Spelling suggestions: "subject:"policing"" "subject:"olicing""
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Experiences of gender policing within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) communityJensen, Lauren Louise 01 December 2013 (has links)
This is an exploratory study and qualitative investigation of the social construction and enforcement of gender through social interactions with a specific focus on how gender policing is experienced within the LGBTQ community in Riverdale (pseudonym), the specific location of this study. Gender policing refers to the implicit and explicit feedback that one is accomplishing gender inappropriately according to contextual norms, expectations, and ideals, with the implied meaning that not conforming will result in real or assumed negative consequences. Two focus groups comprised of five people each who self-identified along the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer spectrum(s) in at least one context in their lives were used as the primary method for data collection. Inclusion criteria were based on those who identified with the LGBTQ community in Riverdale or who had had experiences in Riverdale in spaces that were predominantly LGBTQ. Focus group questions attempted to elicit participants' experiences within the LGBTQ community in Riverdale as they negotiated a sense of self in relation to others in the LGBTQ community. The content of the focus group discussions were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) as described by Smith and Osborn (2003). This study illuminates how gender as a system of power is experienced and assigned meaning within interpersonal relationships in service of developing a social identity through inclusion within an LGBTQ community. Results from the data analysis yielded five broad themes: (a) gender oppression, (b) discouragement with community, (c) attempts to cope, (d) queer, and (e) change. These themes reflect narratives of oppression in the dominant culture and the impact of oppression on identity work in the LGBTQ community in a rural college town. Results are presented within the context of gender and gender policing on structural levels, interpersonal levels, and the level of internalized self-policing. Instances of gender policing on an interactional level were often associated with the assumed threat of social rejection and isolation and the experience of disappointment, pain, and disconnection. Results from this study support the literature on (a) the accomplishment of gender, (b) the maintenance of power differentials through the regulation of perceived differences between sex and gender categories, (c) the development of identity as group process, and (d) perceived problems within the LGBTQ community such as the maintenance of oppression and barriers to social change through the process of inclusion and exclusion.
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Perceived risk of homeland security incidents: The insignificance of actual risk factorsHaynes, Melissa R. 01 May 2012 (has links)
Contingency theory, with regard to risk of homeland security incidents and homeland security preparedness, has received considerable empirical support. In past research, risk has been measured subjectively as agency executives' perceived risk of specific homeland security incidents occurring within their jurisdictions. This study examines actual risk, using the objective risk factors of experience with past natural hazards, social vulnerability, and urbanization. These risk factors, used in combination, have been significantly associated with terrorism-related homeland security incidents in the United States, and are used in risk assessment models of natural hazards. Contrary to expectations, the results of this study indicate that objective risk factors were not associated with either perceived risk or preparedness. Policy implications and directions for future research are discussed.
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Die beginsels van proaktiewe polisiëring met spesifieke verwysing na die Suid-Afrikaanse polisieOlivier, Nicolaas Jacobus Campher 08 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Misdaad is deesdae op almal se Iippe. Daar verloop nie 'n dag of die media lewer verslag oor een of ander vorm van misdaad wat plaasgevind het nie. Die vraag is nou wat gedoen kan word om die vlaag van misdaad in Suid-Afrika te stop en lewe en eiendom te beskerm. Feit is dat daar nie slegs 'n enkele stap is wat gedoen kan word om misdaad te voorkom nie. 'n Gesamentlike poging deur die hele gemeenskap is die
enigste wyse waarop misdaad voorkom kan word. Proaktiewe polisiering kan aileen slaag indien die gemeenskap kollektief verantwoordelikheid
vir misdaad aanvaar en daadwerklik optree om misdaad te voorkom. Die
polisie, as aktiewe vennoot in die voorkoming van misdaad, het 'n opvoedingstaak deur die gemeenskap in te lig oor hoe misdaad gepleeg word, wanneer en waar dit gepleeg word en wat gedoen kan word om kwesbaarheid te verminder. 'n Gesindheid van omgee vir mekaar moet dus by die gemeenskap (die passiewe vennoot) gekweek
