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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Význam systému předškolní péče jako nástroje pro harmonizaci rodinného a pracovního života matek / The Importance of Preschool Education System as a Tool for Harmonization of Family and Working Life of Mothers

Ruml, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the relationship between the system of pre-school care and the posi- tion of women with small children on the labor market in the Czech Republic. The purpose of this thesis is to find out whether the insufficient capacity of pre-school care facilities has a negative im- pact on the employment of Czech women and which other determinants can affect the employment of women with small children. The analysis uses an individual data from the Labor Force Survey in 2013 supported by data from the Czech Statistical Office and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. At first, this thesis deals with demographic development of the population after 1990. Following is the definition of pre-school care system in the Czech Republic and a description of the development of the availability of pre-school care services. Diploma thesis is then devoted to the situation of women with small children in the labor market and to the potential negative impacts associated with the limited possibilities for harmonizing family and work life balance. Finally, an analysis is made. As a result, we can sum up that there is no significant impact of the lack of availa- bility of pre-school care on young children mother's ability to work. From the point of view of other socio-demographic...

Senioři jako cílová skupina vládních politik v České republice / Elderly people as a target group of government policies in the Czech Republic

SOBOTKOVÁ, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the paper is to analyze changes in the attitude of governments and major political actors towards seniors as a specific social group; their interests, quality of life, and projected dignity. The paper describes political ideologies, retirement systems, and pension plans. It aims to capture the perceptions of the life needs and human dignity of seniors that underscore major decisions, and to explain how these perceptions have changed in the past decade. How sensivitity to basic ethical principles has evolved and how these principles have been permeated by purpose-rational expectations (political influence, economic prosperity). The paper tries to describe the prospects of applying ethical principles in current political practice in relation to seniors and to addressing their needs.

Populační vývoj a emigrace ze zemí Maghrebu / Population development and emigration of Maghreb's countries

Vokatá, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Population development and emigration of Maghreb's countries Abstract The main aim of diploma thesis is to map the migratory situation and trends of all area since 1990 up to the present in context of the population development in region of Maghreb's countries. This all is in connection with the population growth of the states - natural and total. Apart from the analysis of the whole Maghreb as one unit, the demographic parameters are in detail assessed on the example Tunisia. It is estimated that migratory streams of the inhabitants of North Africa's countries are largely directed to Europe. The analasis is focused on the breakdown of the target countries, emigrants and on changes during the reporting period. The analasis uses conventional demographic indicators, its own methods of processing often difficult available data at the same time and empirical investigation. The initial basis of analyzing given issues show the theoretical conception of population development in Arabic countries, with emphasis on demographic transition and dependent migratory transition. Analysis revealed that none of Maghreb's countries has not yet completed demographic transition, the second stage of the demographic transition since 2000 suspended. Keywords: migration, migratory trends, population development, population growth,...

Demografski problemi Zapadnohercegovačke županije i njihov uticaj na morfološko-funkcionalne promene naselja / Demographic Problems of West Herzegovina County and their impact on the morphological and functional changes of settlements

