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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porovnání psychologických a výtvarných aspektů v kresbě dítěte předškolního věku / Comparison of Psychological and Artistic Aspects in the Artwork of Preschool Age

Dražská, Jiřina January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the diploma work is the identification of the common as well as the different aspects of children's drawings from both the artistic and developmental perspective. The goal of this thesis is to assemblele a record sheet on theoretical and empirical knowledge, which could also serve as a guide for kindergarten teachers when handling children's drawing. The theoretical part is split into two chapters: the development of personality of a preschool child, where the developmental stages from prenatal to preschool age are described; and children's drawing describing the progression, characteristic features, most common motifs and their possible utilisation in practice. The empirical part deals with qualitative research of preschool children focusing on analysis and comparison of children's drawing. An important part of the thesis is the record sheet, which is included in the empirical part.

Individualizace ve výchově a vzdělávání dětí v mateřské škole / Individualization in education of children in kindergartens

Benešová, Ludmila January 2013 (has links)
Education and training affect the way children's behavior, we shape children's attitudes and values. One of the ways which we can develop the personality of a child in kindergarten is to use the principle of individuation. The theoretical part is, besides development of individualization in the upbringing and education of children of preschool age, given the current requirements for the individualization of children in kindergartens. It discusses the development and acceptance of the basic needs of children of preschool age, specifies the conditions, the position of teacher for individualizing education of children in kindergarten. The practical part verifies the possibility of individualization in age heterogeneous and homogeneous model. Assesses differences and experience in these models in the approaches of preschool teachers including the effect of a specific environment specific kindergarten.

Počitadlo v mateřské škole / Abacus at kindergarten

Hiťhová, Daniela January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis detects whether the children are in kindergarten able to accept the counter at selected activities/games. Children can develop dispositions within these activities/games and deepen skills related to premathematical literacy. The theoretical part focuses on the history of the counter and acquaints with the kinds of counters, their using and ways to use. This part is based on the theory of the term "natural number" and on related processes in the development of premathematical literacy. Farther is based on game theory, defines and classifies the game from different perspectives especially in relation to monitored series of activities. The practical part submites series of ten activities/games, that are designed for five to six year old children. Each activities are characterized, implementation of activities is documented and analyzed. Photographs and video records of selected parts are added to the diploma thesis.

Är det ens möjligt? : En essä om lika villkor i förskolan.

