Spelling suggestions: "subject:"popolo"" "subject:"topolo""
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La gestion des compagnies marchandes Italie centre-nord. Début XIIIe siècle - 1350 / The management of the merchant companies Italy North-Center. XIIIth century – 1350Balle, Francois 08 October 2018 (has links)
Les grands marchands italiens des XIIIe et XIVe siècles, ceux qui opéraient sur les marchés internationaux, furent précurseurs de bien des techniques commerciales et de gestion. Ils ont également « inventé » la compagnie commerciale.Les analyses classiques de cette institution ne rendent pas suffisamment compte des causes de son apparition. Les risques moindres ni le montant plus important des capitaux nécessaires ne paraissent, pour cette époque, des facteurs tout à fait déterminants et suffisants. Les influences et les expériences dont ont pu bénéficier les commerçants italiens ne l’expliquent pas non plus.La plupart des documents qui nous sont parvenus apparaissent adaptés, plus qu’à une gestion efficace des opérations à celle de la relation entre les acteurs de ces compagnies. Cela conduit à s’interroger sur les raisons pour lesquelles ces marchands mirent en place à la fois l’institution et ces extraordinaires moyens de gestion.Le parallélisme observé entre l’apparition des compagnies, de ses outils de gestion, les évolutions politiques et celles des administrations publiques au moment de l’ascension du Popolo, fournit un premier indice sur ce moment de création de l’institution. Comme les communes, elle apparaît fondée sur une association originale entre personnes libres, sur la recherche de la concorde, et pour cette raison fut pourvue d’outils de gestion rigoureux.Les apports et les nouvelles conceptions de la science économique institutionnelle, la vision de la « firme » comme une solution alternative moins coûteuse au marché, et comme un outil de gestion du « problème de l’agence », complètent l’explication de l’apparition des compagnies. / The great Italian merchants of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, those who operated on international scale, were the precursors of many commercial and management technics. They also "invented" the commercial company. The classical analyzes of this institution do not sufficiently explain their appearance. The lesser risks for this activity and the greater amount of capital required are not decisive and sufficient explanations for this time. Neither do the influences and experiences that Italian traders have benefited. Most of the management documents, especially the ledgers and the letters, seem adapted to the management of the relationship between the actors of these companies rather than of operations. This leads to questions about why these merchants set up both the institution and these extraordinary management methods.The parallel observed and analyzed between the appearance of these companies, their management tools and the political and public administrations evolutions at the time of the rise of the Popolo highlights this moment of creation of the institution. It thus appears, like the communes, based on an original association of free people, on the search for concord and for this reason provided with rigorous management tools.The use of analysis and new conceptions of the "firm", by institutional economics, the vision of it as a less expensive alternative to the market, and as a tool for managing the “agency problem”, complete the explanation to the appearance of companies.
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Affaires de familles et affaires de la cité : la transmission d'une pensée politique dans les livres de famille florentins (XIVe-XVe siècles) / Family and City affairs : Political Thought in Florentine Family Books (14th-15th centuries)Leclerc, Elise 23 November 2013 (has links)
De l'institution du priorat à la chute définitive de la république en 1530, l'organisation de la vie dans la cité florentine a évolué tant dans ses structures effectives que dans ses représentations, laissant une place plus ou moins importante aux différents groupes sociaux, aux familles et individus qui la composent. au cours de cette période, le genre des livres de famille florentins s'est développé, a fleuri et s'est fané : œuvre dans son immense majorité de marchands, d'artisans qui appartiennent au popolo florentin, partie de la population appelée à participer au gouvernement de la cité, ces livres ont pour fonction de transmettre dans le cadre familial et de génération en génération ce que l'on considère important pour le devenir de la famille. quel lien y a-t-il entre ce genre et la vie de la république florentine, entre affaires de familles et affaires de la cité ? quelle est la place du politique dans cette logique de transmission ? quels aspects de la vie de la cité y sont représentés, comment sont-ils traités ? avec quels mots cette culture politique est-elle exprimée, dans quelle mesure est-elle redevable ou distincte de la tradition politique publique antérieure et contemporaine ? mêlant les approches historique, littéraire, linguistique, il s'agira ainsi de rendre compte de la question de la transmission du politique dans le genre des