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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle de GILZ (Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper) dans l’apoptose du polynucléaire neutrophile et la résolution de l’inflammation / GILZ (Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper) role in polymorphonuclear neutrophil and inflammation resolution

Espinasse, Marie-Alix 03 February 2014 (has links)
L’élimination des polynucléaires neutrophiles (PN) du site inflammatoire est nécessaire à la résolution de l’inflammation. Lors de cette phase, les PN s’engagent massivement vers l’apoptose et sont phagocytés par les macrophages. Dans certaines pathologies inflammatoires comme le syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë (SDRA), un défaut des mécanismes d’apoptose des PN est associé à la persistance de l’inflammation et à un mauvais pronostic. GILZ (Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper) est une protéine possédant des propriétés anti-inflammatoires, basées principalement sur l’inhibition des facteurs de transcription, comme NF-кB (nuclear factor-kappa B) et AP-1 (activator protein-1). GILZ module également la survie des cellules hématopoïétiques, en favorisant ou retardant l’apoptose selon le type cellulaire étudié. L’objectif de ce travail a été d’évaluer le rôle de GILZ dans les fonctions et l’apoptose du PN lors de l’inflammation. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés aux situations physiopathologiques dans lesquelles GILZ pouvait être exprimé et plus spécifiquement dans le syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë (SDRA). Cette pathologie a retenu notre attention pour le caractère systémique de l’inflammation et surtout pour le rôle prépondérant que jouent les neutrophiles dans ce syndrome. Dans le cadre d’une étude clinique prospective menée à l’hôpital Bichat, nous avons pu montrer une plus forte expression de GILZ au niveau transcriptionnel et protéique dans des neutrophiles circulants de patients souffrant de SDRA.Dans la deuxième partie du travail, nous avons évalué le rôle de GILZ dans les fonctions et le phénotype des PN. En utilisant la lignée PLB-985 différenciée en neutrophiles par addition d’acide rétinoïque (ATRA) et de diméthylformamide (DMF), nous avons mis en évidence in vitro que la surexpression de GILZ dans ce modèle de polynucléaires neutrophiles favorisait l’apoptose de ces cellules. Cette apoptose est dépendante des caspases, implique la voie mitochondriale et s’explique notamment par une diminution de l’expression de Mcl-1 (myeloid cell leukemia-1), alors que l’expression des ARNm de mcl-1 n’est pas affectée. Une activation prolongée de JNK (c-JUN N-terminal kinase) serait impliquée et entraînerait la phosphorylation de Mcl-1 et sa dégradation par le protéasome. Ces deux résultats laissent entrevoir un rôle potentiel de GILZ dans la résolution de l’inflammation in vivo. Pour adresser cette question, nous mettons en place le modèle de l’ALI (Acute Lung Injury) ou inflammation pulmonaire aiguë induite par le LPS (lipopolysaccharide), qui est un modèle murin du SDRA. Nous utilisons des souris dans lesquelles l’expression de GILZ a été invalidée spécifiquement dans les neutrophiles. Cette approche nous permettra de mieux comprendre le rôle de GILZ dans la résolution de l’inflammation. GILZ pourrait ainsi représenter une cible thérapeutique dans les pathologies inflammatoires impliquant le PN. / Elimination of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PN) from inflammatory site is a necessary step in the resolution of inflammation, where PN undergo massive apoptosis and are phagocyted by macrophages. In some inflammatory disorders, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), defective apoptosis of neutrophils was described and related to persistent inflammation and poor prognosis. GILZ (Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper) is a potent anti-inflammatory protein, mainly through inhibition of NF-кB (nuclear factor-kappa B) and AP-1 (activator protein-1) transcription factors. Moreover, GILZ modulates hematopoietic cells survival, either by preventing or inducing their apoptosis. The overall objective of this work has been to evaluate the role of GILZ in neutrophils functions and apoptosis during inflammation. First, we sought pathophysiological situations where GILZ could be expressed. ARDS caught our attention because of the systemic nature of inflammation and the prominent role of neutrophils. A prospective clinical study was conducted at Bichat hospital and showed a higher GILZ expression at protein and transcriptional levels in blood neutrophils of ARDS patients.Secondly, we evaluated the role of GILZ in neutrophils functions and phenotypes. Using the PLB-985 cell line induced towards the neutrophil lineage using all trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and dimethylformamid (DMF), we evidenced that GILZ over-expression promoted exacerbated apoptosis of these cells. This apoptosis was caspase-dependent, involved the mitochondrial pathway and was explained, at least in part, by a diminution of myeloid cell leukemia-1 (Mcl-1) expression, whereas mcl-1 mRNA levels were not affected. A sustained activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) could be involved and lead to Mcl-1 phosphorylation and subsequent degradation by the proteasome machinery.Altogether, these results suggest a potential role of GILZ in the resolution of inflammation in vivo. To address this question, we currently develop an acute lung injury (ALI) model induced by lipopolysaccharides, which mimics the septic component of ARDS. This model will be implemented in mice invalidated for GILZ specifically in neutrophils. This approach should allow a better understanding of the role of GILZ in the resolution of inflammation. In the future, GILZ could represent a therapeutical target in inflammatory diseases involving neutrophils.