Bjerstedt, Kristin January 2017 (has links)
This essay starts with a story about the children Anna and Martin. The story depicts how children can end up in different contexts and provide different conditions in the same preschool depending on what child perspective and ability to adhere to the individual child's needs as the work team and the leading preschool teacher. This difference is highlighted and discussed from an equality perspective that emerges in three research questions: How do the principal and preschoolers interpret the concept of equivalent conditions? How do the principal and the various preschool organizations work to create kindergartens that work for the best of the children and for equal conditions for the children? How do preschool teachers work with this issue in the business? A minor qualitative study has been conducted through interviews with a representative from the principal (municipality), a preschool manager, and two preschool teachers. The purpose has been to seek answers to these questions as well as to give a perspective on the story of Anna and Martin. After reflection and analysis of the informants' responses and by studying what current research says on the subject, it has been found that equivalent terms are a term that contains many factors. This includes skills, education, and financial resources. A key factor that clearly shows that children are offered equal terms is the ability of the teacher to apply practical knowledge. The pedagogue must be able to establish close relationships with the child and respond to the needs of the child. A skill that some have more of than others. However, the social debate and the informants answer that in the development work at preschools, this issue is not prioritized. Instead, the focus is on an increased requirement for learning goals in traditional subjects. The concept of conceptualization is lifted due to the increased demand for learning and the question of what knowledge is essential to lead a rich life. Can there be other values that are more important as the technology society offers tools that make some subjects unnecessary? An analysis based on Bronfenbrenner's ecological system theory shows that the debate about increased learning brings impact from social debate and trends to the activities where it meets the child. However, the impact is perceived to be greater from trend to government and from government to principal but weakened as it comes to preschools and educators in the business. A clearer goal picture and training and support efforts are demanded for both active educators and preschool leaders, but also a salutogenic approach, instead of focusing on shortcomings, building on what's positive and creating upward energy spirals. Networking and educational guidance are seen as effective tools for development processes and the focus should be on supporting the development of educators' relationship-building abilities as well as how the children's individual needs are met. / Denna essä tar sitt avstamp ur en berättelse som handlar om barnen Anna och Martin. Berättelsen skildrar hur barn kan hamna i olika sammanhang och ges olika förutsättningar inom samma förskola beroende på vilken barnsyn och förmåga till följsamhet till det enskilda barnets behov som arbetslaget och den ledande förskolläraren har. Denna skillnad lyfts och diskuteras ur ett likvärdighetsperpektiv som utmynnar i tre forskningsfrågor: Hur tolkar huvudmannen samt förskoleorganisationen begreppet likvärdiga villkor? Hur arbetar huvudmannen samt de olika förskoleorganisationerna för att skapa förskolor som arbetar för barns bästa och barns likvärdiga villkor? Hur arbetar förskollärarna med frågan i verksamheten? En mindre kvalitativ studie har utförts som med hjälp av att genomföra intervjuer med en representant från huvudmannen (kommunen), en förskolechef, samt två förskollärare. Syftet har varit att söka svar på frågorna samt att ge perspektiv på berättelsen om Anna och Martin. Efter reflektion och analys av informanternas svar samt genom att studera vad aktuell forskning säger i ämnet har det framkommit att likvärdiga villkor är ett begrepp som innehåller många faktorer. Det handlar bland annat om kompetens, utbildning, och