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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A NExpTime-Complete Description Logic Strictly Contained in C²

Tobies, Stephan 20 May 2022 (has links)
We examine the complexity and expressivity of the combination of the Description Logic ALCQI with a terminological formalism based on cardinality restrictions on concepts. This combination can naturally be embedded into C², the two variable fragment of predicate logic with counting quantifiers. We prove that ALCQI has the same complexity as C² but does not reach its expressive power. / An abriged version of this paper has been submitted to CSL'99

Analiza osobina dinamičkih postuslova u Horovim tripletima / Analyses of characteristics of dynamic postconditions in Hoare triplets

Kupusinac Aleksandar 01 January 2010 (has links)
<p>Doktorska disertacija prezentuje nov i opštiji način analiziranja&nbsp;semantike strukturiranih i objektno orijentisanih programa i to&nbsp;isključivo u okvirima predikatske logike prvog reda. Doktorska&nbsp;disertacija razmatra sledeće teme:<br />1.) S-programski račun,<br />2.) Definicija i osobine dinamičkih postuslova u S-računu,<br />3.) Konceptualne definicije objekta, klase i invarijante,<br />4.) Analiza invarijanata u klasi (SP-analiza i DP-analiza).</p> / <p>Doctoral thesis presents a new and more general method for analizing of&nbsp;structured and object-oriented program semantics, based on the first-order&nbsp;predicate logic. Doctoral thesis consideres next topics:<br />1.) S-program calculus,<br />2.) Definition and characteristics of dynamic postconditions in S-calculus,<br />3.) Conceptual definitions of object, class and invariant,<br />4.) Analyses of invariants in class (SP-analyses and DP-analyses).</p>