livres de famille en l'inscrivant dans le cadre global de l'évolution de la cité. / Based on a corpus which consists of 150 family books written between 1260 and 1480, this study intends to define the representations that Florence citizens had of their republic, of its running and of their role within it.The first part aims at identifying which room is given to historical and political passages in these books, and the functions of these excerpts in the overall writing strategy. The point is to study how the building of family identity was connected to the life of the city.The second part contains a stylistic and semantic analysis of the narrative parts that are dedicated to the major events of the 14th and 15th centuries. It offers a series of snapshots that define several specific configurations of the city’s political body and of how families refer to it. This textual analysis also provides us an image of the Florentine intellectual framework and a list of the key-concepts that characterized the political thought of the authors – which goes far beyond a mere interest in chronicles. The third part focuses on the use of those keywords in a diachronic perspective, in order to identify the evolutions, the involutions and the breaking points of this thought over the generations, and questions the link between citizens’ active political participation and their private writing on city affairs. The appendix presents transcriptions of the excerpts on the life of the city contained in the unpublished family books of the Florentine families, as well as biographical notes on their often unknown authors.
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An Italian Voice Overseas: War and the Making of National Identity in Cleveland, Ohio, 1910-1920Semelsberger, Daniel B. 01 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Vnitřní organizace víceúrovňových politických stran : případ Itálie / Internal organization of multilevel political parties : the case of ItalyZajícová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse Italian political parties, which are active in both state and regional governance level. The research is focused on the internal structure of political parties and tries to understand, how this structure is influenced by decentralization. The thesis is based on the theoretical framework of stratarchical organization of the political parties in multilevel political environment. The empirical part is dedicated to the test of the hypothesis claiming that the internal organization of Italian political parties is stratarchical. The research method is the analysis of formal profiles of selected political parties (Il Popolo della Libertá, Partito Democratico, Lega Nord and Unione di Centro). The topic is set into the time period 1993 - 2014. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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[pt] A pesquisa pretende apresentar a contribuição teológica
e pastoral que a reflexão do Papa Francisco oferece no âmbito do
debate migratório. A tese é composta de três partes, cada qual com
dois capítulos. O título da primeira parte é A migração hoje e o
discernimento da Igreja Católica.
O primeiro capítulo apresenta, em termos gerais, o
fenômeno da migração do ponto de vista sociológico. O fenômeno da
mobilidade humana, por suas próprias características, sempre esteve
no centro do cuidado pastoral da Igreja. Sendo que este tema é
desenvolvido no decorrer do segundo capítulo, especificamente
pretende-se verificar como a Igreja, ao longo dos séculos, tomou
consciência, paulatinamente, do fenômeno migratório, amadurecendo
um discernimento pastoral e se organizando estrutural e
institucionalmente. A segunda parte da tese evidencia e aprofunda as
matrizesdo discernimento de Francisco: a mística inaciana (capítulo 3)
e a recepção latino-americana da eclesiologia do povo de Deus
(capítulo 4). Inácio de Loyola, em sua auto biografia, se identifica
com o peregrino. Por certo, como podemos constatar, a
característica da experiência de Deus que aqui desponta é exatamente
a da peregrinação, é a própria história que assume os atributos desta
grande peregrinação na qual o ser humano, homo viator, é chamado
constantemente a reconhecer os sinais de Deus, que sempre se
manifestam como uma surpresa. Deus é o Deus das Surpresas, da
novidade inaudita que somos chamados a reconhecer em uma atitude
de maravilha e atenção. Mesmo porque no caminho, o homem nunca
está sozinho, mas faz parte de um povo, o povo de Deus que no
decorrer da história é chamado, em comunidade, a procurar Deus e
encontrá-lo em todas as coisas.O quarto capítulo, por sua vez, se
dedica especificamente à recepção latino-americana da eclesiologia do
povo de Deus, procurando evidenciar a evolução, a partir da
Escritura, deste paradigma chave do Vaticano II e, sucessivamente,
analisar a recepção ocorrida na América Latina por meio de alguns
autores: G. Gutiérrez (opção pelos pobres), J. Sobrino e I. Ellacuria
(povos crucificados), L. Gera e R. Tello (teologia delpopolo). A
terceira parte (capítulos 5 e 6) por fim, examinam a prospectiva
teológico-pastoral do Papa Francisco a partir do fenômeno migratório,
para a vida e a missão da Igreja.
