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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de Ising ferromagnético com campo externo periódico / Ferromagnetic Ising model with periodical external fields

Gonzalez Navarrete, Manuel Alejandro 07 May 2015 (has links)
Estudamos o diagrama de fases para uma classe de modelos de Ising ferromagnéticos em $ \\mathbb^2 $, com campo magnético externo periódico. O campo externo assume dois valores: $ h $ e $ -h $, onde $ h> 0 $. Os sítios associados a valores positivos e negativos do campo externo, formam uma configuração em forma de tabuleiro de xadrez (nós chamamos de {\\it cell-board configuration}), com células retangulares de tamanho $ L_1 \\times L_2 $ sítios, de tal forma que o valor total do campo externo é zero. Como principal resultado, mostramos a presença de uma transição de fase de primeira ordem. A transição de fase existe para $ h <\\frac + \\frac $, onde $ J $ é uma constante de interação. A prova é construida usando o método de {\\it reflection positivity (RP)}. Aplicamos uma desigualdade que é normalmente referida como a estimativa de {\\it chessboard}. Além disso, incluímos uma região de unicidade da medida de Gibbs em $h>4J$, isto usando um critério baseado nas ideias de percolação em desacordo. / We study the low-temperature phase diagram for a ferromagnetic Ising model on $\\mathbb^2$, with a periodical external magnetic field. The external field takes two values: $h$ and $-h$, where $h>0$. The sites associated with positive and negative values of external field form a cell-board configuration with rectangular cells of sides $L_1\\times L_2$ sites, such that the total value of the external field is zero. As a main result, we show the presence of a first-order phase transition. The phase transition holds if $h<\\frac+ \\frac$, where $J$ is an interaction constant. We use the reflection positivity (RP) method. We apply a key inequality which is usually referred to as the chessboard estimate. Furthermore, we prove uniqueness for Gibbs measure in $h>4J$, using a uniqueness condition obtained in terms of disagreement percolation.

Problemas de valores de contorno envolvendo o operador biharmônico / Boundary value problems involving the biharmonic operator

Ferreira Junior, Vanderley Alves 25 February 2013 (has links)
Estudamos o problema de valores de contorno {\'DELTA POT. 2\' u = f em \'OMEGA\', \'BETA\' u = 0 em \'PARTIAL OMEGA\', um aberto limitado \'OMEGA\' \'ESTÁ CONTIDO\' \'R POT. N\' , sob diferentes condições de contorno. As questões de existência e positividade de soluções para este problema são abordadas com condições de contorno de Dirichlet, Navier e Steklov. Deduzimos condições de contorno naturais através do estudo de um modelo para uma placa com carga estática. Estudamos ainda propriedades do primeiro autovalor de \'DELTA POT. 2\' e o problema semilinear {\'DELTA POT. 2\' u = F (u) em \'OMEGA\' u = \'PARTIAL\'u SUP . \'PARTIAL\' v = 0 em \'PARTIUAL\' \'OMEGA\', para não-linearidades do tipo F(t) = \'l t l POT. p-1\', p \' DIFERENTE\' t, p > 0. Para tal problema estudamos existência e não-existência de soluções e positividade / We study the boundary value problem {\'DELTA POT. 2\' u = f in \'OMEGA\', \'BETA\' u = 0 in \'PARTIAL OMEGA\', in a bounded open \'OMEGA\'\'THIS CONTAINED\' \'R POT. N\' , under different boundary conditions. The questions of existence and positivity of solutions for this problem are addressed with Dirichlet, Navier and Steklov boundary conditions. We deduce natural boundary conditions through the study of a model for a plate with static load. We also study properties of the first eigenvalue of \'DELTA POT. 2\' and the semi-linear problem { \'DELTA POT. 2\' e o problema semilinear {\'DELTA POT. 2\' u = F (u) in \'OMEGA\' u = \'PARTIAL\'u SUP . \'PARTIAL\' v = 0 in \'PARTIUAL\' \'OMEGA\', for non-linearities like F(t) = \'l t l POT. p-1\', p \' DIFFERENT\' t, p > 0. For such problem we study existence and non-existence of solutions and its positivity

