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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Infant Mortality Among African American Women Compared to European American Women in New York City

Taylor, Marian 01 January 2017 (has links)
The birth of low weight babies in the United States has not had a meaningful decline for the last 10 years.It continues to be a major predictor of fetal-infant mortality. In addition, the rate of low birth weight infants among African American women continues to be twice that of European American women. Low birth weight babies may experience breathing problems, vision problems, diabetes, hypertension, and cerebral palsy. The purpose of this study was to examine why the high infant mortality rate persist among the African American communities of Southeast Queens, New York City as compared to European American communities in the Borough of Queens, New York City.This was a quantitative retrospective study with a correlational design that utilized secondary data derived from vital records maintained by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The investigation was guided by the ecological model as the theoretical framework to collect, assess, and analyze the data. Logistic regression was used to predict the association of risk factors to infant mortality. Low birth weight, preterm birth, late or no prenatal care, and smoking during pregnancy were risk factors associated with a high mortality rate among African American women. Positive social change implications for this study include the development of a social intervention that will be culturally based for the diverse communities of Southeast Queens, New York City. There will be a collaborative effort in implementing the evidence-based interventions involving interested stakeholders.

Föräldrars erfarenheter av att tacka nej till Svenska Vaccinationsprogrammet / Parents' experience of refraining the Swedish Vaccination program

Cederlund, Camilla, Malmerström, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Svenska Vaccinationsprogrammet ingår vaccin mot elva sjukdomar, vilket erbjuds alla barn i Sverige men är inte obligatoriskt. Vaccinationstäckningen är hög, men en del föräldrar väljer att avstå vaccination. Tidigare forskning visar att föräldrar känner sig diskriminerade för sitt beslut att avstå vaccination för sitt barn och kunde uppleva en social stigmatisering från sin omgivning. Ett gott bemötande är viktigt för att skapa en god relation mellan specialistsjuksköterskan och föräldrar som väljer att avstå vaccination, och deras barn. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa föräldrars erfarenheter av vårdpersonalens bemötande då de avstår vaccination till sina barn. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en tvärsnittsstudie med både en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ del. Webbenkäter skapades och delades på internet och analyserades genom beskrivande statistik. Uppföljande telefonintervjuer utfördes och analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. 33 deltagare svarade på enkäten och 4 av dessa deltagare deltog i telefonintervjuerna. Resultat: Enkätsvaren presenterades med hjälp av tabeller där föräldrarnas erfarenheter tydliggörs. I de efterföljande telefonintervjuerna framkom två huvudkategorier; Omgivningens påverkan och En god vårdrelation, samt fem underkategorier. Slutsats: Många föräldrar upplever attityder som är nedlåtande och ifrågasättande. En öppen dialog och en nyanserad diskussion kring vaccin och vaccination efterfrågas då det framkom att föräldrarna ansåg vårdpersonalen ha allt för dålig kunskap kring vaccin. Föräldrarna uttryckte också en förhoppning om att bli bemötta på ett respektfullt sätt och det är viktigt att bekräfta dessa föräldrars erfarenheter för att tillgodose en personcentrerad vård. / Background: The Swedish Vaccination programme includes vaccine for eleven diseases which is offered to all children in Sweden, but not mandatory. The vaccination coverage is high, but some parents choose to refrain from vaccination. Previous research shows that parents often feel discriminated for refraining vaccination for their child and experience a social stigmatisation from the society. Through a good caring treatment it is possible to maintain a good relationship with parents that refrain from vaccinations, and to their children. Aim: The aim was to illustrate parents' experiences of the encounter with healthcare professionals when refraining vaccinations for their children. Method: The study was performed as a cross-sectional study with both a quantitative and a qualitative part. Web-based questionnaires was created and distributed on the internet and was then analysed through descriptive analysis. Follow-up phone interviews were carried out and analysed through qualitative content analysis. 33 participants answered the questionnaire and 4 of those participated in an interview. Results: The answers from the questionnaires was presented with charts where the parent´s experiences were clarified. From the interview data two main categories emerged; The impact of society and A good caring relationship, which were built on five subcategories. Conclusion: Many parents experience patronizing attitudes and being questioned in their encounter with healthcare professionals. Parents further considered healthcare professionals to have poor knowledge and requested an open dialogue and a nuanced discussion about vaccine and vaccination. Parents also expressed an expectation of being treated in a respectful manner and it is important to acknowledge these parents' experience in order to provide a personcentered care.