O quinto capítulo se dedica ao exame da proposta de
Francisco, partindo dos textos magisteriais, dos discursos e das
homilias, referentes a migração. O sexto capítulo, por fim, procura
lançar uma luz ao tema, propondo algumas indicações que se
ramificam a partir desta proposta para um estudo mais aprofundado.
Particularmente intencionamos apresentar dois grandes temas centrais
par ao Magistério do Papa – a Igreja em saída e a mística marcado
por um ritmo que se desenvolve em quatro etapas: o ser no caminho e
aberto à surpresa de Deus, a fronteira, a hospitalidade, a koinonia
na diferença, ou a cultura do encontro.
Considerar o fenômeno migratórios nesses termos abre a
um claro ethos evangélico: a comunhão na diversidade representa um
elemento essencial para a compreensão do mistério da Trindade, pois
ela própria revelou-se à humanidade levando ao desenvolvimento de
um novo paradigma par poder dizer Deus hoje, o Deus peregrino. / [en] This work aims to illustrate the theological and pastoral
contribution that Pope Francis reflection offers regarding the
migration debate. The thesis was divided into three parts, each
consisting of two chapters. The first part is entitled Migration today
and the discernment of the Catholic Church.
The first chapter presents, broadly speaking, the
phenomenon of migration from a sociological point of view.
The phenomenon of human mobility, precisely for this
reason, has also always been at the center of the pastoral care of the
Church. This is the theme that is developed in the second chapter. In
particular, here we try to see how the Church, over the centuries, has
gradually become aware of the migratory phenomenon, maturing a
pastoral discernment and also organizing itself on a structural and
institutional level.
The second part of the thesis highlights and deepens the
matrices of Francis discernment: Ignatian mysticism (chapter 3) and
the Latin American reception of the ecclesiology of the people of
God (chapter 4). Ignatius of Loyola, in his Autobiography, identifies
himself as the pilgrim. In fact, as we will see, the characteristic of
the experience of God that emerges here is precisely that of the
pilgrimage; it is history itself that takes on the features of this great
pilgrimage in which the human being, homo viator, is constantly
called to recognize the traces of God, manifested each time as a
surprise. God is the God of surprises, of the unheard novelty that
we are called to recognize in an attitude of wonder and attention.
Precisely because on the journey, man is never alone, but is part of a
people, the people of God who throughout history is called,
together, to seek God and find him in all things. The fourth chapter,
then, focuses precisely on the Latin American reception of the
ecclesiology of the people of God, trying to highlight the
development, starting from Scripture, of this key paradigm of Vatican
II and, subsequently, to analyze the reception that took place in Latin
America through some authors: G. Gutierréz (option for the poor); J.
Sobrino and I. Ellacuria (crucified peoples); L. Gera and R. Tello
(theology of the people). Finally, the third part (chapters 5 and 6)
examines the theological-pastoral perspective of Pope Francis, starting
from the migratory phenomenon, for the life and mission of the
Church. The fifth chapter examines the proposal of Francis, from the
magisterial texts, speeches and homilies about the migration. Finally,
the sixth chapter seeks to shed light on the progress made, proposing
some tracks that branch off from this road for further study. In
particular, we would like to present two major themes, central to the
Pope s Magisterium - the outgoing Church and the mysticism of the
We - marked by a rhythm that develops in four stages: being on the
move and open to the surprise of God; the frontier; hospitality; the
koinonia in difference, or the culture of encounter.