Commande sous contraintes des systèmes discrets périodiques / Constrained control of discrete-time periodic systems

Yedes-Bougatef, Naima 07 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe dans le cadre de l’analyse et de la synthèse des systèmes périodiques. Les contributions présentées dans ce mémoire portent sur la commande sous contraintes des systèmes linéaires discrets périodiques. Ces contraintes, portant sur l’état du système et/ ou sur la commande, peuvent être des contraintes de positivité ou de bornitude. Dans ce travail, des conditions d’analyse en stabilité et positivité des systèmes périodiques en termes de LMI (Inégalité Matricielle Linéaire) strictes, sont présentées. Ces outils d’analyse ont ensuite permis d’élaborer une loi de commande par retour d’état périodique. Les résultats obtenus sont exploités par la suite pour développer une commande par retour d’état périodique robuste pour les systèmes périodiques incertains. Des conditions de stabilisation robuste sont élaborées en utilisant la S-procédure. En outre, des conditions de stabilité et stabilisation par retour d’état périodique des systèmes périodiques avec retards sont établies. Le problème de stabilisation de ce type de systèmes sous un certain nombre de contraintes est résolu en suivant deux approches, la première est basée sur les techniques de Lyapunov la seconde fait appel à la programmation linéaire. Outre la notion de stabilité, la notion de performance des systèmes en boucle fermée est traitée. Pour cela, nous proposons une commande de type H∞ pour résoudre le problème de rejet de perturbations. / This thesis deals with the analysis and the control problem of periodic linear discrete systems (PLDS). The contributions presented in this work focuses on the constrained control of PLDS. Conditions for stability analysis and positivity are established in terms of strict LMI (Linear Matrix Inequalities). The stabilization of PLDS under the condition that the closed-loop system is positive and stable is addressed as well as the case of bounded state and/ or control variables. The obtained results are then extended to the synthesis of robust state feedback controllers, where some of which are based on the S − procedure technique. Furthermore, some conditions of stability and stabilization of PLDS with delays are established. The problem of stabilization of constrained PLDS is addressed based on the Lyapunov techniques or the Linear Programming techniques. The robust H∞ state feedback control in which both robust stability and a prescribed H∞ performance are required is investigated.

Propriedades de filtros lineares para sistemas lineares com saltos markovianos a tempo discreto / Properties of linear filters for discrete-time Markov jump linear systems.

Gomes, Maria Josiane Ferreira 12 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho é dedicado ao estudo do erro de estimação em filtragem linear para sistemas lineares com parâmentros sujeitos a saltos markovianos a tempo discreto. Indroduzimos o conceito de alcançabilidade média para uma classe de sistemas. Construímos um conjunto de matrizes de alcançabilidade e mostramos que o conceito usual de alcan- çabilidade definido através da positividade do gramiano é caracterizado pela definição por posto completo destas matrizes. A alcançabilidade média funciona como condição necessária e suficiente para positividade do segundo momento do estado do sistema, resultado esse que auxilia na caracterização da positividade uniforme da matriz de covariância do erro de estimação. Abordamos a estabilidade de estimadores com a interpretação de que a covariância do erro permanece limitada na presença de erro de qualquer magnitude no modelo do ruído, que é uma característica relevante para aplicações. Apresentamos uma prova de que filtros markovianos são estáveis sempre que o segundo momento condicionado é positivo. Exemplos numéricos encontram-se inclusos. / This work studies linear filtering for discrete-time systems with Markov jump parameters. We introduce a notion of average reachability for these systems and present a set of matrices playing the role of reachability matrices, in the sense that their rank is full if and only if the system is average reachable. Reachability is also a sufficient condition for the second moment of the system to be positive. Uniform positiveness of the error covariance matrix is studied for general (possibly non-markovian) linear estimators, relying on the state second moment positiveness. Satbility of linear markovian estimators is also addressed, allowing to show that markovian estimators are stable whenever the system is reachable, with the interpretation that the error covariance remains bounded in the presence of error of any magnitude in the model of the noise, which is a relevant feature for applications. Numerical examples are included.

