comunitário surge como a grande sugestão de alternativa ao policiamento tradicional. Também chamado de “Polícia Cidadã”, aposta na integração com a comunidade e na prevenção como solução para os problemas de segurança. Incorpora, portanto, uma nova dinâmica de reciprocidade e corresponsabilidade entre sociedade e polícia, valorizando uma atuação pautada em valores democráticos. Dentro e fora do Brasil, o policiamento comunitário foi proposto e louvado como a solução tanto para os problemas de segurança quanto para as dificuldades de integração entre polícia e sociedade, entretanto, importa saber até onde a implantação desse policiamento resultou em solução e, de fato, conseguiu distinguir-se do policiamento tradicional. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo teve como objetivo principal analisar a estruturação do policiamento comunitário na cidade de Aracaju iniciado em 1996 e caracterizar o perfil das demandas por segurança assim como a participação social na implementação dessa política pública, relacionando esses elementos à redução da violência. Para tanto, a metodologia da pesquisa consistiu num estudo de caso sobre o policiamento comunitário na cidade de Aracaju, entre os anos de 2007 e 2010, integrando o uso de técnicas qualitativas e quantitativas, a saber: pesquisa documental e de arquivo; análise de fontes estatísticas; pesquisa bibliográfica com apoio teórico na Sociologia Política; entrevistas semiestruturadas com membros da população dos bairros escolhidos e gestores públicos envolvidos com o policiamento comunitário no estado; observação participante em reuniões dos Conselhos de Segurança dos bairros estudados e em outros eventos relacionados à segurança pública. The criminality increase in the last decades caused answers that, in general, tended to two opposite directions regarding to the public policies of safety – on one hand, hardening, on the other, opening to the common use participation. The worry in controlling the violence has been carrying to punishment reinforcement as Punitive State resource as well as the police approach attempts with the population, like the Community policing. In Latin America, faced with the legitimacy crisis that the polices passed through with the authoritarianism transition to the democracy, the community model of policing was used as an attempt to recover prestige. In Brazil, the community policing arises as the great optional suggestion to the traditional policing. Also called “Citizen Police”, it bets on integration with the community and in the prevention as solution for the safety problems. It incorporates, therefore, a reciprocity and co-responsibility new dynamics between society and police, giving credit to an action ruled in democratic values. Inside and outside Brazil, the community policing was proposed and praised as the solution to safety problems as well as integration difficulties between police and society, however, it matters to know up to certain point the implantation of this policing resulted in solution and, in fact, managed to distinguish itself from the traditional policing. In this sense, the present study had as main goal to analyze the structuring of the community policing in the city of Aracaju initiated in 1996 and to characterize the demands profile for safety as well as the social participation in the implementation of this public policies, relating these elements to the violence reduction. For that, the research methodology consisted in a study of case on the community policing in the city of Aracaju, between the years 2007 and 2010, integrating the use of qualitative and quantitative techniques, namely: Documental and file research; Analysis of statistical sources; Bibliographical research with theoretical support in the Political Sociology; semi structured interviews with population members of the chosen districts and public managers involved with the community policing in the state; And involved observation in meetings of the safety council of the studied districts and in other events related to public safety. / Salvador

Comprometimento com o trabalho de policiais militares do Programa Ronda do Quarteirão do Ceará / Commitment to the work of the military police of the City Block Patrol Program of Ceará