The assumption in these terms of the migratory
phenomenon opens up a clear evangelical ethos: communion in
diversity represents an essential element for understanding the
mystery of the Trinity just as it wanted to reveal itself to humanity,
leading to the development of a new paradigm for being able to say
God today; the pilgrim God. / [it] Il presente lavoro intende illustrare il contributo teologico
e pastorale che la riflessione di Papa Francesco offre in merito al
dibattito migratorio. La tesi è stata divisa in tre parti, ciascuna
composta di due capitoli.
La prima parte è intitolata La migrazione oggi e il
discernimento della Chiesa cattolica.
Il primo capitolo presenta, a grandi linee, il fenomeno
della migrazione dal punto di vista sociologico. Il fenomeno della
mobilità umana, proprio per questo motivo, è stato sempre anche al
centro della sollecitudine pastorale della Chiesa. È questo il tema che
viene sviluppato nel secondo capitolo. In particolare qui si cerca di
vedere come la Chiesa, lungo i secoli, ha preso coscienza, a poco a
poco, del fenomeno migratorio, maturando un discernimento pastorale
e organizzandosi anche a livello strutturale e istituzionale.
La seconda parte della tesi evidenzia e approfondisce le
matrici del discernimento di Francesco: la mistica ignaziana (capitolo
3) e la recezione latinoamericana dell ecclesiologia del popolo di
Dio (capitolo 4). Ignazio di Loyola, nella sua Autobiografia, si
identifica come il pellegrino. Infatti, come vedremo, la caratteristica
dell esperienza di Dio che qui emerge è proprio quella del
pellegrinaggio; è la storia stessa ad assumere i tratti di questo grande
pellegrinaggio in cui l essere umano, homo viator, è chiamato
costantemente a riconoscere le tracce di Dio, che si manifestano ogni
volta come una sorpresa. Dio è il Dio delle sorprese, della novità
inaudita che siamo chiamati a riconoscere in un atteggiamento di
meraviglia e di attenzione. Proprio perché in cammino, l uomo non è
mai solo, ma fa parte di un popolo, il popolo di Dio che lungo la
storia è chiamato, insieme, a cercare Dio e trovarlo in tutte le cose.
Il quarto capitolo, allora, si sofferma precisamente sulla recezione
latinoamericana dell ecclesiologia del popolo di Dio, cercando di
evidenziare lo sviluppo, a partire dalla Scrittura, di questo paradigma
chiave del Vaticano II e, successivamente, analizzare la recezione
avvenuta in America Latina attraverso alcuni Autori: G. Gutierréz
(opzione per i poveri); J. Sobrino e I. Ellacuria (popoli crocifissi); L.
Gera e R. Tello (teologia del popolo). La terza parte (capitoli 5 e 6)
infine, esamina la prospettiva teologico-pastorale di Papa Francesco, a
partire dal fenomeno migratorio, per la vita e la missione della Chiesa.
Il quinto capitolo prende in esame la proposta di
Francesco, a partire dai testi magisteriali, i discorsi e le omelie, circa
la migrazione. Il sesto capitolo, infine, cerca di far luce sul cammino
svolto, proponendo alcune piste di che si diramano a partire da questa
strada per un ulteriore approfondimento. In particolare vorremmo
presentare due grandi temi, centrali per il Magistero del Papa – la
Chiesa in uscita e la mistica del Noi – scanditi da un ritmo che si
sviluppa in quattro tappe: l essere in cammino e aperti alla sorpresa
di Dio; la frontiera; l ospitalità; la koinonia nella differenza, ovvero
la cultura dell incontro. L assunzione in questi termini del fenomeno
migratorio dischiude un chiaro ethos evangelico: la comunione nella
diversità rappresenta un elemento essenziale per la comprensione del
mistero della Trinità così come essa si è voluta rivelare all umanità,
conducendo all elaborazione di un nuovo paradigma per poter dire
Dio oggi; il Dio pellegrino.
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