Impact de la détection consciente des (ébauches d') erreurs sur leur traitement : approches électromyographiques et électroencéphalographiques / Impact of conscious detection of (partial) errors on their processing : an electroencephalographic and eletromyographic approach

Rochet, Nicolas 17 April 2014 (has links)
Dans un environnement imprévisible, l'homme n'est pas toujours capable d'adapter son comportement à une situation donnée et commet alors des erreurs. Dans environ 95% des cas, ces erreurs sont commises consciemment. Cependant, le traitement de l'erreur par le cerveau ne s'opère pas de façon binaire. En effet, l'enregistrement de l'activité électromyographique (EMG) des muscles effecteurs des réponses, révèle, dans environ 15% des essais, une amorce de réponse incorrecte, une ébauche d'erreur. Dans ces essais, les sujets ont été capables de détecter, d'inhiber et de corriger leurs ébauches d'erreurs avant de produire la réponse correcte. Ces processus nécessitent-ils l'intervention de la conscience ? Quels en sont les marqueurs ?Nous montrons dans une première étude que les sujets sont capables d'une détection consciente de leurs ébauches d'erreurs dans un faible nombre de cas seulement (environ 30%). Nous mettons en évidence deux prédicteurs d'une telle détection : la taille de la bouffée EMG associée à l'ébauche d'erreur ainsi que le temps mis par les sujets, depuis le début de cette bouffée, pour la corriger et fournir la réponse correcte. Dans une deuxième étude, nous montrons qu'un indice électroencéphalographique (EEG), la Négativité d'erreur (Ne), pourrait servir de stimulus interne pour le cerveau, à la détection consciente des ébauches d'erreurs et des erreurs. Leur accès conscient interviendrait plus tardivement dans les ébauches d'erreurs que dans les erreurs, mais serait reflété dans les deux cas par des activités EEG similaires, la Positivité d'erreur (Pe). Ainsi, la correction des ébauches d'erreurs interfère avec leur accès conscient en le ralentissant. / In an unpredictable environment, man is not always able to adapt its behavior to a given situation and then makes mistakes. In about 95% of cases, these mistakes are made consciously. However, error processing in the brain does not occur in binary mode . Indeed, the recording of the electromyographic (EMG) activity of muscles involved in responses, reveals that, in about 15 % of the trials, there is a subthreshold incorrect EMG activity, called partial error, that precede the correct one. In these trials, the subjects were able to detect, inhibit their partial errors and correct them to produce the correct response.Does these processes require intervention of consciousness? What are the related markers ?We show in a first study that subjects are capable of conscious detection of their partial errors in a small number of cases (about 30 %).We highlight two predictors of such detection : the size of the EMG burst associated with the partial error and the time taken by the subjects, since EMG onset , to correct and to provide the correct response.In a second study , we show that an electroencephalographic (EEG) index, the error negativity (Ne) , could serve as an internal stimulus to the brain, for conscious detection of errors and partial errors. Their conscious access would occur later in partial errors than errors but would be reflected in both cases by similar a similar EEG activity, the error positivity (Pe). Thus, correction of partial errors interfere with their conscious access by slowing it.

Modelo de Ising ferromagnético com campo externo periódico / Ferromagnetic Ising model with periodical external fields

