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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jämförelse av portrycksmätning i Uppsalalera mellan portrycksmätare och dissipationstest

Ahlgren Mattsson, David January 2019 (has links)
Portrycket är en viktig parameter för att bestämma jordens egenskaper, såsom dränering, permeabilitet och stabilitet (då portrycket har en påverkan på den effektiva spänningen i jorden). Portrycket kan mätas med portrycksmätare men det kan även mätas under ett Cone penetrating test (CPT) med ett s.k. dissipationstest. Fördelar med ett dissipationstest jämfört med traditionell portrycksmätning skulle vara att det skulle spara tid och pengar, då man slipper trycka ner portrycksmätare och sedan vänta på att få portrycket ifrån dem, istället kan portrycket mätas under sondering med CPT.Detta självständiga arbete har som syfte att jämföra portrycksmätningar mellan portrycksmätning med BAT-spets och dissipationstest under CPT-sondering för att se hur bra mätvärden dissipationstester ger och om de eventuellt kan ersätta portrycksmätare. Fältförsöken av metoderna skedde i Uppsalalera, på en tomt i Kungsängen i Uppsala.Två stationer med BAT-spetsar på 5 meter, 7,5 meter och 10 meters djup sattes ner i leran. Sondering med CPT genomfördes sedan, där borren stoppades på samma djup som BAT-spetsarna. CPT:n stoppades på dessa djup i drygt 24 timmar, för att tillåta det generade portrycket som skapades när borren trycks ner i leran att skingras åt sidan. Jämviktsportrycket kommer vara det portryck som finns kvar efter att det generade portrycket har försvunnit. Portrycken från de två olika metoderna jämfördes sedan för att se hur nära dissipationstestet kommer värdena från portrycksmätningen med BAT-spetsarna.Resultatet av dissipationstesterna blev att inga av dem nådde referensvärdena från BAT-spetsarna efter 24 timmar. Beroende på användningsklass ligger dissipationstesterna inom den tillåtna minsta noggrannheten. Dissipationstest är antagligen inte så praktiskt tillämpbart i jordar med låg permeabilitet. / The pore pressure is an important parameter for determining the properties of thesoil, such as drainage, permeability and stability (since the pore pressure has aneffect on the effective stress in the soil). The pore pressure can be measured withpore pressure gauges but it can also be measured during a Cone penetration test(CPT) with a dissipation test. Advantages of a dissipation test compared tomeasurement with traditional pore pressure gauges would be that it would save timeand money, since you don’t have to press down pore pressure gauges and then waitto get the pore pressure from them, instead the pore pressure can be measuredduring probing with CPT.The purpose of this project is to compare pore pressure measurements betweenpore pressure measurements with BAT-tips and dissipation test during CPT probing,to see how good measured values the dissipation tests will provide and if theyeventually can supersede pore pressure gauges for pore pressure measurements.The field tests of the methods were done in Uppsala clay, on a site in Kungsängen inUppsala.Two stations with BAT-tips at 5 meters, 7.5 meters and 10 meters depth wereinstalled in the clay. Probing with CPT was then carried out, by stopping the CPT atthe same depth as the BAT-tips. Measurements with the CPT were done at thesedepths for just over 24 hours, to allow the generated excess pore pressure createdwhen the cone is pushed into the clay to disperse to the sides. The equilibrium porepressure is the pore pressure that remains after the generated pore pressure hasdissipated. The pore pressure from the two different methods was then compared tosee how close the dissipation test results were to the values from the pore pressuremeasurements with the BAT tips.The result of the dissipation tests was that none of them reached the referencevalues from the BAT-tips after 24 hours. Depending on the chosen application class,the dissipation tests are within the permitted minimum accuracy. Dissipation tests areprobably not practically applicable to soils with low permeability.