Rôle des polynucléaires neutrophiles dans la régulation de la réponse inflammatoire IL-17A lors de l'infection pulmonaire par les mycobactéries / Role of neutrophils in the regulation of IL-17A inflammatory response during pulmonary infection by mycobacteria

Lombard, Robin 11 December 2013 (has links)
La pandémie de tuberculose (TB) causée par Mycobactérium tuberculosis (Mtb) n’est pas contrôlée par le vaccin vivant BCG. Mtb induit la formation de granulomes qui évoluent vers une réaction inflammatoire exacerbée détruisant le poumon lors de la TB active. Les rôles des polynucléaires neutrophiles (PNN) et de la cytokine inflammatoire IL-17A dans cette évolution sont à clarifier. Nous montrons, chez la souris, que les PNN sont recrutés dans le poumon en deux vagues après infection par Mtb ou BCG. La deuxième vague dépend du récepteur IL-17RA exprimé par les cellules non-hématopoïétiques. Les chimiokines CXCL-1 et 5 attirant les PNN semblent impliquées. Dans le poumon, ces PNN produisent la cytokine immunosuppressive IL-10 qui diminue la production d’IL-17A. Les cellules dendritiques infectées, présentes dans le granulome, sécrètent aussi CXCL-1. Elles attirent les PNN qui produisent de l’IL-10 bloquant la production d’IL-17A mais pas d’IFN-γ. En effet, seuls les lymphocytes CD4+ Th17 expriment le récepteur à l’IL-10. Nos travaux apportent un éclairage nouveau sur les PNN régulateurs dans le contrôle de inflammation due à l’IL-17A lors de la TB. / Tuberculosis (TB) pandemic, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), is not controlled by the live vaccine BCG. Mtb induces granuloma formation developing to exacerbated inflammation that destroys the lung during active TB. Roles played by polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and inflammatory cytokine IL-17A remain ill defined. We show, in the mouse model, that PMN reach the lung in two waves following lung infection with BCG or Mtb. Only the second wave depends on receptor IL-17A expression by non hematopoietic cells. PMN chemoattractants CXCL-1 and 5 seem involved in this late recruitment. In the lung PMN produce immunosuppressive IL-10 that dampens IL-17A production. Mycobacteria infected dendritic cells, present inside granuloma, also secrete CXCL-1. Neutrophils attracted towards infected dendritic cells secrete IL-10 that inhibits IL-17A but not IFN-g production. Indeed, CD4+ Th17 and not Th1 express the IL-10 receptor. Our data shed new light on regulatory PMN in IL-17A-driven lung inflammation during TB.