ekonomiska resurser. En central faktor som tydligt framträder för att barnen skall erbjudas likvärdiga villkor är pedagogens förmåga till praktisk kunskap. Pedagogen måste vara kunnig i att upprätta nära relationer till barnet och svara upp till barnets behov. En egenskap som en del är mer kunniga i än andra. Dock visar samhällsdebatten och informanternas svar att i utvecklingsarbetet på förskolorna prioriteras inte denna fråga. Istället ligger fokus på ett utökat krav på lärandemål i traditionella skolämnen. Bildningsbegreppet lyfts med anledning av det ökade kravet på lärande och frågan om vilken kunskap som är väsentlig för ett rikt liv ställs. Kan det vara andra värden som är viktigare då tekniksamhället erbjuder hjälpmedel som gör vissa skolämnen överflödiga? En analys utifrån Bronfenbrenners ekologiska systemteori visar att debatten om ökat lärande ger ringar på vattnet från samhällsdebatt och trend till verksamheten där det möter barnet. Dock uppfattas påverkan vara större från trend till regering och från regering till huvudman men försvagas då det kommer till förskoleledning och pedagogerna i verksamheten. En tydligare målbild och insatser för fortbildning och stöd efterfrågas för både verksamma pedagoger och förskolechefer, men också ett salutogent förhållningssätt, för att istället för att fokusera på tillkortakommanden, bygga på det som är positivt och skapa uppåtgående energispiraler. Nätverk och pedagogisk handledning ses som effektiva verktyg för utvecklingsprocesser och fokus bör ligga på att stödja en utveckling av pedagogers relationsskapande förmågor samt hur barnens individuella behov möts upp.

Komunikace u dítěte s opožděným vývojem řeči v institucionální péči / Communication of the child with delayed speech development in institucional care

Šestáková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the theme of speech therapy. The thesis deals with problems of delayed speech development in pre-school children, especially their vocabulary. The main aim of the thesis is the evaluation of vocabulary as well as evaluation of awareness about possibilities of enrichment and indicative range of evaluation of vocabulary. The main investigation was realized by means of half-structuralized interviews with respondents, who spend the most time and are in the daily contact with evaluated children. Arose findings should help to increase the effectiveness of speech therapy in the field of speech content of children with delayed language development. The output of this thesis is the newly created testing materials that will help assess the indicative range of vocabulary in these children.

Rozvoj hmatového vnímání u těžce slabozrakých a nevidomých dětí předškolního věku - Tactual Profile / Development of tactual perception for preschool children with severe visual impairment and blind - Tactual Profile

Košíková, Adéla January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses the topic of tactile perception examined in the cases of children with severe visual impairment as well as in the cases of blind children aged from three to six years. Tactile perception is assessed by the Tactual Profile test. The introduction of this thesis briefly summarizes the issue of visual perception, specifics of development of a pre-school child with a visual impairment, tactile perception and other compensating senses, and the importance of play in the pre-school period. The second part of this thesis is focused on the Tactual Profile test and its description. The following part is dedicated to research based on applying the aforementioned method of the non- standardized Tactual Profile test. The test, or more precisely the testing tool, is used for diagnosing the level of tactile development among children with severe visual impairment and among blind children. The test results provide the possibility to assess the status of tactile perception of the specific child and determine areas which are challenging for the child as well as areas in which the stated child excels. The goal of this research was to ascertain the applicability of the test regarding the target group and examine its potential utilization in the special education practice. The research also...