Επαγωγικός λογικός προγραμματισμός : μια διδακτική προσέγγιση

Καραμουτζογιάννη, Ζωή 31 May 2012 (has links)
Ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός (Inductive Logic Programming ή, σε συντομογραφία ILP) είναι ο ερευνητικός τομέας της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης (Artificial Intelligence) που δραστηριοποιείται στη τομή των γνωστικών περιοχών της Μάθησης Μηχανής (Machine Learning) και του Λογικού Προγραμματισμού (Logic Programming).Ο όρος επαγωγικός εκφράζει την ιδέα του συλλογισμού από το επί μέρους στο γενικό. Μέσω της επαγωγικής μάθησης μηχανής ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός επιτυγχάνει το στόχο του που είναι η δημιουργία εργαλείων και η ανάπτυξη τεχνικών για την εξαγωγή υποθέσεων από παρατηρήσεις (παραδείγματα) και η σύνθεση-απόκτηση νέας γνώσης από εμπειρικές παρατηρήσεις. Σε αντίθεση με της περισσότερες άλλες προσεγγίσεις της επαγωγικής μάθησης ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός ενδιαφέρεται για της ιδιότητες του συμπερασμού με κανόνες για την σύγκλιση αλγορίθμων και για την υπολογιστική πολυπλοκότητα των διαδικασιών. Ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός ασχολείται με την ανάπτυξη τεχνικών και εργαλείων για την σχεσιακή ανάλυση δεδομένων. Εφαρμόζεται απευθείας σε δεδομένα πολλαπλών συσχετισμών για την ανακάλυψη προτύπων. Τα πρότυπα που ανακαλύπτονται από τα συστήματα στον Επαγωγικό Λογικό Προγραμματισμό προκύπτουν από κάποιο γνωστό θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο και θετικά και αρνητικά παραδείγματα και εκφράζονται ως λογικά προγράμματα. Ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί εκτεταμένα σε προβλήματα που αφορούν τη μοριακή βιολογία, την βιοχημεία και την χημεία. Ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός διαφοροποιείται από τις άλλες μορφές Μάθησης Μηχανής, αφ’ ενός μεν λόγω της χρήσης μιας εκφραστικής γλώσσας αναπαράστασης και αφ’ ετέρου από τη δυνατότητά του να χρησιμοποιεί τη γνώση υποβάθρου. Έχουν αναπτυχθεί διάφορες μηχανισμούς υλοποίησης του ILP, εκ των οποίων η πιο πρόσφατη είναι η Progol, που βασίζεται σε ένα διερμηνέα της Prolog ο οποίος συνοδεύεται από έναν αλγόριθμο Αντίστροφης Συνεπαγωγής (Inverse Entailment). Η Progol κατασκευάζει νέες προτάσεις με τη γενίκευση των παραδειγμάτων που περιέχονται στη βάση δεδομένων που της δίνεται. Η θεωρία του Επαγωγικού Λογικού Προγραμματισμού εγγυάται ότι η Progol θα διεξάγει μια αποδεκτή αναζήτηση στο διάστημα των γενικεύσεων, βρίσκοντας το ελάχιστο σύνολο προτάσεων, από το οποίο όλα τα παραδείγματα μπορούν να προκύψουν. Σε αυτή την εργασία θα αναπτυχθούν αναλυτικά η θεωρία και οι κανόνες του Επαγωγικού Λογικού Προγραμματισμού, τα είδη των προβλημάτων που επιλύονται μέσω του Επαγωγικού Λογικού Προγραμματισμού, οι μέθοδοι που ακολουθούνται καθώς και ο τρόπος με τον οποίο αναπτύσσονται οι εφαρμογές του Επαγωγικού Λογικού Προγραμματισμού. Θα δοθούν επίσης παραδείγματα κατάλληλα για την κατανόηση των γνώσεων αυτών από ένα ακροατήριο που διαθέτει βασικές γνώσεις Λογικής και Λογικού Προγραμματισμού. / Inductive Logic Programming is a research area of Artificial Intelligence that operates in the intersection of cognitive areas of Machine Learning and Logic Programming. Through inductive machine learning, Inductive Logic Programming‟s objective is creating tools and developing techniques to extract new knowledge composing a background one and empirical observations (examples). Some methods are employed, the best known of which is the reverse implication, the reverse resolution and the inverse implication. Based on Inductive Logic Programming, some systems have been developed for knowledge production. The most widely used system is Progol, which uses an input of examples and background knowledge, whichε is stated in a kind of grammar compatible to that the programming language Prolog, and generates procedures in the same language that illustrate these examples. Other systems are FOIL, MOBAL, GOLEM and LINUS. There is also Cigol which is a programming language based on the theory of Inductive Logic Programming. These systems are used in many applications. The most important is the area of pharmacology, such as predictive toxicology, the provision of rheumatic disease and the design of drugs for Alzheimer's. Applications can also be found in programming, linguistics and games like chess.

Integrate Action Formalisms into Linear Temporal Description Logics

Baader, Franz, Liu, Hongkai, Mehdi, Anees ul 16 June 2022 (has links)
The verification problem for action logic programs with non-terminating behaviour is in general undecidable. In this paper, we consider a restricted setting in which the problem becomes decidable. On the one hand, we abstract from the actual execution sequences of a non-terminating program by considering infinite sequences of actions defined by a Büchi automaton. On the other hand, we assume that the logic underlying our action formalism is a decidable description logic rather than full first-order predicate logic.

社論的論證結構分析 / The Analysis of Argument Structures in Editorials

朱灼文, Chu, Chuo-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以兩篇結論對立的社論為個案,藉由形式語義學設計出將論說性篇章刻畫成一階謂詞邏輯符號的論述分析程序,使自然語言中對真實宣稱或正當宣稱的爭論還原成真值語義和論證形式有效性的判斷,從而具體地挽救被歧見所破壞的溝通行動。設計過程初擬了處理語篇命題結構、複合語句成分、回指關係、量號轄域歧義、因果語句、隱性前提推論、和引述結構的實用方案。 / By the means of formal semantics, this thesis used two opposite editorials as cases to design a discourse analysis procedure which translates expository-argumentative texts into formulae of first-order predicate logic. The procedure reduces disputes in natual language about truth or rightness claims into judgements on truth values and validities of argument forms, thus the communicative actions disabled by quarrels can be practically redempted. The designing drafted feasible treatments for propositional structures of discourses, compound sentential constituents, anaphoras, quantifier scope ambiguities, cause-and-effect statements, inferences for absent premises, and quotation structures.