An Analysis of a Pressure Compensated Control System of an Automotive Vane Pump

Ryan P Jenkins (6331784) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<div>Pressure compensated vane pump systems are an attractive solution in many automotive applications to supply hydraulic power required for cooling, lubrication, and actuation of control elements such as transmission clutches. These systems feature variable displacement vane pumps which offer reductions in parasitic loads on the engine and in wasted hydraulic energy at high engine speeds when compared to traditional fixed displacement supply pumps. However, oscillations in a currently available pressure compensation system limits the achievable performance and therefore the application of this solution.</div><div>This dissertation presents the development and experimental validation of a lumped parameter model in MATLAB/Simulink of a current pressure compensated vane pump system for an automatic transmission oil supply application. An analysis of the performance of this system using the validated pump model and a developed black box control system model reveals that the low cost solenoid valve present in the control circuit to set the regulation pressure limits the achievable bandwidth to 1.84Hz and causes a significant time delay in the response. To address this limitation, as well as eliminate a non-minimum phase zero introduced by the case study’s control circuit architecture, an actively controlled electrohydraulic pressure compensation system is proposed. This proposed system is explored both experimentally and in simulation making use of the accuracy of the presented variable displacement vane pump model. Significant improvements in the achievable system performance are shown with both a simple PI control law (47% reduction in the pressure response time) and an advanced cascaded model following controller based on feedback linearization (58% reduction in the pressure response time). An analysis of these results reveals that implementing the proposed control system with a 5(L/min)/bar proportional valve with a 20Hz at ±100% (60Hz at ±50%) amplitude bandwidth and a PI control law is an economical path to achieving the best performance improvements for this automotive application.</div>

Uso da monitoração residencial da pressão arterial (MRPA) na avaliação do controle de hipertensos, após implementação de programa educativo, em unidades básicas de saúde / Use of the home blood pressure measurement (HBPM) in the evaluation of the control of hypertensive patients, after implementation of educative program, in health basic units

