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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Za ruku, spolu a sám / By the hand, together and by myself

Alexová, Jitka Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to design a kindergarten in new, expanding district Sadová. To create space for preschool children but also a place which will support local community. This thesis is based on intergenerational support, specific needs of children and their space perception.

Zapojení projektu Škola písničkou do výchovně vzdělávacího procesu v MŠ / How to use a project called "School of Songs" in Kindergartens

Zelenková, Blanka January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on targeted use of authorial songs from the project "School of Songs" to interconnect all educational areas in kindergarten with the emphasis on children's own creativity. The theoretical part deals with important developmental aspects of pre-school and primary school children, focuses on musical activities and how to integrate musical education in kindergartens. Diploma thesis also looks closely on the musical project "School of Songs", originally intended for children of younger school age. Furthermore it introduces a follow-up project "School of Song to Kindergartens", reworked with the benefit of preschool children with regard to their developmental specifics. The practical part focuses on verifying the benefits of the project "School of Songs to kindergartens". The songs were incorporated into the school educational program, a new didactic material was created, implemented and verified in 59 kindergartens over the two years period. The aim of this thesis is to verify the methodological material from the project "School of Songs to kindergartens" in kindergarten Tolstého, located in Prague 10 and in other kindergartens from various locations in the Czech Republic. Another objective is to evaluate the benefit of songs and methodological materials for kindergarten...

"Då kan du klä ut dig till en ytspänning" - Reflektionens potential för kompetensutveckling och ökad kvalitet i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om hur diskursiva praktiker möjliggör kompetensutveckling i individuella reflektioner och i gemensamma arbetslagsreflektioner / “You could dress up as a surface tension” - The potential for competence development and increased quality through reflection in preschool : A qualitative study about how discursive practices  enable competence development in individual reflections and collaborative reflections

Bergkvist, Elsa January 2023 (has links)
Preschool workteams, must continuously and systematically monitor children's development and evaluate the opportunities the education offers for children to develop and learn in accordance with the curriculum. This qualitative study deals with reflection from a socio-cultural perspective where differences between individual reflection and collective workteam reflection are examined in relation to the preschool's work with quality and operational development. The participants consist of two workteams containing three people. They have completed an activity and then answered a questionnaire representing the individual reflection, as well as participated in a focus group interview, which represents the collective workteam reflections. By investigating how appropriation, internalization, proximal development zone and scaffolding are made possible in different reflection contexts based on the current discursive practices for the reflection, the competence development that becomes relevant can be made visible. The tools are also important factors for how reflection becomes competence developing. The result shows that the collective workteam reflections enable a more extensive content where more aspects of the same topic are covered. The workteams also have the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge, but are less likely to identify gaps in their own knowledge. The discursive practices, as well as the tools used, have consequences for the content that is dealt with in the reflection. These collective workteam reflections have a higher quality in comparison to the individual reflections and prove to be significant for the work with quality and operational development in the preschool. / Arbetslag i förskolan ska kontinuerligt och systematiskt följa barns utveckling och utvärdera de möjligheter utbildningen erbjuder för att barn ska utvecklas och lära i enlighet med läroplanen. Denna kvalitativa studie behandlar reflektion utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv där skillnader mellan individuell reflektion och gemensam arbetslagsreflektion undersöks i relation till förskolans arbete med kvalitets- och verksamhetsutveckling. Deltagarna består av två arbetslag med tre personer i varje, där de har genomfört en aktivitet för att sedan svara på ett frågeformulär som representerar den individuella reflektionen, samt deltagit i en fokusgruppintervju, som representerar de gemensamma arbetslagsreflektionerna. Genom att undersöka hur appropriering, internalisering, proximal utvecklingszon, scaffolding möjliggörs i olika reflektionssammanhang utifrån de diskursiva praktiker som råder för reflektionstillfället, kan den kompetensutveckling som blir aktuell, synliggöras. Redskapen tas också upp som viktiga faktorer för hur reflektionen blir kompetensutvecklande. Resultatet visar att de gemensamma arbetslagsreflektionerna möjliggör för ett mer omfattande innehåll där fler aspekter av samma ämne tas upp. Arbetslagen har också möjlighet att dela med sig av erfarenheter och kunskaper, men är mindre benägna att identifiera brister i sin egen kunskap. De diskursiva praktikerna, samt redskapen som används får konsekvenser för det innehåll som behandlas i reflektionen. Dessa gemensamma arbetslagsreflektioner har en högre kvalitet i jämförelse med de individuella reflektionerna och visar sig betydelsefulla för arbetet med kvalitets- och verksamhetsutveckling i förskolan.

