Spelling suggestions: "subject:"powergrid"" "subject:"powergrids""
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Elnätet och dess anpassning för elektriska fordon : En studie av hur ett lokalnät påverkas av ett ökat antal elektriska fordon / The power grid and its adjustment to electrical vehicles : A study of how a local power grid is affected by an increased number of electric vehiclesArntsson, Timmy January 2015 (has links)
The availability of non-renewable fuels is decreasing and therefore the prices of both petrol and diesel has increased in recent years. As a result more and more chooses to invest in cars powered by alternative fuels and the focus has long been on electric vehicles. However, this means greater weight on utility companies around the world which now have to adjust to a higher demand. The purpose of this study is to investigate how a local network are affected by electric car chargers and be able to describe the degree to which a low-voltage can be loaded with electric car chargers for commercial and private use, in order to provide recommendations for the future dimension of the local networks. Few studies have been conducted regarding electric cars from a network and supply perspective, but have instead been focused on energy storage in the actual vehicle. Therefore, this study has been processed with an electricity grid perspective. The intent of the study has been answered by both a measurement and several simulations. The study is based on Karlstad’s local electrical network and the commercial charging station Tesla in Våxnäs, Karlstad. The parameters of power quality for which this study has taken into account are load of the transformers, load loss, power factor, efficiency, voltage levels, voltage drop and asymmetry. The methodological conditions have led to a result that can be used as a basis for an expansion of electric cars, big or small. The measurement was of great support to get an overall view of how the characteristics of a charging session appeared and how the quality parameters were affected during high as well as low power charging. Limitations within the simulation program have led to the calculations to carry out in a more extreme scenario when it comes to the load. A result since the simulation time for constant power was minimum one hour. Based on the measurement and simulations of the charging station for commercial use is dimensioned well to cope with the current use of electric vehicle charging. More municipalities should follow Karlstad’s example for the development of commercial charging stations. In the countryside great problems occurred, especially with voltage drop at an increased use of home chargers for electric cars. The same problems emerged in the city part of the network. The study also showed serious problems with asymmetry in the city. The report concluded, therefore, several recommendations for the future dimension of local networks for private homes, for example that the local network should be divided into multiple trails.
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Algoritmer i en digital beredningsplattform för elnätWirén, Karl January 2018 (has links)
En digitalisering av elnätsberedning har lett till möjligheter att i en digital beredningsplattform undersöka möjligheterna för algoritmer vilka syftar till att effektivisera, kvalitetssäkra samt reducera miljöpåverkan. Rapporten behandlar en behovsundersökning av ett antal algoritmer i en beredningsplattform. Rapporten beskriver med grafiska metoder hur dessa algoritmer kan konstrueras, men även en metod för att tyda och transformera beredningsplattformens rådata till algoritmernas indata presenteras. De framtagna algoritmerna kan användas för underlag vid beslut, vilket kan leda till faktorer som minskad miljöpåverkan, ökad kvalitet och hållbarare samt effektivare arbetsprocesser. Ytterligare föreslås en framtida struktur med algebraisk grafteori för beräkningsalgoritmer i plattformen. / Digitization of working methods has led to the possibility of investigating the possibilities for algorithms in a processing platform for power grids. This report presents a needs assessment for a number of algorithms in a processing platform for power grids. The report describes through graphical methods how such algorithms can be constructed, and presents a methodology for interpreting and transforming the raw data from the platform into input data for such algorithms. The algorithms can be used as a basis for decision-making, potentially leading to reduced environmental impact, improved quality, and more sustainable and efficient work processes. Further, a future structure with algebraic graph theory is suggested for the platform.