Colósimo, Flávia Cortez 06 June 2008 (has links)
Introdução: A hipertensão arterial apresenta controle insatisfatório em todo o mundo, fazendo-se necessária a busca de estratégias que incrementem seu controle. Neste contexto inserem-se a educação em saúde e a medida residencial da pressão arterial. Objetivos: Identificar o controle da hipertensão arterial em Unidades Básicas de Saúde antes e após implementação de programa educativo aos hipertensos; comparar o controle obtido pela medida casual com o controle pela medida residencial; e associar o controle com as demais variáveis do estudo. Casuística e Método: O estudo foi realizado com hipertensos de duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde da região oeste da cidade de São Paulo divididos em dois grupos, um que participou de programa educativo em hipertensão (grupo I) e outro que não participou (grupo II). A pressão arterial foi verificada antes e depois do programa educativo na unidade de saúde por enfermeiro e na residência pelo próprio paciente. Utilizou-se para medida da pressão arterial aparelho automático validado (OMROM-HEM 705 CP). O nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05. Resultados: Foram estudados 82 hipertensos com as seguintes características: sexo feminino (56,1%), cor branca (63,0%), com companheiro (68,0%), com ensino fundamental (70,7%), com renda familiar até 3 salários mínimos (56,1%) idade de 60,0±10,8 anos, índice de massa corporal (IMC) 29,4±5,4 Kg/m2 e circunferência da cintura 99,9±13,9 cm. Eram tabagistas 8,5% dos hipertensos, 24,4% consumiam bebida alcoólica, 40,7% foram considerados \"com presença\" de transtornos mentais comuns e 30,4% praticavam exercícios físicos. Quanto a atitudes frente ao tratamento 76,9 % relataram ter o hábito de medir a pressão, 74,4% afirmaram não interromper o tratamento e 75,6% referiram não faltar às consultas médicas. Foram classificados como não aderentes, pelo Teste de Morisky e Green 69,3% da amostra e 29,9% apresentaram moderada ou muita dificuldade de aderir ao tratamento. A MRPA dos pacientes que participaram do programa educativo (grupo I) apresentou significativo decréscimo ao término das intervenções (131,4±15,6 vs 127,3±17,4 para pressão sistólica; 79,2±12,2 vs 74,7±9,7 para pressão diastólica, p<0,05). O controle da pressão arterial aumentou nos dois grupos do estudo pela medida realizada na unidade de saúde (62,0% vs 71,0%, para grupo I e 40,0% vs 50,0% para grupo II). O controle pela medida da pressão na unidade de saúde foi similar ao controle residencial para hipertensos do grupo I (71,0% vs 68,3%) e menor do que o residencial para hipertensos do grupo II (50,0% vs 62,5%). O controle da pressão arterial avaliado na unidade de saúde se associou (p<0,05) com sexo feminino, renda salarial acima de três salários e prática de exercício físico. Valores mais elevadas da MRPA se associaram com menor renda salarial, presença de transtornos mentais comuns, não interrupção do tratamento, e moderada ou muita dificuldade de aderir ao tratamento. O efeito do avental branco foi mais expressivo nos pacientes que não participaram das intervenções educativas. Conclusão: O controle da pressão arterial aumentou após programa educativo para hipertensos e a MRPA pode ser usada para essa avaliação. A influência do observador foi mais expressiva em hipertensos do grupo II, em que não houve interação profissional-paciente / Introduction: The hypertension presents unsatisfactory control in the whole world, becoming necessary the search of strategies that develop its control. In this context it insert health education and home blood pressure measurement. Objectives: To identify the control of hypertension in Health Basic Units before and after implementation of educative program to hypertensive patients; to compare the control gotten for the casual measurement with the control for the home measurement; to associate the control with the variables studied. Material and Method: The study was carried out with patients of two Health Basic Units of the city of São Paulo divided in two groups, one that participated of educative program in hypertension (group I) and another who did not participate (group II). The blood pressure was measured before and after the educative program in the health unit for nurse and at home for the own patient. Validated automatic device was used for measuring blood pressure (OMROM-HEM 705 CP). The significant level adopted 0,05. Results: 82 patients with the following characteristics had been studied: feminine sex (56.1%), white (63.0%), married (68.0%), with primary school level (70.7%), with familiar income until 3 minimum wages (56.1%) age of 60,0±10,8 years, index body mass of 29,4±5,4 Kg/m2 and waist circumference of 99,9±13,9 cm. 8.5% were smokers, 24.4% alcohol consumers , 40.7% had been considered \"with presence\" of common mental disturbs and 30.4% practiced physical exercises. About the attitudes face to treatment 76.9% had told to have the habit to measure the pressure, 74.4% had affirmed not to interrupt the treatment and 75.6% had related not to absent to the medical visits. They had been classified as not adherent, by the Test of Morisky and Green, 69.3% of sample and 29.9% had presented moderate or much difficulty to adhere to the treatment. The HBPM of the patients who had participated of the educative program (group I) presented significant decrease to the ending of the interventions (131,4±15,6 versus 127,3±17,4 for systolic pressure; 79,2±12,2 vs 74,7±9,7 for diastolic pressure, p< 0,05). The control of blood pressure increased in the two groups of the study by measurement carried through in the health unit (62.0% vs 71.0%, for group I and 40.0% vs 50.0% for group II). The control by pressure measurement in the health unit was similar to the home control for patients of group I (71.0% versus 68.3%) and minor of home one for patients of group II (50.0% versus 62.5%). The control of the blood pressure evaluated in the health unit was associated (p< 0,05) with feminine sex, wage income above of three salaries and pratice of physical exercise. Higher values of HBPM was associated with minor wage income, presence of common mental disturbs, interruption of the treatment, and moderate or much difficulty to adhering to the treatment. The effect of the white coat was bigger in the patients who had not participated of the educative interventions. Conclusion: Hypertensive control increased after educative program for hypertensive patients and HBPM can be used for this evaluation. The influence of the observer was more intense for patients of group II, which did not have interaction professional-patient

Uso da medida da pressão em casa como estratégia de controle da pressão arterial de um grupo de hipertensos  de Peruíbe - SP / Use of home blood pressure measurement as a control strategy in a group of hypertensive patients from Peruibe SP