Développement et réalisation d'un simulateur de machines à états abstraits temps-réel et model-checking de formules d'une logique des prédicats temporisée du premier ordre / Development and implementation of a simulator for abstract state machines with real time and model-checking of properties in a language of first order predicate logic with time

Vassiliev, Pavel 27 November 2008 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous proposons un modèle temporel dans le cadre des machines à états abstraits (ASM). Une extension du langage de spécification ASM est développé qui correspond à ce modéle temporel pour le temps continu. L'extension du langage avec des constructions de temps permet de diminuer la taille de la spécification et donc de réduire la probabilité d'erreurs. La sémantique de l'extension du langage ASM est fournie et prend en compte les définitions des fonctions externes, les valeurs des délais et les choix de résolution des non-déterminismes. Un sous-système de vérification des propriétés exprimées en logique FOTL (FirstOrder Timed Logic) est développé. Un simulateur d'ASMs temporisées est développé et implémenté, il comprend un analyseur syntaxique, un interprète du langage, un sous-système de vérification des propriétés ainsi qu'une interface graphique / In this thesis a temporal model for abstract state machines (ASM) method is pro- posed. An extension of ASM specification language on the base of the proposed temporal model with continuous time is developed. The language extension helps to reduce the size of the specification hence to diminish the probability of an error. The semantics of the extended ASM language is developed which takes into account the definitions of external functions, the values of time delays and the method of non-determinism resolving. A subsystem for verification of user properties in the FOTL language is developed. A simulator prototype for ASMs with time is developed and implemented. It includes the parser of the timed ASM language, the interpreter, the verification subsystem and the graphical user interface

Expertní systémy ES pro samostatné studium a jeho vyhodnocení / Expert systems ES for home study and evaluation

Novák, Jaroslav January 2009 (has links)
This master thesis contains the basic information about knowledge and expert systems. The thesis contains theoretic text about architecture of the expert systems and representation knowledge. The text regarding on representation knowledge contains examples of different ways of knowledge representation for expert systems. In the next part is described the design and all functions of the expert systems. This expert system uses frames representation.

Ontological Semantics

Loebe, Frank 06 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The original and still a major purpose of ontologies in computer and information sciences is to serve for the semantic integration of represented content, facilitating information system interoperability. Content can be data, information, and knowledge, and it can be distributed within or across these categories. A myriad of languages is available for representation. Ontologies themselves are artifacts which are expressed in various languages. Different such languages are utilized today, including, as well-known representatives, predicate logic, subsuming first-order (predicate) logic (FOL), in particular, and higher-order (predicate) logic (HOL); the Web Ontology Language (OWL) on the basis of description logics (DL); and the Unified Modeling Language (UML). We focus primarily on languages with formally defined syntax and semantics. This overall picture immediately suggests questions of the following kinds: What is the relationship between an ontology and the language in which it is formalized? Especially, what is the impact of the formal semantics of the language on the formalized ontology? How well understood is the role of ontologies in semantic integration? Can the same ontology be represented in multiple languages and/or in distinct ways within one language? Is there an adequate understanding of whether two expressions are intensionally/conceptually equivalent and whether two ontologies furnish the same ontological commitments? One may assume that these questions are resolved. Indeed, the development and adoption of ontologies is widespread today. Ontologies are authored in a broad range of different languages, including offering equally named ontologies in distinct languages. Much research is devoted to techniques and technologies that orbit ontologies, for example, ontology matching, modularization, learning, and evolution, to name a few. Ontologies have found numerous beneficial applications, and hundreds of ontologies have been created, considering solely the context of biomedical research. For us, these observations increase the relevance of the stated questions and close relatives thereof, and raise the desire for solid theoretical underpinnings. In the literature of computer and information sciences, we have found only few approaches that tackle the foundations of ontologies and their representation to allow for answering such questions or that actually answer them. We elaborate an analysis of the subject as the first item of central contributions within this thesis. It mainly results in the identification of a vicious circularity in (i) the intended use of ontologies to mediate between formal representations and (ii) solely exploiting formal semantic notions in representing ontologies and defining ontology-based equivalence as a form of intensional/conceptual equivalence. On this basis and in order to overcome its identified limitations, we contribute a general model-theoretic semantic account, named \\\"ontological semantics\\\". This kind of semantics takes the approach of assigning arbitrary entities as referents of atomic symbols and to link syntactic constructions with corresponding ontological claims and commitments. In particular, ontological semantics targets the avoidance of encoding effects in its definition. Therefore we argue that this semantic account is well suited for interpreting formalized ontologies and for defining languages for the representation of ontologies. It is further proposed as a fundament for envisioned novel definitions of the intensional equivalence of expressions, in potential deviation from only being formally equivalent under set-theoretic semantics. The thesis is defended that a particular usage of a formalism and its respective vocabulary should be accompanied by establishing an ontological semantics that is tailored to that use of the formalism, in parallel to the formal semantics of the language, in order to capture the ontological content of the formal representation for adequate reuse in other formalisms. Accordingly, we advocate ontological semantics as a useful framework for justifying translations on an intensional basis. Despite all deviations of ontological semantics from its set-theoretic blueprint, close relationships between the two can be shown, which allow for using established FOL and DL reasoners while assuming ontological semantics.