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Elektrisk integrering och projektering av förnybar energi i svagt lokalt elnät / Electrical integration and windpower simulation of renewable energy in weak local power gridSporrong, Kristofer, Harrysson, Mattias January 2012 (has links)
För att en kvalitativ och driftsäker kraftomvandling från vind till elkraft skall erhållas ställs krav på en mängd olika faktorer. Klimatologiska och tekniska faktorer kräver korrekt dimensionering och anpassning av omvandlingstekniken för att största möjliga energimängd skall kunna omvandlas på ett driftsäkert och energieffektivt vis som vindkraftsägare, nätägare kräver. Vinden är som bekant en oberäknelig kraftkälla. Variationerna i styrka och tid kan innebära en hel del driftoptimeringsproblematik med efterverkningar för vindkraftsverket, nätet och belastningen. Konsekvenserna kan bero på vilken typ av teknik som är installerad i de olika delarna av energisystemet och i områdets elnät. Varierande effektbehov och effektfaktor i tiden har också en signifikant betydelse för elnätets stabilitet. Anpassning av drift i elnätet mot den turbulenta vinden ger ofta avvikelser på spänning och effektflöden, speciellt i extrema situationer där svaga elnät existerar. God samverkan med vindkraftverket och nätets varierande aktiva och reaktiva effektbehov till energianvändaren kan ge förutsättningar för god elkvalitet och därmed optimerad och säker drift med få avbrott över tiden. Ofta kan och är det mekaniska, elektrotekniska val i vindkraftverket och tillhörande elsystem som spelar en avgörande roll för hur lönsam investeringen blir under verkets tekniska livslängd. Nätägaren eftersträvar en god interagering mellan elnät och elproduktion som ger upphov till få medeltalsfel mellan avbrott och elfel, detta kallas i branschen för ”Mean time between failures” MTBF. Enligt Svensk energi skall långsamma och snabba spänningsvariationer samt övertoner och erforderlig kortslutningseffekt utredas och jämföras mot de krav och villkor som råder vid elektrisk integrering av elproduktion i elnätet. Förstudien har kommit fram till två lämpliga anslutningsförslag med vindkraftsprojektering. Det beskrivs senare i rapporten förslag på två tillhörande Smart Grid varianter med energilagring för anslutningsförslagen i det befintligt svaga lokala elnätet. / To achieve a reliable and qualitative power conversion from the wind into electric power, a variety of factors and demands need to be obtained. Climatological and technological factors requires proper dimensioning and adjustment of the conversion technology, to harvest the greatest possible amount of energy and to be converted in a reliable and energy efficient way, that windmill owners, power grid owners require. The wind is as familiar an unpredictable power supply. The variations in intensity over time could mean a number of drive optimization problems with after-effects of the wind turbine, power grid and load. The consequences may depend on which type of technology that is installed in the different parts of the energy system. The area's power grid and varying power needs with characteristics over time, also has a significant importance. The turbulent wind gives deviations of voltage and power flow, especially in various extreme situations in weak power grids. Good interaction between the wind turbine and power grid with varying active and reactive power demand for the energy users, provides conditions for a good power quality and thus, an optimal and safe operation with few interruptions over time. It can be, and often is the mechanics, electro-technical choices in the wind turbine and associated electrical systems that play a critical role in how profitable installation is during the wind turbines technological life. The power grid owner strives for a good interaction between the power grid and electrical generation which rise for few faults between interruptions and errors. In the branch this is known as "Mean time between failures" MTBF. According to the Swedenergy, harmonics, slow and fast voltage variations including required short-circuit power should be investigated and compared with those requirements and terms that prevails with electrical integration of power into the grid. The feasibility study has concluded two suitable power connection proposals including wind mapping research, later in this report it is described and suggested two related Smart Grid variants with energy storage for the two power connection proposals in the existing weak local grid. / Judith Saari var betygsättare på muntlig presentation.
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The Kamchay Hydropower Project -Hydropower development in Cambodia and eastern AsiaMalmquist, Peter, Sigfridsson, Mats January 2003 (has links)
The objective in this case study is to highlight typical problems of a planned hydropower dam project in Bokor National Park, Cambodia. The focal point in the line of questioning is the usage of public participation in larger exploration plans in a development country and to give a comprehensive survey of some of the participant involved. The study also discusses how the WCD report is used by non-govemental organisation to validate their claims. To be able to understand how the Cambodian society works, the study also includes a short briefing of recent Cambodian history. The study shows that the local people are more or less neglected in the preliminary investigations. Even if information meetings are held open, they are conducted in such a way that it is hard for common people to participate. The meetings are held in English and not in the domestic language Khmer. Critical groups are not formally invited but welcome to attend, most of their statements are withdrawn from the official protocols. The study also reveals that the leading entrepreneurs more or less neglects the environmental hazards in the construction by focus their information and calculations on the positive effects of the project. The study has been made as a field study, on location in Cambodia.
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