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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The application of Qur'ān and Hadith in the teaching of life skills in Muslim schools in South Africa

Khan, Sadia 11 1900 (has links)
The application of Qur'ān and Hadith in the teaching of life skills in Muslim schools in South Africa. This study explores the application of Qur‟ān and Hadith in the teaching of life skills, as part of the Islamic Studies curriculum, at Muslim schools. The study further discusses the need to equip learners at Muslim schools with the necessary skills, values, attitudes and orientations that are conducive to greater participation in adulthood. The study is aimed at examining the potential of an Islamic perspective to meet these needs. The discussion focuses on five areas: health development, personal development, social development, physical development and orientation to the world of work. The research reveals that the Islamic Studies curriculum can be holistically integrated with life skills development, and the Qur‟ān and Hadith can make a significant contribution for the optimal implementation of this learning area. Muslim schools are urged to implement the recommendations made in this study. The sustained training of educators and the continuous development of learning support materials is needed to ensure that this learning area achieves its objectives. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Islamic Studies)

Spiritual growth in the context of Christian community

Paxton, Geoffrey George 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines the spiritual growth of individuals: what growth is; why growth is necessary; and how it can be nurtured. An individual's spiritual growth needs to happen in relationship with others, so that Christ's commandments to love God and neighbour are fulfilled. Thus the dynamics, goals and effects of community life are examined. Spiritual growth and community raises implications for the Christian Church. These are examined, in particular the need for transformed leadership and models of ministry, transforming communities that will enable the church to fulfil its mission to the world. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Christian Spirituality)

Seneca theologus : la religion d'un philosophe romain / Seneca theologies : the religion of a Roman philosopher

Merckel, Cécile 01 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude des différents aspects de la théologie et de la religion de Sénèque, basée sur l’ensemble du corpus sénéquien, offre une perspective sur l’évolution et l’adaptation de la doctrine stoïcienne en contexte romain. Elle considère le phénomène religieux à la fois du point de vue de la religion civile du citoyen et de la piété intérieure de la personne. La diversité d’une œuvre mi-philosophique mi-poétique impose un point de vue plus synchronique que diachronique (même si l’évolution de la pensée de l’auteur est prise en compte), qui privilégie l’exégèse en fonction des genres littéraires et de leurs codes. La 1ère partie analyse les dominantes de la conscience religieuse romaine (l’opposition religio/superstitio), éclairées par l’héritage critique. La 2ème partie démontre que Sénèque cherche toujours à trouver une valeur aux discours de la religion traditionnelle et des poètes sur le dieu. Sa situation de philosophe homme d’état le contraint à faire des concessions, notamment au sujet du culte impérial. La 3ème partie fait un bilan doctrinal sur le monisme stoïcien et sur son appropriation par Sénèque, qui laisse la place à une vraie émotion religieuse à l’égard du deus rationnel. La hiérophanie progressive de la divinité par le progressant en sagesse implique un glissement de la physique vers l’éthique. La 4ème partie s’attache à la question de la recherche d’un langage adéquat pour définir la divinité. La 5ème partie traite du rapport de l’individu à la divinité. L’homme, héroïque dans son dépassement de la contingence, se hisse par un exercice de la pensée au rang du deus, jusqu’à leur communion dans la sagesse pure, notamment grâce à la prière philosophique. / This study of various aspects of Seneca’s religion and theology, drawn from the entirety of his body of work, offers a perspective on the evolution and the adaptation of the Stoic doctrin in the Roman context. The religious phenomenon is considered here simultaneously from two standpoints: the Citizen’s civil religion, as well as the inner piety of the individual. The diversity of a half-philosophical, half-poetical work would warrant a synchronic rather than diachronic view (even taking into account the evolution of the author’s thought), which favors an exegesis based on literary genres and their codes. The first part analyzes the dominant principles of Roman religious consciousness (the opposition religio/superstitio), in the light of critical heritage. The second part demonstrates that Seneca constantly tries to find some value in traditional religious discourse, as well as in the words of the poets. His situation as a philosopher/statesman forces him to make concessions, especially on the imperial cult. The third part constitutes a doctrinal summary of stoic monism and its appropriation by Seneca, who leaves room for a true religious emotion towards the rational deus. The progressive hierophany by an individual growing in wisdom implies a transition from physics towards ethics. The fourth part treats the question of the search for adequate language to define the divinity. The fifth part explores the relationship between the individual and the divinity. Man, heroic in his rise above contingencies, elevates himself through an exercise of thought to the rank of deus, up to communing with the god in pure wisdom, chiefly through philosophical prayer.