Preconception strategies to improve maternal and newborn outcomes in Blantyre Urban, Malawi

Kadango, Alice 05 1900 (has links)
The study was done to assess the information and care the men and women have on PCC and develop strategies that could improve provision of PCC that could advance maternal and newborn outcome after pregnancy in Malawi. Most for the interventions to improve pregnancy outcome are done too late in Malawi but there is an opportunity during preconception period to plan to improve the health of the couple so that the goal of a healthy mother and baby is attained. The objectives were to: explore and describe the knowledge men and women of childbearing age have on HTSP and PCC, identify variables that influence men and women to acquire appropriate knowledge on PCC and finally to develop strategies that could assist provision of PCC in developing countries like Malawi. Adverse issues that affect the couples could be addressed promptly before the occurrence of pregnancy. A quantitative non-experimental descriptive-correlation design method was used to determine the knowledge men and women of childbearing have on HTSP and PCC. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 300 men and women of childbearing age. The target population for the study was prospective parents that are couples that have an intention to conceive, women of childbearing age that could be accessible at family planning, gyneacological and under-five clinics between the ages of 18-35 years. A questionnaire was adapted from a study conducted in Texas. SPSS version 20 was used to analyse the data by generating frequencies and chi- square. Kruskal Wallis test was used to determine relationship between variables and knowledge on preconception care. The constructs examined were psychological preparation, reproductive health care and the physical care that are provided to ensure a healthy pregnancy outcome. With a 100% response rate the findings indicated a gap of information and care on PCC.Services on PCC were not available in the clinics which indicated a great need to empower health care providers on PCC that could reduce maternal and neonatal mortality rate. The findings were used to develop relevant preconception strategies that would assist health providers to give PCC that would improve maternal and newborn outcomes in Malawi. / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Ensamkommande flickor och deras framtid : Unga kvinnor som har kommit till Sverige som ensamkommande flickor, hur de talar om sin framtid samt deras upplevelser av utbildning och arbete i Sverige / Unaccompanied refugee girls and their future : Young women who came to Sweden as unaccompanied refugee girls, how they speak of their future and their experiences of education and work in Sweden

Trygg, Johanna, Blom, Elin January 2016 (has links)
I denna studie har erfarenheter och framtidsvisioner vad gäller utbildning och arbete i Sverige bland unga kvinnor som kom till Sverige som ensamkommande flickor undersökts. Ambitionen med studien är att öka kunskapen kring gruppen unga kvinnor som kommit till Sverige som ensamkommande flickor. Kvalitativa djupgående intervjuer samt en hermeneutisk forskningsansats, präglad av författarnas förförståelse, har använts i studien. I studieresultatet framkommer att de unga kvinnorna upplever mindre stöd samt en ökad ensamhet efter att de har flyttat från HVB-hemmet till eget boende. Studieresultatet visar även på att de unga kvinnorna upplever segregation i skolan samt har kunskapsluckor kring arbete och utbildning. I studiens slutsats formuleras möjliga förbättringar för att öka unga kvinnors kontaktnät innan de flyttar till eget boende, för att motverka segregation i skolan samt förslag på att införa regelbundna samtal. Förbättringarna syftar till att öka unga kvinnors möjligheter att nå sina mål, nå ökat välmående samt en förbättrad integration. / This study have set out to oppose the experience and outlook on future regarding education and work within the group of young women who came to Sweden as unaccompanied refugee children. The purpose of the study is also to increase knowledge about young women who came to Sweden as unaccompanied refugee children. Qualitative in-depth interviews with a hermeneutic research approach characterized by the author’s preconceptions have been used for the study. The key features of the study is that young women after they have moved out of the residential care home to their own apartments experience feelings of loneliness and lack of support. Experiences of segregation in school and knowledge gaps regarding education and work is also key features in the study. In the conclusion of the study possible improvements are suggested to improve young women’s contact network before moving to their own apartments, counteract segregation in school and suggest an establishment of regular dialogues. The improvements aims as a way to increase young women’s abilities to reach their goals, increase their wellbeing and improve integration.