Ontological Semantics: An Attempt at Foundations of Ontology Representation

Loebe, Frank 26 March 2015 (has links)
The original and still a major purpose of ontologies in computer and information sciences is to serve for the semantic integration of represented content, facilitating information system interoperability. Content can be data, information, and knowledge, and it can be distributed within or across these categories. A myriad of languages is available for representation. Ontologies themselves are artifacts which are expressed in various languages. Different such languages are utilized today, including, as well-known representatives, predicate logic, subsuming first-order (predicate) logic (FOL), in particular, and higher-order (predicate) logic (HOL); the Web Ontology Language (OWL) on the basis of description logics (DL); and the Unified Modeling Language (UML). We focus primarily on languages with formally defined syntax and semantics. This overall picture immediately suggests questions of the following kinds: What is the relationship between an ontology and the language in which it is formalized? Especially, what is the impact of the formal semantics of the language on the formalized ontology? How well understood is the role of ontologies in semantic integration? Can the same ontology be represented in multiple languages and/or in distinct ways within one language? Is there an adequate understanding of whether two expressions are intensionally/conceptually equivalent and whether two ontologies furnish the same ontological commitments? One may assume that these questions are resolved. Indeed, the development and adoption of ontologies is widespread today. Ontologies are authored in a broad range of different languages, including offering equally named ontologies in distinct languages. Much research is devoted to techniques and technologies that orbit ontologies, for example, ontology matching, modularization, learning, and evolution, to name a few. Ontologies have found numerous beneficial applications, and hundreds of ontologies have been created, considering solely the context of biomedical research. For us, these observations increase the relevance of the stated questions and close relatives thereof, and raise the desire for solid theoretical underpinnings. In the literature of computer and information sciences, we have found only few approaches that tackle the foundations of ontologies and their representation to allow for answering such questions or that actually answer them. We elaborate an analysis of the subject as the first item of central contributions within this thesis. It mainly results in the identification of a vicious circularity in (i) the intended use of ontologies to mediate between formal representations and (ii) solely exploiting formal semantic notions in representing ontologies and defining ontology-based equivalence as a form of intensional/conceptual equivalence. On this basis and in order to overcome its identified limitations, we contribute a general model-theoretic semantic account, named \\\"ontological semantics\\\". This kind of semantics takes the approach of assigning arbitrary entities as referents of atomic symbols and to link syntactic constructions with corresponding ontological claims and commitments. In particular, ontological semantics targets the avoidance of encoding effects in its definition. Therefore we argue that this semantic account is well suited for interpreting formalized ontologies and for defining languages for the representation of ontologies. It is further proposed as a fundament for envisioned novel definitions of the intensional equivalence of expressions, in potential deviation from only being formally equivalent under set-theoretic semantics. The thesis is defended that a particular usage of a formalism and its respective vocabulary should be accompanied by establishing an ontological semantics that is tailored to that use of the formalism, in parallel to the formal semantics of the language, in order to capture the ontological content of the formal representation for adequate reuse in other formalisms. Accordingly, we advocate ontological