DĚTI ZE SEKULARIZOVANÉHO RODINNÉHO ZÁZEMÍ V PŘEDMĚTU NÁBOŽENSTVÍ PRO 1. STUPEŇ ZŠ JAKO DIDAKTICKÝ PROBLÉM / Didactic problem with children from the secular family conditions in religion subject at Primary school

PETRÁŠKOVÁ, Jiřina January 2013 (has links)
In the first chapter there is a description of the family educational and socializational environment, the most important and the most principal factor in forming of the preconditions for good progress of a child. The child experiences the feeling of pleasure, safeness and love here, also the rituals, it obtains the trust and creates itself. The second chapter is all about school with the subjects. The child meets, as a pupil, the religion in the interdisciplinar relations there. The third chapter engages in optional Religious Studies in religion education and it inspects the contents of education with the position of both believing people as well as secular subject of education. The last chapter brings the survey with the perspective to the pupils and their motivations, which take the children from the secular families to Religious Studies.

Etické aspekty v knize Tobijáš / Ethical aspects in the Book of Tobit

CHMELOVÁ, Miroslava January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the analysis of selected ethical aspects in the book of Tobit. In the first part of the thesis explains the concept of ethics. In its second part individual ethical aspects of the book are explained. The third part tries to answer, what selected church documents and theological texts focused on ethics say about particular aspects analysed in the second part. At the end, particular events of the book of Tobit as ethical example for our lives and impact of Old Testament texts on present ethics are propounded to consider.

Movimento de Renovação Carismática Católica: história, juventude e representações (Uberlândia, 1977-2014)

Oliveira, Michel ângelo Abadio de 28 October 2014 (has links)
This work wants show the insertion of Charismatic Movement in Contemporary Catholicism en Uberlândia. From representations of evangelization, it seeks to understand analogies as Modernity/Tradition and Time/History/Religion, based on participation of young people in the Charismatic Movement. As a consequence also became necessary to address principles Vatican Council II, since it allowed the emergence of Charismatic Renewal, bringing their similarities and differences with the Protestant Pentecostalism. Furthermore, with the focus on charismatic young, it it important to examine some of his most expressive elements, such a Prayer Groups and the relationship of these young people with university. / O presente trabalho procura mostrar a inserção do Movimento Carismático NO Catolicismo Contemporâneo em Uberlândia. A partir das representações de evangelização, busca-se entender analogias como Modernidade/Tradição e Tempo/História/Religião, com base na participação dos jovens no Movimento Carismático. Como consequência, também se fez necessário abordar princípios do Concílio Vaticano II, uma vez que permitiu o surgimento da Renovação Carismática, trazendo suas aproximações e distanciamentos com o pentecostalismo protestante. Além disso, tendo o foco na juventude carismática, é importante analisar alguns de seus elementos mais expressivos, como os Grupos de Oração e a relação desses jovens com a universidade. / Mestre em História

SMRT V TAJEMSTVÍ Z POHLEDU TEOLOGICKÉ ANTROPOLOGIE / Death as mystery in perpective of theological antropology

HUSÁKOVÁ, Petra January 2010 (has links)
This theses deals with death from the perspective of the mystery of the revelation of Jesus Christ, it describes and puts it into the context of theological anthropology. It analysis death from the point of view of the Old and New testament and defines the basic terms in relation to eschatology. It shows the consequences for the practice of care of dying persons, which in fullness develops the relationship between man and God. The theme of the thesis is being elaborated upon from the perspective of a believer in eternal life given to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Efeitos neurofisiológicos de terapias cognitivas no manejo da dor : revisão sistemática / Evidence of neurophysiological effects of cognitive therapies in pain management