word. Hieruit volg respek vir die lewe en eiendom van 'n ander en dit sal lei tot aktiewe optrede. Presipiterende polisiering deur die gemeenskap is 'n teken van geslaagde opvoeding. Dit word nie net ge"illustreer deur die verharding van die fisiese om9ewing nie, maar ook deur die betrokkenheid van die gemeenskap in die omgewing om dit
veilig en aangenaam vir almal te maak. Blywende sukses kan slegs verseker word indien die polisie en die gemeenskap ondersteuning
van ander departemente ontvang. Slegs wanneer die gemeenskap totale
samewerking van aile belanghebbendes ervaar sal hulle gemotiveerd wees en voortgaan om betrokke te bly. / These days crime is on everybody's lips. Not a day passes without the media reporting on some or other crime which has taken place. The question that arises is what can be done to stop the crime wave in South Africa and protect lives and property. The fact is, there is no one single step that can be taken to prevent crime. A joint effort by the community as a whole is the only way in which crime can be prevente. Proactive policing can be successful only if the community accepts collective responsibility for crime and makes a conscious effort to prevent crime. The police as an active partner in crime prevention should educate the community about how crime is committed, when and where it is committed and what can be done to decrease vulnerability to crime. An attitude of caring for each other must be cultivated in the community (the passive partner). This will result in respect for lives and property of
others and will lead to proactive conduct. Precipitating policing by the community is a sign of successful education. This is illustrated not only by the hardening of the physical environment, but also by the community's involvement in ensuring that the environment is a safe and pleasant place for all. Lasting success can only be ensured if the police and the community are supported by other departments. Only when the community has the full co-operation of all parties concerned, will members of the community be motivated to remain involved. / Police Practice / D.Litt. et Phil. (Police Practice)
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Policiar na China contemporâneaRibeiro, Vítor Eduardo Alessandri January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma compreensão da reforma institucional do setor de segurança pública na China, com ênfase no período pós-1978, até o ano de 2014. O foco empírico da pesquisa recai especificamente sobre o modo de policiar, que compreende uma dimensão formal e outra informal. Evidências empíricas basearamse tanto em fontes bibliográficas, quanto em textos legais e documentos históricos traduzidos diretamente do idioma mandarim. O formato da pesquisa sociológica compreende uma elaboração teórico-metodológica de tipo compreensiva, amparada na abordagem histórica de investigação. Objetivando prover meios de conhecer a reforma por que passa o sistema de controle social na China contemporânea, foi necessário incorrer na apresentação do quadro de referência do controle social no passado, de 1949 a 1978. Não é possível pensar sobre a construção de mecanismos do direito na China à luz da concepção ocidental do direito. Por este motivo, antes da apresentação do objeto empírico, este trabalho realiza uma discussão em profundidade sobre a relevância que as particularidades históricas e culturais têm para a conformação do direito como fenômeno social. Este trabalho possibilitou evidenciar contornos no processo de transformação do controle social na China, que de 1949 a 1978 era fundado essencialmente em mecanismos informais e, a partir deste ano, passou a se caracterizar pelo desenvolvimento de instrumentos formais com contornos legais. / This paper embarks upon a sociological comprehensive analysis of the institutional reform on Chinese security sector, emphasizing the period from 1978 up to the present. The empirical dimension focuses on the phenomena of policing, which comprehends both a formal and an informal dimension. Research source materials were based on bibliographic references as well as legal and historical documents translated directly from simplified Chinese language by the author. These documents were made available online by the Chinese government. The investigation followed the method of Historical Sociology aimed at providing means for the reader to access legal institutional reform China has been through for more than three decades now. Had it not been through means of historical change, it wouldn’t have been possible to analyse institutional building in the Chinese security sector and judicial system. That change is interpreted after Chinese leadership perceptions on the importance to build law mechanisms. Therefore, prior to the presenting the findings on policing, this paper yields a previous discussion on how cultural and historical acquiescence might be important for comprehending legal developments in China. This article provides evidences the contours of the changes in Chinese social control. From 1949 until 1978, it had been characterized mainly by its informal mechanisms, and from 1978 onwards, on formal legal instruments, even though informal practices haven`t been discontinued throughout until the present time.