Předčtenářské období a rozvoj čtenářské pre-gramotnosti v rámci rodiny / Pre-reading period and development of early reading abilities in family environment

Matulová, Kristýna January 2022 (has links)
The submitted diploma degree thesis deals with the development of pre-reading literacy in family environment. The aim of this thesis is to find out which ideas about developing early reading skills parents have and how they build pre-reading skills in their children. The thesis is also focused on parent-child communication and child's vocabulary. The theoretical part defines basic terms relevant to the topic of reading and literacy. It offers characteristics of a pre-school child and his development in areas which are related to pre-reading literacy. The particularization of the term of pre-reading literacy and activities supporting literacy skills are presented as well.It defines the concept of family communication and child-directed speech. The final chapter of the theoretical part describes previous research that has been conducted in this field in the past. The theoretical part of the thesis is based on the study of research literature and crucial research. The practical part is devoted to an empirical study. It consists of five case studies which are focused on the analysis of video recordings connected to the development of pre-reading literacy in family environment. The video recordings were anonymized and, with slight deviations, transcribed according to the CHAT system, which is a part of...

Organiserande syften som stöd för kemiundervisning i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om att designa och analysera undervisning om vattnets faser med utgångpunkt i faktaböcker. / Organizing purposes as support for chemistry teaching in preschool. : A qualitative study on designing and analyzing teaching about the phases of water based on fact books.

Hinders, Lena, Hedlund, Therese January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om hur Organiserande syften kan användas som stöd för didaktisk analys och design av kemiundervisning i förskolan som tar utgångspunkt i faktaböcker. Som forskningsansats har vi använt oss av aktionsforskning och inom ramen för detta gjordes en didaktisk modellering där vi exemplifierat hur den didaktiska modellen Organiserande syften kan användas som stöd i planering, genomförande samt utvärdering av undervisning i förskolan. Utifrån detta har vi i vår studie genomfört två undervisningscyklar och påbörjat en tredje där vi systematiskt har planerat, agerat, observerat och reflekterat med hjälp av begrepp som kopplas till den didaktiska modellen Organiserande syften: övergripande syfte, närliggande syfte och kontinuitet. Datainsamlingen skedde genom observation under undervisningsaktiviteterna. Aktiviteternas huvudfokus var vattnets olika faser och riktade sig till barn i åldern tre – fem år. I resultatet kunde vi se att när den didaktiska modellen Organiserande syfte användes som ett didaktiskt verktyg var denna ett stöd i utvecklingen samt förbättringen av undervisningen. Modellen hjälpte oss vid planering av aktiviteterna och synliggjorde genom övergripande och närliggande syften på vilket lärandeobjekt eller område som skulle vara i fokus. Analysen av undervisningscyklarna visade på vilka förbättringar som behövde göras inför nästkommande cykel för att det skulle utgå från barnens livsvärld samt utmana till nya upptäckter. Slutsatsen i denna studie påvisar att organiserande syften kan vara ett stöd för pedagoger i förskolan att designa, analysera samt utveckla undervisningens kvalité. / The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of how the didactic model organizing purposes can be used in preschool, as support in didactic analyzis and design of chemistry teaching based on non-fictional books. As a research approach, we utilized action research and within this structure didactic modeling was done. We exemplified how organizing purposes can be used as support in planning, implementation and evaluation of preschool teaching. Within this systematically planned, acted, observed and analysed two teaching cycles and planned a third by using the concepts that are linked to the model organizing purposes: ultimate purposes, proximate purposes and continuity. Data was collected through observation of the teaching activities that were carried out. The activities refer to different phases of water and was aimed at children aged three to five years. The results of this study show that using the didactic model organizing purposes as a didactic tool supports the improvement and development of teaching in a preschool environment. The model supported us in the planning of the activities by bringing light to which learning objects or area should be in focus, through the concepts ultimate and proximal purposes. Our analysis of the teaching cycles showed what improvements needed to be made. Improvements that would make the activities better based on children’s knowledge as well as challenge them to make new discoveries. The conclusion of this study shows that organizing purposes can act as support for preschool educators when designing, analyzing and developing the quality of teaching.

Diagnostika rané gramotnosti u dětí v předškolním věku / Diagnostic of preschool children early literacy

Seydlová, Marie January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is especially pedagogical oriented, it is focused on matters of speech therapy. In theoretical part, there are described issues of intact speech development and language skills of children, and also early literacy and malfunction of communication skills of pre-school children. This work is comparing two types of pre-school education. One of them is classic pre-school, the second one is alternative Montessori pre-school. Empirical part was realized with MABEL test battery. MABEL is diagnostic battery for evaluation of early literacy and skills for development of early literacy. There were used tests of elision and isolation of phones, fast naming of colours and pictures, writing of easy words and phones composing. Research survey was placed in two pre-schools. Respondents were early aged children, who attend these schools. The main objective of this work was to find and compare early literacy of pre-school children. The results were compared to standards from diagnostic battery and they showed, that Montessori respondents got slightly higher score in comparison to children of classic pre-school. However, results are little bit disorted, because of low number of total respondents.