Nascimento, Simone de Souza 22 January 2018 (has links)
Background. Cognitive therapies are alternative forms of pain management. Despite the extensive approach regarding the associations between cognitive therapies and health, the clinical applicability of this evidence in the management of pain has not yet been fully elucidated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of cognitive therapy in the management of pain and associated symptoms, the patterns of brain activation promoted in the modulation of pain, as well as the methodological quality of the selected articles. Methods: Two systematic reviews of literature on cognitive therapies and pain management were performed to search the databases - MEDLINE, Pubmed, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Science Direct and Scopus - randomized controlled trials examining neurophysiological data of cognitive therapies in patients with chronic pain or healthy individuals exposed to experimental pain. The primary endpoint was pain and neurophysiological changes and the secondary outcomes were anxiety, depression, and quality of life. Results: A total of 406 articles were found, of which 14 met the criteria for inclusion. The results revealed that cognitive therapies reduced the intensity and discomfort of pain, as well as improved pain tolerance and expectancy. In addition, there was improvement of physical and mental health, anxiety, depression and catastrophism. Neuroimaging data revealed distinct patterns of activity, but mainly related to the increase of the activation of the prefrontal cortex and limbic system in the chronic pain population; increased activation of the anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insular cortex, and decreased thalamic activation in healthy individuals following cognitive strategies; in addition to increased activity in pre-frontal ventricular regions following prayer-based cognitive therapy. The methodological evaluation showed a moderate risk of bias, with great heterogeneity that made impossible a meta-analysis. Conclusion: Cognitive therapies modulate the intensity and affective experience of pain and may be responsible for altering the functioning of brain regions in an extensive network, including non-predominantly nociceptive regions. The lack of standardization of interventions points to the need for new studies that evaluate the use of cognitive therapies as a complementary approach in health care. / Contexto: As terapias cognitivas são formas alternativas de gerenciamento de dor. Apesar da abordagem extensiva no que concerne às associações entre terapias cognitivas e saúde, a aplicabilidade clínica dessa evidência no manejo da dor ainda não está completamente elucidada. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da terapia cognitiva no manejo da dor e sintomas associados, os padrões de ativação encefálica promovidos na modulação da dor, bem como a qualidade metodológica dos artigos selecionados. Métodos: Duas revisões sistemáticas de literatura sobre terapias cognitivas e manejo da dor foram realizadas para buscar nas bases de dados - MEDLINE, Pubmed, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Science Direct e Scopus - ensaios controlados randomizados que examinassem dados neurofisiológicos das terapias cognitivas em pacientes com dor crônica ou indivíduos saudáveis expostos a dor experimental. O desfecho primário foi dor e alterações neurofisiológicas e os desfechos secundários foram ansiedade, depressão e qualidade de vida. Resultados: Foram encontrados 406 artigos e, destes, 14 preencheram os critérios para inclusão. Os resultados revelaram que as terapias cognitivas reduziram a intensidade e o desconforto da dor, bem como melhorou a tolerância à dor e a expectativa. Além disso, houve melhora da saúde física e mental, ansiedade, depressão e catastrofismo. Já os dados da neuroimagem revelaram padrões distintos de atividade, mas principalmente relacionados ao aumento da ativação do córtex pré-frontal e sistema límbico na população de dor crônica; aumento da ativação do córtex cingulado anterior, córtex insular anterior e diminuição da ativação do tálamo em indivíduos saudáveis após estratégias cognitivas; além de atividade aumentada em regiões pré-frontais ventriculares após a terapia cognitiva baseada em oração. A avaliação metodológica mostrou moderado risco de viés, com grande heterogeneidade que impossibilitou uma meta-análise. Conclusão: Terapias cognitivas modularam a intensidade e a experiência afetiva da dor e podem ser responsáveis pela alteração do funcionamento das regiões encefálicas em uma rede extensiva, incluindo regiões não predominantemente nociceptivas. A falta de padronização das intervenções aponta para a necessidade de novos estudos que avaliem o uso das terapias cognitivas como uma abordagem complementar nos cuidados de saúde. / Aracaju

Inclusive Worship Intercessory Prayer, connecting with "human hurts and hopes".