Manuel Alejandro Gonzalez Navarrete 07 May 2015 (has links)
Estudamos o diagrama de fases para uma classe de modelos de Ising ferromagnéticos em $ \\mathbb^2 $, com campo magnético externo periódico. O campo externo assume dois valores: $ h $ e $ -h $, onde $ h> 0 $. Os sítios associados a valores positivos e negativos do campo externo, formam uma configuração em forma de tabuleiro de xadrez (nós chamamos de {\\it cell-board configuration}), com células retangulares de tamanho $ L_1 \\times L_2 $ sítios, de tal forma que o valor total do campo externo é zero. Como principal resultado, mostramos a presença de uma transição de fase de primeira ordem. A transição de fase existe para $ h <\\frac + \\frac $, onde $ J $ é uma constante de interação. A prova é construida usando o método de {\\it reflection positivity (RP)}. Aplicamos uma desigualdade que é normalmente referida como a estimativa de {\\it chessboard}. Além disso, incluímos uma região de unicidade da medida de Gibbs em $h>4J$, isto usando um critério baseado nas ideias de percolação em desacordo. / We study the low-temperature phase diagram for a ferromagnetic Ising model on $\\mathbb^2$, with a periodical external magnetic field. The external field takes two values: $h$ and $-h$, where $h>0$. The sites associated with positive and negative values of external field form a cell-board configuration with rectangular cells of sides $L_1\\times L_2$ sites, such that the total value of the external field is zero. As a main result, we show the presence of a first-order phase transition. The phase transition holds if $h<\\frac+ \\frac$, where $J$ is an interaction constant. We use the reflection positivity (RP) method. We apply a key inequality which is usually referred to as the chessboard estimate. Furthermore, we prove uniqueness for Gibbs measure in $h>4J$, using a uniqueness condition obtained in terms of disagreement percolation.

ERP and MEG Correlates of Visual Consciousness : An Update

Förster, Jona January 2019 (has links)
Two decades of event-related potential (ERP) research have established that the most consistent correlates of the onset of visual consciousness are the early visual awareness negativity (VAN), a negative component in the N2 time range over posterior electrode sites, and the late positivity (LP), a positive component in the P3 time range over fronto-parietal electrode sites. A review by Koivisto &amp; Revonsuo (2010) had looked at 39 studies and concluded that the VAN is the earliest and most reliable correlate of visual phenomenal consciousness, whereas the LP probably reflects later processes associated with reflective/access consciousness. However, an “early” vs. “late” debate still persists. This thesis provides an update to that earlier review. All ERP and MEG studies that have appeared since 2010 and directly compared ERPs of aware and unaware conditions are considered. The result corroborates the view that VAN is the earliest and most consistent signature of visual phenomenal consciousness, and casts further doubt on the LP as an ERP correlate of consciousness. Important new methodological, empirical, and theoretical developments in the field are described, and the empirical results are related to the theoretical background debates.

Expectations and experiences of Hiv vaccine trial participants at the Mbeya Medical Research Programme in Mbeya, Tanzania 2006-2007

Sanga, Erica Samson January 2010 (has links)
<p>A qualitative descriptive study approach was used to gather the required information. The sample for this study was drawn from an existing group of volunteers who participated in the vaccine trial at Mbeya Medical Research Centre in 2006-2007. A purposive sampling method was used to select respondents because they had had experience of being participants in a HIV vaccine trial. Twenty audio recorded in-depth interviews were conducted. The interviews were conducted at the clinic during their routine follow up visits. An open ended interview guideline was used to guide the discussion to elicit the required information from the respondents. The data was transcribed, translated and then analyzed by both content and thematic approach. Ethical procedures were observed, including getting permission from the local ethical committee in Mbeya region and participants were given an informed consent form to read and sign before starting the interview.</p>

Die Entwicklung antwortbezogener Hirnaktivität: Fehlerverarbeitung und Priming / Development of event related potentials: error processing and priming

Muñoz Expósito, Silvia 16 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Expectations and experiences of Hiv vaccine trial participants at the Mbeya Medical Research Programme in Mbeya, Tanzania 2006-2007

Sanga, Erica Samson January 2010 (has links)
<p>A qualitative descriptive study approach was used to gather the required information. The sample for this study was drawn from an existing group of volunteers who participated in the vaccine trial at Mbeya Medical Research Centre in 2006-2007. A purposive sampling method was used to select respondents because they had had experience of being participants in a HIV vaccine trial. Twenty audio recorded in-depth interviews were conducted. The interviews were conducted at the clinic during their routine follow up visits. An open ended interview guideline was used to guide the discussion to elicit the required information from the respondents. The data was transcribed, translated and then analyzed by both content and thematic approach. Ethical procedures were observed, including getting permission from the local ethical committee in Mbeya region and participants were given an informed consent form to read and sign before starting the interview.</p>

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