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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh systému financování výstavby rodinného domu / Suggestion of a Financial Concept for the Development of a House

Šimek, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyzes available methods of financing of a new housing construction with the focus on the possibilities of concurrent investment. The above analysis is demonstrated in a model case study. Practical part contents selection of the products to be analyzed from each evaluated field: suitable mortgage loan, finance market investment, the investment to the alternate heating equipment of the home and photovoltaic power plant. Than demonstrate the possibilities of decreasing the price of the loan with the assistance of concurrent investment into the financial markets or the alternative investment. The risk of investing has been taken into consideration as well. At the end are demonstrated comparative analysis and evaluation of all financing possibilities resulting in suggesting the most suitable method of home loan financing.

Energiåtervinning från kommunalt avfall i Burundi, Afrika

Jangholt, Rebecka, Ingabire, Lionel January 2022 (has links)
Det pågår en ökande trend i världen där fler flyttar in i tätorter. Det påverkar tätorterna i många dimensioner och en av dessa är den kommunala avfallshanteringen. När fler flyttar in mot städerna så blir det en påtryckning på befintlig hantering och är den dessutom bristfällig blir situation snabbt försämrad. Avfallshanteringen är ett känsligt område då det kan påverka människors hälsa och välmående. I utvecklingsländer är det allt för vanligt att lägga sitt avfall på öppna deponier eller låta avfallet ligga kvar längs gatorna. Detta avger farliga bakterier som ger smittsamma sjukdomar samt att tungmetaller tar sig ner i grundvattnet. FN förutspår att ungefär hälften av Afrikas befolkning kommer bo i tätorter till 2030. Denna studie handlar om avfallshanteringen i Burundi. Burundi är ett av Afrikas mest tätbefolkade länder och majoriteten lever i extrem fattigdom. Studien undersöker möjligheten för den största staden, Bujumbura, att energi återvinna sitt kommunala avfall i ett kraftvärmeverk. Det skulle vara en lösning på avfallsproblematiken samt generera el till staden. Bujumbura har idag (2022) en nästintill obefintlig avfallshantering och detta skulle vara en gynnsam lösning. I Bujumbura slängs approximativt 450 tusen ton avfall vilket har ett energiinnehåll på 5,3 PJ. Studien visar att potential för ett kraftvärmeverk med effekt på cirka 150 MW som kan omvandlas till 0,4 TWh el. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om Bujumbura kan förbättra sin avfallshantering och om det skulle vara möjligt för staden att förbränna sitt avfall i ett kraftvärmeverk. För att få underlag till vår studie har vi gjort en litteraturstudie, haft möten med berörda chefer i Bujumbura samt studiebesök på deponi och ställverk i Bujumbura. Resultatet visar att det finns möjligheter för Bujumbura att etablera ett kraftvärmeverk. För att detta ska kunna ske måste kommunen göra en omfattande satsning på hantering av avfall. / There is an ongoing trend in the world where more people are moving to urban areas. It affects in several dimensions and one of which is the municipal solid waste management. When more people move to the cities, there is a pressure on existing management and if also deficient, the situation quickly deteriorates. Waste management is a sensitive subject because it can affect people’s health and their wellbeing. In developing countries, it is common to put waste in open-air landfills. This releases dangerous bacteria that causes infectious diseases and heavy metals get into the groundwater. UN predicts that about half of Africa´s population will live in urban areas by 2030. The aim of this study is to minimize the environmental impact of municipal solid waste by establishing a combined heat and power plant in Bujumbura, Burundi, to generate electricity and heat from municipal solid waste for the city of Bujumbura as a solution to waste management challenges. Annually 450-thousand-ton waste with energy value of 5,3 PJ lays on open-air landfills. The study shows the potential for a power plant with a capacity of 150 MW. The CHP plant could generate approximately 0,4 TWh of electricity annually. This will reduce the development of unsorted waste that is otherwise dumped in open landfills. The electricity produced will be sold to the power grid to generate revenue. Furthermore, it will improve the management of solid waste and other departments who work for the development of sustainable environmental management for Bujumbura. For our study we have done a literature study, had meetings with relevant managers in Bujumbura and study visits to landfills and switchgears in Bujumbura. The results show that there are opportunities for Bujumbura to establish a combined heat and power plant. For this to happen, the municipality must make a comprehensive investment in waste management.