Genus i bilderböcker för barn : En analys av bilderböcker för barn ur ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv / Gender in picture books for children : A gender-theoretical analysis of picture books for children

Wahlsten Söderström, Marie-Louise January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative analysis was to research if and how gender is portrayed in picture books for children in Swedish preschools. Based on Hirdman’s gender system theory(1988, 2001) I analyzed the book characters in text and illustrations, to see if gender contracts between the sexes are visible, and what dichotomies might be challenged. A minor Swedish municipality's public library provided statistics that showed five of the most lent picturebooks by preschools in 2021. I then analyzed these books using narratology and analysis tools such as analysis questions and the concept of dichotomy. The analysis shows that gender is portrayed in a traditionally stereotypical way in every book but in varying degrees. Even in the books that don’t portray gender very clearly, it still shows, mainly through the illustration’s stereotypical gender markers such as certain clothes, colors, or attributes. The analysis portrays a gender contract between the female and male sexes in every book but in different ways and degrees. In some, it’s the hierarchy as in male superiority that shows, in others, it’s the separation of the sexes. Dichotomies between the sexes are both challenged and maintained in different ways, and female characters challenge them more often than male characters do. I conclude that picture books in Swedish preschools portray gender and gender relations in a stereotypical manner to a degree, whether it’s expressed through text, illustrations or iconotext. These findings are supported by Hirdman (1988, 2001) and previous research. / Syftet med denna kvalitativa undersökning var att undersöka hur genus porträtteras i bilderböcker för barn i svenska förskolan. Jag ville utifrån Hirdmans (1988, 2001) genussystemsteori undersöka hur bokkaraktärer framställs i text och bild, om genuskontrakt mellan manligt och kvinnligt synliggörs i böckerna, samt vilka dikotomier som eventuellt utmanas. Urvalet av bilderböcker skedde genom att stadsbiblioteket i en mindre svensk kommun tog fram statistik som visade fem av de mest utlånade bilderböckerna för barn till den valda kommunens förskolor under 2021. Jag analyserade sedan dessa böcker med hjälp av narratologin samt med analysverktyg i form av analysfrågor och begreppet dikotomi. Analysen visar att genus framställs på ett traditionellt sett stereotypt vis i samtliga böcker, men i varierande grad. Även i de böcker som inte framskriver genus tydligt så synliggörs genus ändå, framför allt genom stereotypa genusmarkörer i illustrationerna i form av vissa kläder, attribut eller färger. Genuskontraktet mellan manligt och kvinnligt framskrivs enligt analysen i samtliga böcker men olika tydligt och på olika vis, i vissa beskrivs hierarki i form av den manliga överordningen, i andra isärhållning av könen. Analysens dikotomier både utmanas och upprätthålls på olika sätt och det är fler kvinnliga karaktärer än manliga som utmanar dem. Min slutsats är att bilderböcker i svensk förskola till viss del skildrar genus och genusrelationer utifrån de stereotyper som genusteorier likt Hirdmans (1988, 2001) samt tidigare forskning visar, antingen i texten, illustrationerna eller genom ikonotexten.

Preschool-based Interventions to Promote Peer Interactions of Children with Autism : A Systematic Literature Review from 2010-2022

Moradimehreh, Parvaneh January 2022 (has links)
Autism often makes children struggle to interact with peers, including initiating, responding, and maintaining social interactions in social settings. They may frequently miss opportunities to engage with peers; they get alienated and tend to appear outside peer activities, restricting opportunities for developing relationships. The time that a child spends in preschool and with peers is crucial for their social skills to develop. Over time, their peers will have a more significant influence on them. This systematic literature review aimed to describe the preschool-based intervention for children with Autism to increase their peer interaction. The search was conducted using three databases (ERIC, PsycINFO, and Web of Science), and seven studies were then selected that met predefined inclusion criteria. The current review includes different interventions such as Peer-mediated intervention, preferred Activities with Peer Support, iPod Touch™, Technology as Communication Devices, and Peer-Mediated LEGO® Play intervention. The seven selected articles conducted an intervention to improve peer interaction of children with Autism. The majority of the reviewed studies found that peer interaction interventions improved the social interaction of children with Autism.  As the limitation of the study, the lack of research focusing on preschool-based children with autism spectrum disorders and the interventions available to them were highlighted.