Addressing the high adverse pregnancy outcomes through the incorporation of preconception care (PCC) in the health system of Ethiopia

Andargachew Kassa Biratu 11 1900 (has links)
Background: Preconception care (PCC) is highly recommended evidence-based intervention to optimize women’s health in particular and in so doing reduce the incidences of adverse pregnancy outcomes (APO). PCC targets modification of risk factors to APO occurring before and just at early weeks of conception. Nevertheless, in Ethiopia, the need to implement PCC as part of the continuums of the comprehensive Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Care services is not yet studied. Purpose/Aim of the study: This study aimed to develop a guideline to assist the incorporation of PCC in Ethiopian health system thereby reduce the highly incident APOs in the country, which is the purpose of the study. Methodology: This study applied the explanatory sequential mixed method to determine the determinants to the non-implementation PCC in Ethiopia. In addition, a policy document analysis was conducted to identify the existence of policy guiding the implementation of PCC in Ethiopia. Finally, the study applied a Delphi technique to increase the utility and acceptance of the guideline developed. The study was guided by a theory based framework called a Framework for Determinants of Innovation Processes (FDOIP). RESULT: Nearly all (84.7%) of the healthcare providers (HCPs) never ever practiced PCC. Even among those who ever practiced, the majority (74%), practiced it poorly. More than two third (68.6%) had poor PCC knowledge. HCP’s with good PCC knowledge had likely hood of practicing PCC by four times greater than those with poor PCC knowledge (AOR=4.4, 95% CI: 2.5-7.6). The policy document analysis identified the absence of policy guiding the practice of PCC in Ethiopia. The HCP’s curriculums also didn’t include PCC. The determinants to non-implementation of PCC, as perceived by the qualitative study participants include absence of national PCC policy , absence of PCC guideline, lack of institutional PCC plan, presence of other competing demand, lack of laboratory facilities and setup, lack of accountable body, absence of Individual or organization introduced PCC to the country, absence of trained manpower on PCC, absence of known expert in PCC, Poor public awareness about preconception health and PCC, Unplanned Pregnancy and poor health seeking behaviour. CONCLUSION The study revealed the absence of a standard and complete PCC practices by the HCPs. Nearly all HCPs never ever implement PCC. Even those very few practitioners were found practicing PCC poorly that is in a substandard, incidental, and in an inconsistent way. There is no formal policy document guiding the implementation of in Ethiopia. The HCPs training curriculum didn’t include PCC. The guideline developed base on the study findings of the study recommended to incorporating PCC in Ethiopia health system. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Vegetariánství a těhotenství / Vegetarianism and pregnancy

Šimončičová, Renáta January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Master's thesis is focused on the problems facing vegetarianism during pregnancy. Further study is focused particularly on the exploration of pregnant vegetarian's dietary habits. Object: The theoretical part's target is to familiarise readers with vegetarianism and pregnant vegetarian's diet. The practical part is focused on pregnant vegetarian's dietary habits, finding if those women are drawn to alternatives relating to decisions regarding their own bodies and if they will follow a vegetarian diet with their children. Methods: The survey was conducted through an anonymous online questionnaire. The data obtained is represented in graphs and tables. One part of the work is devoted to the analysis of the data. Results: The theoretical part shows that compilation of a properly assembled vegetarian diet during pregnancy requires enough relevant information. The survey shows that the majority of respondents eat mostly varied food according to the principles of healthy nutrition with respect to vegetarianism. The greater part of the respondents tend to alternatives in relation to decisions about their own bodies. Absolute majority of respondents stated they are not going to lead or are not leading their children to vegetarianism. Conclusion: Proper preparation of meatless diet requires...

Osvojování lingvistického pojmu a termínu spojka u žáků 1. stupně ZŠ / The Process of Acquiring the Linguistic Concept of Conjunction by Primary School Pupils

Martáková Styblíková, Jana January 2019 (has links)
Title: The Process of Acquiring the Linguistic Concept of Conjunction by Primary School Pupils Author: Mgr. Jana Martáková Styblíková Department: Czech Language Department Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Eva Hájková, CSc. Abstract: The dissertation deals with the issue of acquiring the linguistic concept and the term of the conjunction by primary school pupils of 1st-5th, works with children's preconceptions in the language area and introduces how the pupils of the first grade of the elementary school work with the term conjunction. It maps the cognitive processes of pupils in the context of the acquisition of the conjunction language phenomenon and the important moments in which the primary child preconception changes into the language term in the pupils mind. Introduces with the process of conceptualizing the language reality, in which he detaches from the naive child concept of conjunction to the specific linguistic term of a conjunction as a verbal type. It describes the individual parts of the research, in which the individual thought movements of pupils in the area of linguistic gripping of the term conjunction are gradually transformed. It presents the individual research methods as tools by which we monitor the development of the preconception of the conjunction in the linguistic concept. Managed interviews...