Stone, Michael 12 September 2006 (has links)
This dissertation explores congregational participation in worship services in the discipline of “Building up the local Church”. The research indicates the levels of participation within worship services of 98 respondents. I have felt that the low levels of participation (43 % of the respondents reported no active congregational participation and in 93% of the indicated the congregation were involved in two or less areas of the worship service) contribute to the practice of nominal Christianity. The congregation view themselves as the ‘Audience’(passive participants) at worship rather that the ‘Actors’ (active participants). The hypothesis is that ministers have centralized themselves specifically in worship and this has and is contributing towards the ‘nominal Christian’ problem experienced by the Church presently. Secondly, that a strategically planned and instituted process with the aim of involving all attendee’s at worship will facilitate active participation (the congregation become the ‘actors’ in and during the intercessory prayer time) and in so doing build up the local church. The Thesis sadly also points out that, ministers fundamental beliefs seem to have little or no influence on there practices. Of the ministers interviewed some indicated there primary task as that of ‘equipping the body of Christ’ yet those who held to that tenet had no significant levels of congregational involvement during worship. The research also shows that regardless of fundamental belief where ministers serve more than one congregation there is a 300% more congregational involvement during worship. The thesis then focuses on the roles of intercessory prayer in worship as a vehicle for getting ministry into the hands of the congregation. Interviews have been conducted and stories recorded as to the effectiveness of this process. I was particularly encouraged that the ‘sticky prayer’ as it became know took the ministry in some cases into the work place and created opportunities for ministry with in the worlds of the respondent. Beyond this it also sends a message to the world at large of the church as being faithful to God (expressed in prayer) and serving the world (those for whom we pray). / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

A Literary and Socio-historical Comparison between the Prayers of Esther (LXX) and Judith

Van der Walt, Clarke Phillip 12 December 2006 (has links)
This study aims to point out the literary and socio-historical relationship between the prayers of Esther (Est.4.17.11-26 (Addition C) (14)) and Judith (Jdt.9). By making use of a literary analysis in terms of syntax, discourse structure, language, style, rhetorical figures, form and tradition, a comparison is made between the prayers to point out the literary agreements and differences. Subsequently an attempt is made to interpret the prayers against the social background(s) within which they originated. The events in the prayers are especially brought into relation with the Maccabaean era (168 BCE – 37 CE) with the purpose of determining how the authors of each prayer associated their own historical situation with the events of the Maccabaean crisis (168 BCE – 162/161 BCE). The characters that each of the authors introduces to the readers have a definite influence in the interpretation of Esther and Judith’s prayers. It is for this reason that the author, or at least what is learned about him through the text, and his interpretation of the events within his social situation, is investigated. A further investigation concentrates on the strategy that the authors used in terms of ‘genre’, contents and organization with the purpose of conveying their message to their readers. Further, an attempt is made to combine the results of this study with the intention of identifying the possible Grundlage, which may be the basic form of the prayers as they were accepted into the LXX. A hypothesis is also stated at the end of this study about how the Grundlage may have developed and which possible events throughout history could have played a role in the final form of Esther and Judith’s prayers, as accepted into the LXX. The theory of Moore (1982: 594) that the close relation of Esther and Judith with Daniel can best be explained by a possible common biblical heritage, is discussed and measured at the hand of the hypothesis of a common Grundlage for the prayers. Zeitlin’s argument (1972: 14, 15-21) that the prayers existed on polemical grounds, is also measured against the proposal of a common Grundlage. The eventual purpose of this study is then to point out what details can be derived from texts that are compared with each other by means of a literary and socio-historical comparison. / Dissertation (Magister Artium (Ancient Languages and Culture))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Ancient Languages / unrestricted

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