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Stress and Maladaptive Coping Among Police OfficersJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: The relationship between stress and policing has long been established in literature. What is less clear, however, is what departments are doing to help officers deal with the stress that comes with the job. Looking at a small Southwestern police agency and using a modified version of Speilberger’s (1981) Police Stress Survey, the present study sought to examine stressors inherent to policing, as well as to identify departmental services that may be in place to help officers alleviate those stressors and whether or not police officers would choose to take part in the services that may be offered. The findings suggest that a shift in stress in policing is occurring with operational stressors being reported at higher levels than organizational stressors, contrary to previous research. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Criminology and Criminal Justice 2016
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“SÓ DEUS, SÓ JESUS!”: O “Polícia Solidária” e a sensação de (in)segurança dos moradores do bairro do José Pinheiro, Campina Grande-PB.DANTAS, Camila Christina Feitoza Souza. 24 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-07-24T15:15:50Z
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CAMILA CHRISTINA FEITOZA SOUZA DANTAS - DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGCS) 2017.pdf: 2796270 bytes, checksum: 6116be9184c5208ccd2bf7bb72a29b35 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-24T15:15:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
CAMILA CHRISTINA FEITOZA SOUZA DANTAS - DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGCS) 2017.pdf: 2796270 bytes, checksum: 6116be9184c5208ccd2bf7bb72a29b35 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017 / Este estudo versa acerca da relação interacional entre os moradores do bairro do José Pinheiro e os policiais militares engajados no programa “Polícia Solidária” no mesmo bairro, na cidade de Campina Grande, e a influência de tal interação para a sensação de segurança dos moradores. Para tanto, partindo-se dos conceitos-chaves de policiamento comunitário propostos por Skolnick, Bayley (2002) e Trojanowicz, Bucqueroux (1999) que podem ser sintetizados em “reorientação das atividades de patrulhamento”, descentralização do comando”, “supervisão das atividades policiais” e “prevenção à criminalidade” desenvolvidos com vistas à uma aproximação entre os policiais militares e os moradores, bem como para a melhoria da sensação de segurança destes. Diante disso, analisou-se sob a perspectiva qualitativa através de incursões etnográficas, entrevistas, conversas informais e observação participante e não-participante, a percepção tanto dos moradores quantos dos policiais militares, sobre tais temáticas, de modo que ao fim, pôde-se descrever e analisar como era a relação entre os moradores e policiais militares do bairro. Os resultados indicaram que apesar de haver uma estrutura física que faz menção ao programa “Polícia Solidária” no bairro, qual seja, a Unidade de Polícia Solidária do Bairro do José Pinheiro, as ações de policiamento desenvolvidas no bairro, correspondiam às facetas preventivas e repressivas do policiamento tradicional, e não do policiamento comunitário, de modo que não havia uma aproximação consensual entre os policiais militares e os moradores do bairro, o que interferia na melhoria da sensação de segurança destes últimos. Em síntese, pode-se dizer que o patrulhamento era móvel e aleatório, abrangia uma extensa área territorial; bem como, que a referida Unidade de Polícia Solidária ainda atuava conforme um modelo centralizador de planejamento e execução das atividades policiais; e também que a supervisão das atividades policiais e a eventual responsabilização dos policiais militares eram precárias e ineficientes; por fim, concluiu-se que a prevenção à criminalidade seguia a lógica da filosofia de policiamento tradicional por meio do patrulhamento móvel, bem como abordagens e buscas pessoais esporádicas. Em razão da atuação policial insuficiente e da maciça presença das atividades criminosas, os moradores do bairro recorriam ao elemento sobrenatural, “Deus”, “Jesus”, como forma de proteção, o que evidenciava a ineficiência do Estado em promover políticas de segurança pública adequadas. / This study deals with the interaction between the residents of the neighborhood of José Pinheiro and the military police officers engaged in the "Solidary Police" program in the same neighborhood, in the city of Campina Grande, and the influence of such interaction on the residents' sense of safety. Therefore, starting from the key concepts of community policing proposed by Skolnick, Bayley (2002) and Trojanowicz, Bucqueroux (1999), which can be summarized in "reorientation of patrol activities", "decentralization of command", "supervision of police activities "and" prevention of crime"developed with a view to bring military police and residents closer together, as well as improving their sense of security. On this, the perception of both the inhabitants and the military police on these subjects was analyzed from a qualitative perspective through ethnographic incursions, interviews, informal conversations and participant and non-participant observation, so that, at the end, to describe and analyze how the relationship between residents and military police in the neighborhood was. The results indicated that although there is a physical structure that mentions the "Solidary Police" program in the neighborhood, which is the Solidarity Police Unit of the José Pinheiro Neighborhood, the policing actions developed in the neighborhood corresponded to the preventive and repressive facets of traditional policing rather than community policing, so there was no consensual rapprochement between the military police and neighborhood residents, which interfered with the improvement of the security feeling of the last ones. In summary, patrolling could be said to be mobile and random, covering an extensive territorial area; as well as, the indicated Solidarity Police Unit was still acting according to a centralized model of planning and execution of police activities; and also that supervision of police activities and possible accountability of military police officers were precarious and inefficient; Finally, it was concluded that crime prevention followed the logic of traditional policing philosophy through mobile patrolling, as well as sporadic approaches and personal searches. Because of the insufficient police action and the massive presence of criminal activities, the residents of the neighborhood used the supernatural element "God" and "Jesus" as a form of protection, which evidenced the State's inefficiency in promoting adequate public security policies.