Análise das implicações dos anofelinos (Diptera: Culicidae) no entorno do aproveitamento múltiplo de manso, estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil / Analysis of the implications of Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) in the vicinity of the multiple use of quiet, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil

Pontes, Zuleide Maria de Fátima January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009 / O Brasil é um dos 20 países onde as hidrelétricas representam a parte mais importante da matriz energética, respondendo pela geração de 92% da energia consumida no país. Devido ao vasto tamanho do território e a quantidade de rios sujeitos ao aproveitamento hidroenergético, desde a década de 70, foram implementados em torno de dois mil projetos de usinas no país. Embora tenha como produto final uma energia limpa , algumas dessas obras provocam desastres ecológicos que influenciam diretamente à saúde humana. A avaliação prévia dos impactos de empreendimentos causadores destes prejuízos é recomendada tanto pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), quanto pela Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde, sendo fundamental para a preservação do meio ambiente e da saúde coletiva. As mudanças ambientais afetam a dinâmica populacional de muitos vetores, desencadeando importantes surtos de doenças. No ano de 1999, a operação do APM Manso reacendeu a discussão sobre os possíveis impactos causados, não só pelas alterações ambientais decorrentes da sua instalação, como também do provável surgimento de novos pontos de disseminação de doenças humanas transmitidas por vetores, o que motivou o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Considerando o início de operação da usina, o estudo teve como foco operíodo de 1999 a 2004. Os bancos de dados oficiais de instituições locais e nacionais e dados levantados por FURNAS foram utilizados como fontes de informações. Nos resultados do estudo, não foi possível evidenciar possíveis impactos sobre a saúde humana, relacionados à ocorrência de malária no entorno do APM Manso. Entretanto, é importante que esses empreendimentos sejam monitorados pela vigilância epidemiológica dos municípios abrangidos, para que possíveis surtos de doenças transmissíveis sejam identificados de forma precoce, possibilitando a tomada de medidas de controle. / Brazil is one of the 20 countries in the world where hydroelectric power plants represent the largest stake in the power supply matrix, namely 92% of the total power output in the country. Due to its huge territorial area and large availability of rivers with a high hydroenergetic potential, Brazil has implemented around two thousand power plant projects since the 1970´s. Although a “clean power” is their final product, some of these power plants trigger “echological disasters” that play a detrimental role in the public health system. Previous assessment of the impacts caused by undetakings responsible for such liabilities is recommended by both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Health Surveillance Secretary of the Brazilian Health Ministry, which is fundamental for the well-being of the environment and public health. Changes in the environment affect several vector population dynamics, therefore provoking disease outbreak. In 1999, the operation of Manso Multiple Use Reservoir again shed light on the issue of the likelihood of impacts caused not only by the environmental changes provoked by the installation of power plants, but also by the possible appearance of new sites disseminating human diseases transmitted by vectors, which has motivated the development of this paper. Considering the onset of the power plant operations, the period under view covers 1999 through 2004. Information source is based on data bank raised by FURNAS, and other refflecting official data produced by domestic and foreign institutions. The results, though, did not show evidence of possible impacts on human health in what concerns the occurrence of malaria within Manso Multiple Use Reservoir. However, it is important that such undertakings be monitored through epidemiologic surveillance within the range of the impacted municipalities so that possible infectious disease outbreaks may be early identified, and control measures may be put into practice.

Analýza nákladů zdrojů vytápění u pasivních domů / Cost analysis of heating sources in passive houses

Vítek, Marek January 2022 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is cost analysis of heating sources in passive houses. The first part of the thesis is theoretical and focuses on basic concepts of passive house, renewable energy sources, heating sources, economical indicators. In the practical part there is cost analysis of chosen heatig sources of model house. Result of this thesis is evaluation of design options and optimal solution.

Ökad lokal nytta av förnyelsebar energiproduktion med hybridkraftverk

Beijner, David January 2018 (has links)
Förnyelsebar och miljövänlig elproduktion är en förutsättning för det mer eller mindre miljömässigt positiva värdet hos de produkter och processer som förbrukar elenergi. Det räcker inte med att dessa produkter och processer är effektiva i sitt användande av el om denna el är producerad med icke förnyelsebara metoder. Målet simuleringsprogram som kan simulera ett hybridkraftverk som använder sig av vindkraft och vattenkraft. Resultatet av detta projekt är ett simuleringsprogram som kan uppskatta storleken på ett pumpkraftverk i form av hur många megawatt dess vattenturbin behöver vara samt hur stor reservoar som behövs. Dessutom uppskattas hur många vindkraftverk som krävs i kombination med vattenkraftverket för att nå en önskad minskning av elektricitet från icke förnyelsebara källor.  med detta projekt är skapandet av ett / Renewable and environmentally friendly electricity production is a necessity for the relative positive value of the products and processes that consumes electricity. It is not enough that these products and processes in and of themselves are effective in their use of electricity if that electricity is produced with non- renewable means. The goal of this project is the creation of a simulation software that can simulate a hybrid powerplant composed of wind turbines and a hydro powerplant. The result of this project is a simulation software that is able is to approximate the size of a pumped-storage megawatts and the size of the reservoir needed. In addition, the software calculates the amount of wind turbines needed in combination with the hydro powerplant to achieve a desired decrease in non-renewable electricity.