Förskolerektorers reflektioner kring förutsättningar och stöd för skolutvecklingsuppdraget / Pre-school principals’ reflections of conditions and support for the mission of school development

Jönsson, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Abstract As written in the pre-school's governing documents, principals are responsible for the work with school development and systematic quality work in the organization. In previous studies and in reports from the Swedish National Agency for Education, criticism has been given regarding, among other things, the lack of prerequisites and support for principals in carrying out school development. This study has sought knowledge on preschool principals' experiences and reflections of working conditions and subsequent support for the developmental part of their work docket, as well as which support structures principals believe should facilitate the work geared towards school development. This study reveals that principals, due to a relatively widespread lack of understanding of the pre-school's mission, confirm a lack of suitable conditions and support for their work. The need for increased resources both to educate uneducated staff and to create opportunity for school development and systematic quality work is analysed. The study also mentions the impact of school culture on and that of conditions concerning school development. In accordance with Abbott's profession theory, signs are shown in the principals' experiences that increased governance and control of professions can lead to de-professionalization and that competition for jurisdiction (the field with exclusive tasks linked to a profession) can lead to a change in the status of an entire professional group. A strong and clear profession with autonomy and control over its tasks and jurisdiction can, through these distinguishing characteristics, exclude competing professions or groups fighting for the same tasks. / Sammanfattning Rektorer har genom förskolans styrdokument, ansvar för arbetet med skolutveckling och systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i organisationen. I forskning samt i rapporter från Skolverket finns återkommande kritik mot bland annat bristande förutsättningar och stöd för rektorer att bedriva skolutveckling. Föreliggande studie undersöker förskolerektorers reflektioner och erfarenheter av förutsättningar och stöd från huvudman och personal för skolutveckling samt vilka stödstrukturer som rektorerna anser bör underlätta arbetet med skolutveckling. Resultatet visar att rektorer ofta upplever en utbredd brist på förståelse för förskolans uppdrag samt att de saknar förutsättningar och stöd i sitt arbete. Det finns behov av ökade resurser både för utbildning av outbildad personal och för att frigöra tid i verksamheten för skolutveckling och systematiskt kvalitetsarbete. I resultatet framkommer också att skolkulturen påverkar förutsättningar för skolutveckling. Rektorerna uttrycker, i enlighet med Abbotts professionsteori, att ökad styrning och kontroll av professioner leder till avprofessionalisering samt att konkurrens om jurisdiktion (fältet med exklusiva arbetsuppgifter knutna till en profession) kan leda till förändring av status för en hel yrkesgrupp. En stark och tydlig profession med autonomi och kontroll över sina arbetsuppgifter och jurisdiktion, kan genom dessa utmärkande egenskaper, exkludera konkurrerande professioner eller grupper som konkurrerar om samma arbetsuppgifter i syfte att stärka sin profession.

Barns inflytande i samlingens olika moment : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Childrens influence in various elements of circle-time : A qualitative interview study

Engström, Moa, Högberg, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute more knowledge about how childrensdemocratic influence is expressed in preschool with a particular focus ongathering situations. In the study, we used a qualitative semi-structuredinterview. With an adaptable interview guide, to obtain the pre-school teachers'perceptions. Our study is based on Shiers participation model, to be able tointerpret and categorize the extent to which preschool teachers enablechildren's participation and influence in circle time. The results indicate thatpreschool teachers incorporate children's interests and opinions in the planningand execution of circle time by being present in the children's group. This isachieved through an active approach where children are given the opportunityto express their view. The conclusion of the study indicates that influence and participation in circletime are facilitated through the precense of educators. This is achieved bypreschool teachers actively working to convey childrens interests and opinions.Additionally, voting is presented as a tool to promote democratic practices inpreschool. / Syftet med studien är att bidra med mer kunskaper om hur barns demokratiskainflytande tas i uttryck i förskolan med särskilt fokus på samlingssituationer.Vi har i studien använt oss av en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervju. Med enanpassningsbar intervjuguide, för att få fram förskollärarnas uppfattningar. VårStudie bygger på Shiers delaktighetsmodell, för att kunna tolka ochkategorisera i vilken mån förskollärare möjliggör för barns delaktighet ochinflytande i samlingar. Resultatet visar på att förskollärare tar vara på barnsintressen och åsikter i planering och utförande av samlingar genom att varanärvarande i barngruppen. Även genom ett aktivt arbetssätt där barnen fårkomma till tals och uttrycka sina synpunkter. Slutsatsen av studien visar på att inflytande och delaktighet i samlingarmöjliggörs genom närvarande pedagoger. Detta genom att förskollärare arbetaraktivt med att framföra barns intressen och åsikter. Samt att röstning framförssom ett redskap för att främja ett demokratiskt arbete i förskolan.

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