DOURADO, Larissa Façanha de Mattos January 2014 (has links)
DOURADO, Larissa Façanha de Mattos. Comprometimento com o trabalho de policiais militares do Programa Ronda do Quarteirão do Ceará. 2014. 136f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia, Fortaleza (CE), 2014. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-09-02T14:28:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_dis_lfmdourado.pdf: 2199913 bytes, checksum: 103bca8145330916332f6bd3e730366c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-09-02T14:38:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_dis_lfmdourado.pdf: 2199913 bytes, checksum: 103bca8145330916332f6bd3e730366c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-02T14:38:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_dis_lfmdourado.pdf: 2199913 bytes, checksum: 103bca8145330916332f6bd3e730366c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / The present work is an analysis of the dimensions of the construct "commitment at work" in the context of military professional officers linked to the Ceará City Block Patrol Program. The identification of the related psychological dimensions was determined according to the perception of these military professional officers’ practices by the application of a scale and by the conduction of a focus group. The main objective was to characterize the work commitment from the perception of the police themselves, in order to analyze their relationship with their professional practice in parallel to a questioning of the proposed model of community policing “Ronda do Quarteirão – City Block Patrol”. The survey sample focused on the City Block Patrol members who volunteered to answer the scale and to take part in a focus group, which aimed to improve the comprehension of the variables related to the core category of the study. It was also applied a six dimension scale, that differentiates the type of commitment in six psychological dimensions as proposed by Rego in a digital version in Google Forms, The data were treated by simple descriptive statistics though the SPSS software, while the data collected in the focus group were transcribed and interpreted and liked to those collected by the quantitative approach. Based on the quantitative results, we found low levels in all dimensions of commitment concerning the applied scale. Qualitative data confirmed that information regarding the low job satisfaction indicated by professional. There is though a gap between the professional practices and the proposed model of community model of intervention by the police, which has its origins in other cultures. It is possible to conclude that the context of the work of the City Block Patrol has negative traits that can prevent an improvement of the affective nature of commitment, by presenting a wide gap between the goal and philosophy of City Block Patrol Model and their actual practices. They feel themselves criticized by reference members of the Program as well as threatened by them, what can discourages them in a curate and previously intended working practice. The research findings could also contribute to increase the conceptual appliance of Psychology within the investigated field and open the possibility for future studies focusing intervention and reflection on police training and psychological health issues in this occupational expanding category. / A dissertação apresenta uma análise das dimensões do construto “comprometimento com o trabalho” no contexto profissional dos policiais militares do Ceará vinculados ao Programa Ronda do Quarteirão. A identificação das dimensões psicológicas relacionadas foi averiguada de acordo com a percepção dos policiais quanto à sua prática profissional a partir da aplicação de escala validada e realização de grupo focal. O objetivo principal foi caracterizar o comprometimento no trabalho a partir da percepção dos próprios policiais, na tentativa de analisar sua relação com a sua prática profissional em paralelo a uma problematização da proposta do policiamento comunitário do Ronda do Quarteirão. A amostra de pesquisa se concentrou em policiais do Ronda que se voluntariaram a responder a Escala e alguns em participar presencialmente de um grupo focal cujo intuito era de compreender melhor as variáveis relacionadas com a categoria central do estudo. Foi utilizada também a Escala Hexadimensional, que diferencia o tipo de comprometimento a partir de seis dimensões psicológicas proposta por Armênio Rego, adaptada para uma versão digitalizada no Google Forms. As informações coletadas foram tratadas mediante estatística descritiva simples e tabulação de dados com uso do software SPSS. Os dados coletados no grupo focal foram transcritos e interpretados a partir do cruzamento com dados quantitativos. Com base nos resultados quantitativos, encontraram-se níveis baixos em todas as dimensões do comprometimento. Os dados qualitativos confirmaram tal informação por considerarem a prática muito distante das propostas de policiamento comunitário que utilizam como modelo, este advindo de práticas internacionais que diferem bastante da cultura cearense. Conclui-se que o contexto de trabalho dos policiais do Ronda apresenta características que impactam negativamente num maior comprometimento do tipo afetivo, por apresentar uma grande lacuna entre o objetivo e a filosofia do Ronda e a prática policial. Os policiais do Ronda se veem criticados e ameaçados por uma questão de segurança pública que julgam envolver instâncias muito maiores do que eles, fato que os desmotiva com sua profissão antes tão sonhada. No mais, os achados da pesquisa e análises contribuem para aumentar o nível conceitual da psicologia dentro do campo investigado, bem como abre possibilidade de estudos futuros com objetivos voltados à intervenção e reflexão sobre a formação policial e o sofrimento psíquico desta categoria profissional que se encontra em expansão.

Policiamento comunitário no amazonas: ações implementadas e a percepção dos atores envolvidos

Albuquerque, Lilibeth Cynthia Corrêa de 04 July 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Paulo Junior (paulo.jr@fgv.br) on 2010-05-26T21:10:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LILIBETH CYNTIA.pdf: 417182 bytes, checksum: c2698e48fb51625671adcdd39f8aa9c1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Paulo Junior(paulo.jr@fgv.br) on 2010-05-26T21:10:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LILIBETH CYNTIA.pdf: 417182 bytes, checksum: c2698e48fb51625671adcdd39f8aa9c1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2010-05-27T13:26:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LILIBETH CYNTIA.pdf: 417182 bytes, checksum: c2698e48fb51625671adcdd39f8aa9c1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-07-04 / This paper aims to describe community policing, correlating with the actions implemented in the Amazon, and analyzing the perception of actors involved in public security system on this model. The national and international experience show that the adoption of this model requires structural changes, administrative and organizational. Community participation is a key feature of this model. The system of public security of Amazonas not yet fully adopts the Community model, despite appear in his project to revitalize procedures similar to the model, as interaction between civilian police and military installation of Interactive Community Councils of Public Security, although these are not regulated legally. An important factor in this process relates to perceptions of the actors involved in need take a broad view about the police action. The interviews with the actors involved in the system of public safety shows that the current model does not meet the expectations of society as both the institution. The community policing is seen as an alternative capable of assisting in improving the system. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever o policiamento comunitário, correlacionando com as ações implementadas no Amazonas, e analisando a percepção dos atores envolvidos no sistema de segurança pública sobre este modelo. As experiências internacionais e nacionais demonstram que a adoção deste modelo requer mudanças estruturais, administrativas e organizacionais. A participação comunitária é uma das principais características deste modelo. O sistema de segurança pública do Amazonas ainda não adota integralmente o modelo comunitário, apesar de constar em seu projeto de revitalização procedimentos semelhantes ao modelo, como interação entre a polícia civil e militar e instalação dos Conselhos Interativos Comunitários de Segurança Pública, embora estes não estejam regulados legalmente. Um fator importante neste processo diz respeito à percepção dos atores envolvidos que necessitam ter uma visão ampla sobre a atuação policial. As entrevistas realizadas com os atores envolvidos no sistema de segurança pública demonstram que o atual modelo não atende as expectativas tanto da sociedade quanto da própria instituição. O policiamento comunitário é visto como alternativa capaz de auxiliar na melhoria do sistema.

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