Rôle de l’environnement microbien dans la régulation de l’immunoglobuline A mucosale et dans le développement de la maladie de Berger / Role of microbial environment on the mucosal immunoglobulin A regulation and in the development of IgA nephropathy

Archelus, Anderson 04 May 2018 (has links)
La maladie de Berger est la glomérulonéphrite la plus fréquente avec une estimation selon laquelle 1% de la population mondiale serait touchée. L’agent causal est une immunoglobuline (Ig)A anormale (polymérique et hypogalactosylée) qui se dépose dans le mésangium et provoque un dysfonctionnement rénal (protéinurie, hématurie) et des lésions glomérulaires. Dans 25% des cas, la maladie évolue sur 20 ans vers l’insuffisance rénale terminale. Des évidences, de plus en plus nombreuses, montrent que l’environnement microbien, en particulier bactérien, commensal ou pathogène, a un impact important sur le développement de la maladie. Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai d’abord étudié l’effet d’une molécule de la paroi bactérienne, le lipopolysaccharide (LPS), sur la production des IgA dans les muqueuses chez la souris normale. Les résultats que j’ai obtenus et ceux publiés permettent de proposer que la stimulation chronique des muqueuses par l’environnement microbien conduit à une augmentation de la production d’IgA néphrotoxiques, qui, du fait d’un déficit de leur récepteur pIgR mucosal, sont anormalement dirigées vers la circulation plûtôt que dans la lumière es muqueuses. Dans une seconde partie de mon travail, j’ai étudié l’effet du LPS sur le développement de la maladie de Berger dans un modèle de souris 1KI. Ces souris génétiquement modifiées produisent de l’IgA humaine et développent spontanément des dépôts mésangiaux d’IgA mais n’ont pas de protéinurie, d’hématurie ou de lésions glomérulaires. Nos résultats montrent que le LPS provoque une forte hématurie dans les souris 1KI lorsque celles-ci expriment le récepteur des IgA humaines, CD89, à la surface des polymorphonucléaires neutrophiles. En conclusion, mon travail de thèse a permis de mettre en lumière un impact de l’environnement microbien sur pIgR et sur les polymorphonucléaires neutrophiles dont la déficience ou l’activation pourrait contribuer au développement de la maladie de Berger. / IgA nephropathy is the most frequent glomerulonephritis worldwide. It features mesangial immunoglobulin (Ig)A deposits and proteinuria, hematuria and glomerular histological lesions. In 25% patients, it evolves, within 20 years, towards the end stage renal disease. Microbial environment, through the interaction with mucosa, is believed to play a crucial role in the development of the disease. The objectives of my work were to evaluate the effect of the microbial compound lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the production of the nephritogenic IgA in the mucosa of mice and on the development of IgA nephropathy in the murine model 1KI that spontaneously develops mesangial IgA deposits without the other signs of the disease. Our results and those previously published suggest that the chronic stimulation of mucosa by microbiota leads to the increased production of nephritogenic IgA in the mucosa. These IgA, thanks to a deficient mucosal receptor pIgR in patients with IgA nephropathy, may be abnormally routed in the blood. We also showed that LPS provokes hematuria in the 1KI mice, when they express a specific IgA receptor, CD89, on the surface of polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Altogether our findings highlight the impact of microbial environment on pIgR and on polymorphonuclear neutrophils and thus, potentially, on IgA nephropathy.

Efeito da depleção in vivo de leucócitos PMN em camundongos resistentes e susceptíveis à Paracoccidioidomicose pulmonar / Effect of in vivo depletion of PMN leukocytes in mice resistant to and susceptible to pulmonary Paracoccidioidomycosis

Pina, Adriana 05 April 2002 (has links)
Estudos em nosso laboratório caracterizaram camundongos B10.A como susceptíveis e camundongos A/J como resistentes à infecção pulmonar pelo P. brasiliensis. Para investigar o papel das células PMN na paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) pulmonar, camundongos B10.A e A/J foram depletados destas células através da inoculação in vivo por via intraperitoneal (i.p.) do anticorpo monoclonal anti-células PMN e infectados pela via intratraqueal (i.t.) com um milhão de leveduras viáveis. Camundongos-controle receberam doses equivalentes de IgG normal de rato. A depleção de granulócitos diminuiu o tempo de sobrevida dos animais B10.A, mas não dos animais A/J. Quando comparados com os animais não depletados, camundongos resistentes apresentaram aumento da carga fúngica no pulmão somente no dia 7 pós-infecção. Ao contrário, camundongos susceptíveis depletados de PMN apresentaram números mais elevados