"Teknik är ju istort sett allt" : Pedagogers användning och inställning till digitala verktyg i förskolan med fokus på teknikundervisning / “Technology is pretty much everything” : Preschool-educators use and attitude to digital tools in preschool with a focus on technology teaching

Lundevall, Cecilia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur undervisningen i teknik, kopplat till digitaliseringen, kan gestaltas i förskolan. För att ta reda på detta har intervjuer utförts med fyra pedagoger, dessa pedagoger har även fått svara på en mindre enkätundersökning om digitala verktyg. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att pedagogerna kopplar bygg, konstruktion, skapande, datorer och olika tekniker, exempelvis bak-tekniker till ämnet teknik. När det kommer till användandet av digitala verktyg, visar resultatet att samtliga pedagoger använder digitala verktyg och refererar då främst till lärplattan. Resultatet visar också att digitala verktyg används i låg utsträckning när det kommer till pedagogiska aktiviteter. Resultatet visar också att pedagogerna har olika förutsättningar för att kunna använda digitala verktyg i verksamheten. Detta visar sig när pedagogerna exempelvis berättar om chefernas kunskaper och intresse, tillgängligt material och sina egna kunskaper om digitala verktyg och dess funktioner. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how teaching in technology, linked to digitalisation, can be portrayed in the preschool. In order to find this out, interviews have been conducted with four preschool-educators, these educators have also answered a small questionnaire on digital tools. The result of the study shows that the preschool-educators connects building, construction, creation, computers and various technologies, for example, baking-techniques to the subject of technology. When it comes to the use of digital tools, the result shows that all preschool-educators use digital tools and then refer mainly to the learning tablet. The result also shows that digital tools are used to a limited extent when it comes to educational activities. The result also shows that the preschool educators have different conditions for being able to use digital tools in the preschool. This turns out when the preschool educators, for example, talk about the managers' knowledge and interest, available material and their own knowledge of digital tools and their functions.

Educação física na educação infantil: análise da aplicação de um programa e estudo sobre o envolvimento das crianças a partir da escala de Ferre Leavers / Physical education in early childhood education: analysis of a programme application and study of children involvement from the Ferre Leavers scale

Flores, Kelly Zoppei 05 September 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivos principais: discutir a noção que crianças de cinco anos desenvolvem, ao final da aplicação de um programa, sobre o que é Educação Física, contrastando-a com aquela originalmente apresentada pelo aluno no início da pesquisa; bem como investigar e discutir o envolvimento dos alunos nas atividades propostas pelo programa de Educação Física que serviu de base a este estudo. Uma turma, composta por vinte e cinco crianças de cinco anos, de uma escola da Rede Municipal de Educação Infantil de São Paulo, teve um total de 32 aulas de Educação Física, de 50 minutos cada, duas vezes por semana. Essa turma foi submetida a uma entrevista no início e no final do programa visando avaliar a noção que apresentavam sobre o que é educação física. A entrevista foi interpretada mediante a metodologia de análise de conteúdo (TRIVINOS, 1987). Os resultados evidenciaram mudanças significativas e positivas no grupo quanto ao conceito sobre o que é Educação Física. Metade da turma foi selecionada, aleatoriamente, para ser filmada em sete aulas do programa. Para análise das filmagens, utilizou-se a Escala de Envolvimento para crianças pequenas, desenvolvida por Ferre Leavers, que apresenta uma lista de oito sinais ou indicadores de envolvimento: 1) concentração; 2) energia; 3) complexidade e criatividade; 4) expressão facial e postura; 5) persistência; 6) tempo de reação; 7) expressões verbais; e 8) satisfação. A partir desses indicadores, foi medido o nível de envolvimento das crianças nas atividades, classificando-o em uma escala de 1 a 5, em que: a ) Nível 1: sem atividade; b) Nível 2: atividade interrompida freqüentemente; c) Nível 3: atividade mais ou menos contínua; d) Nível 4: atividade com momentos intensos; e) Nível 5: atividade intensa mantida. Com a escala foi verificado o nível de envolvimento das crianças nas atividades, além disso, constatou-se também que o instrumento utilizado pode ser uma importante ferramenta de apoio para o professor na investigação e na melhoria da prática pedagógica, pois permite analisar a adequação do ambiente preparado, a escolha dos materiais, a interação do professor com as crianças, a interação entre as crianças, entre outros / The main aims of this research are: to discuss the conception that five years old children have about what Physical Education is when a program about it is offered to them, and the way this conception changes after the program, as well as investigate and discuss the students´ involvement in activities proposed by the Physical Education program which is the base of this study. One of the groups, composed by 25 five years old children from a municipal São Paulo City puerile school, had 32 fifty minutes Physical Education classes twice a week. This group was interviewed at the beginning and at the end of the program and the aim of this interview was to evaluate the conception they previously had about what Physical Education is. The interview was interpreted in the light of content analysis methodology (TRIVINOS, 1987). The results highlighted positive and meaningful changes about the groups point of view about what Physical Education means to them. One half of the group was chosen, randomly, to be filmed during seven program classes. To analyze these classes, the Movement Scale for young children, proposed by Ferre Leavers, which presents a list of 8 involvement signs, was used. These 8 signs are: 1) concentration; 2) energy; 3) complexity and creativity; 4) facial expression and posture; 5) persistence; 6) reaction time; 7) oral expressions; and 8) satisfaction. These mentioned characteristics (signs) were used to point out these young childrens involvement level and, besides, were a very useful methodological tool for classifying, from 1 to 5, the childrens involvement level: a) Level 1: no activity; b) Level 2: frequently interrupted activity; c) Level 3: more or less continuous activity; d) Level 4: intensive movements activity; e) Level 5: continuous intensive activity. By using the Movement Scale, the childrens involvement level in the activities was checked. Moreover, it was evidenced that the used methodological tool can be an important support to the teacher who wants to investigate and get better pedagogical practices, because it allows a wide variety of ways to analyze whether the environment is appropriate or not, what kind of interaction does the teacher have with children, what kind of interaction do they have with each other, and so on