Giane Christina Alves da Silva 29 November 2010 (has links)
Introdução: a falta de controle dos hipertensos tem sido um desafio para os profissionais de saúde, e a medida da pressão em casa pode ser um recurso para aumentar o controle da pressão arterial. Realizou-se um estudo para avaliar o efeito do uso da medida da pressão em casa no controle da pressão arterial em um grupo de hipertensos. Objetivos: avaliar o efeito do uso da medida da pressão em casa no controle da pressão arterial em grupo de hipertensos do Município de Peruibe SP. Objetivos específicos: 1- comparar o controle da pressão arterial dos hipertensos submetidos à medida da pressão em casa; 2- avaliar o controle da pressão arterial dos hipertensos, considerando a monitorização residencial da pressão (MRPA) como método de avaliação pré e pós-medida da pressão em casa; 3- identificar associações entre o controle da pressão arterial com as variáveis biopsicossociais, hábitos de vida, comportamentos e atitudes frente à doença e tratamento; 4- avaliar adesão ao tratamento utilizando o questionário Fatores Dificultadores da Adesão (FDA) e o teste de Morisky e Green. Casuística e Método: pesquisa de campo, longitudinal, pareada com abordagem quantitativa. Os participantes realizaram a medida da pressão arterial em consultório no início e final do estudo. A medida da pressão em casa foi realizada com aparelho automático, validado durante 8 semanas às segundas, quartas e sextas-feiras pela manhã (entre 6 e 10h) e à noite (entre18 e 22h). A utilização da monitorização residencial da pressão arterial (MRPA), no início e no final do estudo, teve o propósito de avaliar a eficácia do uso da medida da pressão em casa, como estratégia de aumento do controle da pressão arterial, foi realizada nas semanas 1 e 10 durante 7 dias com o mesmo aparelho, três medidas pela manhã (entre 6 e 10h) e 3três medidas à noite (entre18 e 22h) na posição sentada com 10 minutos de repouso e com manguito adequado. Os valores de p<0,05 foram considerados significantes. Exames de glicemia em jejum, colesterol total e frações, triglicérides, ureia e creatinina foram coletados. Avaliou-se adesão com o questionário fatores dificultadores da adesão e o teste de Morisky e Green, presença de transtornos mentais comuns com o Self Report Questionnaire (SRQ 20), risco de danos à saúde relacionado ao uso de bebidas alcoólicas com o questionário Alcohol Use Disorders Identification (AUDIT) e suporte social com a Escala de Apoio Social. Resultados: foram estudados 71 hipertensos com idade de 63,3±11 anos; 53,5% homens; 77,5% brancos; 77,1% ensino fundamental/médio; 53,5% aposentados; 52,1% renda 2 salários mínimos e não tabagista;19,7% sedentários; índice de massa corporal 30,8±5,8 kg/m2; 35,2% etilista, 43,7% aderentes ao teste de Morisky e Green e 32,4% positivos para o SRQ-20. Destaca-se que em 19 das 25 perguntas do formulário fatores dificultadores da adesão, foi obtido percentual acima de 90% no apontamento dos fatores que menos dificultam o tratamento, os maiores percentuais de concordância foram para as questões: chegar à consulta e não ter médico (36,6%), o tempo de espera para consulta é longo e não estar melhorando da pressão (16,9% e 14,1% respectivamente). Exames laboratoriais: glicemia 121,3±43,6 mg/dL, colesterol total 204,8±41,6 mg/dL, HDL 48,5±11,25 mg/dL, VLDL 29,5±15,2 mg/dL, LDL 123,6±39,2 mg/dL, triglicérides 150,1±88 mg/dL, ureia 45,1±16,4 mg/dL e creatinina 1,0±0,5 mg/dL. Houve diminuição significativa (p<0,05) da pressão arterial na MRPA inicial em relação à final 144,9±15,7 vs 140,6±16,8 mmHg para pressão sistólica matutina, 145,7±18,0 vs 141,7±17,5 mmHg para pressão sistólica noturna, 85,8±9,4 vs 83,5±9,6 mmHg para diastólica matutina e 84,5±9,9 vs 81,8±9,3 mmHg para diastólica noturna. Na medida da pressão em casa, diminuição significativa foi observada na comparação das primeira e oitava semanas 144,4±17,3 vs 139,3±15,9 mmHg para sistólica matutina, 144,7±19,8 vs 140,8±17,8 mmHg para sistólica noturna, 86,8±18,8 vs 82,7±10,1mmHg para diastólica matutina, 83,2±10,5 vs 82,2±10,4 mmHg para diastólica noturna. Na medida de consultório também houve diminuição significativa (p<0,05) entre a do início do estudo e o final (157,6±13,6 / 91,4±8,3 vs 146,9±19,9 / 85,1±11,5 mmHg). Dessa forma, a diminuição no percentual de hipertensos controlados foi: 67,6% e 57,7% na MRPA e 73,2% e 70,4% na medida de consultório, para as pressões sistólica e diastólica, respectivamente. A análise multivariada mostrou que o controle da pressão arterial associou-se com: a) sistólica na medida residencial: teste de Morisky e Green (OR: 0,187; IC 95%; 0,57-0,619) e o domínio crenças pessoais do questionário fatores dificultadores da adesão (OR: 0,696; IC 95%; 0,502-0,965); b) diastólica na medida em casa: idade entre 55 e 65 anos (OR: 0,138; IC 95%; 0,030-0,637), idade acima de 65 anos (OR: 0,216; IC 95%; 0,055-0,845 e prática de esportes (OR: 0,179; IC 95%; 0,044-0,730); c) diastólica de consultório: Self Report Questionnaire - SRQ-20 (OR: 8,746; IC 95%; 2,243-34,103), HDL - colesterol < 40 e 40-59 mg/dL (OR: 3,644; IC 95%; 0,338-39,338) e HDL - colesterol 60 mg/dL (OR: 37,323; 95%; 2,079-670,022); d) sistólica e diastólica na MRPA: variável domínio institucional do instrumento fatores dificultadores da adesão (OR: 1,260; IC 95%; 1,036-1,533) e (OR: 1,212; IC 95%; 1,003-1,464). Conclusão: a estratégia de controle da medida da pressão arterial em casa foi eficiente para o aumento do controle da pressão arterial desse grupo de hipertensos. / Introduction Hypertensive patients lack of control has been a challenge for health professional, and home pressure measurement can be a resource to enhance blood pressure control. General aim: To assess the effect of using home pressure measurement on blood pressure control in a group of hypertensive patients from Peruibe SP. Specific aims: 1- To compare the blood pressure control of hypertensive patients submitted to home pressure measurement. 