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A relação entre as polícias e a segurança privada nas práticas de prevenção e controle do crime: impactos na segurança pública e transformações contemporâneas no policiamento / The relationship between the police and private security on the practices to prevent and control crime: impacts on public safety and contemporary changes in policingAndré Zanetic 01 September 2010 (has links)
O mundo contemporâneo vem passando por importantes mudanças no conjunto de atividades que chamamos de policiamento. Dentre essas mudanças, o processo de expansão da segurança privada é um dos aspectos que mais chama a atenção, pela dimensão e pela influência que o setor exerce hoje na maior parte dos países em que se têm informações substantivas sobre o tema. Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir o impacto que a expansão dos serviços de segurança privada tem causado nas atividades de policiamento - em especial em relação às inter-relações entre esses serviços e as polícias - em suas tarefas de prevenção do crime e da violência. O estudo específico acerca dessa inter-relação é realizado a partir da análise de três espaços específicos, localizados na cidade de São Paulo e adjacências, que possuem policiamento realizado por forças privadas. / The contemporary world is undergoing major changes in the set of activities that we call policing. Among these changes, the expansion of private security is one of the aspects that draws the most attention, because of the size and influence that this industry has today in most countries that have substantive information on the subject. This paper aims to discuss the impact that the expansion of private security services has caused on the activities of policing, especially in relation to the interrelationship with the police, in its crime and violence prevention tasks. The specific study concerning this interrelation is achieved by analyzing three specific spaces, located in São Paulo and surrounding areas, which are conducted by private forces of policing.
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Policiamento transnacional: uma análise da cooperação entre Brasil e Bolívia no combate ao tráfico de drogas (2008-2012) / Transnational policing: an analysis of cooperation between Brazil and Bolivia in combating drug trafficking (2008-2012)Castro, Helena Salim de [UNESP] 07 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by HELENA SALIM DE CASTRO (helenas.castro@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-04-10T19:10:48Z
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DISSERTAÇÃO_CASTRO, H. S..pdf: 2062828 bytes, checksum: 8aae16d19999253596fa9350b035e4e0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-04-17T18:11:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-04-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O tráfico internacional de drogas é uma das principais ameaças de segurança para os países da América do Sul, em especial o Brasil e a Bolívia. O país andino é o terceiro maior produtor mundial de cocaína e o território brasileiro se constitui como uma das principais rotas de trânsito para as drogas enviadas à Europa, bem como, é considerado o principal mercado consumidor para a cocaína boliviana. Na literatura ainda são poucos os trabalhos que abordam a relação entre os dois países no que concerne essa temática. Assim, o objetivo central desta pesquisa foi analisar o tipo de cooperação desenvolvida entre o Brasil e a Bolívia para o policiamento do combate ao tráfico de drogas. Nosso período de análise foi desde novembro de 2008, quando, após décadas de influência e ingerência norte-americana nas políticas antidrogas da Bolívia, a Drug Enforcement Admnistration (DEA) foi expulsa do território boliviano, o que gerou uma aproximação entre os governos brasileiro e boliviano, até o final de janeiro de 2012, quando foi estabelecido um acordo trilateral entre Bolívia, Brasil e Estados Unidos. Acordo que marcou o retorno da parceria entre o país andino e a superpotência, no que se refere o combate ao tráfico de drogas. Trabalhamos na pesquisa com o conceito de cooperação para o policiamento, pois observamos as operações realizadas não são somente pelas agências policiais, mas, inclusive, aquelas desenvolvidas entre as Forças Armadas. Analisamos algumas questões presentes no processo de policiamento, como a expansão dos atores envolvidos nas atividades de fiscalização e repressão ao tráfico de drogas, a autonomia dos mesmos no desenvolvimento da cooperação e a assimetria de poder entre a relação bilateral, os quais auxiliaram no nosso objetivo central. Constatamos que, diferentemente da cooperação entre Bolívia e Estados-Unidos, o Brasil e a Bolívia estabeleceram, ao longo dos anos de 2008 a 2012, uma cooperação para o policiamento do tipo bilateral, em que houve o respeito à soberania territorial e às políticas antidrogas de cada país. / International drug trafficking is one of the main security threats to the countries of South America, especially Brazil and Bolivia. The Andean country is the third largest cocaine producer in the world and the Brazilian territory is one of the main transit routes for drugs sent to Europe, as well as being considered the main consumer market for Bolivian cocaine. In the literature there are still few studies that deal with the relationship between the two countries concerning this issue. So, the main objective of this research was to analyze the type of cooperation developed between Brazil and Bolivia for policing the fight against drug trafficking. Our period of analysis has been since November 2008, when, after decades of US influence and interference in Bolivia's anti-drug policies, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was expelled from Bolivian territory, which led to an approximation between the Brazilian and Bolivian governments, until the end of January 2012, when a trilateral agreement was signed between Bolivia, Brazil and the United States. This agreement marked the return of the partnership between the Andean country and the superpower, as it relates to combating drug trafficking. We work in the research with the concept of cooperation for policing, because we observe the operations carried out not only by the police agencies, but also those developed among the Armed Forces. We analyzed some issues in the policing process, such as the expansion of actors involved in drug control and repression activities, their autonomy in the development of cooperation and the asymmetry of power between the bilateral relationship, which have helped our central objective. We concluded that, unlike Bolivia-US cooperation, Brazil and Bolivia established, over the years 2008-2012, a bilateral cooperation for policing, with respect for territorial sovereignty and respect of each country's anti-drug policies.