semantics as a useful framework for justifying translations on an intensional basis. Despite all deviations of ontological semantics from its set-theoretic blueprint, close relationships between the two can be shown, which allow for using established FOL and DL reasoners while assuming ontological semantics.:* Preface ** Abstract ** Contents ** Acknowledgments ** Foreword 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Motivations 1.3 Theses, Objectives and Scope 1.4 Outline and Contributions 1.5 Formal Preliminaries 2 Foundations on Languages, Semantics, and Ontology 2.1 Formal Syntax and Formal Semantics 2.2 The Role of Ontologies in Semantic Integration 2.3 Ontological Analysis and Meta-Ontological Architecture 2.4 Conceptualization of Categories and Relations - CR 2.5 Summary of the Analysis and Next Steps 3 Views on Set-Theoretic Semantics of Classical Predicate Logics 3.1 Tarskian Model Theory and Set-Theoretic Superstructure 3.2 Formal Semantics and Choices for Entity Postulation 3.3 Theory View of Semantics 3.4 Aims for an Ontologically Neutral Semantic Account 4 Ontological Semantics 4.1 Definition of Ontological Structures by Analogy to the Set-Theoretic Approach 4.2 Properties and Further Background for Ontological Structures in General 4.3 Ontological Models & Signature Aspects 4.4 Semantics of Predication 4.5 Semantics of Connectives and Quantifiers & Semantic Notions 4.6 Relations between Ontological and Set-Theoretic Semantics 4.7 Ontological Neutrality 5 Ontological Engineering and Applications 5.1 Formalization Method for Ontology Representation in FOL 5.2 Ontological Usage Schemes 5.3 Glimpse on Characterizing Modular Representation 5.4 Applications in the Biomedical Domain 6 Contributions to Ontologies 6.1 Formalizations of Categories and Relations - CR 6.2 Remarks on Further Contributions 6.3 Ontologies of Time 7 Conclusion and Continuation 7.1 Resume 7.2 Related Work 7.3 Conclusions 7.4 Beginnings of Future Work Appendix A Additional Preliminaries A.1 Logical Notions A.2 Axiomatic Systems of Set and Number Theory B Axioms of the CR Taxonomy in OWL B.1 Asserted OWL Class Axioms B.2 Asserted OWL Object Property Axioms C Lists of Figures and Tables C.1 List of Figures C.2 List of Tables D Abbreviations, Acronyms and Names D.1 Abbreviations D.2 Acronyms and Names E References E.1 Literature References E.2 Web References/List of URLs F Work and Author Information ** Selbständigkeitserklärung (Declaration of Authorship) ** Bibliographic Data ** Scientific Record

An exploratory study using the predicate-argument structure to develop methodology for measuring semantic similarity of radiology sentences

Newsom, Eric Tyner 12 November 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The amount of information produced in the form of electronic free text in healthcare is increasing to levels incapable of being processed by humans for advancement of his/her professional practice. Information extraction (IE) is a sub-field of natural language processing with the goal of data reduction of unstructured free text. Pertinent to IE is an annotated corpus that frames how IE methods should create a logical expression necessary for processing meaning of text. Most annotation approaches seek to maximize meaning and knowledge by chunking sentences into phrases and mapping these phrases to a knowledge source to create a logical expression. However, these studies consistently have problems addressing semantics and none have addressed the issue of semantic similarity (or synonymy) to achieve data reduction. To achieve data reduction, a successful methodology for data reduction is dependent on a framework that can represent currently popular phrasal methods of IE but also fully represent the sentence. This study explores and reports on the benefits, problems, and requirements to using the predicate-argument statement (PAS) as the framework. A convenient sample from a prior study with ten synsets of 100 unique sentences from radiology reports deemed by domain experts to mean the same thing will be the text from which PAS structures are formed.

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