de células leveduriformes no pulmão, fígado e baço nos dias 7, 15, 30 e 120 pós-infecção, com relação aos seus grupos-controle tratados com IgG. A depleção dos granulócitos, entretanto, não alterou as reações de hipersensibilidade do tipo tardio (HTT) desenvolvidas por ambas as linhagens de animais. Considerando a resposta imune humoral, a depleção de células PMN levou à maior produção de anticorpos específicos em animais B10.A (Ig Total, IgG1, IgA e IgG3) e em animais A/J (Ig Total, IgG2a, IgG2b e IgG3). A depleção também alterou o padrão de citocinas pulmonares. Nos animais B10.A-tratados foram encontradas concentrações mais elevadas de IL-12 aos 15 dias e de IL-4 aos 120 dias pós-infecção, em comparação aos animais controle. Níveis de IL-12 significativamente mais altos foram detectados no grupo de animais A/J-depletados aos 7 e 120 dias e o IFN-γ foi detectado em níveis mais elevados em todo o curso da doença. Então, a depleção de PMN induz níveis mais altos de anticorpos e um ambiente mais pró-inflamatório no local da infecção. De acordo com esses dados, pudemos verificar que os neutrófilos são células importantes na defesa do hospedeiro à infecção pelo P.brasiliensis. Entretanto, o efeito protetor desta população celular depende do patrimônio genético do hospedeiro e é mais marcante na linhagem susceptível de camundongos. Neste trabalho também investigamos o efeito da depleção in vivo de leucócitos PMN na imunidade adquirida e protetora desenvolvida pela pré-imunização de animais B10.A. Assim, os camundongos foram previamente imunizados pela via s.c., depletados ou não de células PMN e desafiados i.t. com 1 milhão de células leveduriformes. Não foram detectadas diferenças significativas na contagem de fungos viáveis do pulmão, fígado e baço, entre os grupos imunizados tratados ou não com o AcM anti-PMN. A depleção não alterou a produção de anticorpos específicos, porém aumentou significativamente a síntese de IL-3, bem como a reatividade de HTT. Portanto, nossos resultados mostraram que, diferentemente da imunidade natural, os leucócitos PMN não exercem um papel protetor na fase adquirida da resposta imune à infecção com o P.brasiliensis. / Previous studies in our laboratory defined susceptible (B10.A) and resistant (A/J) mice to pulmonary P.brasiliensis infection. To investigate the role of PMN cells in pulmonary PCM, resistant and susceptible mice were depleted in vivo of these cells by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of a granulocyte-depleting monoclonal antibody and infected intratracheally (i.t) with one million yeast cells. Control mice received equivalent doses of normal rat IgG. PMN depletion decreased survival times of B10.A, but not of A/J infected mice. When compared with the non-depleted counterparts, resistant mice presented increased fungal loads in the lung only at day 7 after infection. On the contrary, PMN-depleted susceptible mice presented higher number of yeast cells in the lung, liver and spleen at days 7, 15, 30 and 120 after infection than their IgG-treated controls. PMN cells depletion, however, did not alter the DTH reaction developed by both mouse strains. Regarding humoral immune response, PMN cells depletion caused increased production of specific antibodies in B10.A (Total Ig, IgG1, IgA and IgG3) and A/J (Total Ig, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3) mice. Levels of pulmonary cytokines were also altered after PMN depletion. B10.A-treated mice presented increased levels of IL-12 and IL-4 at days 15 and 120 post-infection, respective/y. In A/J-depleted mice, augmented levels of IL-12 were detected at days 7 and 120 after infection; IFN-γ, however, was produced in higher levels during whole course of infection. Thus, PMN depletion induces higher levels of specific antibodies and enhanced pro-inflammatory milieu at the site of infection. As a whole, our data on PMN depletion at the onset of infection showed that neutrophils are important cells in host defense to P.brasiliensis infection. However, the effect of PMN depletion depends on the genetic background of the host and has a more pronounced effect in the susceptible strain of mice. We have also assessed the effect of in vivo depletion of the leukocytes on the acquired phase of immunity developed by B10.A mice previously immunized by the subcutaneous (s.c.) route were depleted or not of PMN cells and challenged i.t. with one million yeast cells. No differences were detected in the CFU counts in the lung, liver and spleen between untreated and PMN depleted vaccinated mice. PMN depletion also did not alter the production of specific antibodies but enhanced IL-3 synthesis as well as DTH reactivity. In conclusion, our results showed that, differently from natural immunity, PMN cells do not play a protective role in the acquired phase of immune response to P.brasiliensis infection.