Climate enhanced concrete in the civil engineering industry

Hofgård, Daniel, Sundkvist, John January 2020 (has links)
In 2017, the Swedish Parliament stated a new climate law with the goal that Sweden should be climate neutral by 2045. The concrete industry has developed a roadmap on how the goal for 2045 can be achieved, where one way to reduce the carbon emissions from concrete is by replacing a part of the cement clinker with alternative binders in the concrete mix. Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), fly ash, silica fume and trass are alternative binders that are possible to use in concrete mixes to reduce the amount of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). GGBS, fly ash and silica fume are by-products from other industries, while trass is volcanic ash that can be extracted. Besides the positive environmental impact that comes from using alternative binders and reducing the amount of cement clinker, the alternative binders have other properties, both positive and negative, that affect the concrete. The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether concrete with alternative binders does fulfill the regulations set by Swedish standards and how concrete with alternative binders does affect the material parameters. The concrete mixes were divided into three different types of concrete: concrete for bridges (w/c ratio 0.4), hydropower structures (w/c ratio 0.45) and wind powerplant foundations (w/c ratio 0.55). A total of seven concrete mixes were cast in a laboratory and the concrete mixes were investigated in the three hardening stages of concrete: fresh, young and hardened. The analyzed material parameters were compressive strength, shrinkage, frost resistance, workability, air voids and temperature development. Beyond the experimental testing, a global warming potential (GWP) comparison was made to compare the reduction of GWP for each concrete mix compared to a reference concrete for each usage area. The mix containing a CEM II/A-V fly ash cement and 15% GGBS showed great potential regarding the different material parameters. This mix, however, is according to Swedish standards not possible to certify for structures in exposure class XF4, such as bridges, but is possible to certify for structures in exposure class XF3, such as wind powerplant foundations. The mix containing 30% GGBS and 5% silica fume also showed beneficiary properties, but superplasticizers are required in this mix to ensure good workability. For hydropower structures, the mix containing 35% GGBS showed a great compressive strength but a high temperature development and low workability. The mix containing trass had a notably low temperature development, but with an increase in shrinkage and low workability. Moreover, all concrete mixes showed a frost resistance which, according to standard, is classified as “Very Good”. / Sveriges regering antog 2017 ett nytt klimatpolitiskt ramverk med målet att Sverige ska ha noll nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser år 2045. Betongindustrin har tagit fram en färdplan för hur betong kan bli klimatneutralt, där ett sätt att reducera klimatpåverkan från betong är att byta ut en del av cementklinkern mot alternativa bindemedel. Mald granulerad masugnsslagg (GGBS), flygaska, silikastoft och trass är alternativa bindemedel som är möjliga att använda i betongblandningar för att reducera mängden Portlandcement. GGBS, flygaska och silikastoft är restprodukter från andra industrier medan trass är en vulkanisk aska som kan utvinnas. Utöver den positiva miljöeffekten som erhålls när alternativa bindemedel ersätter cementklinker, så har de alternativa bindemedlen andra egenskaper, både positiva och negativa, som påverkar betongen. Målet med denna studie var att undersöka och jämföra om betongblandningar där en del av cementklinkern har ersatts med alternativa bindemedel når upp till de krav som ställs i nuvarande regelverk. Utöver det så undersöktes även hur betongblandningarnas materialparametrar påverkades av alternativa bindemedel. Betongblandningarna delades in i tre olika typer av betong: betong för broar (vct 0.4), vattenbyggnader (vct 0.45) och vindkraftverksfundament (vct 0.55), där totalt sju betongblandningar tillverkades i ett laboratorium. Betongblandningarna undersöktes i de tre olika faserna för hårdnande av betong, vilka är färsk, ung och hårdnad betong. De materialparametrar som analyserades var tryckhållfasthet, krympning, frostresistens, arbetbarhet, luftporhalt och temperaturutveckling. Förutom de experimentella testerna gjordes en jämförelse kring hur mycket koldioxid som kan reduceras för varje betongblandning, jämfört med en referensbetong för varje användningsområde. Betongblandningen med ett CEM II/A-V flygaska-cement och 15% GGBS visade stor potential med avseende på de olika materialparametrarna. Denna blandning är dock enligt svensk standard inte möjlig att certifiera för betongbyggnad i exponeringsklass XF4, exempelvis broar, men kan certifieras för betongbyggnad i exponeringsklass XF3, exempelvis fundament för vindkraftverk. Blandningen med 30% GGBS och 5% silikastoft visade även positiva egenskaper, men flyttillsatsmedel måste användas i denna blandning för att erhålla en god arbetbarhet. För vattenbyggnadsbetong så visade blandningen med 35% GGBS en hög tryckhållfasthet, men samtidigt en hög temperaturutveckling och en låg arbetbarhet. Blandningen med trass hade en noterbart låg temperaturutveckling, men med ökad krympning samt låg arbetbarhet. Avslutningsvis så uppvisade alla blandningar en frostresistens som enligt standard klassificeras som ”Mycket bra”.

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