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Measuring the perceptions of team effectiveness within the South African police serviceClayton, William Bernard January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business Administration))--Peninsula Technikon, 2002 / Team effectiveness is imperative for the enhancement of service delivery in the
South African Police Service. This research is based on the implementation ofteam
effectiveness strategies and the impact it has on the service delivery of the South
African Police Service. This is an action research project and the theory that is
included, serves to underpin this approach. A crucial element ofthe research is the
analysis of the driving forces that have a positive influence on team effectiveness
and the restraining forces that have a negative impact on team effectiveness.The personnel who are responsible for visible policing in the SAPS in the Area
West Metropole were the respondents in this study. The research attempts to show
the real issues regarding team effectiveness and the vast benefits which could be
achieved by implementing this intervention. A structured questionnaire was
distributed to the different commanders different police stations in the Area, in
order to distribute to the personnel that were responsible for visible policing,
ranging from the civilian rank to the rank of Superintendent. The respondents gave
the questionnaire after completion to the commanders and the researcher collected
it afterwards from the commanders. The method of data collection was within a
qualitative methodology. Conclusions were made which were put up for
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Policiar na China contemporâneaRibeiro, Vítor Eduardo Alessandri January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma compreensão da reforma institucional do setor de segurança pública na China, com ênfase no período pós-1978, até o ano de 2014. O foco empírico da pesquisa recai especificamente sobre o modo de policiar, que compreende uma dimensão formal e outra informal. Evidências empíricas basearamse tanto em fontes bibliográficas, quanto em textos legais e documentos históricos traduzidos diretamente do idioma mandarim. O formato da pesquisa sociológica compreende uma elaboração teórico-metodológica de tipo compreensiva, amparada na abordagem histórica de investigação. Objetivando prover meios de conhecer a reforma por que passa o sistema de controle social na China contemporânea, foi necessário incorrer na apresentação do quadro de referência do controle social no passado, de 1949 a 1978. Não é possível pensar sobre a construção de mecanismos do direito na China à luz da concepção ocidental do direito. Por este motivo, antes da apresentação do objeto empírico, este trabalho realiza uma discussão em profundidade sobre a relevância que as particularidades históricas e culturais têm para a conformação do direito como fenômeno social. Este trabalho possibilitou evidenciar contornos no processo de transformação do controle social na China, que de 1949 a 1978 era fundado essencialmente em mecanismos informais e, a partir deste ano, passou a se caracterizar pelo desenvolvimento de instrumentos formais com contornos legais. / This paper embarks upon a sociological comprehensive analysis of the institutional reform on Chinese security sector, emphasizing the period from 1978 up to the present. The empirical dimension focuses on the phenomena of policing, which comprehends both a formal and an informal dimension. Research source materials were based on bibliographic references as well as legal and historical documents translated directly from simplified Chinese language by the author. These documents were made available online by the Chinese government. The investigation followed the method of Historical Sociology aimed at providing means for the reader to access legal institutional reform China has been through for more than three decades now. Had it not been through means of historical change, it wouldn’t have been possible to analyse institutional building in the Chinese security sector and judicial system. That change is interpreted after Chinese leadership perceptions on the importance to build law mechanisms. Therefore, prior to the presenting the findings on policing, this paper yields a previous discussion on how cultural and historical acquiescence might be important for comprehending legal developments in China. This article provides evidences the contours of the changes in Chinese social control. From 1949 until 1978, it had been characterized mainly by its informal mechanisms, and from 1978 onwards, on formal legal instruments, even though informal practices haven`t been discontinued throughout until the present time.
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