Efeito da depleção in vivo de leucócitos PMN em camundongos resistentes e susceptíveis à Paracoccidioidomicose pulmonar / Effect of in vivo depletion of PMN leukocytes in mice resistant to and susceptible to pulmonary Paracoccidioidomycosis

Adriana Pina 05 April 2002 (has links)
Estudos em nosso laboratório caracterizaram camundongos B10.A como susceptíveis e camundongos A/J como resistentes à infecção pulmonar pelo P. brasiliensis. Para investigar o papel das células PMN na paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) pulmonar, camundongos B10.A e A/J foram depletados destas células através da inoculação in vivo por via intraperitoneal (i.p.) do anticorpo monoclonal anti-células PMN e infectados pela via intratraqueal (i.t.) com um milhão de leveduras viáveis. Camundongos-controle receberam doses equivalentes de IgG normal de rato. A depleção de granulócitos diminuiu o tempo de sobrevida dos animais B10.A, mas não dos animais A/J. Quando comparados com os animais não depletados, camundongos resistentes apresentaram aumento da carga fúngica no pulmão somente no dia 7 pós-infecção. Ao contrário, camundongos susceptíveis depletados de PMN apresentaram números mais elevados de células leveduriformes no pulmão, fígado e baço nos dias 7, 15, 30 e 120 pós-infecção, com relação aos seus grupos-controle tratados com IgG. A depleção dos granulócitos, entretanto, não alterou as reações de hipersensibilidade do tipo tardio (HTT) desenvolvidas por ambas as linhagens de animais. Considerando a resposta imune humoral, a depleção de células PMN levou à maior produção de anticorpos específicos em animais B10.A (Ig Total, IgG1, IgA e IgG3) e em animais A/J (Ig Total, IgG2a, IgG2b e IgG3). A depleção também alterou o padrão de citocinas pulmonares. Nos animais B10.A-tratados foram encontradas concentrações mais elevadas de IL-12 aos 15 dias e de IL-4 aos 120 dias pós-infecção, em comparação aos animais controle. Níveis de IL-12 significativamente mais altos foram detectados no grupo de animais A/J-depletados aos 7 e 120 dias e o IFN-γ foi detectado em níveis mais elevados em todo o curso da doença. Então, a depleção de PMN induz níveis mais altos de anticorpos e um ambiente mais pró-inflamatório no local da infecção. De acordo com esses dados, pudemos verificar que os neutrófilos são células importantes na defesa do hospedeiro à infecção pelo P.brasiliensis. Entretanto, o efeito protetor desta população celular depende do patrimônio genético do hospedeiro e é mais marcante na linhagem susceptível de camundongos. Neste trabalho também investigamos o efeito da depleção in vivo de leucócitos PMN na imunidade adquirida e protetora desenvolvida pela pré-imunização de animais B10.A. Assim, os camundongos foram previamente imunizados pela via s.c., depletados ou não de células PMN e desafiados i.t. com 1 milhão de células leveduriformes. Não foram detectadas diferenças significativas na contagem de fungos viáveis do pulmão, fígado e baço, entre os grupos imunizados tratados ou não com o AcM anti-PMN. A depleção não alterou a produção de anticorpos específicos, porém aumentou significativamente a síntese de IL-3, bem como a reatividade de HTT. Portanto, nossos resultados mostraram que, diferentemente da imunidade natural, os leucócitos PMN não exercem um papel protetor na fase adquirida da resposta imune à infecção com o P.brasiliensis. / Previous studies in our laboratory defined susceptible (B10.A) and resistant (A/J) mice to pulmonary P.brasiliensis infection. To investigate the role of PMN cells in pulmonary PCM, resistant and susceptible mice were depleted in vivo of these cells by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of a granulocyte-depleting monoclonal antibody and infected intratracheally (i.t) with one million yeast cells. Control mice received equivalent doses of normal rat IgG. PMN depletion decreased survival times of B10.A, but not of A/J infected mice. When compared with the non-depleted counterparts, resistant mice presented increased fungal loads in the lung only at day 7 after infection. On the contrary, PMN-depleted susceptible mice presented higher number of yeast cells in the lung, liver and spleen at days 7, 15, 30 and 120 after infection than their IgG-treated controls. PMN