Institutions and Immutable Causes of Human Capital

Mabeu, Marie Christelle 29 June 2020 (has links)
My doctoral thesis examines the broad question of whether appropriately designed institutions and policies can address the short- and long-term consequences of determinants of human capital which are "immutable'' by nature or are perceived as such. I consider three different types of immutable determinants of human capital: male versus female biology; colonization; and traditional norms of gender roles. In Chapter 1, I examine whether, and how, change in political regime type affects excess male infant mortality. Analyzing data on more than 3 million live births from sub-Saharan African countries, I exploit within-mother variation in political regime type to find that excess male infant mortality significantly decreases following a transition to democracy. I identify competitiveness of executive recruitment, constraints on the chief executive, and political participation as the features of democracy that matter most. Examining causal mechanisms, I find that democracy fosters the provision of health inputs, including maternal education, tetanus immunization, breastfeeding, and normal birth weight, all of which have stronger health benefits for boys than for girls, despite being found to be ex-ante "gender-neutral'' in my setting. In Chapter 2, I examine how colonial reproductive laws interact with market incentives to shape long-term fertility behavior in Africa. Exploiting the arbitrary division of ancestral ethnic homelands and the resulting discontinuity in institutions across the British-French colonial borders, I find that women in former British areas are more likely to delay sexual debut and marriage, and have fewer children. However, these effects disappear in areas close to sea, where market access and the opportunity cost of childbearing appear to be high irrespective of the colonizer identity. This heterogeneous impact of colonial origins extends to measures of local economic development and household welfare. Examining causal mechanisms, I argue that the fertility effect of colonial origins is directly linked to colonial population policies and reproductive laws and their impact on the use of modern methods of birth control. I find little evidence that the fertility effect of British colonization operates through education or income. While British colonization is linked to higher female education levels, this occurs mainly close to the sea while the fertility effects do not. Again, while income levels differ, the fertility gap between British and French colonies opened prior to 1980, while the income gap opened-up after 1990. This chapter highlights the heterogeneous nature of the colonial origins of comparative fertility behavior and economic development, and implies that economic incentives may overcome historical determinism. In Chapter 3, I examine the interplay between legal origins and pre-colonial cultural norms of gender roles in determining female economic empowerment in sub-Saharan Africa. Taking advantage of the arbitrary division of ancestral ethnic homelands across countries with different legal origins, I directly compare women among the same ethnic group living in civil law countries and common law countries. I find that women in common law countries are significantly more educated, are more likely to work in the professional sector, and are less likely to marry at young age. However, these effects are either absent or significantly lower in settings where ancestral cultural norms do not promote women's rights and empowerment. In particular, I find little effect in bride price societies, patrilocal societies, and societies where women were not involved in agriculture in the past.

Využití textů Jana Nerudy ve výuce literatury / Use of Jan Neruda's Texts in Literature Classes

Mrázková, Miloslava January 2017 (has links)
The theoretical part of the master's thesis first deals with the context of Jan Neruda's life and work and with the representation of Neruda's texts in post-revolutionary reading books for junior high school and high school. This part is based on the results presented in the author's bachelor's thesis Work of Jan Neruda in reading books. The next chapter follows the formation of Jan Neruda's image in literature textbooks for junior high school and high school published after 1989. The analysis of reading books and textbooks shows the remaining emphasis on the writer's poetic work even though his contribution to the field of feuilleton and modern prose is considered to be more important. The results of this analysis are used to elucidate the aim of the thesis, which is a new selection of Neruda's texts and the creation of the author's own textbook explanatory texts emphasizing the writer's feuilletons and prose work. The practical part of the thesis contains a questionnaire "mini-research" of pupils' and students' preconceptions regarding the personality and work of Jan Neruda. This research together with another "mini-research" of different teachers' conceptions of teaching about Jan Neruda form the basis for accomplishing the aims of the thesis. The last chapter contains the author's selection of...

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