Galić Jelica 06 November 2015 (has links)
<p>U radu se razmatraju demografski problemi regije Hercegovine s posebnim osvrtom na Zapadnohercegovačku županiju te njihov uticaj na morfolo&scaron;ko-funkcionalne promene naselja (gradova s pripadajućim naseljenim mestima) u pedesetogodi&scaron;njem &nbsp; vremenskom periodu,&nbsp; s naglaskom za vremenski period od&nbsp; 1961.&nbsp; do 2011. godine. &nbsp;Područje koje se analizira u ovome radu odnosi se na područje koje je funkcionalno vezano za Zapadnohercegovačku županiju, jednu od deset kantona/županija u FBiH. &nbsp;Proučavani prostor obuhvata 100 naseljenih mesta (četiri gradska naselja). U radu se analizira demografski razvitak, te međusobna povezanost demografskog i socio-ekonomskog razvitka naselja na području&nbsp;Zapadnohercegovačke županije te funkcionalno-morfolo&scaron;ke promene naselja. Zapadnohercegovačka županija tradicionalno je emigracijsko područje koje&nbsp;je već decenijama zahvaćeno procesom depopulacije. &Scaron;ire je područje značajnije počelo&nbsp;&nbsp; izumirati nakon Drugog svetskog rata, dok su&nbsp; gradski prostor i njegova okolina, inače centri imigracija, stvarali područja i žari&scaron;ta ekonomskog i op&scaron;teg razvitka Zapadnohercegovačke županije.&nbsp;Depopulaciju je u &nbsp;naseljenim mestima planinskog&nbsp; dela Županije (brdski prostori) pratilo napu&scaron;tanje tradicionalnih privrednih aktivnosti (u prvom redu zemljoradnje&nbsp; i stočarstva), do&scaron;lo je do pojave socijalnog pusto&scaron;enja, promena u krajoliku te&nbsp;izumiranja pojedinih naselja. Najznačajniji uticaj imali su znatno iseljavanje&nbsp; stanovni&scaron;tva u drugoj polovini 20. veka, direktne i indirektne posledice dvaju svetskih ratova, zatim različite epidemije, agrarna reforma, ekonomske krize koje su se u&nbsp;nekoliko navrata javljale tokom 20. veka. Tome su&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; pridoneli i ostali faktori, kao &scaron;to su ekonomska emigracija od sredine &scaron;ezdesetih godina 20. veka, urbanizacija, industrijalizacija te snažan razvitak sredi&scaron;njih i prigradskih &nbsp;naselja. Deagrarizacija i&nbsp;deruralizacija, tranzicija nataliteta, rat na području Bosne i Hercegovine u prvoj polovini devedesetih godina 20. veka, te neprimerena populaciona politika,&nbsp; ostavile su traga na ovim područjima.&nbsp; S obzirom na dominantne demografske trendove u&nbsp;Županiji može se pretpostaviti da će reprodukcija, odnosno obnavljanje radne snage u budućnosti biti smanjeno. Naime, na navedenu će činjenicu uticati smanjenje stope prirodnog kretanja stanovni&scaron;tva prisutno na području &nbsp;Zapadnohercegovačke županije&nbsp; već nekoliko decenija, &scaron;to znači da će se smanjenje broja mladih stanovnika negativno odraziti na obim radne snage.&nbsp;</p><p>Depopulacija ima negativne posledice na funkcije naselja te na morfologiju naselja. U pojedinim naseljima je do&scaron;lo do promene u njihovoj strukturi i obliku osnove naselja, a gotovo sva naselja u Županiji imaju promene u fizionomiji.</p> / <p>This paper discusses the demographic problems of the region Herzegovina with special reference to the West Herzegovina County and their impact on the morphological and functional changes of settlements (cities with the belonging populated areas) in fifty years time, with particular emphasis on the period&nbsp;from 1961 to 2011. The area that is analyzed in this paper refers to the area that is functionally related to the West Herzegovina County, one of ten cantons/counties in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The studied area covers 100 settlements (four &nbsp;urban settlements). The paper analyzes the demographic development andinterconnection of demographic and socio&nbsp; -economic development of settlements &nbsp;in theWest&nbsp; Herzegovina&nbsp; County and functional and morphological changes of settlements.</p><p>West Herzegovina County&nbsp; is a traditional&nbsp; emigration area that has been affected by the process of depopulation for decades. Wider area&nbsp;began depopulating after World &nbsp;War II, while the urban area and its surroundings,&nbsp; which arein fact&nbsp; immigration centers, were creating areas and foci of economic and general development of West Herzegovina County. Depopulation in settled places of mountainous part of the County (mountain areas)&nbsp; was followed by the abandonment of traditional economic activities (primarily agriculture and animal husbandry).&nbsp;There&nbsp; was&nbsp; considerable social fallow as well as changes in the landscape and the extinction of some settlements. The emigration in the second half of the 20th century, the direct and indirect consequences of the two world wars, then various epidemics, agrarian reform, &nbsp;economic crises that have occurred on several occasions during the 20th century had &nbsp;the most significant influence on the depopulation in this area. Some &nbsp;other factors, such as the economic emigration from the mid-sixties of the 20th century, urbanization, industrialization and a strong development of central and suburban areas, contributed to this as well. Deagrarization and deruralization, fertility transition, the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the first half of the nineties of the 20th &nbsp;century and inadequate population policy made their mark in this area.&nbsp;Concerning the dominant demographic trends in the County it can be assumed that the &nbsp;reproduction or recovery of the&nbsp; labor force in the future will be reduced. Namely, this fact will be&nbsp; affected by&nbsp; reduction in the rate of natural population&nbsp; growth that has been&nbsp; present in the area of&nbsp; West County for several decades, which&nbsp;means that the reduction in the &nbsp;number of young&nbsp;&nbsp; people has&nbsp; a negative impact on the volume of the &nbsp;labor force.</p><p>Depopulation has negative effects on the function of the village and the morphology of&nbsp;settlements. In some villages there is a change in their structure and form of the basics of the village, and almost all the villages in the County have a change in the &nbsp;physiognomy. The concentration of population and economic activities in urban and suburban area had also influence on the&nbsp; landscape change.&nbsp;Demographic processes, that have occurred in West County, affected the socio&nbsp; -&nbsp; economic,physiognomic and functional transformation of urban neighborhoods and some parts of the County.</p>