cells depletion, however, did not alter the DTH reaction developed by both mouse strains. Regarding humoral immune response, PMN cells depletion caused increased production of specific antibodies in B10.A (Total Ig, IgG1, IgA and IgG3) and A/J (Total Ig, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3) mice. Levels of pulmonary cytokines were also altered after PMN depletion. B10.A-treated mice presented increased levels of IL-12 and IL-4 at days 15 and 120 post-infection, respective/y. In A/J-depleted mice, augmented levels of IL-12 were detected at days 7 and 120 after infection; IFN-γ, however, was produced in higher levels during whole course of infection. Thus, PMN depletion induces higher levels of specific antibodies and enhanced pro-inflammatory milieu at the site of infection. As a whole, our data on PMN depletion at the onset of infection showed that neutrophils are important cells in host defense to P.brasiliensis infection. However, the effect of PMN depletion depends on the genetic background of the host and has a more pronounced effect in the susceptible strain of mice. We have also assessed the effect of in vivo depletion of the leukocytes on the acquired phase of immunity developed by B10.A mice previously immunized by the subcutaneous (s.c.) route were depleted or not of PMN cells and challenged i.t. with one million yeast cells. No differences were detected in the CFU counts in the lung, liver and spleen between untreated and PMN depleted vaccinated mice. PMN depletion also did not alter the production of specific antibodies but enhanced IL-3 synthesis as well as DTH reactivity. In conclusion, our results showed that, differently from natural immunity, PMN cells do not play a protective role in the acquired phase of immune response to P.brasiliensis infection.

Caractérisation des canaux calciques dans les polynucléaires neutrophiles : rôle dans la phagocytose et la production des radicaux libres oxygénés / Characterization of calcium channels in polymorphonuclear neutrophils : role in phagocytosis and reactive oxygen species

Djillani, Alaeddine 26 September 2013 (has links)
Les polynucléaires neutrophiles représentent 50-70% des leucocytes sanguins et possèdent un rôle majeur dans la défense de l’organisme contre les pathogènes. Le Ca2+ est un second messager qui joue un rôle primordial dans le chimiotactisme, la phagocytose, la dégranulation et la production de formes réactives de l’oxygène (FRO) afin de neutraliser l’agent pathogène. Dans ces cellules, l’influx calcique de type SOCE est essentiel pour l'homéostasie calcique. Il est peu étudié en raison du manque d’outils pharmacologiques spécifiques d’où l’importance dans un premier temps de chercher de nouvelles molécules. Les cellules T Jurkat dont le SOCE est largement caractérisé servent de modèle pour la caractérisation initiale de ces molécules. Le 2-APB est parmi les molécules les plus largement utilisées dans la caractérisation du SOCE en raison de sa double activité sur le SOCE avec une potentialisation à [1-10 μM] et une inhibition à [> 20 μM]. En revanche, ce produit manque de spécificité et agit sur d’autres cibles cellulaires comme les récepteurs à l’inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (InsP3Rs). La 1ère étape est de sélectionner à partir d’analogues commerciaux du 2-APB (Methoxy-APB, Dimethoxy-APB, Cyclic-APB, Benzothienyl-APB, Thienyl-APB et MDEB), des composés plus spécifiques et également plus efficaces que la molécule mère. Deux molécules se sont distinguées : le MDEB comme uniquement potentialisant du SOCE et le Benzothienyl-APB comme un puissant inhibiteur. En revanche, tous les analogues du 2-APB inhibent les InsP3Rs à l’exception du MDEB qui semble plus spécifique du SOCE. L’effet du MDEB sur le courant calcique, ICRAC, a été étudié grâce à la technique du patch-clamp. Il augmente d’environ 4 fois l’amplitude de ICRAC par rapport à celle enregistrée dans les cellules contrôle. Par ailleurs, le MDEB ralentie l’inactivation rapide de ICRAC due au Ca2+. Sur le plan physiologique, le MDEB à des concentrations croissantes inhibe la synthèse de l’IL-2 dans les cellules Jurkat stimulées et ceci malgré son effet potentialisant du SOCE. Cette activité est liée à son effet pro-apoptotique