2- To assess the blood pressure control of hypertensive patients, considering home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) as the pre and post home pressure measurement assessment method. 3- To assess treatment adherence using the Inhibiting Factors of Adherence (IFA) questionnaire and the Morisky and Green test. 4- To identify associations between blood pressure control and biopsychosocial variables, life habits, behaviors and attitudes towards the disease and treatment. Cases and Method: Longitudinal field research combined with a quantitative approach. The study was carried out in Peruíbe-SP, at the Hypertension and Diabetes Referral Center and the medical specialty outpatient clinic. The nurse performed outpatient blood pressure measurement at the start and end of the study. The patient measured blood pressure at home, using a validated automatic device, during 8 weeks, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings (between 6 and 10 a.m.) and nights (between 18 and 22h). Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) was performed at the start and end of the study, in week 1 and 10, during 7 days, using the same device, with three measures in the morning (between 6 and 10h) and 3 measures at night (between 18 and 22h), in the sitting position, after a ten-minute rest and using an adequate cuff. Fasting glucose, total cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides, urea and creatinine tests were also performed. Treatment adherence was assessed with the Inhibiting Factors of Adherence (IFA) questionnaire and the Morisky and Green test. The presence of common mental disorders was assessed with the Self Report Questionnaire (SRQ 20), the risk for health damage related to the use of alcoholic beverages with the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification (AUDIT) and social support with the Social Support Scale. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Significance was set at p<0.05. Results: Seventy-one hypertensive patients were studied, with a mean age of 63.3±11 years; 53.5% men; 77.5% white; 77.1% with primary/secondary education; 53.5% retired; 52.1% income 2 minimum wages and non smokers; 19.7% sedentary; body mass index 30.8±5.8 kg/m2; 35.2% alcohol consumers, 43.7% adherent to treatment according to the Morisky and Green test and 32.4% with common non-psychotic mental disorders. On 19 out of 25 questions on the inhibiting factors of adherence form, scores for factors that least hampered treatment exceeded 90%. The highest agreement percentages were for: arriving for a consultation without the presence of a physician (36.6%), long waiting time for a consultation (16.9%) and not achieving blood pressure improvements (14.1%). Laboratory test results were: glucose- 121.3±43.6 mg/dL, total cholesterol 204.8±41.6 mg/dL, HDL-c- 48.5±11.25 mg/dL, VLDL-c- 29.5±15.2 mg/dL, LDL-c- 123.6±39.2 mg/dL, triglycerides- 150.1±88 mg/dL, urea- 45.1±16.4 mg/dL and creatinine- 1.0±0.5 mg/dL. A significant decrease (p<0.05) in blood pressure occurred between initial and final HBPM in the morning (144.9±15.7/85.8±9.4 vs 140.6±16.8/ 83.5±9.6 mmHg) and night period (145.7±18.0/84.5±9.9 vs 141.7±17.5/81.8±9.3 mmHg), as well as in the total average (145.1±16.2/85.0±9.4 vs 141.1±16.4/82.6±9.1 mmH). In home pressure measurement, a significant decrease in systolic pressure also occurred when comparing the first and eight week, measured in the morning (144.4±17.3/86.8±18.8 vs. 139.3±15.9/82.7±10.1 mmHg) and at night (144.7±19.8/83.2±10.5 vs. 140.8±17.8/82.2±10.4 mmHg), and also in the total average (144.4±17.6/85.1±12.2 vs. 140.2±16.2/83.4±9.3 mmHg). A significant decrease (p<0.05) also occurred in the outpatient measurement between the start and end of the study (157.6±13.6/91.4±8.3 vs. 146.9±19.9/85.1±11.5 mmHg). Thus, the decrease in the percentage of controlled hypertensive patients corresponded to: 67.6% and 57.7% in HBPM and 73.2% and 70.4% in outpatient measurement for systolic and diastolic pressure, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that blood pressure control was associated with the following blood pressure assessments: a) systolic pressure measured at home with Morisky and Green test (OR: 0.187; CI 95%; 0.57-0.619) and the personal beliefs domain in the inhibiting factors of adherence questionnaire (OR: 0.696; CI 95% 0.502-0.965); b) diastolic pressure measured at home with age between 55 and 65 years (OR: 0.138; CI 95%; 0.030-0.637), age over 65 years (OR: 0.216; CI 95%; 0.055-0.845) and doing physical exercise (OR: 0.179; CI 95%; 0.044-0.730); c) outpatient diastolic pressure measure with presence of common mental disorders (OR: 8.746; CI 95%; 2.243-34.103), HDL - cholesterol < 40 and 40-59 mg/dL (OR: 3.644; CI 95%; 0.338-39.338) and HDL - cholesterol 60 mg/dL (OR: 37.323; CI 95%; 2.079-670.022); d) systolic and diastolic pressure in HBPM with institutional domain variable of inhibiting factors of adherence questionnaire (OR: 1.260; CI 95%; 1.036-1.533) and (OR: 1.212; CI 95%; 1.003-1464), respectively. Conclusion: The strategy to have patients measure their blood pressure at home was effect to increase blood pressure control in the group of hypertensive patients under analysis.