Wohnbaulandprognosen - Stärken, Schwächen, neue Ansätze

Iwanow, Irene, Eichhorn, Daniel, Oertel, Holger, Stutzriemer, Sylke, Gutting, Robin 02 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Wohnbaulandprognosen werden oft noch sehr normativ aus dem Trend der Bevölkerungsentwicklung und dem steigenden Wohnflächenkonsum der Einwohner erstellt. Unter den Bedingungen des demografischen Wandels gerät diese Praxis jedoch in erhebliche Schwierigkeiten. Warum sind Wohnbaulandausweisungen noch notwendig, wenn sowohl die Einwohnerzahl sinkt als auch die Zahl leer stehender Wohnungen zunimmt? Handelt es sich hier vorrangig um steigende Flächenansprüche der Haushalte oder um Effekte veränderter Lebensweisen? In Schrumpfungsregionen lassen schnelle Einschätzungen zunächst keinen zusätzlichen kommunalen Flächenbedarf für Wohnen erkennen und dennoch nimmt die Flächenneuinanspruchnahme für Wohnzwecke weiter zu. So wird deutlich, dass die herkömmlichen methodischen Ansätze für kommunale Wohnbaulandprognosen nicht mehr ausreichen und weitere Einflussfaktoren der Flächenentwicklung berücksichtigt werden müssen. Neue Modelle, welche die kleinräumigen Nachfrageentwicklungen sowie die Divergenzen zwischen Angebots- und Nachfragestruktur abbilden können, sind noch rar. Der folgende Beitrag zeigt, welche methodischen Stärken und Schwächen kommunale Prognoseansätze haben und stellt wichtige Grundgedanken der kommunalen Wohnungsprognosen des Leibniz-Instituts für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR) vor.

Neúplné rodiny v České republice z dat sčítání a výběrových šetření / Single-parent families in the Czech Republic from census data and sample surveys

Mazalová, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
Single-parent families in the Czech Republic from census and sample surveys Abstract The main objective of this thesis is to comprehensively chart as much as possible what we can learn about single-parent families in the Czech Republic from all publicly available data sources, such as surveys and censuses. Incomplete families are viewed from a historical and the contemporary perspective and the expected development of a structure for the future is also shown. Single-parent families are a contemporary phenomenon because the number of dependent children in the incomplete families in the Czech republic has increased by almost a half in the last fifteen years. The thesis provides information about various data sources regarding single-parent families and it evaluates their use and comparability for the research. It also contains an analysis of the structure of families and households based on the population development and census data in the Czech Republic. The financial situation of single-parent families is examined in detail - their income expenditure, individual groups of cash expenditures. The thesis also focuses on the description of their apartment's facilities. Based on the results of the generated forecasts of the number of nuclear families in the Czech Republic for the period 2015-2050, which comes...