dans les cellules Jurkat stimulées. Le MDEB et le Benzothienyl-APB caractérisés dans la 1ère partie nous ont servi d’outils potentiels afin d’étudier le SOCE des cellules PLB-985 différenciées en cellules proches de neutrophiles. Le SOCE a été induit soit par un traitement des cellules avec la thapsigargine (Tg) soit de manière physiologique avec les peptides fMLF et le WKYMVm deux chimioattractants, ligands des récepteurs aux peptides formylés FPR et FPRL1 respectivement. En plus, le SOCE induit par la Tg est modulable par le 2-APB, potentialisé par le MDEB et inhibé par le Benzothienyl-APB. La phagocytose des levures par les cellules PLB-985 différenciées ainsi que la production de FRO intraphagosomales ont été inhibées par le MDEB et le Benzothienyl-APB. Les FRO extracellulaires ont été également inhibées par Benzothienyl-APB en revanche à cause de la forte interférence du MDEB avec la technique de mesure nous n’avons pas pu étudier ses activités. En conclusion, le MDEB et le Benzothienyl-APB sont de nouveaux outils pharmacologiques potentialisant ou inhibant le SOCE des leucocytes, qui nous permettront dans l’avenir une meilleure compréhension de l'entrée calcique et ses rôles dans ces cellules. / Neutrophils represent 50-70% of human blood leukocytes; their role is to protect the body against pathogens. Calcium is a second messenger which plays an important role in chemotaxis, phagocytosis, degranulation and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in order to eliminate microbes. In neutrophils, the mechanism of store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) is essential for calcium homeostasis. However, neutrophil SOCE is not well understood because of the lack of specific pharmacological tools. It is necessary to first identify and characterize new molecules using a model of Jurkat T cells in which SOCE was the best characterized. 2-APB is the most widely used molecule in SOCE characterization due to its dual activity with a potentiation at lower concentrations [1-10 μM] and an inhibition at higher concentrations [> 20 μM]. However, this molecule lacks specificity because it acts on other cellular targets such as inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate receptors (InsP3Rs). The first step is to select from a library of 8 commercial 2-APB analogues (Methoxy-APB, Dimethoxy-APB, Cyclic-APB, Benzothienyl-APB, Thienyl-APB and MDEB) those that are more specific and also more efficient molecules than 2-APB. Two interesting molecules were identified, MDEB as the only SOCE potentiating product currently known and the Benzothienyl-APB, which is a strong inhibitor. Like 2-APB, all these analogues inhibit InsP3Rs except MDEB, which seems to be more specific. The effect of MDEB on the calcium current, ICRAC, was also studied using the patch-clamp technique. MDEB increases ~4 times the ICRAC amplitude in comparison with control. Otherwise, MDEB slows down the fast Ca2 +-dependent inactivation of ICRAC. Functionally, MDEB at increasing concentrations inhibits IL-2 synthesis in stimulated Jurkat T cells despite its potentiating activity on SOCE. The inhibition is due to MDEB induced apoptosis in stimulated Jurkat T cells. MDEB and Benzothienyl-APB were then used as tools to study SOCE in a neutrophil-like cell model, the differentiated PLB-985 cells. SOCE was induced either by treatment of cells with thapsigargin (Tg) or physiologically with the chemotactic peptides fMLF and WKYMVm, ligands of formyl peptide receptors FPR and FPRL1 respectively. In addition, Tg-induced SOCE was modulated by 2-APB, potentiated by MDEB and inhibited by Benzothienyl-APB. The consequences of these analogues on neutrophil functions were also studied. Phagocytosis of yeasts by PLB-985 cells and intraphagosomal ROS production were inhibited by MDEB and Benzothienyl-APB. Furthermore, extracellular ROS were also inhibited by Benzothienyl-APB. However, because of the high interference of MDEB with our techniques, its activities could not be studied. In conclusion, MDEB and Benzothienyl-APB are new analogues of 2-APB potentiating and inhibiting SOCE, which allow us in the future a better understanding of leukocyte SOCE and its cellular roles.

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