Étude expérimentale et numérique du décrochage dynamique sur une éolienne à axe vertical de forte solidité / Experimental and numerical study of dynamic stall on a high solidity vertical axiswind turbine

Beaudet, Laurent 10 July 2014 (has links)
L'éolienne Darrieus connaît un intérêt accru ces dernières années parce qu'elle représente une solution alternative potentielle de production d'électricité dans les milieux urbains. En particulier,une éolienne de forte solidité peut être choisie car certaines de ses propriétés peuvent être avantageuses pour son implantation proche de zones habitées. A l'inverse, certaines difficultés aérodynamiques émergent. Ce type d'éolienne fonctionne à de faibles vitesses réduites pour lesquelles le décrochage dynamique a un rôle très significatif. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse consiste à compléter la connaissance du phénomène de décrochage dynamique sur une éolienne à axe vertical afin d'améliorer les modèles numériques de prédiction existants. Cette étude s'appuie sur une analyse combinée de résultats numériques et expérimentaux. Les simulations numériques sont produites avec une méthode des panneaux bidimensionnelle instationnaire. Les effets de la viscosité sont introduits par des corrections utilisant notamment un modèle semi-empirique de décrochage dynamique. Le travail expérimental s'est concentrée sur la dynamique tourbillonnaire à proximité immédiate du rotor résultante du décrochage dynamique. Le montage se compose d'une éolienne à pale droite placée dans une soufflerie. Des mesures instationnaires de la répartition de pression pariétale le long de la corde et des mesures de champ de vitesse par vélocimétrie par images de particules ont été accomplies. Les résultats révèlent la manière dont les caractéristiques du décrochage dynamique sont conditionnées par la vitesse réduite. Le retard au décrochage, l'intensité de l'effet du tourbillon de décrochage dynamique et sa convection ont été quantifiés. Enfin, un examen critique de l'applicabilité du modèle de Leishman-Beddoes pour simuler efficacement les effets du décrochage dynamique a été réalisé. / The Darrieus wind turbine has entered a period of renewed interest over the last years because it may stand for an alternative solution to produce electricity in urban areas. In particular, high solidity wind turbine can be chosen to take benefit from some of its key properties for use near populated city areas. Conversely, some aerodynamic problems arise. This type of wind turbine operates at low tip speed ratio for which dynamic stall has a very significant role. The goal of this work is to provide valuable data to complement the knowledge of the dynamic stall phenomenon that occurs on a vertical axis wind turbine in order to improve existing numerical models. This study relies on a combined analysis of numerical and experimental results. The numerical simulations are based on a bidimensional unsteady vortex panel method. Effects of viscosity are introduced by adding corrections computed with a semi-empirical dynamic stall model. The experimental work focuses on the dynamics of the shed vortices existing in the vicinity of the rotor as a result of dynamic stall. The set-up consists of a straight-bladed wind turbine tested in a wind tunnel. Unsteady pressure distribution measurements along the chord and velocity fields measurements by particle image velocimetry were carried out. Results indicate how the characteristics of dynamic stall are conditioned by the tip speed ratio. Stall inception delay, magnitude of the dynamic stall vortex effects and its convection velocity were evaluated. Blade/Vortex interaction was analyzed through the observation of the vortical system downstream of the rotor. In addition, a critical review of the suitability of the Leishman-Beddoes model to effectively simulate the effects of dynamic stall was accomplished.