Prognóza vývoje obyvatelstva Moravskoslezského kraje do roku 2050 / Moravskoslezský region population forecast to 2050

Papřoková, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Moravskoslezský region population forecast to 2050 Abstract The main goal of this thesis is to calculate Moravskoslezský region population forecast to 2050 and show how future population growth will likely be in the next decades. It includes a detailed population development analysis which is an important part of this thesis. Moravskoslezský region is still one of the most populous regions of Czechia, despite of natural decrease and negative net migration in past 21 years (except 2007 and 2008). Based on the analysis, we can assume that population decline will continue in the future and population forecast results confirm this hypothesis. Declining population size will be followed by significant age-structure changes in population and progressive demographic ageing. From the perspective of future population development Moravskoslezský region will face brand new situations and related problems. Keywords: population forecast, Moravskoslezský region, analysis of population development, age structure, fertility, mortality, migration, regional development, cohort-component method

Analýza trhu bydlení pro seniory: stane se zajištění sociálních služeb v oblasti bydlení pro seniory podnikatelským cílem budoucnosti? / The analysis of housing for seniors: Will be in the future securing of social services in the field of living for seniors entrepreneur´s target?

Gembiczká, Adriana January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis is aim at analysis of determinants that determine whether is the market of homes for the elderly and homes with special regime attractive for current and potential entrepreneurs. Theoretical part explains the phenomenom of population ageing, analyzes predictions of population development and the development of number of people suffering from Alzheimer disease, senior's financial resources, reasearches rights and duties of social services providers and analyzes effectiveness of financing the social services according to the type of founder. For needed findings is used analysis of specialized literature and studies. Analytical part analyzes preferences for examined kinds of social services. Offers practical example of running the home with special regime and brings the opinions of specialists on economization of social services. In the end of work are collected findings evaluate by means of SWOT analysis.

Die Kernregion Mitteldeutschland - ein erster Überblick

19 September 2014 (has links)
Schwerpunkt des vorliegenden ersten Bandes ist die Charakterisierung des Untersuchungsgebietes 'Kernregion Mitteldeutschland', die sich um die Städte Halle (Saale) und Leipzig erstreckt und durch einen heterogenen, bipolaren städtischen, aber auch ländlich geprägten Wirtschaftsraum gekennzeichnet ist. Die Region wird hinsichtlich ihrer Raumstruktur, der demographischen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen, der technischen und verkehrlichen Infrastrukturen sowie der öffentlichen Finanzen beschrieben und es werden aktuelle Entwicklungstrends und Probleme dargestellt. Die Charakterisierung dient im Projektverlauf als Grundlage einer Clusterung der Kommunen im Untersuchungsraum, auf die im zweiten Band der Schriftenreihe eingegangen wird. Dieser erste Band der Schriftenreihe des Forschungsverbundes KoReMi soll Ihr Interesse sowohl an dem Projekt selbst als auch am drängenden Thema des nachhaltigen Flächenmanagements wecken.

Regionalisierte Wohnungsprognosen - Grundlage für Flächenbedarfsberechnungen

Iwanow, Irene January 2010 (has links)
Bevölkerungsschrumpfung und entspannte Wohnungsmärkte tragen dazu bei, dass die nachfragenden Haushalte ihre differenzierten Wohnwünsche zunehmend besser realisieren können. Dabei gewinnen regionale Wohnungsmarktanalysen und ‑prognosen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Gerade kleinräumige Wohnungsprognosen können entscheidend dazu beitragen, dass realistischere Abschätzungen der regionalen Wohnbauland-, Wohnungsneubau- und Leerstandsentwicklungen besser gelingen, da die Rahmenbedingungen auf den kommunalen und regionalen Wohnungsmärkten spezifischer erfasst werden können. Im Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR) wurde dafür ein spezifischer Prognoseansatz entwickelt, der in diesem Beitrag kurz umrissen wird und dessen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der Kommunal- und Regionalplanung anhand von Anwenderbeispielen gezeigt werden.

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