A migração como estratégia adaptativa em populações humanas rurais de Novo Cruzeiro, MG para Piracicaba, SP. / The migration as an adaptive strategy in human rural populations from Novo Cruzeiro, MG, to Piracicaba, SP.

Nascimento, Ana Paula Branco do 28 January 2004 (has links)
Em nossa espécie, entre as estratégias adaptativas relevantes, encontra-se a migração, que permitiu ao ser humano ocupar novos ambientes, em busca de condições de vida melhores que as possíveis ou acessíveis em seu local de origem. Atualmente, a migração se constitui, no sentido genético, no principal fator evolutivo da espécie humana. Condições de vida adversas tendem a se refletir na capacidade de obtenção de alimentos. As crianças de uma população são particularmente sensíveis, refletindo-se facilmente em seu desenvolvimento físico, deficiências ou privações alimentares. Em trabalho anterior, dessa Equipe, foi identificado em Piracicaba, SP, grande contingente de migrantes originados do município de Novo Cruzeiro, MG. No presente trabalho aprofundou-se o estudo desta migração rural, caracterizando indicadores de adaptação relativos a crianças que permaneceram no ambiente de origem (Novo Cruzeiro, MG), crianças filhas de migrantes, residentes no novo local (Piracicaba, SP, constituindo-se estratos populacionais com ambos os pais migrantes, apenas o pai e apenas mãe migrante) e de crianças com ambos os pais paulistas residentes em Piracicaba, SP. Desta forma, entre os indicadores da adaptabilidade humana estudados no presente trabalho, foi empregado o estado nutricional de crianças pré-escolares. Os indicadores do desenvolvimento físico (pelo qual foi identificado o estado nutricional) foram o peso e a estatura das crianças, como também o sexo e a idade década uma. Entre as demais variáveis que podem afetar o seu desenvolvimento, foram estudados aspectos genéticos tais como: cor da pele e origem étnica da criança de acordo com seu sobrenome e de acordo com o sobrenome da família da mãe. Também foram estudados aspectos do ambiente da criança que poderiam influenciar seu desenvolvimento, tais como escolaridade materna, número de habitantes por cômodo na residência, material de construção da habitação, serviços de água e esgoto, presença e tipo de uso de quintais. Constatou-se pelos indicadores estudados, que há melhor qualidade de vida entre os habitantes do município de Piracicaba no que se refere a melhores condições de infraestrutura habitacional (água encanada, rede de esgoto, eletricidade e habitações de alvenaria) como também melhor renda familiar e maior escolaridade materna. O índice utilizado para definir os pontos de corte na avaliação da situação nutricional dos préescolares foi obtido com base nas unidades de desvio padrão ou escores z. A curva de referência foi a do National Center for Health Statistic (NCHS). Foram constatados casos de desnutrição em ambas as regiões estudadas, acima do esperado numa população saudável. Por outro lado, evidenciou-se que a maioria das crianças (mais de 84,1%) encontraram-se na faixa de “eutróficas" o que de acordo com as teorias de Ecologia Humana revisada,s sugere que em ambos os locais as populações humanas estão sendo bem sucedidas quanto a suas estratégias adaptativas. Foram identificados casos de sobrepeso e obesidade, mas apenas nas crianças de famílias que residem em Piracicaba. O aumento dessas ocorrências é característico de um modo de vida moderno e é um fator de risco para as populações residentes em Piracicaba, ao qual passaram a se expor as populações migrantes. / In our species, among the more relevant adaptive strategies is the migration, which allows humans to occupy new environments searching for better life conditions than the ones possible or accessible in the original location. Nowadays, the migration is, in a genetic sense, the major evolutionary factor of mankind. Adverse life conditions tend to reflect in the capacity to obtain food. The children of a population are particularly susceptible, easily reflecting in their physical development, deficiency and food privations. In a previous work of our group, a large contingency of migrants from Novo Cruzeiro, MG, was identified in Piracicaba, SP. In the present work, the rural migration of this particular population was investigated in detail by characterizing relative adaptation indicators of children who remained in their original environment (Novo Cruzeiro, MG), migrants’ children residents at the new location (Piracicaba, SP, constituted of population strata with both parents migrants, only the father migrant and only the mother migrant) and children who both parents are São Paulo state natives and residents in Piracicaba, SP). Thus, among the indicators of human adaptation used in this work, the nutritional status of pre-school children was used. The physical development indicators used (from which the nutritional status was identified) were the weight and the height of the children, as well as the sex and the age of each one. Among the others variables that can affect the development, genetic aspects such as skin color and ethnical origin of the children in accordance with their own surnames and in accordance with their mother family, were studied. Moreover, it was also studied aspects of the children environment, which could influence their development, such as mother’s school level, number of inhabitants per room per house, material from which the house was made, water and sewer public services, backyard presence and its use. Based on the indicators used in this study, it was observed that there is better life quality among the inhabitants from Piracicaba when better condition of infra-structure (piped water, sewer and electric nets, and bricklaying houses), as well as better family income, and higher mother school level are concerned. The index used to define the cutting points in the nutritional evaluation of the pre-school children was obtained based on the units of standard error or score- z. The reference curve was that of the National Center for Health Statistic (NCHS). Under-nutrition cases in both studied regions above the expected for a healthy population were observed. On the other hand, the majority of the children (more than 84,1%) was within the “eutrophic" level, which according to the revised Human Ecological theories, suggests that in both places the human populations are being successful as for their adaptive strategies. It was identified cases of over-weight and obesity, but only in the children whose families are residents in Piracicaba. The increase of these occurrences is a characteristic of the modern way of life and is one risk factor to the populations living in Piracicaba, which the migrant populations have now been exposed.

Fatores de Aprendizagem Social, Comportamento Agressivo e Comportamento Lúdico de Meninos Pré-Escolares