Experimental study of the development flow region on stepped chutes

Murillo Munoz, Rafael Eduardo 15 February 2006 (has links)
The development flow region of stepped chutes was studied experimentally. Three configuration of chute bed slopes 3.5H:1V, 5H:1V, and 10H:1V were used to study the flow characteristics. Each model had five horizontal steps and with constant step height of 15 cm. Constant temperature anemometry was used to investigate the velocity field characteristics as well as local void fraction. Pressure transducers were used to examine the pressure distribution. The conditions of aerated and non-aerated cavity were studied. It was found that the temperature anemometry is a valuable tool in the study of water flow problems due to its good spatial and temporal resolution. It is recommended that the constant overheat ratio procedure should be used in dealing with non-isothermal water flows. Flow conditions along the development flow region were found to be quite complex with abrupt changes between steps depending whether or not the flow jet has disintegrated. The flow on this region does not resemble a drop structure and after the first step, the step cavity condition does not affect the flow parameters. Pressure distribution was also found to be complex. It was found that there are no conclusive pressure profiles either on the step treads nor on step risers. No correlation was observed with the values of pool depth. The instantaneous characteristics of the velocity field along the jet of a drop structure were also studied. It was concluded that the cavity condition does not affect the velocity field of the sliding jet. The shear stress layer at the jet/pool interface was quantified. / May 2006

Behavioral Performance and Evolution of Feeding Modes in Odontocetes

Kane, Emily A. 2009 May 1900 (has links)
Vertebrate evolution has resulted in a diversity of feeding mechanisms. Cetaceans are secondarily derived tetrapods that have returned to a marine habitat. As a result, they display feeding modes that have converged with more basal aquatic vertebrates, but display a diversity of new solutions and adaptations. To begin to explore the diversity of feeding adaptations among odontocetes, kinematics of feeding modes and feeding adaptations for belugas (Delphinapterus leucas), Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens), and long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) were characterized. In addition, direct measurements of intraoral pressure were collected to determine maximum suction performance. Characters from these analyses were combined with data for other odontocetes, and were mapped onto a phylogeny of Odontoceti to begin to explore where changes in feeding modes took place. Feeding modes were diverse in belugas, Pacific white-sided dolphins, and pilot whales and included suction, ram, and a combination of both. In general, four phases were observed: (I) preparatory, (II) jaw opening, (III) gular depression, and (IV) jaw closing. Suction was a large component of the prey capture method in belugas and subambient pressures in excess of 100 kPa were generated. Belugas were also capable of lateral lip gape occlusion and anterior lip pursing to form a small anterior aperture. Pacific whitesided dolphins relied on ram to capture prey. However, some degree of pursing and resultant subambient pressure was observed that was likely used to compensate for high ram speeds or for prey manipulation and transport to the esophagus. Pilot whales were more similar to belugas in kinematics, but maintained high approach velocities and did not generate significant suction pressures; suction and ram were used in combination. Belugas and pilot whales appeared to employ hyolingual depression as a primary suction generation mechanism, whereas Pacific white-sided dolphins relied on fast jaw opening. Ancestral state reconstructions indicated that suction feeding capability evolved independently at least six times within Odontoceti. These results indicate the diversity of feeding behaviors in odontocetes and provide directives for future studies on the diversity of feeding in secondarily aquatic mammals.

Experimentelle Untersuchung von geschichteten Luft/Wasser Strömungen in einem horizontalen Kanal

Sühnel, Tobias, Prasser, Horst-Michael, Vallée, Christophe 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Für die Untersuchung von Luft/Wasser-Strömungen wurde ein horizontaler Acrylglas-Kanal mit rechteckigem Querschnitt gebaut. Der Kanal ermöglicht Gleich- und Gegenstrom-Versuche bei Atmosphärendruck, insbesondere die Untersuchung der Schwallströmung. Es wurden optische Messungen mit einer Hochgeschwindigkeits-Kamera durchgeführt, die durch synchronisierte dynamische Druckmessungen ergänzt wurden. Für die Analyse der Bilder wurde eine Methode zur Erfassung der Phasengrenze entwickelt und diese anhand möglicher Anwendungen getestet. Die Druckmessungen zeigten, dass der Druck bei Schwallströmungen um einige Kilopascal ansteigt und wieder abfällt, sobald der Schwall aus dem Kanal austritt. Zudem wurden Geschwindigkeiten in der flüssigen Phase mittels nicht invasiver Verfahren gemessen. Das durchschnittliche Geschwindigkeits-Profil am Kanaleintritt wurde mit Ultraschall-Köpfen bestimmt. Die Ermittlung des Geschwindigkeitsfeldes in einem Schwall erfolgte mit PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry).

Experimental study of the development flow region on stepped chutes

Murillo Munoz, Rafael Eduardo 15 February 2006 (has links)
The development flow region of stepped chutes was studied experimentally. Three configuration of chute bed slopes 3.5H:1V, 5H:1V, and 10H:1V were used to study the flow characteristics. Each model had five horizontal steps and with constant step height of 15 cm. Constant temperature anemometry was used to investigate the velocity field characteristics as well as local void fraction. Pressure transducers were used to examine the pressure distribution. The conditions of aerated and non-aerated cavity were studied. It was found that the temperature anemometry is a valuable tool in the study of water flow problems due to its good spatial and temporal resolution. It is recommended that the constant overheat ratio procedure should be used in dealing with non-isothermal water flows. Flow conditions along the development flow region were found to be quite complex with abrupt changes between steps depending whether or not the flow jet has disintegrated. The flow on this region does not resemble a drop structure and after the first step, the step cavity condition does not affect the flow parameters. Pressure distribution was also found to be complex. It was found that there are no conclusive pressure profiles either on the step treads nor on step risers. No correlation was observed with the values of pool depth. The instantaneous characteristics of the velocity field along the jet of a drop structure were also studied. It was concluded that the cavity condition does not affect the velocity field of the sliding jet. The shear stress layer at the jet/pool interface was quantified.

Experimental study of the development flow region on stepped chutes

Murillo Munoz, Rafael Eduardo 15 February 2006 (has links)
The development flow region of stepped chutes was studied experimentally. Three configuration of chute bed slopes 3.5H:1V, 5H:1V, and 10H:1V were used to study the flow characteristics. Each model had five horizontal steps and with constant step height of 15 cm. Constant temperature anemometry was used to investigate the velocity field characteristics as well as local void fraction. Pressure transducers were used to examine the pressure distribution. The conditions of aerated and non-aerated cavity were studied. It was found that the temperature anemometry is a valuable tool in the study of water flow problems due to its good spatial and temporal resolution. It is recommended that the constant overheat ratio procedure should be used in dealing with non-isothermal water flows. Flow conditions along the development flow region were found to be quite complex with abrupt changes between steps depending whether or not the flow jet has disintegrated. The flow on this region does not resemble a drop structure and after the first step, the step cavity condition does not affect the flow parameters. Pressure distribution was also found to be complex. It was found that there are no conclusive pressure profiles either on the step treads nor on step risers. No correlation was observed with the values of pool depth. The instantaneous characteristics of the velocity field along the jet of a drop structure were also studied. It was concluded that the cavity condition does not affect the velocity field of the sliding jet. The shear stress layer at the jet/pool interface was quantified.

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