Vieira, Timoteo Madaleno 28 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:21:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Timoteo Madaleno Vieira.pdf: 453387 bytes, checksum: debb5a05ecddc8ce2ee362bb795024ab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-28 / Aggressiveness is typical characteristic of animal behavior. For humans, aggressiveness is influenced both by biological and by sociocultural factors, and can result in serious problems for both aggressors and victims of aggression. Knowledge about the evolutionary and ontogenetic factors that influence human aggressiveness is therefore extremely relevant not only to the theoretical considerations, but also to possible measures to prevent it. In this dissertation, we present an empirical investigation about the relationship among social variables (punishment, aggressive models presented on television and by parents, toy gun playing) and the aggressive and ludic behavior of pre-school children. Our subjects were 15 boys between four and six years of age that were enrolled in a childcare unit in the city of Goiânia, Brazil. Demographic data and information on the frequency with which subjects were exposed to aggressive models at home were obtained through structured interviews. Behavioral data were collected during 12 periods with 60 minutes of naturalistic observation. In each period, subjects remained in a 60m2 room with no toys, and with minimum interference by adults (free activity). The percentage of time spent by each subject in ludic activities (rough and tumble and mild play) was calculated from the percentage of instantaneous scans at 3 minutes intervals (20 records each session). Data on aggressive behavior (real and simulated) were gathered thru behavioral samplings (all occurrences). A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA- GLM procedure in SPSS v. 13.0) indicated a significant relationship between play behavior and the presence of aggressive models at home, particularly the presence of toy guns (F=9,93; gl=1; p=0,01) and aggressive interaction by parents (F=8,56 ; gl=1; p=0,02): boys that reported these models at home participated more in rough and tumble play than other subjects. Children exposed to abusive physical punishment (U=6,0; p=0,03), and adult fighting at home (U=7,5; p=0,02) and to violent TV programs (U=8,0; p=0,02) were emitted more real aggression. Boys that reported toy guns at home were not registered in aggressive behavior more often than those who did not, but displayed a higher proportion of pretend aggression (U= 8,0; p=0,02). The more aggressive models at home, the higher the incidence of aggressive behavior during observation periods (Rho=0,603; p=0,02). No two-way interactions between factors (aggressive models) were found in the multivariate analysis. Despite these significant results, the proportions of rough and tumble play and of real aggression gradually decreased through the 12 periods of observation. The great majority of our 15 subjects engaged less in rough and tumble play and displayed less real aggression during the last 6 periods of observation than during the first ones (within subjects: t=4,26; gl=14; p=0,001). Overall, our results indicate a cumulative effect of aggressive models in ludic and aggressive behavior, although this effect may change with the increasing familiarity of subjects with the lack of interference by adults. / A agressividade é uma característica comportamental típica dos animais. No caso do ser humano, este tipo de comportamento é influenciado tanto por fatores biológicos como sócio-culturais, e pode acarretar em sérios problemas tanto para sujeitos agressores como para vítimas de agressão. Conhecer os fatores evolutivos e ontogenéticos que influenciam a agressividade humana é portanto extremamente relevante não só para a compreensão teórica deste comportamento, como também para possíveis medidas de prevenção. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma investigação empírica sobre a relação entre variáveis sociais (punição física, modelos de agressividade apresentados pela televisão e pelos pais, utilização de armas de brinquedo) e o comportamento agressivo e lúdico de crianças pré-escolares. Os sujeitos consistiram de 15 meninos entre quatro e seis anos de idade que freqüentavam regularmente uma creche na cidade de Goiânia. Dados demográficos e sobre a freqüência de modelos de agressividade em casa foram obtidos através de entrevistas estruturadas com os sujeitos. Dados comportamentais foram obtidos durante 12 sessões de 60 minutos de observação naturalística. Em cada sessão, os sujeitos permaneciam em uma sala de aproximadamente 60m2, sem brinquedos, e com a mínima interferência de adultos (atividade livre). A porcentagem de tempo gasta por cada sujeito em atividades lúdicas (brincadeira turbulenta e não turbulenta) foi calculada a partir de 20 registros de varredura instantânea ( scan ) a cada sessão. Dados sobre comportamento agressivo (agressão real e agressão simulada) foram obtidos através de registros de todas as ocorrências. Uma análise multivariada de variância (MANOVA- procedimento GLM do SPSS v. 13.0) indicou uma relação significativa entre o comportamento lúdico e a presença de modelos agressivos em casa, em especial a presença de armas de brinquedo (F=9,93; gl=1; p=0,01) e de brigas em casa (F=8,56 ; gl=1; p=0,02): crianças que relataram estes modelos em casa brincaram mais de forma turbulenta do que os que não relataram estes modelos. Crianças expostas à punição física (U=6,0; p=0,03), a brigas em casa (U=7,5; p=0,02) e a programas televisivos violentos (U=8,0; p=0,02) apresentaram maior número de registros de agressão real. As que relataram armas de brinquedo em casa não obtiveram registros mais freqüentes de agressividade, embora tenham apresentado uma proporção de agressões simuladas maior do que as que não relataram tais brinquedos (U= 8,0; p=0,02). Quanto mais modelos, maior a incidência destes comportamentos ao longo das sessões de observação (Rho=0,603; p=0,02). Nenhuma interação significativa entre fatores (modelos de agressividade) foi encontrada na análise multivariada. Apesar destes resultados significativos, a proporção de brincadeiras turbulentas e de agressões reais caiu substancialmente ao longo das 12 sessões. A grande maioria dos 15 sujeitos brincou menos de forma turbulenta e agrediu menos seus colegas nas últimas seis sessões, e mais nas primeiras seis sessões (teste t pareado: t=4,26; gl=14; p=0,001). Em conjunto, nossos resultados indicam um efeito cumulativo dos modelos de agressividade no comportamento lúdico e agressivo, embora este efeito possa sofrer modificações com a crescente familiaridade com a atividade livre.

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